Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

Corrected & Connected in Cyberspace Interface

- - - A Digital Era - Save the Digital World

Accepting CS Till: Whenever I feel like it, submission are still open~

RP Genre: Modern, Light Sci-fi, Action, Cyberpunk, Drama, Romance and Mystery. Room for Time Travel and Post-Apoc down the line.

RP Group Size: Small to medium. (3-6 characters)

RP Post Frequency: To be discussed.

RP Post Amount: To be discussed

RP IC: See other tab...

Summary: Set in the near year of 2021, our technology has drastically changed. Now no one gets by without a cell phone. It is their link to everything in their life. Everything is digital and writing by hand has been outdated. Everyone not only has a cell phone, but it's also linked to world wide wi-fi. People use their cell phones to pick outfits, purchase clothes, food, and the like. And with a touch of a button, they have anything they want. They also use their cell phones to communicate with friends, listen to music and find an escape. Those are things we're familiar with right now in 2014. The big difference between now and then is that without a cell phone, a person will die.

Think of the cell phone as a containment for your soul. It's charged by your own life force.

Another thing that is different about the cell phones of 2021 is that they play music but this music is different, it can take people into a digital realm called the DgtWld. (Short for Digital World) You can travel across the world and go shopping, or be taken to a sunset overlooking the Caribbean. The way this is done, is by extracting your mental awareness and relocating it elsewhere while still keeping your body bound to your current relation. Music plays a big part in everyone's life and almost everyone is immersed in it when not working or going to school.

Now with such technological advances, hackers have gotten more chances to attack people with everyone on one wi-fi. Because of this, the government has passed a secret underground project and has developed an application downloadable to certain people. This application allows the user to go completely into the DgtWld: mind, body and soul. These people are called Correctors who fend off the hackers and viruses that plague the DgtWld and threaten people's lives and well being. Correctors are hand selected by the government in the region, of course each country has only a select amount of Correctors who all fight for one cause and work together when necessary.

Correctors have an expiration date though. They are only used to help fight for about 8 years. Some are pulled off earlier. Correctors are recruited at age 17 usually for the sake of teens being young and tend to do well in physical situations. They are placed under the wing of Corrects who are at least 2 years their superior. Correctors are not allowed to tell normal civilians that they are Correctors as the general population does not know of the project that passed.

RP Starting Point and Closing Comments: We will be playing characters who are not 17, but around the age of 19 to 24 year olds. We will go to school, fight cyber crime and such. Consider this a mix of Code LYOKO, Corrector Yui, Madoka Magica and Sailor Moon, dot hack or something. You can be male or female. And a big focus will be your cell phone, music, character development and a darker plot which I have planned already. So any antagonists will be mine to play as GM. After a player has gone through a full "Chapter" of the RP, they have the option to add on other characters who may be antagonists or special.

- - -

RP Timeline:

2012 - Japanese scientists unveil a new model of cell phones which link to the user's life force via microchip implanted in the back of their neck. This begins the boom in new cell phone design and soon a world wide wi-fi network is put in place.

2014 - Over 40% of the entire population now are using the new cell phone models which are very affordable. New applications are being released and sold through Apple and other major companies around the world.

2016 - The US and the Japanese Governments are the first to pass a secret bill that would allow the country to hire select people to help defend people from the onslaught of recent cyber crimes.

2018 - Now everyone in the world is linked to the DgtWld and every major country is using secret Correctors to help protect their citizens.

2020 - Worldwide utopia seemed to have been reached. Life now centers around one's cell phone and music and most jobs cater to computers and security even though about 10 years ago the world was in chaos with war and economic strife.

2021 - A small sense of unrest rumbles across the world. What will 2021 bring humans now?

Corrector Info: Correctors are humans anywhere from age 17 to 25. They have been approached secretly by their Government usually by phone call, then an email. In the email, they are told to go to their local Gvn Office and once there, they are told of their new job. Refusal is not an option due to the perks that come along with being a Corrector. They are paid well for their services and are not allowed to tell anyone of what they do behind the scenes. They are given applications which cannot be duplicated (read: hacked) and are monitored by the Government.

These applications allow the user to transform into a digital being/avatar and enter the DgtWld fully. They give the Corrector powers to fend off warring viruses and hackers. These applications also give the Corrector tasks and other things to do. The powers Correctors are given can be downloaded by the application's store depending on their years in service. The Government wanted the Corrector to have limited yet customizable weapons in the beginning. The application is called Cnnt (Connect) and it is always scanning the DgtWld for any signs of dismay. Notifications are sent to the cell phone of the user and once they all respond, they must sync up to a computer or cell phone and get to work.

