Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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Please bear with me. I just saw this photo and had a really interesting idea. Maybe not too original. I don't know. Just checking for interest.

The setting: A Juice Bar (A hangout spot for teens (16+) and younger adults up to age 30.)

The plot:

Mingle is the name of a juice bar in a fictional city/state in the USA. There are a few rules at this bar. One if you are underage, you must have a stamp on your hand. This stamp will not come off with one washing, not even two washings. It lasts for at least a few days before wearing off. The reason it is made to last a few days is so that the underage can not wash the stamp off and pretend to be above the age of 18.

Another rule. Each person must select the glowing armband that fits their situation to make things so much easier. So yes, this is kind of a hang out, hook up place in a nice setting, that serves no alcohol to inhibit people's judgments. It is not a shady place and they do not let just anybody come in.

Green Glow Stick: Single
Yellow Glow Stick: It's Complicated
Red Glow Stick: Taken

There is one extra glow stick they can add to the first one they are wearing, if they so choose to wear it.

A Blue Glow Stick. It basically tells the others that the person wearing it happens to be part of the LGBT community.

This is a very open minded juice bar and they want people from all lifestyles to have a safe place to hang out.

Mingle is all about making things easier on finding people to get to know and make connections with, with out all the hassle of a jealous boyfriend coming out of the bathroom and threatening to kick your ass because you talked to his girlfriend. If she has a green glow stick, you can talk to her, but it does not mean she will be interested.

I guess the bar doesn't make everything easy.

Open Spots:

1. Rarity (GM)

Ashley Jo Wright - 19 - Green/Blue

2. teapotshark

Charlotte Burton - 23 - Green/Blue


4. YoshiSkittlez

Giddeon Sirus Zelinsky - 27 - Yellow
Kallian Renae Zelinsky - 17 - Green

5. Marx

James W. Hughes - 22 - Green

6. Lily Kierstrider

Nicole Beverly - 21 - Red
Ryu Ji Min - 17 - Green

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by foreverslaying


Member Offline since relaunch

Making a CS now!

- - -
Is the writing sample necessary? I haven't really made an IC post yet, since I just joined yesterday.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Charlotte Burton.




Charlotte moved around a lot as a kid, and not within just one country. Her parents were both diplomatic officials from London, and while they adored their daughter and the time they did have to spend with her, they were often busy. At fourteen years old, she made the independent decision to quit travelling with her parents, explaining that she would rather they not feel guilty, and spend time with her when they're not liable to be called away. So Charlie went to live with her Aunt Veronica.

Life with her aunt was comfortable, and happy, and so Charlie developed a tendency to never stray far from her comfort zone. A trait for which she is frequently mocked by her friends. She met Willow shortly after moving in with her aunt, and the two quickly became friends. Over time, similar people migrated to the pair, and through classic yet nonetheless painful teenage trails, they formed a strong bond. Charlie is still close friends with everyone from that small, cosy social circle. It was those friends who helped her pick up the pieces after “Hurricane Hughes”.

Jennifer Hughes; beautiful, interesting, and loving... until she got bored. For just a short while Charlie thought she was in love, but the break-up two years ago has left her thinking she's too boring a person for romance. While she was and is incredibly hurt, she's quite happy with her little life; she paints for exhibitions, she runs a newly-opened bookstore (her parents, currently in Sweden, presented her with a run-down store to let for her twenty-third birthday), and she has a comfortable pool of friends to hang out with.

She feared what would happen if that changed.

The bookstore, which she named Reid & Wright's, is of great importance to her. It doubles as a miniature café and wifi hotspot, which never fails to bring in the customers. Before her birthday, she worked as an intern editor for a small-time magazine, and it was exactly the opposite of what she wanted to do. The routine, the blank white office walls, the horrible bosses, it all but crushed Charlie's soul. So, she treats the bookstore like her child; wants the very best for it, but terrified nonetheless.

