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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Mateus uncharacteristcally laughed, his form coming from his own dimension. As his lower body would be seen, a surprised gasp from Savayna would be heard as instead of the typical merman fin half, a set of legs were seen, clad in sea-colored light armor. He then stepped forward, exchanging a glance with Savayna before his full, undivided attention would center on Lola/Nabriales.

"As always, you're boasting nature knows no bounds. And as always, you only know half the truth." Mateus said, letting out a laugh, hinting he knew exactly what happened. "You see, Savayna and myself have this odd relationship. It's not like most Espers and their Scions. Let me use Hashmal and the Dalmascan hume as an example. You see, the Bringer of Order and that hume have something that Humes call 'father and son', while myself and Glacie have a betting relationship. We bet about everything: who could land the most hits in a fight, how many times Belias' Scion will dig himself into a grave, and, of course, my favorite, how many times must we use distractions to fool our foe." Mateus chuckled, eyes firmly on Lola. "You see, the Vacuum spell, the vortex of our weapons - it's all a diversion. It's to distract you from--"

And as if on cue, it seemed they were here.

"Well, speak of the devil and they shall appear." Mateus snapped his fingers and the vortex faded away as if it was an illusion the whole time. As it would, there were a few things that Lola would notice. The first would be how she was restrained where she stood by vines of mist that was from Mateus himself. The second, of course, was the appearance of Jaakuna, Grant, Lorenzo, and some other girl that Mateus didn't know. "So, as you can see, this was never meant to kill you, Nabriales. It was meant to bide us time for Jaakuna to arrive."

"What the hell?" Jaakuna stated, seeing Lola. "What in all hell is she doing here?"

"That's a good question. Please, do tell him, Nabriales. And know that as long as I remain summoned, your escape options are limited."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Lola remained smiling, never faltering even for a moment. Her eyes landed on the now visible Emette, and she let out an understanding sound. So she decided to show up, did she? Her search was in vain, she would definitely hear it from her master later on. Clucking her tongue, her eyes scanned the group. It was definitely more than she could take on, though she figured at this point, her job was all but done. Her iato dissipated into flames, as if signaling defeat, though Lola still seemed confident.

"Mmm...no, you're the one mistaken this time," Lola corrected Nateus cheerfully, her hand on her cheek. "There's a reason I didn't go for the kill. After all, the same way that half-assed Vacuum spell was a diversion, so was I!" She said happily, nodding. "Our dear little Emiri goes closer and closer...it's only a matter of time now. Isn't that right, my dear sister?" She asked Emette specifically.

Emette scoffed. "Putting us in the same category is downright insulting," She immediately snapped back. "You besmirch the name you use, and answer to a false master! Either stand aside or run with your tail between your legs back to that demon!"

"Oh, that's hurtful," Lola feigned a sad expression. "But what hurts more? The fact that you've failed spectacularly in stopping the Scion of Time, or the fact that your very identity has been usurped?" She asked, her smile going from cheerful to wicked. "I can feel your power fading faster and faster, it's only a matter of time until you disappear, never to be seen again. What a shame."

There was no time for this--Lola was stalling. Luckily for Emette, Grant had picked it up as well, his hand at his gun, and he shot at her once. Lola's tail blocked the bullet without her so much as flinching, though it seemed she got the message. "I'll go now. Have fun trying to prevent the Awakening. ♥" She stated, the floor beneath her melting into a shadow. She waved, her entire body consumed by it, and all traces of her were gone.

"I didn't get a word of any of that--but you know more to it, right?" Lorenzo asked Emette.

"I swear, I'll explain everything--but we haven't the time right now," Emette urged them, shaking her head. "Her only goal was to stall for Mitron, we must hurry!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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What just happened? The backup of Jaakuna, Grant, and Lorenzo was supposed to mean that Lola wouldn’t be able to escape, yet, as her body had faded into shadow after saying some interesting things, what did she do? Escape. None of them seemed to try and stop her. And that’s what Savayna had the real problem of coping with. Lola - or Nabriales - was right there and she could’ve been stopped with the joint efforts, but instead, they did nothing - not even an effort from Jaakuna.

“So, you’re the one who was talking to Emiri, huh?” Savayna approached the brunette, shoving past all of those who were in her way (Grant, Lorenzo, and Jaakuna). “Who are you?”

“Savayna, this is Emette.”

“Is that supposed to mean anything?”

Jaakuna shrugged, “I don’t know much about her except that she seems to know about what’s happening. And apparently, Emiri going to the place where the real Zodiark had been sealed befor--”

“Real Zodiark? You mean he’s here?” Savayna’s voice cracked, her attention now on Jaakuna. “What in the Gods do you mean?”

Yes, Jaakuna, I am also curious.” Mateus echoed his Chosen One’s sentiments.

Jaakuna let out a sigh. “Earlier today, Emiri came to me after I received the Belias Sigil and told me about the things that happened to her: she grew taller, her bust got bigger, she has lines of silver in hair, and she had some sort of dream about a statue that resembled the common appearance that Zodiark had. Based on the legend of Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca, he was originally here in Henne Mines, so we decided to check it out.” Jaakuna informed Savayna, feeling the continued glares from Grant and Emette. No doubt they felt it was a stupid plan.

“Wow.” That’s all Savayna could muster. She knew that Jaakuna was stupid, but she never thought he was this dumb. Absolute ignorance. “Let me guess, it was your idea?”

Jaakuna nodded.

Savayna shook her head. If she kept thinking about Jaakuna’s stupidity any longer, she was going to punch his lights out. Instead, she would focus on the other matter at hand - the matter that she was more interested in.

Her icy eyes glared at Emette. “I don’t know how, but you’ve convinced Jaakuna to follow you blindly, but why should we trust you, huh?” Savayna asked her, closing the gap between them. “I’m not denying that you know things about Emiri. Lola seemed to know you, so that much about what Jaakuna implied must be true, but some of this doesn’t add up. First off, you appear the same time Emiri and Jaakuna did. And from what I heard during your conversation, you seem to know exactly what’s going to happen and what could happen should Emiri go through her awakening. But here’s my problem, Emette,” Savayna scratched her head, glancing at Mateus who seemed to be on-board with Savayna’s thought. “Your place in this is too coincidental. Emiri has a dream about Zodiark - the real Zodiark - and somehow, at the same moment she comes with the buffoon here to investigate, you happen to be here too.” She continued, “so it’s time you tell me who you are?”

“Already tried that. She won’t do it until we go forward.” Jaakuna said, sounding almost disappointed.

“Yeah, well I’m not letting anyone go any further until I get some answers.” Savayna signaled Mateus and a wall of ice formed, blocking anyone from going any further. “Ball’s in your court, honey.” Savayna would give Emette an arm gesture as if letting her have the floor.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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They were going to drive her insane, this much she should have foreseen. Savayna was probably a bigger headache than Jaakuna--she should have anticipated the resistance. "I can see why the two of you were married," Emette's initial response was rather dry, though it did earn her a scowl from Grant. "Are identities so important to you humes that you need to know everything? I keep telling you we don't have time to waste. And of course it isn't coincidence! Everything you've stated up until now is the absolute truth."

"Then telling us who you are would be in your favor," Lorenzo actually found himself agreeing with Savayna.

"Does it truly matter? What if I do tell you--no, let me correct myself, when I do tell you, it's only going to raise more questions and further prolong the inevitable. We'll end up sitting here, fiddling our thumbs while you bombard me with 'no, that isn't possible!' or 'how could this be?' and let's be honest, it's going to take a while, even with a simple explanation." Emette pointed out. "The pieces are all there, anyway, you just...haven't figured it out yet."

Grant narrowed his eyes. Admittedly, he hadn't been as satisfied, but with Lola's appearance, as well as Keiran's, he understood Savayna's point. "You have to understand our point of view as well," He decided to side with Savayna, although he thought it best to appeal to Emette in a different direction. "Your identity is a detail, but a very important one. We don't want to walk into enemy hands--even you can understand this. Far too many times have we been too trusting...some of us more than others...and we want to know that as much as you want us to trust you, you have to give us reason for that trust."

Emette was silent, staring at Grant. She crossed her arms as she would turn away, looking at Savayna's wall of ice, at her own blurry reflection. "I'll admit, 'Emette' was a name I came up with on the fly. I couldn't very well use my real name...well, I have two names, truth be told, but either one of them would probably throw you all off guard and make you think the wrong thing," She said, placing her hand on the ice. She looked back at them over her shoulder, a serious look on her face. "Know this: what I'm saying is the absolute truth. And in a way, you will all know it."

Taking her hand off the wall, she dug into a hidden pocket in her dress. She slowly pulled out a very old key, barely hanging on to an equally old chain, and held it out for them to see. Jaakuna would instantly recognize it. "As a mortal, my name was Justine Rosenburg. My true name, however, is Emet-Selch, the Angel of Truth and Scion of Light."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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After Grant had chimed in, echoing Savayna’s rather extreme stipulation of Emette telling her exactly who she was or no one would be able to go. DEspite it being ice and how the likes of Jaakuna could’ve gone through with ease, the additional strife between friends was something that he didn’t need. Besides, now was as good a time as any to get the truth out of Emette. Despite how the situation involving Emiri was getting direr as time went on, Jaakuna wanted to know as well.

And before Emette would state her real identity, she told them that she came up with the name Emette on the fly and how she had two names. She warned them that her real identity would probably throw them off guard. As much as Jaakuna doubted that, she would then explain, but first, she pulled out a necklace. It took Jaakuna a moment, but when he looked at it and heard her speak, it clicked with him. He figured out who she was just moments before she revealed her name.

Justine. It’s Justine.

That realization came with a notable gasp from Jaakuna. It came at the right time as she had announced her other name, Emet-Selch, the Angel of Truth. She was the opposite of Zalera. And she was Emiri’s mother. It all made sense now. How could he had been so blind to this? The way she acted, the way she was towards Jaakuna, and how she knew so much about everyone - all of it was so obvious. As the Transcendent, Jaakuna should’ve been able to see this, yet he was as blind as he was when he was under Venat’s Influence.

“Bullshit.” Jaakuna suddenly heard Savayna speak. “Justine died in that explosion in the Stigma Mines. Even if you are her, how are we to believe you about your other name?”

“Emette did say not all of us would believe her.” Jaakuna mused. He turned his head to face Savayna. “She’s telling the truth.”

“You’re as gullible as ever, Jaakuna. She’s trying to bullshit us.”

“No she’s not.”

“And how do you know.?”

“That necklace of hers, specifically the key.”

“What about it?”

Jaakuna let out a single chuckle, looking at Emet. “It’s the key to the house that she and Emiri lived in before Karolina married into the royal family, isn't’ that right, Lorenzo?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Lorenzo in particular was eerily quiet, a rather focused look on his face as Emette would reveal her identity. As Jaakuna addressed him, his eyes were firmly on the key in her hand. Inhaling slowly, he nodded, confirming the group's suspicions. "I haven't seen that key in years," He admitted, scratching the back of his head. "Karolina's key broke a few years back, she was devastated, so I had it fixed. If you need further proof, Savanna, that's it. There's only three copies of that key in Ivalice--they don't make them like that anymore because of how simple it is to replicate, thus it was a security issue for a lot of people. It held a lot of sentimental value for her...for both women. Last I remembered, Andre and Justine had the other two."

