Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 1 day ago

No? Or are you simply embarrassed by my comment?” Jaakuna was aiming to ride this wave until it was redundant. However, something she would say about his personality did catch his eye - well, more like ear. The same principle applied, however. “So how does it work then? You said she saw me with Belias, so does that mean she knew what I looked like?” Jaakuna mused, slipping into a thoughtful mode as he pondered what people two hundred years ago thought giving Shion a bit of a smirk, though it was followed by a chuckle.

As he pondered on that, he seriously was thinking if she liked what she saw. Not that Jaakuna was the type to revel in what other woman thought of him, but it surely was an amusing thought to indulge, especially considering the reaction he got from Shion, if not quickly recovered. She thought she was being clever, but Jaakuna saw it. He knew that she had some sort of embarrassment. If not that, then it was in that neighborhood. Jaakuna wanted to get more genuine reactions from Shion. It was nice seeing her act like everyone else for a change.

Wesley had always found the conversations between Nadeline and Lorenzo an amusing sight to see. The two of them, no matter how different in their base mannerisms, were both father and daughter, so regardless of their differences, it was hard to ignore how alike they were. Both unwilling to let go of their stances and both enjoying egging the other on. Although it was obvious they each had different approaches to that. Nadeline liked to resort to ruining Lorenzo’s image of his innocent daughter and Lorenzo appeared to enjoy embarrassing it even if he didn’t realize it or not.

He closed his eyes briefly as he would clap a few times. “I do think that’s enough, children,” Wesley chuckled, lovingly smiling towards both of them, though he looked towards Lorenzo as he put his arm around his fiance’s waist. “Lorenzo, I assure you that whatever I have done to Nadeline, I did so as...gentle as physically possible.” He told his future father-in-law with an assuring smile.

As Savayna walked on the left side of Keiran and Grant on the right, she couldn’t help but feel curious why Grant couldn’t talk. She had her doubts it was legit and that he was just using it as an excuse to not talk to anyone. Occuria knew that, if it could be helped, he would stay silent forever. Whether that was the part of him that connected to Zeromus or not remained to be seen, but it plagued her mind almost as much as the fit she had earlier. This morning itself had been a shit one.

And, like with all things, Keiran wasn’t making it any better with his constant ramblings. So, Savayna would do something to shut him up. Casually, Savayna manipulated her mist into the ground under Keiran’s feet. When he would take his next step, he would find himself slipping and Savayna would give him an assertive, gentle push with just enough force to send him face first into the iced floor. When she would hear a noticable thud-like sound, she let out a chuckle. She then looked at Grant, who simply gave her what seemed like a nod of approval. No doubt he was thankful to have some sort of peace and quiet for a few moments.

No doubt that Keiran would be slow to get up especially with Savayna constantly re-icing the floor with the aid of Mateus who had slipped out of his own dimension and into the the walls and had been manipulating his mist into the floor each time Keiran would get up. It was only so Grant and Savayna could slip away.

Speaking of…

Come on,” Savayna grabbed Grant’s hand and pulled him as she would take to a run, going to the first left that she found and kept running until they had unexpectedly ended up at the garden.

The rush of adrenaline going through her was so much that Savayna had completely forgotten about the funny thing called stamina, which she completely exhausted. As a result, she passed out on a nearby bench. Panting heavily, she let out a series of laughs through them. She looked at Grant and smiled while still laughing.

Haven’t done something like that in a while,” she said panting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 11 days ago

The bastard was enjoying this, wasn't he?

Shion cocked an eyebrow at him, uncrossing her arms and instead placing a hand on her hip. Either he was looking for an ego boost or he was stupidly curious. As she opened her mouth, she could feel the ice of Mateus through the halls. Birds of a feather, that Savayna was practically a clone of Jaakuna. She would turn her attention back to him, staring at him for a moment before she would decide to answer. "Perhaps she did. I can't say I remember a physical description," She admitted. "Not that you were hard to find--royalty doesn't have privacy, even if they run away from home. Although I was surprised...he had eyes like yours, though after so many years perhaps it's just nostalgia taking over."

Wesley meant well, he truly did, though Nadeline was unable to hide her rather mischievous grin as she would hug Wesley tightly, batting her eyelashes at her father. Lorenzo looked like he had seen his beloved pet die, and he would drop to his knees. Nadeline couldn't help but roll her eyes--he was fine now that he was being all dramatic again. "Karolina, I swear to you, I did my best!" He called out to his wife, wailing. "Forgive me, my love, I failed our daughter, I failed you, I failed everyone--I don't want to be a grandpa yet!"

She poked Wesley lightly, as if telling him to watch. "So, Father, if I am to bear a child, what do you think--boy, or girl?" She asked him, feigning curiosity.

"Oh, boy for sure," Lorenzo got up rather quickly, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I hope he got my brains, I'd love to have a second pair of hands in my garage."

Nadeline looked up at Wesley, unable to hide her smile. "See? He's estatic," She told him.

"I'm conflicted!" Lorenzo protested. "I'm happy and I'm pissed and I want to hold it in my arms and I want to strangle Wesley and I'm excited and I'm feeling the wrinkles already and--it's a lot to take in!"

"Rude!" Keiran called out to Savayna as she would run away with Grant. It wasn't until a second later that he realized what had happened. "Wait! Grant can't talk!" His shout was probably on the late side. Not that it mattered, it was honestly Grant's own problem to deal with. As he would slowly get up (knowing it would be entirely in character for Savayna to ice the floor while he tried to stand) he let out a sigh, rubbing his hurt nose. He clucked his tongue, slightly annoyed, although he would then lean against the wall. He winced, his heart aching quite literally, though he realized that it wasn't actually his pain. Despite blocking their connection, it seemed some of Emiri's pain still hit him. Maybe it wasn't as blocked as she wanted it to be.

Not wanting to waste an opportunity, Keiran would hop up, waltzing over to where he knew his beloved Emiri was. He didn't bother knocking, strolling into the empty bedroom. She only noticed him when the door closed, causing her to grimace at him. "Come to gloat?" She asked him darkly, a hand to her chest.

"Considering that I'm feeling it, too, I don't think gloating is the best course of action," He stated wisely, taking a seat in a nearby chair. He watched as she would slowly sit up, mustering the energy to give him a glare. "Defiant as always. Rest. Honestly, I'm just here for the company since no one else wants me around."

"How pitiful. And you have no remorse for this whatsoever? Not even when Wesley at least tried to get through to you?" She asked him, frowning. "If Wesley can rebel, you can as well. You have nothing to gain from serving your current master."

Keiran's finger tapped his temple a few times, though he smiled. "We shared emotions once, but that doesn't mean you know me. I'll admit it; you were spot on with your 'one way road' statement from before," He said, leaning back. "I, on the other hand, know everything about you. And Shion's statement was spot on, wasn't it?" Her silence was answer enough for him. "Even now the darkness calls out to you. I know you can hear it."

"It doesn't matter if it calls me," She told him. "Look at what I did to Shion--I feel guilty enough about it. What if I had done that to Nadeline, or Jaakuna or anyone else? Shion is barely hanging in there, and that's only because of the pact she made--any of my friends would probably be dead by now. There's no way I can do that to any of them, I'd never forgive myself."

The temptation was there, but the consequences of her previous actions had hung over her head and caused hesitance. As on point as his master was with everything, Keiran wasn't too sure what direction to take next. He simply watched her, his eyes examining her as if she was on display. He then shrugged at her, leaning forward in his seat. "It's really noble. But...it's hollow, isn't it? You should be happy that you and Jaakuna are reunited, but it's just not the same anymore, is it? You really thought that heart-to-heart would solve everything, but it hasn't. I'm still here. Jaakuna's destiny is now laid out before him. And you...can barely sit up," He said, raising an eyebrow. "You feel just as empty as you did before, only its worse because you know you're fully in control of your own body and mind--and its your own emotion."

Emiri stared at him, looking genuinely hurt. "I don't understand you at all," She said. "Why would you tell me those things? What do you care? You say you want my heart, then you rip it out like you did just now and make me feel horrible. Why?"

"Because I'm right," He said harshly. "Face it, Emiri, you're unstable. And what's worse is Shion didn't bother mentioning your problem."

Problem? "What problem?"

"The fact that you're one wrong decision from literally destroying us all. Yeah, Jaakuna is the one that can stop Lord Zodiark--and who do you think can stop Jaakuna?" Keiran said. "Even before, he couldn't bear to actually fight you, and even went so far as to find another way. But if you wanted to, you could walk right up to him and stab him right in the chest, and he would let you do it without so much as blinking an eye."

Is that why Shion treated her so harshly? No, Keiran was playing his mind tricks again. She shook her head at him. "I'd never do that of my own will." She would continue to insist.

"Shion seemed pretty confident that Rio wouldn't either."

"Stop it!" She yelled at him. "I don't care what you think! That's not who I am!"

"It's a fact that you refuse to acknowledge. And until you do, you're going to continue to suffer," Keiran raised his voice. "No matter what you do, your pain isn't going away. You're scared of everything, you're scared of fighting Venat, you're scared of Jaakuna taking his place at the helm of Archadia--and that fear will drive you straight into Venat's hands whether you want to admit it or not."

"It won't!" She insisted, her hands over her ears as she shook her head again. And thus, her mental state would crack once more. "It's not true! It's not!"

Hook, line, and sinker.

Keiran would stand from his seat and walk over to the bed, sitting next to her. She made to move, but was surprised when he would pull her into a hug. She froze, unsure of what he was trying to accomplish, but he would just hold her close. "I'm sorry," He told her as he would break them apart, looking right at her. "No one else is saying it, so I will. I'm sorry."

Her violet eyes were wide, watching as he would stand. He would leave the room without so much as another word. It wasn't until a moment later that she realized she had an anger welling up inside of her. Deep down, she knew he was right. But her denial ran deep, so much that reason itself was thrown into the wind. She grabbed a pillow, pulling it to her face as she would let out a frustrated scream. Once she finished, she let herself fall back onto the bed. Why? Why was she so weak? Why did Keiran see right through her?

No kidding, her spontaneity was something Grant often liked, even if it did usually cause him trouble. As he caught his breath, he found himself staring at her for a moment. Whether it was intentional or not, they were alone now. His heart seemed to jump up to his throat--as if he didn't have enough issues--as he thought of what to say. But the words wouldn't come in a literal sense. He looked at her, seemingly calling out her name as his lips would certainly tell, though her name never came. Letting out a sigh, he sat down in front of the bench, a contemplative look on his face. Great, they finally got a chance to talk, and he couldn't even say a word. The gods were enjoying tormenting him, weren't they?

