Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

Rareth walked along with Shiva in the direction of their quarters, following the schematics of the vessel she had downloaded to her device. She had been on Rothian military vessels such as this one countless times, though this one was particularly new. The walls were a pristine white color, with a few changes in pattern to prevent it from seeming monotonous. The smooth, flowing architecture was familiar to her, along with the general layout of the vessel.

As they walked, Rareth decided to bring up, in a casual tone, the conversation between her and the Communications Officer. "So, I heard the Comms Officer talking to you about that mark on your head. I assumed it was just a tattoo. What is it about? Does it tell where you are from, or something?" She asked with no particular suspicion in her voice, merely curiosity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

When Rareth caught up to Shiva and asked her about her mark, she became so distracted that she hardly had the space in her mind to appreciate just how alien the alien vessel was. She just kept marching. "You could say that," Shiva answered without much confidence. There was a great deal of hesitation as she thought about whether to say anything else. Rareth had been very friendly towards Shiva, and didn't have the immediate stigma against her background, but now Shiva wasn't sure if that was because she simply didn't know.

After mulling it over for not quite enough time for the topic to fade, Shiva concluded that Rareth would find out anyway. Better that she finds out in a way that would hopefully get across Shiva's point of view. Shiva took a breath and tried to probe at what her reaction would be. "Rareth, in Rothian society, what is the treatment of convicts? More specifically, for crimes against the state?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

After a while of exchanging introductions and short conversations, the Captain eventually dismissed his officers to prepare for takeoff, so the rest of the team was free to go to their rooms, or explore any other part of the ship that caught their interest. Meanwhile, Rareth and Shiva neared the officers' quarters, though Shiva's question certainly motivated her not to rush. She could already see where Shiva was going with this, but for now, she simply answered the question. "Well, in general, the response is to imprison, then rehabilitate them. Depending on the crime, that could take quite a while. No crime carries a death sentence with the Rothian government, and the last recorded execution of that nature was from before the time we achieved space flight. The only time we use lethal force is if the criminal cannot be safely captured, like if they have an army of mercenaries, or soldiers, or something. Sometimes, agents of the Rah'Masser who specialize in sleath and infiltration might be sent to deal with well-defended targets. Why do you ask...does it have something to do with your mark?" She asked, once again without any sort of accusation in her tone. Instead, her voice carried a bit more in the way of sympathy. She seemed to imply that she committed some crime against the state, but considering that Rareth wasn't particularly fond of the "state" in question, that might not be a bad thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Although Shiva didn't show it, Rareth's answer was curious to her. Though on thought it made sense to gear their society more towards preserving life where their population is already heavily controlled. Rothians were so foreign. Nevertheless, it seemed as if Rareth wasn't outwardly cross with the idea of Shiva's treason.

"Yes, it does." Shiva continued in a tone that didn't waver with emotion, having had more than enough time to cry about it in the past, "In the Sovereignty, there are few things worse than turning your back on your country and betraying them. In most cases, it carries a death penalty. The only reason that I wasn't killed was because I was very young at the time. The judiciary decided that I was too young to know better, so instead they beat me with whips,-" Shiva raised a hand to touch her tattoo, "-printed this tattoo onto my head, and threw me in a cell." Shiva's fingers traced across each symbol as she explained, "The first two symbols are a mnemonic for the prison facility I was placed in, the other four symbols are my serial number. I currently have twenty-eight years left on my sentence." Shiva lowered her hand and looked ahead, not making eye contact, "They may as well have killed me, though. I am marked as a traitor, so virtually every Sovereignty citizen treats me with contempt for it. This is actually the first squad I have been in which hasn't verbally or physically abused me since...well, ever. As for why I am here and not a cell, or what I did, those are longer stories."

With how many gaps Shiva gave in her explanation, she expected that Rareth would have more questions. Until they got behind closed doors, though, Shiva only explained as much as to answer her question about the mark. It just so happened that the officer's quarters were just ahead. Shiva still found it odd to make use of them as a 1st echelon, but she was half-following Rareth at this point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

Rareth and Shiva:
Just as it seemed, Rareth's guess was correct, though it did not serve to change her opinion, at least not for the worse. She could completely understand why one would want to fight against the Sovereignty, though from what she described, it happened early in her life. Rareth supposed she would practically have to be a child for the Sovereignty to not execute her. She made sure to make a mental note to read up on Sovereignty law when she had a chance; if she was going to be working with Masulu, she needed to be well-acquainted with their societal expectations.

