Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Blood type:

Birth day:





Fighting style:



(Optional) Powers:
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: 1-V0-12-Y, Ivory Age:Built 17 really 6 Gender:Built Female Appearance: Ivory stands at the built height of 5'7, she has a dark skin tone with bright blue irises that change red when shes about to fight or gets angry, Ivory has bright short ivory white colored hair that stops just past her ears, Ivory has a small oval shaped face with cute and feminine facial features. Ivory has a small Ectomorph build that helps her dodge attacks and stay agile against enemies, Ivory's skin is layered with a top layer of synthetic skin and lower layer of several dense metals. Ivory wears a number of different outfits, but the set of clothes she wears the most is a type of suit, she wears a white collared button up short sleeved shirt with a blue tie in a winsor knot, on her legs she wears a pair of black silk suit pants that doesn't inhibit her movement or abilities, on her feet she wears a pair of black canvas sneakers, over her shirt she wears a black duffle coat with a hoodie. Race:Android History: Ivory was first built to be a medical assistance drone along with almost thousands of other models, all of them were made by a rising company in the far east of Vale, they were all to be shipped off to Atlas to be apart of the army, but there was a mistake at the factory manufacturing the medical drones, like a sci-fi horror movie one of the drones became self aware of everything around it, and instead of healing others it chose to hurt others in the most painful ways possible. The psychopathic machine went on a rampage within the factory killing off many of the staff and even more of the security, and with each kill it gotten under it's belt it learnt how to inflict better amounts of pain. Before it could get free from the factory, it's sister counter parts tried to stop it the best they could but failed in the end, and the sadistic machine was unleashed upon the eastern side of Vale, when the C.E.O of the company heard of the massive loss, he himself made a sojourn to some of the eastern cities and Towns of Vale with his sister the Company's vice president. When they came across the murderous android, they first tried to capture it with an E.M.P gun that failed to work upon it, when the weapon didn't help, the two chose to destroy the android, but it was too agile for them to attack at the end of the fight, the C.E.O ended up losing part of his right arm to the robot and the vice president had her neck broken, luckily they did a considerable amount of damage to the droid, before it could take anymore damage, it turned tail and began to escape from the C.E.O, not wanting the machine to go on a rampage the C.E.O followed after the droid the best he could in his injured state. unfortunately for the C.E.O the Robot got away from him, it got onto a barge heading for Mistral and presumably killed all of the passengers on board the barge. The C.E.O decided to make his way to a hospital and when he felt well enough he made another journey, but it wasn't after the droid, it was to the factory where it escaped from. He started to investigate the scene and found something that seemed flummoxing to him, in the factory floor's office there was an oil trail that led to a drone that was in a near death, or offline state. Half it's body was destroyed from the waist down, it's left arm was ripped off, the other half of it's face that made it look human was missing giving it an evil robot look. The android was sitting in the factory boss's old swivel chair, a group of off colored wires connected to a computer on a desk next to the android were connected to the machine's lower body, when the C.E.O approached the almost dead looking machine the computer's screen snapped on with a message telling him to stop in all caps. He Did as the computer said and watched it's screen carefully while keeping the dead looking machine inside the corner of his eye, the computer began to explain what had happened and why the other droid had went on a rampage, the computer told the C.E.O that the rampaging droid had corrupted data in it's head along with a program that had a virus in it's system that set off the events in the factory. Then the computer started to say it's the android that was sitting in front of him, it plugged it's self into the factory's system to stay alive, using it's power to survive. Then it began to tell the C.E.O that it's been waiting for someone to come and repair it. The C.E.O admired the android's tenacity to survive against it's sister counterpart, he listened to it's request for repair and did as it asked from him, but he made adjustments to it, he made major changes to it's appearance, along with making it's body sturdier, and adding weapons to it's frame. When he rebuilt it's body the first thing he did was questioned having the older android be reconnected with it's body, over a dozen thoughts filled his head of what could happen if he reconnected the android to it's body, suddenly the computer began questioning the C.E.O on why he didn't reconnect to it's body. But then it knew why, it knew why he didn't want to reconnect the computer to a body, he felt intimidated of what the machine could do and would do, he felt it would kill him like the other did his sister, but knowing that he wouldn't be able to fight the rouge android, he made the old android promise to not kill innocent people without cause or hurt them. staggeringly enough the computer with the older android's mind on it agreed to the promise, and with the simple press of a couple different command keys, the android was given a new body and an agenda, find and scrap it's sister for what the droid has done. After a montage of training with it's new body, 1-V0-12-Y began it's hunt for it's sadistic sister, and luckily found her in a week's time when she was dropped off by plane in Mistral, 1-V0-12-Y fought against the rouge android with great proficiency, but unfortunately the rouge android escaped with 1-V0-12-Y right behind it, the chase went from Mistral back to Vale to Atlas and lastly to Vacuo. 1-V0-12-Y cornered it's sister at a desert power station, the two made a final confrontation with both of them smashing into a large generator and being electrocuted, the rouge android overloaded from the power output it gained while 1-V0-12-Y lost most it's memories and went into a sleep mode. When 1-V0-12-Y awoken she didn't know how long she was out cold or how she even got to the power station in the middle of the desert, at first she believed that she was a human being, and believed that she was alive, but her thoughts about being human and alive went out the window when she was found wondering in the desert and a man tried to stab her with a knife, the blade to the knife was pushed back into the handle and cut the man's fingers off, feeling sad for the man 1-V0-12-Y fixed his injury with some of the stuff he had. After having his hand patched up, the man apologized to her and asked for her name, 1-V0-12-Y couldn't think of a name for herself. The moment when the guy noticed the numbers and letters on the back of her neck he miss took them as her name, Ivory, when he figured out her name, he told her his. They both journeyed through the vast desert for days, and one night the man ran out of food for himself and grew too weak to make a fire for both of them, with some of the last of his strength he pleaded for Ivory to end him before he would freeze to death in the cold, and Ivory had to choose between letting him freeze to death or killing her first friend, when Ivory stood over the man she was about to do as he asked but something stopped her, she felt as if she knew she couldn't kill him. Ivory just sat in the sand in front of the man and could only watch as he froze in front of her, when the sun rose on the next morning Ivory felt a deep sense of sorrow for the man, she buried him in the sand, and managed to make a cross to mark where his body was. After hours of walking through the desert Ivory made it to the grounds of Valiant Academy, many thought of her to be strange looking and odd at first but when she accidentally activated one of her integrated weapons in her arms, the senior Hunters seized her on site to stop her from hurting anybody. After figuring out what Ivory actually was they asked her a plethora of questions she didn't have the answer to, she told them her name, where she came from in the desert, and what she was, they did believed that she came from the desert with all the sand that her on her when she arrived on the school's grounds. At first the Hunters wondered what to do with Ivory and considered turning her away since she was an android, but since she didn't know anything besides where she had come from in the desert, she was allowed to stay posing as a student till she recovers her memories or reboots her memories. Personality: When Ivory was 1-V0-12-Y, she was completely emotionless and had a strong sense of duty and helping others that were injured or hurt, but that was in her programming, past her programming she felt a powerful want to destroy the rouge android that destroyed all of the other androids, she wanted revenge for their destruction, to get justice for their sacrifice in trying to stop one of their own from hurting others. It was this side of her that didn't care too much about others that weren't hurt or a major priority to her mission to find the rouge android, she was sort of a busy body always getting the job she was tasked done. When Ivory lost her memories, she first thought the first robotic cliche thought, that she was human, and even stood by it till someone tried to stab her, after that, she knew that she had to be a robot. Ivory was saddened by the fact that she wasn't human, and she was even more saddened having to watch someone die instead of helping them be put out of their misery. Ivory has a love of human life, and thinks of people dying as a waste of human life, when she lost her memories she became more open to the world around her like a real person instead of seeing everything like a machine. Ivory even after she lost her memories, is still very proficient in fighting with her integrated weapons and using her light body frame to fight enemies and dodge attacks, with her machine brain she is a very skilled marksmen. Besides using her weapons, Ivory would use her hands and feet in a fight, along with weapons she finds so she won't have to reveal hers. Weapons: -Gungnir speargun: In both of Ivory's wrist she has a set of dual barrels that fire thinner and smaller versions of the Gungnir spears -Nonlethal explosives: Inside of Ivory's forearms, she has a small set of bombs that uses kinetic energy Aura Color: Unknown Semblance: None Draw back: Her body isn't indstructable and can still sustain damage when hit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Eiko Kurosawa Hunter Jr.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Revenant
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100 lbs
Blood Type: O-
Aliases/Titles: Zombie girl, Brain eater,