He looked back at her, nodding slowly in agreement to her statement.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 1 day ago

Amazing. These two went from bickering about his child with Nadeline to now talking about the sex of the baby. Although, he did find it to be an intriguing topic, especially when he thought about Dalmascan history and the B’nargins had males as their first born, but their descendants--the Ashelia Descendents, if you will--were mostly female first-borns. It wasn’t until House Alexander took the reigns did males become a popular thing. Though, in all fairness, Wesley’s mother was actually the real Alexander whereas his father was from another family. So, maybe what Lorenzo wanted to happen wasn’t actually going to be?

Just as Wesley was going to speak about it, he heard a sudden noise from the door behind him. “Huh?” Wesley alerted Lorenzo and Nadeline.

Yeah, but I was on the run for almost ten years, so you really weren’t good at your job.” Jaakuna teased her, sticking his tongue out at her.

After a brief moment of silence passed, Jaakuna coughed feeling the entire moment moot and he could feel Shion’s annoyance growing which wasn’t at all what he was hoping with this one-on-one session with her. She showed him what he needed to see and his response to it, no matter how true-to-form of Jaakuna Hinoko it might’ve been, it wasn’t how he should have acted. And yet, despite that, Jaakuna was enjoying this conversation with her. If not for being able to get whatever he wanted to say to her out of his mind, it was one of those rare instances where she wasn’t as guarded or intimidating as she had been. Quite frankly, perhaps he was simply stalling to extend this interaction between the two of them.

But, perhaps it was time for Jaakuna to stop beating around the bush. After all, at the end of the day, he made a promise to her. She fulfilled her side of the deal, so he had to do the same thing on his end of the bargain.

Jaakuna shrugged, shaking off the excess tomfoolery that he’d been displaying. “I suppose it’s time for me to get this sigil then.” He eyed Shion in a solemn manner.

The woman shook her head at him, an amused expression. He had enough of fooling around it seemed, although he did have a point. Raising her arm, the markings would glow softly, and she stepped forward towards him. She would take his left hand into hers, interlacing their fingers together. “From here on, you’ll slowly take your destined form. This will be our own pact--one that will determine the very future of Ivalice,” She informed him as similar markings would appear on his arm.

Hey, my eyes are up here.” Okay, maybe Jaakuna had one last quip left in him.

He used his free hand to point to his eyes, teasing Shion once more. She gave him a small smile, though her grip would tighten considerably, as if she was trying to crush it, causing Jaakuna to let out a low grunt from the pain. “Do try to focus~” She told him cheerfully. “I’ll make this simple; all you need do is pull the sword out from me. Is that clear?

Right, just pull the sword.” Jaakuna mused lowly.

He sized her up from head to busty chest to wide hips. He stopped at the hips briefly. If there was going to be a sword, it would be there right? Jaakuna would hold up his free hand with just the index finger up. “One moment.” He broke their physical contact just for that one moment and started to circle Shion’s form. He would get as close as he could without touching her body. His left hand was pressed against his chin as if to convey an investigative presence. He mused a thoughtful hum as he examined her bum.

...what are you doing?” She asked him, confused.

Shh, I’m trying to find the sword.” Jaakuna shushed her, continuing to slowly circle around her.

Okay, she needed to get this over with before she would lose her patience. Rolling her eyes, she placed her hands on her hips, annoyed. “I haven’t started yet!” She scolded him. “Did you really think it was going to come out of my bum?! Are you stupid? Can you take this seriously?! It’s going to be embarrassing enough without you making weird comments like that!

She did have a point. Something like this weapon she had wouldn’t be out in the open, but Jaakuna had to make sure. “Right of course,” Jaakuna said, laughing nervously, “Though, the view from here isn’t bad.” He noted, shrugging.

Shion glared at him, turning around and forcibly taking his hand in hers once more. “Just--Just--shut up and let me do this,” She retorted rather lamely, taking his other hand as she would step forward to him, bringing them close once more. She needed to do this as quickly as possible, lest he break her concentration or she would end up beating him. Taking in a breath, she put his right hand behind her back, though she shot him a glare. “Not a word,” She threatened him. “No funny ideas either;I’m starting.

Keeping them close, she would take in a slow breath. She raised both her hands and his left one, the markings slowly crawling up her arm. They would converge on her hands, emitting a very bright orb of light. “O light of the Transcendent, heed your master and come forth!” She chanted, lowering his hand.

Guess that means you’re my slave,” Jaakuna quipped, going against Shion’s earlier threat.

She opened her eyes, throwing another glare, though it was replaced by a pained expression. She closed her eyes as she placed his hand on her chest.

Remember you have Emiri. Remember you have Emiri. Remember you have--you have…

And in that moment, everything went black as he would feel the strength of her Mist calling out to him. She leaned backwards, letting the light envelop her and expose her very soul to him. Slowly, the light converged, and the hilt of a blade would come out of her chest. The intensity from the light seemed to be not as much when Jaakuna felt exactly what it was. This wasn’t a foreign person’s mist that was forcing him inside it nor was it a harmful magick that threatened him. Somehow it just felt right. Something about it that he couldn’t explain felt as if though it was his own mist.

So that’s what she meant. Jaakuna seemed to take that as a sort of nonverbal cue. His hand dug into her chest(with him keeping the image of Emiri in his mind), he closed his eyes as he felt the solid touch of flesh threatening to crush his hand but he also felt the steel handle of a hilt in his grasp, but it wasn’t budging easily. Something was up and he didn’t understand. Only a moment later did he realize that he had let go of the actual hilt and was touching something less...solid. He coughed, though caught Shion’s glance. “Hey don’t give me that look! It’s hard, okay!

This is actually very, very painful,” She reminded him, trying to hide (and failing spectacularly) her pain. “Please just...just hurry and finish…I don’t know how much more I can take...

His mouth had suddenly gone dry. He was unable to form words. Unable to think words. The only thing on his mind were Shion’s words and the situation she had put both of them in. Then, as if on some stroke of luck, he found himself able to speak. “Forgive me, Francis.” He said aloud, looking at Shion apologetically as he firmly grasped the hilt with both hands, forcing the large mass that was Shion’s bust out of the way as he would use not only the mist from her that had flown into him but his own to pull the length of the sword out.

Slowly, the handguard had came out, eliciting a sharp gasp from Shion, he could feel it coming. As painful as it obviously was for Shion(as noted by her now nearly clawing his arm with her grip), he knew this was difficult on her but hopefully she could endure until he could finish because half of what looked like a crimson blade came out. At this point, Jaakuna was exhausting his own mist to the point where he was panting heavily. This was not only arduous for her, but it was no walk in the Phon Coast for him either. Just the last quarter of the blade and Jaakuna was trying to find the strength to go that final stretch.

I apologize for this,” Jaakuna glanced at Shion briefly before sending whatever remained of his mist reserved through his hands and sent a jolt of it through the blade itself and expelled him from Shion’s closeness which in turn had sent both of them about three paces away from each other. Shon tried to remain on her feet, though she stumbled backwards, letting out a small cry of surprise as her legs hit the bed and she fell onto it, while Jaakuna had been sent towards the closed door, to which he made a noticeable thud against it. “Ow..” He said, rubbing his head with his free hand.

Letting out something between a sigh of relief and a groan, Shion sat up, her hand on her chest. She knew it wasn’t going to be so easy, but she wasn’t expecting it to be so painful. Forcing herself to her feet, she would quickly find that losing a literal part of her soul--and by extension, a majority of her mist--had forced her to her absolute limit. “And there it is…” She stated, barely able to lift her arm to point at the newly formed sword in Jaakuna’s hand. She wanted to say something else, but everything seemed to go black as she fainted, falling to the floor.

Jaakuna could feel himself also near the brink of his consciousness, but something came over him as he noticed Shion suddenly falling to the floor. One could say he reacted first. He had zipped towards her, catching her in his arms as he knelt down on one knee. “Hey Shion...Shion!” Jaakuna called out to her. At first he panicked, thinking that something was wrong with her, but he heard something that was assuring: the sound of her heart beating at a somewhat slower pace. So she wasn’t hurt or anything--just tired.

And then, as if somehow on cue, Lorenzo, Nadeline, and Wesley came bursting through the door, worried and curious expressions on their faces. “We heard something from here. Is everything okay?” Wesley asked, concerned.

Lorenzo was the first to notice, letting out a yelp. “Oi, oi, oi! What did you do to Sharon?!” He exclaimed, his hands to his head.

It’s ‘Shion’, Father, and yes, Jaakuna, what is going on?” Nadeline asked, placing her hands on her hips.

Well..” Jaakuna looked down at Shion, watching her just for a brief moment. Then, as if it was nothing at all, he flicked his free arm and Shion suddenly floated towards the bed as he would guide her gently onto it, covering her with the blanket. After she was secured on the bed, he took a seat on the floor. He glanced at them. “I have the Sigil. I have the weapon. But it came at a price.” Jaakuna somberly glanced over to Shion.

Lorenzo, once again, peered at Jaakuna. “Price? What price?” He asked, frowning.

Nadeline examined Jaakuna for a moment, though her eyes widened. “Something’s...different about you,” She noted, raising an eyebrow. “I can’t put my finger on it, but you aren’t the same as before, are you?

I can’t say with absolute certainty, but I think I inherited her power.” Jaakuna scratched his head, wincing. Apparently, added to the uncertainty on the matter, even moving brought him discomfort.

Inherited? Nadeline was interested in his choice of words as she looked over at the unconscious Shion. He must have been talking about the weapon, though she wasn’t quite sure why it resulted in such a situation. Now that she was really examining Jaakuna, he looked exhausted, his face flushed, and...sore? No, it must have been her imagination. “The ritual must have taken a lot out of her. How was it?” She asked Jaakuna.

She bore it all to give me this gift,” he stated. Little did Nadeline know there was more truth to his statement that she might ever know.

Bore it all? “You mean...she got naked?” Lorenzo asked out loud, not quite understanding. “...how’d she look?

Father!” Nadeline huffed.


Nadeline stared at Jaakuna. “Actually?” She pressed him to continue.

Well..” Jaakuna scratched his head again, wincing again, his face flushed with a brighter red. “Where do you think the sword came from?” Jaakuna stated, nervously laughing. He looked to Shion but specifically to just about five inches below her chin.

The princess didn’t quite understand what he meant by it. Jaakuna was acting quite strange--his red face reminded him of Emiri’s fever. Perhaps he had caught it. She scratched her cheek curiously, though her father’s snickering caught her attention. “Shion had it of course, Nadeline stated the obvious.

I don’t claim to know too much about that sort of thing...but it sounds like it was…sensual,” Lorenzo gave Nadeline a hint.