Fighting: I am leaving this a bit open in some manners. I do not intend this to be a fighting roleplay nor do I want us to be going into battle every other page. Weapons and abilities will be up to the user. As stated above, different skills can be downloaded to one's user if you're a Corrector. However what you can do is limited upon how long you've been a Corrector and how well you do your job. Most skills come from their weapon of choice. For example, choosing a katana would grant the user excellent speed and agility with their weapon which would allow them to be very offensive. But then their defense and endurance may then suffer. If a Corrector choose a bow and arrow as a prominent weapon, they would have nice long range attacks. It is possible to have no weapon and to use your fists. Your weapons are digital and can be reproduced within your body's limits. For example you could wield two katana at once but you couldn't use more than one bow and arrow. And if you're injured, regenerating a weapon is harder to do, due to mental or physical strain. But if your weapon breaks or falls into the abyss, you can easily conjure up another weapon with your mind. Your weapons are can be enhanced with elemental powers and may reflect a futuristic feel or something harkening back to fantasy fiction. It's up to you. Keep it within reason though.

Microchips: Also known as MChips. Everyone has a MChip in the back of their neck. These are linked and synced up to your cell phone, laptop etc. Without a MChip present, you die. The MChip helps regulate your body and health. It helps you connect directly to the internet. It is your lifeline. MChips are implanted right at birth. They store everyone, they're your personal backup. It keeps track of passwords, information, etc. It's your memory bank for everything. Should you wish to listen to music, it allows you to do so without even needing headphones, transmitting music directly to your brain without disturbing anyone around it. It allows you to close your eyes and connect to a new destination across the ocean when you're stuck at the office. Your MChip is your link to living.

Threats: Pretty self explanatory but why not? Threats of 2021 are much more serious. The stealing of one's identity and chip are much more of a concern than ever. Hackers are making more tough digital threats known as Vs (viruses) that take the form of monsters in the DgtWld which seek out people and can kill them if they're linked by sending them corrupt information which could reach their Mchip and end their life undetected. People do have personal security (like Norton Anti-Virus) but hackers are finding ways to get around it and steal information and even blackmail people. If you can think of a crime, it's happening. Even deaths.

The DgtWld: The Digital World is the world wide wi-fi network that was first established in late 2012. Users log in with their cell phone and microchip. They use music and can take their minds to other areas of the world. Humans cannot pull their real bodies into the DgtWld unless they have some sort of virus that is endangering them. The DgtWld is where you access the internet with your phone or laptop's web browser. There are virtual goggles and headphones made for people who want a more personalized experience when using the DgtWld. Normal people (non Correctors) cannot customize any sort of avatar in the DgtWld clearly since their real body remains in their world. Like in the office or at home for example. Also, Correctors give themselves an alias to go by so that hackers won't know their name, though if hackers wanted to, they could try to break into the Gvm (Government) computers and find out Correctors' identities. The point of the alias is to just not use real names. Consider it a username.

Phones and Music: Your cell phone is your link to your life. Your music sets the tone of your life. You can listen to pretty much anything for free in the year 2021 since you pay a music tax yearly that covers the cost already. Your phone texts, browses the web on the go, calls people, records video, and does much more. Without your phone, you cannot access your MChip, phones are replaceable while MChips aren't but the phones are not cheap by any means.

Closing Comments: It is possible for a Corrector to appear as one gender but be the opposite. Below is the CS, please follow it to a t. This is about character development and having fun as well as exploring technology. I will be playing two to three, one or two will be the antagonists of our first large plot. And we will be roleplaying in chapters. Chapter One will be our characters meeting up and facing a new danger. Now whether our characters are friends or are being joined together from around Japan (or other countries?) is up to you guys. I can go either way. I'd ask for a writing sample but since this site is fresh, I don't expect anyone would have one to show. So to determine the expected posting range (amount of paragraphs) and frequency of posts in the IC/OOC, we'll need to begin discussing expectations, confusion etc. The CS itself is short so feel free to throw something up and edit when necessary. I will be looking them over to ensure everything alright.

- - -

Character Sheet:

Name: (have it apply to your character's origin)

Alias in the DgtWld: (keep it reasonable)

Age: (21-24 preferred)

Average Appearance: (anime - what they look like when they're in college, etc.)