Grant squinted at Emette, specifically inspecting her face carefully. Now that he was really looking at her, she did have the same facial features. Emiri had taken more after her father, but the shape of their faces and eyes were oddly similar. The white hair and blue eyes had admittedly thrown him off, considering Justine was closer to a redhead and her eyes were darker in her life. Still, this girl was considerably younger, but he figured she didn't have a reason to lie, as she had said. "I just...can't believe it, you're alive?" Grant couldn't help but ask. "You're...a lot different now."

"I told you, it's...complicated," Emette shrugged. "Make no mistake, I definitely died. Not that I'm a ghost now, but it's...quite a situation..."

"Justine..." Lorenzo said sadly.

"Ironically, this is closer to my true form," Emette sighed, shaking her head. "And considering my quickly-fading power, I don't blame you for doubting me as Emet-Selch. So calling me 'Justine' is...inaccurate. Just called me Emette, it's...better that way..." Her voice trailed off, though she regained her composure, looking at Savayna. She turned back to the wall of ice, placing both her hands on it. As if on que, cracks began to form, and she would quite literally shatter the wall with a touch. "Not that that's a good example of my power, but unfortunately that's as good as it's going to get to prove I am Emet-Selch." She stated, trying to quell Savayna's doubts.

Lorenzo wanted to protest, but he stayed quiet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Jaakuna was fully convinced, but Savayna was still on the fence. Even after Lorenzo explained the facts about that key on her necklace, she still needed more proof. It wasn’t until Emette would walk over to Savayna’s wall of ice did the proof of the second identity reveal itself. Just one hand on the ice and a single moment did the ice crack under the pressure. A gasp from Savayna was all that anyone would need. She was made a believer in that moment.

Emette revealed a path once again for the group, which caused them to give her varying glances. Some of the glanced were no doubt ones of acceptance, but the ones that came from Savayna was one still of disbelief, but not in the same way she had been before. The blonde taken a turn and as Mateus waited for her to make a move - any kind of move - she sighed and shrugged. That was the closest anyone had seen her get to admitting defeat.

“I suppose we should get going then.” Jaakuna suggested to the group. He would be the first one to follow Emette. Despite revealing herself as Justine and Emet, Jaakuna knew calling her either of those things wasn’t accurate. And yet, he could tell something about her was familiar. The Justine aspect aside, part of him felt comfortable - well, as comfortable as siblings were. But what did that mean for Jaakuna?

As he walked, Jaakuna found the area in front of him fade from the dark, musky mines into the site of the Tomb of Raithwall, Belias standing in front of him. His Esper would whisper something to him. After a few minutes of hearing it all, Jaakuna was in shock, though as the image of his esper left him, Jaakuna was running. Somehow, though he couldn’t quite understand it, he also knew why they were running. But what Belias told him was unsettling. If true, then there truly was no time to waste. “Hastega!” Jaakuna suddenly called out, several clock gylphs hovering over the entire group and they would find themselves moving three-times as fast as they were.

They truly had to make haste in order to prevent what was about to happen.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

The dying roar of the beast did little to aid it, its corpse now sliding down the wall and marking it red. The entire hallway behind it was stained red this way, any enemy that crossed her path met the same fate. Her swords seemed to float behind her, her movements swaying. Her body moved all on its own, hypnotized to follow what beckoned her. Deeper and deeper, where light no longer illuminated, where humes had given up on going any further. The deeper they went, the emptier she seemed--though at this point, whether he wanted to admit it or not, Keiran was starting to feel it as well.

Finally, Emiri came to a halt. He was surprised, but the mist coming from the room was so...hostile. He dared himself to peek inside, but it was mostly empty, except for something right in the middle. His eyes widened as Emiri stepped forward, symbols appearing all over her skin. Another step, and several more symbols appeared on the ground, though these he recognized--together, they formed an ancient glyph that etched itself into the ground. She stopped, her hand extended, and several white glyphs would appear. Seals, it seemed, though they shattered far too easily. The brunette slowly lowered her hand for a moment, a wind surrounding her. Both of her arms reached outwards, the symbols glowing red. The glyph in the room activated as well, a whirlwind of mist forming.

Jaakuna and Emette were at the head of the group, the end in sight--literally. She couldn't help but curse herself in that moment, though the moment they stepped into the room, the possessed Emiri looked back at them with red eyes. "That influence...!" Emette let out a gasp, her hands over her mouth. "Chaos cannot reach her, we must stop her before the ritual finishes!"

"Finishes? This was over long ago, Emet-Selch." Emiri would speak, her voice mingled with another's. "You tried, but you have failed. Let your despair consume you... You may curse me in the afterlife."

As her words completed, something at the very core of Ivalice herself shifted. The entirety of the mines shook, and for a moment, it would seem as if an earthquake had taken place. Lorenzo let out a yelp as he narrowly missed getting hit by a falling rock, backing up against the wall. Grant's eyes widened, although he didn't understand what was happening, it was as if his own instinct was telling him to run away. He looked up, noticing the walls themselves changing colors. "Zeromus! What's going on?!" He called his Esper, hoping for some sort of answer.

Zodiark has awakened. Zeromus informed him. Though...there seems to be more to it...all twelve Espers freed...but now that Zodiark is completely free, Ivalice has lost her balance, it would seem...

The hell did that mean?!

Nadeline emerged from the room, a disappointed expression on her face. She crossed her arms, her eyes closed as she contemplated her next action. As amusing as Reia's interactions with the Dalmascan Royal Family were, Nadeline didn't quite appreciate Reia constantly trying to lecture her into her role as Wesley's future queen. No, she needed some air anyway, she needed to compose herself properly before she would speak with Wesley.

The Dalmascan sun was as bright as ever, though the breeze was certainly a welcome. Taking a moment to get her thoughts together, she placed both her hands on the railing, admiring the city. In that moment, however, she could hear Ultima trying to tell her something. Before she could ask her to clarify, several pools of darkness formed on the streets. Her eyes widened as multiple monsters began to pour from them, causing a widespread panic. How had they gotten past the paling? The knights were quick to act, one already running inside, presumably to inform the royal family. Several of the monsters would begin to scale the walls of the castles, and Nadeline jumped back as one tried to reach her.

"Those are...!" They looked very much like the monsters that they had encountered some time ago in Archades. Her hand went to her side, though the emptiness reminded her that she didn't have her weapon. Snapping her fingers, her crown formed on her head, and as three of the creatures leapt towards her, she raised her hand, a Holy coming down on them. Turning on her heel, she sprinted down the hall, several windows shattering as they would break in. Wrenching open the door to her room, she slammed it shut, going straight to her belongings and pulling out her rapier.

The door broke down, and she turned around, weapon aloft. And so the song has ended. The thirteenth Esper...awakened... She could hear Ultima whisper in disbelief, though she instead side stepped an incoming attack. Her rapier glowed as she charged forward, her weapon coated in Holy as she would knock them all out of the room. As she ran to the hallway, she could see their numbers quickly rising. My light will bless you. Do your best not to die.

What a nice way to say 'be careful'. Nadeline shook her head, though she executed several strikes against the closest monster. She leapt into the air, her rapier stabbing another through the head. If it was a fight they wanted, it would be a fight they would get.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

“What did you say Mateus?”

“Zodiark has awakened. As I’m sure, Zeromus feels it too.”

Savayna couldn’t believe they were going through this again. Back when Venat was believed to be Zodiark, they all thought the end was nigh. They all thought it was going to be the end of the world, but it wasn’t. Savayna wasn’t usually the optimistic one, but given the company: Grant was the resident pessimist of the group, so she couldn’t count on him being hopeful. Lorenzo was too stupid to understand what was happening, so no guarantee there. She was the only one who happened to know for a fact that, even though the realization of Zodiark being free wasn’t exactly the best-case scenario, she also knew that there was a possibility they could get out of this with their lives.

“Let’s just keep going, I’m sure--”

Suddenly, Savayna felt something deep, way deep in her gut. Added to the shaking that she felt, she saw soemthing tha tlooked like a towering beam of some kind, but she couldn’t quite make it out. The only thing that made sense was that she not only saw the slithering form of a snake, but she heard it..it..

“We have to hurry.” Savayna said out of urgency, “Zeromus, get your ass out here and make Grant cast an anti-gravity spell.”

“I don't think that's your call to make, Savayna,” Mateus stated.

“Shut up,” she quickly silenced him. “You hear me, Zero. Get it done! Zodiark isn’t the only thing we have to worry about..”

The spell Jaakuna had cast over the entire group had done its part, but it appeared to have a greater effect on him and Emette. He didn’t understand why it enhanced their movements more than it did the others. That curious thought would soon leave his mind as fast as it seemed he was running because soon, in the limited illumination that the worn out magicite placed throughout the mines, a path was revealed to them where it seemed light was stronger, but there was also a presence of something ancient and vile - even more so than Venat.

As Jaakuna and Emette ran, the blond male stopped as he felt something uneasy. He looked back, hoping to spot Savayna and the others, but the mines weren’t bright enough for him to see past ten paces behind him. Wherever they were, they were out of his periphery.

He shook off that feeling and continued forth, easily catching up to Emette as the two had continued their sprint to the eerie glow in front of them that made Jaakuna’s insides churn and twist. The thickness of the mist that was present would’ve made a normal man vomit and bend him to his knees. And yet, Jaakuna didn’t feel that. It was as if he was being drawn to it the closer he got to its source.

And when they entered a room that was boarded with wooden planks all around from wall to ceiling to the floors, it wasn’t exactly where he expected the end of the world to start. There was a statue in the center, which looked like a serpent of some kind, Lola and Keiran on opposing sides of it, and Emiri looking at it. He remembered Emette’s words about a ritual. He couldn’t shake the feeling that, somehow, they were too late. Call it a gut feeling or whatever, deep inside the pit of his stomach, he felt unease on top of dread rising from the pits of hell that evil crawled from.

“Emiri..” Jaakuna cautiously approached her.

The tension in the air as thick as the mist that clouded normal sight. His heart was pumping faster than usual and his mouth had gone dryer than the sands of Dalmasca’s Easter and Westerlands. The closer his feet moved towards her the worse his body reacted. Heheard every voice in his head from his conscious to Belias telling him to not go any closer, but Jaakuna refused to listen. She was right there and no matter what was happening, he had to save her. He had to get her away from Keiran and Lola. His urge to save her activated a light from his arm and arms were shining like the sun - the same brightness that it had when the sun first rose in dawn.

He was a mere five paces away from her and as he aimed to close that gap, a sequence of events halted that. She turned around, her eyes red like blood and then she spoke, but it wasn’t her voice - not really, anyway. Added with her own, peaceful tone, there was a gruff voice in there. Distorted. It was oddly familiar. It was as if he heard it before. Only when it spoke and it displayed crazy ideal did Jaakuna realize who it was. That male-sounding, vile, growly voice was Zodiark.

It’s time. Jaakuna heard Belias speak. Through his heartbreak was obvious and how Jaakuna seemed frozen in place, he nodded, accepting this as being the only chance.

