~Valiant Heroics~
One who does not abide by rules.
One who creates or uses unconventional and/or controversial ideas or practices.
to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
- Christopher Reeves
It's kind of funny the stories we tell ourselves just to make it through another bitter day. We give each other hope despite the odds always being stacked against us. We were always taught good would triumph over evil, the plucky hero would topple the evil empire and the knight in shining armour would show up one day to sweep the princess off her feet before riding off to their happily ever after.
But this hope, in many cases at least, is false.
Happy endings seem to be as much of a relic, an artifact long forgotten, as the knights which appear in the stories. Instead of allowing hope to encourage us to new heights, to explore new frontiers and to keep pushing on, we use hope as a shield. It merely protects us as we keep our overwhelming fear at bay. The fear we've allowed to rule over our lives. We work jobs that we hate, and that make us sick because we're too afraid to take a chance on a job that would make us happy but comes with less pay. We constantly settle in our lives, too scared to take a risk or face rejection despite the possible outcome being one of the best moments we could ever have. And when we witness each other coming into harm, we don't try to stop it because we fear harm coming upon us. For this reason, the crooks, thieves, thugs and murderers prey on your fear. They savour it's smell as they feed upon you and where there is fear they are quickly drawn to it. Their kinds spreads faster than any known cancer as they corrupt every system they come up against, wearing it down and bringing it to its knees.
Such is the story of Kilbride, a city that could easily be one of the most beautiful cities in all of America. Instead it lies infested and rotting like a dying man on his prison cot. Helpless to stop the infection as it grows worse every day. The criminals run this city, they have their hands in every pocket, every industry and every home. But change is coming, the winds are shifting, something new has come to town. Their reckoning will soon be upon them. Eventually the people will push back as leaders rise up to guide them. Heroes will come forth to lead the revolution and evil will know what it means to feel fear as they are banished.
For no darkness can exist where the light shines, and the light will soon fall upon the city. Criminals beware, your time is at an end.
| Kilbride, Clallam County, West Washington State |
Seated on the Northern side of Clallam County in Washington State, Kilbride is a large city that was founded in 1904 and presented covers a grand total of ninety eight square miles of territory. The city is located within the Puget Sound, just off of the Salish Sea and is built around a mountain stream which leads a flowing river northward through the city. This river starts in a small lake which makes up the center of the city's main park, this lake is the result of a basin at the bottom of a waterfall that runs off the mountains from just outside the city. Due to the fjord which not only created the Puget Sound but also the city's low land, most of the city lays in a valley surrounded by high cliffs. This valley is known as the Demon's Valley due to the jagged fang like shape of the cliffs which have become known as the Demon's Teeth. Further to the East beyond the city lies a dormant volcano just on the outskirt of a branch of mountains which meanders into the Cascade Mountains. This volcano hasn't erupted since well before the 1800s and rarely even gives off smoke, despite this the original settlers dubbed the volcano, the Demon's Mouth.
Close to the coast, cliffs are almost non existent and as such the city spreads up the hills. This leads to the richer neighbourhoods which run atop the cliffs surrounding on the central city. These neighbourhoods are highly exclusive and contain the city's wealthiest citizens such as the estates of the city's founding families, the Faulkners, Fitzroys and Murdochs. Of the estates, the Faulkner estate is the only one which remains in the original family hands with the other two ancestral homes having been sold long ago. There are two distinct prestige neighborhoods, the East Side and the West Side, with a long standing feud having existed between the two neighbourhoods since the fifties. These neighbourhoods exist on either side of the valley, with the Faulkners' notably belonging to the West Side and the Fitzroy family having once been associated with the East Side. Despite being outside of the valley, even the prestige neighbourhoods are overshadowed by the towering mountains which lead into the Cascades.