She scoffed at him. “Don’t be ridiculous, Shion wouldn’t so much as make physical contact with Jaakuna,” She dismissed his statement.

This time your father’s wisdom comes in handy!” He declared, tracing a line in the air from Jaakuna’s eyes to Shion’s bust. “Talk about a sword in the stone, eh?

It was a rather…intimate ritual. I admit that I wasn’t prepared for how difficult it proved to be. The entire ordeal was just as strenuous for her as it had been for me.” Jaakuna’s eyes glanced longingly towards Shion, though it had returned to the other three. “I do apologize, though. I wish I could explain it in a more clarifying way. I just--well, I don’t know exactly how to explain it. I’m still trying to adjust to this.” Jaakuna stated somberly, focusing his gaze on Nadeline. “You were right about one thing, though.

Jaakuna admitting she was right? That was a first. “About…?

He let out a rather deep exhale, standing up, though he staggered. Thankfully, Wesley was sturdy enough to help him find solid ground. He gave him a nod of appreciation as he refocused on Nadeline. “I’m not the same as before. I’m still me--I’m still Jaakuna--but I guess the proper word is that I’ve transcended.” He found himself laughing, though he knew they probably didn’t understand why.

Almost like Wesley…” She said her thought out loud, pensive.

Nadeline...” Wesley looked to her, shaking his head. Jaakuna raised a curious eyebrow.

She hesitated for a moment, though she would clear her throat. Right...that wasn’t something that Wesley wanted anyone to know. “What I mean to say is that perhaps this is what Aloa was speaking of--our connections to the Word. It manifests differently, and in doing so takes us one step closer to where we need to be. If Shion is correct, this may very well be Jaakuna’s awakening.” She managed to stay on track yet diverted the attention where it needed to be. “At first, I admit, I wasn’t entirely sure, but this is as much proof as I need to believe it.

I guess so.” Jaakuna shrugged, yawning rather wide. The only thing he knew how fatigued he felt and a nap for a day or so would be greatly appreciated.

And Wesley would take notice to this. “Darling, perhaps we should give Jaakuna some time to rest,” Wesley suggested, gesturing towards the blonde. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that he clearly was barely able to keep his eyes own. He also had been yawning frequently since the moment they had all arrived into the room.

Nadeline blinked in response to Wesley’s suggestion. “Of course, but...shouldn’t we get him to his own room?” She asked, motioning to the resting Shion.

Before Nadeline would even get that full thought out, Jaakuna had already moved next to the bed that Shion was laying on as he would simply lay on the floor. With one eye open, he used that single eye to look at the two--no three of them. “It’s..fine, I’m good here. Besides, I don’t want to leave her alone.” That was the last thing that Jaakuna said before he, like his master, had passed out.

She’s a grown woman! Ugh, fine, stay on the floor!” Nadeline told him, of course it was far too late. Shaking her head, she would walk over to the bed--careful not to step on the blonde, though the temptation to kick him was strong--and grab a pillow. She knelt down, carefully slipping it under Jaakuna’s head, and she would then stand. “At least he won’t get a headache from the hard ground this way,” She sighed, though she would gladly take her fiance’s arm as they would make their way to leave.

It wasn’t hard to surmise that something was up with Grant. Normally he would voice some kind of opinion about whatever Savayna did regardless if he approved or not. Of course, she knew he had approved of what she did to Keiran. But as she lay on the bench to catch her breath and Grant did the same on the bench opposite of her, she couldn’t help but shake this feeling that something was off. It didn’t help that Mateus didn’t seem to know as he had asked Zeromus. So, whatever was up, she had to think of a way to get it out of him.

You’re awfully silent over there. Are you still in your mood or something?” Savayna asked Grant. She knew that if she made a few mentions about his moodiness, then maybe he might retort back. “Don’t you have anything to say about how I nearly crushed your foot earlier?” She tried again, looking at him while he still stayed silent.

And then Savayna would resort to some drastic measures. She accidentally let one of the straps of her top come loose, exposing the top part of her left breast. “Oh whoops, I guess I’m just oh-so-careless.” She teased him, laughing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Oh, right, I was here for another reason," Lorenzo suddenly remembered as Wesley would close the door to Jaakuna's room. "Crap."

Typical Lorenzo. Nadeline decided to entertain him, if only just this once. "What is it, Father?" She asked him.

"Reia wanted me to get Jaakie so we can finalize the details on the treaty. She said she 'fixed' it for him? I think...oh, Watson should probably go, too, she says Cassandra looked but she was...uh...'being a bitch about it'. Her words, not mine!" He laughed nervously. "Reia and Cassandra do not get along..."

Of course they wouldn't. Even if she wasn't an empress, Reia absolutely refused to take shit from anyone, regardless of their position. Seeing as Cassandra loved to use her power and position, it was inevitable that the two would bump heads. Nadeline bit her lip--she really wanted some alone time with Wesley to talk to him, but this wasn't something they could put off, either. She looked at Wesley. "I suppose we should defuse the situation, shouldn't we?" She asked him with a frown.

The Royal Castle of Rabanastre. Never did he imagine he would be here of all places, not even in his wildest imagination. Keiran admired the architecture of the ceiling, something that often went unappreciated. Still, he wasn't there to sightsee, and he needed to know the next step. Stopping in front of a large, grand mirror, he examined his reflection carefully. He had seen better days--Emiri was suffering, and it was affecting him as well. A part of him almost thought she was managing to cut him out, but this wasn't the case. Still, he felt that Aloa was onto him, and he would rather act before the viera would decide to return. Not only that, but Shion was alive--which meant his master had failed. No doubt Shion had already transferred the weapon to Jaakuna.

I'd like to know what to do next, He would mentally call out. He wasn't sure who would answer--he would much rather speak to his lord (not really, but at least he was usually to the point) than catch the attention of the Creature (who was just annoying but more likely to order him around). Shion is here, and the weapon is now in his hands. The Transcendent approaches. Slowly, but surely they will all awaken.

She hadn't noticed at all, had she? Grant should've figured, Savayna was sort of...dense. He sighed, facepalming at her gesture. He pointed to his own throat, then shook his head. Wait, there's no way she'd know what that meant. For a split second, he actually wished that Keiran were around; as annoying as he was, he seemed to be able to read him well, acting as his mouthpiece. He looked around, as if trying to think of something, some way to communicate. It had to be obvious, and it had to be something Savayna could understand. His eyes widened as he got an idea, turning back to Savayna.

Sorry about this, but I need the favor, He apologized mentally to Zeromus. His eyes would flash momentarily, though he would cough. "Still sort of hurts..." Grant spoke, albeit it was Zeromus' voice entirely--a rather jarring difference--as he rubbed his throat. "I haven't been able to properly speak, so I thought borrowing Zeromus' voice would help, but it's...still painful." He cleared his throat. "Oh, right, thank you for nearly breaking my foot, really appreciate it." He answered her question.

This isn't going to work for very long, Zeromus warned him.

Right. Better get straight to it, then, He would sigh once more, giving Savayna a serious look. "My mood has been this way since yesterday. Or are you seriously telling me you've forgotten about your meltdown in Archades?" He went straight to the problem, clearly still upset--though at least now he was still calm.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Upon hearing the news about how difficult his little sister was doing, Wesley rubbed his temples. On top of everything that was going on right now, Cassandra acting up wasn't something that he needed to be thinking about. It was as if he wasn't around, she would do as she pleased. He didn't believe Nadeline when she told him about how she acted when Emiri informed her thusly, but hearing it from Lorenzo--someone who had been sent on a wild goose chase from her on purpose--Wesley was more or less convinced that his sister was out of control.

"What am I going to do with her?" He mused aloud, figuring out his next course of action.

On one hand, dealing with her sooner rather than later would solve his short-term problem with her, but as soon as he left her alone, the odds of her continuing her current actions were highly likely. There was the option of letting Reia endure her...bitchiness a little longer until Wesley could figure out a solution. Plus, he really wanted to talk to Nadeline. Lord knows that they haven't had time to really digest all that happened this morning. Not even counting the bit about him being Fandaniel, they still have yet to discuss the matter of her potentially being pregnant.

"Lorenzo, do you think you can go keep an eye on Cassandra for me? I'm afraid I can't handle my sister just yet. There are things I need to handle before that." Wesley stated, looking at Nadeline. Lorenzo was so dense that he wouldn't think much of it. Usually a negative thing, but in this particular situation, it was a godsend.

"Why are you pointing to your throat? Are you thirsty or something?" Savayna scratched her heard. She was quite unsure about Grant's motioning. She knew he was trying to tell her something, yet she didn't understand. He would have to make it clearer.

When Savayna was going to say something else, Grant spoke; only that it wasn't his voice. She hadn't heard this voice before—well, that's not exactly true. She had heard it before, but it has been a few months. The voice that came from Grant's mouth was that of Zeromus'. A booming, powerful voice that was only enhanced by Grant's emotive tendencies. He would go on to say that he hadn't been able to talk. And then suddenly the previous hand gesture made sense. He wasn't saying that he was thirsty. He was trying to tell her that he couldn't speak.

"That explains why you've been so quiet as of late. You're normally—" Before Savayna could even get her full thought out, Grant started to lay into her. He began by stating how thrilled he was for her stomping the hell out of his foot. He'd further state why he had been so distant as of late. Apparently, she had some sort of a meltdown yesterday in Archadia. "I did?" She responded back, looking at him with a blank expression. The last thing she remembered about yesterday was when she apparently woke up. Everything before that had become a blur. Each time she tried to remember it, she got a killer headache. "Wait.."

Savayna was starting to remember something. She definitely saw herself in Archadia yesterday, but when she tried to remember it earlier, that meltdown happened. "I think, earlier, I saw something. But.." It was still fuzzy. As she tried to recall, she got a splitting pain in her head. She grabbed it, wincing briefly. "Why? What happened?" She asked him, curious about what she might've said or done to get him so angry at her. It was obvious, though he was calm now, she did something that hurt him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Admittedly, Nadeline was surprised with Wesley, though she was grateful to know he still put her first. As much as she would probably hear it later from Reia, she was relatively harmless. Harmless in the sense of physical action. Her words may have been...scathing, but surely she wouldn't do anything to Cassandra. Although considering how quick Cassandra was to attack Keiran, perhaps it hadn't been such a good idea after all. It was then Wesley would ask Lorenzo to keep an eye on her, and Nadeline couldn't quite hide her dislike of that idea. She managed to force herself to keep a straight face, nodding at her father in agreement unconvincingly.

"Are you sure?" He asked Wesley with a frown.