She lives in the apartment above it with her dog, a German Shepherd named Sirius, who she often lets walk around the store and greet customers for her. It works like a charm. At the moment all she wants to do is fix up the store. Farther than that, she's not entirely sure where she wants her life to go.

Why did your character want to come to this bar?
She didn't. Charlie was dragged to Mingle by her best friend, Willow, who can't seem to comprehend that Charlie couldn't care less about bars, drinking, or being in any sort of shared space with drunk, overly-friendly singles. But at least if she does this one thing for Willow, she can pull the "you owe me" card later.

What color glow stick will they wear:
Green and blue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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foreverslaying said
Making a CS now!- - - Is the writing sample necessary? I haven't really made an IC post yet, since I just joined yesterday.

That's fine. Usually some people ask for it to see if the people joining will be compatible with the type of writing they want. Post your CS and let me review it.

teapotshark said

You are of course approved. I love her. As a note, this "bar" does not serve alcohol. Mingle is for it's name sake. The owners do not serve anything that would mess with people's judgement skills. Sorry if there was any confusion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Rarity said You are of course approved. I love her. As a note, this "bar" does not serve alcohol. Mingle is for it's name sake. The owners do not serve anything that would mess with people's judgement skills. Sorry if there was any confusion.

Why, thank you. Ah, yes, I'm going with the idea that Charlie would immediately assume a place like Mingle houses drunks, even if it doesn't. Anything she can use to get out of it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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NPCs of Importance:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by followthecandles


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucinda May Williams




Lucy has never fit in to her family. Her parents were straight as a ruler and military strict. They were like those power couples you saw on TV that just seemed so perfect. All they wanted was a pink and pretty perfect cheerleader daughter who would date the football star in high school and give them darling little grandkids. They wanted the beauty queen they could show off to the neighbors. Instead, they got Lucy. She liked to read about vampires and fairies and watch horror movies, things she never really grew out of. She listened to metalcore and rock music, and wore clothes that were probably made for boys.

They tried to make her their perfect daughter, tried in vain to change her. They signed her up for ballet, and bought her dolls and Barbies. They controlled her music and her friends, hoping that Lucy would take the initiative and become like all the other girls. But all that did was give Lucy the sense that she wasn't wanted, that she wasn't loved. It made her bitter and spiteful, and it sometimes made her hate herself. She started getting tattoos and piercings and dying her hair electric colors. All the little things that would undermine her parents. She wanted to get back at them for the way they treated her, and the way they caused her to treat herself.

Now, on her eighteenth birthday, Lucy has committed one of the worst faults her parents could have ever conceived. She came out to them as bisexual. Disowned and kicked out, she’s left to her own devices. She tried to seek solace in the arms of her girlfriend, whom she had been with for over a year. However, upon arriving at her girlfriend's house, Lucy found her lip-locked with a pretty blonde boy.

Why did your character want to come to this bar:
Lucy has passed this bar for years, but has never gone inside. Newly 18 and with nowhere to go, she turns to the club for somewhere to take her mind off of her train wreck life.

