Name: Jonas D. Samuel (Sammy)
5’10”, average male build.
(he is also wearing the same kind of shoes Ace wears)
Power Type:super human and Devil Fruit user
Age: 19
Personality: Enthusiastic and fun-loving, Sammy is as optimistic as one can be, sometimes to the point of annoyance. He has a hard time picking up on subtle hints and can be tricked fairly easily, that said though, he’s not a complete idiot, knowing basic math and reading. He is overly trusting but very trustworthy believing that, if you make a promise, you should keep it no matter what. he’s pretty care-free and relies heavily on his emotions to tell him what to do and how to do it.
History: Sammy was born on a small island in East Blue. On the island, Sammy had a relatively normal childhood. His village was peaceful, but kinda boring. He would often spend his days exploring the island and going on adventures, even if he had to sneak out to do so. One day he found a group of men in the forest. Sammy could see they were cold and hungry, so he brought them to the village. The group was fed and allowed to spend the night, before they were to be given a ship and sent on their way to their destination. Satisfied he had done good, Sammy headed home.
That night he had snuck out again, and was high on a hill over-looking the village when he noticed a faint orange glow coming from the inn… that suddenly and rapidly spread to the next building. And then the next. And the next. And then it hit him… The village was on fire!! Racing back toward the village, he had barely reached the outskirts when he was grabbed from behind by his uncle, who was taking care of him at the time. Quickly handing him off to one of the other villagers, Sammy was whisked away back to his house, but not before he caught a glimpse of the people responsible… it was the men he had brought to the village.
the villager dropped Sammy back at his house, and ordered him to stay, before running back to assist. But Sammy couldn’t help himself. He had to try and stop this. HE was the one who brought them. His decision made, Sammy ran back to the village. He carefully slipped by the adults, who were too busy fighting the fires, and made his way through the blaze to the docks, where he confronted the men. Demanding an answer to why they burned the village when they had helped them so generously, all he got for a response was a kick to the stomach. Doubling over in pain, the boss pulled out a gun. Not saying a word, the man lowered the gun and pulled the trigger.
But the bullet never reached Sammy. Standing in front of him was a man, wearing a straw hat. It couldn’t be. Quietly, the man took one step, and was gone. In the blink of an eye, every last bandit was blown off their feet, unconscious, except for the boss. Without missing a beat, he turned tail and darted down the pier, heading towards a ship. Re-appearing before Sammy, the man took a stance, wound up his arm, and launched it back… far. And with a cry of “Gum-Gum Pistol!” the stretched out arm shot back and darted down the pier, slamming into the bandits back and throwing him through the cliff face. Pulling his arm back, the man turned… and unbelievably enough, there stood the Pirate King himself, Straw Hat Luffy.
(and if it’s alright with you guys, i’m gonna explain how he got the straw hat in a later post.)
10 years later, the news of the Pirate King’s death traveled the world, and reached the ears of that little boy, who’s life was spared. Determined to find the One Piece and preserve the legacy of the Straw Hats, Jonas D. Samuel had set sail on his own pirate journey. Soon he was setting foot in the legendary Lougetown, his first stop on his way to the Grand Line...
Devil Fruit: Hiba Hiba no mi (Spark Spark Fruit)
Fruit Type: Paramecia
Abilities: The Hiba Hiba no Mi allows Sammy to Absorb and manipulate very large amount of electricity. And, because he’s been training his body since childhood, he has super-human strength, speed, and stamina
Techniques: his techniques are separated into categories based on voltage
Hibana: he sends a small electric spark a short distance through the air. this is his weakest attack.
Denki-dama: Sammy throws electric balls at his target.
Charge: sends electricity through conductive material to surprise enemies
Kaminari: Sammy fires a large bolt of electricity at his target
Orosu: Sends out a wave of electricity in a 10 ft. radius around him.
Raiu: Sammy fires of multiple bolts of lightning in rapid succession
Nyudogumo: basically a gigantic version of the Denki-dama
Others: He is very… Touchy-feely with the people he likes, so don’t be surprised if he suddenly decides to give you a hug.

