Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sableyezer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Jonas D. Samuel (Sammy)


5’10”, average male build.
(he is also wearing the same kind of shoes Ace wears)

Power Type:super human and Devil Fruit user

Age: 19

Personality: Enthusiastic and fun-loving, Sammy is as optimistic as one can be, sometimes to the point of annoyance. He has a hard time picking up on subtle hints and can be tricked fairly easily, that said though, he’s not a complete idiot, knowing basic math and reading. He is overly trusting but very trustworthy believing that, if you make a promise, you should keep it no matter what. he’s pretty care-free and relies heavily on his emotions to tell him what to do and how to do it.

History: Sammy was born on a small island in East Blue. On the island, Sammy had a relatively normal childhood. His village was peaceful, but kinda boring. He would often spend his days exploring the island and going on adventures, even if he had to sneak out to do so. One day he found a group of men in the forest. Sammy could see they were cold and hungry, so he brought them to the village. The group was fed and allowed to spend the night, before they were to be given a ship and sent on their way to their destination. Satisfied he had done good, Sammy headed home.

That night he had snuck out again, and was high on a hill over-looking the village when he noticed a faint orange glow coming from the inn… that suddenly and rapidly spread to the next building. And then the next. And the next. And then it hit him… The village was on fire!! Racing back toward the village, he had barely reached the outskirts when he was grabbed from behind by his uncle, who was taking care of him at the time. Quickly handing him off to one of the other villagers, Sammy was whisked away back to his house, but not before he caught a glimpse of the people responsible… it was the men he had brought to the village.

the villager dropped Sammy back at his house, and ordered him to stay, before running back to assist. But Sammy couldn’t help himself. He had to try and stop this. HE was the one who brought them. His decision made, Sammy ran back to the village. He carefully slipped by the adults, who were too busy fighting the fires, and made his way through the blaze to the docks, where he confronted the men. Demanding an answer to why they burned the village when they had helped them so generously, all he got for a response was a kick to the stomach. Doubling over in pain, the boss pulled out a gun. Not saying a word, the man lowered the gun and pulled the trigger.

But the bullet never reached Sammy. Standing in front of him was a man, wearing a straw hat. It couldn’t be. Quietly, the man took one step, and was gone. In the blink of an eye, every last bandit was blown off their feet, unconscious, except for the boss. Without missing a beat, he turned tail and darted down the pier, heading towards a ship. Re-appearing before Sammy, the man took a stance, wound up his arm, and launched it back… far. And with a cry of “Gum-Gum Pistol!” the stretched out arm shot back and darted down the pier, slamming into the bandits back and throwing him through the cliff face. Pulling his arm back, the man turned… and unbelievably enough, there stood the Pirate King himself, Straw Hat Luffy.

(and if it’s alright with you guys, i’m gonna explain how he got the straw hat in a later post.)

10 years later, the news of the Pirate King’s death traveled the world, and reached the ears of that little boy, who’s life was spared. Determined to find the One Piece and preserve the legacy of the Straw Hats, Jonas D. Samuel had set sail on his own pirate journey. Soon he was setting foot in the legendary Lougetown, his first stop on his way to the Grand Line...

Devil Fruit: Hiba Hiba no mi (Spark Spark Fruit)

Fruit Type: Paramecia

Abilities: The Hiba Hiba no Mi allows Sammy to Absorb and manipulate very large amount of electricity. And, because he’s been training his body since childhood, he has super-human strength, speed, and stamina

Techniques: his techniques are separated into categories based on voltage

Hibana: he sends a small electric spark a short distance through the air. this is his weakest attack.
Denki-dama: Sammy throws electric balls at his target.
Charge: sends electricity through conductive material to surprise enemies

Kaminari: Sammy fires a large bolt of electricity at his target
Orosu: Sends out a wave of electricity in a 10 ft. radius around him.

Raiu: Sammy fires of multiple bolts of lightning in rapid succession

Nyudogumo: basically a gigantic version of the Denki-dama

Others: He is very… Touchy-feely with the people he likes, so don’t be surprised if he suddenly decides to give you a hug.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Silas "Chain" Drake


Appearance: (can be picture or description)

Instead of white hair he has black hair, with streaks of silver in it. And he has chains wrapped around his forearms and shins.

Crew Position: Quarter Master, tactician/strategist

Power Type: Devil Fruit, Weapon Master(Is capable of using any melee weapon aside from a shield.)

Personality: His appearance leads to many people that don't know him thinking of him as a troublemaker. That is not the case... most of the time. He's often calm and focused on a task, or found doing random things to keep himself busy. He's not one to start a conversation, which makes him a little anti-social in some eyes. In general, he enjoys quiet when he can get it and is often found reading or carving under such circumstances.

