TL;DR Overview of Indiga
- Indiga is a decently populated port city-state in the world of Syindra.
- Indiga doesn't have much land due to the surrounding mountains and dangers of the environment around them. Much of the population lives crowded together.
- There is a large disparity between the rich and the poor, with very few middle class. Much of the wealth exists with Trade Merchants.
- Due to the city-state's location, it is an ideal trade location with the various other city-states of the world.
- Food shortages are fairly common, especially for the lower classes. Land for crops is rare, and mostly exist on the outer fringes of the city, which are more dangerous. Fishing is the main, reliable source of food, all other food comes from trade with other city-states.
- The only major natural resource the city has access to is a nearby forest of high quality woods and lumber. The forest is owned, protected, and maintained by the Sailor's Guild, specifically the Shipwright's Company.
- Indiga is also quite well known for its Academy and Library, both of which are the largest in the world.
- Indiga has three main influential bodies. The first and most powerful is the Sailor's Guild, which controls all trade by sea, ship building, and the fishing industry. The second is the Academy Governors, who are in charge of the Academy, Library, and are in charge of all the record keeping for the entire city. The third is the Indigan Council, who are in charge of the city's taxes, military, and day to day operations of the city not controlled by the Academy and Sailor's Guild.
- A fourth faction recently joined the city in the form of a large ghetto of immigrants from the nearby city-state of Crimsia that was destroyed by an erupting volcano.
- Like most city-states, magic is rare in Indiga, but not unheard of. Passive or craft based magics are much more common than offensive magics. Indiga takes a neutral stance on magic, viewing only those that are useful to the city's survival as "good". There is no Light or Dark magic, just useful or harmful.
- Technology is pre-industrial, with blacksmithing and woodworking being the most prevalent. Electricity is nonexistant.
- The Crimsian immigrants have recently been in a state of unrest, crying unfair conditions, but their cries have fallen on seemingly deaf ears.
The year is 714 on the planet Syindra. This world has a large amount of oceans and a few large continents, peppered with several city-states, encompassing many races. Many of these city-states are so distant from one another, with dangerous wildlands in between, that they have very little interaction with one another. There is some trade, mostly along coasts, and travel is slow. This has caused each city-state to develop into unique, distinct culture, one of which is known as Indiga.
Indiga is a republic city-state, at the end of the long and massive Violetta Bay. It is a bustling port, specializing in trade and shipcraft, dominated by humans, though open to other races as well. Magic is quite rare in Crimea, and the only open use of it is for practical purposes. Practical, passive, and craft-based magics are view positively, while destructive and combative magics are highly frowned upon. It is formally governed by the Indigan Council, elected representatives of various boroughs of the city. However, the true power comes from the Sailors' Guild, the group that controls the Shipwright's Company, the fishing industry, and all sea trade. While they are the most influential of the groups, another is always rivaling them, the Academy Governors. These governors run the world renown Indigan Academy and the Library of the Skies. In addition to controlling these iconic landmarks, they also maintain the record keeping for the entirety of Indiga. All other responsibilities, control of the military, taxes, and day-to-day operations of the city-state.
Indiga is a fairly peaceful place, with no nearby city-states to endanger it. They simply have to protect the citizens from the natural, and unnatural, dangers in the wilds outside of the city. This is made a lot easier due to the mountains the encompass the western side of the city, with a single pass into the city. Silver Pass is walled, gated, and guarded at all times. The coast and docks are patrolled and protected by the Indigan Navy. The biggest dangers are starvation and disease, especially in the poorer boroughs. With little fertile land, the main source of food comes from fishing, with some coming from trade with other city-states. Even with these dangers, the city maintains a large, crowded population, the majority living just above true poverty. The wealthy consist of merchant families, the middle class are shop owners and artisans, and the lower class are the manual laborers.
Recently the closest, island city-state of Crimsia was devastated by a massive volcanic eruption. A prophet of Crimsia had seen the eruption in a vision, and with the aid of the Indigan Navy, much of the population was evacuated. They now reside in a ghetto of Indiga, and maintain their own small community, economy, which is for the most part, self-sufficient. They have recently tried to have a representative put upon the Indigan Council, but were rejected. Since then, there has been a large amount of quiet unrest and grumbling among the Crimsians. Many fear this unrest will reach its explosive tipping point soon.
Out of Character Info
This is a character driven RP, the storyline will be driven by the Crimsean Unrest. You can be any sort of citizen of the city, so long as it is not an extremely prominent figure, i.e. Council Member, Academy Governor, etc. I'm open to whatever magic you wish to use (pending approval of your character sheet), but please keep in mind that the average person simply knows that magic exists. They will not likely know names of magics, specific details, and will often view it with a mix of fear and skepticism. Technology is pre-industrial, with blacksmithing and woodworking being the dominating crafts.
When making a character, you have several open options to choose, though must be approved by me. I'm open to just about any race, so long as they are from the world Syindra and from this dimension. No gods/demi-gods, angels/demons, werewolves/vampires/dragons/half-dragons please.
I will answer any and all questions about this world I'm building here, and in the OOC thread which will be coming soon. Thanks!