Corrector Appearance: (anime - should be a bit edgy, may include their weapon and look different than their normal appearance)

Weapon of Choice: (keep it reasonable)

Cell Phone: (picture of it works fine)

Personality: (4 positive Adjs and 2 negatives Adjs)

Background: (how their life changed from when they didn't have the DgtWld to now, their history, their family life, their hobbies, and all that. Should be around 3 good paragraphs)

Some Info I need your input on:

Do you want our characters to already know each other?

Do you often frequent an OOC of a RP you're in?

How active can you see yourself being in this RP?

Any questions you have for me?


Mimamoru Uede aka Eternal Grace

Female - 24 - magician guardian

Matsushita Satoru aka Futen

Male - 21 - swordsman

Irie, Yasukazu aka Eclipse

Male - 22 - ball handler (I cannot help myself) - MIA

Sarah Blaise aka Serenade

Female - 23 - spear...er - MIA

Michiko Hashimoto aka Fox

Male - 22 - engine sword

Soshi Uo aka Ice

Male - 23 - ice

Milos Ukitaka aka BreGle

Male - 22 - Hammer-er


Foes to deal with.

Other things we'll be also dealing with: becoming a tighter team, the holiday, the mystery as to why so many alerts are going on during an otherwise noteworthy time of peace, and the issue of trust.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: oh Maikeru

Alias in the DgtWld: Ink

Age: 24

Average Appearance:

Corrector Appearance:

Weapon of Choice: Heavy projectile weapon, with adjustable data feed.

Cell Phone: (It has a travel mode that links with his glasses allowing him to use eye movement to deal with calls and or enabling voice text]

Proud, Unique thinker,empathetic, and quick witted.
Extremes, distracted

Background: Growing up he was considered brilliant by his parents, and as such he was forced into music and math. He has heard more classical music than he could ever care for in 10 life times, and if he ever sees that mother loving violin again....As he struggled to appease his parents something terrible occurred, Puberty! His change came with more than just the deepness of his voice, but the explosion of his expression! Soon everything became a way to communicate emotions! He had tattooed and or pierced everything, dyed his hair and his fashion became just as "expressive"! Obviously his father started to lay down the law, to which he showed him how expressive his rage could be....His parents got him a cheap studio apartment so long as he didn't drag down his sister with his terrible influence.
His hobbies as mentioned before are almost any form of expression that does not involve strings....Seriously He will burn it....His passion comes in the digital arts, building beats and painting for days on end, without sleep and only the sound of his racing thoughts. He seldom uses any form of medication, not including the drink but a mans gotta party hard! His work sells well enough and he gets constant invites out to do music for events so his life style is one that allows for his 72 hours on 18 hours off! That said he can obsess over his games, most he will beat in a single sitting, but there are a few that he can really sink his teeth into and as he puts it, "Drowned in it". His gaming set up cost enough that if he where able to sell it back, he would be able to afford a new car and likely the anti psychotics he should be on.
Now that the "world of expression" exist he sees it as the ultimate fusion of the things he loves. Digital expression in a manner that can surround and overwhelm. He can even make revenue in it, if he didn't need to be a human being. His art has nearly tripled in sales and his signature sounds are starting to pick up notice overseas. In short, He must have died and gone to heaven.

Some Info I need your input on:

Do you want our characters to already know each other? I will know sana-chan but I am open to having my character know more just hit me up first.

Do you often frequent an OOC of a RP you're in? I tend to hate ooc's as they distract, but I make post that question and or help me develop post associated with the plot. But I check pm's and use my skype so if you wanna talk about nothing you can contact me there.

How active can you see yourself being in this RP? My activity matches scheduled post but if you wanna do rapid fire, we can do pirate pad or something similar so we don't bog down the board.

Any questions you have for me? How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? And dont hand me that a wood chuck could chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I guess I'm interested if there's room still
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

Venom said
Place holder for cs!


SanaChan said
I guess I'm interested if there's room still

Yes of course, the applications have yet to begin rolling in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Quick question, is there any preference for where the characters are from? Or are we free to choose countries at random? I know you addressed it kinda up above, but I want to be sure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

SanaChan said
Quick question, is there any preference for where the characters are from? Or are we free to choose countries at random? I know you addressed it kinda up above, but I want to be sure.