History: Silas was one of the unfortunate kids born into a world where their parents had a debt they died with, and said debt got passed on to the child. He was 11 when this happened to him, and he found himself working as a servent in a noble's house, one with a shady background that people didn't like to speak about openly. The man wasn't kind, but neither was he cruel, he did however have an underground in which most of his finances came from, investing in both slaves and using local gangs to extort money.

This went on for three years when Silas decided he needed to get back at the noble in some way, due to his discovery that he was lying to Silas about his parents' debt to get him to work for him longer. He did this by sneaking into the storage and eating a really strage looking, and disgusting, fruit that he knew had cost the noble a lot of money. Unfortunately for him, he was found out and disposed of. Thought dead, his body was toassed into a nearby river. He would have been dead if he wasn't found downstream by an old man returning home from his school.

Nursed backed to health and effectively adopted by the man, Silas soon found himself going to the old man's school, which turned out to be a dojo for many different forms of combat. Living with him for the next five years, Silas learned how to fight and made friends, essentially living the life that was denied to him for those three years of servitude. At the age of 19 he bid his farewells to his home and left the island, but not before exposing the noble's corruption to the marines and government.

He has since been doing mercenary work, taking down bandits, bodyguarding, and oddly enough even taking charge of a group or place's supplies. Is currently being paid to return an inn's inventory to acceptable levels.

Devil Fruit:Chēn-Chēn no Mi (The Chain-Chain Fruit)- This fruit grants the ability to manipulate and shape chains that he spawns from his body or comes in contact with. As you can imagine, this allows it to be used in a variety of ways, though Silas usually uses it for combat.

Fruit Type: Paramecia

Abilities: Silas was trained, and he trained himself, in the use of all melee weapons, from knives and daggers to swords, spears, even clubs and staffs. When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, he is effectively a street fighter, improvising and using the environment to his advantage.Thanks to his devil fruit powers, he is able to create any weapon he wants. That said, his power is also used for a multitude of ways to fight and defend himself and others.

Others: He has yet to find a goal in life, which makes him both envious and somewhat respectful to those who do. He favorite kinds of books are story books, followed by the more military ones.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Watershin Danielle

Nickname: Dani (Also Crazy Bitch)

Epithet: "Bloody Princess" Dani and Dani "Two-Shot"

Age: 22

Appearance: (Ignore the text. It doesn't apply here since Dani is a cyborg, not a zombie/Frankenstein. Also, her skin is all the same color, which is a nice tan. Lastly, she also has another line running vertically between her breasts, in case she has to open the hatch for maintenance. And yes, she does have those sunglasses. She uses them to cover her eyes because the heterochromia tends to unnerve people.)

In the US her height is about 5'3" and her weight is 127 lbs, but that 127 lbs is for the character Dani is based off of. Dani herself is actually 110 lbs.
Her clothes basically consist of bikinis and a duster (usually black). But she also has a tuxedo for fancy shindigs and a more modest outfit in case people bitch, or are scared by her... scars? ... stitches? No... ... ... ... Okay, those lines indicate where her skin opens to allow maintenance, but I have no clue what to call them. Oh, and she has a hat. Specifically:
:this one.

Crew Position: Okay, not really sure... Blacksmith/Engineer seems to suit her best, though.

Power Type: Devil Fruit on top of being a Cyborg.

Personality: Dani's a bit of a trigger-happy maniac. She the type of girl who shoots first and asks questions never (usually because the people to ask are now dead), so it's best not to give her a reason to do so. The only reason she doesn't have a bounty is because she's a phenomenal engineer and blacksmith, but that could change any day now. She'll build anyone just about anything she can... for the right price. Since she's a money hog, her prices are kinda steep, but people will pay for the quality, and if they piss her off, they have to pay double for their life and she gets to keep the merchandise. She's kinda hard to get along with at first because she's crude, rude, brass, and rash. But she's noble at heart. She can be very competitive if someone horns in on her turf, too. But she's loyal. If you've earned her respect and trust, she'll follow you into hell and drag you right back out. Oh, yeah, she'll also sleep with anyone that has a pulse, so don't expect anything out of it.