He had his left arm outreached towards Emiri. As he did so, a glyph colored gold and white, with layers of red and black appeared. On it was the symbol of the Ram: a beast’s head with two spiraling horns with flames dancing around it. Transcend from mortals, ascend from scion; burn with fire; extinguish the ire. Jaakuna’s hand, in unison with the glyph, gathered the mist around, purifying it, and converting it with his own mist. Without warning, over a dozen sigils of the Ram appeared around the room, trapping those inside. Following that chains from all directions: the ceiling, the ground, the walls, and the ground, shot up and targeted those of who were the False Scions, trapping them in holy containment.

Jaakuna approached them, his hand still out, though there was something clearly different about him. His eyes, much like Emiri’s, changed. Where hers had become maroon, Jaakuna’s eyes had life in them. Like the surface of the sun, Jaakuna’s eyes were raging from pure white to gold; from dastardly fiery orange to blue and green. All colors that have been or will be associated with fire became present in his eyes.

To grab life so many times, how foolish must you be, Keeper of Precepts? Now Jaakuna’s voice was the one distorted, only this time his voice, though normally clear, was layered and echoed. His voice now was like that one would hear in a church - the kind that hymns try to emulate. Our creators wished to see you destroyed, but your power was too great even for them, so they trapped you in your earliest form. And as luck would have it, the Dynast-descendent sealed you here in the statue. And yet, you still claw your way as only a parasite could. Jaakuna was looking at the Zodiark-possessed Emiri. Emet-Selch failed in her attempts to stop you, that is true. However, she is no longer the Scion she once was - not after having given her the majority of her powers. But, no longer will you threaten this world, for I, Lohgrif, the Transcendent, will cleanse you for good!

In what seemed like the longest moment for anyone in the room, Lohgrif’s body was radiating with a bright, golden light that formed sharp, horn-shaped armor pieces on his shoulders, torso, and back, legs, and a golden helm with the same pattern that Belias’ horns had. Following that, though in the same moment, the chains that bound the False Scions and the Parasite, started to emit such a bright light that it not only converted the putrid mist but it shot a beam of golden mist from the ground all the way through the top of the Mines and undoubtedly from wherever they were in the mines to the surface of the surrounding area.

Things were eerie quiet in the Royal Palace of Alexander in Rabanastre. Without the loud hollers of Savayna, it was actually empty. Sure, there had been some noise coming from Cassandra, especially after Wesley had informed her of what Jaakuna told him he had set up. Before nightfall came, Wesley informed his sister that she would be shipped off to Archadia to have a formal dinner the following day with the Emperor. To make sure that she was on her best behavior, Wesley instructed Alistair accompany them. Truth be told, Wesley had some feelings of guilt about doing that. Alistair, whose family had faithfully served the Alexanders even before they became the Royal Family and Alistair himself, who proved himself a few years ago during a battle in Giza, had been reduced to a babysitter for Cassandra.

Do not feel too bad. At least she’ll be well-guarded.

Wesley was thankful for Hashmal’s council. Truth be told, at times, it reminded him of his father, although Hashmal’s blunter and handles his advice with less delicacy than Wesley remembered his father did. All the same, he did feel more at ease knowing that Alistair was with Cassandra to prevent her from doing anything crass like she had done earlier. According to what his mother told him, it got a bit ugly, though Reia took the tough love approach in dealing with his sister. If things kept at the pace they were going, Wesley might die from the stress. “I’m too young for this shi--”

Suddenly, as soon as Wesley felt a surge of powerful mist within the halls he was roaming (his Kingsguard behind him), beasts of shadow (much like those he remembered from that night in Archaida) had come up the walls. It only took Wesley a moment or so to hear the screams from throughout his city. These beasts were mindless and had only violence on their minds. He saw four of them approach him from both sides. Wesley had no weapon on him but he did have his fists and magick.

The beasts had circled around him and his five kingsguard knights. He looked for an opening and saw one just to the left.

“I can handle them. Please, go protect my mother.“

“But my king..”

“Go now!” Wesley ordered them as a pulse of mist was expelled from his right arm, completely exterminating one of the creatures of darkness.

The Dalmascan Knights pushed their way through as they did as Wesley commanded. The beasts tried to follow them, no doubt to stop them from leaving. Wesley wouldn’t allow that, however. He cast a haste spell as well as brave, shell, and faith. In a simultaneous motion, he shot out an enhanced version of scathe from each hand. The bright light not only paralyzed the beasts the moment the light came into existence, but as the spell shot forth that same light in opposite directions of each other, they were wiped out from their feeble existence.

Impressive, but more beckon you, Wesley.

Wesley saw them. At least five times as many were now en-route towards him. “I shall not rest until my kingdom is safe. But first, the vermin must be extinguished.” Wesley gathered mist from within him, his body glowing ethereally with gold and white. “By the majestic hand of the Gods, I dub thee intruders of the holy land.” Wesley’s arms started to move around as lines of holy mist began to follow along. The more motions he made with his arms the more lines became shaped like bolts. “Royal Judgement!” As he called out, the sky lit up over the palace and several dozen bolts of light rained down, piercing those of evil origin, and removing their miserable existence from Ivalice’s presence.

“Now, I must find my queen!”

And Wesley had raced off, in search of Nadeline. He prayed that she was safe and unharmed. And if these beasts did anything to her, they will know his name and remember it as they shiver at his might.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Vlyn let out a small groan, his hands stretched above him. He then relaxed, gazing upon Karolina in front of him. At Aloa’s instruction, he had returned to Stigma to keep her updated on the current situation. “I thank you for coming all this way just to inform me,” Karolina sighed, a worried expression on her face. “I only pray everything with the treaty goes well. I cannot shake this dread no matter what I do.

So Lady Karolina was feeling it as well. Vlyn couldn’t really say it was comforting, his hand nervously scratching the back of his head. “Aloa thought it best to keep you up to date. She wishes for Lorenzo to return to your side once things in Dalmasca have settled, though it may be later rather than sooner,” He admitted.

Of course,” Karolina understood, her gaze turning out to the window. “My only concern is…” Her voice trailed off as her eyes widened. “What is…?!

Vlyn followed her gaze, an equal shock taking him as the screams of the people would finally hit them. He threw the window open to get a clearer look. Monsters littered the streets, attacking anything with a pulsing heartbeat. The creatures were cloaked in a saturated darkness, nimble, powerful, giving the many knights that had taken to the streets a challenge. Letting out a curse, Vlyn immediately jumped back from the window as several of the monsters leapt up towards the castle, their claws buried in stone.

One would approach the window, though Vlyn clawed right through it, sending it back. He gasped as a pair broke through, though as he turned towards one, a Holy spell erupted over it. He turned to see Karolina with her hand outstretched. She hiked up her dress and took off running, leaving Vlyn to follow suit. He could hear the sounds of glass shattering, though he continued to follow Karolina. He watched as several mages approached her, to which she finally came to a halt.

Ready the palings!” She ordered them without hesitation. “I want every pair of hands either casting or outside, defending the people!

The paling? Who was going to channel the magicks for that? The realization hit him, and he grabbed her arm before she could run off. “My lady, leave that to me, you can’t handle that much power,” He warned her.

If Rozarria is like this, then I imagine both Archadia and Dalmasca are like this as well,” She replied, shaking her head at him. “I’ll be fine, but I need you to see to it that Nadeline and Lorenzo are safe. Stigma’s paling will suffice—if I cannot leave here, then you must go in my place.

Vlyn hesitated as he would watch her run off. Crap, did she really think this was happening everywhere? Then again, as his ear twitched, he could sense that she was probably right. Letting out a curse, Vlyn shook his head, preparing his teleportation.

How inconvenient.

The words came as Roman looked around at the chaos around him. The monsters either hadn’t noticed or hadn’t quite seen him as he walked. He walked in a certain path, his eyes roaming and ignoring the body guards that repeatedly called for him to get to safety. He let out a groan, his fingers rubbing his temples as his guards scrambled around him. He watched the monsters, unamused, though as the last one fell, the knight would approach him. “My lord, what should we do now?”

Your job,” Roman stated, shaking his head. “See to it that my people are safe!

At his command, they moved out, and Roman sat in his chair. What in the world was going on?

Several viera would surround one of the fiends, their blessed arrows piercing through it. They were no match for their skill, and made sure to fell each one. Aloa before the village, an incantation born from her words. As one of the monsters approached, its very flesh would burn as it attempted to pass her glyph. That was one way of testing it, and she was grateful, stepping in front of it. The viera warriors were winning, and at this she was relieved. As they would regroup, Ktrn approached her, sword in hand.

"The village will see another day, but I fear Her strength wanes. Stay here, and protect one another--I must once again set forth," Aloa instructed them.

As Ktrn would begin to reply, she let out a gasp, an arrow through her chest. Aloa's eyes widened, though she would leap forward, swinging her claw as another dozen would attempt to take out the rest of them. As she readied herself, she watched as a woman would approach them quite serenely. "A good leader stands with her people. I admit, it's a very admirable trait," Sophia told her, armored with an orb in her hand. "You can't tell me you weren't expecting me?"

"Since I sent your master running with his tail twixt his legs, of course," Aloa remarked as the rest of the viera would back away, a few taking Krtn with them. Sophia didn't seem to like that comment; little did she know Aloa was far from finished. "And now he sends you? An insult of the highest caliber. Child, do you think you can best me?" She asked, mist collecting and forming a cloak on her shoulders.

Sophia scoffed, her magicks in the air as she lifted her orb. "We shall see, then, won't we?"

Nadeline skidded to a halt, her blade charging up as she lifted it, and just when it seemed she was surrounded, she stabbed it into the ground, icicles erupting all around her. Each one pierced a monster, and as she lifted her weapon she continued to run through the halls. She slung spell after spell as they gave chase, though at the very least, she noticed their numbers thinning. Her feet hit the ground as quickly as she ran, her determination boundless. She came to a halt before a door, opening it. "Emiri--" Her words were given to an empty room. Her eyes widened with confusion, not a trace of the girl to be found. Had she already known?

Deciding to put that thought in the back of her head, she would instead continue, though she would immediately notice the cluster of monsters before a certain room. It took her a second to realize that was where Jaakuna and Shion slept, and her hesitation ceased immediately. Standing with her rapier above her, several glyphs would surround the unaware monsters. As her spell neared completion, she spun her weapon once, bringing it down, and an aetherial tornado formed. Each monster was either purified or thrown outside, and Nadeline hurriedly opened the door. To her relief, Shion remained unharmed, still unconscious, but Jaakuna was nowhere to be found, either.

"Shion! Shion, you must awaken!" Nadeline urged her. The woman let out a soft groan, bringing Nadeline some comfort. "Listen to me, the castle is under attack, it is not safe here."

"I've failed..." Her words were so quiet, Nadeline almost didn't catch them. "Forgive me, my beloved..."

Was she dreaming? Or was there something she didn't know?

As Zeromus would appear, Grant would grip the air, his spell charging. The debris would stop falling around them, though they would remain firmly planted on the ground. Lorenzo let out a sigh of relief, quickly followed up by a yell of confusion and frustration. "What in the hell is going on here?!" He screamed, his hands rustling his hair. "This was supposed to be a simple day trip! Now it's gotten all confusing!!! ARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Normally, Grant would reprimand Lorenzo or berate him, but for once, Grant was just as frustrated. "You felt it, too, didn't you?" He asked Savayna. "This mist..."