5’10”, average male build.
(he is also wearing the same kind of shoes Ace wears)
Power Type:super human and Devil Fruit user
Age: 19
Personality: Enthusiastic and fun-loving, Sammy is as optimistic as one can be, sometimes to the point of annoyance. He has a hard time picking up on subtle hints and can be tricked fairly easily, that said though, he’s not a complete idiot, knowing basic math and reading. He is overly trusting but very trustworthy believing that, if you make a promise, you should keep it no matter what. he’s pretty care-free and relies heavily on his emotions to tell him what to do and how to do it.
History: Sammy was born on a small island in East Blue. On the island, Sammy had a relatively normal childhood. His village was peaceful, but kinda boring. He would often spend his days exploring the island and going on adventures, even if he had to sneak out to do so. One day he found a group of men in the forest. Sammy could see they were cold and hungry, so he brought them to the village. The group was fed and allowed to spend the night, before they were to be given a ship and sent on their way to their destination. Satisfied he had done good, Sammy headed home.
That night he had snuck out again, and was high on a hill over-looking the village when he noticed a faint orange glow coming from the inn… that suddenly and rapidly spread to the next building. And then the next. And the next. And then it hit him… The village was on fire!! Racing back toward the village, he had barely reached the outskirts when he was grabbed from behind by his uncle, who was taking care of him at the time. Quickly handing him off to one of the other villagers, Sammy was whisked away back to his house, but not before he caught a glimpse of the people responsible… it was the men he had brought to the village.
the villager dropped Sammy back at his house, and ordered him to stay, before running back to assist. But Sammy couldn’t help himself. He had to try and stop this. HE was the one who brought them. His decision made, Sammy ran back to the village. He carefully slipped by the adults, who were too busy fighting the fires, and made his way through the blaze to the docks, where he confronted the men. Demanding an answer to why they burned the village when they had helped them so generously, all he got for a response was a kick to the stomach. Doubling over in pain, the boss pulled out a gun. Not saying a word, the man lowered the gun and pulled the trigger.
But the bullet never reached Sammy. Standing in front of him was a man, wearing a straw hat. It couldn’t be. Quietly, the man took one step, and was gone. In the blink of an eye, every last bandit was blown off their feet, unconscious, except for the boss. Without missing a beat, he turned tail and darted down the pier, heading towards a ship. Re-appearing before Sammy, the man took a stance, wound up his arm, and launched it back… far. And with a cry of “Gum-Gum Pistol!” the stretched out arm shot back and darted down the pier, slamming into the bandits back and throwing him through the cliff face. Pulling his arm back, the man turned… and unbelievably enough, there stood the Pirate King himself, Straw Hat Luffy.
(and if it’s alright with you guys, i’m gonna explain how he got the straw hat in a later post.)
10 years later, the news of the Pirate King’s death traveled the world, and reached the ears of that little boy, who’s life was spared. Determined to find the One Piece and preserve the legacy of the Straw Hats, Jonas D. Samuel had set sail on his own pirate journey. Soon he was setting foot in the legendary Lougetown, his first stop on his way to the Grand Line...
Devil Fruit: Hiba Hiba no mi (Spark Spark Fruit)
Fruit Type: Paramecia
Abilities: The Hiba Hiba no Mi allows Sammy to Absorb and manipulate very large amount of electricity. And, because he’s been training his body since childhood, he has super-human strength, speed, and stamina
Techniques: his techniques are separated into categories based on voltage
Hibana: he sends a small electric spark a short distance through the air. this is his weakest attack.
Denki-dama: Sammy throws electric balls at his target.
Charge: sends electricity through conductive material to surprise enemies
Kaminari: Sammy fires a large bolt of electricity at his target
Orosu: Sends out a wave of electricity in a 10 ft. radius around him.
Raiu: Sammy fires of multiple bolts of lightning in rapid succession
Nyudogumo: basically a gigantic version of the Denki-dama
Others: He is very… Touchy-feely with the people he likes, so don’t be surprised if he suddenly decides to give you a hug.