It was not long before the pair reached the officers' quarters, which consisted of a hallway's worth of rooms that were moderately nicer than the standard quarters. There had only been a few open when the team arrived, so some of them would still be sharing rooms. Once they arrived, they opened the doors to each of the rooms the team had been assigned to see whose belongings had been moved to where.

"Hmm, it looks like they arranged our stuff intelligently, at least. You and your CO are in one room, Humans in another, Rothians in the last." Rareth observed, eliciting a short sigh from Shiva. "I think the Dirophyds are split between you and the Humans." She noted. Rareth started to enter her room, but stopped in the doorway and looked back at Shiva. "You know, though, I think those stories are ones I'd like to hear."

Shiva looked up with a small amount of surprise, then glanced down the hallway that they came from. "Okay, since there's time, but..." she looked at Rareth again, "...do you mind if I come in?"

Rareth gave a nod to Shiva. "Sure, come on in." She responded before stepping inside. All of her belongings were there, but they were of course all still packed. As for the room itself, it had one bed that was built into the wall, and two, slightly smaller ones that had obviously been moved in later. There were a few desks, chairs, and other pieces of furniture arranged neatly across the room, all sized for Rothians. Like the rest of the ship, the temperature of the air wasn't as warm as it would be on the average Rothian vessel, as that would likely give a Masulu heat stroke. She planned on turning up the heat later, but for now, she kept it on something they could both be minorly uncomfortable in.

With a nod of thanks, Shiva stepped in and opted to seat herself on one of the chairs, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees.

"Hmm, nice rooms. More crowded than the standard officers' quarters, but not as bad as barracks." Rareth commented.

"Yeah, it is...still better than I'm used to." Shiva said. Having casual words made it easier for her to feel like actually sharing her story, so she gave Rareth only a half-serious questioning look and spoke up. "So, now that I don't have to be afraid of eavesdroppers, what do you want to know?"

Rareth was glad to be in her room as well, though for her, it was mostly so she could get out of the formal clothing she had been wearing the entire day. She was quick to remove and pack them away, though considering the air wasn't exactly comfortable at the moment, she changed into something that could hold in a bit of heat. "Well, for starters, I'm curious about how one becomes a 'traitor' at an age too young to know what you're doing. How young were you that the Sovereignty wouldn't just execute you?" She asked curiously.

"Nineteen. My sentence was handed down a week before I was considered an adult, so I still fell under those provisions. Mostly." Shiva answered immediately, though the details required a few moments to recall her memory. "I grew up on a backwater mining colony. Not a high population, not so important, but also far removed from the war at the time. I was close to my final year of education, but there were already problems that affected everyone." Shiva shifted in her seat, "The planetary governor, Davok, I think his name was, it doesn't matter much. He was squandering our resources. He would take funding for infrastructure, welfare, and such, and would have hired pirates 'steal' it, so he could embezzle and defraud us all. It got to the point where the lack of resources started to trickle down to society and ruin lives."

Shiva held out one hand, reasoning, "We started off protesting, some older friends and myself. We sent message after message to Righteous Conquest, pleading for help, but we got nothing. After a few months, we realised that the Consilium didn't care, so we took matters into our own hands. We started campaigning against the governance by turning the vote against him, he rigged it in his favour. That's when things got ugly. There were riots. We were lead by a friend of mine, who started the protests. He turned it into a full rebellion. We got weapons, took the planet's capitol by force, and held it. One of the reasons we were able to do so was because much of the garrison had defected to us. It helped that I was able to keep many of them alive during the assault. More time passed, we took more ground, then all of a sudden we got our wish."

Once more, Rareth could see where Shiva's story was heading, and it would be wishful thinking to hope she was wrong. It made her angry by reminding her of some of the worst she had encountered over the past few centuries. There were people so divorced from morality, so short-sighted that they would collapse an entire economy just to squeeze out a bit more money for themselves. She would have liked to have been able to say that the Rothian government was better about handling corruption, but she had dealt firsthand with some individuals who couldn't handle their power. Indeed, the Rahn'Masser did take a strong stance against such corruption, but they could only handle what was brought to their attention. For every corrupt politician or businessman she had arrested or assassinated, she knew there was another still getting away with it all.
"The consilium sent a force. Unfortunately for us, it was to take down a rebellion, not to depose a corrupt governor. We didn't stand a chance." It wasn't until this point that Shiva began to quiver with some words, "They...rounded us all up, those they hadn't shot already. Lined us up for trials. I was distraught, but the overworked soul that was my defense assigned to me said that I was manipulated into betraying the Sovereignty. That I was naive. I was naive, but I believed in what I fought for. I still do. All of my friends, though..." Shiva trailed off, she couldn't quite bring herself to put the image of them being killed by a firing squad into words.