As the light would fade, Emette would open her eyes. Emiri stood fast, a rather bored expression on her face. She would pick at the chains surrounding her, as if prying off lint from her clothes, and little by little, they would fade. She stretched her arms above her head, eyeing Jaakuna. "So you have now awakened, have you, Lohgrif?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Cleanse me, will you? I would dain to see you try. I will no longer bend to the will of anyone. But if you insist..." She stated, her body surrounded by mist. She smirked, her arms above her head, and as they lowered, a dozen swords appeared behind her. A dark helm would form on her head slowly and her body lifted itself into the air, the swords forming a pair of makeshift wings.

Emette's eyes widened considerably, and she shook her head. "Emiri! Stop! You can't win this!" She yelled.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 1 day ago

Since the fight in Archadia had ended and Dominic and the others were left to their own devices, they have since been on the path to recovery. Archadia, though out of its state of emergency, still required all hands on deck. Because of that and because of the bravery they’ve demonstrated, Emperor Roman Darcone awarded them - well, Dominic at the least - a complete pardon from all prior crimes and the recent one of breaking out of the Archadian Dungeons. Apparently Roman wanted to try and repair the damaged relations between the main, royal family of Darcone and their branch family, the Wards.

So, in the wake of the Judge Magisters seeing fewer numbers and Ixion the only remaining Judge of the initial five since Vincent’s tenure as Emperor, a royal decree went out that would name Lannit Terra, the Violet Needle, Shinto Sogeki, the Silent Sniper, and Dominic Ward, the Crimson Arc, all would take an empty spot as Judge Magisters of the Imperial Court of Archadia with Isaiah Darcone leading them as Supreme judge Magister, which has only belonged to those of ruling house of Archadia. It was the Solidors until the Darcone’s took over when they seized control of Archadia.

The news, of course, was met with mixed reactions, namely how three once-convicted criminals were now holding three positions of power. But despite this, it seemed as though Roman assured it was the right decision. However, one thing remained uncertain and that was if Dominic specifically would be able to act accordingly. His first mission was not proof of that. He was a hothead to say the least and when he got riled up, most feared what he’d do, especially since once he got going, it was hard to get him to halt.

Though it was apparent that Dominic’s new responsibilities would be a test of his character, the other two, at least, seemed to be handling their positions of authority better than their red-headed friend.

The three were roaming the streets as part of a plan that Roman put in place to ensure the safety and rebuilding of the city. However, just as they had rounded the sectors just a few blocks from where Roman was secured and protected by his cousin, Isaiah, a series of unfortunate events unleashed upon Archadia’s soils. First, a shaking that felt like a mild to moderate earthquake, then not long after, a great, dark cloud loomed over Archadia. Now, this wasn’t uncommon for the time of year it was, but from the cloud came shadows shaped like smoke shot down in the hundreds. Several beasts of various forms from hounds to bears to some the size of behemoths had started to tear apart the city, causing fear and panic all around as hell itself had been unleashed upon Archadia.

The three judges, whom, aside from Dominic who had been clad in some armor that covered all but his well-buit abs, gave a glance. Without warning, the three of them donned their respective weapons: Shinto had his trademark Silent Killer Rifle in hand, Lannit brandished his Magicite Needle Gun, and Dominic had his Gauntlets of Awesomeness. “TO VICTORY!” Dominic hollered out as he rushed towards the beasts of shadow.

Through a sigh, Shinto and Lannit followed suit, shooting their way through the hoards of the beasts. The fight for Archadia and Ivalice started tonight!

Isaiah felt the mist around him. He had no doubts there was something in the air that didn’t feel quite right. Ever since the day before last, he had felt something truly mysterious. Adrammelech felt it too, though he was a tad vague about it. Despite the two of them having bonded for quite some time and Isaiah donning the moniker of Isaiah, the Benevolent, it was still an interesting relationship between the two. Adram never was clear when speaking to his Chosen One and always seemed to snark at him when he had a chance. Not only that, but Isaiah and Adram both suffer from huge egos. The gods were cruel when they paired the two.

And yet, the feeling deep inside his gut couldn’t be ignored. Even the Wroth found it troubling. the snake awakens. Adrammelech spoke to Isaiah. That’s the Keeper of Precepts if you didn’t put it together. He spoke again, this time with a sass unlike any of the Scions.

Why me?

Isaiah inwardly sighed, though he glanced towards the door. In the past five minutes, more than a dozen of knights came and went from Roman’s office. The latter giving them orders to defend the people. Isaiah felt as though his place was there as well, fighting alongside the knights and the other judges, but there was also a sworn duty that the Supreme Judge Magister had to protect their Emperor.

“Roman, my esper, Addram--” Without warning, Adrammelech summoned himself as he parked it on the edge of the window. “What are you doing?”

“You were taking too long.” Adrammelech retorted. “Roman right? Look, I’ll tell you this as simply as I can: Zodiark—the real Zodiark, not the one that has been parading as him—has been awakened and that’s why your not-so-beautiful city is under its second attack in a single week.”

“I could’ve said that.”

“But you didn’t. Now, just shut up and let your Emperor respond before I lose my patience and throw you out the window.” He retorted nastily. Isaiah could tell that he wasn’t kidding either.

Isaiah scowled, looking to Roman.

Gods, why did you fate me with such an unbearable esper? Why!?

“What in the hell is going on?” Cassandra demanded to know, looking to Alistair as the three of them had just arrived in Archadia’s Aerodome.

“I..don’t know, my princess,” Alistair admitted, seeming disturbed by what was happening. To make matters worse, it seemed the Aerodome was on lockdown until what was happening was no longer the case. “But the Archadian Knights should be able to handle things until they are able to eliminate whatever is happening.

“Doubtful.” A red-headed girl said as she approached the three. Reia would recognize her as Nila, the redhead she met a few days ago.

“What makes you say that?” Cassandra asked, not pleased with the woman’s negativity.

“There ‘s practically a small army of shadow creatures out there. Our military is vast, but without harming the citizens, they won’t be able to do it. The source needs to be taken out.” The woman said.

“So what are we supposed to do?” Alistair inquired.

“Pray to the gods, I guess. Honestly, I’m not the one with the answers. All I know is that this is a fucked up situation and it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.”

Wesley’s last action bought him some time. But it wasn’t nearly enough nor as much as he would’ve liked. After ten minutes of running from the west to east wing of the Palace, he had to do away with even more of the shadow creatures. Shooting a holy and scathe spell every now and then purified them in the large numbers, so it allowed him more time to freely search for Nadeline.

He had checked the garden, the Grand Hall, and the multiple kitchens - and still nothing. So, he decided to go in the opposite direction. Only when he searched their rooms did he eventually find her. She was in Shion’s room, though as he saw it was only Nadeline and Shion, he wondered where Jaakuna was. Maybe he was out defending the streets of Rabanastre. Whichever the case, Wesley put that out of his mind. For the time being, he was relieved to see Nadeline was safe.

“I’m so glad you’re safe.” WEsley approached, seeing her kneeling down by Shion’s bedside. “We need to go, Nadeline.” Wesley said, summoning Hashmal without vocally calling out his name. He was more Hume-sized than he was his typical ten-foot height. Instead, he had shrunk down into a seventy-nine-inch height. “Hashmal, please carry Shion.”

“As you wish.” Hashmal bowed as he would grab Shion from her bed and carry her over her shoulder.

“No, that’s not it, Grant. I mean, yes, I sense that mist, but someone else is here. I’m not sure, but I’m positive it’s--”

Before Savayna could get that last thought out, they would be propelled faster due to Zeromus’ spell, which brought them to the room where Jaakuna and Emette were. And as they did, in front of them, was something neither of them was prepared for.Emiri and Jaakuna were doing battle. As Jaakuna had been clad in golden armor pieces and Emiri was in opposite, dark-colored armor, swords acting as wings, it struck something with Mateus.

“Zodiark has seized control of her body. She is his vessel now.”

Savayna turned back to face her Esper. “That’s not true!” Savayna refused to believe it, but what was in front of her was all the proof that she needed; for in front of her was a clash between powers that only the worst tales seemed to be capable of telling.

Jaakuna had gone after her with two swords of pure light and had unleashed several waves of heavenly fire that took the form of chains. Begone from this world, you parasite! Jaakuna’s voice spoke, but Savayna recognized it as someone else’s. But whose?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

In all honesty, he had expected Isaiah to be the first to jump to battle. He wasn't quite sure what he was doing here--that is, until his Esper would decide to do the talking for him. "Unfortunately, Addramelech has a point. We are in a state of an emergency, and must act accordingly--that being, with haste," Roman couldn't help but scold his cousin, completely in agreement with the Esper. As he listened, a grim expression would take place. "I figured as much," He admitted, though at the very least, getting some confirmation was useful. He would begin to rummage through his desk, buried in his own thoughts. "How troublesome...it would seem this is entirely out of my hands."

The situation was more dire than he had imagined. He pulled out a scroll, unraveling it for Isaiah to see. "A time ago, when I learned of Empress Reia's intentions, there was a question that lingered on my mind. How is it possible that a single person was a living key with a connection to the Espers? No matter where I looked, I could find no answer," He spoke to the pair, though it seemed he was speaking directly to the Esper. "The only clue I could find was text related to that of the thirteenth--Zodiark. And yet, Chaos himself was sighted in Ivalice by Rozarrian troops around twenty five or six years ago. Why was it only Chaos? I thought the two events connected...It was said that when Zodiark was sealed away, rather than pour his energy into escape, he would instead focus on corrupting one of his siblings--Chaos, to be exact. And so when a pact was made, unwillingly did the summoner take on Zodiark's power as well."

He let out a sigh, tapping his index finger on the image of Zodiark in the scroll. "But Zodiark is not able to manifest itself so easily in this world. It would take to unlock all twelve of his brethren first, and once they roamed Ivalice, it was only then that he could hope to spring forth--but not by himself. He would probably make use of his key...but a Seeress foresaw this, and planned for the day of its destruction, hoping to stop Zodiark."

Roman looked directly at Isaiah at this point, no doubt knowing that Addramelech already knew where he was going with this. "If this is correct, that means Jackson is currently fighting Zodiark--who has probably taken possession of Emiri right now."

Nadeline was glad as ever to see Wesley, though she was slightly preoccupied with Shion's words. After watching Hashmaal carefully carry her, she would nod at Wesley, though she grabbed his hand, knowing that what she wanted to say couldn't wait. As they walked out, she decided to speak her mind. "Ultima said that Zodiark--the real one--has been freed. But I do not understand, how could this have come to pass?" She said to him, a worried expression on her face. "It doesn't help that neither Jaakuna nor Emi are anywhere to be found. I know my father left the city with Grant and Savayna, but the other two...you don't think...?"

Emette's hands were balled into fists, a pained expression on her face. How she wanted to prevent this, but even now, she should have known better. She listened to Grant and Savayna speak to one another, knowing the answers they sought. Her breath seemed caught in her throat as she backed away, watching Jaakuna's magicks surge forth. Emiri shook her head, one of her swords flying forward to meet it. It hitched itself through one of the links, yanking it in such a way that it would not touch her. She shrugged at him as his magicks exploded behind her, as if taunting him. Rather than go the magical route, however, she would go straight in, her swords spinning behind her as each one would move for a strike.