Within the actual valley, the city is made up of various neighbourhoods ranging from the fishery district in the North East, to the Entertainment District in the South West End. The city has an industrial district, but it's two miles out of the south built around a quarry. The Fishery District is made up of the harbours and is known gang territory. This district is made of it's obvious name sack along with both shipping docks and boarding docks for departing cruises and whale watching tours. Aside from the buildings which belong to the aforementioned businesses, the district is populated by various warehouses. Opposite of the harbour to the west is the Beaches District which is made up of the obvious along with various stores, condos and some other residentials. The Beaches District also contains the Bayside Highschool along with Sandstone Elementary. The Entertainment District is quite wealthy, filled with its namesakes particularly the Roman Colosseum. The whole district was created by the mafia in the late thirties and is likely still run by them to this day. To the South End of the city lies what's known as the Shopping District. This district is essentially filled with various shopping centres and restaurants. This district is built just in front of Thistle Park and contains one of the city's main bridges which cross the river which runs through the town. The center of the city is known as the Historical District, or the Down Town. This area contains the city's government buildings as well as many of the historical buildings which date back to the time the city was founded. In addition to the governing buildings, many lawyers set up their offices here along with various other professional trades such as engineering firms. The main fire station, police headquarters and primary hospital are also located within the Historical District. Two other notable institutions in the Down Town include the Kilbride College Academy Secondary School, as well as the Faulkner Institute of Higher Learning.
Aside from the the Clyde River which flows down the center of the town into the Calder Lake, Kilbride is home to several natural wonders. The first of which is the Demon's Teeth and Mouth which surrounds the valley. From atop of these, the Angel's Tears Waterfall flow into the Calder Lake only to flow out to the sea through the Clyde River. Surrounding the Calder Lake lays Thistle Park which is considered a natural reserve. No construction is allowed within the park, aside from minor benches and small gazebos. Food stands are kept to a minimal as well though man made walkways do exist. Despite appearing during the day as the most peaceful place in Kilbride, Thistle Park is possibly one of the most dangerous places at night. In addition to Thistle Park, the city is home to the Langlands Moss Bog. The Bog, nicknamed 'Dead Man's Bog' is a lowland raised peat bog. The bog has long been a favourite drop spot for bodies the local criminals need to dispose of. In addition to this, the bog is also used to instill a certain flavour into a whisky brewed at the local distillery. To do this, they use peat fires to dry malted barley. This gives some whiskies a distinctive smoky flavour, often called "peatiness". The bog has a boardwalk built through it and is a favourite tourist spot due to it's closeness to the beaches.
As Kilbride is part of Western Washington, it has a mostly marine west coast climate, with mild temperatures and wet winters, autumns and springs, and relatively dry summers. The mountains which surround Kilbride are significantly large when even compared to their relatives in the Cascades. Though the Demon's Mouth does not out rank Mount Rainier in terms of height, it's not far behind with an altitude of forty five miles. As the city is not only located within the Puget Sound but also on the edge of the Olympic Peninsula, it is home to temperate rainforests outside its borders. As such, the woods around Kilbride are predominantly coniferous, sometimes with an understory of broadleaved trees and shrubs. Common trees and plants in the region are camassia, Douglas fir, hemlock, penstemon, ponderosa pine, western red cedar, and many species of ferns. The various areas of wilderness offer sanctuary, with substantially large populations of shorebirds and marine mammals. The Pacific shore surrounding the San Juan Islands are heavily inhabited with killer, gray and humpback whales. Mammals endemic to the state include the bat, black bear, bobcat, cougar, coyote, deer,elk, moose, mountain beaver, muskrat, nutria, opossum, pocket gopher, raccoon, river otter,skunk, and tree squirrel. Kilbride is also home to several different ecoregions which allow for a varied range of bird species. This range includes raptors, shorebirds, woodland birds, grassland birds, ducks, and others. There have also been a large number of species introduced to Washington, dating back to the early 1700s, including horses and burros. The channel catfish,lamprey, and sturgeon are among the 400 known freshwater fishes. Along with the Cascades frog, there are several forms of snakes that define the most prominent reptiles and amphibians. Coastal bays and islands are often inhabited by plentiful amounts of shellfish and whales. There are five species of salmon that ascend the Western Washington area, from streams to spawn.