This time, Nadeline would answer for him. "We just need a little time. Please," She told him sincerely. "Once we're finished we'll head straight there. Reia's bark is worse than her bite, but hopefully you can entertain Cassandra for a little while."

She almost feared she had said too much, but she was relieved when Lorenzo seemed to agree. "You got it, then. I mean, I really hate all that political talk, but if you're asking me, then I don't have a choice!" He laughed, saluting the two of them, though he would wave as he turned around, heading towards the direction of the dining hall and his battleground.

She sighed in relief, looking up at Wesley. "I admit...I was happy when you said that," She told him, smiling. "I'm happy to know I'm still a priority."

Was she playing stupid? Grant couldn't help but get slightly annoyed. Focus, time is short, just...no passive aggressiveness, just straight to it. He had to remind himself, though he was incredulous at her rather convenient forgetfulness. Taking in a breath, he would collect himself properly, though even at this point he could feel his mist straining. He wasn't going to waste time asking questions, if she truly didn't remember, then he would simply remind her. "In Archades...we had arrived. Jaakuna had been fighting with Hamut, and had apparently been injured. You didn't take this lightly, and although Nadeline healed him, it was as if he was in a trance. You attacked her, and then you attacked Shion--" He stopped, a pain shooting through him. Crap, not yet...! "You attacked her when she suggested that you were still in love with Jaakuna. You didn't even bother denying it, going into some sort of frenzy." He would force himself to speak. "I always had that sinking feeling deep, deep down. But after time, I really thought I could change your mind. I was an idiot to think otherwise. And you made it clear as day that I was right."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Wesley found it near to impossible to keep a straight face after Nadeline’s comment. He made a mental note of things not to do, especially when she was concerned. He knew that this whole morning, as well as the past couple of days, were taxing on the two of them. He had to admit it to himself that a lot of things got away from them—he knew that much. All of that wasn’t even considering the headache that was caused from his troublesome, little sister. Whatever had gotten into her as of late, Wesley knew it was only going to get worse. Still, he had faith in Lorenzo. He knew his future father-in-law could handle troublesome royalty figures After all, he was one of those troublesome royalty figures.

And now he was laughing for an entirely different reason. “Sorry. I was just reminded how much Reia’s situation with Lorenzo is similar to my own with Cassandra.” He stated as he found the comparison uncanny.

When they had started walking through the halls, Wesley had remained quiet for a few long moments. A lot was on his mind and most of was centered around the two things that they needed to talk about, but how exactly was he going to bring it up. Not that he was one to become stuck on such things. He had no problem addressing the subjects that most would normally avoid. For him, it was all a matter of coming up with the right words and seeming so straightforward. Wesley looked at Nadeline, letting her through the tall, silver marble door in front of them.

They had arrived near the west garden. The entrance was from an exit from the castle and led them to an elevated view with a half-flight of stairs next to them. The entire garden, small compared to the main garden on the opposing east side of the palace, was beautiful in its own right. There was a water fountain in the center that was powered by blue magicite. It was built into the ground, so it didn’t seem as tall as it would’ve been had it been an above-ground fountain. In it was clear-as-the-eyes-could-see water that was blue like the magicite that powered it. Set around it were green bush-like plants that were also placed in bulk around the entire garden. There were a few areas with orchids and roses, though.

The two of them would go down the stairs, Wesley gestured to the bench that was across from the fountain. It seemed to be a good place to sit and enjoy the scenery while they would finally get the chance to really talk.

Wesley shifted his position and looked at the orchid and roses near one of the windows. “I used to come here with my father. He really loved flowers.” Wesley smiled peacefully. “He grew up here and spent most of his youth among flowers. His mother -- Lady Kaitlyn of the Rosey Jordana Plains, the nearest village that has the most beautiful rosefields -- was someone who adored flowers. She spent a lot of time with him, telling him about how flowers required a lot of care and patience. He was an impatient man, from what I heard from my mother. But when it came to flowers, he was like a Saint of Ultima.” Wesley found himself laughing as he looked up at the blue sky. “This isn’t common knowledge, but all the gardens in the palace and throughout the surrounding, smaller nations in Dalmasca, were my father’s doing. He appreciated beauty.” As he spoke, Wesley had a few tears drop from his eyes. He didn’t bother wiping them away. “He bestowed his love for flowers and beauty on me. I intend to pass it on to my child.” His slightly-watery eyes came into the periphery of Nadeline. “That’s why, when I heard you were pregnant, I was taken back from it. I wasn’t sure if Keiran was playing his games again or just saying to get us to lower our guard against him. But,” Wesley took Nadeline’s hand in his own, looking at her eyes with his, “I am more than ready to retire from my adventuring days and fully commit to you and our child.

When Zeromus--erm, Grant--had dropped that bombshell on her, Savayna wasn’t exactly how to respond to it. He seemed so sure of himself that it was the truth. And if it was indeed an accurate account of what had occurred in Archadia, then why couldn’t she remember that? She would remember confessing her love for Jaakuna. He was lying. There was no other explantion.

Honestly Grant, I know you’ve always had problems with Jaakuna but that’s low - even for you.” She let out a sigh, obvious that she was not pleased with the way he was speaking.

It was a bit surprising that Grant would resort to such low tactics to hurt her. Was that what he wanted to do? Maybe he said that with the sole intention to hurt her. If so, then he was absolutely right about how he wouldn’t be able to change her hypothetical mind about her hypothetical feelings for her ex-husband. If she wished it, she could hurt him right and now, but that’s the line that he obviously didn’t believe she’d never cross. Whether willingly or not, she would never consciously admit her love for Jaakuna. Savayna might be a ice queen, but she’s not cold-hearted.

What will you do now? She heard Mateus ask her. To be honest, she wasn’t sure what she’d do. Hurting him seemed to be her go-to response, but maybe that’s what he expected from her.

Savayna took in a deep breath, inhaling as the scent of the garden overtook her. It calmed her, though not by much. She closed her eyes. “You’re right about one thing, Grant.” She opened her eyes, seeming calmer than before. “You are an idiot. You’ve always been a fucking idiot. But I’ll let you in on a secret.” She sighed, getting up and approaching him only stopping a pace away. “I have a pattern of falling in love with idiots.” She stayed in front of him. “I might still have feelings for Jaakuna that may or may not bring thoughts of ‘what could’ve been’.” As she spoke, she saw his forming expression of disgust. “I didn’t finish!” She snapped, forcing him to look at him as she gripped his face. “Whatever I said yesterday in whatever state I was in, that is not a reflection of how I feel now. You said I had a meltdown, right? Then think about it for a second. People aren’t in their right minds when they have meltdowns. They say things that are overexaggerated or are simply not true. Yes, I love Jaakuna, but he and I are friends now.” She reminded him. “It’s the same situation you and Emiri are in. You love her still. And I’m sure, had she been in a similar position, you might’ve said things you didn’t mean. However, you wouldn’t have made it known if you could help it.

Savayna could feel that she was losing his focus. Not to mention, he mentioned something about not having a lot of time. “Just shut up and kiss me, you idiot.” She said, grabbing him and planting her lips on his.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 11 days ago

Wesley's tale was heartwarming. Admittedly she wasn't sure if it was him or their surroundings, but she felt entirely at peace. It was strange, it was something she hadn't felt for a while. It hadn't been long ago when he had arrived at Dalmasca, fully ready to take the throne. And now, there they were, with Wesley giving her what she always wanted--the entirety of his devotion. She almost felt guilty, watching his face as he spoke, knowing that she was probably the reason why he would decide to bring his adventuring days to such a harsh halt. Nothing was set in stone, but Wesley was so determined, she knew he'd be heartbroken if it turned out she wouldn't be giving him a child.

But that wasn't what actually bothered her, was it?

Now that the chance was there, she needed to take full advantage of it. She put her hand over his, not wanting him to draw away from her. "You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that," She said to him gently. "And that is the future I want with you. But before that...I must know the truth. I only partially overheard you and Emiri before, but...admittedly, I wasn't able to get the entirety of the conversation, even with Keiran exposing it." She tried to ease into it the best way she could. "I don't know if it's denial, but I just don't think that 'Fandaniel' is the same as Keiran. I'm not saying that you're lying, it's just...just a feeling I have."

Keiran was muttering to himself as he once again walked through the halls. Why was he being ignored? He figured now would be as good a time as ever to get some sort of instruction. But nothing. No insults, no acknowledgment, it was as if he was just talking to hear himself. He hated that. Though as much as he hated that, he found the thought that he had been cut off even worse. No, that wasn't it. Shion probably had dealt a blow to his lord, that's all. But if that was the case, why wasn't the Creature then responding? Why? Had he done something wrong? He was so certain his master wanted him to stay with Emiri regardless of where she was, but he felt stranded.

He was nervous. Paranoid. He knew the moment Aloa returned that he was done for. Was that what his master wanted? Was this his way of disposing of him? Why?! He didn't realize how haphazard his own breathing had become until he had come to a stop. It may have been unintentional, but he had stopped right outside the room where he knew Shion and Jaakuna were. As if in a trance, he opened the door, though they were no longer talking. Shion was on the bed, completely drained, with Jaakuna laying on the floor, apparently just as passed out.

Carefully approaching Jaakuna, he knelt down, a finger poking Jaakuna's arm. The magicks reacted, showing he was now in possession of Belias' Sigil. Keiran knew he needed to be more careful around Jaakuna--that sword could completely bypass the connection he and Emiri had and damage him directly. Great. As if he didn't feel cornered enough. Keiran would stand, looking around the room, until his eyes landed on Emiri's pack. What exactly was he trying to do? What was he looking for? He didn't know, but as he would rummage through it, he found the dagger she normally kept on her.

If he wanted to, he could probably kill Shion right then and there. She hadn't so much as stirred, even with him walking around. Yeah, he'd kill her and then what? Get nuked by an angry Jaakuna. Was that what his master wanted? How should he know what to do if he wasn't getting any sort of response?! He felt himself shaking, though he let out a gasp as an arm grabbed his. He looked next to him, Emiri herself there. When had she come in? He didn't even hear her.

He watched as she would take the dagger from him and placing it back in her pack. To his surprise, she wouldn't let go of him, instead dragging him out of the bedroom. The girl continued to pull him along wordlessly, until she lead him back to the bedroom they were in before. She quietly closed the door behind them, though she would then promptly smack him. "You're a bigger fool than I imagined," She hissed at him. "After everything is said and done, you really don't have a mind of your own, do you?"

"I wasn't going to do anything," He told her. Her look of disbelief was clear. "I'm not lying!"

"Stay away from them," She told him coldly. "And if I were you, I'd start praying to whatever god you believe in. The second Aloa comes back, I'm getting rid of you once and for all."