Letting out a breath, Emette turned around, looking at Grant, who was watching the confrontation. "It's not just Emiri that's changed," He noted out loud, squinting at Jaakuna. "Jaakuna...is Lohgrif? How did I know that name?"

"The Scions of Light cannot exist on their own in Ivalice," She informed him quietly. "Just as the Espers are bound to their hosts, so must we cling to our own mortal hosts. In this way, when we fuse with our mortal, we may draw upon Ivalice's power directly."

"And so your own power wanes, because your host has passed," Grant stated in understanding. He then saw Emette's rather grim expression, his hand to his gun almost reflexively. "Tell me you aren't thinking of asking me to shoot your own daughter."

"I'll admit the thought crossed my mind, but do you think it would work at this point? Not even Lohgrif can touch her," She said, though there was a desperation in her voice. "And if he does...If he manages to land a decisive blow...can Jaakuna himself handle that? I wanted to prevent this, but now that it has come to pass, I...I know not what to do..."

Well, there goes asking her for the next possible step. Grant let out a small cough, though he looked at Savayna. "Any ideas your way?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 1 day ago

“Given the circumstances, it’s likely they went off on their own to investigate, though I am uncertain what led them to this notion, not to mention it was foolish of them. Then again,” through the grim reality they were facing, Wesley let out a chuckle, “Jaakuna has always been one to take on reckless ventures, yet, despite it all, it all works out in the end. I am not saying neither of them is in the right, but I have faith this will all work out in the end. All we need to do until then is endure. Besides, we are--”

Wesley sensed something coming for them. But where? It wasn’t behind nor to either left or right. So it must be…


Suddenly a giant beast of shadow which, unlike the ones before, was large -almost as large as Hashmal was in his Esper size. It came at such a surprise that Wesley hadn’t the time to react. Its form was slender and big. It moved awfully fast as it came from the roof. Wesley prepared his mist, but as it got closer, he realized it wasn’t going to be soon enough, not to mention the worry of hurting Nadeline and Shion clouded his mind.

And then it got close. Wesley closed his eyes, but instead of hearing the cries of Nadeline, he heard the beast itself cry out, then his eyes opened and saw the anguished expression as the beast faded into shadows.

Looking around, he saw in the direction where the door was, Shemhazai, the Whisperer had a freshly-fired crossbow with Michel standing behind it. “What timing, Michel!” Wesley let out an uncharacteristic cheer, which he corrected by coughing a moment later.

“We had our hands busy with our new friends.” Michel said with a chuckle, getting a sigh from Shemhazai.

“Must you always be so coy with how perilous this situation is.”

“Relax, Shemmy. We’ll make it through, then you can tell me again how you and Hashmal--”

“I believe that’s quite enough out of you, Michelangelo!” Shemhezai snapped, cheeks flushed with pink as she looked at Hashmal, to which the latter humphed.

“...Anyway, since it’s obvious Jaakuna and Emiri aren’t here, my job is to make sure these beasts do not harm any of my citizens. Furthermore, I am issuing that the Espers aid my city. Of course, I can only order Hashmal--” Wesley was interrupted by a scoff from Hashmal “--but I can’t tell Ultima nor Shemhazai what to do, so I am asking you two if you will fight with the Humes of Dalmasca? Please, we need your strength.”+

“I am willing to if the High Seraph is.” Shemhezai added.

“The biggest mistake my foolish younger brother ever made.” Adrammelech added angrily.

Isaiah listened and couldn’t believe it. Okay, well maybe he could, but there was still a lot of surprising facts that Roman just said. Quite possibly the biggest one was that Jackson was most likely fighting Zodiark/Emiri as this very moment, which just made Isaiah wonder more about what kind of mess he had gotten himself into this time. He’s always been one to attract trouble, but now it seemed as though he was at the center of the worst thing to happen to Ivalice since the Undying, Vayne Solidor.

“This no doubt means that, in order to save Ivalice from certain destruction, Jackson has to kill his beloved.”

“Not necessarily,” Adrammelech said somberly, hinting at something he wasn’t saying (as usual). “We are under the assumption that Zodiark has merged his being with the Time Scion’s, but that’s not accurate. Ivalice, though she appears to be breaking apart, is not yet in the darkness.”

“Meaning that Zodiark hasn’t been fully released.”

Adrammelech clapped, “very good, you actually do have some intuition.” He received a scowl from Isaiah. “But anyway, the ritual has not yet been completed. But it will be short. Only thing stopping it is…”

The battle raged on as Ivalice was further threatened to collapse on herself. Emiri taunted Jaakuna , proving that her magicks were far superior to the Transcendents own, yet it would not make him back down. When she came for him in a physical manner, there would be no backing down on his part. He met her as their sword would clash, mist of light and darkness sending shockwaves throughout the room, slowly crumbling it into pieces. A few more clashes like that and the Henne Mines will crash on top of itself.

You really think youre going to win? Youre on borrowed time, Zodiark! Jaakuna pushed back so far that he had forced he and Emiri to clash into the wall where both had become entangled in an aura of black and white.

As the battle continued, the others only could watch as Jaakuna, the one who anyone least-thought would amount to anything was the only person strong enough to end the dire situation Zodiark had created, yet Savayna felt something was off. Not about Emiri nor Jaakuna, but something else fast approached Henne Mines. She sensed it the minute they stepped into Henne Mines. In her gut and in the whisperings from Mateus, both of them had felt something was truly off, but what? Gods damn it, what is it!

And to make matters worse, Grant, clueless as ever, asked what they should do? “As if i’m supposed to know. Jaakuna fights on for our’s and Ivalice’s sake. And what are we doing? Standing around like helpless ants.” Savayna balled her fist, wanting to punch something but as always - as she was back..back in Archadia.

And then it hit her. Not since Archadia, but before. She knew. The feeling she had..the sinister, vile, gut-wrenching feeling she had since arriving her, she knew what it was - or rather who it was.

“Prepare yourselves! It--IT COMES!”

“You’re kidding me. Please tell me you’re not telling the truth, Adrammelech.”

“I’m afraid not. I wish I was, trust me, it’s not an ideal situation, but in order to get rid of the bigger evil, a lesser one must be accepted.”

Isaiah was bewildered by Adrammelech’s words. To think, of all people, they were their only hope. If that was true, then they’ve truly been desperate to end this temporary apocalypse. But even still, Isaiah couldn’t shake this feeling in his gut that, wherever this person was, they were laying in wait--waiting for the right time to strike.

“And to think, they were under our noses this entire time..”

Savayna’s mist field activated into overdrive as misty wind spread as far as it could, yet it would not stop the opposing mist of that which made its presence known. Vile magick of ancient origins spread from the walls and from the ceiling, inching its way through the cracks. Dark blue and black goo-like magick covered all crevices of every hole that was already there or had been made from the battle.

Her eyes glimmered with iciness and Savayna, with the power from MAteus, charged forth. But she was too late. Her body froze when she heard ominous laughter. More to the point, it was that laughter. It was that same laugh that still sent chills down her spine and it was the laugh that would freeze where Jaakuna and Emiri stood. It froze Keiran. It froze Grant, Lorenzo, Emette, and even the masters of ice, Savayna, and Mateus. All were forced to stay put as all of the black, tar-like magick came together into one place at the center of the room, standing over the Snake-Bearer Statue.

The tar magick came together, the form complete and the laugh was now at full volume, but it was no longer echoed as it was before. The source of it was in front of them and even though Savayna was right, she had wished she wasn’t. “You!” Savayna yelled out. She could still speak but her movements were bound by their power.

The form looked up and those in the room would know as their face came into the light. It was a face of dark tones, tribal markings going from the bottom of the eyes well down to the cheeks, heavy eyeshadow that brought out the richness of those all-too-familiar, sapphire-colored eyes. The hair was no longer spiked up as it had once been; instead, it was down, wavy, and like silk. And the attire this one had worn was no more. In its stead was a dress colored black and blue, patterned with the same symbols that Emiri was covered in.

“Levi! What are you--you’re supposed to be dead!”

“General Savayna, you surprise me. Your strength has nearly doubled since our last bout. And you, my sweet prince,” she looked at GRant, “I see you’ve yet to unlock Zeromus’ Seal, but you’re not far. I imagine you’re going to be even stronger than Jackson here.” Her eyes went to Jaakuna and Emiri. “Poor Time Scion, your power is so great, yet your fragile mind makes you suspect to dark influences. First, it was Venat and now, even Zodiark beckons you, which makes me believe that Chaos is at his limit with you. I wonder, though? Will you need to be reset once more?” Her always sinister voice hummed. “And as for you, Jackson, I applaud you trying. Belias no doubt told you of my arrival, yet as we stand here, you were too late.”

“What are you going to do!?” Savayna demanded to know, repeating herself again.

Levi chuckled, amused. Her eyes went all around the room. She had missed all of her wonderful friends. It was the reunions to top all reunions. “I am going to do what I was meant to.” Levi eyed the statue. It spoke to her. It was the reason her purpose; for her to become Zodiark was truly her calling, for her name and her soul aligns with the Snake. She is the embodiment of Ophiuchus. “Flow into me, Keeper of Precepts. Part with time and become one with the Snake-Bearer!” Her markings glowed and she let out a maniacal, almost orgasmic laugh, becoming possessed as the true end was about to begin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

"I fear Adrammalech is correct," Roman concurred with the Esper, his chin on the palm of his hand rather wearily, as if they were simply talking about some bad weather. "But the 'key' is just that--a key. I think Zodiark would want a greater vessel to be used, one that will give him little struggle, more acceptance. I won't say I know Miss Iniko too well, but why settle for less when you can have everything you want, and more?"

He let out a small breath, tracing a line from Zodiark to Famfrit. "She always did have her own agenda. I wonder...I would dare place a bet that all the events transpiring were hers to make. She always was a crafty one."


Lorenzo recognized that tone of Grant's, though he wasn't surprised that he was so angry. No, he wasn't angry, he was furious. Grant glared at Levi, somehow not entirely surprised that she somehow survived several bullets to the head. Exhaling slightly, he wanted to cringe as she acknowledged him, but what was worse was when she stated she would take Zodiark into her. What the hell was wrong with this woman?! No, wait, she wanted Zodiark--had she been waiting for this very moment? He looked at Emette, who seemed more...intrigued by Levi. No, did Emette actually want Levi to take Zodiark? But why...?

Emiri's eyes had widened at Levi's arrival, though she seemed to understand. "So, you would take me in your embrace?" She asked, though her lips played onto a smirk. "The key has played her part. Now, onto greatness..." She stated, snapping her fingers as she raised her arm above her head. Before anyone could react, anyone that wasn't Levi was unceremoniously shoved back by wind. She extended her arm, reaching out to Levi as she approached her. As Levi took Emiri's hand in hers, the wind around them seemed to pick up once more. The glyph in the room seemed to fade, the rumbling coming to a halt. The markings on Emiri's body would magically travel from several points, converging onto Levi's body, though the second the last symbol would fade from her body, it was as if all life had left Emiri's eyes.

The statue in the middle of the room would begin to crack, threatening to crumble. Grant let out another curse, though Emette put her hand on his arm, never taking her eyes off Levi. He nodded in understanding, taking a slight step back and trying not to draw attention to himself. He would then motion towards Zeromus, who would begin casting, his glyph appearing beneath the woman. Emette would then burst forward aided by Zeromus' magicks, running straight through and grabbing Emiri, breaking her contact with Levi. She came to a stop not too far away, though as she held the brunette in her arms, she was alarmed to feel Emiri's mist levels rapidly declining. "Chaos! Don't you dare...Emiri, don't give up!" Her voice wavered unintentionally as she held her close. "Not again...I can't have failed you again...!"

