Cpt Toellner said
How exactly do Factions work? I haven't noticed anything different. Could you tell us the commands to start a faction?
/f create [name] makes a faction.
/f claim claims a 16x16 plot of land around you if you have over 4 power or something like that.
2 power is removed every time you die, and you gain 2 power every 7 minutes your logged in. your factions power is your power added with everyone else's. So if someone is in the negatives it subtracts power.
/f pow tells you your power
/f unclaim unclaims the land you are standing on.
/f unclaimall unclaims all your land
/f sethome sets the faction home.
/f home teleports you to the faction home
/f desc makes your faction description. So people will see your description and your faction name when they enter your land, and they can't build there.
/f f [someones username or faction] shows who's in that person's faction, and who are the faction's allies and enemies.
/f enemy [faction] enemies another faction. Basically this allows you to attack people in other factions while on their land, which you can't so while ally.
/f ally [faction] sends a request to be ally. If the faction accepts, they can't attack each other.
/f neutral [faction] makes you neutral with an allied faction, or sends a request to be neutral with an enemy faction.
/f sethome can be set by the faction owner
/f c cycles through faction, allies, and normal chat.
I think that's most of what's important.