So no matter where he turned, he was being thrown away, was he? "So you're getting rid of me as well, then?" He asked, his voice unintentionally wavering.

"You're not getting out of this. I'm not going to let you take me for an idiot again," She said bluntly. Her eyes widened as he dropped down to his knees, his hands on his head. What was wrong with him? No, he was trying to trick her again. Not this time. "Get up," She ordered him. "I said get up!"

"Why should I bother?! No one wants me! If you're going to kill me, then I should just stay here!" He told her, shaking his head. "I don't want to die! Why do I have to die if no one wants me!?"

That was...unexpected. Gone was his usual, arrogant self. But was it just another ploy? Or was it genuine? Don't let your guard down, Chaos would warn her as she took a step back. A minion without a master is nothing, but clearly, he's taken on some of your instability. Don't let his cries fool you, he's just as dangerous now as he was before. Of course, Chaos had every point down. Emiri decided to approach him, one hand cautiously reaching out to him. She nearly screamed as he grabbed the hem of her dress, nearly pulling her down, but she remained steady as she summoned her sword, anticipating an attack. He cried onto her, exposing himself, and it was then that she really found herself at a loss.

"You have to decide your own path," She told him slowly. "If you're constantly going from one master to another, that isn't living."

"Neither you nor Fandaniel understand," He said quietly, though he would release her. "No one understands..."

Shaking her head at him, Emiri backed away, though he wouldn't move. She let out a sigh, deciding to leave him there. Going back to another empty room, she would instead throw herself onto the bed, her sword disappearing. She almost pitied him. Almost.

He wanted to end it at that. He really, really did. But even as she kissed him, he still had his doubts. Before he could act on them, however, he felt Zeromus' presence leave, the esper giving him a small apology. Great, back to being voiceless. As they parted from one another, Grant let out a groan, hanging his head. He really, really hated being mute. It wasn't until his voice was gone that he realized there were so many things left to say, so many things he wanted to tell Savayna. But nothing came. Still, maybe for once it was alright. He squeezed her hand, giving her a warm smile, though he would sit down on the bench.

There were a lot of thoughts running through his mind, but none he could particularly voice his concerns about, even if he could talk he would have no idea where to start. There was the matter of the treaty, Keiran, Shion--although he figured that last one would probably solve itself shortly. He scoffed, frustrated, though he looked back at Savayna, wondering what she wanted to do next.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Amid everything good that had occurred this morning, WEsley had nearly forgotten about the realization he had earlier about him being Fandaniel. Additionally, he hadn’t the heart to explain it to Nadeline because he didn’t quite understand it himself. He knew he was Fandaniel - or least he suspected it. The odds were probably in his favor for it go well as he’d try to explain it; although there wasn’t any guarantee that Nadeline would take it as well as he would hope. No, maybe she would be fine with the Fandaniel part of it, but him wanting to run away wouldn’t set well , especially after he pledged to give up his adventuring days to be with her and their baby.

Stop fretting about it. After days of silence, Hashmal offered his wisdom.

You’ve sure been silent, haven’t you?

I apologize for that, Wesley. Your...awakening has been difficult on me as well, but I’ve been here listening to what happened. You should tell her the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Wesley shook his head and let out a strained sigh. He still had his eyes on Nadeline. “ suppose the short version is that, I am Fandaniel. As you well know. And even further, I had a thought of leaving because I thought that meant I would be a danger to you. I honestly thought that, but maybe not anymore. I don’t know if this is making any sense, but in the short hour that passed, I feel as though that part of my mind has changed. Moreover, I think being Fandaniel isn’t a bad thing.” Wesley thought about it as he spoke. “I cannot speak about Caeru or Sanguine for I do not quite understand. Maybe they couldn’t deal with this revelation and that’s why they built The Protector to being some evil man or maybe there was some other Protector out there. Frankly, all I know is that I’m the same Wesley I’ve always been.” He affirmed her, squeezing her hand as to convince not only her but himself.

As tender as the atmosphere around them was, Savayna still couldn’t help but feel as though something else was on Grant’s mind. So, as the kiss broke apart and her field of cornflower met a conflicted plains of dark orchids, Savayna wondered what could be on his mind. Had he found her explanation for why she couldn’t remember, then he would’ve made it obvious to her; even if he couldn’t speak, Grant had other ways to convey such actions - ways that were more physical and alarming than simply grunting - which he did.

What exactly is wrong with you? Like, how come you can only talk through the use of Zeromus?” Savayna asked Grant. She kept her eyes on him, judging his mannerisms for some kind of hint.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 11 days ago

She couldn't help but feel he was mostly trying to convince himself rather than reassure her. That was fine; he needed her support, whether he wanted to admit it or not. There was no hiding her relief, however, when he insisted that he was himself. Yes, he had changed, but he was still Wesley. Still Wesley. "Of course you are," She agreed with him immediately, smiling at him. "It was a bit of a shock, but...you're still you, even if under a different name. I just...I don't ever want you to think you can't come to me for anything. Admittedly, it hurt to think you couldn't trust me, even if it was, as you say, to avoid hurting me. We're a team, taking on our challenges together is what we should do. I don't look like it, but I can help you in any way I can. So don't ever think you have to take on anything yourself. Your burdens are my burdens. I know this because I know you wouldn't hesitate to help me if our roles were reversed."

Where am I?

She was certain this was a dream, but everything around her seemed...familiar. The pathway through the mines were thick with Mist, so much so that there were monsters around nearly every corner. They ignored her for the most part, outside of an occasional glance, she was certain that it was willing on their part. It was strange; sure there were more passive ones, but on the whole the many ghosts and undead types loved to fiend on humes. For the moment, she put that to the side as she walked, often stopping to examine what was left of the mines. It was dug out until a certain point where it seemed all digging had stopped rather abruptly, and the farther she wandered, the less hume presence there was.

She half expected to reach a dead end, but at the very least a natural pathway would continue. For a moment, she hesitated, taking note of the haphazard form of digging that had occurred, and the end of the path in sight. Despite there being nothing to the naked eye, she could feel the mist on her very skin. Something quite powerful was here. Whatever bindings had kept it there were long, long gone. And yet, despite all these warnings, she chose to continue.

This is...the Henne Mines? How did she know this place? She knew of it, but had never set foot in there. But she was certain of her location, certain that if she kept going she would find...what? What was it that she was looking for? Why did she find this so familiar? Was that possible? It is, and here should be...

Something was waiting deep within, at the very center of the room. She narrowed her eyes, though she was surprised to find what looked like a statue. As she neared, she realized it wasn't a statue, but instead a petrified monster. It was frozen in place, stone replacing flesh. It looked very much like a newborn serpent. She knew what this looked like, but how? This wasn't its true body here, it was as if it was a placeholder, something to trick the bindings into believing its location was where it remained.

This was a premature Zodiark, the true Esper.

Emiri awoke with a jolt, opening her eyes. No longer was she in the mines, though the unfamiliar bedroom certainly threw her for a loop. She let out a small sigh, her hand on her forehead, though she quickly realized her fever was gone. Finally! She let out a quiet cheer, stretching her arms above her head as she yawned. Boy, she really needed that nap! Not much time had passed, of this she was certain, though as she felt her ponytail come loose, she decided she should freshen up before doing anything else.

Yawning, she pulled on her clover hair tie, though something was off. It took a lot longer than it should have to get it to the end of her hair; her hand was practically at her waist. Huh? She pulled her hair in front of her, noticing immediately its length. Normally, her hair hung at just below her shoulders, but now it easily swept her waist. What the--when did this happen!? She panicked slightly, rushing to the bathroom. As she caught a glance in the mirror, she let out a cry of surprise. Her hair grew out! How? When? Is it possible she went into a coma? Was it like Wesley? Wait, no, what was wrong with her eyes? They were usually a darker shade of violet, but now they were super bright, clear, and definitely a more noticable color.

She let out a wail, scrambling to get the mess of hair she had into a ponytail. How the hell did Nadeline manage so much hair?! What was going on? She fumbled with her hair tie, trying to get her hair better organized, though she hadn't seen the rug and slipped. She let out a cry as she fell, and braced herself for the fall. But it never came, and it took her a moment to realize she was frozen in suspension. What?! How?! Did she stop time? No, this was different, she stopped herself! How?! As the thought crossed her mind, she released herself and fell down. What is going on?! If she wasn't panicking before, she certainly was now.

Okay, breathe, breathe, this is probably normal...okay, no, this is not normal, but you have to get your head together! She tried to calm herself down, realizing she was a mess. Okay, do I go to Jaakuna? Wesley? Nadeline? Anyone? Oh, maybe Shion? Who exactly could she go to that would know what was happening? She ran a hand through her extremely long hair, letting out a groan. First, get this mess into a proper ponytail, because I'm going to go crazy with this much swinging around, She decided on admittedly the more trivial issue, opening a drawer and finding a hairbrush.

If I knew what was wrong with me, do you really think I'd resort to charades or having Keiran speak for me? Grant couldn't help but give Savayna an annoyed look. Nothing Nadeline had forced him to drink had succeeded, though he nearly did throw it all back up as he recalled the awful tastes they had. He was equally frustrated as he was at a loss for an explanation. Not to mention Savayna had a...difficult time trying to understand what he wanted to say. How ironic, considering that he was usually just plain moody and she was usually able to pick up on that much rather quickly. But now? Who knows.

If I save up my mist from time to time, I'm pretty sure I can use Zeromus' voice, at least once in a while, He considered the option, though if things persisted as such, it wasn't an option if a battle were to arise. What was once tedious was now turning plain cumbersome. He wished he could let out a scream, but nothing. He sighed, defeated. This is torture.

As long as you can endure, I'm sure it'll be temporary, Zeromus would assure him.

Temporary could mean anything from hours to days to months to years. Grant hung his head, hopeless.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

They had always made sure the other knew that they weren’t alone. When one felt as if though they had to take on their burdens alone, the other would remind them either subtly or bluntly so they knew it was never a one-man or one-woman job. All one needed to do was lean on the other. Wesley had to be reminded of that because he had forgotten that for a while. Besides, they were to be married, so he had to stop acting like a lone wolf. That was Jaakuna’s job.

He’s not going to be too happy if he hears you say that. Hashmal chuckled at Wesley’s thought.

He would ignore Hashmal and concentrate on Nadeline’s face and the words she spoke. He remembered them and made sure to lock them in a safe so he could go back to them whenever he needed a reminder. “I don’t know where or what I would be without you.” He took her hands and raised them up with hers. “You are my rock, Nadeline Lenore. You are the compass that guides me out of the deep forest of my own doubts; the light that guides me from my own insecure darkness.” Wesley smiled at her, letting the moment linger on just for a bit longer.