Appearance: Eiko stands at the height of 5'2 and weighs around 100 lbs, she has almost abnormally pale white, with bright sapphire colored irises, on her head she has almost shoulder length raven colored hair done up in a bob hairstyle, she has a small pointy nose with even paler freckles on nose and cheeks. Eiko is very petite and sports an thin build build with a small bosom, on her upper arms, thighs, and on her neck she has highly visible stitch scars.

Eiko wears a number of different types of clothing and outfits that suit her fancy, she somewhat emulates her grandpa's outfit, wearing an olive bomber jacket but with an ammo vest on the inner lining to hold extra ammo, Eiko Jr wears her old school uniform, a black sailor Fuku with an olive green kerchief instead of usual colored one, under her skirt she wears a pair of black shorts that stop above her knees and covers her thighs, on her feet she wears a pair of brown calf boots.

Personality: Like her mother Eiko Jr can be very blunt never holding back on her opinions or ideas when asked, but unlike her mother she isn't very stoic, she can be very open minded and sometimes give too much information about herself, she tends to stay neutral and tries not to get involved in things that are dangerous unless she get paid for it or drags her into it.

Background: To put it shortly Eiko Jr's mother had her but when she was young she was left with her grandfather in China and while she stayed with him she figured out that he was mercanary who fought in dozen of battles, when he taught her how to defend herself he went a bit over board and taught her how to use firearms and explosives without thinking about it, her grandpa lived near a set of slums that had several criminals.

After learning her grandpa's skills and how to fight Eiko Jr began to spread vigilante justice by killing criminals like she was a dark hero, but after a couple days after her slaughter she continued doing it on an almost on a schedule during her week and acted like nothing was going on in her life, then the unthinkable happened, they found where Eiko Jr lived and while her grandpa was out they blew up the house and killed her.

When her Grandpa came back Eiko Jr back from the dead, and after figuring out she was killed and died, then realizing what she was and figuring out what they could do for her to get peace, she and her grandfather teamed up and hunted down the guys that killed her and after bringing down 3 apartment complexes and lighting a 4th on fire killing all of their inhabitants and some vagrants, Eiko Jr didn't die again, she lived after getting her revenge.

