Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

1. For the first 100 characters I posted one character a day. I am now doing additional waves of characters, each one having 100 characters, but am not forcing myself to do one a day at the moment. Maybe for wave 10 if I get there?
2. You can challenge any of my characters posted here to an arena battle via PM. If I have the time and am willing then let the battle commence!
3. I will rank all of my characters one of the following; S (my all time top 5 per the amount of waves there are), A (really liked), B (liked), C (okay), D (meh), or -S (what was I thinking?! The top 5 worst characters, period).
4. If you're planning on challenging one of my characters to battle then I'd prefer rank B or above unless you really like a rank C. I might also write (Most Wanted!) next to someone's name, and in that case I have a strong urge to battle with them specifically at the moment.
5. Later on I'll rank them by power level for easy reference if you wish to fight weaker or stronger characters. Take this ranking with a huge grain of salt until I have a lot of time and experience with them to better see where they fall. This ranking goes like this: Level 1 to 5 is unenhanced humans. Level 1 is worse then average, 2 is the average joe, 3 is a human who put some effort into training, 4 is the well trained human, and 5 is like the elite special ops with top modern technology. 6 to 9 is enhanced in some way through magic or futuristic technology, or simply physically better then humans, but can still be "reasonably" defeated by un-enhanced humans alone or in groups. 10 to 19 can beat hundreds of normal humans, 20 to 39 can beat thousands, 40 to 49 entire armies, 50 to 59 the entire world, 60 to 69 the galaxy, 70 to 89 the universe, 90 to 99 the multiverse. 100 is an all powerful being.
6. I will draw all of my characters...eventually. For the images I have drawn, the image will be labeled "My drawing" in the hider you click on to reveal the image.
7. I will organize all the characters under genres such as fantasy, sci-fi, and realistic.. The "In development" category found below all the other categories is where I'll put them if I still plan on doing some major work to the sheet. I will be doing some changes to any character as designed, but probably not as big of overhauls.
8. Here is the character sheet I will use for most of them:

Let the Character-A-Day challenge begin...now!!! Wave 2 can be found here.

Fantasy (Only medieval weaponry)
#2. Evvie (S)
#75. Valecia (S)
#97. Redden Mathews (S)
#29. Ryomi Fiett Leitania (S)
#80. Kallena (A)
#93. Altarra (A)
#45. Faritha (A)
#23. Kyuryuin Senren (A)
#1. Eldrein Alchiot (A)
#17. Citrune (A)
#3. Raln Freidrick (A)
#86. Lynks (A)
#69. Mywt (A)
#53. Cardinal Knitter (A)
#52. Cellinli Lienfeld (A)
#11. Xerra Urandee Ri'Hara (A)
#26. Mellow (A)
#12. Frederick Blaze (A)
#4. Elissa March (A)
#95. Layte Faurrows (B)
#18. Mrurhun (B)
#15. Takaki Isamu (B)
#64. Lord Chatterteeth (B)
#68. Zade (B)
#16. Kimberly (Kim) Evans (B)
#41. Alden (B)
#70. Surren'dal Wrehtc (B)
#99. Demetrius Vandivere (B)
#85. Cane (B)
#100. Trainer Seven (B)
#65. Sammy (B)
#61. Grunund (B)
#37. Alyssa Ralleail (B)
#31. Misami Kiyoko (B)
#74. Aim (B)
#89. Nobodyo (B)
#81. Saine (B)
#43. Virii (B)
#60.Remme (B)
#76. Sing (C)
#83. The Masked Boy (C)
#24. The One Eyed Observer (C)
#13. Rene Ohana (C)
#19. Gunhildyr (C)
#35. Emia Elbert (C)
#21. Reichann Alchiot (C)
#36. Silvia (C)
#7. Marxie Jay Langhert (C)
#63. Minnum (C)
#55. Reima Sam'el (C)
#9. Pallim Et'chi (C)
#57. Alxendrial (C)
#71. Excell (D)

Sci-fi/Modern Fantasy
#62. Melon (A)
#82. Karissa (A)
#72. Elaine Elendall (A)
#88. M'rayl Lithardeon (A)
#5. Rave Friendenburg (A)
#22. Mauk Tu (A)
#91. Elizabelle Alberns (A)
#47. Vordadak (Vord) Milsiem Ki'chin'tei (A)
#40. Resten Wiles (A)
#6. Allisan Aristel (B)
#32. Blank 1-C (B)
#25. EVVA (B)
#98. Krista Lanekaster (B)
#77. The Cubist (B)
#20. Cyvvie (B)
#56. Mr. Dustman (B)
#8. Neer (B)
#58. Randy Moreno (B)
#49. Gregory (Greg) Syman (C)
#51. Kendo Kenbashi (C)
#50. Rillia Lanford (C)
#84. Sir Loner (C)
#78. Camel (C)

Modern Realistic

#90. Vibrissa (A)
#10. Mimi Tail (A)
#33. Mad Panda (B)
#73. Glory the Samurai Alpaca (B)
#66. Majesty Sunstream (B)
#42. Maverick Zealotanger (C)
#67. Dixie (C)
#27. Mealstar (C)
#34. Max (the centraen) (C)
#28. Emperor Panguin Jr. (C)
#87. Octypiepie (C)
#59. Takkyu (C)
#44. Mikkuran (C)
#48. Generik McBadblade (C)
#54. 100 Man (D)


Roleplay Specific
#94. Hikaru Tsukuda (A)
#96. Rikka Hantrot (B)
#92. Audeleiss V. Syntenia (B)
#79. Re'Chrid Highwheat (B)
#14. Maxwell McBride (B)
#30. Tana Shae (C)
#38. Anita Myklebust (C)
#39. Sienna Avery (C)
#46. Houston Apricot (C)

In Development
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
Avatar of ImportantNobody


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Eldrein Alchiot
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: He has short, semi-spiky blonde hair, silver eyes, a well toned body with abs (slender rather then bulging), and a fair complexion. He's slightly above average in height.
Personality: He's heroic and brave, wanting to help others and will go at great lengths to do so. He can be too much of a goody goody at times, however, often taking on more burden then can be consider healthy and allowing others to take advantage of his kindness. He's very soft for puppy dog faces. He's often carefree and tries to avoid conflict whenever possible. In the event that things cannot be settled diplomatically or something serious happens then his whole demeanor will turn serious to match. He takes charge of the situation by acting calm, collected, and clear in his demands rather then being the one taking demands from others. He will be determined in doing what he feels is right so won't back down to peer pressure or run away just because he's afraid. Even in this mode he would still greatly prefer that nobody is injured, including enemies, but he will do what he has to in order to ensure that those he cares about and innocent people are kept safe from harm. It goes without saying that he dislikes crime, but under extreme circumstance he will do some criminal act such as stealing a potion to save someone's life, but he would almost certainly try to make amends afterwards with the person who he stole from and then turn himself in to the authorities, even if his crime was minor and he had a really good reason. He'd only worry about saving himself if he has to do so to help others.


Physical Enhancements- He can wrestle with bears and race horses if the need arouse, and he has extra endurance and durability to keep up with all of that extra strain placed on his body. He has no real advantage or disadvantage in any one area of physical athleticism, being an all around type of fighter. His sense of hearing and sight are not superhuman but have been trained to be near the peak of human ability.
Weapon Training- He's trained mostly with swords both single and double handed, being an expert at sword and shield combat for someone his age. He also has some decent experience with lances, bows, daggers, and hand to hand. He would at least know how to use most other types of weapons such as axes and hammers, but wouldn't be as good at them because he hasn't put as much training into them.
Strong Will- He's able to shrug off most fear and pain based attacks and keep fighting even when the odds seem against him and he's received a lot of damage that would incapacitate most normal humans. Sometimes people assume that he's dead but he's been known to struggle back onto his feet and keep on going as long as he's still alive.
Tactician- He's able to come up with good battle plans, even while under pressure, analyzing the best choice of action quickly. He has military training as a knight.
Observation- He's good at noticing things around him such as minor details and what could be considered important.


Most of his powers are either physical in nature or involve hard light, which is light energy infused with his magic to give it physical form

Roaring Blade- The muscles in his arms are temporarily enhanced. Upon letting out a shout (possibly the name of the attack or just a battle cry), he swings his blade and for that one swing all of the extra energy in his muscles are released, causing the swing to go super fast and powerful, easily able to cleave completely through iron as thick as his blade can reach. To build up the power in his arm muscles takes five seconds minimal for this weakest version, during which time you can see the muscles bulge slightly and unleash weak static electricity around it. If he takes 30 seconds to charge up it gets a massive upgrade and could be called an ultra roaring blade, but this is still the same technique, just strong enough to cut through almost anything. If he keeps it charged for over a minute then severe damage to his muscles can take place and he doesn't gain any extra power after the ultra roaring blade time limit of around 30 seconds. The roaring blade technique can be charged in one or both arms. The examples of power given is if he uses both arms. He can only use the ultra version once every 20 minutes or so without straining his muscles too badly. Used again within that time period and his arm might be disabled for a long time.
Flurry Blade- The same concept of roaring blade. However, there are some differences in how he applies the built up energy. The effects last longer then a single swing, instead lasting for about 1 swing per 1 second of charge time. Once the flurry blade is unleashed he can swing up to 5 swings a second for however many swings worth of energy he charged up. The strength remains the same as his normal swings. Ultra flurry blade would need 30 seconds to charge up, much like ultra roaring blade, and causes his swings to become three times as fast as his normal flurry blade speed, unleashing all 30 swings in 2 seconds with slightly enhanced power to boot, though not nearly as much as his roaring blade. He can only use the ultra version once every 20 minutes or so without straining his muscles too badly.
Ultimate Roaring Flurry Assault- This puts tremendous strain on his muscles, all but ensuring that he'll be so weak afterwards that he'll collapse and will take days to properly recover, reduced to a frail old woman in strength. The move also takes a full 60 seconds to charge, combing both his ultra roaring blade and ultra flurry blade into a single attack. He can make 30 swings in 2 seconds that are so powerful that each one alone is as powerful as his roaring blade This move seems like overkill, and with it's weakness of leaving him defenseless after using it he rarely does this.
Sweeping Rotation- After 5 seconds of charge time in a wound up like position (crouched down and a twisted body), he can spin around rapidly for one to three complete rotations with his sword extended horizontally with up to 20 degrees tilted up or down. His momentum during the spin is hard to stop so he can cut through multiple objects surrounding him as long as it's no tougher then iron. There's an accompanying wind that blows outward that's able to sweep up and knock light things around such as paper, dirt, or a woefully unbalanced opponent.
Downward Spiral- A downward air attack where he points his sword in front of him vertically and then he spins rapidly like a drill all the way down. This causes air to spin around him like sweeping rotation.
Shining Orb- His solid light energy shoots out in the form of a ball that he can control in mid-air by way of concentration, so if he's busy with something else then he'd have no way of controlling it, resulting in it just flying in a straight line until it hit something. It can travel anywhere between stationary to 40 miles per hour. The size of the ball and it's destructive power both rely on how much time and energy he's willing to put into it, and the more powerful it is the brighter it glows. Upon hitting a hard object the ball explodes into light with the force of a grenade. He can create multiple balls at once but has more trouble controlling them adequately. After 3 balls he'd almost be best not trying to control them at all. The most powerful shining orb that he can manage is powerful enough to destroy a castle wall but would require 50 seconds of charge time.
Shining Arrow- Light energy shaped like arrows, giving them more penetrating power but they can't explode or be controlled, and they travel at 180 miles per hour (not unusually fast or slow for a normal arrow). Due to not being able to be controlled anyways he usually fires off more arrows at once then he would orbs. He can form and fire them in mid-air as long as they're within around 20 feet of him. Like the shining orb he can increase the charge time to make them more powerful in their piercing ability, so the arrows glow brighter the better they are. At best he can make them pierce up to 1 foot of steel unless he uses his special move, Ultra Shining Arrow. This makes it the size of what would be fired from a ballista, a siege weapon that fires large arrows. The attack is 10 times as power as his previous arrows but takes 50 seconds to charge and can be interrupted if his concentration fails. It also uses a lot of his energy.
Shining Blade- His light energy forms in his hand to that of either a sword, the size of which can go from 1 to 10 feet long depending on how much energy he's placing into it, or a spear, which can go from 1 to 20 feet. It can block most attacks but uses up continual energy, and the maximum length of 10 feet for the sword or 20 for the spear would be very hard to maintain so would more then likely be used as a single attack lasting no longer then a second.
Shining Shield- His light energy forms in his hand to that of a shield, the size of which can go from 1 foot to 4 feet wide diameter depending on how much energy he's placing into it. The shape can be anything, but cannot have more surface area then a 4 foot wide diameter circle. Like the shining blade it can block most attacks but uses up continual energy.
Shining Shackles- Light sparkles around an object within 10 feet. The sparkles can be brushed away with normal human strength, but with great difficulty. After 10 seconds the sparkles solidify into shackles that are as strong as steel. They can be any size but requires additional energy.
Shining Light- He extends his hand and sparkles build up in his palm for 5 seconds before releasing in a blinding light that makes them see spots or possibly experience temporary blindness had they looked directly into the light.
Light Barrier- A magical defense is formed around his body in a thin layer. It's normally invisible, but if hit by and attack then the area flashes momentarily until the barrier goes back to full strength. Repeated attacks to the same area or powerful attacks can break through. He can't form this barrier on 100% of his body, so there's always at least a patch of skin two inches in diameter that isn't protected known unofficially as his Achilles Circle, and it's a glowing symbol which his light barrier is projected from. Attacking that spot with sufficient power will lead to his instant death even if it hits, say, his heel, but he can move the spot around to any location that he feels to be the safest at the time. However, moving it temporarily weakens any part of the barrier it passes through and the movement doesn't occur very quickly, traveling from his heel to the back of his knee in around 5 seconds if he concentrates and double that if he doesn't.


*Fighting against women can cause him to, subconsciously or otherwise, hold back and hesitate the entire time. For both men and women, any killing blow would also have the same effect.
*He might bite off more then he can chew to protect people.
*His Achilles Circle (as previously explained)
*Most of his attacks take both time and energy to become adequately powerful.


Head: He has a hood but doesn't use it much.
Body: This. No red crosses. The man's face looks nothing like Eldrein. His steel chainmail covers his torso, upper arms, and thighs.
Hands: Brown leather gloves plated with steel.
Feet: Brown leather boots plated with steel.
Weapons: He may come with different equipment depending on his mission, but always carries with him his sword.
Alindreach- A silver color handled, golden color bladed 5 foot sword (appears sort of like this but with the mentioned color scheme and more heroic looking rather then evil). It's magical in nature so doesn't dull or break. It's 4.5 feet in total length and weighs 6 pounds.
Steel Shield
Steel Dagger- 8 inches long.
Steel Lance- 12 feet long.
Bow and arrow- He uses a typical medieval bow from time to time with a quiver containing 24 arrows
Two Wholes Necklace- Worn on a silver chain around his neck. There's a pendant inside colored half red and half blue in a wavy pattern similar to a yin yang. Hot or cold based attacks that come within a 5 feet radius of this necklace begin to loose their hot or coldness, not stopping on it's own accord until the object goes to a safe temperature for his body. The pendant is tough as diamond, but even small cracks can do a lot of damage to this ability.
Health Potion- Three small red vials attached to his belt that can help rapidly stop bleeding and make him feel a tad bit healthier, but does little to repair anything but minor wounds. It would take drinking all three at once for a medium sized wound to be closed off. This potion tastes nasty.


He always dreamed of wanting to become a knight to protect people, and was finally able to do so at age 21. On his first mission he protected a fair maiden rather then rendezvous back with his forces as planned for a battle ahead. Protecting her was not part of their task, which Eldrein thought it should be and she would have died without his help. People thought he ran away from his duty and wanted him in prison, and he agreed that he should be arrested but was able to non-lethally stop and evade other knights while protecting the maiden because he wouldn't allow himself to go to prison until she was safe at her destination. This was his first and only mission while having his official title as a knight, which was stripped from him after he returned once the maiden was safe. He was thrown in prison, but was released once the maiden's father, who turned out to be an important diplomat, sent a letter to the warden. However, the knights were not pleased. They hated both Eldrein and the girl's father for going against their power and they wanted them dead. The knights arranged for an assassin to kill Eldrein just before they'd act like they were releasing him, but he managed to escape into an underground dungeon using his light energy to blow a hole into the ground, which he could have done the whole time but he wanted to carry out his sentence fairly. Of course that all went out the window with the appearance of the assassin. While he was sneaking around and got to the surface again he overheard the knights, in their fury, talking amongst themselves and saying that they at least hoped the old man would be killed (referring to the wealthy diplomat). Some bystanders were able to point Eldrein to his house just in time to foil the assassination attempt on the diplomat's life as well. Both assassins were arrested but the knights involvement was covered up. They wanted to kill him now more then ever for revenge and to cover up the situation, so Eldrien was forced on the run from the law while escorting the diplomat and his daughter to safety, fearing the worst if they stayed. He eventually found friends in a group of former knights who were as like minded as Eldrein was in wanting to help others and stop the corruption among the knights. They helped in a rebellion that took control of a northern city in the Empire, so he teamed up with them to live in the city, safe from the other knights until he could figure out what to make of the mess that he now found himself in. Meanwhile he'd go on missions with his newfound allies to protect the citizens. They took prisoners rather then killed their opponents, trying to get them to see the truth for themselves and join them in their cause.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
Avatar of ImportantNobody


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Evvie
Age: 16/18
Gender: Female
Race: Half Dragon/Half Human
Height: 5'0'' (Excluding horns) for teenage version
Weight: 121 pounds for teenage version

Outfit #1 was for her teenage years and what her written appearance is based off of. Her newer outfit is #2 and wore late teen to young adult. However, she can wear the two outfits interchangeably.