Shiva sniffed and finished up, "There was justice in the end, though. The force also consisted of investigators, who found out why the rebellion started. The governor, last I heard, was executed for his negligence." Shiva lowered her head, "And that's why I'm a traitor, Rareth, because I fought for what I believed in."

As a rule, Rareth was a patient individual; one who was more apt to examine all sides of a situation before rushing in, but Shiva's tale filled even her with a fair amount of empathetic rage. The kinds of people who wronged Shiva were the kind who Rareth hoped would not surrender when they found themselves her target. "You know, if you were to tell someone from outside the Sovereignty that you had once been a traitor to them, well...that statement might gain you a few friends. I think there is a reason for that. I wish I could give you more than sympathy, but it is a few decades too late for my blade to be of assistance to you. What about the rest of the Sovereignty? You still serve them; has the rest of your government redeemed themselve to you in some way?"

Shiva mulled over Rareth's response, leaning a wrist against the side of her face. "Well, I was angry for a long time, but I couldn't be angry forever. I...learned a lot on my own. The Sovereignty itself, I've realised, doesn't just consist of unquestioning grunts, or people who couldn't see two sides of a story even if they put the spine of a book up to the bridge of their nose. The people in charge, most of them know what they are doing, and they can look past the Sovereignty philosophy, but they aren't perfect. We were a militant group disenfranchised with the government, they responded appropriately." Shiva looked at Rareth directly, now distracted from the more emotional parts of her story, "Think for a moment, what would have happened if the Consilium recognised our rebellion as legitimate inside their borders? They would get two problems." Shiva held up one finger, "One, it would suddenly be okay for other colonies to rebel if they were dissatisfied, perhaps even secede. The Sovereignty may be powerful but they couldn't put down every colony at once if they all rebelled." Shiva held up two fingers, "The second is this: If they support traitors, the people who are one sided, indoctrinated into thinking nothing of perfection of the government, would get angry that they would do something so against their laws. They would lose support, and be removed from their seat."
Shiva tried leaning back, but just ended up standing up straight with how awkwardly shaped the chair was. "The Sovereignty isn't the same as it was to me when I was growing up, but it would be foolish to think it could be. It is what it is. There is no use being angry at it anymore."

Rareth could understand the reasoning behind the Sovereignty's attack, but she was far from agreeing with it. It seemed to be a prime example of the Sovereignty's typical violent overreactions. It was as if they sent a fleet out to deal with every problem. "I am not saying that the Sovereignty's attack did not make logical sense from their perspective, but I would say there were other ways to deal with it without a full-scale attack. I know there are; I've been a part of similar operations before. Still, it is good to know you have recovered, and I'm sure you don't want to spend all of your free time talking about painful memories. Now, I've had a chance to learn a bit about you, so I think it's only fair that you get some questions for me. Granted, there is a lot classified about what I do, but I'll say what I can." Rareth offered, not wanting to keep the conversation on such a melancholy and no doubt painful topic.

Even though Shiva found it validating to share her experiences with someone who didn't see her as a criminal, she was glad for the subject change. For a moment there, they were close to delving into a debate on policy. No doubt that would have ruined their friendship. "About you? Hmm..." Shiva tried to think of something to ask, and came up with something simple, "I know Rothians live for a long time. How old are you exactly?"

"Oh, hmm, how long has it been now?" Rareth commented, quickly checking her device to make sure she had the correct date. "Ah, I am six hundred and twelve, from last month. I have been a member of the Rahn'Masser for five hundred and sixty-two of those years. I managed to join fairly early in my life. "

Shiva blinked while she did the mental arithmetic. That meant that Rareth was still older than Shiva was now when she joined the Rahn'Masser. And that was 'fairly early'. "Shen's gears," Shiva rubbed her forehead, "You must have seen a lot." Shiva's next question was slightly unrelated, but given how long ago it was, she was curious to find out. "What was it like growing up for you? Has Rothian society changed much?"