What color glow stick will they wear:
Yellow and blue
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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followthecandles said
Name: Lucinda May WilliamsNickname: LucyAge: 18Picture: Bio: Lucy has never fit in to her family. Her parents were straight as a ruler and military strict. They were like those power couples you saw on TV that just seemed so perfect. All they wanted was a pink and pretty perfect cheerleader daughter who would date the football star in high school and give them darling little grandkids. They wanted the beauty queen they could show off to the neighbors. Instead, they got Lucy. She liked to read about vampires and fairies and watch horror movies, things she never really grew out of. She listened to metalcore and rock music, and wore clothes that were probably made for boys. They tried to make her their perfect daughter, tried in vain to change her. They signed her up for ballet, and bought her dolls and Barbies. They controlled her music and her friends, hoping that Lucy would take the initiative and become like all the other girls. But all that did was give Lucy the sense that she wasn't wanted, that she wasn't loved. It made her bitter and spiteful, and it sometimes made her hate herself. She started getting tattoos and piercings and dying her hair electric colors. All the little things that would undermine her parents. She wanted to get back at them for the way they treated her, and the way they caused her to treat herself.Now, on her eighteenth birthday, Lucy has committed one of the worst faults her parents could have ever conceived. She came out to them as bisexual. Disowned and kicked out, she’s left to her own devices. She tried to seek solace in the arms of her girlfriend, whom she had been with for over a year. However, upon arriving at her girlfriend's house, Lucy found her lip-locked with a pretty blonde boy.Why did your character want to come to this bar: Lucy has passed this bar for years, but has never gone inside. Newly 18 and with nowhere to go, she turns to the club for somewhere to take her mind off of her train wreck life.What color glow stick will they wear: Yellow and blue

Approved, great CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by followthecandles


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thank you!

I must add, I will be travelling a few weeks in July. I don't think that will affect my posting too much, but I will let you know if anything changes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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Name: Ashley Jo Wright

Nickname: Ash, Jo, Jo Jo (It depends on who is talking to her)

Age: 19



Bio: Ashley is the real definition of a girly girl. She loves anything pink and cute. She always wants to look her best, even when going for a jog. She is just a typical girl for the most part, goes to some college classes, has a part time job at a hair salon and makes friends rather easily. Despite all this, she has a hidden side that none of her so-called close friends or family know about. Ashley, former head cheerleader all four years of high school, is without a doubt attracted to the same sex.

One of the things she hates the most when out clubbing and trying to make friends or a stronger connection with someone, is the fact that she is a girly girl, blonde and loves pink, people she meets often treat her like she is a ditz, never really giving her any credit, most people interested in her, only wanting a quick hook up. Ashley is not about quick hook ups, especially when most of the men who approach her are not her type. She may be bisexual, but she has always leaned more on the lesbian side. There are days she has to stop and ask herself if she really even likes men or if she is just pretending to please her parents.

Why did your character want to come to this bar?: She never knew about it until recently. She read about the club on an online website she often frequents. When she found out the club was in an area of town her parents or friends would never visit, Ashely decided to take a leap and go and just try and be herself for once. She is not sure what she hopes to gain from going to Mingle. She is just so glad the hang out does not serve alcohol. People are so obnoxious when they are drunk and trying to hook up.

What color glow stick will they wear: After much inner debate, she decided to wear the blue and green one and prays every day that someone she knows will not see her there and question why she wears a blue glow stick.

Other: She adores My Little Pony and often has some sort of merchandise from the store on her person. Her hair is so light that it could almost be considered white under some lights. She is of slim build, but rather short, so she comes off as a lot younger than 19 when people first meet her. Her eyes are blue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I went ahead and made a starter post. If you are approved you can post.

Sorry, it is not the greatest starter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Good enough for us!

So I had ideas about keeping this RP thriving. Obviously, like all RPs, it's likely to slow a bit, and I see that as being when the initial night at Mingle is over. So I was thinking that there should be regular "events", between day-to-day scenes, of things like open-mic nights at a local café, an exhibition, Pride, etc. Just to give the characters something to look forward to and do and create more reasons for them to socialise. You could also encourage personal "events" within characters' lives that fuel the RP.

I don't know, thoughts!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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teapotshark said
Good enough for us! So I had ideas about keeping this RP thriving. Obviously, like all RPs, it's likely to slow a bit, and I see that as being when the initial night at Mingle is over. So I was thinking that there should be regular "events", between day-to-day scenes, of things like open-mic nights at a local café, an exhibition, Pride, etc. Just to give the characters something to look forward to and and create more reasons for them to socialise. You could also encourage personal "events" within characters' lives that fuel the RP.I don't know, thoughts!

I like the way you think. Calvin "Richie Rich" can post a list of events for the people and local business owners can also come to him to advertise their special events.