She has a short, sturdy looking body. She doesn't have too much fat due to her level of activity, most of it collecting on her thighs that make them a tad pudgy. You can see some muscle but it's not like a body builder look. Her Caucasian skin tone, due to it's ability to heal itself, has no scars or any other traces of damage such as sunburn, leaving her not as tan as someone who would spend so much time outside. Her chest size is almost as flat as a board. She has some dragon body-parts coming off of her body. First are her two inch long ivory colored horns, a little thicker then a thumb, sprouting from close to the top of her head but slightly foreword and pointed a few degrees off to the side. These are a portion of her skull. She has a two foot long tail extending from the bottom of her spine, starting at it's base as thick as two fists and slowly tapering into a tip. The dorsal portion (facing to the outside) is covered it very soft and small green scales. The ventral (inner-side tissue) is a light shade of green, feels kind of muscular like a snake and has small ridges. She has two wings sprouting from her upper back that are about the size of her torso when spread out, revealing tan, leathery feeling tissue that make up the portion of the wing that catches the air. The bone portions of the wing have the same green scales as her tail.

Her face is surprisingly soft and unassuming. However, her light purple eyes have slit pupils like a cat (although note quite as pronounced) and can look very fierce, but only on rare occasions. Her eyelids are a tad pointed. She has a button nose and narrow lips. Her two "canine teeth" are more pointed then in normal humans, but not enough to stick out of her mouth. Her hair, including her eyebrows, which has nothing out of the ordinary beside the color, is light purple. She very rarely fixes her hair, and given her active outdoor lifestyle makes it more often then not a complete mess. She does cut it on occasion when it's so long that it rubs against her wings, so the length could be anywhere between shoulder length to midway down her back. She often cuts it herself so it's rarely done properly. Like her hair, it's unexpected for her to have fixed up other areas of her body. She almost never wears makeup, nail polish, etc.

Personality: She's stubborn, overconfident, and almost never backs down from a fight. If something is boring to her then she rarely does it. That being said she can be incredibly lazy at times, putting off stuff she doesn't like to do until the last minute. She's prone to pouting and throwing temper tantrums when things don't go her way, and that being said she hates to lose, especially if someone does something that she considers to be cheating or they make a fool of her. She's okay with loosing if it's an epic battle that was fun and made her look cool despite the loss, such as if she was able to dropkick a God and lose, it would still be something to brag about. She's an attention hog, enjoying boasting about accomplishments and entertaining people with what she considers entertaining, such as her feats of strength. She's not a very good listener when it comes to other people, however. She has little patience, especially for long, boring tales.

Despite all of her flaws she tries to be a good person. She's not a bad girl, being more like a misbehaved one, especially when she doesn't understand all of the human rules such as personal property, which resulted in most of her more serious crimes at first such as unknowing theft and trespassing. The more time she spends with humans the more she's getting the hang of how to properly act, although she still has some issues on occasion and doesn't care much for formal etiquette even if she does understand it. Related to this fact is her lack of understanding of the purpose of clothing. She thinks it's mainly just for protection from the cold and has no concern or concept in the slightest for modesty. Her naivety in this matter, and in many others, know no bonds. She often has poor posture and behaves in ways a lot of people are too embarrassed or find socially unacceptable to do such as putting her feet on the table, picking her teeth, etc. Her behavior is often considered very tomboyish. Her grammar and pronunciation can be terrible and she's not completely fluent, but has been taught most words that commoners in a fantasy setting would often use. Just don't expect her to be quoting Shakespeare. She has no knowledge in writing. She's not very intelligent, although she has her clever moments from time to time. It's more accurate to say that she's uneducated rather then dumb, although she's still not the sharpest crayon in the box by any means.

During combat she has no problem killing monsters or other enemies, although is not completely unmerciful so won't strike down those who no longer pose a threat unless they're clearly going to die anyways and should be put out of their misery. Sometimes if she gets worked up her dragon instincts take over and she feels an almost sadistic urge for battle and enjoys wiping out the enemy, and in such a mood it's harder to stop herself from getting carried away. She may even start behaving animalistic like a predator stalking her prey. However, normal fighting won't trigger such a response. The enemy has to be particularly cruel.

For good qualities she never betrays anyone (well, in a serious way), is playful, stands by her word if she says she'll do something (but does tell lies on other occasions), protects those weaker then her, and lends a helping hand for a variety of tasks. She's not motivated by money, having few personal possessions. She's self sufficient, so doesn't have to rely on humans for her survival for most aspects of her life. However, when she does do things for humans she often gets compensation usually by way of food or a place to stay for the night. She doesn't mind sleeping outside and hunting for her own food, but also doesn't mind the human way of living from time to time. Her primary motivation for helping humans in the past was that she enjoyed the attention and praise that her heroic deeds brought to her. Another motivation was her enjoyment of combat. Fighting monsters that threatened the humans not only fulfilled her primary objective but it also gave her things to fight in the meantime. However, as she spent more time with humans then she began to actually feel some attachment and willingness to protect those she cares about.

For mannerisms, she growls and tucks her wings inward when angry, often accompanied by sharp flicks of her tail. Flicking of her tail doesn't always mean she's angry, however. If the tail is loosely flowing around from side to side with some playful flicks then she's clearly content. When she's very excited her wings can flap like crazy. It's obvious when she's worried by if her tail tenses up. She likes to let out "ferocious roars" during battle or at other times to psych herself out. If wanting to mock someone, she very commonly sticks out her tongue. She sometimes bites people when angry, but not always to cause serious harm, just to prove a point that she's angry with them.

Likes: Fighting (for fun, not necessarily serious conflict), winning, praise, attention, massages, eating meat, warmth
Dislikes: Loosing unfairly, being ignored, boring stuff, cold, eating vegetables


Miscellaneous- Ambidextrous. Tail trained for balance, whipping, and some grasping (poor at finer manipulation and can't get a good grip). Outdoor survival related stuff such as tracking, climbing, navigating by stars, and poisonous plants knowledge (even if she does mix them up sometimes). Surprisingly incredible at juggling and belly dancing.

Weapon Training- Some practice with the sword, mace, dagger, staff, and unarmed combat, but very limited official weapon training. This is mainly from personal experience so her style is very rough.

Heat resistance- 100% burn resistant and very high tolerance of anything heat based. She can still suffer from heat stroke from insanely high temperatures over long periods of time but this would have to be hotter then your average lava. A far more likely scenario is that she would inhale too much smoke and die that way.

Physical Upgrades- Her physical abilities given to her by being half dragon are her greatest asset, putting her on par with an actual dragon yet compacted into her tiny body. She can hit so hard it can deform or even punch entirely through steal depending on it's thickness. Running speeds can hit 60 miles an hour at the fastest without straining herself (outrunning a horse), her flying almost double that depending on wind or gravity. Her endurance is enhanced to keep on scale with her speed/strength. Her durability is able to take a beating from blunt force trauma by someone of equal strength for a couple of minutes but cutting attacks have a little more effect and magic especially. She can still be defeated through physical attacks, even from someone with normal strength, but it would just take way more effort. Her bones are specially tough.

She has very enhanced reaction times and enhanced sight, smell, hearing, and taste by around twice as much as a normal human. She can see in the dark better humans but not quite as much as cats.

Regeneration- She's able to completely re-grow her dragon body parts, about a week for her wings or a couple of days for her tail, although in either case it would still not be at full strength for at least double the amount given. Her wound healing for the rest of her body is also greatly enhanced, even things like nerves being able to heal, but she cannot re-grow lost body parts. She could heal all of the damage if you place the missing limb back into place for a while and make sure not to put any stress on it, but to get back to full strength using this method could take multiple weeks. Luckily for her none of her body parts rot, allowing her to find and reattach lost limbs easier. It goes without saying that her normal wound healing is also accelerated, but not so much that you'd see her wound close before your eyes unless it was really minor. Some wounds could be healed fast enough to save her life from otherwise certain death, but won't be so quick to heal in it's entirety. She also can't have accelerated healing forever. Take enough damage for too long and her healing factors will begin to falter to that of normal human levels until a day or two of rest. All in all, due to her regeneration and durability, it's hard to kill her without hitting vital organs, by far the recommended method being cutting off her head. She can still pass out from blood loss or otherwise be knocked out even with all this healing going on. Her brain is just as squishy as a normal human, after all. Under too much stress and her brain decides to focus only on healing and places her in a deep state of unconsciousness for days to weeks to months. She's not in any risk of dying from this so it's not as dangerous as a coma other then outside influences taking advantage of this state.

Tail Twitcher- Like a lizard, Evvie can pop off her tail if she gets caught by it and the tail can squirm around by itself for a while, her body having nerves that don't need brain activity to twitch. This response is mainly to confuse predators but most intelligent foes wouldn't find it too distracting.

Dragon Spirit- She's not easily frightened or intimidated even through magical means and can tolerate pain greater then most people. This could be a disadvantage if she underestimates or doesn't notice a wound.

Non-corruptible- Due to her dragon half, she cannot be turned into anything else such as a vampire or werewolf. One exception is that she can be turned into a zombie, as that is more simply making her undead rather then altering physiology, or whatever it is you'd like to call it.


Internal Flame- She has magical powers through use of her internal flame, a corporeal fire in the center of her body that can only be detected by those who can see it's magical or thermal energy. This flame gives off heat, making her average body temperature at around 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold temperatures weaken her internal flame, thus limiting her magical abilities, although the flame can help keep her warm until its simply becomes too weakened. In normal temperatures, as long as she's well nourished and in good spirits then there shouldn't be a problem with her internal flame weakening too much. Fits of intense rage or determination can enhance it briefly. The flame only goes out completely upon death...probably. The following powers need magic, and thus internal flame, to pull off.

Fire Breath- The flame can grow into a stream as twice as large and hot as a flamethrower at maximum output. She cannot breath in while doing this and gets short of breath faster the larger she makes the flame, so at maximum she'd have to stop to catch her breath after around 5 seconds. Because this fire breath is the basis of all her fire based moves, she can tend to run out of breath a lot if she relies too much on her fire attacks. Besides temporarily running out of breath she cannot run out of fire breath as long as her internal flame is still burning strong. If she sneezes she has trouble containing fire shooting from her nose.

Smoke Breath- Burning fire in her stomach, she can then open her mouth and breath out a bunch of smoke. This attack is effective because it's unlikely they'd know it's coming. She does need to burn fire for 4 seconds before the smoke can come out, though.

Fire Control- She's able to control her own fire. For example, she can breath it into her hand and then form it into a ball to toss it at her opponent. Once fire exits her general proximity then it begins to loose it's thermal energy as fire normally would. Therefore, she can keep a flame on her body active for long periods of time, but toss it out at an enemy and it will go away rather quickly. Fire control takes concentration, so even if she can keep fire going on her body for a long time, get distracted and it will go away.

Solid Flame- She can create flames that form a physical mass of fire capable of deflecting moderate attacks (from her power level) as long as she can keep the flame going, making it necessary to continually remain in contact with it and supply energy. To use this move she has to blow fire as normal and then mold it together with her hands or feet. The larger she makes it the more energy it takes, and creating more then around half of her own body size and this move starts to falter.

Body Heater- Evvie can heat up her body temperature even higher then it is normally at the expense of some constant energy use. Touching her can result in an burn within three seconds if using this ability to the maximum extent (which requires a ton of energy so limits all other fire based attacks during this time), but otherwise it would just be uncomfortably hot and take much longer to burn. This increased body heat can also kill off some bacteria, viruses, etc. in her body that are sensitive to temperature. She can make this technique heat herself up less, sometimes just to warm herself up in cold temperatures.

Scale Generation- A very tiring process, she can form green scales over any of her skin to provide extra defense and then shed them off later. Scales takes around 10 seconds from the beginning of its formation (it looks like a coat of sinewy glue at first) until it completely hardens to the defensive power of thin steel plates. Her scales are much better then her body at cutting and magic defense, her main weakness when it comes to defense. The scales begin to flake off after around a minute in battle scenarios, but if she's not putting any stress on them then they could last at least around 10 minutes. Due to the strain she cannot cover the same body part again with more scales until after a day or two of rest. Any hair where the scales are generated is destroyed and places where thick hair would grow inhibits scale formation all together. (Clarification: Evvie's head hair is the only inhibited place, the rest of her body having sparse to no hair).

Internal Flame Shroud- While maintaining a high level of focus and a strong internal flame, she can briefly increase the size of her internal flame so that it extends outward to completely surrounded her body and become a visible silver blue color. This shroud can burn away almost any form of attack, ethereal or corporeal, and it damages this both from intensely hot fire and her energy, but most of the temperature is upon direct contact, so standing even a little bit away would be incredibly uncomfortable, but not instantly combust you as would be expected. The larger and hotter the shroud the less time she can keep it up, never more then 10 seconds, and after it's over she can't pull it off again for at least a couple of hours. She must remain still while this is active and during her charge period, taking around 10 seconds but it can be delayed the less focused that she is.

Internal Flame Burst- Like an uncontrolled version of her shroud. It has only a 3 second charge time before the internal flame bursts out like a powerful explosion of both heat and energy. The energy release hurts Evvie and severely weakens her internal flame for a long while afterwards. That being said, this is usually a last resort because she'd have trouble putting up a good fight afterwards if she even remains conscious.

Flight- Her wings are not large enough to lift her weight without magical capabilities, being at best like having two small parachutes, so she can only fly by sending magical power through her wings. This magic is like second nature to her and uses hardly any effort, but the fact that it does require some can stop her flying if any anti-magical attacks are used against her.

Booster Wing- This power gives her quick bursts of speed of up to 80 miles an hour for a second before quickly slowing back down to normal speed. She cannot control her flight path during this, going straight ahead. While setting up this move her wings must raise up and stretch outward to their fullest extent before snapping back, giving a clear visual cue that she's up to something just beforehand. Wind visibly blasts out from behind her as she travels, which can knock people behind her with an equal and opposite force. This move can only be used once every 5 minutes or so without severely straining her wing muscles. For a minute afterwards she can't use any other powers with her wings besides very weak versions that are almost useless.

Wind Gust- She can use her wings to blow winds up to 50 mile per hour without hurting her muscles, but used too much or too strong and she runs the risk of tiring her wings out. This is like a weaker booster wing that sends wind forward instead of backwards and doesn't move Evvie as long as she braces for it, but does tend to unbalance her otherwise.

Reincarnation- Evvie can create an egg (no relation to her ovaries). During death, the egg becomes fertilized through only her DNA, making the embryo inside a clone of herself from which her internal flame/soul transfers into. During it's final preparations the egg would normally either voluntarily or involuntarily spit out of her mouth, but in her case a group of wizards specializing in dragons altered this process so that her egg is now transported into a sacred temple known as the "Dragon's Nest" for safe keeping. The green colored egg slowly grows in size to that of what could hold a normal sized baby. The egg shell is much harder then steel and magically protected from most attacks until it begins to break apart once she's ready to be born. She doesn't retain any knowledge or skills from her previous life besides occasional fuzzy memories that she most likely mistakes as dreams. Due to this reincarnation happening even if she's dead, the only way to kill her for good is if she's still in the egg.

Weaknesses- Grabbing onto her horns slowly drains her to what a normal human girl would be capable of. Luckily she quickly goes back to normal upon release. Coldness...kind of. She can survive in colder temperatures for a bit due to her internal flame, but her internal flame/powers are weakened as a result. Disliking the cold can also cause problems for her. Most magic and mind based attacks. Poisons. If there are no wounds created to physically heal, or the poisons can even inhibit her ability to heal, then poisons are very effective against her. Intellect. She falls for tricks with relative ease. Long distance combat. Ticklish armpits. Perhaps her most silly weakness but not to be underestimated, being that they are violently ticklish.

Outfit #1 Equipment

She has trouble wearing any normal clothing due to it burning, her not liking it to begin with, and her wings and tail in back need freedom of movement. Therefore, her outfits are chosen accordingly.

She wears dark green colored bikini armor. She was given this outfit for free by a particularly worried group of women for her lack of attire, who got her to wear it by saying how awesome she looked in it. The top portion of this armor has small chains clip together above and below where here wings sprout from, and her bottom portion has the chains clip just above her tail. The armor is designed to look like dragon scales, although this is an imitation. It has average defense for iron armor, but obviously doesn't cover much.

She often fights empty handed. However she does have possession of a two foot long steel sword and steel mace scavenged off of a defeated monster army. She also got a 10 inch iron knife as a reward for helping a while back, which is mainly used for noncombat purposes such as cutting food.

Outfit #2 Equipment

Outfit #1 equipment can be used with #2 but is not very common.

Armored Dragon Gauntlet- This steel accessory is worn on her right wrist and reaches halfway up her forearm. My drawing of it is pretty un-detailed so it actually has a dragon motif in it's etching. Without Evvie's fire blowing on it, this is all the gauntlet is. However, once hit by her fire and her fire only, the gem glows brightly and the metal of the gauntlet lights on fire, spreading across her body where desired before solidifying again. However, it can't take on any shape, just the shape this magical armor was sculpted in by the alchemist who gave it to her after she "outsmarted" him in a riddle by being too dumb to trick.

The armor is purple with silver trim and, if summoned in a complete set, looks sort of like this (not my drawing, will draw myself later) but without the skin showing and the overly spiky projections. The armor also covers her tail in plated segments overlapping each other and her wings can do the same thing or get tucked inside two wing styled armor pieces pressed against the back of the armor for added protection. Over her normal summoned gauntlets can be another pair of dragon claw gauntlets that are just as it sounds, bulky gauntlets that go into sharp 2 inch long daggers for claws on each finger, modeled after a dragon's hand. To add more armor pieces after summoned she'd have to fire blow on the gauntlet gem again, but to un-summon the armor it only takes her to no longer will it to be there or loose conscious control over it.

Dragonfish Scale Underarmor- Taken from a mythical creature, the scales that make up this suit are dark purplish/blue and fireproof although only as strong as thin iron chainmail. It's a snug fit so it doesn't get in the way of her armor summoning on top. It covers her neck, the front of her upper torso, and upper thighs (a little less than fingertip length), leaving the shoulders/arms/midriff/lower legs bare and some of her backside to allow freedom of movement from her wings and tail.

Dragonheat Staff- This is a 4 and a half foot long staff made out of a metal twice as durable as steel even when heated up to 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It can heat up to the surrounding temperature incredibly fast (her blowing fire onto it being most common) and retain the heat for up to twice as long as a normal steel object that size would. This is Evvie's signature weapon once she gets her hands on it.

Vocal Amplifying Necklace- A lessor used piece of equipment. This silver colored necklace has a swirly design trinket in it with a hole in the middle. Speaking into the hole amplifies the sound like a megaphone, allowing Evvie to fly around and alert others from great distances, for one example of it's use.