Savayna let out an annoyed sigh. Why was it so hard for her to know what he wanted? Honest to the gods, when he was talking, she couldn’t wait for him to shut up, but now that he has shut up (for good it seems), she wished he’d say something. Maybe this was what Grant was experiencing; feeling that the Occuria have a weird way of finding amusement.

Out came another sigh, she started walking. “Come along, Grant, the Mute,” she snapped her fingers, “if you can’t talk, then we’re going to find alternative methods for you.” She said, waiting for him to follow her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 11 days ago

The black haired man had, yet again, roamed about the castle. He always found himself outside where he knew Emiri was, but would turn around and walk elsewhere. But everytime he looked up, that same door was in front of him. Deciding that he'd rather get yelled at than be alone, he entered the room. He could hear Emiri in the bathroom, clearly struggling with something. Against his better judgment, he would let his curiosity get the better of him as he stole a peek. Keiran let out a low whistle, a hand on his chin as he examined her curiously. "Wow," He couldn't help but comment, watching her struggle with her hair.

Emiri groaned, continuing to yank the brush over her hair. "I literally woke up like this!" She seemed more frustrated than anything, though now it was Keiran's turn to pity her, if only a little. Taking the brush and tie from her hand, Keiran would pass it through, nimble fingers managing to pull the length of her hair through the tie. She was all too grateful, watching him in the mirror as he fumbled slightly, though he finished, tightening it slightly. She sighed in relief, turning back to him, though she noticed his wandering eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You look...different," He admitted, though he peered at her. "And you're taller?" He placed his hand on top of her head, then in a straight line brought it to himself. The top of her head now reached the bottom of his nose, when previously it just barely reached his chin. "Yeah, you're taller somehow. And you're not even wearing shoes."

Had she changed entirely? Her hands went to her face, patting her cheeks, then her arms, her bust--oh, there was a difference there alright--and to her hips. She was skinnier? No, wait, she hadn't eaten all day, but now she felt as if she was in a foreign body. "What else, Keiran, what else do you notice that's different?" She asked him pleadingly.

"Not to perv, but your chest is certainly...fuller. Not bigger, they're just more...plump," He murmured, though he would hastily continue, "Your face isn't as round as it was before, too. I mean, other than that, you're the same. It's like, you're you, but maybe a little older, I guess." The first thing Emiri thought was Jaakuna's constant hassling of Shion and her age. This was it. He was going to deem her too old and dump her. "Relax, I mean maybe two or three years, tops," He caught her expression almost immediately.

"It's like looking at a stranger!" She told him worriedly, trying to get her thoughts together.

"I mean, it's obviously still you," He repeated. "If it makes you feel better, you're still really pretty. You look a little more graceful now, like you have a quiet elegance."

She appreciated the compliments, but she couldn't quite handle them at the moment. Noticing her shirt was still backwards and her lack of shoes told her she needed to change. She walked past him, only to remember that her bag was where Jaakuna and Shion were sleeping in. No, maybe it was a good thing, she was freaking out and she wanted to talk to Jaakuna. Not just this, but her dream...yeah, it couldn't wait. She let out a small shriek as her clothes changed themselves. What?! Oh, wait, she got that ability before. Okay, yeah, she was definitely freaking out.

"Uh, you're...not okay," Keiran noted rather unhelpfully.

You're partially to blame! She wanted to yell at him, though she ignored him for the most part. I know he said he'd come find me, but...! Emiri went around Keiran, walking out of the room. Her heels clicked rapidly along the walls, the sound bouncing back at her. She ignored Keiran's giddiness, and without knocking, would open the door to where she knew Jaakuna was. She signaled for Keiran to stay put, and was grateful when he nodded, staying in place. Quietly walking in and closing the door behind her, it was only then that she noticed how dark it had gotten in the room. She tip toed over to the still sleeping Jaakuna, kneeling down to him.

"Jaakuna," She whispered as she would shake him. "Jaakuna, wake up, please,"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Colors all over the spectrum swirled around a golden figure of gold light, all of them calling to him. They beckoned him to follow them. Red demanded with a fierce determination. Green tempted him with unlimited excitement. Blue and purple both gave reasons based in logic and realism. White and black both presented the pros and cons of hesitation. Yellow and orange were mostly quiet, but when they spoke, their words were elegant and tone regal. All of these colors had only but one thing on their minds: recruit thefigure.

But as this figure of pure mist heard all of their cases and would start to think about their respective proposals, it heard another voice. It was not one associated with a color. It was one that was colorless and had seemingly faded into naught. It was frail and barely audible, but the figure somehow was drawn to it - almost as if something connected them. This figure had then decided to ignore the wants and needs of the Rainbow Collective and phase through them, their forms being absorbed into him, and went for that voice that called out to it.

It passed through dimensions of various locations and worlds it seemed, and found itself stopping in a room that was surrounded by flowers of various makes. It was a room that was well lit with magicite and had been cleaned recently. On a bed sat a frail woman who had seen better days. Her eyes was like a rusted sienna and her hair, though obviously gray, had the image of something once quite serene. Her skin had wrinkles and had faded from its obvious-former porecelin white shade to a dismal silverish-gray. Additionally, at her bedside, there was a man with all the youth that a 40something man had. Though he looked like a man who wore armor, he wore casual clothing of gold and white, hair dark as the night sky, and when he turned aorund, eyes were gray with a speck of golden ore.

This man that sat by her bedside had puffy eyes. No one in the room had to think. This was Francis Sicarius, the Golden Wolf of Archadia.

The figure received a bow from Francis as he approached the frail woman. She had gestured the golden figure to come forward and so it did. Where Francis sat, the figure would sit. The figure took the frail hand of the woman and she beckoned him to come close. As she whispered into his ears, only five words were spoken.

“He lives within the Fallen.”

“What?” He asked her. The voice was so frail that he couldn’t make out what she said.

“He lives within the Fallen.”

And as he would ask her to repeat a second time, she would respond with..

Jaakuna - Jaakuna, wake up please.

Suddenly, as slowly as his fatigued body would allow, he opened eyes - albeit slowly. Looking around, the light was bothersome as he had to blink one too many times to adjust his own to it. Though, as he would find himself able to see much clearer, his head went to where Shion was soundly sleeping. And...snoring? Wait no, that sound was coming from somewhere else.

So Jaakuna turned his head in the opposing direction and there waiting for him were a pair of plump breasts. “Holy titty!” That was the first thing that came to his mind and he was still groggy enough that he said it aloud. However, as he looked up, he noticed who they belonged to. “Emiri?” Jaakuna lifted himself up, grunting because the floor was rather uncomfortable.

He let out a yawn as he looked at Emiri. He had to take a few extra moments because he was still in a dazed state, but as he looked at her, he noticed something was different - well, aside from the bust upgrade. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was something oddly different with her.

“Please, my Queen, Empress Reia, there’s no need to get angry. I only meant that maybe you two should lay down. It’s obvious that you two are very tired.”

Isabelle felt bad for Alistair. He truly wanted to bring peace between the warring factions of Empress Reia and her daughter, the Princess Cassandra. But not even she could bring about a truce once Cassandra implied that Reia was far past her prime. It didn’t help that Isabelle was practically forbidden from speaking. No matter how much she wanted to bring her daughter back to the ground, she was, after all, just the Queen Mother. Besides, not even Isabelle could get through to her daughter. Plus, she didn’t want to be in the middle of Reia’s wrath.

It didn’t help either that Lorenzo came in at the worst of times. He tried to claim peace on orders of Wesley, but both Reia and Cassandra, despite their differences, told him - and this is the actual quote - “bud the fuck off!”

Okay, maybe that was Isabelle’s paraphrasing. But still, it was a chaotic scene and it wasn’t even midday yet.

Look here, Reia, I’m not saying you’re useless to your country. You obviously pull some of the weight, but even your council wants you out. Maybe you’re too old. Nadeline is pretty and young. And from what that Keiran said, she’s pregnant. I’m sure, once news breaks of that, you’ll be flat on your round, Cúchulainn-sized rump soon enough.” Cassandra simply shrugged, giving Reia a smug look.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 11 days ago

Emiri was more than glad that he awakened, although his confusion was less than assuring. Trying to calm herself, she would give him a small smile. "Hi," She said, her voice coming off as meek, though she would then stand. Making sure not to wake Shion, she would pull the curtain to the window slightly, so that the room was better lit but that none of it would awaken the sleeping woman. Letting out a sigh, she braced herself as she turned to him, fully exposing herself. "Surprise...?" She said bashfully.

Indeed,” Jaakuna blinked, sizing up Emiri’s obvious changes. “What exactly brought up this change?” He asked, referring to her new bust. “They weren’t that...plump before.

The girl stared at him, incredulous. She wasn’t sure why, but she had this nagging feeling that he really only noticed one change. Two changes. Whatever. Letting out a huff, she snapped her fingers at him, her hands motioning to the rest of her. “Isn’t there anything else you’ve noticed?” She asked, her hands waving themselves anxiously.

Oh, uh..” He looked at her eyes and he finally saw it. “Oh, yes, I see it now.

Of course he would notice more, she knew it! She was somewhat relieved--for a second she assumed he didn’t really know how she looked. “You do?” She asked, her voice hopeful.

He nodded, pointing his fingers at her cheeks. “You have a couple of bright pink pimples right there on your cheeks.” He stated earnestly.

That went too far in the other direction. Normally, she could probably brush it off but she really wished he had said otherwise. Raising her hands slowly to his face, her hands would grab his hair, pulling his face towards her rather dangerously cheerful expression. “Jaakuna, I swear to the moon and back if you’re going to tell me that’s the only thing you’ve noticed, you won’t have to worry about fulfilling your destiny because I will kill you right here and now,” She told him through a half assed smile.

What else is there to notice? It’s like I’m looking at two little tomatoes that are ready to pop.” He said as serious as he could muster.

You said they were pink--” She started to screech, but she caught herself, releasing him as she threw her arms up in the air. “Okay, and I’m being serious here--nothing else looks weird to you?” She ended up pleading with him, though she didn’t really have high hopes this time.

He examined her with all the concentration he had in him. “Well…” He hummed thoughtfully.

Well?” She held her breath, nervous.

A moment passed of Jaakuna looking at Emiri’s form.

I was mistaken. You look pretty normal to me, Miss Tomatohead.” He simply shrugged.