Kilbride is within the rain shadow from not only its own mountains but also the Cascades and as such expects up to a hundred and forty inches of rain every year. Weeks or even months may pass without a clear day. Most of the precipitation occurs in winter but summer there is often fog, the moisture of which is extracted by the trees and produces a fog drip keeping the forests surrounding the city moist. In addition to this, it often causes a fog to hang over Kilbride both in the morning and at night. Day time however is often quite sunny, especially during the summer. Kilbride is known for its mild climate, considerable fog, frequent cloud cover and long-lasting drizzles in the winter, and warm, temperate summers. Major factors determining Kilbride's climate include the large semi-permanent high pressure and low pressure systems of the north Pacific Ocean, the continental air masses of North America, and the Olympic and Cascade mountains. In the spring and summer, a high pressure anticyclone system dominates the north Pacific Ocean, causing air to spiral out in a clockwise fashion. For Kilbride this means prevailing winds from the northwest bringing relatively cool air and a predictably dry season. In the autumn and winter, a low pressure cyclone system takes over in the north Pacific Ocean, with air spiralling inward in a counter-clockwise fashion. This causes the city's prevailing winds to come from the southwest, bringing relatively warm and moist air masses and a predictably wet season. The term Pineapple Express is used to describe the extreme form of this wet season pattern. Overall temperature characteristics vary; cool, but not cold, winters and warm, but not hot, summers. Summers are also cooler (often much cooler) than in areas with a humid subtropical climate. Average temperature of warmest month must be less than 22 °C (72 °F) and that of the coldest month warmer than −3 °C (27 °F). Despite Kilbride having a marine climate similar to those of many coastal cities of Europe, there are exceptions such as the "Big Snow" events of 1880, 1881, 1893 and 1916 and the "deep freeze" winters of 1883–84, 1915–16, 1949–50 and 1955–56, among others. During these events the city experienced up to 6 feet (1.8 m) of snow, sub-zero (−18 °C) temperatures, three months with snow on the ground, and lakes and rivers frozen over for weeks.
The city of Kilbride was founded in 1904 when a group of Scottish-Americans came across the land and began to build a community. Working with the local natives, the town soon expanded and over the next few years quickly grew in population as others settled down in the area. The town was named in tribute to William Murdoch's, the town's first mayor, ancestral home back in Scotland. However the name became eerily accurate when William's son, Alastair murdered his own bride on their wedding night. The incident brought shame to the Murdoch name while the other two founding families, Faulkner and Fitzroy went on to be incredible successful in the city. Legend holds that Alastair tried to bury his bride in the bog outside of town, but her spirit lived on returning to torture the younger Murdoch and supposedly drove him to insanity.
A few years after, the adolescent children of the first settlers entered their young adulthood with the intention of making a splash, preferably vicious. They formed a small gang from school leavers, beginning with bullying kids out of pennies and soon escalating to robbery, vandalism, and arson. They became the Bruisin' Boyles, and were the first crime gang to plague Kilbride. Though the Boyles brought with a higher crime rate, the influx of Irishmen also brought the Catholic faith to Kilbride and it wasn't long before the Boyles had bullied and bribed their way into having the St. Patrick's Cathedral erected in what would become the Historical district. The Cathedral easily dwarfed the older St. Andrew's Church the proud Scottish Protestants had built. Over the years these two communities would clash and despite damage to both buildings, they both stand proud still today.
After the First World War, the Great Depression hit Kilbride with ferocious fervour, and brought the working class to almost extinction, while the upper class fed itself on reserves. The kids of the trust funds got bored, and in an age where police were more concerned with working class riots than the anarchic revelry of frustrated teenagers, they took the only advantage that was unique to them and started to have fun at the expense of the city around them. The Third Street Roughnecks were born. By the time the depression had ended, the Thirds had grown in such a size and number that it was far too late for the local authorities to quell their numbers. Despite this, eventually many of the gang members either got bored of the act or grew out of it. Their numbers were further diminished when World War Two came around and many of the young male members of the group went off to war after the attack on Pearl Harbor. As they were a West coast city, Kilbride went through a period of fear mongering as they persecuted Asian members of their community. Due to some of the atrocities commuted during this time, they have a memorial day every year at the end of July to celebrate community togetherness where the goal is to promote camaraderie among the community no matter your gender, race or sexual orientation, the latter part having been added in during the Seventies.
Shortly after World War Two however, a new face of crime came to town in the form of Italian Mafioso, Damian Locke. Along with Locke came all the old school crime family histories from the East Coast and the baggage to go with it. Locke was brutal and quickly cut out a corner of the city for himself. Smuggling arms and bootlegged alcohol into the city, Locke managed to come up with enough money to build his first casino. It wouldn't be long before he eventually had a whole district built to entertainment, whether it was the food, the drink, the gambling or the girls you were after. Locke built himself a whole Syndicate and it wasn't long before he and his cohorts were rubbing elbows with every important member of the Kilbride community. Even the Faulkner family couldn't resist Locke's charms as he did business with them. Despite everyone knowing Locke was dirty, people couldn't help but love him, his money and his power. Locke was the best and worst thing to happen to the city as he reignited both it's growth and its crime. People would go on to say that Mayors may come and go but Locke stayed eternal. His funeral was one of the biggest public turn outs despite the rumoured criminal empire he had built. Perhaps this is what made taking over so easy for his son Roman.