After the mass chaos that happened in China, Eiko and her grandfather both went their separate ways with her going to Japan and him going to America, while Eiko Jr was on her own and she began to notice her powers as of being a Revenant and used her new form in fights. While On her own she began to do wet work locally without making herself high profile, when the crimson sky appeared Eiko didn't know what to make of it besides it was weird, and when the sky turned normal again Eiko didn't know what to make of it.


-Enhanced bite: After she turned into a Revenant Eiko's bite became stronger and able to bones.

-Disease generation: Inside of Eiko's body she the zombie virus, and if she bites others she can spread it to other human beings.

-Consumption healing: It will sound cliche but when Eiko eats the brains of human being or Yokai she heals her injuries.

-Pain suppression: Since Eiko's body is undead, she doesn't get hurt by many things that would hurt and or kill humans.

-Super strength

-Enhanced senses

-Enhanced durability

-Near superhuman speed and agility


-Various firearms training

-Proficient in axe combat

-Horribly deadly cooking

-Proficient in hand to hand combat


-Several knives


-Throwing knife pouch on her forearm under her jacket's left sleeve

Other: "Anything not covered by the above."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Normandy

Nickname: None

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown

Nationality: Unknown

Blood type: Unknown

Birth day: Unknown

Personality: Quiet, stoic, mysterious

History: Unknown

Weapons: None


Fighting style: Brawler, fist and feet,

Appearance: Normandy wears a large black cloak that covers their entire body, with a black hood that covers their head, obscuring their face is a white mask with the look of stitches over the mask and over the left eye, under the cloak the person wears a black sleek black jump suit with white bandages over their feet and hands.

(Optional) Powers: Superhuman strength, speed and agility.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Name: Izumi Kaede

Age: 15 but looks nine


Wish: I wish to grow

Soul Gem Color: Royal purple

Powers: Electrokinesis, she only knows it to the point of firing purple electric blast at people and absorbing energy from electrical items, while also charging certain things with her electricity.

Weapon: Shortened Halberd

Personality: Despite looking like a nine year old, Izumi doesn't have a mindset like one, she is a genius and has the tendency to use higher vocabulary in certain situations when she likes to show off her intelligence, Izumi has moments when she talks down to others about due to their intelligence not being up to par with hers, she can be very observant noticing the smaller things among the larger things.

Izumi due to her short stature, Izumi loses her cool when other people mock her height or calls her a stupid kid and doesn't listen to her, she can get violent to the point where she will fight the individual who called her short or stupid. But Izumi won't hesitate to use her height and youth to get her way among certain people. When she transforms she gains the height that she would normally be at her age.

Bio: Izumi was the first child in a royal family, she had an easy life, most of her problems she had could be either handled with either her parents money, or her genius. But then there was a problem something neither could fix for her, it was her body, as her siblings started to get older and grow, her body stayed young as she was nine. This was a problem her parents nor smarts could fix, after dozens of visits to hospitals, and hearing the same thing almost dozens of times Izumi began losing hope that she would be able to grow into an adult.

Then the time came where she was offered to be a magical girl, knowing what she really wanted, she choose take the contract without thinking twice about it.


Other: -Izumi's body suffers from Highlander syndrome, a disease that stops her body from aging after a certain point.

-She only grows in her transformed state, being average height for someone her age.

- Izumi doesn't like sweets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Eiko Kurosawa Hunter

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Nationality: American/Japanese/Chinese

Race: Human

Height: 5'3

Weight: 100lbs

Appearance: Eiko stands at the height of 5'3 and weighs around 100lbs, she has almost abnormally pale white skin with a stitch scar going over her right eye, with bright sapphire colored irises, on her head she has almost shoulder length raven colored hair. Eiko is very petite and sports an ectomorph build with a small bosom, along her body she has dozens of scars from her mother and other enemies that she encountered, on her right shoulder she has a robotic arm grafted onto her body.

Eiko normally wears what ever can fit her petite build, but she normally wears an all black armored body suit specially made for her build, but she wears it under an over sized navy blue duffle coat, the duffle coat has several stitches in the arms chest and back and has a hood attached to it for rainy days, on her feet are small black boots with a matching colored glove on her left hand.


Personality: No matter the situation she is in, Eiko always seems to maintain a tired stoic emotionless expression on her face besides an occasional glare at someone when they annoy her. Eiko even speaks in an emotionless tone to add to her emotionless like persona, Eiko can be very blunt never holding back on her opinions or ideas when asked. The stoic girl has a tendency to make what she does sound a little poetic in a way and reminisce about her upbringing, unlike most others she doesn't have a fear of dying in anyway knowing that shes bound to one day.

Eiko can be a very serious person not liking people who beat around the bush too much, her emotionless attitude and and lack of fear of death make people believe that she is either a revenant, or has Cotard's syndrome. In moments of intense stress or panic, Eiko manages to stay calm and level headed while others may be prone to lose their mind in the moment of crazyness. Unlike others Eiko handles most of her problems with deadly proficiency and professionalism, she doesn't care about ending a problem with or without violence.


Skills and Powers:

-Near superhuman speed and agility

-Various firearms training

-Proficient in knife combat

-Enhanced durability

-Horribly deadly cooking

-Enhanced Senses


Bio: " At first I cried for my mother to tend my scraped knees, and she wasn't there. the second time I cried, it was for her to at least care and she didn't, then that's when I learned to stop crying and clean my own wounds."