History: When Danielle was only a child (I'd say... around 11) she and her parents were attacked at their summer home. Dani took a severe beating from the mystery man, who shattered her lower ribs and knocked her out. She woke up to a burning home. Looking around she saw her 3 year old sister, Rosaria, cradled in her mother's corpse. Knowing she had to save her sister, Dani dragged herself to her feet, grabbed Rose (who was eerily calm and intent, like she knew she had to remember this), and staggered into the hall. Making her way out to the deck, she rigged up a box to a rope and lowered her sister gently down into a crowd that had gathered. Just as she was about to jump down herself, the floor collapsed and she fell through the second, first, and basement floors, landing in the sub-basement that she never even knew existed. She had landed on a metal plate with her face submerged in a foul-smelling liquid. It was a tank of some kind. As she pulled her head up, she found she couldn't feel her legs. Looking behind her she saw a piece of metal stuck in the base of her spine. Adrenaline causing her to ignore the pain, she flipped over and began dragging herself to the stairs. Suddenly a beam fell on her chest, breaking her breastbone and causing shrapnel to pierce her lungs. Unable to escape or even move, Dani could only watch as a trail of sparks followed the beam and landed on her face, igniting the mystery liquid (it was gas) and burning her horrifically. Before the flames could consume her, there was a rush of water. Apparently the top of the house collapsed in such a way, that it created a path for the waterfall they lived beside to flow in. Quickly filling the room, the water put out the fire and lifted the beam, allowing her to escape. The cold also eased her pain and allowed her to remain conscious as she floated back up to the first floor, where she was rescued by some good Samaritans. Only then did she pass out. She only survived thanks to the heavy training she did to be like her idol (a famous female outlaw) and the engineering genius of her grandpa, who was able to replace her lungs, fuse a metal plate to her ribs, and replace the charred remains of her face with segmented metal plates that could barely emulate facial expressions. Over the next decade, Dani trained in engineering under her grandpa, and constantly updated her body until she looked like a normal human again... well, minus the surgery scars (seriously, the fuck else do I call them) where her skin opens up for maintenance, as well as trying to locate her sister, who went missing that dreadful day. It was during this time that she discovered the cybernetics were too much for her heart. She would've died if she hadn't found the Sun-Sun devil fruit. Making several modifications, she managed to take advantage of it's ability to store solar energy to fuel her body and keep her heart pumping. After her grandpa died, Dani decided to take her skills on the road, building things for anyone willing to pay the price. Eventually she came upon the ruins of a fort in the East Blue, about a five days trip from Lougetown. Deciding to sleep there for the night, she was set upon by bandits. Defeating them easy, Dani decided to spare them and took over as their boss, setting up and running the gang/shop she calls Bloody Evolution. Her reputation as a wild and dangerous gangster however, doesn't include the fact she's a girl. So most people who have the balls to come with a request (or to challenge her) are quite surprised that she is a female, and a rather small one at that. So, thinking they can take advantage of that... they get their asses kicked and have to pay double just to live. The government is torn between leaving her alone since she makes such high-quality goods and taking her out since she's a loose cannon. They are currently leaning towards giving her a bounty.

Weapons: Dani always carries two 8-chamber guns her grandpa invented (his last), called revolvers (The White Tiger and White Lion), in shoulder holsters and one of those new-fangled lever action repeating rifles (that she invented) with a gray finish on her back (The Lancer). She has no qualms picking up another's gun and using that, though. And if all else fails, she has her fruit powers, an arm cannon (that she calls her "Buster"), and two survival knives (although her knowledge of bladed weapons really only goes as far as "The pointy end goes into the other PERSON". And even THAT she only learned because she has to forge blades, too).

Devil Fruit: The Sun-Sun fruit. This Paramecia-Type Devil Fruit allows the user to absorb, store, and project solar energy. This manifests as red-orange... well, energy. NOT flames, although there is a bit of heat to it. Dani uses this energy as ammo for her buster cannon, but she can project it from anywhere on her body. But she doesn't like to as it's not "cool". Due to the nature of her body, she can take the stored energy and completely absorb it, then direct it to her legs or arms, giving a temporary (like five second) boost in speed or strength. But this can cause a limb to fall off if she's not careful. It also gives the added bonus of photosynthesis. Basically, all the nutrients she needs, Dani can absorb from the sun (minus water. She still needs to drink. And she can eat if she so chooses), but this also means she can starve at night is she uses up her energy stores, which her buster will do if it's abused. This does NOT grant her accelerated healing though. Due to the cybernetic nature of Dani's body, she requires the solar energy to keep her heart going as it is faulty and will stop if she runs out.

Fruit Type: Paramecia

Abilities: Dani's a gunner and loves it... however her true passion and talent lie in her original fighting style. Bare-Knuckle brawling. If she were to ever lose her precious guns, she would revert back to her original unique fighting technique, the Solar Fist Style, which relies on quick, rapid punches with hard-hitting finishers, usually with one of her fists empowered by Sun-Sun. Why am I telling you this if she's a gunner? Because we're gonna need a new gunner pretty quickly. Also, her left eye can slow it's perception (or is it speed up?) of time, making things seem slower, giving her a few precious seconds (three to be precise) to adjust her shot. Yes, this is how she came to be such a great shot, but she's not as reliant on it as you might think.

