Name: Viktor Romanov
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Nationality: Russian

Team Role: Navigator, Pointman & Survival Expert
Weapons: AK-74 Assault Rifle (Flashlight & Laser attachments), 'Shambler' Shotgun (With a bayonet), Small Machete
Equipment/Items: Universal Charger, Metro-made Watch, single-filter gas mask, spare air filters, a canteen full of vodka, a rucksack to store lots of stuff in.
Background: Viktor is the son of a somewhat insane or ridiculously brave Russian traveler, who somehow managed to cross the entirety of an irradiated Europe, AND the English Channel in a plane. After reaching the London Metro, battered, bleeding and quite irradiated himself, Viktor's father negotiated his way into being given a home here amongst the survivors of post-apocalyptic Britain. It was hard to accept for him, and the Brits - their countries exchanged nukes. But upon learning that the Moscow Metro was just as 'thriving' as the London one was, all parties actually rejoiced that they weren't the only community still alive out there in the freezing, unforgiving world their ancestors had created. Eventually, he found a woman who could accept his terrible English, and they settled down and eventually had a child - Viktor. His father would never leave the London Metro if it wasn't important.
The child was raised a fighter and a survivor, being taught both his native language and English. That was the only time his father would leave the Metro, to take his son to the surface to make him used to it. He nailed it into the boy's head that this was his real home, but he had to fight against it if he wanted to live. He continued to grow, becoming one of the greatest Stalkers his home station had ever seen, and at such a young age, too. Survival and excellent shooting came naturally to him. In time, his skills would be put to the test as the most powerful faction in the London Metro gave him a mission: to go home to the ruin of the Russian capital, and to make it clear that the war was old history now, and that the two metro-based civilizations should communicate more often by making more powerful radio transmissions. Viktor's other task was to check out other great Metro systems in the world... And for that suicidal task, they allowed him to build a multi-skilled team. The idea was to unite the world, and get them all communicating with one another once more - but this time to rebuild, not destroy.