Rareth certainly had a lot she could talk about when it came to changes over the past six centuries. Even for a Rothian, that was quite a long time. The galaxy during those days looked nothing like it did now.; the discovery of the Humans was a relatively recent event in history around the time of her hatching. "Well, I would say that the core of our society, the fundamental parts of our traditions, have still stayed the same. The Rahn'Saki have been the leaders of our people for over fifty-two thousand years, after all, and they rarely make changes to the basics of how they lead. Everything else, though, is completely different. All the styles we appreciate, our tastes in art, architecture, entertainment, and most everything else in our society have gone through hundreds of changes in my lifetime. The technology is probably one of the biggest differences. Once a species gets far enough into space travel, and colonization, technological progress does tend to slow down, but six hundred years is still quite a long time for change. We were still using plasma when I was hatched, very similar to Sovereignty tech. Bioengineering has really made strides as well. Now, if you lose any body part, you can just get it cloned and replaced, but before, you had to get prosthetics, and the ones for magic-users were never as good. I had to use a prosthetic arm for about ten years before organic replacements were perfected." She explained.

Fifty-two thousand years was an unfathomable length of time for Shiva, but she didn't have much time to think about it. The Rothians were just very different. Sometimes terrifyingly so. However, another question came from Rareth's words. "How did you lose your arm?"

Rareth supposed that would be Shiva's next question. It had been quite a while since it happened, but it was hardly something she could forget. "It happened in the closest thing to a war in the galaxy before we encountered the Sovereignty. There was an insectoid race called the Krinak. If you're not familiar with them, they were quite agressive, even moreso than the Sovereignty's reputation. They had a hive mentality and were ruled by these warlords organized by a single Empress. That was the conflict that brought to fame the Datius named Rhajar, who ended the conflict almost single-handedly. At least, it would have been a lot bloodier of a war without him. Anyway, I was a part of a raid near the end of the conflict. It was a success, but I tried to play hero one too many times and got caught in some falling debris while I was covering our retreat. One of my fellow agents pulled me out of the rubble to safety, minus one limb. Honestly, it was probably the closest I've come to death in my entire life."

Ironically for Shiva, who often pointedly remarked how masulus often speak too much about old war stories, both herself an Rareth continued talking for quite some time about just that. Set apart from the small talk that had made up the last few days, Shiva walked away from it feeling like she had secured herself the first true friend she had made in decades. Before long, more details about Shiva's criminality were no longer shared as others came in and out of the room, but it ended up maintaining a better atmosphere that way.
With respect to FTL speeds, the ship's destination was not too far away, as it took less than a week to reach the planet. Despite its proximity to what was essentially the center of galactic civilization, it was fairly remote, with Pax actually being the closest settled world. The Boundless Light remained outside of the space station's sensor range with its stealth systems activated to minimize the chances of premature detection. Additionally, several other ships had been sent by the Assembly to take part in the attack once their team identified the locations of the hostages, but they were lying in wait much farther from the planet.

The reason the team had been gathered together, the mission they were about to undertake, was close at hand. Rareth was meant to lead this team, so she made sure to be among the first to be ready. For this mission, she was wearing her full suit of armor, helmet included, which was completely sealed against the outside. If everything went well, there would be no need for EVA, but she was not going to plan for everything to work. Her weaponry consisted of two energized daggers, her fusion pistol, which was capable of single shot, burst, and full auto modes, and her signiture weapon, her sword. The blade was aesthetically similar to a katana and, when activated, was capable of being energized to such a degree that it could burn though almost any material. Her other equipment included three fusion grenades, a handful of surveillence drones each the size of insects, and a medical syringe that, while by no means a replacement for a proper medic, could keep her alive through heavy trauma, or keep her fighting through less serious wounds.

For their infiltration, they would be using the Hummingbird, as it was the vessel that Ashley was most accustomed to flying. Apart from Ashley herself, Rareth was the first to arrive at the Hummingbird. She was sure everyone had already reviewed the plan, but just to be certain, once everyone arrived, she would go through one final rundown of their plan of attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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August was snapped out of thought by a human women approaching him. He looked up and noticed it was the requisitions officer Akilah, his frown quickly turned into a beaming smile "Hey yeah thats me" he said offering her a handshake "Well I like to think that I'm good at what I do though I've never really thought of myself as a professional, but I guess I am these days haha. Anyway it's good to properly meet you" August and Akilah talked for a few more minutes before he excused himself so he could properly aquaint himself with the vessel
The day of the mission