Rei Shot: Fires a ball of energy form her arm cannon.
Sunspot: Fires a Rei Shot point-blank three times in a row.
Apollo: Dumps most of her stored solar energy into her arms, giving her super-strength for five seconds. May cause an arm to fall off after.
Amaterasu: Dumps most of her stored solar energy into her legs, giving her super-speed for five seconds. May cause a leg to fall off after.
Supernova: Expends all of her accumulated solar energy in a large ball around herself. Dangerous to Dani herself during the day but lethal to her at night.

Others: As you can see from her history, Dani's will to live is TREMENDOUS!! She's also a heavy smoker since, well, iron lungs and all that. Her goal in life is to find her sister, kill the man responsible for the death of her parents, and make money.

Oh, yeah. Dani's theme -
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Richard Walden

Age: 25

Appearance: He stands at 6’1 and weighs in at 182 lbs. Due to an incident when he was younger he loses his right eye and was replaced with a cybernetic eye. His normal clothing consists of a black tee shirt, brown cargo pants, steel toe boots, a black trench coat, and gloves. Many of the cloths he wears have many pockets for his grenades, weapons, spare parts and tools.

Crew Position: Shipwright

Power Type: His inventive skill to create gadgets, weapons, and greater than average strength

Personality: Richerd is a very grounded individual who can be at times can be blunt and oblivious. He is natural a inventor at heart spending most of his time tinkering on various projects he also has a strong moral compass. Richard is slow to anger but one of the quickest ways to earn his wrath is to mess with the ship. But he is vary loyally to the people he calls friends.

History: From young age Richard was sent live with his grandfather who was shipwright living in a small town in west blue by his parents who didn’t want anything to do with him. Richards’s grandpa took him as an apprentice shipwright teaching the skills of the trade. And for several years Richard work under his at time heavy hand grandpa helping him build ships, but one day when he was helping move a cannon into a marine caravel the cannon was unknowingly loaded exploded in Richards face causing him to lose his right eye. Thankfully for Richard his grandfather was a mechanical genius and built him a replacement eye. Over the years he learned to fight to deal due to the occasional group of bandits trying to raid the town’s docks for supplies. At age sixteen his sort of quite life ended when his grandpa diagnose with a fatal disease, in his is grandfathers final week the old man made him promises to leave the town and to make his own way in the world. Richard kept his word leaving once his grandfather passed away and has been wondering for the past years sea of the world looking for adventure.

Abilities: His cybernetic eye has different modes that have different ability’s, they are; normal, targeting, thermal, and infrared. His main weapons is small cannon that can fire special ammunition by loading certain canister into it. He also uses several different types of grenades depending on what the situation is, and a special long handed wrench he uses in hand to hand combat. His skill with both marksmanship and hand to hand combat is a proficient level.

Others: he doesn’t have that good of a sense of direction
Name: John Ricden
Alias: The Red lighting
Age: 48


Crew Position: Marine Admrial

Power Type: devil fruit/ super human
Personality: He is respectful to his fellow marines. Most of the time Ricden is calm and level headed in most situation, strongly follows the doctrine of absolute justice, Ricden can be very ruthless at times, but he cares for the innocent people going great lengths to protect them, Ricden can be a bit oblivious at time and somewhat lazy being that one of favorite activities is sleeping.

History: John was born into a marine family in the East Blue he has always dreamed of joining the marines. Even at a young age he had a strong sense of justice even go around his home town with his dad’s marine jacket and hat fighting any bullies or thugs he come across. And most days’ John would return home with cuts, bruises and a scolding from his mother over his reckless action. As soon as he was old enough he joined the marines and was shipped out to basic after a tearfully farewell by his family.
With a strong sense justice and duty John manage to work his way up the ranks to be the Lieutenant Commander of a marine ship. He served quietly for many years even learning the geppo technique from his captain of his ship. During one assignment to a random island he found the Goro Goro no Mi and ate it to gain the fruits powers. Ricden gain a promotion to be a captain after he took down a dangerous pirate crew by himself. He spent the following year ruthless hunting down pirate crew across the seas. At the same time Ricden keep increasing his power slowly becoming one of the strongest fighters in the marines and rose through the ranks. Around the time he was a vice admiral for a couple of years when Admiral Borsalino retired he was nominated to the rank of admiral. Even though he is in a high ranking position he is quite active still even getting in trouble as he will randomly board marine ships that were going out on patrol. Despite that Ricden is determine to lead the marine through the new era that started after the pirate king luffy’s death.
Devil Fruit: Goro Goro no Mi

