Name: Max Vincent Corbin
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Personality: Max is protective of his sister. Any time people mess with Lily, Max would pay them a visit. Max has always been a bit violent but he has always been able to control it. Max prefers to be around trouble makers and has been a trouble maker himself. Max often does jobs which are not exactly plesant. He would burn trash or clean up the droppings of trained pokemon. Max rarely sleeps more than five hours a day.
History: Max was born before his sister was and they were both raised in Station 5. Max's mother died from pneumonia when Max and Lily were three years old. Afterwards, the pair were sent to an orphanage and lived there till they were ten. Max started doing odd jobs every now and then so that he could feed his sister. There were weeks when Max rarely slept more than three hours because he had to be up early for a job. There were many times when Max would see his sister handing out food and get enraged at her.
Max has never hurt his sister but there were times when he made her cry because he was angry at her. Eventually, Max stopped to visit their small apartment and instead lived with some friends. He still payed for the apartment Lily lived in and for her food but he found it better to teach Lily how to live alone. Max has started paying Lily a montly allowance for a few months now and hopes that she is doing well.
Horace-Beldum-N/A-Level 7-Clear Body
Take Down
Legendary Egg: Kyogre
Name: Lilina Analina Corbin
Nickname: Lily
Gender: Female
Personality: Lilina is a sweet and kind girl. She always helps those who are in need and generally puts others before herself. She is in no sense a violent young girl and has always relied on her brother to protect her. Lilina holds some bitterness for the way Max treats her but understands that Max has always been trying to protect her. Lilina is ambitious to prove herself capable and strong so that her brother no longer has to worry about her.
History: After Lily and Max left the orphanage, Lily was mostly out in the streets. While her brother worked to pay for their food and housing, Lily took care of children who lived on the streets. She would bring them food or old clothes she and Max no longer wore. Max would get angry whenever he saw Lily give away their stuff but Lily kept doing it. Eventually, Lily started seeing her brother less and less. After a while, Lily thought her brtoher abandoned her but she started reciveing an allowance from him. She payed for the basic things of food and electricity but still gave away some of it for those who could barely afford their own food.
Light-Shinx-Female-Level 5- Guts
Legendary Egg: Groudon
"Nothing is better than a good book, except a hot chick."
Jayln "Jay" Vance
November 1st
Muggle Born
Reed shaft and Eucalyptus handle, 13 2/5th, Dual core(Phoenix tail and Erumpent hide)
✔Cute Girls
✘The cold
Jay has always been talkative and tends to have a trouble to stop talking when he is nervous. Its rare for him to criticize people for their problems. Jay has issues controlling his anger and talking to girls. He has been a loner most of his life, prefering to study rather than hang out with people. Jay has always been conservative with his money due to coming from a poor family. He has been known to tell rather unusual jokes from time to time but especially when he is nervous.
Jay has never had problems with muggles other than the occasional kid who pushed him. The bullying he recived as a kid for being from a muggle born family is what motivated him to want to join House Solis. Jay respects the other houses but doesn't agree with House Terra. He just finds it stupid to think that strength can beat a person who works to get strong.
Jay was born into a poor muggle family with two sisters and a brother. Being the only magically inclined member of his family generated hate from his siblings. Jay was often blamed for things his brother or sisters had done. He was punished often but his mother would often keep him company afterwards. Jay and his mother grew close to each other over the years. Jay was rarely seen anywhere outside his apartment. During Middle School, Jay was sent to the hospital after being in a fight with an eighth grader. Instead of being worried about him, Jay's father blamed him for the fight and forced Jay to sell almost everything he owned to pay for the bill. When Jay finished selling his belongings he took the money and ran away.
Jay lived on the streets of New York with a group of friendly homeless and had a nicer life than he did with his real parents. The homeless treated him as their own and even helped to feed him every now and then. It wasn't until Jay was thirteen that he was take off the streets by a cop. He was arrested for stealing and released into custody of a family formed by a muggle and a wizard. They had two children, one was magically abled the other wasn't. They accepted Jay into their family and treated him like their own. Eventually, Jay recived a letter from KingsRidge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry saying that he was accepted into the School.