To put in short, When Eiko was young she was constantly abused by her mother at home and learned over time to bury her emotions, her mother was a former army vet trying to force her daughter to become a good soldier, her father was hardly around when she was growing up. when she was fifteen she ran away from home after finding out her mother killed her high school friends, during her runaway travels she strangely found her father working as a mercenary and joined him in his travels.

But in a years time, her father was killed in combat and she was put into a three year coma with a missing arm, when she awoken she went on a revenge spree killing everyone involved with his death, when she got to the last person involved a pale blooded moon filled the sky and she was taken from her world by a large creature. When Eiko filled the creature with enough bullets to put down an army of elephants, the blood red sky and pale blooded moon disappeared and she was back in Japan, but she wasn't in the Japan she knew everything was out of place and nothing was as she remembered it.



Robotic right arm: Her right arm holds a small flamethrower, and it's palm can discharge enough electricity to rival a small stun gun

P90 smg



-She has a love of bacon

-shes the only person that can eat her own cooking without suffering a stomach ache or passing out

Theme- Wonderful world
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Team Name: Survivors

Name: Star

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Nationality: Unknown

Blood type: Ab

Birth day: June 27th

Personality: Like her Illness, Star has high moments of happiness, and moments of hard depression, along with her illness she can be very forgetful of small things, but remember the people around her and names of the people. Star can be childishly irresponsible and not care about how her own actions can effect others, but this recklessness makes her a maverick among the survivor's pack since because shes willing to take risk unlike many others on her team of crazies.

Star can be a fearless individual due to her risk taking, like said above she can be a maverick on the team, but on another level of stupid from the others. Unlike most of the others on the team Star is the more unintelligent member and goes on her gut and instincts than on her brains. Star is the team's blunt weapons expert, and shotgun expert using an old school lever action shotgun as her main weapon, with the back end of the gun as her secondary weapon.

Illness: Manic depression, and possibly ADHD

History: Unknown

Weapons: Lever action shotgun

Fighting style: Shotgunner, Close range blunt butt stock attack.

Appearance: Work in progress


Name: Carver

Nickname: Edge

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Nationality: Unknown, possibly African or African American

Blood type: O-

Birth day: June 1st

Personality: Carver can be a quiet guy who only speaks when he feels obligated to, he's the type of person to call another out on their faults and admit to his own without being a hypocrite, unlike most of the others he only uses knives in combat, both throwing and close quarters knives, he uses only knives in memory of his late father who fought with a similar style like him. Carver can seem very wise at certain times going off of what's going on, and he can be very intuitive at times following only his instincts or first thought, but he doesn't usually go on his gut feelings and chooses to go with what seems wise before his instincts.

History: Unknown

Weapons: Several throwing knives, and two combat knives.

Equipment: Coat, gloves, knives, scarf

Fighting style: Hand to hand, Knife nut

Appearance: To be written.


Name: Emma

Nickname: Emmy

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Nationality: American

Illness: Post tramatic Stress ( PTSD ) and possible Mid life crisis

Blood type: AB

Birth day: September 4th

Personality: Emma is very serious and doesn't really joke around like Star when shes manic, she hates to be constantly annoyed by people, mostly Star, and when she gets angry she yells constantly. Almost all the time when shes awake she feels old and beat up on the inside because of an old fight she lost to a younger mercenary, the fight haunts her so much that an old joke from anyone makes her want to prove that shes not useless and age doesn't mean she doesn't has her old skills.

Emma also suffers from phantom limb syndrome after losing both her legs to a shotgun, after getting some replacements she doesn't try to remember the moment and tried to put it out of her mind, she constantly tries to lead the others but fails at doing it due to the others not listing to her or stops mid sentence remembering her old team dying under her orders.

History: Unknown

Weapons: Automatic pistol, various other weapons she can get her hands on

Equipment: Robotic legs, headset

Fighting style: Various

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Eiko Kurosawa Hunter

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Nationality: American/Japanese/Chinese

Race: Human

Height: 5'3

Weight: 100lbs

Appearance: Eiko stands at the height of 5'3 and weighs around 100lbs, she has almost abnormally pale white skin with a stitch scar going over her right eye, with bright sapphire colored irises, on her head she has almost shoulder length raven colored hair, she has a small ponty nose and small thin lips. Eiko is very petite and sports an ectomorph build with a small bosom, along her body she has dozens of scars from her mother and other enemies that she encountered, on her right shoulder she has a robotic arm grafted onto her body.

Eiko normally wears what ever can fit her petite build, but she normally wears an all black armored body suit specially made for her build, but she wears it under an over sized navy blue duffle coat, the duffle coat has several stitches in the arms chest and back and has a hood attached to it for rainy days, on her feet are small black boots with a matching colored glove on her left hand.


Personality: No matter the situation she is in, Eiko always seems to maintain a tired stoic emotionless expression on her face besides an occasional glare at someone when they annoy her. Eiko even speaks in an emotionless tone to add to her emotionless like persona, Eiko can be very blunt never holding back on her opinions or ideas when asked. The stoic girl has a tendency to make what she does sound a little poetic in a way and reminisce about her upbringing, unlike most others she doesn't have a fear of dying in anyway knowing that shes bound to one day.