The RP is taking place in Tokyo, Japan at the start. Ideally your character should be Japanese but it is possible to play someone who is of a different nationality. If they are a different nationality, you would need to give good reason for them to move as it's assumed they're of an adult age and can make choices of their own freewill (none of the 'my parents moved or school issues'). It's possible to move because you're being transferred to the JPN Branch of Correctors, but it would need to be a feasible reason and not a (I'm that awesome) flippant one. Does that make sense? It pretty much boils down to, be smart about your choices so that they make enough sense and don't scream "I'm special!" too loudly. Does that help?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yea, yea, that's fine, Japanese is fine, I just wanted to make absolutely sure before I got halfway through my CS. Thank you!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

SanaChan said
Yea, yea, that's fine, Japanese is fine, I just wanted to make absolutely sure before I got halfway through my CS. Thank you!

I understand. *smiles*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

For your consideration
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

Oh a CS, awesomesause. Just add the answers to the last four questions and I'll take a closer look at it. :3 (probably in the morning since it's 11 PM right now I don't trust my near-midnight judgement)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Oh Senshou

Alias in the DgtWld: Blue Lilly

Age: 21

Weapon of Choice: “war” hammer, like the one above

Positive: Resilient.(common) Sensical. Tactful. Accepting.
Negative: Grammarian(of the Nazi caliber). Spacey. Neurotic. Overcomplicate-r.

Background: Her whole life she’s had to endure her older brother around sixteen. It was something about painting his room and dying his hair. Possibly at the same time. As much as she may deny it, and if anyone were to ever let him in on it she would know the best places to hide your body, she does care about him. Else she wouldn't have continued to put up with his… eccentricities. However, she is at a constant point of wanting to strangle him either for his lack of decent grammar or his constant teasing of various faults that she has. It's all in good fun, or so she tells herself, otherwise she might actually get offended some of the time.
Even with DgtWld, she spends a majority of her time writing and/or reading fictional stories, and yes she has tried to do both at the same time. She uses the world and her stories as an escape from herself and the real world, both of which she finds impeccably boring. She hasn't had a bad life, having had more than some people, but it was never enough to make her feel like the world was worth paying attention to. The addition of DgtWld at least makes the escape a little more literal, but, aside from working at a Corrector, it really just gives a form to her imagination. She just wished she could create all of her different characters, as a possibly strange part of herself would love to have their input while writing their stories. Mostly because of the fact she is dying to publish the work she has slaved over for years rather than the stupid little journal columns she has to do so that it doesn’t seem like she completely wasted a huge chunk of her life. She’s sure her parents aren’t thrilled with her choice in career but they insisted they would support her so long as she continued to try and be successful. The “Are you sure this is what you want?”s all through her college years made it clear it wasn’t what they wanted, but it was the career she was going to be stuck with, so yea, it was what she went with.
Even though it isn't as monetarily beneficial as other lines of work, she has a degree in creative writing. If only writing a story was ever as easy as professors seemed to believe it was, she would have already published one of her stories, but she's obsessive of making sure everything about it is perfect. Therefore, the chance it gets done within the next couple of years isn't likely. So she greatly appreciates the benefits of being a Corrector and keeping the secrets is easy enough since she doesn't really talk to people. If there wasn't the desire to keep the positive and negatives even, misanthrope wouldn't be completely misplaced in the negatives.

Some Info I need your input on:

Do you want our characters to already know each other? I’m open to suggestions for relationships.

Do you often frequent an OOC of a RP you're in? When I’m looking for important pieces of information or relevant conversations.

How active can you see yourself being in this RP? I prowl the website for several hours every day, so I’m saying I’ll be really active. However, I am starting my student teaching semester soon, but I’ll remain as active as I can manage, like still at least once a day.

Any questions you have for me? Nope, other than am I missing anything? You said it's near midnight for you, it's 2:30 am here XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


And a query on the character I intend on playing. Thinking of playing as 24/25 year old teetering on the edge of Corrector retirement and having already found a new career as a law enforcement officer. That sound ok?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

Darkmatter said
|Placeholder|And a query on the character I intend on playing. Thinking of playing as 24/25 year old teetering on the edge of Corrector retirement and having already found a new career as a law enforcement officer. That sound ok?

Yes that's fine. *nods*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darkmatter
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Darkmatter Resident Engineer & Physics Afficiando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Coolio. I'll start working on him tonight but expect it to be a couple days until I am done, in the process of moving again!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

Name: Soshi Uo

Alias in the DgtWld: Ice

Age: 23

Average Appearance:

Corrector Appearance:

Weapon of Choice: Pure Ice

Ice pure ice, conjuring it to make any weapon or defensive wall needed. He cannot morph his ice if it's been dissolved into steam or melted into liquid form. His ice tends to be brittle unless he takes more time to make his weapons via a series of codes he types into his digital keyboard during the battle. His ice creations also melt after two minutes of use.