Jay has with him is mothers star pendant. It is a small silver pendant of a star with a blue shappire at each tip. He also always has a simple leather bracelet on his left hand.
Foo Fighters
"Charms are for the girls who don't have the looks or are too crazy to keep a man."
Melissa "Mel" Wallace
Feburary 3rd
Rowan wood shaft and gingko handle, 10 1/2, Dual core(Billywig stinger and Veela hairs)
A lynx
To say that Melissa is weird would be only telling half the story. Many people believe Melissa to be certefiably insane but in truth, she is just a tad bit crazy. Mel loves to joke with her students on many subjects ranging from boys to the food at Kingsridge. It is generally accepted that Melissa has used a charm or two on men she liked but she will always deny it. Melissa is somewhat of a compulsive liar. She is rarely seen hanging around after school and can be found picking up men in a bar. Melissa is also known to be very active during the day and far more active during night.
Melissa has told nobody about her life before she became a teacher. The most anybody got out of her was drunken half response about her life in Bejing being made worse by her parents. When asked about what she meant, Melissa will avoid and just say that her parents were Pureblood elitists. Her life after she started teaching mostly consisted of her drinking a few nights a month and teaching the students during the day. During those nights, Melissa would be out picking up guys or doing the occasional shopping.
Melissa has a copper ring with a inset with a green emerald and a topaz accent.
Name: Mathius Wallace
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Evil
The above picture is Mathius with his bow and he stands at 5'11".
-Oak Longbow: This is Mathius's longbow that he received from his father. It means a lot to Mathius and he never leaves it for long.
-Arrow Quiver: This quiver is made of simple leather and can hold thirty arrows. The arrows that Mathius has thirty dull iron tipped arrows made from oak in the quiver. He has been meaning to replace them or at the very least sharpen them.
-Red Headband: Mathius wears the red headband not because it is practical but because it keeps the sweat out of his eyes.
-Tanned Leather Gauntlets: Mathius's gauntlets are for protection from the the whip of the bow. His right hand gauntlet is worn at the ankle from the snap of the string hitting it.
-Leather Pauldrons with cloth hood: It is a simple yet worn leather pauldron with a cloth hood attached, nothing special here.
-Woolen doublet: This doublet it made of three layers of tightly woven wool with chain mail on the sides of his chest.
-Iron boots: A simple pair of iron boots with cloth wrappings underneath.
Personality: Mathius is generally a good guy but does what he has to survive no matter the cost. Mathius has no trouble killing a person so long as he is either getting paid or the person is a criminal of some sort. Mathius is a hypocrite on many things, one of the largest of which is theft. He doesn't like it when people steal from others but he more than willing to do the same. Mathius, being the criminal he is, generally doesn't trust others especially if they had just met. Mathius is pessimist and always to prefer to look on the bad side of things. He is also very distrusting of magic.
Bio: Mathius's family was poor and in turn he never got much of an education. His father worked as a farm hand and his mother washed clothes. Mathius was generally taken with his father and two brothers to hunt down the meal for the week in the near by forests. They rarely caught anything more than a few quails or maybe the rare rabbit but for Mathius, it was the best time in the world. His father would tell him and his brothers stories and tell him of the time before he met their mother. When Mathius was nine years old, his two older brother joined the Militia to help the family.
When his brothers left, Mathius's Father received an injury while working. The injury made him incapable of using his bow and instead passed it on to Mathius. It became Mathius's burden to hunt for food for the family. There were times when he came back with nothing but he was never willing to be seen without food. Instead, Mathius would steal from the market and bring it back to his family. Whenever he was asked, Mathius would only reply that he had caught it in the forest. Mathius was confronted one year, when he was seventeen, by his father when he saw Mathius in the market stealing a quail. Mathius came clean and told him everything.
Mathius was told to pay back the money for each item he stole over the years. Instead of acting like an adult, Mathius ran from the village and hid in the forest. A few days passed before he realized that he had acted wrong. Mathius returned home to find the town mourning the death of his family in a fire. Mathius was the only surviving member of his family other than his brothers, who he couldn't face. Mathius left the village with a group of merchants who had passed through and acted as their hunter. The caravan has grown over the years but Mathius has always been with it. They recently arrived in Alexandria for the Solar Eclipse.