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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azog


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Here's the OCC. I fill in details soon as well as the first IC post.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damon


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thought I should re-post my character sheet in here.

NAME: Conor Cotton
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Viridian City

Conor is a tall, athletically built young man. He stands at a height of five-foot-seven, with board, slouching shoulders. He has a pair of caramel-brown eyes and short charcoal black, messy hair. His body is covered in scratches and bruises from his rough and high-risk-high-reward adventures that he likes to take.

Conor is often seen in a red-orange tee which buttons up near the neck and a pair of sandy kakis, with boots. He also wears a pair of black gloves and a matching baseball cap with a red-orange Pokeball logo off to the side. Every now and then Conor can be seen wearing his spring jacket, which is green and black. His belt is also a holster for his Pokemon, carrying three on each side. Conor also carries a messenger bag which holds extra clothes, books, and other random things he keeps for and from his adventures.

Bittersweet is a perfect adjective to describe Conor and his personality. As with the word when you first meet the youth he can be a bit on the bitter side, being cold, harsh, and candid with his words. He doesn’t like conversing much and finds it annoying to have to convey his emotions through words rather than just through actions because to him actions speak louder than words. His blunt and frank attitude is more of a mask than anything though, with Conor being more so an awkward and shy conversationalist. Also he has been hinted at being a socially awkward outcast by the children he grew up with.

The second part of Conor’s bittersweetness is when you really peel back and get through to Conor’s cold exterior. That is when you get to meet his sensitive and genuinely caring side. Deep down Conor is just a shy and loving young man, showing this side to his Pokémon and family members more than anyone else. He treats his Pokémon with tender care and his family with the upmost respect, as he does with most elders.

Acting and being bitter and cold has made Conor somewhat serious most of the time. He usually does something for a specific reason and does that specific something by the books, never really drawing away from it. The only time he ever does something that is unconventional and stupid is when there is no other way or choice to do or finish something, like escaping from a horde of Beedrill’s by jumping off a fifteen foot cliff into a lake. That was probably one of the stupidest choices he’s ever made, but Conor usually makes smarter more intelligent choices in and for his adventures.

Out of all his attitude and personality traits, being frank and honest is a high quality that the friends he does have appreciate. If you can get over the fact that Conor is a jerk then he won’t be one to you. He takes a bit of getting used to, but once the two of you truly appreciate and like one another than Conor will probably be one of the greatest friends you will ever have.

Conor was born to a very rich and powerful family who had a lot of influence in Viridian City and in Kanto. His father was a business man who partnered and worked closely with the various gym leaders in Kanto, helping them with keeping their gyms in the most tip-top conditions. Both his parents helped design the interiors of gyms and business buildings throughout Kanto. The power of his family didn’t just come from his parents though, both his maternal and fraternal grandparents owned big corporations which spread throughout both Kanto and Johto.

Ever since he was little all Conor could remember was being raised by a nanny and butlers. His parents were always out of town for work, building places for others, and meeting with various businessmen and entrepreneurs, which left him at home with his nannies and butlers. He was first introduced to Pokémon through his various nannies, butlers, and workers who his parents hired for their large home in Viridian City. They each taught him about Pokémon little by little, and soon enough Conor grew a big interest in them, wanting to have his own Pokémon.

Growing up he was an only child, learning how to be independent and self-efficient, but that also made him anti-social and distant with others his own age and more attracted and respectable towards those who were older than him. Throughout his childhood he was teased and bullied by kids for being too proper and boring even though he had a lot of money from his family.

Eventually at fifteen he asked his parents if he could participate in what he believed to be a rite of passage, a Pokémon adventure. At first his parents rejected the idea of Conor traveling throughout the world alone. He was a Cotton and Cotton’s were in the world of business, not the world of Pokémon. It wasn’t until he pleaded with them for over year that he was finally allowed to travel throughout Kanto.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frosty


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I guess I might as well do that, too.


Name: Marina Del Tierra

Age: Fifteen. (15)

Personality: Overprotective over her friends and loved ones, Marina tends to overreact whenever she notices danger or trouble approaching. That being said, she is extremely cautious and wary of everything around her, and due to this, will cause herself to look suspicious and cause more trouble. This cyclic loop is the reason why she tries to avoid as much contact with other people as possible, preferring solitude over unity, and while this doesn't essentially mean she wouldn't journey with others, it does take time for her to warm up to other people. However, when she does become close to others, they tend to find a very sweet and strong friend to have. Beyond this confusion, people can feel as if they can truly rely on Marina to protect them.

Appearance: Marina stands at 5'5" with a slim, dainty figure, peachy skin and a smooth complexion. She has short blonde hair that reaches her collar bone, yet most of it is tucked beneath her blue sailor's cap. Her face has a slight rugged look, softened by her large emerald eyes. She wears a collared sleeveless white dress with blue stripes on the sides, the collar tied with a little green bow tie, as well as blue knee high boots with three straps on the outer sides of each. She always carries her green knapsack with her.

History: Marina was born on a pirate ship, her mother being the captain of the ship while her father was once a member of Team Rocket, which seems like she was supposed to grow to be one devious child. Right?

However things should have gone, didn't, since her mother and father had made the decision to move into Pallet Town to raise their child properly. Throughout her childhood, she was always taught that her friends (or crew, as her mother had put it) were her first priority to protect, no matter how dire the situation was for her own sake. This is why in school, she was always beat up for protecting others who couldn't protect themselves, and why she tries to avoid others to prevent that from happening again.