Her birth is a mystery to most, including herself, both from a scientific standpoint and who her parents are. The truth is that she was born from a once wicked dragon god named Grethalroune, who had slowly became infatuated with a human woman that he had kidnapped from a village he was terrorizing for it's wealth. He transformed into a humanoid body in an effort to trick her as if he was a knight coming to the rescue. However, she caught onto his ruse and put up a good fight to escape due to him not used to his humanoid body. During the struggle an actual knight came in and wounded him severely with a sacred weapon able to kill gods, so it took all of Grethalroune's strength simply to escape with his life empty handed, and he was too wounded from the attack to even regain his power of a God. Only he himself knows what he was up to for the next couple of years, but it was clear that he was angry and wanted revenge on the knight and then recapture the woman. However, he was once again defeated in the attempt, only to surprisingly be spared at the request of the woman. He didn't understand human emotions well so was left baffled for a long while at this, contemplating his predicament while locked in a cell. He was able to regain his god form, but human emotions gained from his experiences spent in his human body had changed him and he couldn't bring himself to use force to break free, much to his own dismay. He suffered severe atonement, but at last had changed his ways and tried to help undue the damage that he had done. The woman, who he found out was named Liralith, forgave him as he slowly began developing a true relationship for the first time. They had one child together, Evvie, before Grethalroune's death while fighting together with the knight to protect his family against the rival Dark Dragon who was angry at his once ally changing sides. Both Grethalroune and the knight died from their wounds but the dark dragon was forced back. He apologized one last time before moving on to the afterlife together with the knight.

The different reincarnations of Evvie usually follow the same trends unless placed in a different scenario then normal or something extreme happens. Most times she wants to be independent and travels out into the wilderness, exploring and occasionally visiting human settlements when she needs the interaction. Due to her human mother being a relatively normal mortal she had only been around for Evvie's first life, so since then she has either had adopted parents or, more often then not, none at all. She is one of the most powerful beings on her planet, so certain reincarnations of her have gotten a lot of notoriety and legends. The most famous story tells of an immortal dragon goddess covered in glittering emerald scales who single handedly defeated the Dark Dragon and his army; a slight exaggeration to be sure. Her second reincarnation did in fact "slay" him in an epic battle, but with the help of many allies, and the Dark Dragon's resilience allowed him to live on.

The most common Evvie I'll use, from which this character sheet is based on, is six "Evvies" down the reincarnation line, still well within the fantasy time period. She was found as a baby outside in the snowy wilderness by an old hermit named Ithrus, who saved her from nearly freezing to death. He raised her as his own child, feeling responsible for her due to no other villagers around the area wanted to raise a half dragon girl. Evvie was largely independent even from an early age, and she even ran away at the age of six, falsely believing that she could make it on her own and didn't feel like she belonged with humans. She fled south, away from the cold, but she came back to the old hermit near death from wild animals and the blizzard. After Ithrus nursed her back to health for a second time she began to form a bond with him and realize how much he truly cared for her, and how she couldn't do everything on her own. However, this revelation didn't stop her from wanting to grow more powerful and be able to fend for herself, and maybe even help him out in the future. She ventured south a lot once she got further into adolescence, but she never stopped visiting up north on occasion despite her hatred of the cold. There are some warrants out for her arrest due to people claiming that she burnt down an entire village and slaughtered it's inhabitants. The only witnesses around claimed to have all seen a half dragon girl running from the scene of the crime, and Evvie was the only one of her kind that they knew of. A lot of the more friendly villages ignored this rumor and don't believe that she'd be capable of such a crime. On occasion she'd help them out and defeat monsters that would have harmed civilians, so to most people she's more of a guardian then a destroyer.

It would turn out that she was framed by another half dragon/half human girl known as Avris, who has red wings and a tail, black hair and black eyes, and larger horns. She was born an illegitimate daughter to the Dark Dragon that Evvie's father and the knight fought against long ago, causing their deaths, and Evvie fought before, not succeeding in killing him either as it turned out. Avris's birth was probably used completely as a power play by the Dark Dragon. Avris has all of Evvie's abilities and then some. They fought many times, and despite the odds Evvie was able to kill Avris after disabling her wings during an aerial battle and having her plummet down into a canyon far below. Evvie didn't think to check for the reincarnation egg, which survived the fall and went on to reincarnate Avris. With the constant cycle of reincarnations and resilience present in Evvie, Avris, and the Dark Dragon, such battles showed no sign of stopping. There was some technique that killed Evvie's father, who was equally resilient, but it's probably unknown by all but the one who killed him, the Dark Dragon himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Raln Freidrick
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: He has light blonde hair, the middle section of his bangs being spiky and sticking up in a fanned out manner, and the rest of his hair is slightly less then shoulder length, besides a small ponytail, with strands of hair going down on both sides of his face. He has green pupils with slightly narrow eyelids, a thin nose, and thin lips. He has a slight golden tan, a slender toned body, and is a little short in stature. He wears an outfit kind of like this, but I'll draw him soon for a more accurate depiction.

Personality: He's a poor ex-thief who still suffers a bit from kleptomania, although he tries his best to reform into a law abiding citizen. He's now able to contain himself most of the time, but if he fails he's willing to right his wrongs, even going as far as to personally apologize to everyone who he remembers stealing from (well, after some coercion by his childhood friend). He doesn't go out of his way to help just anybody, just mainly for people he feels indebted to, being guilted into doing so or if they're attractive women, as he's a bit of a ladies man who likes to show off to them. He was part of the child thief gang known as Cat's Ear up until recently, and the members still at large now pick on him for abandoning his ways and turning on his "brothers", but he doesn't seem bothered by it. He's now mostly just a carefree joker, but he does have moments where he can be serious and daring. He's stubborn about people helping him so still only lives within his means, meaning that his home is basically a run-down shack. With his personality he's often on the go anyways so is more likely to spend his money on enjoyable stuff rather then home decorating. He has a poor success with picking up women despite his decent looks and multiple attempts.


Agility/Nimbleness/Balance- Raln can move with the agility, nimbleness, and balance at the peak of human ability. He can flip around, hand stand, somersault, etc. no problem and almost keep up with Olympic runners, more then likely outperforming them on difficult terrain.

Parkour- He's great at traversing environments without loosing speed, leaping off rooftops, climbing fences, jumping between obstacles, etc. Imagine what these people were trying to do, but he's usually far better unless he makes a careless mistake.

Observation- He can spot details for what he's looking for quickly and easily such as possible escape routes, body language, or valuable items that people might be hiding.

Thievery- He has great talent at pick pocketing, lock picking, and all around being sneaky. However, due to not taking part in such activities for a while he has become a tad rusty but is still far better then most.

Quick thinker- Not necessarily a ton of book smarts and a massive IQ, but he's of decent intelligence, great street smarts, and is quick at formulating ideas and talking his way out of sticky situations.

Combat- He's pretty decent at unarmed combat, which is mostly focused on quick precision strikes to vital areas, using their own momentum against them, or to unarm people. He's also trained himself in dagger use, which include throwing daggers, and his skills with them are almost legendary for someone of his age. His sword fighting is also improving greatly, specifically with backswords.

Other- Convincing liar, juggler, sword swallower, and some random odd jobs that he did to earn some minor income. He has actually gained many different talents that way.


All of his magical powers involves the creation of a magical mist, but it leads to a diverse move set. He cannot normally use more then one type of mist at a time. Using mist can potentially tire him out, but this usually isn't too much of a problem unless he's continually using it for a long battle.

Light Feet- Yellow mist surrounds his feet. If he has something to step on, such as a wall, he can run along it, although for liquids he has some trouble but can still be done with extra concentration. This power also makes him lighter on what he's stepping on, allowing him to, for example, walk on paper in the air without breaking through or forcing it downwards.

Mirage Form- White mist forms into a mirage of himself and anything on his possession such as swords and clothing, taking 5 seconds to complete. The mirage cannot be properly held together if it goes over 8 feet away from him and it cannot interact with physical objects. It can pretend to but it's technically just hovering around. The mirage form can absorb minor amounts of magical/nonphysical energy from an attack before being obliterated. Physically passing something through it simply breaks up the mirage. He can create more then one mirage form but the concentration required makes it difficult, ruining some of the convincingness of the mirage and obviously drains his energy twice as fast. It can still trick people who are far away or have to react too quickly to the motion of multiple blurs coming at them.

Mist Bullet- Grey mist forms into a ball in front of whatever hand (or technically his feet as well, although it would be unlikely he'd use it that way), and after a 5 second charge time it shoots forward powerfully enough to dent iron the width of average human armor. He can split up the mist into any amount of individual bullets, but they get weaker so may only bruise unarmored people if split into small enough pieces.

Clouding Mist- Light blue mist expands outward to cover a 20 square foot area, allowing him to turn "invisible" while within it. You can still see him as a blur if he's moving, but if he stands still the blur becomes minimal. You can still see any changes he makes on the environment such as shadows or footprints. This is the most exhausting power to keep activated. It lasts for only 10 seconds if not maintained as the mist dissipates, increasing the area he has to work with but lessening his invisibility.

Poison Mist- Light purple mist expands outward to cover a 20 square foot area, potentially causing slight disorientation, confusion, trouble breathing, and nausea to anyone who breathes it in for more then 5 seconds with worsening symptoms the longer you breath it. Without being maintained, the mist dissipates to harmless levels after around 30 seconds, but if you were breathing it in for about that entire time period you could lose consciousness or even die.

Eroding Mist- Brown mist swirls around him with a radius of 8 feet, hurting everyone caught inside like a bunch of really small, sharp stones are battering into them. No wind is felt but it looks like the mist is blowing around.

Green Wall- Green mist forms into a shield of up to 5 cubic feet, but the actual length, width, and height can be altered by him. Nonphysical/magical energy attacks passing through it are dispersed harmlessly through the wall if not overly powerful, and the more the attack has to pass through the more it disperses. Physical attacks get through without difficulty.

Mist Conversion- His most costly magic by far besides potentially the next one down. This allows him to turn objects that he's in direct contact with (including himself) into mist, just parts of it or it's whole. If left alone it will turn back into it's original form without any long term damage, even if used on living tissue. For example, a person can turn into a misty form yet still remain completely conscious and alive, allowing physical things to pass through them for this duration, which the time varies depending on how much energy he puts in. For every second this the object is turned to mist requires four times the charge up time. Turning something as large as himself into mist for three minutes would take all of his energy and take twelve minutes to charge. Taking damage from magical/nonphysical attacks in this form can hurt but not kill, only force them out of the mist form. Raln can magically disperse the mist that he turned the object into, causing it to not turn back to normal. Only he, or someone else with this ability, can disperse the mist in such a way.

Rainbow Mist- Upon activation of this technique he can use more then one different mist moves at once, but at a bad energy cost. If he uses two mists then each one costs double energy, if he uses three mists each one costs triple energy, etc. Four mists each using four times as much energy would cause him to pass out quite quickly. He can only use Rainbow Mist ability once a day and it lasts as long as he keeps the mist going, usually not very long due to the high energy cost.

Weaknesses- He's not able to withstand a whole lot of damage and is not particularly strong, although he is a above average for a normal human. He doesn't like getting help (unless it's from attractive girls, then it depends).

Character Equipment

Shimmering Lily-

This is a weapon that he stole from some fancy looking girl about his age, but she's one of the few people he hasn't managed to track down in order to return the stolen goods. Mysteriously, nobody seems to have a clue who she might have been so he's been carrying it with him all this time, wondering if he'll ever see her again. Other then that this is just a standard, albeit very well made and fancy, steel sword as far as he can tell.

Throwing daggers- He has six 12 inch iron throwing daggers. They are perhaps the most expensive things he bought for himself, but relative to "his" sword they look super cheap.


Smee-Not technically equipment, but is instead his pet. He has wings like a flying lemur but otherwise looks like a mouse. He has intelligence equivalent to a smart dog.

Lockpick Set


Raln is an orphan who discovered his talents at thievery at a young age. Not content with the poor life he joined the Cat's Ear child gang at the age of 10. He started with petty theft but escalated his crimes to stealing large amounts of riches from those who he considered didn't deserve what they had. He got to be quite famous by 14, known as the silent flash who could break into anything, including the knight's guardhouse, which was mostly just to show off. His most important theft involved what was rumored to be an ultimate potion that some twisted magician off in the woods had in his possession. After months of careful planning he executed a heist on the magician's property, who ended up catching four of the gang members in the process. However, Raln used that diversion to locate the potion, which turned out to be some weird bottle of glowing mist-like substance. Being daring, and also being on the verge of getting caught himself, he gulped the potion down. An uncontrollable mist burst out of his body, knocking himself and everyone else around him out cold. A search party arrived and everyone was arrested, the magician for illegal experimentation and the kids for having been caught red handed in their theft.

Raln was arrested for a couple of weeks but was let loose in exchange for information dealing with the gang and where all the stuff the stole was. However, his real punishment was his fellow orphan and lifelong friend Alba, who is super rough on him when he messes things up and demanded that he personally apologize to everyone who he had ever stolen from. However, after all was said and done they still retained their brother/sister-like bond. Perhaps he was traumatized by what she might do to him, and he's also had a change of heart, but he always makes sure to be a good, law abiding citizen now despite frequent temptations. The only thing he secretly kept are two things. First was the sword he stole from a mysterious girl, which he kept so that he could give it to her rather then it being simply confiscated by law enforcement, who he doesn't trust very well. Second was after his return visit to the crazy magician, finding a book mentioning the potion that he drank that caused him to experience that bizarre mist power. He has been practicing it in secret inside an old, abandoned house he managed to buy for very cheap after doing some odd jobs such as a street performer and some other things, none of which were illegal...probably.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Elissa March
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian Human
Appearance: She's a 5'11 tall young woman who could be considered lanky. Her fair skin is not used to excessive sun so she sunburns easily. She's not very muscular at all, being quite skinny because she has trouble eating enough in order to gain much weight or muscle mass. She has a short, blond, jagged haircut with long bangs. She has green eyes and a slim, slightly boring face. She commonly wears a purple and green scarf, a plain white baggy t-shirt, tan trousers, old brown knee high boots that go midway up the calf and has laces, black fingerless gloves, and occasionally a white cloak with a hoodie. She has small, round, pink glasses that she often has balanced near the tip of her nose.

Personality: She's an intensely curious young woman, studying anything that catches her interest, even if it's another person, which can make people uncomfortable at times. It's hard for her to think of other stuff until that certain curiosity has been quenched. If she doesn't know something then she's not afraid to ask questions about it. She's always willing to try new things, even stuff meant for children if she didn't have the chance to do it in the past. She might appear to behave in a childlike manner because of these qualities. However, she's actually quite sophisticated when she wants to be. She's kind hearted, polite, and generous to a fault. She even likes to help enemies if she can. Although she has a really high boiling point, cross it and she can snap. There's a dark, brooding aspect of herself that she's pushed deep down for a long time, rarely allowing it to show through. Although she seems really happy a lot of the time she almost always has some deep seeded depression, especially when she's not distracting herself with fun things.


*Speed reader
*Great book smarts


The following moves need mental power to work. If she's distracted then that will take away a lot of her available mental power. Using abilities doesn't permanently drain any form of magical stamina but does temporarily use up a lot of mental power so that she can't do too much at once. This may seem like she could use her powers forever, but she can still experience mental strain if she keeps it up for too long, just like people's minds can get tired if they think too much, and doing too much at once she suffers headaches that gets worse the further she goes overboard and it tires her brain out far quicker that way.

Telekinesis- She can move things with her mind, although not with as precise movements as if she was using her hands. An object uses more mental power to manipulate the further or heavier it is, so this will be more based on feel then any specific equation. Objects at 50 feet away or over 200 pounds at any range would require her full mental power to manipulate, while objects right next to her and the weight of a piece of paper could be manipulated very easily. Her telekinesis can be viewed like long range grappling, so by bracing themselves with proper technique or struggling then the enemy can withstand the attack even if they are lighter then what she could normally manipulate. Moving targets are much harder to maintain her "grip" on. The speed she can move objects with this ability are similar to if she were moving them with her own hands. If it's the heaviest she can lift then she will also be slowed down greatly while moving it.
Psychic Force- Psychic energy is built up on anywhere on her body, and upon contact with an outside object it will be released and send the object flying outward with a lot of force, enough to send small objects flying at the speed of bullets. Equal and opposite forces are still in play here, so she can use it on the floor to propel herself upwards.
Mind Switch- Upon gaining eye contact she can switch minds/bodies with someone if she can overcome any mental barriers that they may have. The effects are reversible by her or the person now in her body using the same technique again to transfer back simply by willing it to occur, but only if they realize that they can do so. Obviously, any damage done on a body remains on that body even when a switch is made again, so that goes for her body as well, making this a dangerous technique that could easily backfire. She can use this technique on anything with eyes and a brain, or if it's one of her figments then she can easily do it just by being within proximity (more on figments further below).
Psychic Sensing- She can sense living beings within a 24 foot radius and also be able to gain sight, hearing, smell, and taste without having to have any of those sensory organs working. This ability will make more sense on it's practical uses later on. A funny but practically ability of this is her sense of taste can be activated at a distance, so she can taste ice cream just by looking at it.
Mind Read- She can read a persons thoughts if within around a 12 foot distance if she devotes some mental power to the task and the person isn't somehow blocking her from reading their mind. At such a distance it's more like a whisper so it becomes more clear the closer she is. This only works for things being thought at the moment, so for memories, especially deep ones, she has to have physical contact on their forehead and use a lot of mental power for sometimes long periods of time to gain such information.
Emotion Manipulation- Being within 12 feet of individuals she can devote mental power to try and influence their emotions, although cannot outright force them to feel a certain way. She's best at happiness manipulation to try and cheer people up or stop their will to fight, but if they're too angry, refuse to be happy, or it's not anger that's the reason why they're fighting, then obviously she'll have limited success. An unfortunate side effect to this ability in general is that she does in subconsciously on occasion when she's experiencing a strong emotion of any kind. When used this way it's often far more potent, on one occasion driving many perfectly normal bystanders to near suicide after she got traumatized. Although these were just normal people with no training to stop mental attacks, even so this power can be incredibly dangerous.
Figmentation- She can create objects called figments out of thin air by using her mind. They can be almost anything, animate or inanimate, as long as they don't exceed what her own brainpower can achieve, and as long as she's very familiar with the object in reality. The animate figments can follow orders given mentally but have no intelligence or sentience of their own, even if they might pretend to have some given her orders. If she were to give an order to survey a building and gave no further orders, they would continue to do so even as someone was destroying them. Keeping any figment in existence takes her constant brain power, so if she were to create a really large creature for long periods it would be incredibly strenuous and she'd be so focused on that she couldn't hardly do anything else. If a figment she is in is destroyed then she'd be torn forcefully back into her body, resulting in what is known as a mind shock that completely disorients her and gives her a headache for a good couple of seconds. Creating figments with consistent realistic color tones adds more difficulty, so if she doesn't need to trick someone into believing it's the real deal then her figments are commonly colored a solid purple with glowing red eyes (if they have any). The figment list that she can create (relevant to battles) are as follows (I will expand to this list more in time and give them proper names):
----------Mouse- Small mouse-like creatures with very busy tails. They're very easy for her to create and only take half a second to form, but have no good fighting abilities unless created in huge swarms. Their physical abilities are comparable to normal mice, but their teeth are sharp enough to eat through iron given enough gnawing.
----------Bird- Small birds that can peck at enemies but are mainly good at scouting. They only take half a second to form.
----------Panther- Her favorite offensive figment. They are similar to panthers in looks and abilities, but have two tales with puff balls on the ends and their fangs are close to a saber tooth tiger. They are large enough for her to ride on their backs. They take 6 seconds to form.
----------Mammoth- Similar to an in between version of an elephant and a woolly mammoth. Their usefulness is obvious, but it takes so much mental power to create and control them that she can't do much else besides one mammoth. They take 30 seconds to form.
----------Replica- She can create a perfect replica of herself due to her having plenty of time studying exactly what she looks like, but don't expect other human replicas to look as convincing. She can also create blank replicas looking kind of like those small figurines that artists use for reference but blown up to human size. With no realistic skin texture or facial features they're easy for her to create relative to their size. They fight as well as an average human being without any intelligence of their own. They take 10 seconds to form.
----------Sword- She can create a simple looking, 2.5 foot long arming sword as strong as steel in 5 seconds, or as strong as iron in 2 seconds. She's not really strong or talented with it, but does know the basics of swordfighting.
----------Wall- She can create a 10 feet by 10 feet wall, or any other dimensions with the same area, as strong as steel in 20 seconds, or as strong as iron in 8 seconds. She can create it smaller to shave off some time.
----------Chair- She often forms a purple, cushioned chair and transfers her mind into it when going undercover as an inanimate object. It takes 4 seconds to form.
----------Silverware- Knifes, forks...spoons, plates...okay, some of them are more useful then others. Most take a little less then a second to form.
----------Common items- If the item is very common we can all assume she'd know what it looks like, such as a table, shirt, blanket, etc. She'd be able to form a figment of it to at least some level of success.