Nadeline crossed her arms, a nervous laugh leaving her. Wesley was asking for a lot, though he didn't seem to realize it. Sure, that was the logical sense talking, but when did Ultima ever make any sense? She let out a cough, awaiting Ultima's incoming scathing comment, though to her surprise, the Queen herself would manifest next to them, holy light notwithstanding. Nadeline's jaw dropped, and she ended up scoffing. Oh, so if Nadeline's life was in danger, she wouldn't lift a finger, but if Wesley just asked nicely, she'd do as he said!? "For he who bears the blood of the Dynast-King, I would be glad to offer my assistance," She stated, ignoring a very frustrated Nadeline who would just throw her arms up in the air in defeat. She had definitely gotten the short end of the stick Esper-wise.

"I'm your chosen! Aren't you supposed to listen to me!?" Nadeline couldn't help but ask, hoping that perhaps Ultima simply realized the gravity of the situation.

"Forgive me, I do not take orders from petty pampered princesses. You assume much," Ultima replied rather simply, without even granting her a passing glance. She should've known better. "I am sure the fiends go to the paling; I will go there at once and attempt to banish them from your kingdom all at a time. This will get rid of the lesser, though I chance to think the mightier ones will give resistance."

Ultima sounded so sure of herself, Nadeline would relegate herself to following her suggestion. "We will take care of those, then," Nadeline said, putting her annoyance to the side.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 1 day ago

Isaiah agreed to an extent. “When she was one of the Judge Magisters, she was one of the most brilliant Archadians to ever become a judge. Her tendency to always predict an enemy’s plan and be several steps ahead of them was one of the main reasons, despite her young age, that she initially became a Judge. But she never rose past the rank of Third Judge.” Isaiah recalled there was a time his grandfather, during one of his many lessons, told him something he feared about Leviathan. Despite her talents, he kept her at an arm’s length “Through all of his faults, Hamut--our grandfather--had always felt something was off about Levia. He always told me never to trust her. I think without knowing it, he might’ve been referring to this very moment. And yet..” Isaiah gripped the hilt of his Falcon’s Bolt, grimacing. “We are doing exactly what Hamut, the man who betrayed his country for Venat, said we should never do.”

“If you’d rather let Ivalice perish, then you are gladly welcome to hop on my back and stop this merger from happening.” Adrammelech chided his Chosen One. “Frankly, none of us Scions like this. We know of Leviathan. As Zeromus’ chosen calls her, ‘That Treacherous Snake Woman’, but she is the lesser of the two evils -even if she will prove to be more crafty with Zodiark at her every beckon call.” Adrammelech sighed, looking to the dark sky, seeing it already starting to clear up. And as light beckoned Ivalice once more, there came a glimmer of hope. Those who fought the beasts were able to push back. This would be their chance to wipe out the beasts for good.

The transfer from one host to another seemed almost anticlimactic. There was a showing on the ground and glyphs lit up, but after about half of a minute, much like Zodiark’s own existence, it was silence, only the remnants of Levi’s maniacal cackling remained, though even that seemed to fade as she felt Zodiark flow into her as he was meant to do from the start of his creation. The Occuria, whom created the Scions of Light and Darkness, probably knew that Zodiark was meant to be seized and controlled by a more dominating force: the Ophiuchus Descendent.

Her eyes flashed black and sapphire blue for several minutes as her limbs moved when her body did not. Mist from all directions being swallowed into her form. It mattered not where it came from, whether it was within the Chamber or Ivalice herself, mist from all corners gathered and became locked inside Leviathans’ body, feeding Zodiark until, as the world soon felt, he was sealed once more. But unlike before, he wasn’t sealed into a series of poorly-drawn seals. No, this time, he was sealed within the Snake-Bearer.

And after several minutes passed, Leviathan’s then-closed eyes were now open, and she glanced at everyone, purring with approval. Jaakuna, who now was back to his normal form due to Leviathan’s action of sucking the mist from the area, looked at her confused but still in a wrathful state, yet he was also quite curious about what just happened. The rest appeared to look at her with the same levels of anger and confusion. Levi knew what was going through their minds. She knew that she held all the cards and if she wished it, she could wipe them all out from existence. She had the power at her disposal, but she wasn’t going to do that.

“You think that, just because I am here, I’ve come to harm you?” Levi turned around, gazing at all of them, cackling lowly. “Fear not, Heroes of Ivalice, today will not be the day your end comes. And if it does, then it will not be I who do you in.”

“Then why are you here? And why take Zodiark?” Jaakuna asked, his voice cracking as he caught the sight of Emiri. She had been unconscious since the transfer.

Levi mused a taunting sound at Jaakuna, looking at him with a feigning smile. “I have big plans for the Keeper of Precepts, none in which is any concern to you.”

“The fact that you took him is very much our concern.”

“Oh? Then, what makes you say that, dearest Jackson?”

“Zodiark is pure evil. He is darkness incarnate. We cannot allow you to keep him.”

“Honey, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you aren’t in any position to tell me what to do, not when I can save your dearest, Emilia.”

And with those words, Jaakuna was rendered speechless. He tried to speak, but his body wouldn’t let him. His eyes glanced over and Emiri and Emette. As the latter pleaded with her host’s daughter that she wasn’t done with her yet, Levi mused a chuckle, approaching the two.

“She’s quite pale, isn’t she?”

She knelt down on one knee, her warm hand feeling the coldness of Emiri’s cheek. It was as if she was already dead, yet there was still the faintest amount of life in her. Levi felt it. She also could sense Chaos try his hardest to reach her. She heard his yells, beckoning her to hear him, but she was too close to death for them to reach her. Emiri was dying. Not even the force use of her powers could save her now. Not even Ultima’s light could save her. The only thing it could be...

“Get away from her!” Jaakuna ordered, fists blazing up.

Levi mused a curious sound. Her eyes flashed and Jaakuna was forced back into the stone/wooden wall, his body crashing through it, going at least five yards deep into the mine's interior.

Her attention went back to Emiri as she stroked the young woman’s cheek, getting close as she gave it a simple peck. Levi moaned just lightly. “Quite the delicate taste she has. Even at Death’s Door, the Time Scion is delicious.”

“Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Savayna could only shake her head, grossed out by Levi.

Savayna’s outburst prompted Levi to laugh. She said nothing in retort, but a few moments later, what she did had been revealed. Emette’d know what it was right away. Chaos would be the second to realize. Anyone who has a close attachment to her, such as Grant and Jaakuna, no matter how far away, would know what happened. And as a full minute would pass, it would be obvious to even someone as foolhardy as Savayna, because Emiri would have opened her eyes by this point.

“Consider this my gift to you wonderful lot. As a token of my gratitude for making all of this possible, Emiri no longer beckons Zalara.”

“But why?”

“Because her death would not be beneficial to anyone. Besides, I could never do anything to my Silent Knight.” Levi blew Grant a kiss, winking at him once. “Until then, my sweets~”

Before either of them could get a single word in or react accordingly, Levi was gone as her body faded into black smoke and left through the hole in the ceiling. When she did, it was as if the mines started to react, because rock and steel beams started to shake. Before long, they would come down upon them. Without Zodiark’s might keeping the already-unstable mines together, it most certainly was minutes away from crumbling into nothing but a collection of steel and dirt.

“We need to go - NOW! Savayna said, summoning Mateus. “Through the hole above. It’s our only chance!” Savayna ordered everyone as she hopped on Mateus’ back and the ice Esper had floated up, using his magick to float even higher up the hole. Belias would soon follow suit as he had Jaakuna on his back, going over to get Emette and Emiri with him, and he would follow Mateus. The others would be wise to hurry themselves.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

The battle between both Aloa and Sophia had, for all intents and purposes, been very one sided.

Sophia leapt back, narrowly dodging Aloa's claw, though she raised her orb, a bright light temporarily blinding her. She went in for a strike, only for Aloa to open her eyes, revealing a violet colored flow from one of them, and the viera would duck, coming up with a combination of kicks that sent Sophia flying. As Sophia fell, Aloa charged an attack, sending it towards her. In that moment, however, all was right in Ivalice, distracting the two of them. Sophia smiled, effortlessly blocking Aloa's attack and landing on her feet rather cleanly.

"What an obedient little distraction." Aloa stated bitterly, in disbelief that she completely fell for it.

"I admit, you're...quite talented," Sophia replied, slightly out of breath. "But I have done mine."

"Then this battle is pointless. Your master is a fickle one, it would seem," Letting out a breath, Aloa simply turned around.

"You would turn your back to an enemy?" Sophia asked, admittedly a little confused.

"You are not worth my time," The viera told her bluntly. "My attention is needed elsewhere."

"Wait, what about us?!" Lorenzo whimpered, watching everyone else make their own way up.

Grant looked at Alorenzo in disbelief, momentarily taken out of the danger by his lack of awareness. When Lorenzo caught his look, he shook his head at him as Zeromus chuckled, going up and floating ahead of the pair. Grant continued to stare at Lorenzo, his hand simply pointing up, the gravity shifting below them as they would appear to rise as well. At first, Lorenzo flailed helplessly, though he then realized it was due to Grant's magicks. "I mean, did you forget I specialize in Arcane Magicks, or...?" He couldn't help but ask him. "Gravity is literally my element of choice."

"Yeah, I completely forgot."

The prince simply let out a rather long sigh. Between Lorenzo's recurring stupidity and Levi's downright absurd levels of coddling him (Silent Prince?! Really?! What kind of bullshit was that?!) he decided that he had enough of today. He did notice the glaring exception of Keiran--who had no doubt disappeared with Lola--though he focused instead on getting Lorenzo (who wouldn't shut up about not understanding their lack of gravity) and himself to safety. They would be the last to get to the surface with Grant abruptly dismissing his spell. He landed on his feet, ignoring Lorenzo who landed on his face.

He watched Emette dismount Belias, though was alarmed when she fell to her knees. Emiri seemed completely out of it--despite being conscious, she looked dazed, her thoughts entirely elsewhere. For the moment, Grant would attend to Emiri, and upon closer inspection, realized she looked completely broken. Her eyes were definitely alive, she was alive, but she looked like the light was on with no one home. Emette looked away from her, regret written all over her face. Grant reached out for Emiri, though was surprised when she didn't even acknowledge any of them.

"To think this was the Leviathan's goal all along--I was blind," Emette would distract him for a moment, though she would at least stand. "Though a snake asking another snake for power isn't entirely farfetched."

Grant had a lot of choice words he wanted to say, but for the sake of keeping the group together, he said nothing. However, he did slightly slip up, giving Jaakuna a look. If they hadn't gone there, then... "What I want to know is how the hell Levi showed up without anyone noticing until the very last second," He said to the group as a whole.

"That chick is nuts, didn't you see how she manifested? She could've been waiting there the entire time, just...waiting..." Lorenzo offered what little her could, though it wasn't entirely out there to assume his guess could be correct. "Snakes are pretty patient, and sneaky, too."