Cell Phone:


+ Inviting
+ Intelligent
+ Charming
+ Considerate
- Selective
- Cautious

Background: Soshi grew up in a splendid home. His parents were wealthy but didn't keep it all to themselves. Soshi and his younger sister, Hana, would often go down and donate time to the local charities. His family was well known in the area for being tied to connections. As such, Soshi's life was rich with spoils from an early age. And it was at an early age, that he enjoyed protecting people and going online. He never thought he'd be able to combine the two in the future. When he was in middle school, he told people he'd become a police officer and continue to right wrongs.

Even so, he hadn't a plan set in stone. During high school, he dove deep into computer graphics and found them quite fascinating. When he was offered a position as a Corrector, he accepted it with pride. To him, it was a good way to defend people from the pests they didn't know existed. He knew the job would come with a price and for a while, it took a toll on his relationship with his family. He was never around, always with his fellow Correctors, working or hanging out. It wasn't until he left for university, did he find a way to manage his time properly. Soshi found time to date, see his family and go to class. He is nearing graduation and hopes to move on with his life, not needing to tip toe around people and hide secrets.

Since he's so charming, lying can feel a bit natural to him. Even so, he's careful not to let it get to him. Lying felt dirty but he knew it was for a greater cause. The blond decided once his job as Corrector was done, he would need to try and find a real job, as the Gvn wouldn't allow him to put a lot of detail about it on his resume. When he's not finishing up his school work or defeating digital foes, he's with his casual girlfriend, Miya. Miya is awful with technology so he is rather certain that she doesn't suspect what he's up to when he's suddenly called off for work. Soshi has high hopes for his future and plans to continue to protect those he can, by any means.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Updated cs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I have been working on a CS. Just taking my time to make sure its nice. :3 Consider this my reserved post for it, when I finish it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago


You're really going to have to go into better detail about the weapon. What does it look like? How is it used? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the weapon? How does it show their seniority? What sort of data use is going on? Etc.

And for your character's personality, I don't quite understand what you mean by "Extremes" could you be a bit more clear?

And considering his background in art and creativity, why not have that incorporated into his digital appearance? (ex: something colorful or dealing with paint and music mechanics?) Just a thought since his alias is "Ink" and all. ^^;

Overall, your character seems a bit of a loose canon, not sure how well he would work in a group situation and from the sounds of it, he might not have the time to be a Corrector on top of his lifestyle. And considered you don't want him to be part of a group already established, you'd have to tell me how/why he's being brought in at such an age where he's close to retiring. Any thoughts on my thoughts? ^^;


Your first part of your background didn't make too much sense to me, maybe it was the way your wrote it,"Her whole life she’s had to endure her older brother around sixteen. It was something about painting his room and dying his hair. Possibly at the same time. As much as she may deny it, and if anyone were to ever let him in on it she would know the best places to hide your body, she does care about him. Else she wouldn't have continued to put up with his… eccentricities. However, she is at a constant point of wanting to strangle him either for his lack of decent grammar or his constant teasing of various faults that she has. It's all in good fun, or so she tells herself, otherwise she might actually get offended some of the time." but it didn't have much of a point except that (what I understood) is just that her brother is a bit weird (needs medication?) and she has patience because of enduring it at the start of a young age? How many years are they apart?

I think everything is alright.


I think what may not have been clear about the "Do you want our characters to already know each other?" is this...a group of Correctors is gathered together at the beginning of their career. Usually all newbies with one or two experienced Correctors. Soon they leave once the training wheels come off. Thus the group tends to grow and stick together for a few years, it's rare to have one person leave (if they're being transferred). So the options generally boil down to this (trying to be as clear here, as this is more for your benefit than it is mine) :

If they don't know each other you need to say why. Where has your character been living outside of Tokyo and why they're coming into the new branch after so much time?

If they do know each other, then it's as if they're already good friends in the group because they started out together and have been going on for several years.

Does that help anyone? I'm kinda concerned you're all content with being strangers because it just makes it more work in the beginning to break the ice and get to know one another. Is that okay with you guys? I can work with it though, I just wanna make sure everything's clear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You said to include family life in to the background, so I did, because of the fact Venom is playing my brother. I was describing her relationship with him so that other people might know when they see them clashing or talking or whatever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 28 days ago

Ah I didn't get that. I guess you put the last name first then. *nods* I see...
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