Mind Fatigue/Headache- If she has to use her psychic abilities too much then her mind becomes greatly fatigued and/or experiences a headache, disrupting all of her powers and all the normal bad stuff associated with such things.
Curiosity- Curiosity can kill the cat.
Generosity- Can be taken advantage of.
No physical enhancements- She's physically only that of a normal woman her age, perhaps even less so due to a lack of proper exercise and frail body type.
Vision- She has poor vision, making everything very blurry without her glasses.


Glasses- Small, round, and pink, these are perfectly normal glasses of high prescription. With then on she can see as good as an average person.


At first she was thought to be a normal child, poor but not destitute, a daughter of a perfectly normal hard working father and mother...perfectly normal, at least, until she could talk and they found out she understood people's thoughts. Her parents tried to explain to her and hush such abilities, but she didn't understand, being very young at the time. This led to her being caught by a wealthy diplomat working for the lord who ruled over the city she was in, her asking what he meant by "filthy maggot" when he was talking to a group of people, only that part had been in his head. She was torn from her mother's arms and tossed into a jail cell while they figured out what to do with her. After confirming that she could indeed read minds she was considered a menace to society, and most importantly to Lord Veratone, so he had her locked away in a tower outside of the city so that her powers could not pick up on anything being thought inside of the city. Only guards trained to block out mental attacks were sent into the tower with her, including the old man in charge who introduced himself as Aldred. Although he was a high ranking man who has done bad things in the past working for Lord Veratone, while in charge over the young Elissa his heart was slowly softened.

He pitied her. He taught her the basics of the stuff she hadn't yet learned in school such as reading, and what he didn't have time to teach in person or else raise suspicion he was able to smuggle in books. Without much else to do in her near empty room she found herself locked into, these books became her primary focus and "escape". She learned a great deal from them and eventually became a speed reader, able to return every book he gave her in the morning by the time he left for the night. Some of the other guards found it suspicious when she started behaving in a far more educated manner, but weren't quite able to pin down exactly what was going on. She even rediscovered her psychic powers on one particularly boring day when she finished the books she was reading faster then Aldred had expected. She managed to levitate the books into a stacked position, but was unfortunately caught by one of the guards when she was focused on the task. She was put on an even tighter lease, constantly watched and Aldred was put on suspicion for giving her those books, although nobody could prove who was the one who smuggled them in. Just to be safe he was replaced by tall, cold, abusive man who threatened to kill Aldred if she'd try any more funny business.

She was able to observe mice that could crawl between the cracks of her room, trying to experiment with their minds as small scale tests. She found out she could enter their mind, although their thoughts more like flashing images rather then actual words. From this she was able to discover the routines of the guards outside her room, slowly but surely. At first she was trying to be very gentle, but the harshness of her captivity got her to be more desperate in her psychic experiments. She found out she was also able to manipulate the emotions of the mice, causing them to become lazy, angry, etc, and she became better and better at breaking into minds. She eventually became good enough and had enough knowledge gained from the mice to plan her escape at the age of 12. This would be her first chance at freedom in 7 years. She got rid of the closest guards by making them feel incredibly lazy, causing them to take a break by playing a card game. It worked so well because she knew they were already bored with their monotonous guard duty.

She was then able to use mind switch on a mouse, controlling it to grab the keys to her room, then returned it to her body, switched back, and escaped her room into the halls, avoiding the paths the guards took. All went well until the cruel man who she only knew as "master" showed up unexpectedly. He didn't call out to the rest of the guards, but instead used this chance to began to punish her right then and there in ways he saw fit. Her emotion control was ineffective, so in an act of desperation she grabbed a pebble and shot it off with all of her strength, piercing his heart and killing him instantly. She was traumatized from taking a life, even someone like him, but managed to collect herself just enough to continue her escape out of the tower after her fear of getting caught took over her paralyzed body.

She arrived back at the city of her birth looking for her parents and Aldred, who she was placed under the impression that they were all being held in the prison. As it turns out they were already horribly murdered and dozens of soldiers surrounded her, revealing this to be a trap. In her traumatized state an intense wave of emotion entered the minds of everyone around, causing soldiers and civilians alike to be almost driven to insanity and despair. A cloaked man swooped in and scooped her up to take her from the village, also suffering from the effects but was strong enough to last long enough for her to loose consciousness and stop the mental attack. The rescuer was a teenage named was Erith, a mercenary claimed to have been hired by her father just days before his death. He taught her how to better control her psychic powers, among other things, in another village where they were able to lay low, as Lord Veratone and his forces didn't have power in this village. At first she was practically comatose due to the recent traumatic experiences, but has since adjusted to everyday life, soaking up as much new experiences as she could, acting like a kid in a candy shop. For a while she only wanted to get ride of her powers due to all the pain it had caused, but then she realized she had a special gift that could help others, and that is largely what she as been up to from then on. She's now 19 and has made quite a name for herself in the village, often asked for help by others. Erith is always angry when she does stuff for free. Sometimes bad thoughts enter her head, such as revenge against those who did her and her family wrong, but she always tries to block those out with a happy exterior.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Rave Friendenburg
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 152
Bodytype: Scrawny
Yes, he's wearing bunny slippers in that image. If he goes outdoors he sometimes switches to old tennis shoes.

Personality: Few know what he was truly like while working among the shadows. After suffering from amnesia, and as a result loosing sight of his original motivations, his personality has changed. He has remained a very intelligent mad scientist but is now scatterbrained. He struggles to focus on anything complicated in a serious manner for very long, resulting in what was originally a clever idea might end up leaving a lot to be desired with the final product by venturing off into the loony bin or just not working out as planned. He's also prone to forgetting stuff that he doesn't bother remembering such as where he left his pens, causing him to lose hundreds of pens over the years and he never learns his lesson. Any attempts to find the huge stash of missing pens around his large and complex laboratory has been futile. He's an incredibly carefree guy who only does things if they interest him or sometimes on a whim. Therefore he never sticks to any long term goals, preferring short bursts of fun evil doing to cease his boredom. This enjoyment is what drives him more then the goals themselves, so if one of his plans is in jeopardy but the result can be more interesting then his original plan then he might allow it to fail. He'd even go so far as to watch enemies sneak around in his base without alerting anyone in order to see what would become of this development. If he really wants something done, however, then he's capable of being more serious about it.


Mad Scientist- He's very intelligent, although due to his condition he's limited from what he was in the past, originally being one of the smartest people in existence. His fields of study involve science, math, and robotics. Chemistry often causes him to blow stuff up but he does have the basic knowledge. Basically, he'll be able to know stuff that I have to check Wikipedia to figure out.
Observation- He can see fine details that others might miss.
Resourcefulness- Able to make the most of his situation.
Weapon training- If he has a weapon listed in his equipment then he's obviously put some training in how to properly use it. However, he wouldn't put as much effort into it as a master swordsman would his sword.
Judge of character- Can more easily then a lot of people find out if people are lying or other qualities about them that could possibly show through. He's equivalent to Sherlock Holmes, at least until his scatterbrain takes effect.


Weapons: Unless otherwise stated, all of his weapons are made out of a material he calls mysteriotanium that's similar to steel in strength but is 80% lighter.

Waffleblade- This is a waffle iron modified to become a weapon. The handle is 2 feet and the part that opens up is 2 feet. If a button on the handle is held down the inside of the weapon can heat up to waffle burning temperatures in 10 seconds flat and set itself on fire in 20 seconds. The jaws can snap down on something with the bit force of an alligator.
Umbrellamill- Like an umbrella but the top part has a hole in the middle for what looks like helicopter blades to spin inside. It can provide enough energy to lift him for up to 5 seconds at a time and must wait 5 minutes per activation. He can hold it horizontally and set it to two different modes; blowing things outwards or sucking things inwards to possibly be chopped up by the blades. The force of the effect is the very same that's enough to lift someone of his weight into the air as per it's original function.
Zapperbolt Dispenser Deluxe (Otherwise called the ZDD device)- Looks kind of like this. It has three main ways of shooting off it's light blue colored energy: rapid fire, cannon, and sniper cannon. Changing modes requires 5 seconds. The first mode is hand held and once activated envelops his wrist, stopping wrist movement. It fires energy balls as damaging as normal bullets with a fire rate of 5 bullets a second if the trigger is held down. He can only fire 50 shots in this mode before he must reload or recharge. Recharging requires 30 seconds a bullet. The cannon mode extends the gun backwards so that it envelops his elbow as well, causing him not to be able to bend his arm and if he doesn't brace himself against something then he'll be send flying back with every shot. Shooting in this mode requires a 5 second charge and a 20 second cool down, but it's power is upgraded to that of rocket launcher and the sphere it shoots is as big as a watermelon. He can only fire 5 shots in this mode before he must reload or recharge. The sniper cannon mode envelops his shoulder as well, the barrel extends out another 5 feet, and two stands come out of the device to brace itself on the ground on both sides of it. This requires a full 60 seconds of charge and 5 minutes of cooldown but does incredible damage over long distances. This move uses up his entire ammunition, so if he's used some of the ammo already then it will weaken the effect of this attack by a bit. Logically, if he's down to enough to fire a single normal bullet then that's all this would do even after the 60 second charge. If at any point in both cannon modes the weapon takes enough damage then it will ruin the charge and possibly even explode the device. (weapon locked from stealing)
Bubbsy and Clide- Two tier 1 robots that came with him from his days before he suffered from amnesia, although their memory banks don't provide any useful data from that time. Bubbsy can best be described as a box with tank wheels about the size of a cat and has a video camera on the front. Clide is like a toy quadcopter. Both can do surveillance, feeding their observations into special goggles Rave wears, Bubbsy on the left eye and Clide on the right. They can both deliver electric shocks at short range, although this is a suicide attack that fries their system. Don't fear for these brave robots, however, as their A.I. is backed up on a computer in a safe location. Bubbsy tends to be more timid then Clide if left to their own devices, but both will do as ordered by Rave.


Goggles- Can receive data from Bubbsy and Clide as well as just act as normal, night vision, or heat vision goggles.
Lab coat- It's fibers are about the strength of iron and can cloak itself to his environment, an effect able to last 5 minutes on a 5 hour solar powered charge time. It can cover his entire body for best cloaking but most of the time is just worn like a simple lab coat.
Benefit Syringe- He has three of these blue colored syringes. They boost his physical abilities threefold for 30 seconds each.


Rave's past has been largely forgotten due to a self inflicted case of amnesia caused by one of his own inventions, intentionally or otherwise unknown even to him. At the time he had become one of the greatest evil geniuses in the multiverse. Even so there was still not much was known about him besides the legends, and some claim he never even existed at all, or was perhaps an entire team of scientists working together. He interacted with others only from the shadows, so there are no known people who know of his identity or have met him in person with the knowledge of who he was. The action most attributed to him is helping lead a robotic army of I.L.L. (Interdimensional Liberation Legion), which is responsible for being at war with many nations around the multiverse who they believe are abusing their power. I.L.L.'s end goal might be admirable to eliminate all corrupt governments, but their means to such an end and key members who have other goals in mind leave the organization far from heroic. Rave is rumored to have little true allegiance to I.L.L. or any other group for that matter, simply using them for his scientific research and curiosity with an end goal of achieving some so called "ultimate discovery". Had he achieved such a feat then he probably would have become as powerful as a god, but as it turns out that would not come to pass, at least for now, as the amnesia kicked in and with it erased all progress towards that goal.

He had to start practically from scratch as a now scatterbrained individual with just flashes of inspiration to go by when trying to rebuild his past creations, most of which had been lost to him for some odd reason. Even with his new handicap he is still a talented mad scientist, just without his previous drive to use his intelligence to it's maximum potential. He now builds things more on whims and interests, having lost sight of the ultimate discovery and the sizeable funding of I.L.L., going off the radar with them and considered to be dead or missing. As of late he's operating on a much smaller scale, holding hostage certain places in order to get supplies or other illegal acts.

It's important to note that something else important happened to him after the amnesia but doesn't quite fit into this tale. His timeline diverged due to another out of control experiment, causing an alternate reality version of himself to come into existence who calls himself the Cubist. The two realities of him never crossed paths as of now despite Rave's attempts to do so upon finding out about this anomaly. Perhaps this knowledge inspired him to create another of himself called Robo-Rave, but this left a lot to be desired.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Allison Aristel (Codenames include AA or sometimes Double A's)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: British human
Appearance: She's skinny, just under average height, and is well toned but not bulging muscles by any means. She has shoulder length bleached blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and small breasts, giving a demeaning double entendre behind her nickname "Double A's". She wears orange Capri pants, a white spaghetti strap tank top, multiple different colored knee high rain boots with images of a cartoon bunny face, and a long sleeved orange hoodie with the same style of bunny as her shoes. She sometimes removes her hoodie during combat.

Personality: She's a peppy little thing who treats combat like a game. She loves the thrill and doesn't care much for the consequences, even if innocent civilians get caught in the crossfire, although specifically targeting civilians for no good reason is not her style. She fears death just enough to give her extra excitement from combat but not enough to cause her to show much self preservation instinct, as she's living on the wild side as an adrenaline junkie. One could say that she's even a tad sadomasochistic. If she easily wins without a scratch then it isn't as fun of a game for her. She takes some crazy and unpredictable courses of actions sometimes (correction: all the time), but she's actually both quite witty and intelligent rather then a ditz as some people assume her to be at first glance judging by her actions, which may have deeper strategic reasoning behind what she's doing even if she just says she's doing it for fun. She's un-trusting and a liar not above betraying others on a whim. Slightly due to this, but certainly not the only reason, is the reason for her lack of friends. She's almost always alone and can get very lonely at times even though she still acts peppy. Sometimes she pretends that the person talking to her is her best friend but this is mainly just messing around rather than her actually believing they are her friend.



Eldwick Mach 88 Plus- To put it as simply as I can, Eldwick is a sentient AI controlled pistol from the future. "He" appears to be a modern day silver handgun with a thin screen running along both sides. While not in combat these screens are usually glowing light blue, although images can be shown (pixilated hearts, a winking eye, or whatever to show emotion). He speaks in a elderly male British accent but can change his voice at will, synthesizing his own voice or recreating a voice that he has heard with enough voice samples. He claims to be able to fire most types of ammunition, although smaller caliber bullets leave a bad taste in his mouth so they're disrespectful to use on him. He supposedly never jams or misfires, is unbreakable, can fire himself, can reduce the sound to like a silencer from the movies, and has a built in flashlight just below the barrel.

Armor Piercing Ammo Clip X3-These clips contain 12 .45 caliber bullets each that can do lots of damage, especially due to the gun firing them. One of these clips is already in the gun.

Shrapnel Stopper Ammo Clip X2- These clips contain 12 .45 caliber bullets each, stopping quickly once hitting a target and then breaking up into tons of little pieces of shrapnel. Getting hit by one of these is likely the end of the line for a normal human but if armor can break apart the bullet then it quickly looses it's effectiveness.

Blunt Pusher Ammo Clip X1- This clip contains 6 0.55 caliber bullets, having a blunt tip that doesn't pierce the skin but does hurt and hits with enough force to knock normal people back up to 4 feet if they didn't properly brace themselves.

High Explosive Incendiary Ammo Clip X1- This clip contains 6 .45 caliber bullets that burst whatever it hits into flame unless it's flame resistant. Just the explosive force alone can cause damage on par with a grenade.

Materialization Chamber Clip X1- This clip is empty of bullets and has some strange device attached to the bottom of the inside. There's room for 6 bullets.