Years however before Damian Locke passed on, a Mexican Drug Cartel came from the South and began to set up shop. Known as La Familia Del Fierro, the Fierro's were a whole new ball game to Kilbride. Many didn't know how to take them, and the old school gangs like the Bruisin' Boyles didn't react too kindly to the new blood in town. While they had learned to exist with the Syndicate, the Boyles saw the Fierro's as trying to push them out of the last big of territory they had. The Eighties were a bloody time for Kilbride and eventually State Troopers had to be brought in to curb the violence. All that did however was encourage dirty cops to come forward holding out a palm eagerly waiting to be greased. None the less, Kilbride had learned how to run with dirt in its gas tank and the city carried forward. By the new millennium another gang had made a name for itself in Kilbride, running the fishery district was now a gang of all colours. They called themselves the Harbour Kings and most of them already had a felony record before even coming to the city. The Kings were made up of pirates and escapees before they began to recruit any Joe down on their luck. The current Police Commissioner has promised to put his fist down on crime, but the city knows that's only if it isn't filled with crisp dollar bills first. Despite that, the city is currently undergoing a mayoral election in hopes that with the right person in the office Kilbride could actually change for the better after over a hundred years.
The Beaches:
The Fishery Districts:
The Heights (East and West):
The Entertainment District:
The Historical District:
The Industrial District:
The Shopping District:
Angel's Tears Waterfall:

Bayside Highschool:

Calder Lake:
Clyde River:

Faulkner Institute of Higher Learning:

Kilbride College Academy:
Langlands Moss Bog 'Dead Man's Bog':
Murdoch Mental Hospital:
Roman Colosseum:
Sandstone Elementary School:

Thistle Park:
| Crime |
-Harbour Kings: The Harbour Kings, or simply the Kings are a vicious gang which claims the harbour district and beaches are their territory. A more modern gang, the Kings are somewhat unpredictable and constantly change their tactics. They specialize in illegal imports and exports hence their territory claims. At home however they often distribute drugs especially to late night beach parties. The Kings are reported to be quite violent, including assault with deadly weapons. The Kings have also been known to deal and distribute in arms as well which brings them specifically into conflict with the Locke Crime Syndicate. This leads to violet shoot outs down around the docks. The Kings are thought to have a friend in the system as more often than not, those who have been apprehended usually get away with anything up to an literally including murder. The Kings are open to recruiting just about anyone, however once you're in you usually don't get out.
-The Third Street Roughnecks: The Third Street Roughnecks, or the Thirds as their often referred to, are a group of older kids with too much money to work and too much time on their hands. They're regarded as pests primarily, and are often a nuisance to the local authorities impeding them from attending to much more serious crimes throughout Kilbride. Though they normally terrorize the rich neighbourhoods of the first, second and of course third street, the Thirds will occasionally venture down into the shopping district. The Thirds however don't venture any further out with their activities as the other gangs are far more vicious and formidable and will have no regrets easily disposing of them. Some of the other gangs, particularly the Locke Crime Syndicate are known to hire the Thirds to create a disturbance to draw the authorities away from their own crimes or at the very least divide the available force. The Thirds' primary methods of operations include vandalism, graffiti, petty theft, limited assault and occasionally breaking and entering.
-The Bruisin' Boyles: The local Irish Mob, the Bruisin' Boyles, or the Bloody Boyles, or even simply the Boyles work out of the Industrial District. Unlike the Kings who openly recruit, to be part of the Boyles you have to be born into one of the city's Irish or Scottish families. The Boyles primarily deal in car jacking and chop shops. But they're often brought on as enforcers and bouncers at pubs around the city. Rough, rowdy and violent, the Boyles are regarded as highly dangerous. The Boyles often ship their 'frankenstein'd' cars East to Seattle, bringing in a suitable profit which they use to ensure their gang remains in control of the industrial district. The Boyles also buy and distribute drugs from the Fierro's through their territory as well as being known arsonists. At one point in history, the Boyles were the largest organized crime family in the city with a large amount of control on it. This has diminished significantly since the 1960's.
