Name:Giddeon Sirus Zelinsky
Nickname:Big Dog
Age: 27
Outfits:(See picture for outfit information)
Bio:Giddeon was born the oldest in his very small family, only having one other sibling to ever have to rival with that didn’t come along until Giddeon was nearly ten years old. At that point in his life, Giddeon was a real ‘stud’ as he was involved in many sports through his high-end school, had all the ‘cool toys’ that other kids would beg to come over to play with and just had that ‘I rule the school’ type of personality. It also helped that his father was quite a big-shot name in the industry business, being very much like a modern-day ‘Donald Trump’ but to Giddeon, he was just dad; until Giddeon turned 18.
All of the parties, expensive cars and vacations, nice clothes and lack of responsibility immediately came to a halt when Giddeon’s father practically handed over his company to him. Giddeon, not knowing a thing about responsibility nor really caring about what his father did for a living, declined, immediately putting him on his father’s ‘bad side.’ At the same time, Giddeon’s parents seemed to be around less and less, which he particularly didn’t care about except for the fact that his eight-year-old-sister felt abandoned, and so he took it upon himself to practically raise her on his own.
Over the years, Giddeon slowly found his funds being cut off, forcing an abrupt stop to his minor league baseball career and at the age of 25 Giddeon didn’t have a cent to his name. Too prideful to go to his father for money, he decided on opening up his own business in something that he actually cared about; booze, sports and women. So naturally, he opened up a night club.
Now with his name slowly rising to fame once again, Giddeon has been spending less and less time with his sister which he is slowly starting to realize is taking a harsh toll on her. Ultimately he is trying to find a balance between his fame and fortune and being a good brother, however so far that isn’t turning out so well for him.
Why did your character want to come to this bar?:Giddeon was out looking for his sister and got information about a bar she frequented.
What color glow-stick will they wear: Yellow Glow Stick
Writing sample:From my current RP ‘Once Upon A Time…’ My ‘male’ writing style.
Had it already been an hour? Maybe two? He didn’t know. The only indication that time had passed was that the sun was sitting differently in the sky casting an all new feeling of shadows on the thicket. His tears had dried up long ago but his body had grown numb watching the very beauty that made him question everything he had ever done.
A twig snapped a hundred or so yards away and the Imp was quick to react. A small search party of three or so soldiers were closing in fast on Belle, two with their swords drawn and one with an arrow notched into a bow who took the lead. The bowman called out Belle’s name, having spotted her hiding place and the beauty took off in the run of her life, determined to not be found.
Rumpelstiltskin narrowed his eyes as he watched the three men pursue after his beauty, even after she had made it perfectly clear that she wanted to be left alone. Anger began to boil up in his deflated heart and with a snap of his fingers, the Imp was gone, only to materialize in front of the soldiers.
He gave them no time to react, nor did he speak a word. The bowman was sent flying into a tree by an unseen force, his back bending into the wood of the trunk tighter and tighter until the sound of bone snapping finally echoed through the trees and the body fell life-less to the forest floor.
By now the two other soldiers had their wits about them and began to charge The Dark One, however neither of them knew of the dangers they were facing until it was too late. With a puff of purple smoke surrounding the both of them, the soldiers were no longer and instead two small rats scurried over one another in fright.
Rumpelstiltskin bent down and picked one of the rats up by the tail and with an amused smirk, removed the tail from the rat sending the now tail-less creature plummeting to the ground, breaking it’s legs upon impact. He hovered his boot over the defenseless creature and sent it pummeling down, grinding hit boot side to side as he felt each and every bone of the tiny creature fracture. He only stopped to watch as the second rat squeaked and squealed and scampered away for his very life to an unknown place deep within the forest. With an unsettling giggle, Rumpelstiltskin pocketed the rat tail and disappeared in his puff of blood red smoke, now to appear where Belle had stopped for the moment though this time he took the hiding place of a high-up tree branch, still far enough away from her that she wouldn’t see.
“I’ll look after you Belle, I promise…”