So everyone start listing the type of events we can have:

teapotshark's examples:
Open mic night (At Mingle or other local bars)

Fundraisers events
Local ran theater group (they put on shows a couple times a year or more)

Please add your ideas.

Also bump ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So this generally isn't my type of thing but...hell I'm interested and I have no idea why ^.^ Is there room for another female character?

Edit: I just realized that all there is here is female characters. I suppose I could come up with a male character instead for diversity purposes. Would there be rules against people coming into the bar who have already been drinking or on drugs? (Since they don't sell that kind of stuff in this place)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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YoshiSkittlez said
So this generally isn't my type of thing but...hell I'm interested and I have no idea why ^.^ Is there room for another female character?

Of course!

Just fill out the CS and post it so I can review it.

Don't forget everyone can have more than one character if you want. More girls the merrier though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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YoshiSkittlez said
So this generally isn't my type of thing but...hell I'm interested and I have no idea why ^.^ Is there room for another female character?Edit: I just realized that all there is here is female characters. I suppose I could come up with a male character instead for diversity purposes. Would there be rules against people coming into the bar who have already been drinking or on drugs? (Since they don't sell that kind of stuff in this place)

You can make a male if you want, but it is really up to you. As for the being on drugs/drunk (Big Bob would most likely not let you in because Mingle is strict about who it lets inside. But if you think you can slip past the big bouncer, you can sure try.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Does the writing sample have to be something relating to this particular character? Or can it be from any current RP I'm in?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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YoshiSkittlez said
Does the writing sample have to be something relating to this particular character? Or can it be from any current RP I'm in?

It is just to see what your writing style is like. I don't ask of one from people I already RP with or if they don't have a sample (such as a new member)
I've never turned anyone down before based on their sample, but I like seeing examples of people's writing nonetheless!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marx
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Marx The number you have dialed has been disconnected.

Member Seen 27 days ago

I'm interested. If it's cool, I'll throw together a cs sometime tonight or tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Giddeon Sirus Zelinsky

Big Dog



(See picture for outfit information)

Giddeon was born the oldest in his very small family, only having one other sibling to ever have to rival with that didn’t come along until Giddeon was nearly ten years old. At that point in his life, Giddeon was a real ‘stud’ as he was involved in many sports through his high-end school, had all the ‘cool toys’ that other kids would beg to come over to play with and just had that ‘I rule the school’ type of personality. It also helped that his father was quite a big-shot name in the industry business, being very much like a modern-day ‘Donald Trump’ but to Giddeon, he was just dad; until Giddeon turned 18.

All of the parties, expensive cars and vacations, nice clothes and lack of responsibility immediately came to a halt when Giddeon’s father practically handed over his company to him. Giddeon, not knowing a thing about responsibility nor really caring about what his father did for a living, declined, immediately putting him on his father’s ‘bad side.’ At the same time, Giddeon’s parents seemed to be around less and less, which he particularly didn’t care about except for the fact that his eight-year-old-sister felt abandoned, and so he took it upon himself to practically raise her on his own.

Over the years, Giddeon slowly found his funds being cut off, forcing an abrupt stop to his minor league baseball career and at the age of 25 Giddeon didn’t have a cent to his name. Too prideful to go to his father for money, he decided on opening up his own business in something that he actually cared about; booze, sports and women. So naturally, he opened up a night club.

Now with his name slowly rising to fame once again, Giddeon has been spending less and less time with his sister which he is slowly starting to realize is taking a harsh toll on her. Ultimately he is trying to find a balance between his fame and fortune and being a good brother, however so far that isn’t turning out so well for him.

Why did your character want to come to this bar?:
Giddeon was out looking for his sister and got information about a bar she frequented.

What color glow-stick will they wear:
Yellow Glow Stick

Writing sample:
From my current RP ‘Once Upon A Time…’ My ‘male’ writing style.

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