Yoyo Launcher- This is a device that looks exactly like a Yoyo...because it basically is. It's pink and has a pink ring that can fit around her finger that is attached to the rest of the yoyo by a flexible wire. Special disks mentioned below can be attached to the main body on one side of the yoyo and launched from it with the push of a button on the ring around her finger. The disks fire in the direction the yoyo is facing. The string is 10 feet long, so if she was 10 feet from a hallway the turns a corner to the right then she could toss the yoyo forward, wait until it spins to the right and then fire the disk off.

Explosive Disk X4- These small disks can be attached to the Yoyo Launcher or tossed like a Frisbee and then explode with the power of a normal grenade at an 8 foot radius, detonating at either a programmed time delay or upon impact or proximity to a target. Choosing the time delay or other method of detonation is done on a dial in the center of the disk that gives the number/setting on a small screen.

Electrodisk X2- These can be programmed to let out an electrical field of varying intensity (chosen by a dial like the explosive disk) to paralyze or kill all targets of normal human durability within an 8 foot radius.

Stun Disk X1- It makes your ears ring while temporarily blinding and disorienting you if you're within an 8 foot radius and look at the bright flash of the explosion/not shield your ears.

Smoke Disk X1- It lets out a large amount of smoke. When inhaled it can cause lung irritation, confusion, and then loss of consciousness after 40 seconds of breathing in.

Saw Disk X1- Does not explode, but does have retractable blades that spin really fast. It can be shot off or remain on the yoyo.

Compact Disk Case- A round, black container with a strap on it that can hold all of these items. It's strapped to her right hip.


Switchblade- The blade is 12 centimeters long and can be fired off, although this is mainly for the element of surprise and would have trouble going through bullet proof vests for sure.


Hug Glove- Her left hand glove has built in pads that can be turned on or off, allowing her to remain stuck to almost any object that she's touching. The grip can be broken with enough force, although normal humans would have great difficulty in this endeavor.

Wrist Wire- A 30 foot wire that can shoot out of the bottom of the hug glove. The tip can stick to whatever it makes contact with and can be turned on or off. The wire is strong enough to support her body weight and one other large male.

Goggles- She has a pair of goggles that can either act as normal sunglasses or see by x-ray, thermal, or night vision.

Superfluff Canister- Once activated a light pink foamy material spreads outward, enough to completely conceal an elephant inside. The faster an object impacts it the stronger the foam resists it, so bullets can be slowed down enough so that they come to a stop inside, yet someone slowly wading can go all the way through. The foam can cushion lethal falls from almost any height. The foam is also a great insulator and has some ventilation. However, it could lead to asphyxiation after a couple of minutes. The foam is editable but offers little nutritional value.

Allisan's Abilities

Before you ask how she's so good at these abilities at her young age, she's been rigorously trained from birth by a very powerful assassin group. It's almost as natural as breathing to her.

Bullet Ballet- This is used in her preferred fighting style, especially if she's fighting against multiple opponents. She moves incredibly nimbly and almost appears as if she's performing dance moves as she both dodges incoming fire and unleashes some attacks of her own. As long as she's able to see the gun being fired she can "see" the paths the bullets will travel and preemptively begin to dodge them with inhuman reaction times. She can only see as far in advance as when the person begins to aim for that particular shot.

Rushtime- As victory draws closer she often seizes on opening and unleashes a fast and aggressive combo of blows to finish of her opponent. This attack includes using objects in her environment such as chairs to batter at her opponent while continuing a wide variety of attacks that keeps up the pressure. If she's interrupted during rushtime then she's often left wide open for counterattack, but if not then she's almost sure to win by the time the flurry of blows comes to an end.

Gun Fu- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeHrq_Fs1vk

Aikido- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aicHsMC6rxM

She's well trained in this fighting style and also incorporates some fluid kicks and punches into the mix. This fighting style is only done if use of her gun has become impossible or unfavorable, such as when she's gotten swarmed at close range.

Lightstep- She behaves lighter then a normal human would during some of her stunts. For example, she can leap higher then normal humans by about half, wall jump, and can run on walls for around five steps before falling. She can do a ton of impressive flips and other aerial maneuvers, which often goes along with her Bullet Ballet fighting style or when doing parkour, a technique where you run along rooftops, leaping and climbing things.

Gunfight Prowess- She's very good at gunfights. She greatly excels in pistol use, is good with machineguns, and is at least familiar enough with all other types of guns to be able to use it should she have to.

Psychic/Telekinetic- These abilities are minor and generally don't help her much in a fight, although does contribute to her foreseeing the paths that bullets will take. She's only good enough with her telekinetic to be able to flip light switches with her mind with great effort or perform equally simple tasks such as sliding a gun on the floor her way.

Eldwick Abilities

Eldwick has some abilities that drain his power source, represented in gauges. He has a blue, green, yellow, and finally the red gauge, and each one is divided into ten sections. Run dry and he shuts off to recharge. He can only recharge a single section every ten minutes. While that may seem slow, he's dealing with a ton of energy per section. Abilities that use negligible energy can stay active as long as there's at least 1 section remaining.

Picky Chooser- Cost: Negligible - Nobody can fire the weapon if Eldwick forbids it. Pulling the trigger will instead zap them painfully.

Nerve Link - Cost: Negligible - Eldwick connects to the wielders nervous system through contact with someone's bare skin (the palm of the hand holding the handle). This makes it like a gun wielding a human rather then simply a human wielding a gun.

Auto-aim - Cost: Negligible - Eldwick can locate enemies with his sensors to target them with pinpoint accuracy, even if the enemy is running. He can then make adjustments to the wielder's aim as needed using his Nerve Link. This doesn't guarantee a hit if the opponent is good at dodging, but it makes life incredibly difficult for them.

Hologram/Scanner - Cost: Negligible - Using a small blue orb on top of the barrel, a realistic (or otherwise) hologram can be created up to a distance of 30 feet. This can also be used to scan images and save the data to be used as holograms, analyze weak spots, etc.

Bottomless Barrel - Cost: 1 section per all forms of ammo besides 2 sections per high explosive incendiary bullet- Once the materialization chamber clip is inserted, bullets can be materialized inside the clip. There's a lag of three seconds for each bullet to materialize, but bullets can be materialized in advance to avoid this lag for every shot.

Energy Jacket - Cost: 1 section per bullet for the weakest effect, 5 sections per bullet for the max effect - A blue energy coating is applied to a bullet as it's fired, giving it some extra power. Using 5 sections can make an average bullet rip through a tank.

Bullet Bender - Cost: 1 section per bullet - Applying energy to the bullet, it can fly in a curved path. The patch can't contain various twists and turns, but instead must be something like on arch from left to right or moving forward in a slight spiral pattern. Basically, it follows a set pattern rather then adjusting sporadically to hunt an enemy down.

Space Shifter - Cost: 1 full gauge per teleportation plus 1 section per second for floatation- Eldwick can teleport to a location within 20 feet and remain hanging in midair, firing himself.


She's never known her mother and all her life she's been raised to be an assassin by a group called AERIES, lead by her father. She's from a futuristic Earth, but even further into the future was a pistol named Eldwick, which came back in time and fell into her hands while she was out strolling the gardens at AERIES headquarters at the age of ten. Eldwick claimed to have been sent there to be used by her father, but had miscalculated and gone to her instead due to a mistaken identity of her DNA identification. Instead of returning him to her father as requested she "kidnapped" him and ran away. AERIES agents gave chase to her and she fought back against their efforts to reclaim both her and Eldwick. At first Eldwick was uncooperative but he saw her potential during the fight and helped her incapacitate all of the AERIES agents with well placed shots. From then on he was her pistol and Allison opened up a lot, going from an introverted, unhappy girl to a confident (albeit even a bit cocky) assassin. Eldwick, on the other hand, secretly doesn't care about their friendship, having this relationship mainly because it is interesting and it serves his own purpose in a round-a-bout way. He was actually only tasked to be with the leader of AERIES, who happened to be her father, but he figured that she would make a better leader in time so made his alliance with her instead.

Allison isn't entirely loyal to AERIES and even went as far as secretly hating her father and planning on killing him on multiple occasions. However, she has remained with her appearance as a diligent servant of AERIES all this time while she's been building up the skills required to carve her own path.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Marxie Jay Langhert
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian human
Appearance: She has pale, pinkish blonde colored shoulder length hair that is sort of spiky looking at the tips and the bangs, although the top of her head is relatively free of any spikes, but she does have a lock of hair that commonly sticks up all by itself. Her face has no distinguishing characteristics besides having a bored or serious look to it, although she's not always feeling that way. She wears three layers of clothing, the bottom being white and the outer is a long sleeve blue robe with a high collar but no hood. She has brown boots and brown fingerless gloves.

Personality: She's the so called "straight man", being relatively normal even when crazy things are happening all around her and she isn't afraid to point out how crazy everyone's being, not caring too much for what other's think about her, but she never says something just to be rude. She tries to think everything through rationally rather then let her emotions get the better of her, which is some of the reason why she always seems bored, and the other reason is that's just how her face looks. Despite all of this she's actually very friendly, care free, and forgiving, not getting too worked up for very long even if people are pulling crazy pranks on her. She acts androgynously, not caring if what she's doing would be stereotypically male or female. She hangs out with the guys just as likely as with the girls. She may even get down and dirty every once in a while, willing to eat bugs or rats if stranded out in the wild without seeming bothered by it. She grew up in a country setting so her lack of sophistication shows, but she usually doesn't act like a total slob either. She'd just be willing too if the situation requires it or if she can't be bothered trying to act high class.


Tactician- She's incredibly brilliant at formulating plans. Some might even believe that she can see into the future based on how she always plans into the future and reads her enemies well, staying at least one step ahead of them and overcoming them even if they have every other advantage. One person who crossed blades claimed that she must have calculated 10 steps in advance, but this may be a slight exaggeration.
Bookworm- She can read quickly and retain knowledge easily, almost at a photographic level.
*Cool under pressure
*Strong leadership


Her powers come from the use of magical tomes, although the only one currently in her possession, which she stores safely within her cloak at all times, was the only gift given to her by her mother just before she died. The book is in poor shape, leaving only a few pages with spells still usable, and was not a particularly powerful tome to begin with. She must read the incantation and then the spell pops out of the symbol drawn on the page. This uses up her energy and she cannot spam the same spell more them 5 times a minute for the low level ones, 1 time a minute for mid level, and 1 time every 5 minutes for high level.

Fire Bolt- Low level. A ball of fire about the size of her head shoots forward at speeds up to 50 miles an hour, exploding once it hits a target or dissipating after 4 seconds. It's power is of a normal 800 degree Celsius flame. Oddly enough it doesn't set things on fire well unless the object in question has major fire code violations simply asking for it.
Bubble Grasp- Low Level. A bubble (actually made out of water throughought the entire sphere) about the size of her head comes out and can float around at speeds of up to 20 miles an hour. Anything touching the surface and gets pulled inside, but the water will fall apart if sufficient force hits it, such as a sword slash.
Flash- Mid level. A bright light is emitted, temporarily blinding anyone looking at it once the light reaches it's peak brightness 1 second after the spell begins.
Magical Turtle Ward- Mid level. A translucent hemisphere barrier 10 feet in diameter surrounds her. It can absorb moderate magical damage but physical objects can pass through unimpeded and dissipate the barrier in the process.
Minor Heal- High Level. Peaceful white light washes over her, closing up minor wounds.
Electrostorm- High Level. Electricity arcs all around her within a 10 feet diameter for 4 seconds. It can be fatal, but there is some warning because much weaker sparks show up first for 1 second.
Soul Trap- High level. The page containing this spell was originally blank until brought out through another magical spell. It can contains someone's soul if the person, animal, monster, etc. was near death or dead (and the soul didn't yet have time to travel to it's resting place). The page can only contain one soul at a time and the soul could break free if the page is damaged or if the soul can break through the barriers on it's own.


Weapons- 2 foot long iron sword, 5 inch iron dagger, messed up spell book
Items- Blast Potion- A purple vial that, when shattered, unleashes a sparkling concoction with firework-like explosions erupting from it. It cannot harm people (unless it gets into their eyes) but it can distract them.
Nim- Not technically equipment, but is rather a mysterious being that follows her around by way of floating in the air. He's about the size and shape of a tennis ball, but is blue colored and has round, crystal looking purple eyes. He or she doesn't do much to help her, but can scout if he/she/it feels like it. He/she/it communicates directly into people's minds.


She's not officially with the military, and thus has no rank. At the age of 12 she was caught up in the first bandit attack on her village that forced her to take up a leadership role, organizing the knights who were sent there and got caught off guard by the size of the group of bandits and how well they were equipped. Using her small size she was able to sneak around to discover the bandits positioning and offer the best plans of success. At first they didn't listen to a little girl despite them loosing at the time anyways, but after recognizing that her strategy and information on the enemy positions were sound, they were able to drive the bandits out. This helped save many of their lives and the lives of the villagers, causing some to feel indebted to her. She began somewhat of the town mascot after this. These were hectic times with a lot of bandit attacks going on, which she took part in fending off numerous more attempts with the few knights who remained guarding her small, relatively unimportant village. The bandit attacks increased because they wanted revenge more and more with each defeat they suffered. One final push lead by the bandit leader himself was made. Marxie was overconfident after her latest success, failing to realize the enemies bluff and the bandit leader managed to sneak into her very house and kill her mother after using Marxie as a hostage. On her dying breath her mother tossed Marxie her old spell book ,which she used to incinerate the bandit leader, a spell she hasn't used since. By this time she was 15, almost old enough to go traveling on her own, as she didn't have much left at this village to stay for. She had no family and found herself closest to the knights she had been unofficially serving with.

During her travels with them fighting other bandit groups, a bit later on she discovered a hidden spell in the book which could contain a soul. She released it to find a floating blue ball like creature named Nim, who would accompany her on her travels and try to get her going on a quest to unlock his powers, although she's unsure how much she wishes to help him, wondering if it would be such a bright idea. After all, Nim had probably been sealed in her book for a reason, which Nim refused to touch upon with any satisfactory answer.

Trivia: She's based off of what I imagined my created character in Fire Emblem: Awakening to be like. As such you may notice some similarities in her abilities, but this doesn't count as a fan fiction because she won't exist in that universe in my roleplays.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Neer
Age: They look like teenagers, but being clones their bodies were actually formed to be at that age from the beginning, some are older then others, and they have an accumulated experience of at least 20 years, making it too complicated to give a precise answer.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'6''
Weight: Around 130-140 pounds, give to take depending on the available eating habits of the clones.
To save time/money on shaving their genes were altered so they only have slow growing head hair and eyebrows/eyelasses. Some rare clones might have different styles. Their eyes are genetically altered to be the color of the element that they can control, so the one who can use fire, for example, has sparkling red eyes.
Personality: Personality traits for anything that could distract them from their duties have been genetically removed such as fear, boredom, selfishness, etc, but positive traits have also been removed such as being too generous because they need to focus on their missions rather then stopping to help everyone in their path. Basically, they're supposed to be loyal robots who unquestioningly follow orders. They talk in a dull monotone, even in combat, but that doesn't mean what they say is actually boring. In fact they can be quite silly, saying things that normal humans wouldn't. They don't really know how to behave as normal humans would. They don't beat around the bush, speaking exactly what they think. With their experiences accumulating they're starting to gain back some personality, unexpectedly, and sometimes have uncharacteristic expressions of said personality but most of the time remain stoic. Some exhibit more emotions then others. Although they're aware of their individuality they still consider themselves all like a single person with multiple bodies. They don't care about individual safety because of this, so getting killed to them is simply like part of their body was wounded but nothing lost; a minor inconvenience at worst. They also use dry and self depreciating humor on occasion, but they often end up telling lame jokes.


*Peak human physical condition for their age.
*Genetically designed to be immune to most known diseases.
*Well trained in basic tactics and various weaponry from the get-go due to all clone's military experiences and training already "programmed" into their mind through other clone's experiences.
*Teamwork and self sacrifice for the greater good.


The clones can each only have one power "programmed into" their DNA. That being said there are many different kinds of clones with different powers, but most in the actual task forces sent on missions fall into the following categories. There can be more types, but are much more rarely seen.

Mind Link-By far the most common magical ability. They have the standard grey eyes. The clones are able to share the sensory information and memories of each other effortlessly within 100 feet, but are not powerful enough to do so with anyone not a clone without difficulty, especially if the person resists their influence. Clones without mind link can still receive information but not send it.
Fire/Water/Electricity-The three most common offensive orientated magic powers. Sometimes they serve as an elite team working together, although most of the time they're only sent out on an individual basis when their specific power would come in handy. They are not as powerful with this magic as the humans they "borrowed" DNA from to edit into the clone's DNA.
Defensive-They're able to create transparent shields of magical energy around themselves or anyone within 5 feet. The larger or stronger the barrier the harder it is for them, and like the offensive magic they are not as good as the original human with this ability.
Techno-These individuals are able to mentally hack into devices, but only weakly, such as if something has weak or no security measures. If a lot of them get together they can perform better and faster hacks.


*Individually they're weak, being only human, and have relatively weak magic.
*They tend to "follow the leader" where if one of them thinks it's a good idea then they might all think so even if it might not be the brightest plan.
*They have shortened life expectancies.

Character Equipment

Head: They sometimes wear sleek blue glasses that can see magical energy, thermal, and night vision.
Body: They wear flexible black suits made out of material able to withstand very small caliber weapons and have openings for the head, hands, and feet. A silver ring is attached around their neck where the opening is. Parts of their suit is reinforced more then others with extra padding around the elbows and knees. There's another version of the suit for more casual wear or warmer environments that is cut off above the elbow and knees. Both suit versions can have a silver colored material that appears to be attached directly to their suit that covers most of their torso and groin with some smaller pieces on their upper arms and thighs. However, none of these plates are over their joints or in places that would decrease their mobility. This armor can deflect only a few moderately powerful attacks before breaking.
Feet: Black ankle high open toed boots. They don't wear socks.
Hands: Black opened fingered gloves.
Weapons: Their guns make use of 10 mm hollow-point bullets and are designed to be light and accurate. Their submachine gun has a 30 bullet clip and can fire full auto or semi-automatic for 3 round bursts. They also have a pistol with 8 bullets. They carry 3 extra clips for their submachine guns and 2 extra for their pistol. Some may have different weapons depending on their assignments. All clones, with their shared memory, allows them all to be able to use any weapon any of them has trained in, from rocket launchers to snipers.