Eiko can be a very serious person not liking people who beat around the bush too much, her emotionless attitude and and lack of fear of death make people believe that she is either a revenant, or has Cotard's syndrome. In moments of intense stress or panic, Eiko manages to stay calm and level headed while others may be prone to lose their mind in the moment of crazyness. Unlike others Eiko handles most of her problems with deadly proficiency and professionalism, she doesn't care about ending a problem with or without violence.

Even though Eiko doesn't mind getting her hands dirty (Or Bloody), and speaks without emotion, she has very good manners towards people she doesn't know, and even though shes the kind of person to kill a father in front of his family, she wouldn't let a house burn down with a family inside of it without taking action to try and prevent their deaths.


Skills and Powers:

-Near superhuman speed and agility

-Various firearms training

-Proficient in knife combat

-Enhanced durability

-Horribly deadly cooking

-Enhanced Senses

-Proficient in hand to hand combat


Bio: " At first I cried for my mother to tend my scraped knees, and she wasn't there. the second time I cried, it was for her to at least care and she didn't, then that's when I learned to stop crying and clean my own wounds."

Eiko was born to an Army vet mother and a father who wasn't around, while she was a child her mother constantly tried to train Eiko to learn how to use guns instead of buying her barbie dolls like other girls, her mother would always push her to her limit and kick her while she was down. Even though it was hurtful abuse, Eiko soon over time began to pick herself back up and dust her self off instead of having someone else for help her up whenever someone else kicked her down into the dirt.

When Eiko turned ten her mother took her on vacation doing something called "War Tourism" in a country during a heavy war, during one of the skirmishes Eiko and her mother were split up, one of the combating sides found her and inducted her into their faction as a child soldier. While fighting for the soldiers she really discovered how war can really be on a person, every second she went into combat she felt like breaking down and just running away from the fight, but something inside of her encouraged her to fight, even when the odds were stacked against her and other children started to die or run she stayed and fought on her own, feeling of war made Eiko change, she began to slowly discard her emotions one by one till she was just a robot to most.

In a years time she returned home to her mother who almost didn't even recognize that she was gone in the slightest, but her return home wasn't long, her mother soon sent Eiko to her aunt in Hong Kong. Unlike her mother her aunt wasn't as cruel as her mother and actually treated Eiko as a girl and cared about her deeply, Eiko's Aunt soon sent her to an all girl's academy where Eiko actually made some friends and started to slowly enjoy the small things in life. But like all good things, it quickly came to an end, when her mother returned for Eiko she berated the aunt saying she was making Eiko soft, her mother then killed Eiko's aunt and Eiko's group of friends one by one.

When Eiko figured everything out she gutted her mother with a kitchen knife and ran away from home, in a month's time the girl left Hong Kong and went to Thai land, while she stayed their she soon met her long lost father who was working as a Mercenary. Instantly recognizing her, her father took Eiko under his wing and taught her while also taking her along on missions so she can get first hand experience in the field, the two went to countries around the world and to places with both ridiculous and skin crawling names that would make most feel creeped out about the area.

On Eiko's 15th birthday, she and her father joined a large personal defense company that began creating a super weapon that she she didn't get a chance to learn too much about, but after working with the company for 2 months she figured out more about the secrete weapon, it was a person that could use their own blood as a weapon along with the blood of others. After learning about the secrete weapon the person went on a rampage and started killing people left and right, and the powers that the person had were indescribable, they turned their blood into fire, and could snap freeze it into ice, then use the energy from their blood to make electricity.

Like everyone else, Eiko and her father were called in to help stop it, sadly for her father he was burned alive by the super weapon and killed, Eiko on the other hand only lost her arm and and suffered a head injury putting her into a coma. The moment Eiko awoken it was three years later and the first thing she did was go after the monster that killed her father, she didn't want the man to get away with what he's done to her father.

Eiko went on a rampage killing people at the company she worked for trying to get answers of where the monster went. But after leaving a path of blood in her wake she kept being slowed down by enemies that wanted to stop
her from what she was doing, but like most others they fell before her. When the trail of bodies Eiko left behind started to collect up into a large pile she found the beast that killed her father, the moment she was landing the finishing blow a pale blood moon with a crimson sky filled the night sky and the beast was gone.

But an even bigger one appeared, it ate Eiko, but luckily for Eiko she was able to use her robotic arm to rip her way out of it's stomach, then fill it with enough lead to kill 12 elephants and a badger, when the monster was killed the crimson sky turned back to the black night sky. But something was wrong, Eiko wasn't where she belonged, she figured this out from looking at local landmarks that would have been destroyed and rebuilt, and noticed that it was even a different year a couple years in the past actually But everything was different for her.


Robotic right arm: Her right arm holds a small flamethrower, and it's palm can discharge enough electricity to rival a small stun gun


-She has a love of bacon

-shes the only person that can eat her own cooking without suffering a stomach ache or passing out

Theme- Wonderful world
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Nickname(s): N/a

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Nationality: ???

Blood type: ???

Birth day: ???