Fruit Type: Logia

Abilities: Ricden has the Goro Goro no Mi fruit which he got as a young marine; the lighting color is red gaining his Alias from it. He can turn his body into electricity and even travel while electric. Ricden can manipulate up to 15 million volts usually setting the voltage at the begin of his attack for his attacks. Some his attacks are;
• Hammer/hammer barrage; he launches a single or multiple fist size electric pulses.
• Katar; Ricden charge one of his arms use Armament; harden with electric energy then to deliver an open palm strike at the target.
• Lance/ lance barrage; his normal range attack he fires a single or several bolts of lighting
• Halberd; charges one of his legs with electric energy and delivers an overhead kick to his opponent.
• Axe/ Axe barrage; he slashes the air with either his hand or his sword sends waves of electricity at his opponents.
• Battering ram; Ricden concentrated one of his fist uses use Armament; harden with a high amount volts of electricity then uses Geppo to launch himself into his opponent.
• Trebuchet; he condenses his electric energy into medium size orb which upond impacted creates a large explosion only down side is that it takes several minutes to charge up.
Other abilities; he has strength and reflexes beyond that of normal humans. Reciden master three of the six powers the Geppo, Soru, and Kami-e technique. Also as an Admiral Riched has trained in one form of haki; Busoshoku Haki and can use Armament; harden to channel his electricity through.
Weapons; carries two pistols and a saber that he channels his electric powers into the sword to boost his attacks. Which he highly skilled with level of skill with both of his weapons.
Others: none
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sableyezer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Creator: phillmyster

Name: Griff

Age: 18


Crew Position: Marksman, thief, above average mechanic (mainly gadgets and weapons)

Power Type: Above average human, great accuracy, strategist and gadgets.

Personality: Griff is a cheerful and laid back kind of guy, he doesn't really like to battle but he can rise to an occasion, he usually prefers to avoid combat and keep some distance with the enemy. He really likes to tinker and make all sorts of gadgets and machines. Griff is a thief, so he likes money, but he usually doesn't steal from someone he feels sorry for, kind of an honorable thief.

History: Born an orphan in the trash piles outside a certain kingdom, he was accustomed to avoiding trouble and taking what he could to survive, he built little things to help him with said tasks like telescopes and little bells and whistles to distract and observe. It is a harsh reality that he bared with other children from around the place. At the age of 14, he got bored of life in the trash and sought something more, stowing away on a ship and leaving for the world.
Taking some provisions of the ship, and some gold, he ventured to the land, stealing when necessary and seeing the land. One day he was caught stealing from some big gang, he stole some strange conch like things that he managed to hide before he was found out, the gang seriously beat him and dragged his bloodied and broken body to the wilderness so some hungry animal could dispose of the body. Griff lost conscious right after they left him for dead.
Afterward he woke up bandaged up in an unknown bed, he cautiously took a look around the house to see where he had ended up and if anything of value was there. When he exited the room, a big old man greeted him and asked if he felt better, Griff took a liking to the old man and stayed with him while he recovered. The old man took pity on Griff and taught him how to receive a number of blows and how to deflect them so he could defend himself, also how to use a bow, a rifle and how to judge distances, the old man was an expert marksman in his day.
After a year of training and healing, Griff went to get the conch like things from were he hid them, on the way back to the old mans house, he noticed a feint smell of smoke in the air. With an ominous sensation, Griff ran to the house to find it covered in flames. Outside, the gang that had hurt him long ago, surely trying to finish the job again. Griff hid in the trees, moving trough them towards the house, using his coat to cover his face from the smoke, once he was cloce enough to a window, he used a noise bomb to alert the gang in the opposite direction, then once more as he jumped towards the window to hopefully cover the sound of the broken glass.
Once inside, Griff panicked while looking for the old man, running down to the basement, as the house crumbled, trapping him underground. There he found the old man grasping a wooden bow and some metal looking seeds, the old man was seriously beaten and barely alive. The wooden bow was made from Adam wood, and was of great workmanship, the old man told Griff, and the seeds were from a gun powder flower, a flower with pollen with the explosive strength of gun powder, he kept a few already grown ones in jars all around. The old man had no family but he couldn't let his treasures die with him so he decided to give them to Griff, who understood his gesture and bowed to punish those responsible for his death. Taking some tools and weapons in the basement, he began to tinker with the bow, fiddling with the conch like things, adding them and combining them to his arsenal. After a day of working, he deemed it safe to try to exit the house and used the Gun powder flowers to blast a hole through the wreckage and into the surface. After training for 2 months with his new gear, he took down the gang and stole their loot, one of the only times he engaged in battle head on.

