http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/1388966Go there if you want to join! :D
STILL LOOKING FOR INTEREST! You can post a CS if you're eager too. Skeleton is a few posts down.
Characters as of right now:
Name: Deon Desmond Saunders
Nickname(s): Darth
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Gang: The Amaranth Wolves
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 168 lbs
Personality: Deon is a pretty cut-throat, brutal male that could be described as selfish and self-centered. He only looks out for number one (himself) however when his loyalty comes to be tested, he will do anything to prove he is better than anyone else. His hardened exterior can be chipped away though when a woman or two come into play, as he is a bit of a womanizer and has a pretty high sexual drive. He will, however, never put a woman in too high of a priority level, especially when his reputation is on the line of being a ‘bad boy.’
Short History: Born into a very poor family as the oldest, Deon was forced to start working at a very young age, therefore not able to experience much of any kind of child-hood. He had only his mother and younger sister for family; he had never once met his father getting the rather illustrious nickname ‘bastard child’ and his sister had a different father, who died when Deon was 11 years old in a car crash.
At first Deon was just a messenger boy, delivering secret messages to organization members that were more than a bit sketchy, but he knew better than to ask questions. The pay was poor and he was lucky if he didn’t get beaten by his boss on a daily basis, even if he delivered on time. As Deon grew up, however, he left the job as a messenger boy and started working in a slaughter house, butchering up the livestock into fresh meat and desensitizing him to the value of life in animals. Deon soon grew bored of killing animals however, and when he was 18 he got a job fighting in the ring at a local bar. He found that fighting others was something he enjoyed, even if a bit too much. Deon was on a pretty hot streak when he was then approached by a member of The Amaranth Wolves, and put his fighting career to the side to partake in something more fulfilling and…illegal.
Other: Deon has been with The Amaranth Wolves for over a year now and has quickly spread his name throughout New York as a deadly addition to the already merciless gang. He smokes cigarettes often and never passes up an opportunity to get drunk off his ass when his duties for the day have been met.
In case there was any doubt of his loyalty to The Wolves, Deon cauterized (scarification) his own representation of the gang's symbol to the opposite shoulder shown in the image above.
Name: Angel Cecilia McBride
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Gang: The Amaranth Wolves
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Weight: 120 lbs.

Her body type gives her good agility.
Personality: A good leader. Cold. Cunning. Ruthless. A killer. Values the members of her gang. Holds strong morals. Is good at thinking and planning. Sometimes enjoys making things unnecessarily harder to “build character.” Often enjoys to play with her victims.
Short History: No one, not even Angel knows her complete story. In the earlier days of the Amaranth Wolves, a crying baby and a slip of paper with "Angel Cecilia McBride" scrawled on it was found outside their main hideout. No one knows who left the blonde baby there or why; but the Wolves couldn’t simply leave it there to die, so they took her in as a new member to their then small ranks. They raised her personally, and she grew up to be one of the most loyal members of the Amaranth Wolves. As far as she was concerned, her real family betrayed her, and the Wolves were her brothers and sisters now. She was a good fighter and was especially tough, qualities that caught the eye of the former leader, Hayden. What even made her more indispensable was her unseemly appearance: her cute, smiley outward appearance would often throw off her assailants, giving her a momentary upper hand. When Hayden suddenly got sick and died from an unknown disease, Angel, then 15, was chosen to be his successor and lead the Wolves with a strong hand. She has done an excellent job at strengthening the bonds within the gang and has been successful in getting food and other needed supplies through the years.
Other: None for now.
Name: Jake Miles Cotton
Nickname(s): Jay or Cotton.
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Gang: The Lost Ones
Height: Six foot, three inches.
Weight: 208 pounds.
Lots of scars on his back from his father’s beatings.
Personality: I guess one could say that Cotton is quiet. Reserved to himself. And when he speaks there is something off about him. But, at his core, kindhearted. Mysterious, hard to read. Clearly bothered by something.
Short History: New York was always Jay’s home. Although, he’d say that he didn’t have a home. No place to call his own. With a drug-addicted mother who overdosed and died, and an abusive father, Jake didn’t grow up normally. A few friends outside of home and school, but once he turned 16 his father didn’t argue about putting him into the military.