August was the second of the group to arrive at the hummingbird, he was dressed same as he always was but had both his weapons on him now, he noticed Rareth J'harn had arrived at the ship as well and he waved to her smiling "Ahh Ms J'harn, you look ready for the mission" he said chirpily, Rareth was one of the crew members he hadn't had much of a chance to speak to and wasn't entirely sure what she was like but she seemed quite professional from what he observed but seemed sociable enough. "We havent spoken much have we? We'll have to rectify that sometime haha"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Agreed, but not now." Rareth responded to August. Being a Human ship, the Hummingbird felt small to her; she scarcely had enough room to stand up fully while inside, and she had to duck through doorways. On the mission she had taken part in with Ashley a year ago, she had found herself hitting her head on lower parts of the ceiling annoyingly frequently. Nevertheless, Ashley's familiarity with the ship was more valuable than her comfort.

"I will be serving as squad leader on this mission. I'm sure everyone has already reviewed the plan, but still, I'll give a final rundown of our plan of attack once everyone arrives. I'm not sure how accustomed you are to working in a team, but as long as you follow orders, it will be fine. How comfortable are you in performing a stealth mission?" Rareth asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shuo sat up at a breakneck speed in the cot he had elected to take. Luckily his rapid awakening did nothing to creak anything in the room or his own body. He quickly looked to the other cot and actual bed to see that the others in the room were asleep. Shuo quickly and silently grabbed a shirt out of one of his duffel bags along with a pair of shoes and apon exiting the room as quietly as possible set off to find a gym. After walking through random hallways he encountered a terminal which told him where he was and how to get to the gym. It bugged him slightly that he didn't know the layout of the ship or most Rothian ships as he would be hard pressed to find the armory or defensible points should a boarding action occur. Ironically he knew the layout of a few Rothian battleships that he had in fact boarded. However those were for the most part smash and grabs where he only knew a few parts of the ship. However he had learned that the comms officer had spent quite a bit of time on foreign ships as he had finished training in the closing weeks of the war and thus trusted more by the other Assembly races as he had never seen the worst of the fighting.

Regardless he managed to find the rather small gym and get a decent work out from it. Usually he didin't work out off duty unless he knew he was going to be somewhere awhile. But he did like to get one in on the day he was to be deployed as he felt it helped him think clearly. Apon finishing his short regimen he went down to the armory and began dawning his MK 2 "Wildcat" armor. Shuo was rather thrilled the day they gave him the mark 1 as while coming standard with a heavy shield it also interfaced directly with his central nervous system via a port in the back of his skull. This provided him with the advantage of being able to feel through his suit aswell as increased reaction times up to 1.7X the normal Masulu speed. IT also provided him with a strength boost up to one and a half times his normal. Which translated into faster running speed, higher jumping capability and increased lifting ability. To top it off he was provided with re-breathing gear which should it be needed would allow him to recycle the same air for atleast 4 hours while under duress, coupled with his oxygen amps it would last even longer. The only thing that bothered him was the weight of the thing, putting it on by himself took quite awhile but with assistance he could get it on much faster.

Finally the last of his shoulder piece sealed to his chestplate while compressed air hissed away from him. He elected to put it on himself as he didn't trust the Rothian armory drone. He grabbed his helmet off a crate he had set it on by the chin and clipped it to his hip magnetically. He walked over to a locker and pulled out his Shifter rifle and just to double check he hit the on button and listened to it hiss to life and then he heard the magnetic alignment units click into place. Satisfied he powered it down again and magnetically attached it to his back. He did the same with his pistol but instead put it on his left hip opposite his helmet. As Shuo went to exit the armory he felt that the door ways were atleast less massive, as the suit gave him a good stature increase.

With he armor and weapons check being completed he made his to the hummingbird. Again having to check a map terminal to make sure he wasn't lost. Apon entering the Hummingbird Shuo managed to hear Rareth asking about a stealth mission. Then it hit Shuo that was what the brunt of this mission was going to be, stealth. While being able to do it he was by no means and expert at it. Most of his skill was the full assualt tactics and going in rather soon after insertion. For this mission he was going to be taking a back seat unfortunately. Though it would give him more time to see what the others had their skills poured into. "I doubt you'll be able to expect much from my stealth abilities as it is not my particular area of expertise." Shuo said rather blankly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

By the time the few days passed before their mission, Shiva's anticipation had built to the point of advantage and disadvantage. She hadn't been assigned to any mission as high-profile as this in her life. She needed to focus once they were underway. As a result of this, Shiva slept lightly, and the little noise that Shuo made as he got up was enough to keep her awake until her alarm went off. This time, she didn't need to tap into military discipline to find the energy to get up. It all came naturally.