Now Griff is an infamous and crafty thief with an average low bounty, and a secret and relatively big stash of money. Having made enough enemies in town, now leaves for the unknown

Abilities: As a thief and a marksman, he's trained to almost perfection his slight of hand and fluid movements, he has impeccable aim and is a great tactician. His bow is made from the strongest wood on earth and has a gun powder powered propulsion in the serving to fire arrows with great strength, his string hand (right) has an impact shell on the palm (to absorb the blast from arrows fired) and his bow hand has an electric shell (used to electrify nearby enemies) his shoes have small wheels and a breath dial each. Griff also has his modified rifle with normal bullets and a capacity for flash bang pellets and smoke pellets.

Others: has many other useful and useless gadgets that he carries in a small cart along with his hidden loot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sableyezer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Creator: Archmage MC

Name: Light

Age: 24

Gender: female

Race: Flying Fish/Jellyfish Fishman

Light is a flying fish / Jellyfish type fishman, She looks vaguely humanoid much like most fish men, but with needle like lower legs. no feet, large hands and forearms (And small biceps) that at certain angles could be mistaken as simple wings, pure white skin, and a dress like looking bottom. Her head is very much ball shaped, with no nose and very large black and yellow eyes, Blue frizzled hair, a skinny neck, and fins for ears. She has a slim muscular build, large breasts, a blue tanktop, and wears silver bracers on her forearms. Her dress like appendages are a 3 piece ensemble, Two pieces at her back that go down almost to her legs with a split in the middle of them going up halfway to her femur. These two pieces join at her waist in the front, with the third piece extending down from underneath those two pieces. this piece is a short triangle shape that ends at her kneecaps. The outside of her dress has blue coloring besides the edges which are the color of her skin. The inside of her dress is a jet black, which is a huge contrast to her white legs. Her hands have 4 large pointed fingers each, which when viewed at a certain angle kinda look like featherless wings. Her fingers are rather sharp, and can be used as claws if need be.

Crew Position: Entertainer and general knowledge..

Power Type: Devil Fruit + Melee combat

Personality: Light has a carefree, independent attitude, doing whatever she likes whenever she likes and only listening to those she deems as friends. She expresses her freedom liberally, and expects others to do the same, getting annoyed or angry when she sees someone suppressing someones freedom or her own. She is intelligent and observant, and adapts quickly to new situations. Light is very wishy washy/insane on what is 'good' and what is 'bad' however, and will constantly change her views on the matter when it comes to small things, depending on what her mood is, This is not to say that she is cruel, in fact she is fairly kindhearted, she just doesn't see much wrong in petty things like stealing and the like or acting blunt when she should be acting polite. She absolutely hates slavery, and deems it as the worst thing anyone could do to someone else.

History: Light doesn't have the cheery history that her disposition would suggest. Orphaned at a very young age and taken from fishman isle at a very young age, Light was forced into slavery for a cruel, though shortsighted, nobleman. Having been fed a devil fruit at a young age, she was subject to various types of cruel punishments when she failed to do her work properly. This only got worse when the nobleman found out that she would just regenerate any injury he inflicted upon her. This was the norm for her for a while until she escaped him when a pirate crew raided the town she was in at the age of 10.
She wasn't very trusting of people at first, and was constantly rejected or harassed due to her fishman heritage, forcing her to fend for herself. This continued until she was taken in at a fighting school, where she learned how to fight, read, write, and the like. (And found reading to be entertaining when it was something she knew nothing about.) Sure the other kids picked on her due to her fishman looks, but that quickly turned to whispers behind her back when she demonstrated her strength and skill at fighting. While her teacher was far better than the nobleman that she had just escaped from, he kept himself distant from her, much like everyone else around her. This didn't deter her though, and while she didn't have a very good moral upbringing, she was happier than she had ever been. Of course this lack of moral teaching meant she often stole things from the local market and got in trouble for it.
She left the school at the age of 20 and explored the land, finding interesting sights and people, though most people she dealt with avoided her like the plague or bothered her because of how 'pretty' she looked, none the less she had learned that she could do whatever she found entertaining, as people either ignored her or couldn't fight her over it due to her combat prowess. At the age of 24, she joined a pirate crew setting off to eventually explore the grand line, hoping to enjoy a life of freedom and adventure.

Devil Fruit: Regen Regen fruit

This fruit gives her the power of self regeneration. Missing limbs, organs, even a missing head or damaged brain, can be regenerated as good as new after a few moments. Of course Light still feels all the pain that would come with getting said injury, she just heals it up faster than normal.