Jay enlisted into the military and became a well-trained soldier. He participated in the most recent war of the times. A three year conflict with Hungary known as Operation Titanfall. The bloodiest war in the history of the entire world.
When he returned home, his father was dead because of the economic crisis. With no hero’s welcome, little money, and no job, Jay had to find something new.That something new was the gang known as “The Lost Ones.” It seemed perfect for someone like him. A place to find direction. A new purpose.
What that purpose would be is unknown as of yet, but one thing is for sure. He’s not the same person anymore.
Other: He always carries a journal on hand.
Name: Jillian Marie Valencia
Nickname(s): Jill the Ripper
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Gang: The Amaranth Wolves
Height: 162cm
Weight: 57kg
Personality: Jillian has an ISTP type personality, along with Antisocial Personality Disorder. Due to these two traits, she is usually seen as a loner, and can act coldly or even cruelly towards people around her, though she will still aid her comrades, if only because of the mentality of her gang. Because of her overconfidence, she often acts recklessly and comes off as cocky, though she very rarely lets down her guard, even around those considered to be her friends. In a fight, she starts calm, but her composure may begin to deteriorate as she loses herself in the heat of combat.
Short History: Jillian grew up in one of the more wealthy homes in Haven. She detested this life. At the age of ten, she murdered her family in their sleep with only a kitchen knife, then departed, taking nothing with her. Since then she has taken place in multiple gang related crimes and has joined up with the Amaranth Wolves, going by her alias Jill the Ripper, a nickname given due to her Victorian style outfits and her merciless killings.
Other: Jillian is an avid member of the steampunk subculture, and a bit of an idol within the underprivileged sections of the subculture. She is known for committing her crimes in full Victorian era clothing, and often photographing herself at the location of her crimes.
Name: Deserae Joe Cunningham
Gender: Female
Gang:The Lost Ones
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 134 lbs
Personality: D.J. is an extremely quiet individual, hardly speaking a word to anyone unless she absolutely has to. She doesn't seem to get agitated or irritated easily and has an unnaturally calm head on her shoulders with most situations.
Short History:Very little is known about D.J. other than the fact that she's a loyal member of The Lost Ones and has been for quite a number of years. She hardly speaks a word to anyone in the gang and keeps to herself when she isn't expected to do anything relating to the gang. She spends most of her time at the gang's hideout, indicating that she has a really bad home life, or not one at all. More details about her past will be revealed in game.
Other:None at this time
Name: Hiroshi Rokuro Minato (by traditional ''lets reverse our names'' Japanese policy, so his first name is Minato)
Nickname(s): None
Gender: Male.
Age: 17
Gang: The Lost Ones.
Height: 1,86m.
Weight: 71kg.
Appearance: Generally wears non expensive clothes. His standard apparel consists of a loose thin grey that flows freely, sometimes covered by a black jacket which has a grey hood attached. No, he doesn't wear the hood 24/7 like a bad-ass, that's like wearing shades inside. Under that is normal dark blue jeans with a tigh fit around the ankles, finished with some black boots. Nothing special, he definetely doesn't stand out and looks more like a generic gang member than anything. He's got a tattoo though, a colourful orange-yellow sleeve filled with flowers in asian style, with a koi amidst them. He is not the epitome of muscle and has no intent to be, but the way he lives almost forces him to be a bit more muscly and therefore he has a somewhat toned body, especially in the arms. Apart from that, no real ''big bodybuilder type body'' for him.
Personality: Minato is a respectful, modest young man. He follows orders and doesn't question them, that is not saying he doesn't have a mind of his own, he thinks about his actions and speaks freely, even to his elders and superiors. He enjoys music but doesn't listen to much English music, preferring Japanese rap and hiphop. Apart from that he doesn't have much passions, and he often feels like his life is pretty bland and boring, even though he's involved with the Lost Ones.
Short History: He was raised in an all boys school, where his parents had sent him. They lived in Japan but realized that with American education you could get further. After he arrived he was sent there, and lived there pretty much his entire live, the fees for his school being paid from afar. After the all boys school he went to a normal high school, pretty much a normal kid despite the environment that he lived in. Once he turned 17 and finished his high school experience, graduating without much trouble and pretty high-ish grades, his parents both passed away in the same month to natural reasons. He flew back for the funeral and services and all that, then flew back, to continue his life. He didn't feel pain or sorrow, or anger, he felt slightly indifferent because he hadn't really known them after all.