Breakfast was light, as was the rest of the morning routine. Shiva flew through with enough time to equip herself at a leisurely pace, if she could have relaxed enough to slow down. Even with the speed and nerves, Shiva clipped herself into her combat armour with all the right steps. Her medium combat armour was standard issue for masulu ground troops who weren't mech pilots. It sported a shield system that was simple and effective, but wasn't such a feature as to restrict movement too much, or to encourage complacency. Most other shielding systems required training with cybernetic interfaces, something that Shiva's neutrium forcing body did not accept in any viable fashion. The rest of her was covered in medical supplies, plasma batteries, a stun, smoke and high explosive grenades for good measure. A magnet held a short, but heavy looking plasma weapon to the small of her back, her rebuffer. Nestled on her hip was a similar placement for her custodian plasma pistol. The relatively simple set up made Shiva crack a small smile of pity to Shuo, who was halfway through donning his complicated looking exosuit by the time that Shiva had even started. Well, he was ArmSpecWar, he was probably used to making himself a walking tank.

Shiva boarded the Hummingbird behind Shuo feeling smaller than ever, but seeing her squadmates bending their heads down in the human-sized confines of the ship made her grateful for her below-average height. Given how Shuo wasn't so strict, and they had been sharing a room along with a dirophyd, Shiva has loosened up a little as well. "Well, you know what they say, no plan survives first contact. At least we'll be prepared...sir."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Well, we don't necessarily have to be silent. We just have to not be caught." Rareth remarked, reaching into one of the pouches on her armor and producing one of the insect-sized drones. With one touch, she activated it, then tossed it into the air to fly on its own power. It was a small, spherical device with a single camera and four "legs" that allowed it to latch onto surfaces. Currently, it was almost solid white, apart from the camera, but it could change its exterior color based on its environment.

"Have you ever made use of microdrones before? They are small, inexpensive, and quite useful for surveillance. They are completely silent and can transmit video feed in real time to whatever device you happen to be using. I'll be having mine send their feed directly to my helmet's display. You can control them remotely, or have them operate on their own A.I with a few different settings. One way you can use them is to send out a few during a fight. They will fly over the area you are fighting in a certain radius, then transmit video to you from different perspectives, depending on what you can and cannot see from your angle. If you have a neural uplink, you can also control their movements and which feed they show you with your thoughts. Unfortunately, as a magic-user, I can't use that function. At any rate, I could give you a few if you'd like to make use of them." Rareth offered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Does crawling through air ducts and hoping noone sees me when i drop down count as stealth? haha 'cause i do that a lot" august said laughing as the 2 masulu entered "As for following orders well I'm not used to following orders as part of a squad but i can work as a team fine provided everyone else is capable of cooperation. Basic principle is i should be fine with any order that do not conflict with my own interests and/or morals. Morals Is the more important of course" August then gave a smile and a wave to shiva and shuo "Hey guys, you both ready for today?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Well Shiva, lets just have hope that if that happens the war chariots won't have to be our first call." Shuo said turning from Shiva slightly towards Rareth. "Those drones would be ideal. Though You'll have to give me a minute to learn them, Rothian computer architecture is....different." He said accepting the drones then going about syncing them to his own implants. He moved his jaw left to right fast and that brought up a floating interface for the suit. No one else could see it and Shuo could control what was happening on the interface with his thoughts. As he quickly navigated the transparent interface he found the insect devices and began connecting them to himself. He had a brief moment of stinging in the back of his skull as the alien architecture synced. He clenched his jaw mainly out of not having to deal with this sort of "pain" often.

He opened a small plate near his waist and dropped the drones in.However as the Human waved to the two of them he found his preceding question rather rhetorical. "A better question mister Augustin is are you?" Shuo said checking his weapon one more time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Opus had again kept himself secluded from the others, continuing to prep for the mission in his own way. He wondered how the others found time to socialize and get to know one another, the agent would rather make sure he was not going to be blindsided once the boots hit the ground. Until then, he would go over the routines and movements he had formulated in his mind when he memorized the holographic schematic from a few days before. He sheathed his blade, and holstered his pistol, before uttering what seemed to be an unintelligible prayer. No one would get the jump on him. He would get the jump on the rebels, instead.
Opus arrived a little late to the briefing, having needed to add some minor augments to his suit before boarding the Hummingbird, and saw the team was already discussing strategies to avoid detection. In their respective armor and equipment, everyone looked ready for a fight. And in the agents head, he guessed who would and wouldn't be coming back, based on his initial impressions on them.