"The entire thing was a setup. I'm useless," Emette sighed, shaking her head. "She went right through my seals, though I assumed the worst I never thought she would save Emiri. I wonder..."

"I told you that I would handle the paling myself, did I not?"

Nadeline had decided to follow Ultima purely out of spite. After she and Wesley would go their separate ways, she found herself tailing after Ultima, despite the Esper's very apparent displeasure. Honestly, the princess was simply being childish at that point, and would not go back no matter how many times Ultima instructed her to. All the way up to the rooftop, the two bickered between one another, until finally, Nadeline would put her foot down, refusing to budge. Ultima would rub her temples, feigning a headache--though Nadeline was sure doing a good job getting under her skin. "Truly, His Highness must have the patience of a saint to put up with your antics," She said outloud.

That he did, but Nadeline wasn't about to admit that to her. "I changed my mind," She stated simply, rapier in hand as she placed her free hand on her hip. "Considering my family specializes in banishing monsters from the city, I decided I'd make your respect me once and for all."

Now that was a laugh. "You're a pompous princess who simply cannot see the way of others," Ultima said. "We do not have to get along."

"No, we don't," Nadeline agreed, much to her surprise. "But seeing how Shemhazzai and Hashmaal are...the way they treat their chosen is vastly different from our own relationship. You may have granted me your seal, but it isn't enough. So I've decided if I cannot earn your respect through words, then action will have to do." She pointed her rapier to the side. "I will activate the paling. You sit there and watch."

Is that what she would try to do? "And when you fail--which you will, considering it takes several humes to even begin the enchantment--I will be here to correct your mistake."

"Should I fail, it means I have no place along my fiance and my friends. I will hand you over to Shion," Nadeline informed her, once again surprising her. "The end is near, whether we want to admit it or not. If I am not strong enough to protect my future city, then it means I have no place in it."

Ultima would not respond, though she nodded. Taking in a breath, Nadeline walked up to the crystal, tapping it once with her rapier. It would glow in response, to which Nadeline would then form Ultima's crown on her head. Turning to face the city, she held out her weapon, the wind picking up around her. Her rapier would fade, reforming as a staff, and Nadeline would raise it higher. She had to reach out to Ivalice herself, to go beyond just the castle. Further, further, she had to feel the world around her. It's like staring into the heart of the city, She couldn't help but note as the crystal would once again react to her.

She could feel the power coursing through her, but it was different somehow. What was it? Ultima's? Her own? She wasn't entirely sure, but in that moment, something else clicked. Opening her eyes, Nadeline would slam the end of her staff into the ground, a literal wave of holy magicks erupting into the air, forming a brilliant pillar of light. It would then bubble itself out in a single wave, effectively eradicating nearly every single monster of darkness and pushing back every one that hadn't been purified to well beyond the city's limits.

Nadeline's eyes were wide with surprise, her mouth slightly open. It wasn't that she didn't have confidence in herself, but holy crap, where did all that power come from?! She could hear Ultima chuckling behind her, and she turned around to face her Esper. "A little desire goes a long way," She stated as Nadeline's staff turned back into her rapier, her crown fading. "Feel better now?"

"Better? I feel like an entirely different person!" She stated, though she was still in shock. "I just...can't believed that worked! And the crystal..."

"Unused," Ultima confirmed her suspicion, tapping the crystal herself. "Your part is done. Run along, now."

As Nadeline opened her mouth to retort, the pair had felt something change in the air. Nadeline looked towards the plains, as if trying to look for something. "I just...got a terrible feeling..."

Once again, Ultima remained silent, though she would instead return to mist. Nadeline didn't bother asking her what happened, instead descending the tower, immediately heading to Wesley.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 1 day ago

It only took a few moments for them to get through the hole in Henne Mines, which placed them just outside of Ozmone. The sky was breaking free of the darkness. Whatever had happened when they were gone deep underground, it seemed it was starting to pass. Jaakuna had no doubt that Zodiark’s freeing and then his merger with Levi had some kind of impact on Ivalice. He felt it when he was Lohgrif. He just prayed that everyone was safe. If not, then..

And as Jaakuna broke free of his dreadful thought, he heard the others talk about Levi. Levi...yes, it was strange to say the least. But, of the time he has known that woman, she never did anything without an ulterior motive. Her rise through the Imperial Army ranks was to become a Judge Magister. Her reaching that was to spy for Shion, and spying for Shion was to relay information back to Hamut. Everything, no matter how small or large, was always to further advance her own, sinister plans.

Jaakuna had to admit it, though. He was at a loss. Her helping Emiri came out of nowhere. What did she have to gain from doing that? No matter how grateful he is to her because of that, it just didn’t make sense. Venat took Emiri and allowed Jaakuna to rescue her because he wanted Jaakuna to lower his guard to him. Keiran appeared like an ally because he wanted to make them suspect what he was after and that was getting the real Zodiark to come into existence once more. But Levi helping Emiri wasn’t clicking. Something was obviously at play in her mind but Jaakuna couldn’t pick it out? It was like he was searching for a needle in a chrome-colored haystack.

”It just doesn’t make sense,” Jaakuna mused, though he still was in his own world.

You think she was serious when she said it was for Grant?” Lorenzo couldn’t help but ask.

Grant scowled, not wanting to think of the implications. “Levi has always done things to further her own goal. If she wanted Emiri to live, I’d dare say she has a further use that we don’t know about,” He stated, immediately dismissing Lorenzo’s suggestion. Emette thought to herself for a moment, an answer on her lips that she simply didn’t want to admit. Grant caught her expression right away. “I can’t help but shake the feeling that you know something we don’t.” He told her.

Emette shrugged at him, a hand to her cheek. “I know a lot of things you don’t.

Out with it. You have to have some idea.

It’s likely the same reason the Blue Rose wanted to kill Emiri,” Emette replied rather quietly, shaking her head.”

“Right, so it’s the same old, same old: the evil bad guys want Emiri because of her powers.- we’ve always known that,” Savayna scowled, feeling like a broken record. “What they never tell us is why they want the power? Even if it’s a bullshit reason, they give us no clues. Honestly, they’re pretty horrible at this villainy job.” Savayna ranted, though she looked to Jaakuna. “What do you think?”

Jaakuna was silent, mumbling inaudible words.

“Hello! Jaakuna! Ivalice to Jaakuna! Do you copy?

Savayna grew irate after he didn’t respond, so she slapped him.

“Huh?” He said, not even registering the slap.

Welcome back,” Grant said rather sarcastically. “We were discussing the enemy’s motives.

Emette closed her eyes for a moment, though she would turn towards the dawn. “You’ve always known or guessed the first part,” She started slowly in response to Savayna, trying to choose her words carefully. “How strange, that a hume child would end up being a key to unlocking Espers, don’t you think?

And as a result, she gets the ability to warp time. We know this,” Grant said.

No. Time manipulation was a result of the pact made with Chaos long ago, inherited from...her mother,” Emette showed she had zero desire to let Emiri know her identity--not at the moment, anyway.

“Yeah, let’s talk about that for a second. How does someone go from being such a uptight, pompous bitch--no offense--like Justine to someone like an Angel of Clarity?” Savayna asked, highly curious. “I remember Justine and boy she was worse than Reia. At least Reia had a reason being the way she was, but Justine was just cruel.”

“Savayna..” Jaakuna used a warning tone with her.

“I’m just curious is all. Emette here isn’t nearly as insufferable as I remember Justine being, not to mention the stories I’ve heard from not only you but Grant too,” she looked at him. “This might not be the right time, but hey! She opened the door, so why not?”

As I said, I’m not Justine. Not anymore.,” Justine’s response was rather bitter.

“Well no shit. If you were, I reckon you’d never shut up.”

Emette was not amused by Savayna’s statement. “If we are going to be specific--and knowing how much your intelligence is shining right now, I fear I’m going to have to be--I said it before and I’ll say it again: Justine is dead. Her soul, however, isn’t--thus the appearance and knowledge I have. I told you before of my true identity as Emet-Selch, so if that isn’t simple enough for you, then you’re hopeless.

“You say Justine is dead and yet,” Savayna smirked, “that’s exactly how Justine would respond. At least, what I remember from that one time I met her.”

“As much as it pains me to say so, Savayna’s kind of right.” Jaakuna relunctantly said.

That’s because you’re an idiot, too,” Emette replied bluntly.

Lorenzo snickered for a moment. “I don’t think you’re helping your case there,” He pointed out, much to her annoyance.

Taking in a breath, she would do her best to explain--this time, going for the simpler route. “Just...okay, let’s go over the basics. The same way Jaakuna ‘transcended’ into Lohgrif doesn’t mean he’s actually Lohgrif. He’s still Jaakuna. Do you understand?

Savayna remained quiet for a couple of moments, just letting the words sink in. After one more had passed, she finally spoke. “Yeah but Jaakuna, no matter if it’s JAckson or Lohgrif, isn’t the same, or did you not see how Scion-like he was against Zodimiri? And yet you’re just as bitchy and crude as Justine was.”

Grant could practically feel the hatred flowing off Emette. “And in my situation, it’s the other way around,” She tried oh so hard to stay civil. “Despite maintaining Justine’s soul, I am still Emet-Selch.

“So, you’ve always been a bitch then?”

This time Grant cautiously stepped to the side, not wanting to get radiated by her anger in the process. “Yeah. Though I can see why, if she had to deal with the likes of you consistently,” She would state.

Jaakuna looked on, seeing that all-too-familiar gleam in her eye. It was the same gleam she had when she was about to say something that she was going to regret. He looked to Grant. Desperate, he would borrow Belias’ telepathic ability, and used it to speak to Grant. Do something before she speaks. You and I both know that she’s just as cold as the ice she commands. Jaakuna pleaded with Grant, reminding him of one of Savayna’s not-so-attractive quirks.

Grant blinked in confusion, somewhat slightly surprised by the connection. Not used to being on the spot, he looked at Savayna, and without warning, bopped her on her head. He then turned back to Emette, bracing himself for the next thing Savayna would do (likely hit him back). “I--What was it that you wanted to say earlier?” He hastily changed the subject, visibly nervous to Savayna’s reaction.

Now that was some quick thinking. Jaakuna mused to Grant, praising him for that brilliant idea. Though, he would look to Emette, hoping she wasn’t still seething. “Oh, that’s right, you were about to say something before..” His glance went to Savayna, who still seemed in a bitchfit. “So yeah, go on.” He said, ignoring Savayna’s scowl.

They were all idiots. Letting out a sigh once more, she shook her head. “As I tried to say before...You misunderstand what you saw in the mine. You--and Levi, I noted--believe that the possession was the result of Emiri going into the mines. It’s...likely the other way around. Emiri wasn’t suddenly possessed, she is a part of Zodiark. Her reaction was a result of coming close to Zodiark himself...to the darkness from whence she came.

Jaakuna might’ve preferred Savayna’s words instead because this was quite the revelation, not to mention he didn’t believe it to be true. “What exactly are you trying to imply, Emette? Are you actually trying to suggest that Emiri and Zodiark are one in the same?”

It certainly didn’t start that way,” Emette replied, crossing her arms. “Levi--ironically--is the one that put the idea in my head. As I recall, Levi planted a seed--one that grew and morphed her very being. Did you think Keiran was a result when instead he was a by-product?