A few months later he enrolled in college and got an appartment, shared with two other guys. They were there the first day but then dissapeared, judging from the marks on their arms they were druggies and were probably somewhere having a blast injecting all that stuff into their arms, meanwhile their appartment rent was probably paid for by mommy and daddy, not knowing that their sons never even stayed there. It was fine with Minato, he had the place to himself and all was good. That's when he got involved with the Lost Ones, first doing a few jobs for them here and there to get together the money that his parents normally would've sent him for the rent. After that it turned to hanging out with a gang affiliated with the Lost Ones, sort of working under the Lost Ones so to say. It was mostly the shit jobs, do this, run there, grab this, bring it to this guy and take your money.
It was good money for the time, you spent maybe an hour on every job and walked away with a wage most men would work two hours for. It was all fine by Minato. He slowly got more involved with the gang and over the course of the year he got fully integrated with the Lost Ones, as one of the least known members. He hasn't got many contacts in the gang itself and isn't really up to par with most of them street-cred wise, but he's willing to change that.
Other: He's an able fighter, not that good but not bad either. His strength is in enduring hits, being able to take a lot of blows before he gives in. He has never handled weapons and truthfully he would never want to do so either, one of the reasons he doesn't really like the way the Wolves operate, not that he knows much about them.
His appartment is practically a dump, but it's
his dump and he enjoys staying there, cleaning it and doing all sorts of stuff with it. Don't insult his dump. He also has a sister still living in Japan, contact is very vague and short but they still talk from time to time. She's 23 and doing way better than Minato. She knows about his situation and wishes for him to change that by moving back to Japan, but has not really made any attempts to help him money wise and since he barely knows her he doesn't really trust her enough to move back to Japan.
Name: Logan Wellington
Nickname(s): Robot, Cash
Gender: Neither (Non-bindary/Agender, they feel they aren't either gender, but Logan goes by female pronouns)
Age: 16
Gang: The Amaranth Wolves
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 119lbs

Logan generally wears clothing that looked to be nice and new at once, but is now worn down by her work in the gang. She also wears combat boots all the time.
Personality: Logan is very pretentious about everything. She's still getting use to this whole gang thing. She's willing to kill, but you gotta buy her loyalty. She trust nobody in the gang. It's all for the money she gets out of it, not some bad blood. She is afraid she'll get too involved and sucked into the real violence. Who knows what she might get into?
Short History: Logan was born into a very rich and influential family in New York. Her father owned stocks and her mother was the mayor. She was a pampered little brat; she had never worked a day in her life. Her hands were smooth and her fingernails were clean back then. Then when her father went bankrupt and her mother was assassinated, she had to lift her own weight. They lost the large mansion, the servants. She even had to drop out of her torturing sessions, for they had no money to pay the teacher. She put her father in a homeless shelter and promised him she would bring back the good old days and fortune. She cut her hair and changed her name from Lila to Logan the day she joined the gang.
Other: She's an aromantic asexual agender (aromantic means no romantic attraction, asexual means little to no sexual attraction, and she feels that she has no gender but she still goes by female pronouns), so people call her Robot because of that. They call her cash because they know she once had money.
Name: Johnathan Blake
Nickname(s): John
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Gang: The Lost Ones
Height: 6'0 ft
Weight: 175 lbs
JohnathanPersonality: Quiet, Slightly Insane, But with a strong since of justice he keeps to himself
Short History: After his brother joined the lost ones and died, Johnathan found himself alone his mother long since gone and his father having killed himself after losing his job, he got approached by the police who questioned him about his brother but he couldn't reveal much, but the police had a great idea since his brother had been in the lost ones it would be easy for him to get into the lost ones and inform on their activities the police let him go and he went off to join the lost ones.
Other: John is a police informant.
Name: Atticus Hector Deschain
Nickname(s): None anymore. 'Atty' by his little sister.
