I guess I might as well do that, too.

Name: Marina Del Tierra
Age: Fifteen. (15)
Personality: Overprotective over her friends and loved ones, Marina tends to overreact whenever she notices danger or trouble approaching. That being said, she is extremely cautious and wary of everything around her, and due to this, will cause herself to look suspicious and cause more trouble. This cyclic loop is the reason why she tries to avoid as much contact with other people as possible, preferring solitude over unity, and while this doesn't essentially mean she wouldn't journey with others, it does take time for her to warm up to other people. However, when she does become close to others, they tend to find a very sweet and strong friend to have. Beyond this confusion, people can feel as if they can truly rely on Marina to protect them.
Appearance: Marina stands at 5'5" with a slim, dainty figure, peachy skin and a smooth complexion. She has short blonde hair that reaches her collar bone, yet most of it is tucked beneath her blue sailor's cap. Her face has a slight rugged look, softened by her large emerald eyes. She wears a collared sleeveless white dress with blue stripes on the sides, the collar tied with a little green bow tie, as well as blue knee high boots with three straps on the outer sides of each. She always carries her green knapsack with her.
History: Marina was born on a pirate ship, her mother being the captain of the ship while her father was once a member of Team Rocket, which seems like she was supposed to grow to be one devious child. Right?
However things should have gone, didn't, since her mother and father had made the decision to move into Pallet Town to raise their child properly. Throughout her childhood, she was always taught that her friends (or crew, as her mother had put it) were her first priority to protect, no matter how dire the situation was for her own sake. This is why in school, she was always beat up for protecting others who couldn't protect themselves, and why she tries to avoid others to prevent that from happening again.
By the time she had decided to adventure out in the world, in search of a larger "crew" of Pokemon, her mother had told her that when choosing her friends, to follow her heart. She travels not to become champion, but to become strong enough to protect those close to her heart.
Pokemon: Squirtle, nicknamed Matey