The brunette froze in place, her eyes firmly on Jaakuna. For a moment, she didn’t move, she didn’t breathe, she didn’t even so much as respond. Once that moment finished, however, she dropped down to the ground on her knees, slowly leaning back. This was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. This was the man she wanted to be the father of her children. And he hadn’t noticed anything. At all. Besides her breasts. She let out a quiet wail, her hands to her head. She wasn’t sure whether she should strangle him or drown herself in a pool of her own tears. Truly, the gods were merciless.

So I don’t look any older to you?” Her voice came out slightly robotic. “I figured at least you’d notice my hair.

Huh.” He stated as a matter-of-factly. “Now that you mention it, your hair does seem a little longer. And is that...a wrinkle I spot?” Jaakuna looked closer, “oh nevermind, it’s just another pimple.

Finding a newfound strength, Emiri would get herself to her feet, hiding her eyes with her bangs. In that moment, Venat wasn’t the only one who wanted him dead. “For the love of all Ivalice, that’s not what I mean!” She whined, stomping her foot. “And a ‘little longer’?! Jaakuna, it grew literally double its length! And I’m taller! And my face isn’t so round! And I...I think I lost some weight?” She realized the last one as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “How could you not notice any of that?!

Geez, you’re acting like my mother used to when I played my pranks on her.” Jaakuna sighed, closing his eyes. After letting out another one, he opened one of his eyes. “You honestly don’t think I wasn’t aware of the changes? I knew the moment you came into the room. Even before I woke up, I knew something was off. Or do you not think having the Belias Sigil wouldn’t come with some perks?” He mentioned casually, sighing once more. “I am curious as to how this happened.” He mused thoughtfully.

No, she wasn’t going to strangle him. She was going to stab him repeatedly. Forcing herself to focus, she was somewhat relieved that he had noticed, though she was still considerably irked. Oh, she was going to get him back for that one, that’s for sure. “You’re an asshole,” She stated bluntly, unable to hide her annoyance.

Technically, I’m a transcended asshole.” He corrected her.

The urge to hurt him grew immensely. “Why would you put me through all that if you noticed right away?! I’m literally freaking out because I woke up after having this strange dream, and then suddenly I’m having to untangle myself from my own hair! And my shirts don’t fit!

What kind of dream?” He asked, ignoring her later complaints about her hair and shirts not fitting her.

Finally, a real question. She paused for a moment, trying to remember. “I was walking through the Henne Mines, I think,” She said slowly, closing her eyes. “It was like I was invisible, I could see the monsters, and I knew it was a dream, but I felt like I had to go through them no matter what. I kept walking, all the way to the end...and I saw…” What did she see? “It’s going to sound crazy, but I saw Zodiark--the real one, or, at least how it looked a long time ago. But it wasn’t actually Zodiark itself, it was...petrified. I don’t know if it was a statue, and I don’t even know how I knew that was it. But I was sure of it. I’m sure that was the real Zodiark’s image.

“Hmm,” Jaakuna thought on that, tapping his head. “What’s your thoughts about it? Do you think this dream could be more of a premonition or some kind of vision? Maybe Chaos is playing with your mind again. I mean, he is a bit of a dick.” Jaakuna stated bluntly.

She wasn’t going to argue him on that last point. “At first, I thought that it was a trick. but...” She admitted quietly, clasping her hands to her chest. “But I don’t know if it was a glance into the past or the future. Or if it was just some crazy dream. But the only thing I do know is that I’ve never seen Zodiark’s form like that in person, but I’m one hundred percent sure that was it. I’ve never been so sure that I knew what I saw.

Are you absolutely certain that it was Zodiark you saw?

I’d bet everything on it,” She said, nodding. After confirming, she realized she had grown anxious. Why? What did it mean? Because the fact that something that powerful is currently roaming Ivalice? Or am I scared that I saw it? She lost herself to her thoughts for a moment. But I know what I saw. And…

Emiri? Did you hear me?” Jaakuna waved his hands in Emiri’s face, snapping his fingers repeatedly.

It was him. That was a form he took a long time ago, cursed to remain that way, until....

Emiri jumped, snapping back to reality, momentarily confused. Whose voice was that? She looked at Jaakuna with wide eyes, although she would then scan the room around them. That was the first time she had heard that voice so clearly. “Did you...did you hear that?” She asked Jaakuna.

I imagine so since I’m the one who asked you if you heard what I said.” He said with a tinge of snark.

Jaakuna hadn’t heard it. She hesitated for a split second, though she would nod at him. “I, um, I’m sorry, I sort of spaced out,T” She apologized. If he didn’t hear it, I don’t think I should say anything.What was it that you said?

Jaakuna shook his head. “It’s alright; I should’ve repeated myself.” He shrugged, inhaling a calming breath. “I said, if what you saw is the truth, then obviously there’s a reason for it. I’m uncertain what that reason is exactly, but i’m positive if we want to find out more, we have to return to Zodiark’s original prison. Though,” Jaakuna paused, thinking. He briefly glanced to Shion, an emotive look on his face. “I think we should keep this to ourselves. She...has gone through enough.” Jaakuna said, though he shook his head. “I want to investigate this before we tell the others.

Emiri nodded in agreement, somewhat relieved. She stole a glance out the window for a moment, watching the sun. Midday, if they left now, they would probably run into one of the others. Emiri would look back at Jaakuna, more determined. “We’ll leave tonight,” She told him, a determined look on her face. “If we take a teleport crystal to Jahara, we can go and come back before anyone notices.

Then we better get what rest we can.” Jaakuna nodded, giving her a smile. “It’s a good thing is that we’ve been through a lot lately, so they wouldn’t think twice about us sleeping through the day.” He said with, laughing mischievously.

Stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil stay civil

The thought must have repeated itself a hundred times, turning itself into a blur, though honestly, it was a lost cause. After being rudely dismissed, Lorenzo had taken a seat, pouting, though he was pretty nervous as he watched the two go at it. Reia was a proud woman, even if she wasn't royalty, she simply wasn't the kind of person who would take any crap from anyone. It was admirable the way she held herself so highly, though it was borderline arrogant at worst, but he always found that to be a strength of hers. Cassandra, on the other hand, was more than happy to take a hammer and attempt to break that barrier, poking holes in her egotism. The princess seemed to be enjoying it, and by the gods, he admitted he was actually quite entertained. Never had he felt both thrilled and terrified, he half expected either woman to jump across the table and attack one another, but the two remained...civil in that sense.

Reia let out a rather haughty laugh, flipping her blonde hair off her shoulder as she eyed Cassandra down her nose. "And I suppose a throwaway princess such as yourself would be equally as thrilled at that news? Why, Nadeline's pregnancy puts you in just as much of a position--it's more than clear she will be Wesley's bride, putting her firmly in Dalmascan territory--and pushing you right out the door," Reia stated, her voice as smooth as honey and as vicious as the bees that made them. "So sad, I wouldn't have dreamed you lose your prestige at such a young age. Hopefully you find something to do with all that free time. Oh, I know, I'll happily suggest some nobles who would be thrilled to have such a cute little bride to themselves. That's all you're good for, isn't it? Your position? Of course, knowing how you carry yourself around men, I'm sure you'll teach them plenty of positions to bend you in, no?"

Lorenzo let out a groan, giving Isabelle an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry...once she starts, there's no stopping her," He informed the Queen Mother--who he was sure was more than privy to what was happening.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"It's nothing at all. My Cassandra, though I love her, is a handful." Isabelle sighed regretfully as she and Lorenzo tried to find some solace in the madness.

Cassandra thought little of Reia's comments. It just proved that just like her aging lady parts, she's also quite grotesque. "I'm not worried. I'm still young - I can find a husband in a few years. If not that handsome Jaak, then I'm sure I can find some suitor." Cassandra stated, refusing to back down regardless of the height difference between them. "I cannot say the same for you, though. You're practically a grandma, with the exception of children, that is. you might be lucky to remain in some kind of advisor rule when they choose a new Emperor or Empress. Though, maybe they would want to cut their losses and start fresh."


"What mother? All I'm saying is that maybe Rozarria would be better off if the Roselia family wasn't in charge."

"Don't you think you should dial it back?"

"Mother, honestly! It's common knowledge that their brother became corrupt. He even killed their father. Except for maybe Lorenzo and his daughter, their just as bad. It wasn't long that this one here was trying to kidnap that Emiri." Cassandra looked at Reia. "Oh, I'm sorry, did I cross a line?" Cassandra feigned an apologetic tone.

Meanwhile, in the doorway leading to the hallway, Savayna and Grant stood, unsure how to respond to that. However, Savayna coughed. "Don't mind us," Savayna walked over and pulled Lorenzo's arm and dragging him. "We'll be back in a day or so," Savayna said as she had Lorenzo's arm in one hand and Grant's in another as they left the same way they came.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 11 days ago

Why the hell did he have to get dragged into this? Grant scoffed, though he and Lorenzo both seemed to react the same way as Cassandra would finish her rant. Reia leaned back in her seat, a chuckle escaping her. Her blue eyes were narrowed rather dangerously, a shine that sparkled like a spider catching its prey in its web. Grant nervously let Savayna drag him away, knowing all too well what that look meant. Lorenzo almost protested Savayna's grip, if only in some feeble attempt to try to salvage whatever little respect the two countries had. But it was too late, oh, Reia was glad to know she didn't need to have her kiddie gloves on.

She rested her chin on the palm of her hand, eyeing Cassandra for a moment. "I have to say I'm disappointed. The grandma card? Really? As if I don't get enough of that elsewhere. But you went the safe way--until you decided to drag my family name into it. But I'll admit, I won't do the same out of respect for the rest of your family, as your father did great things while he was alive and your brother will take Dalmasca to prosperity, I'm sure. I'm going to focus on the little girl in front of me and the future I see, the little girl so desperate for attention that she would do whatever it takes to get some and keep it. 'Oh boohoo'! You're thinking, you can do whatever you want. You're young, you're beautiful! And then what? You'll marry some aristocrat at the suggestion of your council, a man who will have zero interest in you.

'So what'? It'll be fine for a few years, at least until you're ready to give him heirs. And you'll try, oh you will, but as the days pass you'll realize that you can't give him what he wants. At this point you're clearly the only one invested in the relationship, as you'll find the day you walk into your home to find him with another woman. Now let's see, you'll still have that craving for attention, so you'll tell everyone that you left him. But you know the truth. One after another, a string of failed marriages, and soon people start to see that clearly the common denominator is you. You'll fall from disgrace, a drunkard if you're lucky, though if the gods will it you'll get hooked on some very powerful drug, as the younger nobility tends to do. Your beautiful sister-in-law will try to reach out to you, only for you to steal her jewels to get yourself enough money for the next hit.

