idlehands said
I've been sassy but not angry. I'm just tired of the bullshit and I'm not going to ignore it entirely. I've noticed improvements and/or the scarcity of some of the new folks I gave a hard time to last week. Thank you, Mole for easing up on the ellipses. That beaning said, I'm not here to haze people but I'm also not going to let a bunch of shit posting drag down Spam anymore than it is. Looks like Nat's gone and all his clones need to stay gone as well. Maybe we don't need to be assholes but we do have to maintain some semblance of standards here. Most of the vanguard that once kept shit posting in check are gone and you see what happened when it was allowed to go unchecked.
I was joking about the anger; other than that, yeah, I agree fully with you.