They're part of a secret government experiment codenamed "Split Soul". They have a few objects. The first is experimentation with multiple different forms of magic. Inserting into clones was the perfect way to go about doing this rather then find all of the different types of people and get them all to co-operate with the deadly experiments, then if they die they'd have to find someone else with that ability, an endeavor far more costly then funding the creation and maintenance of clones. Another goal is if experiments are a success, they can create clones with much more powerful magic similar to the people they got the DNA from, allowing them to be a near unbeatable army. The person used for the clones was the only son of the woman in charge of the experiment, Doctor Rachael Kinge, and they appear to be the age he was when he was cloned in a special process that doesn't involve placing them inside a human woman to be given birth. Instead they are created inside large tubes filled with liquid, just as one would expect of futuristic cloning labs. Dr. Kinge is an amoral person who doesn't care much for human rights and is not bothered by placing clones of her son in danger for the sake of science each and every day. Neither does she care that her son died in the process of cloning him, which she covered up by using the resulting clone to take his place. A lot of breakthroughs were made using the clones and she receives massive funding for her project, both from the government and otherwise. She not only gets paid for the research that goes on, but also having the clones serve as private military to be hired out. They're actually cheaper then using real humans who demand paychecks and can be made indefinitely, so Dr. Kinge's rise to power was inevitable. Although she still doesn't have any actual official power in the workings of the government, she's certainly a puppet master with massive influence.

The clones do as she commands unquestioningly unless something wrong occurs in their brain, which is rare. Such clones are usually disposed of by way of the most dangerous of experiments if found out, but some have managed to escape, such as the case of Liquid Six. Some who experience free will still remain in their service, believing in the good that they are able to accomplish. It is true that Project Split Soul has led to many beneficial discoveries, but not all, and the cost of lives is steep. Most of the clones sent on missions are on the side of justice, further establishing their believes as being the good guys and stopping them from wanting to leave. Liquid Six, however, was a only surviving clone of his squad and was spared by his captures, leaving him to doubt how noble the cause he had been fighting for was.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Pallim Et'chi
Age: 890 (his actual growth was sealed at around 12 years)
Gender: Male
Race: God with a physical, human body (mostly)
Appearance: Pallim is inspired by the Inca. He wears a hand woven, cotton, warm color patterned, sleeveless tunic, a brown loincloth, and an orange woolen cloak with golden embroidery on top that reaches almost down to his mid thighs. He also has brown sandals, a brown handbag (yes, men can carry them), necklace with a bunch of wooden cubes on it, golden armbands, golden disks worn on his earlobes, his hair is put up into two golden buns, and a brightly feathered headdress adorns his head. His skin is an almost golden hue, as is his sparkling golden iris's. His hair is black, short in back due to being placed up in buns and he has long, straight bangs that reach down to just above his eyes. His facial features are rather slender, as is the rest of his body. He's only 4'8'' in height, so combined with his scrawny looks he's not too intimidating at first glance.

Personality: Both his mind and body have been sealed by a God to that of a boy around 12 years old due to feeling threatened by what he could accomplish if he was allowed to grow older. However, that God made a grave mistake by forgetting that he can still be quite a handful at this young age...and can also be vengeful if someone does him wrong. Pallim also doesn't like when people don't take him seriously, so at least the God got that one right moments before his death at Pallim's hands. He doesn't operate entirely based on human feelings or logic, so doesn't see what the big deal is in killing people if it would benefit society as a whole or if the person was a bad guy. He can even finish up killing someone and then happily eat an ice cream cone the very next minute. He tries to keep civilian casualties to a minimum during his fights, but as he believes most people aren't innocent anyways doesn't get too worked up over human deaths. He doesn't like specifically going out to target people without a clear reason to kill them, however, so he doesn't go on random killing sprees. He does help people on occasion but often has ulterior motives, just does it because it amuses him at the time, or is simply helping out by bringing down those more evil then himself, not for the sake of being helpful. He's very energetic, mischievous, and enjoys messing around, so might pull pranks on people for the fun of it, even if it gets him in trouble a lot due to his childish antics. He doesn't take orders from others, but he can be manipulated. Combining the previous fact with his cockiness and it's very easy to get him to play a game or challenge, betting on if he can win it or not, thus getting him to play along and do what you want him to. Just don't let him find out he's being manipulated or he can get very angry.


Physical Abilities- All of his physical abilities are greatly enhanced, the best of which being his agility, reflexes, and stamina.
Magical Defense- Magical attacks, especially nature based ones don't do as much damage to him as it would a normal human.
Staff Proficiency- He's well trained in using a staff in combat.

Magical Powers

Stretch- His body can stretch much like if it were made of silly putty. His limbs can stretch twice their original size and his body 1.5 times it's size, and can bend with greatly enhanced flexibility. He's such a skilled contortionist that he can put himself into practically any position that he desires. His body is weakened when it stretches, but not my much.
Life Sense- He can sense living things within 1,000 feet, but the further it is the weaker he can sense it. He can feel the difference in life between different forms of life, but more similar things such as cats and dogs would be harder to tell apart then a person and a flower, for example.
Solar Absorbtion- Light touching his skin allows him to absorb some of it's energy, although not enough to give him limitless power, as the energy he uses in a fight would often be more then the energy he's absorbing from the sun. Still, over time he can regain a lot of lost energy this way.
Bloom- Any plant life he physically touches can almost instantly go to full bloom, even ones that were originally withering or buds not yet mature enough. Other forms of life take longer, but if he remains in contact with someone/something for a certain amount of time (things with little to no energy inside take around 10 seconds, but those with a lot of energy can much better counteract this skill), he can cause their body to start blooming until it is completely covered, inside and out, with flowers. This move, while in contact with plant life, is involuntary unless a lot of focus is used so it takes up constant energy from him, even if a miniscule amount. That being said he always wears his sandals when he doesn't want to contact the ground, but in a battle when he might want the extra blooms for his abilities he can take them off and this power does the work for him.
Grow- Any bloom within 20 feet grow both as rapidly and invasively as possible. A single flower can grow as tall as 10 feet within 20 seconds and wrap around anything that it makes contact with.
Poison Pollen- Any bloom within a 10 foot radius emits a certain type of pollen into the air, and this pollen will spread to about a 50 foot radius given the wind. Breathing it in for too long enough can cause disorientation, confusion, nausea, intense sneezing/coughing, fainting, and eventually death, but of course Pallim is immune to the effects. Some people are effected more then others, either in the amount/severity of their symptoms or the time they must breath it in. The average human starts experiencing symptoms within 8 seconds and it can become fatal after a minute. Once a bloom has used it's pollen it withers in a manner where even his bloom technique cannot revitalize it.
Carbon Dioxide Emission- Any bloom within 10 feet begins to release all of the carbon dioxide that it can, which can obviously be fatal to breath in. Even Pallim is not immune to this.
Petal Storm- Any bloom within 5 feet breaks apart all at once, it's pedals swirling up and around him like tiny razor blades for around 5 seconds before settling down.
Pollen Blaster- A giant flower bud magically forms in midair within 10 seconds, then opens up to shoot out a large stream of magically enhanced pollen that can grind into enemies like abrasive sand and has the power to knock things backwards with a lot of force.
Homing Bud Lasers- A small bud form in midair, aiming at his opponent before blooming (a process that takes 3 seconds from start to finish), releasing a small pink laser beam at them with power to burn through human flesh. Once a laser is fired the bloom falls to pieces so he must create additional ones per shot, which can take up a lot of energy if he wants to keep firing them en mass. Contrary to what the name might imply, it's not the lasers that home in on someone, but the buds themselves do.
Mighty Bud- A bud forms out of the ground underneath his foot, enveloping him inside of it and serving as a powerful defense, though it's obviously weak to fire and will not withstand sufficiently powerful attacks of any kind. He can move the bud across the ground at speeds of up to 10 miles an hour. He's healed in a very minor way while inside, so often uses this skill to heal after a battle is over. If used mid battle it's highly unlikely he could remain inside long enough to heal any serious injuries.
Gentle Breeze- Don't let it's name fool you. He can create breezes that are powerful enough to rip the roofs off of some houses. The only thing gentle is the pleasant smelling aroma that accompanies this wind.
Raindrops- He can summon rainclouds and move small bodies of water around.
Flame Burst- He can form bursts of flame from his mouth, hands, or feet.


*A lack of natural sunlight hitting his body weakens him over time.


Weapons: 6 foot tall wooden staff. It can balance on the ground on either end with incredible balance, allowing him to kneel on top of it without it toppling over. It can still be knocked over with sufficient force.


He was born within a blooming flower, discovered by a married woman who had yet to have any children of her own. And so they adopted him, not knowing what he truly was. His powers over nature, most importantly flowers but also some of the natural elements, was strong even at a young age. In fact he was so powerful that he caught the eye of another God, who decided to seal his growth when he was 12 years old. Gods in his world are never all powerful and can even be killed, which is what happened to him once Pallim found out he was the culprit. He was thrown out of the house he was raised and forced to fend for himself, which he has been more then capable of doing.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Mimi Tail
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: Catgirl
Appearance: She wears style of pajama, only appearing more like a . Underneath the pajamas she wears baggy, comfy looking brown tank top and pants with cartoon cat images on them. She looks like except light brown fur on the ears and tail.
Personality: She overreacts to almost anything and is both highly selfish and jealous. Her spunkiness knows no bounds. Due to discrimination about her being half cat she now disguises her identity by wearing a cat suit, making them believe she's just in costume.


Cat following-Stray cats tend to want to follow her around all the time and sometimes helps her out, but only if they feel like it.
Physical abilities-She's dexterous and nimble. Her other physical abilities are not superhuman but would certainly be impressive for a girl her age. She can always land on her feet if reasonably possible.
Cat burglary-She has some skills in stealth, pick pocketing, and breaking in.
Street fighting-She knows how to street fight but tends to do poorly in prolonged combat. She's best at taking the enemy by surprise.
Parkour-She can run away through her environment by choosing the best path for escape, climbing up walls and leaping across roofs, etc.
Cat senses-She has all the advantages of cat senses but none of the disadvantages. For example she has better night vision but keeps the human's better color vision.
Yarn manipulation-...you'll see.


Her powers are fueled by the milk she drinks, so if she drinks more milk she can recharge her magical energy back to full strength.

Yarn Power-She has the ability to control any yarn that her skin is in contact with or if whatever's in between her skin and the controlled yarn is also yarn. This includes clothing if it's weaved out of natural materials, which her clothing is. However, the smaller the strands the weaker they are so it won't do her as much good as the thick balls of yarn she carries with her in her pockets. It's mainly a last resort if she were to use her pajamas. The yarn can move at around 60 miles an hour and she has enough control of it to weave yarn into suits. Transferring some energy into the yarn she can make the yarn tougher for the duration of her control of it, making it around the strength of steel for the balls of yarn or iron for other types of yarn not meant for combat, although due to thickness a single strand wouldn't be much defense so she'd often have to weave together a barrier. Some of her yarn has unique properties but this will be explained in equipment.
Nine Lives-She can die and come back to life nine minutes and nine seconds later with her body completely restored. She has a default of nine lives but can reclaim lost lives by saving someone else's life. Therefore she occasionally does uncharacteristic good deeds.


*If she goes without drinking milk for extended periods then she slowly looses control of her yarn powers. She can last for about 5 days before loosing her powers completely until she drinks again.
*Drinking soy milk cuts her powers by half until she can get the taste out of her mouth. For full benefit of her powers she needs whole milk. Chocolate milk upgrades her powers x2 for 30 seconds while Strawberry milk upgrades her powers x3 for 30 seconds. Other flavors are similar to normal milk.
*She gets distracted easily by chime sounding noises and lasers, specifically laser pointers.
*She has the attention spawn of an ADHD moth.
*Loose the use of her yarn and she only has her physical abilities to get herself out of a situation.
*Unless otherwise stated, all her yarn can burn up just as easily as normal yarn even if she's putting energy into it.
*She needs a bunch of cat naps, making her asleep more then she's awake.
*She's deathly afraid of dogs.


Head: Woolly looking white headband made out of as tough yarn as the yarn balls.
Feet: Woolly looking white socks made out of as tough yarn as the yarn balls. They go up to the knees.
Hands: Woolly looking white mittens made out of as tough yarn as the yarn balls. They go up to the elbows.
Weapons: She has access to many different types of yarn, each ball being 100 yards.
Red- Normal.
Purple- Slowly drains the energy of whatever is in contact of it, transferring it into her.
Yellow- If it gains static electricity it can then zap whatever it's in contact with, it's power equivalent to a weak taser.
Green- Prolonged contact causes flu-like symptoms.
Gold- Indestructible. She takes great care not to loose this in battle.
Milk- She has three 9 ounce vials of milk, one of chocolate milk, and one of strawberry milk.


Her father was originally a normal tomcat, albeit with a very high sex drive who often got it on with many cats he found beautiful, which was most of them. Some of the cat owners got mad and tossed him out into the woods. Little did they know that a werewolf was hiding out in those very same moods, and desperately hungry he bit the tomcat, who barely managed to escape with his life. On the next full moon the tomcat turned into a werecat, which actually made him turn much more human, unlike the werewolf who begins human and turns more like a wolf. The werecat scared the villagers at first. Although he had heightened intelligence during this time he still had some animalistic tendencies, so caused quite a ruckus as he rampaged around town, although no casualties were reported. Oddly enough one of the women found him attractive, and the promiscuous tomcat had no problem with it, so they had a one night stand in an abandoned shed. This lasted until the night ended and he turned back into an ordinary tomcat and scurried away. The woman was pregnant with a catgirl so was ridiculed by others for what she had done.

She did her best to raise the young Mimi despite loosing everything and being in poverty. Mimi learned how to get by in any way that she could, which often involved stealing as soon as she was old enough to do so. Her mother died of disease after not affording treatment. Mimi then went to an orphanage. As discrimination got too bad she ran away from this town to start a new life as a normal human in another town. She has had better luck that way but is still a poor orphan. She improved her fighting to get money from bounties, known as Cat the Bounty Hunter as her alias, although never showed her true identity. This is her main source of income, and to get by through other means still involve stealing, but she needs to do this less after making some successful bounty hits.

She was later made contact with by an agent working for an elderly woman known as the Cardinal Knitter, saying that her powers would be perfect for being a member of her army. The Cardinal Knitter has the power to knit clothing to life, and combined with Mimi's power over yarn this could be a force to be reckoned with. She was promised a place to stay and all the milk she could drink, so she accepted the offer. Now she mostly fights against the cult of the Dark Thimble, a group desperate to snip the thread of life that the Cardinal Knitter is in charge of protecting. By using the milk of space-time alteration she can drink it to travel to the past or future for the sake of carrying out the Cardinal Knitters will. She can stay in the chosen time period for as long as the power of the milk runs through her veins, which gives her 5 hours on average. At once point she got a massive power upgrade by weaving the thread of life into her body, killing off 8 of her 9 lives in the process, but she managed to come out on top after defeating the Dark Thimble commander in a one on one battle of fate itself.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Xerra Urandee Ri'Hara
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Ri'Hara clan human. They're like humans but with some enhancements (mentioned in abilities) and have a pact with the Apparis, beings who inhabit another dimension, allowing them to enter that dimension through certain gates.
Appearance: She's a 5'7, athletic looking woman with mocha colored skin. Her black hair is long enough to reach her mid-back. Her bangs are not symmetrical, starting high on the left side and angled downward as it goes right (going from leaving most of the forehead exposed to covering some of her right eyebrow). It ends in a long braided strand of hair covered in golden rings and blue/purple cloth. She sometimes has painted a dull red colored symbol over her left eyebrow that looks like a circle that is all distorted and swirling around. From this symbol, depending on the scenario, extends paint that can cover her entire body in symbols. She wears golden ringed earrings. The colors compliment her vibrant gold iris's that are a well know trait of her clan. Her eyelids are narrow and some would describe them as fierce yet elegant looking, the same being true to the rest of her face. Her face is angular with high cheekbones, a downward pointed nose, and a pointed chin. She sometimes wears purple eyeshadow and nail polish as well as a faint purple lipstick. However, this is not always the case.
She wears a blue and purple colored toga over a form fitting black sleeveless shirt and black shorts, or possibly her upper body wrapped in white bandages that adequately cover her chest, which is a C cup. She wears beaded necklaces and bracelets. She sometimes wears brown fingerless gloves and brown sandals, although sometimes she uses white bandages wrapped around them if she does the same to her chest. She also wears tan colored boots if expecting to walk around a lot outdoors.
Personality: She's normally stoic and a loner, not wanting to get others involved in her own problems. She tries to toughen things out, stubbornly not backing down unless she realizes that she would be putting others in jeopardy over it. She's had this problem ever since her clan was all but wiped out and any team she joined being destroyed one way or another; her often being the only one strong enough to survive so she puts extra burden on herself. She does have a caring side to her but she mostly keeps that hidden behind a stone cold exterior.


Physical Enhancements-Using only her physical abilities she could take on 3 of the most physically capable normal humans evenly. Their race is known for having great control over their bodies such as slowing their heart rate, oxygen consumption, controlling their nerves (emotion-wise) and constricting blood vessels if they focus hard enough. Plus they're very flexible, have heightened reactions by about twice as quick as normal humans, and have one very heightened version of one of the five senses. In her case it's smell. On the downside she finds bad smells all the more repugnant. Her sense of smell is no better then a blood hound and only if she puts attention into it.
Sword Training-Her style uses a lot of slicing maneuvers with power behind them, sacrificing flair for practicality and not much wasted movement for what she needs accomplished. Her technique is not on par with a master swordsman but she's good at overwhelming people and she's been practicing ever since she's been old enough to properly wield a sword, so she certainly knows her way around the standard swordfight. It's possible to say that her greatest flaw in sword fighting is her footwork.
Unarmed combat-She knows the basics of unarming people and has a fighting style to try and use the opponent's momentum against them. However, practice for this comes third to her sword fighting and magic and the lack of finesse shows. She did get into a lot of street fights as a kid if that counts for anything.

Magical Powers

She has power over a certain liquid-metal material colored glittering black called exilindrite. At the same density of steel it's twice as strong and can resonate with her energy to become even stronger. She can "feel" where it is within 200 feet so doesn't need visual confirmation within that range, making it move for her just as easily as if it were an extension of her body. There's no end to what she can do with it besides the following limitations:

1. She can move it with her mind at any distance up to 200 feet effectively, but past that distance she begins to struggle. At 1,000 feet she has some minor level of control, given that she has an adequate view of the material, but it's very sloppy control and requires a lot more concentration.