"Greetings, Team Leader Rareth. Please excuse my delayed arrival, I had to slightly alter my suit for the air pressure in the station. From what I have gathered, this will require finesse and a silent approach to avoid detection, yes? We may want to split up the teams, if that is the case. Smaller profile on thermal scans, if they have access to those." Opus crossed his arms, and leaned against the back wall. "Though, it is only a suggestion, I do not wish to intrude on any plans you may have already made."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Haha yeah I guess that might be a better question since you both look much more heavily armed than me" he replied laughing "Don't worry though I'm more than prepared" August then noticed the new arrival "Oh hey, Opus wasn't it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

The rest of the team was prompt to arrive and take their seats in the Hummingbird. Rareth had previously spoken with Ashley about the flight plan, so she went ahead to the cockpit to perform the pre-flight checks while Rareth addressed the rest of the team. There was no denying that the mission would be dangerous, but given the types of people who she was working with, they had all likely been a part of more dangerous operations before. Rareth certainly had. The greatest challenge here would be to minimize civilian casualties, as it was a hostage situation.

"Alright, looks like everyone is here. We should be taking off shortly. I'm sure you have all reviewed the plan, but just to be sure, but the objective is to identify the exact locations of the hostages onboard the station, then transmit that information to the small fleet that is waiting outside the planet's orbit. The station is decently large, and there were a fair number of civilians onboard, so there is no way we can extract them quietly. We just have to give our allies the information necessary to strike fast before these terrorists can conduct any executions. The Hummingbird has been outfitted with an IFF tag that should signal the station's defenses to ignore us, and to not report our approach. As well, the video feeds recovered by the Assembly's hackers early show a small hanger near the bottom of the station that the rebels do not appear to be using. We should be able to use it to get in undetected. If not, we do have one backup plan. The company that made this station has given us a program that can cause the station to block all communications within its hull. If we are detected, we can use that to prevent them from reporting our position, but it should be used only as a last resort. The rebels have been forced to struggle to gain control of the station's technology ever since they occupied it, so a comms blackout may not immediately suggest an infiltration, but it will put them on alert. Plus it would only be a matter of time before they figure out how to disable the jammer, so we will be on a timer from the moment we activate it. Now, since scouring every room of the station would be impractical, our best bet is to find the room that the rebels are using as a data center and find whatever records they are keeping on their prisoners. There are a few likely locations we can check." Rareth explained. For this mission, they would likely have the advantage of being able to use some of the station's technology against the rebels, but even so, they could not necessarily rely on them, just in case the rebels turned out to be more capable than they guessed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Opus turned his head towards the merc, and nodded casually. "Yes, that would be correct. And you would be the mercenary, August, I presume? Pardon the bluntness of my response, but I have read up on as much of the team as I can access. Better to know who you're working with, yes?"

The agent listened intently to the briefing, and was relieved to hear that the rebels are most likely not in total control of the station. That would make getting on board and moving around the facility much more manageable. Though he couldn't help but wonder how the rebels had gained control in the first place. There should have been fail safes, or something, anything, to prevent this kind of emergency from happening. Whatever the case, there would be answers on the station, once the data was collected and the surviving rebels were captured. And maybe, if they were lucky, the Assembly team would be given an answer too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I prefer the term bounty hunter rather than mercenary. The term mercenary has kinda shady and unloyal connotations and bounty hunter makes me sound more scary haha"

The mission briefing didnt sound too complex but considering there were hostages and no demands august did not believe for a second that things would go smoothly and he had some worries there was more to this than at first glance but he put that to the back of his mind. If they were lucky it'd be quick and easy but then again the assembly probably wouldnt go to the trouble of getting a team like this for a quick and easy mission
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

As Opus boarded, Shiva's eyes moved up to see him only for a moment before moving to the others again. He seemed amiable enough, but Shiva didn't really know his angle. Opus always had that mask on, and this was probably the most Shiva had heard him talk since they boarded the corvette. What he said did exude enough confidence that he knew what he was doing, though, so perhaps he just wasn't the overly social type.

