Love ya squee.
K-97 said
Like I said before the Roll to Dodge system would be good with a concept like this, if we were to do it here is how it would work with a six sided die. [1]-Epic Fail. The action was not performed, and backfired horribly.[2]-Fail. Nothing happened.[3]-Partial Success. The exact degree of success is established by the GM.[4]-Success. The action was carried out adequately.[5]-Epic Success. The action succeeded in the most positive way possible.[6]-Overshot. Though the result was achieved, the action backfires horribly due to disproportionately large effort What do ya think?
Turtlicious said
There's only a 30% chance for failure, meaning that the stronger players will end up wrecking even harder. When you have +3 to a roll, and you're using a d6, it means you will never fail ever.
Turtlicious said
Make whatever you're going to make on a hex grid, keep players position public for the most part, but notified at the end of turns. Set up a set of "when you roll" allowing you to add rolls to any posts where you think it may be needed. You'd be surprise how you can cover most of the basics. Then let PvP be decided on a "who acts first" system decided by the training score, and make the punishment for failing those rolls be a benefit to the other player. IE: "If you roll higher then X you hurt him, if you roll lower, he hurts you."
Lady Squee said
I feel like that would undermine the entirety of the stats I rolled for everyone. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, though.
Captain Jordan said
In D&D, the stats contribute to the roll modifier, which I honestly never liked. If my character has a 13 in some stat, and someone has a 12, my character should be just a little bit better in that stat, instead of exactly the same. I suppose the actual difference might be negligible, but it's still a bit annoying.
Lady Squee said
I feel like that would undermine the entirety of the stats I rolled for everyone. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, though.
Jorick said
The idea for posts makes sense. The rest period thing should be limited by logic though, so that people can't write a single post saying they gathered a billion different supplies or built a stronghold surrounded with traps. Maybe say that based on some roll to do with survival and speed and whatnot, each player can gather a certain amount of supplies/do a certain amount of non-conversational things in a given rest period. Without something like that, rest periods are gonna be ridiculous game changers rather than RP breaks.
Lady Squee said
Well, yeah. I plan on posting a "What Must be Rolled" list before things get started, and those are a few of those things. I would keep a strict eye on it so no one suddenly goes, "I JUST TORE DOWN A TREE AND MADE ALL THE BRANCHES ARROWS." The Rest Period is mainly for character development, non-combative character interaction, and exploration.