The Locke Crime Syndicate:
The Locke Crime Syndicate is the most dangerous of all organized crime in Kilbride. Run by the elusive and ominous Roman Locke, the Locke Crime Syndicate has their hands in almost every pocket in Kilbride. Starting off as arms dealers, Locke eventually gained enough money to build his casino empire eventually buying up enough land to create an entertainment district. The Locke Crime Syndicate still primarily deals in arms dealing, but also blackmail, extortion, arson, assassination, human trafficking and prostitution. The list of crimes is constantly being added to as the Syndicate will do anything it can to make money. Becoming an actual member of the Syndicate requires being actually hired. Unlike many of the gangs in Kilbride, the Syndicate believes in providing its members an actual career. They are professional criminals, having trained specialists in their ranks ranging from lawyers, to doctors to former Spetsnaz operatives. On top of those who are actually on the payroll, the Syndicate has control over some of the more influential citizens in Kilbride including but not limited to, the Mayor and the Police Commissioner.
La Familia Del Fierro:
A dangerous drug cartel that came up from Mexico during the 1980's, the Fierro's grow, manufacture and distribute a wide variety of drugs but among their most popular are marijuana, cocaine, meth, heroin and ecstasy. The Fierro's are highly protective of their producers and suppliers, this brings them into the ever aggressively expanding Locke Crime Syndicate. While most of the other organized crime sects within the city avoid open conflict, the Fierro's have no problem opening fire while surrounding by a crowd of bystanders. This greatly enhances their fear rating within the community. In addition to this, the Fierros are known for back stabbing or double crossing those who deal with them especially if they can gain additional profit from these actions. For this reason people would prefer not to deal with them, however due to addiction and their cheaper prices most customers come crawling back despite the danger.
Throughout Kilbride's law enforcement system are many corrupt individuals who either are part of organized crime or are paid off by an organized crime family. Most notably, the Police Commissioner has been under Locke's thumb for nearly his entire term in office. This leads to numerous cops being no better to deal with than the criminals which roam Kilbride's streets. These officers aren't above taking bribes or harassing citizens which they believe they can extort.

[1.01] You can create any superhero mold you want with tact. All invincible superheroes or obvious imitations of DC or Marvel titles will be judged harshly.
[1.02] Character sheets will not be accepted until the GMs have had time to look over the CS thoroughly. This not only ensures that we the GMs have time to read through Character Sheets appropriately but also that you the Player are receiving proper critique as well as a solid community to interact with in the In Character Threads. We appreciate your patience with this.
[1.03] All Character Sheets must be submitted to the GMs through Private Message Thread and in the provided format. Character Sheets which do not use the provided skeleton will be ignored as will as Characters submitted in the Out Of Character Thread. Displays of impatience towards acceptance will result in an immediate denial. The GMs have lives outside of The Guild and may have their time restricted during the week and/or weekend. Have patience and a positive attitude and you will receive a response.
[1.04] Players are allowed one primary character. You allowed to create secondary characters to interact with as well as flesh them out. However do not spend more time on these characters than necessary, they should be more like NPCs than player characters. While you could make them metahumans, they should not be constantly tagging along with your character.
[2.01] Respect the Game Masters. The GM's words are law, don't argue or disregard them. If a GM asks you to stop doing something please do it. Likewise if a GM asks you to change something in your post please do it. Failure to adhere to any GM or Guild Moderator requests will result in expulsion from the game.
[2.02] Respect the other players. Constructive criticism is fine, but flaming or trying to run players off just because you don't like the way they do things is not okay. Remember, it's the GM's job, not yours, to point out if there's a problem. If you feel that there is a problem, then contact a GM directly.
[2.03] Likewise any quarrels will be dealt with by the GMs. Don't take them out in the OOC, arguments should be dealt with between the two parties through private messaging. If the involved parties truly can't solve their issues a GM can act as an arbiter upon request.
[2.04] No GIF Posts, No GIF Wars. This is a thread for discussion of the Roleplay, its characters and plots. This is not a Spam Thread. Chat is allowed but please try not to fill the OOC with numerous pages that have little to nothing to do with the roleplay itself.
[3.01]You are your character, so act like them. Create or portray their mannerisms, powers, and ideals to how they have been established in the game. BE the character, not just yourself with the character's powers.
[3.02] This is a high-casual/low-advanced roleplay, as such a two (2)-paragraph minimum per post is mandatory. Three (3) to five (5) paragraph posts are however expected and preferred. Proper spelling and grammar is also expected but small exceptions due to language barriers are also understandable.