August, on the other hand, didn't quite exude confidence as lower everyone else's. Although, he was apparently renowned among humans, so he must do some things right. Shiva would just have to depend a bit less on his loyalty.

Rareth's plan was sound enough. There appeared to be multiple ways to the objective, and have a teleporting Rothian amongst all of the other specialists among them would theoretically make this a cakewalk. Perhaps whoever finds the database first might work out the motives of these militants. "I think I would do best to take up a defensive position over the Hummingbird and make sure we still have a ride home. If anything goes bad, I can move up to help, but until then we have a fallback point. That is, unless any of you think I would do more good closer to the front line."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 days ago

"It likely would be a good idea to have a few of us stay back to defend our escape, in the event that it is discovered." Rareth responded just as Ashley finished up the pre-flight checks. With the ship in perfect condition, they were ready to take off. Ashey announced such to everyone in the hold, then possessed the ship and took off. Once they were out of the hanger, the crew of the Tares'Synkuur, Boundless Light, immediately started preparing the hanger to send out boarders. As soon as their team gave the word, the Boundless would be at the head of the charge to neutralize the threat aboard the station.

"Telmeck, Srath, and Ashley will stay with the Hummingbird to protect it. In the event that it is discovered, we will need to activate the communications jammer immediately. If the force that locates the ship is too large, the Hummingbird may be forced to leave the station, which means we would have to survive until the fleet arrives to attack the station. As for the rest of us, as long as we can evade or eliminate any rebel patrols before our position can be reported, then we will be fine." Rareth commented.

With the IFF transmitter given to them by the creators of the station, the Hummingbird was able to move within the station's sensor range without being noticed by the rebels. They kept up a steady trajectory and speed, approaching from well-below the station, partially within the planet's atmosphere, to keep them hidden on the off-chance that one of the rebels onboard the station looked out of a window once they were close enough to see visually. Once they were directly beneath the station, brought them closer to the station at an angle at which they could not easily be detected in any form. They were well-within the range of the station's automated defenses, so there was now no question that the IFF transmitter was working as intended.

As planned, Ashley brought the ship quietly into one of the unused hangers near the bottom of the station. It was a small landing bay designed for dropships that was filled haphazardly with old, dusty crates, so there was scarcely enough room for the ship to land. Even being as talented of a pilot as she was, Ashley still had to crush a few of the crates when the vessel landed. Once stationary, Ashley wasted no time in lowering the ramp for the team to exit.

After Telmeck and Srath left the ship to establish somewhat of a perimeter, Rareth stepped down the loading ramp with her pistol in one hand, and blade in the other. By the looks of things, this hanger had been out of use well before the rebels had even arrived. Judging by the schematics of the station, it was far removed from the high traffic areas. That meant they would have to travel farther to get anywhere important, but at least it would reduce the odds of their ship being discovered.

"Looks clear for the moment.' Rareth said through the team's comms. "Shuo, since you have that neural link, have one or two drones scouting ahead of us as we move. Just make sure to keep them to the edges of corridors to avoid detection."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shuo Grabbed his helmet from his hip and putting his thumbs into it he quickly looked down into it and then pulled it down over his face. For a second his visor was rather tinted and it was rather dark for Shuo for a moment. Then the rest of the suit linked with the helmet and it brightened up as the HUD booted and the visor adjusted to the room. There was then a brief hissing sound as the suit sealed itself. He did a quick check to make sure all the systems were interfaced properly, checking everything from enviroment to gyros around his ankles.

Once they slipped into the station Shuo was one of the first down the ramp into the unused hanger with his weapon drawn and primed. He did a quick look around a few larger boxes as Rareth explained the game plan. When he came back to the group he realized how imposing Rareth was still even though he was now taller. She then asked him to deploy the drones and he did so by flipping back a plate of armor on his hip and neurally activating two. As they flew up out of his grasp he took a moment to spin them in circles as he watched the feed in the corner of his helmet. It only took him a few moments to figure out how they moved and what he needed to do for which direction as he had flown similar albeit bigger drones before. "I'm not entirely sure what the range will be as these drones we're not specifically designed for my implants. Though I can give us a fair bit of warning about people coming our way." As his words went through the comm channel he began flying the drones through a vent that came out on the otherside of the hanger door and into a hallway. " Let's get on the move. The faster we find these hostages the more likely it is that they live."
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