2. She can only move an amount of this material with around the same total volume of an adult rhino effectively. Beyond that and she begins to show minor visible strain. If she moves a mass of exilindrite the size of a blue whale then it will require her undivided attention and be an absolute struggle from start to finish.

3. She can move the material at speeds of 1,800 feet per second, but only if in a consistent motion such as straight forward or rotational force. If she does complex maneuvering then the speed will drop accordingly.

4. While in the process of altering it's shape it is momentarily weakened as it becomes more liquid-like then solid-like. However, once it stops moving it almost instantaneously turns back into it's full strength solid, and even it's liquid form still provides the stopping power of iron. Moving means amongst itself and not talking about in relation to other things. For example, a glob in the shape of a sword could be swung around as a solid, but if the sword is changing shape as it's being swung then it would be it's liquid form.

5. Forming exilindrite out of thin air takes tremendous energy out of her. To form 1 cubic foot of it requires 10 minutes and will leave her visibly fatigued. It can be found in nature but very rarely so will not be randomly stumbled upon mid battle unless you specifically request that happen.

6. Exilindrite can only be permanently destroyed under special circumstances that break apart the magical bonds of the metal so that it can no longer be controlled. However, simply breaking the metal itself apart into a thousand pieces wouldn't be enough to do so. It requires a special techniques specifically designed to break apart the magical bonds, or be an attack so powerful that it removes all traces of the Exilindrite.

Everything not mentioned as limited is fair game (besides obviously not allowed stuff such as having it turn into monkies). She can split up the material in as many different ways and forms as desired, from giant drills to hundreds of tiny bullets, use it to pick stuff up, etc.


The Ri'Hara clan has long been the only humans allowed within the Apparis's dimension after the father of the clan many centuries ago bested one of the most powerful Apparis in existence after much boasting between the two a bet being made. The bet was honored and the Ri'Hara were allowed safe passage into their dimension for as long as their bloodline would last. They build sacred temples around the gates between the two dimensions and were tasked with guarding these gates with their very lives as a team with the Apparis. This was to prevent undesired individuals of either side to travel through the dimensions and cause trouble. Things went along smoothly for many years, when all of a sudden the Apparis kingdom was split into two factions; one of them vehemently opposed to the humans, and by extension the Ri'Hara. Even some of the teams working with them were secretly of this rival faction and killed off many Ri'Hara, including Xerra's father, as far as she knows. Many Ri'Hara sacrificed themselves to remain at the temples even as the Apparis closed in around them in order to destroy the portals so that the evil Apparis couldn't get through into the human world. Despite all odds they managed to fend them off long enough to do so until only one portal remained. Rather then destroy this portal (which Xerra herself didn't know how to do), Xerra's mother, who was with her inside the temple, instead chose to protect her daughter with all of her strength. Both her mother and all of Xerra's fellow Apparis, who she spent her entire life growing up with, were killed in the battle, but the enemy suffered tens of thousands of casualties, causing the survivors to cower away in fear against the woman who would do everything to protect her daughter. The young Xerra rushed out into the pouring rain to try and kill off any of the stragglers, although some managed to escape.

This evil faction of Apparis suffered such heavy causalities during the battles that the side loyal to the Ri'Hara were able to push them back and force them into hiding, although they were never truly eliminated. Xerra devoted the rest of her teenage years to training in relative seclusion within the temple holding the last portal, protecting it and waiting for the day when she could kill off every last Apparis who participated in the war that drove her clan to near extinction. A bit after she had turned 19 the Apparis came out of hiding for a second huge push with all of their focus on that one temple with an army 10,000 strong. Unfortunately for them she spent most of this time amassing a huge stockpile of exilindrite in anticipation for such revenge. The battle lasted for 5 hours and she was left collapsed at near death from exhaustion with most of the metal obliterated beyond repair, but the Apparis army was completely destroyed through a near constant rain of metal.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Frederick Blaze
Age: 38
Gender: Manly Man
Race: Bur'vahren Human
Appearance: Until I get a chance to draw him, just picture a manly looking lumberjack.
Personality: He's the manliest man you'll ever meet. He admires his muscles above all else and often does manly tasks that would include wrestling bears with his bare hands if not for the fact that this now provides too little of a challenge for him even with both hands tied behind his back. He's always looking to improve his strength so doesn't bother with activities that don't push his limits unless it's to be a manly gentleman by helping women who he believes are more in need of his assistance. If he believes that someone should be able to handle the situation by themselves then he won't help out unless it's for his own benefit/enjoyment, but he tends to underestimate women so might often mistake them as needing his help when they really don't. He greatly prefers honorable combat over trickery. However, he might not always fight on the side of justice. He believes in survival of the fittest as far as men are concerned, so even if he has nothing personal against a male opponent, if it's in honorable combat he has no problem killing them. He doesn't enjoy fighting women but will still defend himself against them.


Physical Enhancements- He can chew boulders for breakfast and a flex of his pec muscles can knock back the average human. He can run through castle walls while maintaining his top speed of 50 miles an hour. Admittedly he's not nearly as fast as he is strong, but he's capable of intense bursts of speed over short distances. He can cause the ground to shatter by stepping on it with any more force then a normal walk, meaning that while running he's constantly chipping away at the earth that can cause rumbles to be felt within around 20 feet. He has insanely high endurance and durability so that he could keep fighting for hours and a wrecking ball swung by a dragon on steroids would knock him back and hurt him but he'd still be able to keep fighting. He also has a decent capacity to withstand magic, but not quite as much as physical. He can keep fighting at full power despite the pain up to a certain extent.
Hair- His hair is as tough as steel and forms a web of protection to cushion blows most notably across his chest, but also in any area that you see men with a lot of body hair. His beard and mustache combo can protect against attacks to his neck from the front. With concentration he can maneuver his hair around to grab onto stuff by wrapping around it. His hair grows at an enhanced pace on everywhere but, ironically, his head (which is shaved), but stops growing at the point of what a naturally hairy man would have.
Manly Abilities- He's great at anything stereotypically manly.
Manly men know no fear- He remains undaunted no matter what evil spell someone has to make enemies be afraid.
Manly men can't be controlled by others- He's trained to fend off those who try to peer into his mind to read it or control it. His skill at this technique makes his mind almost impenetrable.


Fire Wheel- His primary magical attack involves forming wheels of fire that spin around his wrists. They can then be flung towards his opponent with homing capability at speeds up to 200 miles an hour, but it must accelerate for 3 seconds to reach this speed. As long as he can see the wheel he can control it and transmit his energy to it from a distance to keep it burning. The wheels can go completely the opposite direction on a dime as long as there's not too much momentum. In the empty middle portion of the fire wheel can shoot out fire balls that don't have homing, travel at 100 miles an hour, can fire 3 a second, and explode on contact with the force of a weak grenade. They shoot out perfectly perpendicular to the wheel. He can have up to four fire wheels active at once but might have trouble controlling them if requiring complicated maneuvers.
Hairfire Explosion- His body is not normally immune to fire, but using this technique his facial/body hair can absorb any nearby fire and explode with all of the intensity of the fire unleashed at once. Any hair used in this technique is burned completely away but the rest of his body remains unharmed. He can set himself on fire to fuel this technique for the extra oomph, but on the downside the range of the explosion is limited to 10 feet away unless he absorbed a massive amount of powerful fire.
Flex vibration- He can flex any muscle repeatedly, causing it to vibrate faster and faster until it heats up to 120 degrees and has vibrations that can shatter objects touching the muscle with more force then what he could normally hit with. However, this harms and exhausts his muscle if used for too long. He's also able to release all the built up vibrations at once like a sonic boom. His trademark attack is shooting a sonic boom out of his pecs, but it works for any muscle. A sonic boom powerful enough to destroy a house in one blast would require 10 seconds of flexing time and he cannot use the flexing muscle normally during this time.


*Any task requiring that he be unmanly


A manly man only needs his own body as a weapon.


As a Bur'vahren, they're known as a super powerful clan of humans from the planet of Bur'vahl. Although they have a relatively small population size they have withstood invasions by much more populous races since near the beginning of their existence, being a warrior culture in a chaotic area of the universe known as the Brutal Cosmic Triangle, where they are near the middle. In fact they've often held out while outnumbered a thousand to one in the past. Frederick Blaze is one of the higher end soldiers serving on the Vedrenhhet commando team who goes on the offensive against their invaders. Most of their forces are simply stuck on their planet in order to defend their home world.

Frederick often volunteers to fight against the toughest of enemies in a constant effort to test his limits. He has since become well known. Some say he's a war criminal due to his massacres of certain enemy forces, although no crimes were actually committed by him even if killing off all of the enemy can be seen as overly brutal.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name-Rene Ohana (Nicknamed the Graceful Blossom or the Shadow Stalker, who are commonly believed to be two separate people)
Appearance- This is what her face looks like. She commonly wears a fancy white kimono with purple flowers on it with geta sandals. Underneath her robe is an lightweight and unrestrictive outfit that is more practical for combat; a black sleeveless shirt and black shorts, a stark contrast to the fancy outfit that she wears over it. However, she usually fights in her restrictive outfit until she has a reason not to. The outfit underneath is only warn while she's acting as the Shadow Stalker. Somewhere on her body is a birthmark that looks exactly like a flower, although she keeps it a secret where it is. While unleashing her special powers the birthmark turns black, and the darkness soon turns her entire body as dark as night. If you haven't guessed, at that point she is the Shadow Stalker. Her hair appears to not be effected by gravity as it too is swallowed by the darkness and flows around.
Personality- She's very refined and generous while acting as the Graceful Blossom, behaving as a perfect human should...almost too perfect. Deep down she has always hated the rich kid lifestyle that was too worried about being polite and not allowed to express how they truly feel, kissing the backsides of whoever they need favors from, most commonly from their parents. Sure she can get anything that she wants handed to her using such methods, but she'd rather have nothing and be able to act how she feels deep down. Otherwise she's just suffocating in a life she didn't choose. She's far more like the ruthless Shadow Stalker persona, striking out at others and allowing her emotions to get the better of her. Some people claim it's just the Shadow Stalker being a childish rebel, but she has developed a deep-seated hatred of the elite ruling class after her numerous dealings with them. Her "rebellion" is no mere childish tantrum. She wishes to dismantle what she considered a social structure unfair to almost everyone involved.


Physical Abilities- Her abilities are that of an unenhanced human, but at the peak of health for what can be expected of a girl her age. Her skill makes it seem like she's tougher then she really is, as endurance and durability are her weak points. She's the best at speed and moderately good at strength. Her reactions are super quick, especially if she's concentrating on the task at hand.
Swordsmanship- She's so quick that her swings that they are just a blur to normal humans. Her quick draw maneuver is especially fast, allowing her to draw her sword and slash it within half a second, although if she uses her right hand it's around twice as slow. She's known for being super precise and fast, using skill to overcome her opponents rather then brute force.
Intellect- Perhaps her greatest asset is her mind, which she's incredibly calculating and intelligent.


Shadow Stalker-If she unleashes the power hidden in the birthmark she increases in speed, strength, and durability times four and she sometimes gets down on all fours like an animal. While unleashing the power of her birthmark she can form weapons out of the darkness on her skin. For example, she can have a spear made out of the darkness joust out of her forearm. She can change it to any form as long as it doesn't leave contact with her skin or have a size larger then the surface area of the skin. This is because the darkness on her skin is what actually goes out to make whatever objects she desires. While in this mode, piecing her birthmark will make all the darkness dissolve until the skin heals over the wound again, which occurs at a natural pace.

Graceful Blossom- As her Graceful Blossom persona she can form the same type of maneuver, but instead it is a pink form of energy that she can build up anywhere on her skin. This energy can be shot off, so while her Shadow Stalker form is mainly for close corridors and powerful strikes, her Graceful Blossom form is great at long range and swift movements of her magic. She can switch forms at will, but if she goes out of her Shadow Stalker form then all the darkness on her skin dissolves, wasting away all the energy that had come from her body to supply the dark energy with power.


Weapons- She wields a very well made, yet not supernaturally enhanced katana while acting as the Graceful Blossom.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Maxwell McBride (Nicknamed Max)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: He appears sort of likethis, having an average height and slightly lean body. His hair is naturally grey, but was originally brown. He wears a black jacket, black slacks, ankle high socks and black dress shoes. Underneath is a plain white shirt other then a light grey emblem appearing to be like a set of wings swirling around in a circle with a skull in the middle.
Personality: At the forefront of his personality is his cold determination, shutting himself off from the outside world in order to allow himself to focus on his goals. As a result he doesn't like talking more then necessary, is aloof, and bottles up his emotions, but deep down is kind hearted even if he tries to shove such emotions aside. He will never do bad things for fun, but believes that the end justifies the means so may carry out dirty work as needed. He tries to limit what he deems senseless acts of violence to a minimum, which mainly applies to innocent civilians, so he wouldn't go so far as to bomb an entire building filled with innocents just to get at the criminals hiding inside.


Physical Abilities- He's very athletic but within human capabilities for one his age. It's his skill that can be considered superhuman, being able to dodge things that normal humans probably couldn't and perform stunts such as back flips while still able to shoot accurately.
Gun slinging- He has improbable aiming skills and is fast at it. This is best seen in his use with handguns. He knows how to use other weapons, having in depth knowledge about a great many of them and their capabilities, but he doesn't have as much hands on practice with them.
Calculating- Able to determine the best course of action quickly.


*Cat allergy (nonfatal but still harmful),
*If caught without a plan he isn't as good at fighting
*He doesn't ask for help much
*Somewhat bad luck at times


Weapons- Silver handgun, letter opener
Other- Shark tooth necklace (could also be considered a weapon)


He was born to a long line of assassins, although most of them met their ends long before old age despite being of above average ability. He and his older brother were trained sternly by his father while he was still alive, although he died when Max was only seven after a mission gone bad. His older brother went to Truesight Academy (a school for training assassins from a young age) once he was old enough to feel ready for the challenge, but for unknown reasons he was ordered to be assassinated by the principal. Max doesn't know who carried out the hit, but due to the high level of talent his brother possessed it was probably one of the higher ups. Using his skills as an assassin he decided to join the academy a year later to try and get to the bottom of this and get his revenge against the principal and the assassin who killed his brother.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name-Takaki Isamu (高木 勇)
Race- Human
Personality-Takaki has a great understanding of people on the battlefield but limited understanding of people off the battlefield. This is especially true for women, as he's blissfully ignorant about most of the differences women have from men. He treats them like men most of the time, both in combat and off. This isn't to say that he isn't attracted to women (in fact it's quite the opposite), he just don't know how to interact with them very well on a personal level due to being rather isolated during his training, having interactions only with fellow (male) ninjas on occasion. Takaki has had OCD as long as he can remember, so he loves everything neat and tidy, even going as far as having a fighting style that limits his opponents blood loss that could splatter onto him or otherwise while still being lethal. Sometimes he spares opponents if he can't finish them off without the high risk of getting himself messy. He hates sloppy formations and picks off opponents who are disorganized. If the enemy forces are attacking him in two groups then he wants to balance out his killing on both groups. Besides his quirks, or perhaps because of them, he's very professional and serious about his work. He's always prepared with everything in order unless the enemy managed to luckily catch him off guard. He has no problem killing off enemies when need be and otherwise doing what has to be done. He lacks some empathy and is a tad bit selfish, although his heart is in the right place...usually. He likes gambling (mainly games that allow him to bet on even numbers) and drinking sake.


Ninja-ness-Takaki is well trained in all things ninja from stealth to...stealthy assassinations...to stealthily sneaking around, and he's also good at stealth if you haven't guessed. He's a ninja for crying out loud, so a random person cannot just randomly spot him when he's done nothing to give away his position. He's also trained in blow darts, throwing stars, katanas, anything stereotypically associated with ninjas is fair game for me to claim that he can do. However, I'm speaking of only the physically possible stuff for this. If it's something magical such as running across water then I must specifically state this.
Observation- He can study his surrounding and his opponent's body language well (when it comes to combat) in order to predict their movements or identify weaknesses, including if they're off balance because his OCD helps him quickly identify such weaknesses. A hole in their defenses? OCD helps him out there too. Basically, he's spent his whole life observing the world around him to make sure that everything fits as it should.


Physical abilities- His movements can be as fast as a blur to a normal human and he has reaction times to keep up with this quickened pace. He has superb hand eye coordination and is good with finer detailed movements of the hands as well, leading to expert precision.
Sensing- All five of his senses can be magically enhanced, although only one at a time, up to five times the average human through intense focus. He can also sense a person's aura, able to tell from it if they mean ill intent or not unless they're good at hiding their emotions. He can also sense immediate danger even without the aid of looking at a person's aura, but wouldn't know any details about what danger it could be. Maybe it's just something his OCD can't stand, leading to a non-serious false alarm to distract him.
Poison- Takaki has control over poison. He can create poison in liquid or gas form with a variety of effects, including death, but also any other symptoms that one might get from other types of poison. The main downside is that it takes more time inhaling his poison for the more dangerous poison types to take effect. If his aim is to give you a single minor sneeze then you'd only have to inhale it for a second or two, but if he wants you dead then it would take around a minute. Any poison that takes effect after a certain length of time, if the opponent gets to fresh air, completely nullifies any poison building up during that time. Once the poison effect activates, however, that won't save them. The poison, both in liquid and smoke form is always visibly purple. It can dissipate to cover more distance, but the lighter and lighter purple the less potent it is, thus requiring more time to inhale before the poison takes effect. The liquid form is more potent and he can store it for future use, but it's obviously harder to take effect due to having to get the liquid into their bloodstream (through drinking or open wounds). Besides inhalation time, the more drastic the effect for either form the more energy it takes to generate that poison. It's important to note that his poisons can have positive affects as well, such as an increased feeling of bravery, although his positive affect poisons aren't as powerful right now and they can only give a very modest supplement to people's natural healing processes.


*Not very good in a direct fight, especially one that's prolonged.
*If his movement is restricted then he's in big trouble.
*He sometimes becomes too focused directly on his opponents rather then himself, or even his surroundings in general.
*His OCD can sometimes get the better of him.