Fighting style:



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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Alice Murray

Age: 17

Grade: 12


Bio: Alice like another student, isn't native to Japan, she's from another country and was brought over by her foster parents, before she was adopted she lived in a poor favela orphanage, during her time at the orphanage she stole from tourist and even other children she was generally a criminal in nature. As Alice grew older her crimes ranged from petty theft to full on assault and battery along with robbery and mugging, she grew to not care about the feeling of others. How she came to being adopted and taken to Japan is a full mystery, maybe it was luck or fate or destiny, but she was somewhere else in the world where things were different.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Sinthe

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Appearance: Sinthe stands at the height of six feet and weighs around 200 pounds, he has long snow white hair on his head and eyebrows that stops just past his shoulders, Sinthe has two bright green eyes that sometimes glow, he has light brown skin, he has a small nose on his face and no facial hair on his chin or jawline. Sinthe has a mesomorph build looking like he's at his physical peak with his muscles and strength.

Sinthe wears what he considers to be simple clothing, he wears a black sleeveless martial arts gi uniform with bright white bandages wrapped around his forearms, knuckles and fingers, on his feet he wears simple boots to protect his feet from debris that could be sticking out of the ground.

Magic: Fire

Weapon: I don't need them.

Personality: Sinthe can be a quiet guy who only speaks when he feels obligated to, he's the type of person to call another out on their faults and admit to his own without being a hypocrite, unlike many others he feels weapons are useless and his hands and feet are the most suitable weapons he should use in a fight, but along with his melee only fighting style he uses his magic of fire to add more pain to his punches.

Sinthe isn't the type of person to talk about himself and if asked about where he comes from or where he got the gi from he will instantly say " Don't get too curious about it." Showing that he's very secretive of his past and isn't willing to speak of it in any form no matter how much someone tries to get him to talk about it. But besides the seriousness Sinthe can be friendly towards others he feels aren't harmful towards him and is willing to help people who can't help themselves if they can convince him to help.

Bio:" My past is my own don't worry about it. Unless you wish to be put in a hospital"

Other: The bandages wrapped around his arms are coated in pitch allowing them burn quickly when ignited
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Nakkashiro Seika

Age: 16

Year: 2nd year

Nationality: Japanese


Personality: Seika when described by her family members, they call her a prodigy being able to learn subjects faster than most children and students in her grade and call her a little silly as well. When people that just know her try to describe her they call her one of those eccentric rich kids that has people do everything for her and gets lucky whenever she gets a right answer on a test or asked by the teachers. In general Seika's both, shes very smart being on another level than most of the students in her class and probably in the school, but she is also extremely eccentric like people say she is.

Seika is very friendly towards people and outgoing, she can sometimes be known as the person who helps too much or wants to help when you want her to go away, she can sometimes have energy like a small child and the attention span of one, unlike her younger sister who's more cold on the exterior and doesn't show much emotion. Even though their family treats her younger sister as a red headed step child, Seika always tries her best to be warm and motherly towards her younger sister, hoping that Toukka will change and become more warmer towards her, and the rest of the family will treat her differently.

Bio: Being born as one of the heirs to her father's fortune had Seika be placed in some big shoes to fill when and if something happened to her father, when she was only a child she didn't seem quite as she is right now, she seemed like a normal child who was average and almost horrible at school work, but when she was dropped head first onto the ground by her mother, that's when her change began.

The smack to her head changed her almost completely, in a way it unlocked her true potential, she began zipping around the house and zipping through school subjects and complex subjects as if they were piece of cake, but at the cost of her new found genius she seemed like a hyperactive child with A.D.H.D at moments and had bad focusing when it came to doing certain things.

Instead of getting blacklisted like her younger sister, her father looked over the extra energy she had from her bump on the head and childish like antics saying that she was a child at heart and just eccentric, he didn't focus on the bad and looked only at the good the past injury caused her. When her father saw how well his daughter did in school and how easily she could make friends he had her set up as the academy's student body president and had a number of servants aid her.


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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Alice Murray

Age: 17

Year: 2nd

Nationality: Brazilian


Personality: Alice is easy to say hot headed and prone to using violence to get her own way, it's not uncommon to know that shes not too smart when it comes down to school work or a number of academics, her weakest subject being math and science. Alice has a penchant for kleptomania, she takes things that doesn't belong to her when she sees value in said object, or feels as if she needs said object for her own needs, she can be very irresponsible with another person's items either breaking it and trying to give it back or forgetting the object somewhere and not caring what happens to it.

Alice is a strong person physically engaging in most sports to show off her muscles and skills in said sport, then gloat about winning if she wins said event, but besides Alice's physical skills, Alice is more of a person that's willing to do things she wants to do and sets her mind to without backing out of said thing that she is doing.

Bio: Alice like other students, isn't native to Japan, she's from another country and was brought over by her foster parents, before she was adopted she lived in a poor favela orphanage, during her time at the orphanage she stole from tourist and even other children she was generally a criminal in nature. As Alice grew older her crimes ranged from petty theft to full on assault and battery along with robbery and mugging, she grew to not care about the feeling of others. How she came to being adopted and taken to Japan is a full mystery, maybe it was luck or fate or destiny, but she was somewhere else in the world where things were different.

Other: Hide your valuables.
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Jun Miyuki

Age: Unknown

Race: Oni

Gender: Female

Height: 5'11

Weight: 1XX

Appearance: Jun stands at the height of 5'11 and weighs an unknown amount of weight, she has bright purple irises, fair skin, on her head she has long straight raven colored hair with her bangs covering her eyebrows, she has bright thin lips covered in purple lipstick, she has a small button sized nose on her face. Jun has a slender but curvaceous build, she has small hands, and long legs.