By the time she had decided to adventure out in the world, in search of a larger "crew" of Pokemon, her mother had told her that when choosing her friends, to follow her heart. She travels not to become champion, but to become strong enough to protect those close to her heart.

Pokemon: Squirtle, nicknamed Matey
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'm too much of a rebel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azog


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alright so before we get started there is one question that I have for you guys. In regards to Pokemon movesets and levels. Is that something that you care about? Like do you want to keep track of each of your Pokemon's four moves as well as their level or just let them use any attacks that they can learn or perhaps something in between. I have my preference but would rather hear what you guys think first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"or just let them use any attacks that they can learn or perhaps something in between."

That's what I'd prefer. I mean, I come up with pretty brutal, yet creative combos. Using Takedown and Double Slap should be something all Pokémon should be able to use instantly and stuff. So yeah, I'd rather the Moves be completely free and creative, as long as we use common sense. (I.E Having your Pokémon use Hydro Pump when they're a fire-type.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frosty


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

That free form style could cause problems early on though, as a Spearow could learn Drill Peck from the get-go, or a Chancey learning Hyper Beam, etc. My point is that the free form style could ultimately kill us.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

True enough, although I meant it in a more 'direct' way. Like, the common sense physical attacks (Double Slap, Low Kick, Growl, Leer, Tackle, Scratch) all of that should be free-reign - Every Pokémon can use it. But things that requires actual skill and 'Poke-Energy' (Hyper Beam, Drill Peck, Fire Blast, Brine, Hydro Pump) should be learned normally
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frosty


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Okay that's understandable. Would that mean a Squirtle would know Skull Bash?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I think that we can use the whole 'Common Sense' rule on that one. Learning it as a Blastoise is understandable, or a Wartortle, but I doubt that a Squirtle could do it. But, the GM has the complete jury on it, so we can see what he thinks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azog


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Well obviously common sense is important. Also something to keep in mind is since we're going for a more realistic approach, Skull Bash wouldn't necessary be any more powerful than a move like Tackle or Headbutt since they're similar attacks. It's not like we're actually using stats.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frosty


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alright then. I guess it's settled, or do we wait for Damon to input his two cents?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I like that decision as well, although I slightly worry at how 'realistic' this is going to be. It sort of goes back to my previous question of 'Why would young teenagers even take this quest if it's so bloody and dangerous'.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azog


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I understand your concern and total realism isn't what I'm looking for personally, but there's plenty of questions that can be asked about the Pokemon world like why the heck would parents let their ten-year-old kids go around the world with their pets to battle other kids' pets.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I think it's because the whole cartoon is so cartoony, there's no death reports of actual Pokémon dying in battle, and there's no blood, but yeah, I see where you're coming from. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the IC post. Are you going to play every Wild Pokémon? Because I'm planning on having Ace catch a Nidoran (Male) pretty soon after he gets Charmander. Nidoking is on my 'permanent Pokémon Team' list for Ace~.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azog


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

In the anime no, but in the games there was Pokemon death like Cubone's mother in the lavender town. But yeah, even that it is danced around mostly. I don't think I will end up playing all of the wild Pokemon because that's too much work and it doesn't give you guys much freedom. As long as you guys are realistic with what you find, then I'm cool with you guys coming up with your own encounters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alright, awesome, this all seems pretty solid.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damon


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

How I usually do moves is like the rest, free form. But there are restrictions to what I do and what I believe in. Movesets are there for a reason, so I believe each Pokemon should be able to use the ones that they are given from their information on the various wikis or serebii. They can learn their respective egg moves and TMs too and use those. There shouldn't really be a limit on what they can learn and know, but we should probably do it where it makes sense if they can know it or not. An example is a starting Charmander can't or shouldn't know Flamethrower or Fire Blast, it should respectfully know Ember and use that. Upon experience and using the move over and over it could then progress the Ember into a Flamethrower or Fire Blast, unless tutored or taught (like how Pikachu was taught how to use Iron Tail).

Also having Pokemon know Take Down and Double Slap and whatnot is something I don't believe they should 'know' per say. They obviously know how to take each other down and how to slap one another, but those actual moves shouldn't be learned by everyone because they can't be. Pokemon know certain moves for a reason, that's what individualizes them and makes you think about which ones to choose from. In writing you could write the action of taking a Pokemon down but not really using the move Take Down, that's just my thoughts on this subject.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azog


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

We can do some experimenting as we go along, but like Soul said as long as we use common sense then we should be fine.

Before we start, I have one last question for you guys. Would you prefer to start it off right before you get your Pokemon and Pokedex or right after you leave Pallet Town. If we got with the second option, we can skip a lot of the introduction stuff since we already all know what's going to happen. But if you all want to include those parts that's fine. The plot at the start will be a little different depending on what you guys want to do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frosty


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

We could do some huge plot twist right at the beginning, something completely mind blowing, that would make this different than the games/show. I mean that's up to you, Az, what that would be, but I'm for the first option, it would help get the ball rolling smoothly, helping characters begin to develop early on, because these kids are very different from one another, if you haven't noticed. We have someone who was raised by a pirate and an ex-TR member, both of which steal, a rich kid, and a kid who rode to Pallet Town on a bird.
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