[3.03] You are expected to post at least once per week. If there are any outside factors as to why you can't meet this expectation please let the GMs know. If you find yourself in a plot with another player and they disappear, do your best to move on without them and quickly finish the arc to the best of your ability, or ask for the help of a GM. If you stop posting for two (2) weeks, your character will be listed as 'inactive', and after a further week of inactivity, your characters will be expelled, and dealt with as necessary in the IC, whether killed or used as needed and then discarded.
[3.04] No God-Modding or metagaming. This refers to controlling or manipulating another player's character in way that is completely self beneficial and not pre-approved by the other player. This also includes being untouchable against NPC characters as well as being all knowing. Keep your character humanized or risk being expelled from the RP.
[3.05] PC's are not to be killed without permission. Nameless NPC's are fine, but PC's or important NPC's will require authorization by their creator. You may threaten a whole city but you are not allowed to actually nuke/bomb/rain fire on a city and destroy it unless said plot has been pre-approved with the GMs.
[3.06] This is a Characer Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's subplots and storylines. You are always welcome to group with other players and create storylines together as well. The GMs will leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters.
[3.07] Absolutely no 'OOC' chatter in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon.
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Skills and Talents:
Additional Notes:
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Skills and Talents:
Additional Notes:
Lord Wraith as Caleb Fitzroy/IllAdvised
Hillan as Thomas Campbell/Angel
Stein as Makarios Lillis/Feral
YoshiSkittlez as Roanna Sanne/Necia
Roman as Cassandra Striver/Quintain



Locke possesses the ability to duplicate the abilities and skills of any human through limited physical contact. This limited contact can be as simple as pressing one hand against his target for a matter of seconds. It should be noted in the case of metahuman abilities, that such limited contact does not come with the training of how to control the duplicated abilities. Metahuman abilities are also easier to duplicate if in use. If the abilities however aren't in use they take longer to duplicate, sometimes completely failing. This is dependent upon the nature of the ability, an ability like super strength is notably easier for Locke to duplicate than an ability like telepath. Complex abilities which require secondary abilities like how a pyrokinetic would need heat resistance is also notably more difficult to duplicate. Skills take longer than abilities to duplicate as Locke needs to also duplicate the training behind the skill. Skills can be duplicated hand in hand with abilities which can potentially make the abilities that much more potent as Locke is likely to inherit the training behind said ability. This does run a risk, especially while Locke is untrained in his abilities, of putting him under too much strain which can cause Locke to either burn out or fall unconscious. Lastly, a notable factor is whether a target is willing or resisting Locke's ability. As duplication doesn't come with any ill side effects to the target, many people don't even know what Locke is doing, and thus it tends to go over much easier than it could if the target was aware of what was happening and resisted Locke.
As Locke's power advances he'll not only be able to duplicate the abilities and skills of a target but absorb them temporary along with knowledge and information. Locke's power will work nearly the same as with duplication however it requires longer physical contact and the use of both his hands to work. Unlike duplication, absorption can render the target unconscious or even kill them if contact is too prolonged. While Locke is absorbing abilities and skills, the original target will be unable to use them or will be drastically weakened especially in the case of abilities. Also in order for Locke to absorb information or knowledge from a target he must be touching their head. This process is more painful than absorbing their abilities or skills and will almost definitely end with the target unconscious, with a much higher risk of killing them. Locke also runs the risk of absorbing the psyche of his target if they fall unconscious and especially if they were to die.
Unlike abilities and skills, knowledge and information isn't immediately forgotten when Locke's target recovers. Skills however if absorb multiple times can eventually be fully learned by Locke where as abilities will always need to be duplicated or absorbed. With rare exceptions to this rule if Locke were to live with a metahuman he may be able to eventually absorb enough of their ability to use it without requiring physical contact with the host.
If Locke's body is sufficiently weakened or injured he's also able to absorb the life force of another human. While this power can restore Locke's strength and physical condition, it severely weakens the original host and if Locke didn't let go could very quickly lead to their death.
Power Mixing:
In the case of Locke absorbing or duplicating at least two powers, he may be able to mix the abilities to create a new power. For example, if Locke were to gain cryokinesis and pyrokinesis he may be able to mix the two abilities to give himself vapor or steam manipulation. This of course is a highly advanced technique which takes many years to master due to the fact that Locke has to first master the duplication or absorption of multiple abilities and their uses before being able to mix two together.