Jun wears a black bomber jacket that shows off her midriff and short sleeves with purple symbols on the shoulders, under it she wears a matching colored shirt with long sleeves and a single vertical stripe on each sleeve, On her legs Jun wears a pair of flexible black pants with a brown belt that has two holsters for her samaurai swords, on her feet she wears a pair of black high heeled boots.

Personality: Jun is a fast thinker and great tactician she shares these skills in business allowing her to make successful choices, both quickly and with diligence, she learned this over time from watching others make choices in times of great stress or major trouble.

As she grew she trained herself and along side many by the sword, she traveled around the world to get the best experience with sword fighting, getting the basic fundamentals along with the complex ones down pact and knowing them like breathing and walking, but sadly she has little to no experience with firearms making her a horrible shot by gun standards, but not by knife standards.

Shes a serious person when it comes to business practices, but to most other things she can be pretty laid back and friendly towards the others.

-Master swordswoman
-Expert Business Strategist and CEO
-proficient in knife throwing
-Expert in hand to hand fighting

-Business intuition
-Enhanced swordsmenship
-supernatural agility
-Dark magic
-Fire manipulation

Bio: Jun has a history that many can not really pinpoint or get straight from her or others, making her past almost unknown to everyone. She does some time alludes to her past at times, but she doesn't go too into detail too much. Around the time Harker left the chasers, he searched for Jun to get his Yellow Jacket army or gang in order with her business management skills, but the moment she saw fit to leave his side and go on her own Harker had her imprisoned with holy symbols and items.


-fenikkusu: Jun's katana made from the ashes of a phoenix and the soul of another yokai, it's able to super heat it's self and become powerful in Jun's hands in another's it's as blunt as a baseball bat, on it's sheathe it has several knife holsters for small throwing knives or kunai.

-Yeti: Jun's second katana, it was made from the blood of the last yeti, like it's co-worker, Yeti has mystical abilities, when wielded by it's owner the sword freezes when it's steel touches the air and leaves a cold wound on enemies, if held by another it's just an ordinary blade used for cutting.

Other: She is being held by Harker like E-0s
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Sayaka Himura

Nickname: Crispin, Crispy, Napalm

Age: 16

School Year: First

Gender: Female

Appearance: Sayaka stands at the height of 5'5 and weighs a light 100 pounds, almost ever inch of her body is covered in bright white clean bandages, her facial features are all completely covered by her bandages with an opening for her eyes so she can see, Sayaka has two bright blue eyes that look like she stole them from an innocent young girl, she oddly has messy long pale red hair outside of her bandages that stop at the middle of her back. Sayaka has a small build and thin body as well.

Over top of her bandages, Sayaka wears various amounts of baggy clothing so her movement isn't limited and stiff, Sayaka wears a large hunter green coat without a shirt showing her bare bandaged chest, she wears a baggy pair of jeans with a brown belt, she doesn't usually wear shoes but when she does it's when she goes somewhere off of the island or when she randomly goes outside, on her left wrist she wears a big digital watch that seems to always tell the wrong time.

Nationality: Japanese/French

Personality: Sayaka is a perverted girl who likes both sexes and she seems to have a one track mind to most who know her personally, shes a pyromanic that also has a fetish of burning others with her flames, mentioning that it makes her hot. Sayaka is very bashful towards people and awkward during conversations, either yelling when she speaks or speaking too low, when shes around people she doesn't know she tends to distant herself from others.

Sayaka is very sensitive about her appearance and instantly gets sadden or angry when people make fun of her, She likes to frequently play with a lighter or her lighter when she is nervous or scared. When shes in the act of burning things or people she loses her self in euphoria and can forget what shes burning whether it's a friend or an enemy, she just forget and enjoys the moment of burning everything in her area.

Bio: How Sayaka has joined the assassin academy is unknown, even to this very day the director even wonders how she became one of the students of the academy. Now for the elephant in the room, the way how Sayaka earned her bandages was from a kidnapping, when she was only ten years old, a man pretending to be a police officer took from her neighborhood in front of her friends, when her parents couldn't pay for her ransom they tried to kill Sayaka by burning her alive in a steel box when the police arrived to try and save her they at first they thought she was dead but when she screamed to life they were startled and managed to save her.

After surviving her attempt of murder Sayaka was given bandages to cover her burned flesh, when she was allowed to go home she never came out of the house to play with her friends and hardly left her room, going to school was hard for Sayaka, the other kids called her a mummy and made fun of her bandages, while a large majority of the kids just tried to avoid her, all of them ostracized her from their recess activities. Then one recess Sayaka found a new friend that she knew wouldn't judge her, in the recess yard she found a silver lighter, and when she sparked it she felt a warm feeling that felt friendly towards her.

Her knew new friend produced a bright blue flame, when recess was over she took her new friend with her inside and huddled in the corner with it, but that's when she made a mistake, she dropped her friend and fire began to spread around the class room and school, while all of the kids ran from the flames Sayaka didn't run from the fire, she stayed within it almost as if it didn't touch her and she discovered a new feeling she gotten from lighting fires. When Sayaka gotten older her skin never fully healed properly, but her hair started growing back, Sayaka became an arsonist that burned buildings with and without people in them, it began to happen so often that she actually killed targets for assassins and some assassins in her fires, but with her fires she soon was arrested and taken to jail for arson and murder, when she went to sleep in the cell she awoken on the school island.