Unfortunately, you'll get caught. Your sentence is spared only due to your brother's kindness, though even he will turn his back on you. Everyone you know and love will look down upon you with pity. And one day, you'll look into the mirror and realize your mistakes. You'll see that faded beauty you desperately try to cling to, you'll assure yourself that you need no one else...but there's still that craving for attention. In the end, you'll be alone with a bottle, hanging from the ceiling. Or perhaps you'll overdose. Either way, you die alone, unwanted, unneeded.
" Reia faked a sad face to Cassandra.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo let himself get wordlessly dragged away. He wondered where they were going, but wasn't sure if he should ask. Wesley and Nadeline had driven him into an unappreciated trap, but he couldn't quite hold that annoyance against them. He only prayed that Cassandra wouldn't go declaring war or some other ridiculous form of petty revenge. Grant hadn't said a word--maybe he still wasn't feeling well. He did catch his brother's eye, giving him an apologetic smile. Looking at Savayna, Lorenzo decided he might as well ask. "Where we headed?" He asked. "Somewhere I can get a drink, hopefully?"

The pair sat in a comfortable silence, simply enjoying one another's company. Nadeline's wandering eyes were enjoying the view, occasionally stopping to glance at Wesley. He seemed much more at peace now; she was happy she could give him this much solace. He held her hand in his, and as much as she wanted to stay that way, she knew it wouldn't last. Eventually, they would probably have to return to quell the storm that was Cassandra, although she was sure things would turn out fine.

Letting out a sigh, she would slightly turn to Wesley, a smile on her face. "I suppose I haven't entirely been too truthful myself, if I am truly to bear your child," She admitted, though she would quickly move on, lest he get the wrong idea. "For now--until I know for sure--I'll continue on with everyone. It will be some time until I'll know, but if the case should prove true, then I'll listen to you and Father, and stay." The reluctance in her voice was clear.

Taking his hand in hers, Emiri wasn’t quite able to hide her anxiety. Shaking her head, she would instead throw herself onto him, hugging him tightly. The truth was that the trip was only half her worries--she wasn’t sure how or why she had suddenly changed so much in the matter of maybe a few hours. Everything was making her more worried than usual, but at the very least, they can set aside one problem. And if he really is there, then…

I think I’d sleep better if you were with me,” Emiri admitted, looking up at him. She didn’t have to crane her neck anymore, which was nice. “Let’s go to another room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

No one had been able to break Cassandra’s will quite like Reia did.

She thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse. With what Cassandra had said about Reia’s brother and the known fact that he had gone corrupt and murdered his own father, she thought that what Reia had to say in response couldn’t make the conversation between the two ruling figures of their respective countries go down an even darker path. However, as Reia began to unload on Cassandra, the Queen Regent was proven wrong.

Reia ripped into Cassandra like it was nothing. She had remained calm and dutifully focused as she did everything that Cassandra had said towards her but insult her family. To do that would stoop to Cassandra’s level and unlike her daughter, Isabelle knew Reia to be above that. Instead, she’d direct all of whatever she was feeling in that moment at Cassandra. Telling her exactly what’d happen to her in the next few years, how she’d end up in ten years, and what her future looked like. And though Isabelle did feel as though she went too far, the Queen Regent also knew her daughter needed to hear this. Moreover, she deserved this.

A few minutes passed and Cassandra had been read her rights. She was a silent, nearly-about-to-cry mess. It broke Isabelle’s heart, though she simply gestured to Alistair. “Take her outside for some fresh air.” She ordered.

“Right away, Queen Regent,” Alistair got up and guided a petrified Cassandra. “Come on, your majesty.”

When they were out of the Grand Hall, Isabelle let out a sigh, shaking her head as she glanced at Reia. “There was no way that was going to end well no matter what route you took.” Isabelle said, letting out a rather annoyed sigh. “I saw no other way for her to see how horribly she’s been acting as of late. Please know that she doesn’t reflect our nation. She has...been having a difficult time with her father’s death. It’s been a full three months since that his murder. I feel as though I’m partially to blame for her attitude. I left for my father’s home in Balfonheim after he left. It was the wrong decision, but it was something I had to do to get away. I didn’t even stay for when Wesley took off on his own adventures, so I don’t know. Maybe I’m trying to find a way to excuse her behavior. Had I stayed, maybe she wouldn’t be such a bitch.” Isabelle gasped as soon as she said that. “Oh gosh, did I just--you must think I’m a horrible mother.

As they ventured through the halls and made their way to the part of the palace that housed their vehicles, Savayna smiled at the Rozarrian brothers. She had pretty much ignored Lorenzo’s repeated inquiries. It only had taken them ten minutes, but once there, she would also snicker.

So, Grant here can’t speak. I don’t know why, but the only way he can speak is through the use of his Esper, Zeromus. I don’t know the specifics, but all I know is that he needs a special contraption that you Lorenzo, Rozarria’s greatest inventor, is going to make him. I know for a fact you have a blueprint of something that could help Grant. In fact, I have it right here.” Savayna snapped her fingers and out of nowhere was a blueprint of a collar of sorts that seemed to manipulate the user’s mist in order to draw out their thoughts and project it into sound. “Now, tell me where we can find this--” Savayna looked at the blueprint real quick. “Sonosis Magicite?

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 11 days ago

Reia exhaled slowly as she would sit up properly. She had more to say, but the deed was done. There was the temptation to compare the two--gods, how Cassandra reminded her of her younger self--and she had so many other ideas she could have thrown in, but sufficient to say, getting a child on the verge of tears wasn't too much of an accomplishment. Reia braced herself for the backlash, but nothing came. The girl was quiet--a striking contrast to her usual self--and Isabelle would apologize in her stead. Soon after, the woman would admit that Cassandra had a difficult time after her father's death. She would go on to apologize and blame herself.

"We are not judged by the events that come to pass, instead we are judged by how we react to it. To which I can assure you that I failed spectacularly," Reia would confide in Isabelle. "Admittedly, there is some sympathy. I let my youngest brother nearly fall far more than he should have. I wonder, if I had been stronger, perhaps I could have handled it better. I was promoted to parent and neglected him, letting him drown in his own sorrow. He's better now, though it would be to his friends."

She stopped to laugh, her hand to her forehead. "To think that my own council's dismissal of me has reached this far...how the mighty have fallen. But before I can gracefully bow out of my position, I must lay the groundwork for my brother. He will not succeed me only to clean up my mess; I'll do that myself. In other words...we cannot change what has passed, instead we need to focus on what we can do now, and move forward. Dalmasca lost a piece of herself the day he died...but I meant it when I said Wesley will lead her to prosper. I truly do."

It wasn't that Lorenzo hadn't heard of the device, but last he heard, it was...less than fruitful. He examined the blueprint closely, his eyes flickering from there to his brother. So he really couldn't talk at all. It was somewhat sweet how Savayna had gone out of her way to get this for him. Of course, her brashness covered it up, but still, it was sweet. He looked at Grant, who seemed resigned to simply follow Savayna's lead. Lorenzo chuckled to himself, but he would nod, momentarily tucking the blueprint away in his pocket. "Sonosis...around here, the closest place would probably be the Zertinan Caverns," He said as he would try to think. "It's not technically a mine, but the many of the Speartongues that inhabit it can produce Sonosis Magicites through the magicks they use. So grab one, kill it, slice it open, and bam!"

Grant wrinkled his nose in disgust, the idea of having to slice open a monster one he wasn't the biggest fan of. Lorenzo laughed at him, slapping his back. "Come now! Your lady went through all this just to hear your nagging voice! Gotta put in the legwork! Tell you what, we can all go together! It'll be me getting to know my future baby sister!" He laughed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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It was strange when Isabelle thought and looked at Reia. The two of them were around the same age (with Reia being just five years shy of her) and yet, as the blondes mingled and conversed, Isabelle could tell the immediate differences between them. It was true that Reia wasn’t a mother, but she acted like one to not only her troublesome brother, Lorenzo but the seemingly troubled youngest of the three, Grant. There were tales that reached Dalmasca’s hot deserts from Rozarria’s lush, rich mines that Reia when she wasn’t being harsh on her council, had been a just ruler. Even after the recent stories that painted her as an evil woman, Isabelle did not see her in front of her eyes. Who she saw was a confident person who deeply cared not only for her country but her family. So, maybe that’s why she acted harshly towards Cassandra.

When Reia began speaking about her own council and Isabelle’s late husband, she began to grow... well, somewhat sour. She didn’t show it on the surface, but thinking about her husband reinforced how terribly she felt as a mother. She knew that Reia didn’t blame her nor did Wesley, but she blamed herself. She might’ve not been the one to kill her husband, but she left, leaving his children to deal with it on their own. And to make matters worse, there’s a part of her that secretly despises her son’s decision to forgive the one who did kill him. Even if it might’ve been under the influence of that bastard Hamut Darcone, she still couldn’t overlook the fact that Isaiah Darcone killed her Jonathan.

She nearly showed it on the outside, but she stopped herself, only to smile at Reia. It was just in time as she mentioned Wesley and how he would be the one to lead Dalmasca to glory. “He is truly his father’s son.” Isabelle noted, smiling softly as she looked at Reia. “I am sure whenever he takes full control and reigns of this country, great things will await it.” Isabelle said warmly. “And I’m sure your niece will be with him for every step of the way.

She didn’t like it when Lorenzo just grabbed it out her hands, which she made known she bopped his head lightly, though she would huff and turn around as if pouting like Emiri. However, when Lorenzo started to talk about where they could find Sonosis Magicite, she turned around. Hearing him speak, it seemed they were going to go on a bit of a trip. Though it came to a surprise when he said that come along without even being asked. But, as with all things, he would use this as a prerequisite for getting to know her.

Savayna sighed. “You remind me way too much of Jaakuna.” She sighed again, turning to the selection of vehicles. “Well, in any case, guess we should pick one that can fit all three of us.” Savayna said, approaching them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 11 days ago

Lorenzo would wag his finger at Savayna as she would approach the vehicles, putting his hand on her shoulder and effectively stopping her in her tracks. "You know that Sonosis Magicite is super finicky, don't you? It'll also get quickly used the moment it hits the air. The Speartongues are usually at the entrance of the Caverns near Ozmone Plains, but if we park a magicite-using vehicle--literally every machine in here--the Sonosis Magicite will likely get absorbed into the engine. They're super fragile, if anything, I need to bring the materials with me to craft the device right then and there. Otherwise we'll just end up wasting our time."

Grant had never heard of such a thing, though he was vaguely aware that natural magicite was...delicate. He nodded in agreement. Lorenzo grinned. "It's not far, we can just walk!"
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