Fruit abilities:
Regeneration: As the name implies, Light can regenerate missing body parts or organs, including nerve tissue, at the cellular level. The more catastrophic the injury, the faster she will regenerate it. If a body part is detached, Light can pick it up and reattach it after a few seconds, significantly cutting down on her regeneration time. This regeneration is reactive, so even if she is cuffed in Sea Prism Stone or attacked via Haki, she can regenerate those injuries. In the case of Sea Prism Stone, it'll be whenever its not touching her anymore. Due to her regeneration, deadly things such as Asphyxiation, Starvation, and the like don't affect her in a deadly manner, but will still cause intense pain and have a good chance of making her pass out.

Disease/Poison/Chemical 'immunity' : Thanks to her regeneration, Light, while she can be affected by diseases and various chemicals and poisons, it takes a far more significant dose to affect her and it wont last very long anyway. This includes beneficial medicines as well.

Body Reattachment: Thanks to her ability, Light can very easily reattach dismembered limbs, even her head. In the case of her head, Light still has rudimentary control over her body for a minute with her head deattached, assuming her head is still in one piece and not blown apart or something, which would knock her out.

Foreign object removal: If an object, say, a bullet, is still stuck in Light's body when she regenerates the wound, she'll eventually vomit it out.

Degeneration: Light's body also emits a form of degeneration on things she touches, but this effect doesn't take effect or seen unless she has had extended constant contact with said object for weeks at a time.

Fruit Type: Paramicia

Moon Step (beginner) - Allows her to jump once while airborn.
Super human strength - Due to her fishman heritage, Light is far stronger than a human, and is constantly training to make herself stronger.

Fighting Style: Kinetic Combat

Light's Fighting style is your basic punching street fighting style, what makes it special is that the more she fights, the faster her attack and movement speed becomes. Injuries slow her down, and if she hasn't attacked something or blocked an attack, after a short time her speed will rapidly decay as well.

Fusion Punch: A mighty punch that converts her stored kinetic energy into a devastating attack, this resets her kinetic energy back down to 0 after its used, hit or miss.

Others: Light enjoys dancing when music is being played, sometimes to the point of folly if its good enough to dance to. Her favorite is a waltz, with rock music being second.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sableyezer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Creator: Ladyonyx04

Name: Natsu Hizuri

Age: 19


Crew Position: Lieutenant/Navigator

Power Type: Devil fruit along with being incredibly intelligent

Personality: She is normally laid-back and easy going until something she perceives as 'wrong' occurs and she strikes out like a cobra. She's sweet and kind until the wrong buttons are pushed and it's like the saying 'poking the slumbering dragon' literally...if she had but eaten the Mara mara no mi, she really would have been. But otherwise, she's not that bad a person and doesn't enforce her training on anyone, not even those that follow her even though she's not a captain.

History: To say that Natsu is a rebel in the marine's would be to say that Monkey D. Luffy had been a hyper ass kid. Blatantly obvious and clear to see as well as very endearing. She doesn't see the world in the strict black and white that the marine's have, since she was sent there at the age of twelve cause her aunt couldn't afford to feed another mouth much longer. She see's it in multi-hues and can often see the point in why some people go pirate and will and has often given the law breaker a chance to redeem themselves or to run as fast as they can if their crimes are too 'heinous' for any other marine to see beyond while she creates a well thought of distraction. She had even met the pirate king before he became the pirate king and was one of the many that had a extremely high bounty. It was when she was a little girl no more than five. He had actually listened to her and asked about her opinions when she had been told to shut up and to quit believing in her dreams. It was a simple one really. "I want the world to be a more safe place. For pirates and marines. To live in a world where they can co-exist in harmony." She had said and he grinned at her and said that perhaps one day it could happen. So she's been doing her best to do that ever since. She was at the base having risen up the ranks thanks to her innate ability to learn things at a quicker pace than any other applicant in the marines including her swordsmanship and strategic ability, and had been sent off to the wilds unexpectedly. It had been while she was starving within the first week of having not eaten anything that she found this strange swirly berry-like thing. She shrugged having ignored talk of devil fruits for she figured she'd never find one anyway cause of the way they were so sought after for either trade for a high amount of belli, or to be eaten for his/her self, and had eaten it. It had been the WORST thing she ever ate. EVER! And then she started to feel strange after, her breath coming out in puffs when winter wasn't supposed to be for another few months. She then began to figure out that she had indeed eaten a devil fruit and committed to figuring out how to control it because she didn't want to accidentally hurt someone, incorporating the abilities she learned into her fighting and learning what it could do, as well as how to make sure she didn't use it on accident. She came back to the academy three years later having turned twenty-two after they had almost written her off as a lost case. She has since then only used her new found abilities once when a particularly nasty bunch of pirates wouldn't listen to reason, and so she had frozen the entire crew and its ship making it sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Devil Fruit: Hie Hie no Mi {chilly-chilly fruit}