-She has two home made wrist mounted flamethrowers that feed into a medium size box pouch filled with gasoline

- Combat knife


-Silver lighter: Filled with good old memories

-Wrist watch: Why does this thing never give the right time ?

-Lye in a bottle: It's labeled "Use only on eyes"

- Extra fuel pouch: You know for when things get too heated.


- Vast knowledge of flammable objects, chemicals, and liquids

- Adept in hand to hand combat and proficient in knife combat

- Vast knowledge of explosives

-Decent accuracy with firearms


-Fire immunity: Fire is a friend

Other: Nothing really besides friendship is burning
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Maya Briggs

Nickname: None yet

Age: 18

School year: 3rd

Gender: Female

Appearance: Maya stands at the height of 6'5 or 195.58 cm for other people in the world and weighs 220lbs, Maya has tanned skin and dark freckles along her nose and cheeks, on her head she has long light pale green hair pinned behind her head and matching colored eyebrows, she has dim grey irises hidden behind a pair of black framed eye glasses she barely takes off. Maya has a muscular body and large frame, she has hand over the average size of a normal girl her age.

Maya wears a set of black framed eyeglasses she uses for reading, she wears a durable black silk business suit that fits her perfectly with an off white button up shirt, around her neck she wears a blue neck tie tied in to a trinity knot, on her feet she wears a pair of dress boots that hug too her feet, on her hands she wear a pair of black leather gloves.

Nationality: None

Personality: Maya is a polite, quiet, kind, but also can be an easygoing person, at times and moments she can become a pessimist that worries about the outcomes of situations, Maya is a very trustworthy person that's good with keeping secrets from others. It goes without saying but Maya is strong, both physically and mentally strong, Maya knows how to use her size and muscles to intimidate others smaller than her or weaker than her without actually having to attack or harm them.

Maya is a formidable fighter with her hands and using her weight to lay into her punches, but she can also be fast along with strong even with her great size, despite what others may think Maya is also clever, she spends just as much time exercising as she does studying. Maya is an avid fan of Japanese animation and manga, shes such a fan that shes willing to waste a large amount of time on an animation than actually finish something she started.

History: Unlike her parents, Maya was born on a boat heading back to her parent's country, she was born in international waters and had no citizenship, when her parents started their lives over in Japan they decided against giving Maya Japanese citizenship, they chose to mold their child into an assassin but also balance her life out to be a normal kid, but in the end they ended up just training her to be an assassin with little education.

As Maya began to get older she grew bigger than most girls her age even towering over her mother and meeting her father's height, as her parents saw that she was getting old enough for highschool, they got the idea that Maya would be a danger to the other students if they made fun of her, and she could send other kids to the hospital with the moves she knew. See no other way, her parents called up some of their old contacts to ask if anyone knew of an underground school that would take her no questions asked.

All of their contacts gave them a million names of schools around the world that would take her in, but all of them all suggested one school that seemed the best choice, it was an island academy that trained assassins, they packed Maya's bags and sent her to the academy. That was three years ago and now Maya was starting her third year of the academy.


1 set of brass knuckles

A large caliber sniper rifle



- Adept in Hand to hand combat

- Proficient in sniping, counter sniping, and spotting

- Skilled interrogator

Abilities: Super strength

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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Jack Hunter

Age: 26

gender: Male

Appearance: Jack stands at the height of 6'1 and weighs 250 pounds, he has one eye with a dark green iris, over his right eye he has a black eye patch to cover his empty eye socket, right on his right eye he has a long vertical scar that stops at his cheek, Jack has raven colored short feathered hair with some of it being pinned down by his eye patch, around his jawline and on his upper lip he has stubble that tries to grow into a beard, Jack has a strong jaw squared chin. Jack has a lightly muscular build with a plethora of scars around his body from previous fights and battles with others, on his right arm he has a dragon tattoos sleeve that stops at his hands, he has a mixed skin tone that looks lightly bronzed.

Jack usually wears his olive green bomber jacket with next to everything, under his jacket he wears a black t-shirt or black short sleeve button up shirt, on his hands he wears black fingerless gloves, on his legs he wears a pair of regular jeans with a brown belt holding his pants up, on his feet he wears a pair of black old school pristine converse sneakers from the past.

Biography: Jack was born into a family of space pirates with a twin sister, his father was a dangerous pirate that killed many and took whatever he wanted, his father became so notorious around the Solar system that his father was hunted by many bounty hunters and even more by law enforcement officers, but in the end Jack's father was still a good dad and family man toward his family and would get what ever his family needed.

When Jack turned 18 he began to split away from his father, he felt that his father's occupation was horrible and felt that he needed to do right for all the wrong his father had done. But when he told others his name, mostly his last name, he was treated with instant disdain and hatred even when he tried to be nice towards others and show them respect.

The disrespect really hit Jack hard when he saved a woman and she tried to attack him as soon as he told his name to her, at that point Jack stopped caring about doing right because of his father, and started to do what he believes is right when he met [Insert Captain's name here] they showed him that people can be different and not everyone will hate his name and would show him disdain.



-black wood acoustic guitar, always kept on the ship

- 1 pack of E-cigs, with 20 electric cigarettes in the pack, always in his pockets and or in his jacket's pocket.


-Master marksmen

-Adept Knife and fist fighter

-Adept fighter pilot

Other: He won't tell how he lost his eye or joke about it.

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