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Gang: The Amaranth Wolves
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 156 lbs
Personality: Atticus is a quiet and reserved teenager who likes to smoke Tower Cigarettes, organically grown and with more tobacco than standard smokes. He is genuinely kind-natured and empathic, leading some to question why he would run with a gang as vicious as the Amaranth Wolves. He found companionship with them after his methods were deemed ‘too brutal’ by the Lost Ones. Though he has only recently joined up with them, his loyalty to the pack is near iron. He will give everything for the Wolves, but he demands the same in return of his companions.
While Atticus is generally kind and caring, it is during situations of high stress such as combat that he seems to melt into a husk of a person. His eyes seem to both glaze over and see everything at once. He seems to have no passion, no emotion, nothing but a cold blank stare. His actions can be merciless and swift in this state, moving nearly as a blur. Many have learned to fear him when he is ‘focused’.
Atticus is slow to trust others, as he has been alone for most of his life.
Other:Atticus has killed two people so far, one being a Lost One, and the other being a cop. For as long as Atticus could remember, he had taken care of his little sister Lilly in their alleyway home. Yet one day, after he had been kicked from the Lost Ones for his ways, his sister was hungry and had no food, so Atticus decided to mug the first person to come through the alley with his knife. It happened to be a Lost One, and they got in a fight. A cop found them and broke it up, attempting to take both of them back to the station. Yet Atticus was able to stab the cop repeatedly, killing him.
Then he took the cops pistol and shot the handcuffed Lost One, placing the knife on the corpse’s body. He threw the gun back to the police officers corpse and fled, arranging the scene so it looked they killed each other. He saw more police arrive, and take away his sister to be put into foster care. Though Atticus doesn’t wish to admit this, these memories haunt him.
In the grim underbelly of New York City in the year 2200, there are the fiends of our lives. Gangs. They do what they need to do to survive. Without families, who will a kid turn to in this time of crisis? They have their gangs and nothing else. Lie, cheat, steal… Kill. Only the fittest will survive.
The RP will be centered around multiple teenage characters with a vast array of problems and the gangs they belong to, and how they survive. Those who wish to join will have a choice between joining either The Lost Ones or The Amaranth Wolves, which are rival gangs in New York. These are not the only two gangs in the city, but they are the most prominent and have the most well-known rivalry.
As far as the setting is concerned, it will obviously take place in New York City, but imagine most of it looking like the Bronx (abandoned buildings and streets, graffiti, etc.), except for a small, posh area called the Haven where the kids like to screw with the aristocracy. This is in the future, but the technology hasn’t advanced much as the economy has crashed long ago, causing the plague of poverty to descend upon almost every family. There is still, however, some sense of order within the city as the police do still snoop around and try to stop the child gangs from wreaking havoc on the rest of the city.
The two rival gangs are
not very similar. They both have stress slightly different values and don’t run the same.
The Lost Ones are open, inclusive, and stress togetherness in a sense that does not bind one to the group or exclude them. Formless and leaderless. Aimless except in the search of survival and guidance. They are everyone, and they are no one. The goal is survival through means based in morality. No killing, and no stealing. But, if it came down to it, they will use physicality to get what they need to survive. Incapacitate, do not kill. Will their lack of a killer’s mentality be a savior, or their downfall?
The Amaranth Wolves, on the other hand, are a more exclusive gang. They do not let just anybody join their gang; not for elitist reasons or what have you, but for their lack of trust in outsiders. They have a pack mentality and any one member would die for the rest. They place their trust in a leader and they work toward a common goal. However, the Wolves aren’t quite as tender as The Lost Ones. They have no problems with breaking the law, or killing for that matter, and their way of approaching problems can be quite risky.
I will be playing the leader of the Amaranth Wolves, whereas Dark Wind will be a member among the ranks of The Lost Ones. We will be co-GM’ing the thread. It would be ideal for both gangs to have an equal number of players.
If enough interest accumulates, we will put up an OOC and the first IC post, which will be a collaborative piece between Dark Wind and me (We haven’t officially decided that yet). After that, you all can post your character sheets and we’ll go from there.
Some very interesting plots can develop with this. :D
Dark Wind and I are here to answer questions as well.
EDIT: Because I am an overachiever, I already have my character mostly done. If you want some information on her for whatever reason, shoot me a PM and I'll give you some insight. Dark Wind also has his character mostly figured out as well, but I wouldn't go bothering him with PMs as of right now. (He's not online now and I don't want him getting mad at me for random PMs, hehe. ^^;