Fruit Type: Paramecia

Abilities: being extensively trained in the marines, Natsu has specialized mostly in sword fighting with a Daito but can shoot a gun if absolutely necessary. Doesn't mean she enjoys using the fire arms. She can also cook relatively well from her days of taking care of herself by herself and having to learn especially when tossed into the wild as training.

Others: Her goal as stated is to have a world where not everyone's views are 'oh the pirates are nasty' and 'ooh what wonderful marines we have' because both sides of the coin can have equal amounts of horrible terrible people that should never have or obtain power. She wants to wake the world up to see who the real monsters are and to fight against them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Leonard Silvarus

Age: 19


Crew Position: Doctor

Power Type: Super Human Precision

Personality: While Leonard may seem like a rather grim person, that’s just a misconception most people would get from his clothing. He’s actually rather shy, and so tries to hide as much of himself from others as he can, thus the hood and the faceguard. He’s actually a lot nicer than you’d take him for, difficult to anger and easy to please. As a doctor, he believes it to be his duty to help the unwell, and can’t stand to see people suffer when he can do something to help.

History: Leonard was born under mysterious circumstances, his other having lived alone all her life was suddenly pregnant, with no real explanation. Though she had never desired a child, or anyone, really in her life, she still chose to carry the child to term, and gave birth to him. He was a rather sickly child, pale, poor immune system, rather weak overall. His mother, a skilled recluse doctor, kept him alive through knowledge of medicinal herbs, and various treatments that aided him in growing to be at least at normal levels of health. At the age of 10, he returned home one day after another uneventful round of gathering herbs when he saw a sight that paralleled himself when he was younger; his mother was sick and pale on the bed.

Doing all that he could for her, he tried his hardest to nurse her back to health, but no matter what remedy, concoction, or salve he made for her ailment, nothing would come of it. Within a week, his mother passed away from an illness unknown to man, and he was left alone. Alone with nothing more than an empty home and a grave behind it. He grieved for her, albeit for a rather short period, only a few days at most, but the pain stayed with him as he continued to go about his life of solitude on the island. Years passed and passed, and nothing really changed for him. He was alive, but lonely, terribly so. Problems would arise once he’d turned 14, when he’d discovered something rather...odd. A ship, bearing a blue seagull upon its sail was moving towards the small island, a great deal of the ship on fire. As the ship sank, several dozen or so marines managed to swim onto the island, fatigued, and some wounded and near death. Taking in all that he could, and then some, he treated the wounded marines to the best of his ability, and managed to save their lives.

Misfortune would strike when the pirates who’d set the ship on fire would arrive, trying to pursue the naval craft. Setting down on the island, they came upon Leonard’s company quickly, and took the marines, as well as him, by force, even going so far as to burn down the small woods of the island just to smoke them out of hiding. They weren’t killed, luckily, because it turns out that having a doctor onboard a pirate ship was a damn good thing, especially due to Leonard’s natural talent. He begrudgingly saved their captain from losing his leg from a gangrenous infection, and nearly accepted his life as a servant doctor to a bunch of pirates, when his luck suddenly turned around. Turns out their navigator had run into an iceberg. In summer. He didn’t even know how, but it happened. He and the marines, along with a few drifters made it to an island a ways away from the start of the Red Line.

Abilities: (Thought it meant a movelist, so fuck it.)
Skilled Doctor: Self explanatory, Leonard can fix up most injuries, treat the sick, and is never without his doctor’s bag.

Scalpel Storm: Leonard can put his precision to use to throw scalpels at high speeds like throwing knives. Naturally, he could just hold them to attack, but that’s a bit risky given how tiny they are.

Surgeon Sight: Leonard has extensive knowledge of human anatomy, and thus, can easily locate enemy arteries, veins, organs, and tendons to attack them.

Instant Cast: Leonard carries around concentrated vials of spider webbing fluid, which, when exposed to air, will harden to become harder than steel. This is useful for impeding enemy movement, or to use on himself to give him some protective armor.

Medicine Making: Leonard can make medicine out of various herbs, roots, and other such materials that happen to be around.

Others: Wears his faceguard more to hide his face than to keep from catching something.
Burnt the left side of his face in a forest fire during his capture
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