Weapons-Takaki, being a ninja, has a lot of weapons at his disposal. He wields a duel sickle weapon (shown in the picture), which is his most commonly used weapon for mid-range confrontations. He can use the chain to tie up or otherwise restrict his opponents movements, strangle them, or to swing one of the sickles out for a ranged attack in a way that splatters any blood far away from him. For a more heavy duty close quarter weapon he has a katana, although he doesn't like fighting too close with a weapon designed to make enemies bleed unless he has no other options. That doesn't mean he isn't good with it. In fact his katana skills are legendary, even better then with his sickles. Smaller weapons at his disposal includes multiple kunai, a blowgun, multiple shuriken, and a bag of small spikes able to be tossed on the ground (to harm an opponent's foot while stepping on them). He has some training with a bo staff, although he currently is not carrying one unless otherwise stated.


Takaki was born in Japan to the Takaki ninja clan. Most of his life has been spent in training by his overbearing father, who expects a lot out of Takaki due to him being his only child. Takaki rarely interacted naturally with people during his time growing up and doing brutal training methods. When it did interact with others it was as an enemy, sparing or otherwise. Takaki has always hated making a mess, so his job as a ninja was quite awkward at first, but he's since learned to be both clean and deadly; the most powerful among the Takaki clan. He's a workaholic who doesn't know any better then to carry out his ninja career, so he never thought about rebelling and trying to start his own life. He was eventually assigned to instruct Misami Kiyoko, his cousin, in the art of the ninja, although he isn't very good at it. He still tries in order to make his family proud.
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name- Kimberly (Kim) Evans
Age- 14
Gender- Female
Appearance- She has shoulder length red hear that turns white at the tips. The hair is kept straight with a slight hint of curves if she bothers to fix it up a bit, but if not her hair can get extremely messy and puffed up. Even if she does fix her hair up there's almost always an occasional strand poking out in a different direction then the others. She usually doesn't have bangs unless her hair decides to go rouge on her and go wherever they want. She has a slightly larger then average forehead, and although she was teased about it as a kid she's not embarrassed by it and it's not freakishly large or anything. Her eyes are a brilliant blue color, standing out from the crowd as eyes full of energy and hope. Her facial features have a very kind look about them but are not nearly as memorable as her hair or eyes. She has a large chest size.

In terms of fixing herself up, she never does nail polish or earrings but she might, on occasion, do some makeup. A lot of her clothes are wrinkled and she has incredibly poor fashion sense. Her "style" usually learns toward a tomboyish look, but she just wears whatever happens to be easy to move around in, having no real aversion toward feminine clothes if they feel good. Her "style" changes daily as she tries out new things.

Personality- Poor Kim, bless her heart, is quite an airhead who puts little thought into her actions. While she's actually around average intelligence if she tries hard enough, she prefers not to over think things. While one would think she's lazy due to this, her ambitions are actually quite high and she never slacks off where it truly matters. Some would say that she actually sets the bar too high on some things, especially for someone of her disposition, but that doesn't stop her from trying her best on things that are important to her. Likewise, if a problem arises that she feels strongly about, such as someone getting bullied, she can get very serious, singling everything else out to deal with the problem at hand, never giving up until she completes what she has set out to do. She's willing to do this even at the risk of getting harmed herself or if her odds of success are low. Run away from a problem? Kim's never heard of such a thing.

Despite these occasional ambitions of hers, she's generally very laid back, slow to anger and almost never feeling embarrassed, so if that happens then you know that it's a big deal. She's very outgoing and friendly, sometimes so much so that she's oblivious to other peoples comfort zones. A problem of hers is that she sometimes projects what she would like, such as saying "I'd like to be hugged now so she must too!" While most of the time this is innocent, she does in fact like women, and thus sometimes has more romantic motives involved in such gestures. However, she respects peoples wishes and will back off when told, at least in terms of her romanticism. If it's for their own good, she's not afraid to stand her ground on certain matters.


Kim is a magical girl, and thus has power from her transformations. She has no magical power when not transformed.

Suit Level 1: Her transformation sequence comes complete with a lot of sparkles, light, and pink energy flowing outward. Her magical girl outfit is a fancy black undershirt, red vest with puffy long sleeves, black gloves going up just above her elbow, small black shorts, form fitting black socks going up just above the knee, and red shoes with buckles instead of shoelaces. On her ankles and wrists are golden rings. In this form she doesn't technically have a weapon, but she has inhuman levels of strength and can unleash pink colored magical energy. This energy can be formed together to make weapons such as swords, or it can be fired off into things such as beams or balls of energy. She's commonly an up close and personal fighter.

Suit Level 2: (A transformation to upgrade her previous transformation. I'll be adding information on this later)

(Kim has a few other Suits that she can transform into, but due to them not being entirely thought up yet we'll just pretend that all she can do is Suit Level 1 for now)

(Yep. Still very busy, but here's some of her character sheet to hold you guys off)
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Citrune
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Citrune (I'll draw the rest of her body some time, but her outfit looks like what you'd expect from what is already seen)
Personality: She's friendly, silly, and playful unless there's a very good reason to be otherwise. On the downside she can also be naive and oblivious, seemingly unaware of the suffering of others due to being a very fortunate individual who has experienced few hardships. However, she's not quite as out of touch as others might think, at least when it comes to certain areas. She's largely a pacifist who doesn't even kill animals as measly as insects. It's not like she doesn't walk to avoid stepping on microscopic things, but as long as she can help it she won't try to kill anything. When she fights she does so to incapacitate them with as little damage necessary to stop them from harming others.
Likes- Cactus juice (it'll quench yah!), vegetables, flying squirrels
Dislikes- Violence, meat


Physical- She has no physical abilities outside of what would be expected of an average 19 year old girl. She specializes more in mobility then strength.
Wandering- She's good at wandering around places without getting lost and not dying if there are adequate resources available. Not hunting for food does inhibit this somewhat, but she's good at figuring out edible plant-life that makes up for it.


All of her abilities involve spatial manipulation, being insanely powerful yet taxing on her energy.

Reduction- She can focus on any spot within 15 feet and make it no longer exist within the space of this reality. You can see just before it activates by the distortion of the space much like how a black hole distorts it, and if the object gets away from this distortion within the 3 second charge up time then they won't be effected. This also makes her not able to use it to pluck bullets out of the air unless she is already forming the distortion before it's fired and the bullet passes into the distortion while it's still in effect (and her reactions wouldn't be good enough to do the former anyways). Powerful enough magical fields can disrupt her power from activating inside of it, so it wouldn't work well on spirits or other powerful beings. She can keep the distortion active for as long as she can supply the energy, but if she keeps a sphere only as large as her fist open for 30 seconds then her entire energy will be drained. It does take more energy to start up the distortion then maintain it, but if she keeps it active for more then 3 seconds needlessly then it's best to just turn it off and on again as need be as far as energy cost is concerned.
Severance- She can form a distorted looking mass of space that can push other space out of the way. The most common form this takes is a sword, but she can make it into any melee weapon she's familiar with. She cannot have this power originate from a distance, so this distortion must sprout from her body. Most forms of non-magical defense might as well not even exist as this ability cuts through the space the molecules inhabit and not the molecules themselves, splitting them apart even if they were the toughest known materials imaginable. If she were able to create a fine enough edge to this technique she could split the space within individual atoms, but she's stuck splitting molecules instead. This technique requires 5 seconds of charge-up time to form a weapon as large as a 4 foot sword. It has no weight. It requires continual energy to keep active, so said sword could last 3 minutes before draining her completely of energy. She can fire this technique off up to a distance of 20 feet before the distortion grows to weak and dissipates. She commonly uses needles for this.
Push- Rather then sever space she can just push it along with her own distorted looking mass of space. Therefore, she can form this underneath her feet and shove her feet upwards to jump large distances, for example. Unfortunately this technique is not as fine tuned as her other ones so is fragile. She can form walls of it to push back against attacks, but if it's a strong enough attack then it can still break through, much unlike her other technique that would either banish it from existence or severe it in two with ease. This technique is more cost effective, can go 30 feet, and can be used for less destructive strategies in exchange for this downside.
Teleport- A highly exhausting move that would drain her of all energy to use once and a single human or similar sized object. She can teleport it/them anywhere she imagines in her mind after distorting the space it/they inhabit for 10 seconds of charge.


*Stop from getting defeated long enough and she'll be out of energy in minutes.
*She won't kill you so might miss out an a chance to win, which could lead into the first weakness.
*Her effective range is limited to at the very most 30 feet for her weakest technique so is only really dangerous at 20 feet and closer.


She's a princess from a desert kingdom who was banished into the Fathomless Desert by her own father, who feared her power and wished to get her out of the way to avoid her taking the throne and stopping him from his plan of ruling with an iron fist. She was tricked into a simple excursion into the desert when she was only 12 years old. Once she was distracted by looking inside one of the landmarks, the rest of her company trapped her there and ran back to the kingdom, use magic to conceal the path back home. At this point she was not so good at finding her way and was completely lost. However, the spirits within the landmark, the 3 Crimson Foxes, took pity on this little girl as they watched her helplessly wander around and slowly starve to death. They were friends with some other spirits of the desert, so revealing themselves to her they allowed her to follow them a hidden ruin nearby that provides unlimited food and water as long as the host spirit approves of the person who feasts there. He agreed to allow her to feast as long as she wanted, given that she fights in his honor to expand his influence among some of the other spirits of the desert. She struck the deal after convincing him that it would be more honorable if they were able to win without harming others. With that settled the Feasting Boar, as he is called, became one of the most powerful desert spirits as Citrune wandered around the desert with the help of the 3 Crimson Foxes, their sights set on the other desert landmarks and their spirit inhabitants. Using her powers for good she was able to stop conflict and unite, or at least pacify, many of them, although some still gave her lots of trouble. Eventually the Feasting Boar said that she repaid her debt for eating his food and allowed the foxes to guide her back to her Kingdom, which she discovered was in great duress after her father's plans came to fruition. The citizens were suffering, as a lot of money went into forming a massive army. After a war between the spirits of the desert and her kingdom, the kingdom in search of their vast power, Citrune was able to confront her father directly and teleport him to the temple of feasting, where the Feasting Boar locked him in forever but allowed him to sustain himself. The kingdom surrendered to the spirits of the desert, but partially thanks to Citrune's befriending of them, the spirits did show some mercy to them and didn't take them over. Rather, Citrune took the thrown with the spirit's supervision until a suitable replacement was found.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Mrurhun
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Half Wolf (This is the name of his race in human tongue. The actual name is unpronounceable to humans)
Appearance: He has scruffy looking grey-ish white wolf ears and a bushy tail that is one and a half foot long. His shoulder length hair matches the same look as his ears. He also has slightly bushy eyebrows. His eyes are narrow with green irises and slitted pupils. He has a well toned body with a slightly grey skin tone. Blue tribal tattoos adorn his body.

In terms of clothing he wears only a brown loincloth which does adequately cover his privates, but if that fails he still has enough hair on his groin to cover up that way as well. Otherwise his hair is of a normal level for males of his age. He sometimes wears other tribal accessories but usually nothing else unless you count his gauntlets/greaves that are used as weapons more so than armor. He hates restrictive outfits.

Personality: He can be seen as distant and cynical towards others. He's the silent type...literally. He only talks when absolutely necessary and is not good at forming actual words, instead making some wolf-like noises, usually only grunts from effort. Unlike others of his tribe he cannot control his voice well at all, leading to accidentally using his powers when he's just trying to talk normally. As a result he's stopped talking all together. Because of his lack of verbal communication he tends to keep to himself, preferring things that way anyways.

He hunts prey from the treetops and pounces down on them with ruthless efficiency. He doesn't like doing unnecessary things.


Physical Enhancements- As a half wolf he can lift roughly 2,800 pounds or strike with an equivalent upgrade in strength compared to that of a human. He can run at 70 miles an hour. Those of his race are particularly known for their keen senses, reaction time, and endurance, and Mrurhun is no exception. He can track scents, see at night, and hear a twig snap from twice as far as a human and better pinpoint where it came from.
Hunting- As mentioned in his physical enhancements, he has many traits that help him in hunting and he also has a lot of practice at it as well.
Cunning- He can come up with great battle plans, considered to be ruthlessly efficient.


U'ku'ru Ruh'ka- Known as the wolf bark, he can bark loudly, which causes sound waves to burst forward from his voice with the power to knock backwards people who don't properly brace for it if they are within 10 feet within his normal field of view. If focused into a funnel about as large as his head it's able to hit with the force five thats of the greatest boxer. However, this hurts his vocal chords tremendously so he refrains from using so if at all possible. His throat can become so sore that he can only use this focused blast once a day and it's possible that it causes permanent damage. The normal technique can be used three times a day to suffer the same effects.
U'ku'ru Han're- Known as the wolf howl in other languages, users can cast flowing blue wolf spirits out of their throat by singing in certain pitches to give commands. I wrote it here so that I don't forget, but Mrurhun is incapable of using this technique due to it's need of fine tuned vocal chords to properly pull off.


*Cannot communicate normally
*No armor
*His vocal cords are much weaker than many of his race, being damaged, so can only use one power.


Hands: He wears iron gauntlets on his hands that are strapped right behind his fingers with claws sticking out forward between them.
Feet: He wears iron greaves strapped right behind his toes with claws sticking out forward between them, and also there's a band that stretches around behind his ankle that has another claw poking out of.


He's from the clan known as the half wolf to other races. They're a rather secretive race of half wolf people who make their home in the middle of a massive forest. They hunt a lot and have both boys and girls trained at a young age to do so. In fact they can only reach adulthood after successfully hunting and killing a really large and dangerous animal known as the U'ku'rai, loosely translated as wolf killer. After doing so they must drag that animal back to their village and it will be prepared as a feast to celebrate their first day of adulthood. Mrurhun made an attempt to do so but, thanks to a mysterious entity interfering, he was knocked unconscious and had to be rescued. His failed attempt had him branded with tattoos from head to toe, so he's largely been shunned by other half wolf. He can make another attempt at adulthood at a later date to regain his honor, but has not done so. Instead he ran away from the village to live on his own, not believing that they were even worth dealing with. He was also in search of the mysterious entity that only he had seen that had messed with him. As it turns out it was a small bird which could change it's shape at will into different shadowy forms. It called itself Iikra. For some reason she had her sights set on Mrurhun, loving to tease and mess with him whenever possible.

It was her plan to distance him from his village as much as possible so he could be her personal warrior, claiming that it was the other half wolf's fault for how they decided to treat him and not her own. Therefore she was just showing him their true nature, thus doing him a favor. The out casted Mrurhun did believe her words but was still rightfully angry with Iikra as well, making multiple attempts to hunt and kill her. However, she seems to enjoy this and treat it like a game, able to defeat and evade Mrurhun multiple times. All the while she says that she'll love to see him develop into a true warrior.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Gunhildyr
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: She's built like an Amazon, standing in at 6'5'' and has visible muscles. Her pale blond hair is tied back roughly into a flat ponytail that lays against the back of her hair rather then being perky and lifting upwards. On both sides of her face are two braided strands of hair. Her face has a rugged beauty about it with dark brown face paint splashed on it while on a hunt. Like the rest of her body, her face has it's share of scars, most notably a vertical one underneath her left eye and a set of three claw scratches along her right jaw line. She looks tough as nails, especially in her animal skin clothing that has a giant paw on each shoulder.

Personality: She's a no nonsense gal who enjoys fighting and drinking, but that's about it. She was raised from birth in a culture where if you're not tough then you're worthless and this has effected her viewpoint on many things even to this day. If she does show compassion then it's in the form of tough love. She doesn't commit many crimes besides when she gets a little rough with people or does what she believes must be done to solve a problem, so she's not a bad person as long as you don't mess with her. If you do then god help you, she will get revenge one way or another. She mostly looks out only for herself and those who she deems worthy to hunt with after they have bested her in combat or otherwise proved themselves worthy. If they did manage such a feat then she can be fiercely loyal to them to the point of giving her life. She's not afraid of death, finding death defying feats exhilarating. She has limited patience for boring or annoying things. She has no sense of humor, so seeing a blue moon is more frequent then seeing her laugh or tell a joke.


Physical Enhancements- Imagine a very tough male body builder and she can fight around three of them in brute strength. She has no magical powers to enhance her strength so this is all natural, although the race of humans she belongs to does naturally have very high levels of physical fitness. Her speed is that of an Olympic runner but can keep it up for longer periods thanks to her powerful muscles and long strides.
Hunting- Good at skills relating to hunting and traveling outdoors.
Weapons- She prefers to wield a broadsword, which she can wield with a single hand if necessary despite it's large size and heavy weight. She's also trained in bows, knifes, maces, and unarmed combat.


*She has no magical powers
*She relies on brute strength


Head: Hide armor helmet, made from an animal with skin on a toughness between iron and steel.
Body: Hide armor, made from an animal with skin on a toughness between iron and steel.
Hands: Hide gloves...you get the idea.
Feet: Hide boots...
Weapons: Steel broadsword, bow with steel arrows, single handed mace, steel dagger


She's known as the Mercenary Queen, coming from the frigid lands to the north where those of her race are often raised as mercenaries to fight for other countries. This is one of the primary sources of income for their otherwise poor kingdom that has few/hard to reach resources and limited habitable land. They have to be tough from birth out of necessity, even if you are a queen. Some believe that she's called the Mercenary Queen simply due to how skilled she is as a mercenary, although the title can be taken literally as well. In fact, she learned her powerful fighting style as part of the royal family, which took power through force. Her father is the most powerful warrior of the entire country and raised Gunhildyr without holding back any more then necessary to not kill her. By the age of 12 she was able to block one of her dad's blows for the first time, and at 15 she got a solid hit on him in the stomach. By that time she was already taking part in military campaigns as a mercenary, having killed twice as many enemies as her age, although not all at once. Like her father she also took up heavy drinking, taking more and more dubious assignments, but she turned her life around after the Empire of Grendail invaded her kingdom. Instead of fighting for just anyone she, for the first time, fought for a cause. During the battles to come she made up with her father, who simply wanted to prepare her for this day and have her tough enough to survive in this world. He died in battle with the empire and she gained the title of Queen, thus leading to her well known nickname of Mercenary Queen. She reinvigorated the rest of her people and they pushed out to invaders after a long struggle.

Trivia- This character is an imagining of my character in Skyrim, although with liberties taken on things that don't fit in with the game.
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