“He’s a result of Venat’s seed, isn’t he?” Jaakuna seemed to be asking himself rather than Emette. “That’s why Levi put that seed into Emiri...right?” Jaakuna said, nearly distraught.

For once, she gave him a sympathetic look. “I imagine so…a fragile mind makes easy prey.

So you’re saying it’s my own fault, aren’t you?

Emiri had finally chosen to speak, throwing everyone off guard. She finally looked at the group, a distressed expression on her face. “It’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it?” She asked. “I...Because I wasn’t strong enough to fight it, it’s resulted in this...mess.” Emette looked away, confirming her suspicion.

“No, that’s not true.” Jaakuna stated, coming to Emiri’s defense. “Levi tricked us and then Keiran forced her to come here. It’s not her fault and fuck you for making her think that.”

It was then Grant remembered Levi’s words. “...’yet your fragile mind makes you suspect to dark influences’...” He muttered, understanding where Emette was coming from. “I have to say, she certainly picked the right time for it, taking advantage of an amnesiac right before learning of her mother’s passing…

Lorenzo scratched the back of his head, uncomfortable with the sudden tension in the air. “Oi, Emette, tell her that isn’t what you meant,” He said, his tone suddenly very serious.

Both Emiri and Emette looked at one another, as if daring the other to speak. But it was not what was said that broke her heart, it was what wasn’t said. Emiri shook her head at the woman before her. “Even with everything said...you really do blame me, don’t you?” She asked her quietly.

Emette opened her mouth to respond, but couldn’t seem to find the right words. This time, however, Lorenzo was the one who stepped forward. “You’re really going to go there, aren’t you?” He asked her, his words sharp. “Have some sympathy, won’t you? Gods know anyone would be losing their minds going through that kind of trauma!

Lorenzo…” Grant tried to calm him down.

You of all people should be agreeing with me!” He snapped at Grant. “When Mother died, it was like the end of the fucking world as I knew it! And when Roland killed Father it...you’re really telling me it’s not fine to be weak? You’re telling me that we have to be strong all the fucking time, when the truth of the matter is that no one’s that heartless! EVERYONE has their moments! And when you have the Queen Snake intentionally preying on someone, waiting for that vicious moment--you know this Levi better than I do! And you still have the gall to blame her?! Really?!

And what of the consequences?” Emette stated. “That’s all well and good, but as a result...Zodiark has awakened, with Levi as its host.

“What would Justine think if she heard you say that about her daughter?” Jaakuna brazenly stated, giving Emette a nasty snarl-like scowl. “All that time you spent inside her up until her death, even though you are no longer Emet-Selch, you can’t possible be without some of that same love that Justine had for Emiri. It doesn’t matter whose fault it is or who has Zodiark now - it’s not about him or Levi. This is about your daughter.” Jaakuna tried to appeal to what little remains of Justine in Emette. “You spent so much time driving her away, it’s no wonder she doubts herself so much.” Jaakuna grabbed Emiri’s hand, looking at her. After a moment, he returned his gaze to Emette. “Now’s your chance to give her some solace. Maybe you can finally be the mother you should’ve been when Justine was alive.”

Emiri stared at the ground, full of guilt, though a slight realization came to her. Jaakuna’s words would hit her hard as she seemed to understand what he was saying. She looked up at Emette, who looked somewhat affected by his words. Wait a minute, was Jaakuna really saying…? She let go of his hand for a moment, staring at Emette. Now that she was really looking at her, she resembled…

Wait, you’re…?” The words escaped her as Emiri reached out to her.

Emette shook her head, taking a step back. “I’m not,” She insisted rather firmly. “It’s not what you think.

But it is, isn’t it?” She asked her, a hint of hope in her voice.

Annoyed, Emette shook her head at her. “That sort of naivete is exactly what gets you into trouble! You can’t just believe--” She started, though she gasped as Emiri immediately embraced her. “What do you think you’re doing…?!

I can’t believe it,” Emette was shocked to hear Emiri’s voice being so gentle. “It’s you, isn’t it?

Emette was stunned. “It’s not...why don’t you people ever listen?” She sighed, though as she went to berate her more,she felt Emiri shaking. “Wh-what’s wrong with you?

Because I know you’re saying you’re not, but I can’t help it,” Came out her choked response. “[color=pink]You can keep saying ‘no’ all you want, but I know it's you. It really is, isn’t it, Mother?[/coior]”

Her eyes widened considerably, though to everyone’s surprise, Emette would burst into tears. “How can you still call me that?!” Her response was actually rather angry, unable to hide her emotion. “After everything I did...after all that suffering you went through...you’d still call someone like me ‘mother’? Are you stupid?! Are you that much of a fool?!

Emiri pulled back slightly, wiping away Emette’s tears. “Maybe because despite everything, you still loved me,” She replied, more confident. “Or...probably because I’m just as stupid as you say. I guess it’s just a daughter’s intuition.

If the dam had been holding anything back, it definitely broke at this point. This time, it was Emette who took Emiri into a tight embrace, sobbing uncontrollably. “Idiot! I can’t believe you...I can’t!

Jaakuna nor Savayna could hide their emotions as they would shed a few tears for this mother-daughter reunion (despite Emette repeatedly claiming she wasn’t Justine). It was only after Jaakuna noticed how emotional the moment was that he knew they’d need some privacy, so he gestured Grant, Lorenzo, and Savayna to follow him. “Let’s..give them a moment alone.” He told them quietly, trying not to speak too loud.

Grant nodded, empathetically pulling a sobbing Lorenzo with him. “Could you try to control yourself?” Grant asked him, annoyed.

I--I--I--c-c-can’t help it!” He stated, a blubbering mess. “I know sh-she kept saying sh-she’s not Justine, b-b-b-but…” He couldn’t even finish his sentence, dissolving into further tears.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Grant rolled his eyes, turning to Jaakuna. “Admittedly, the conversation brought up a point I wanted to delve into,” He said, not wanting to get back into the seriousness, but it couldn’t be avoided. “Levi stated she wasn’t finished with Emiri--I dare to think that means she could come back for her.

[color=ed1c24]”Not to mention what she said about you, Silent Knight.” Jaakuna said, chuckling, though instantly caught Grant’s scowl.

I--listen, I shot her point blank several times, can we talk about that for a moment?” He stated, flustered at Jaakuna’s comment.

Sure thing, ser knight,” Jaakuna said, teasing Grant some more, though he would sigh, humming thoughtfully. [color=ed1c24]”Levi doesn’t do anything without a reason. Obviously we know why she made you think you had killed her.” Jaakuna regretted how well he knew her. “Though, since we’re on the subject, what did happen between you two? Why is she suddenly referring you as her ‘Silent Knight’?” Jaakuna asked totally serious.

She kinda acts like a schoolgirl with a crush,” Lorenzo suddenly stopped crying long enough to make a statement.

”Ya know, despite how insane she is, I heard a rumor from one of my father’s associates that she’s a real freak in the sheets.” Jaakuna said, actually thinking about it, but he felt a hard hit from Savayna’s balled fist knock him forward. “Ow!

“You’re an idiot you know that!” Savayna scowled, hitting Lorenzo in the nose.

You know, Grant might be whiny, but he’s actually a good looking dude!” Lorenzo said as he rubbed his nose. “Tall, dark, handsome, rich, a prince of a nation...a lot of the maids loved to tend to him. If you get over his emoness he’s an okay guy to go after.

And in response to that last comment, Savayna punched Lorenzo again, this time her punch would draw blood.

“Geez, touchy much?”

“Just shut up before I punch you again. Levi is not going to get with my--I mean Grant.” She quickly caught herself, though now she was starting to flush red. She turned around instantly no matter how conspicuous it may have seemed.

Grant couldn’t quite hide his satisfied grin, ignoring Lorenzo’s muttered protests. To his surprise, he watched Emiri approach him, hands on his face. A moment later, his nose was fixed. “You sure it’s okay to be doing that?” He asked her seriously.

Yeah. I’m...relatively calmer now,” She admitted sheepishly, though she would then frown. “Actually, I’m sort of wondering what Levi is up to now. Why would she just leave? I figured her endgame is...well, killing us, so...where did she go?

“That’s the million gil question, isn’t it?”

Jaakuna joked, though he was right. Leviathan was, if nothing else, an enigma. Her mind and actions she took always left people guessing. Anything she did just made the next one all the more bizarre. Why would she seize control of Zodiark and then not use him to wipe out all of her enemies? Why would she heal Emiri, someone she helped get her closer and closer to Zodiark? The more answers that seemed to be answered, the more questions became raised. And the more questions that came about, the more confusion took root.

Don’t go overthinking it,” Emette suggested, trying to look stern despite her puffy eyes. “If there’s one constant, it’s that she does things for herself only. I’d wager her motivation to be something as stupid as simply wanting more power.

I don’t know...it’s also unsettling how quiet Venat has been,” Grant pointed out with a sigh.

With all of the chaos surrounding Zodiark and Levi, not to mention Lola and Keiran, both jaakuna and Savayna had completely forgotten about Venat and those who follow him even though they are the False Scions of Light. One would think that he’d be the first one to show his face or make his presence known, but Grant was right: Venat being silent through all of this was troubling to say the least. If he truly was planning something, then what he was doing was just as pressing as what Levi was up to.

“I think Emette is right, though,” Jaakuna admitted, “Overthinking it won’t do us any good. Besides, we need to decide something a little more pressing, albeit short term.”

Decide on…?” Emiri asked, unsure where Jaakuna was going with this.

“Getting us some fucking grub. Transcending is tough on the body and I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday morning.”

The entire group stared at Jaakuna. “He really is an idiot, isn’t he?” Emette asked, breaking the silence.



Even I thought that was dumb!

Emiri let out a laugh, though she would hug Jaakuna. “Maybe we should head back, I’m sure Wesley and Nadeline are wondering where we have gone,” She suggested.

“Not like I’m inclined to side with jaakuna about finding food, but Rabanastre is a long trek. At least half a day’s journey. We might want to rest up, perhaps get nourishment.” Savayna suggested, looking to Jaakuna. “I mean, the Garif couldn’t possibly deny sanctuary to Shion’s protege, now can they?” She nudged Jaakuna.

I think he prefers his new title of ‘Transcended’,” Grant would correct her.

Man, they could call him Queen if it means I can eat, I’m actually hungry!” Lorenzo grinned, earning him a whack from Grant. “Put that status to use!

Jaakuna blinked at them as if he couldn’t believe what they were saying. “Do you guys really think they would do that for me--I mean us?” Jaakuna asked them. “The Garif are proud, traditional people. They would do that just because I’m ascended past mere Humes.”

Savayna wanted to knock his teeth in, but she could tell he was buying into his own hype. “Oh, absolutely. To the others, she was patronizing him. To Jaakuna, she was feeding his ego. “Isn’t that right, guys?”

The mighty ‘chosen one’ should have no issues with the sage Garif,” Grant decided to play along.

Don’t forget us little people,” Lorenzo chuckled, rustling Jaakuna’s hair.

Emette kept a completely straight face, though she rolled her eyes. “I suppose our salvation does fall to you,” She mustered a compliment.

“Shion did say I was the only one who could stop Zodiark. So, maybe you guys are right.” Jaakuna mused thoughtfully, nodding as if he made a decision. “Very well, let us go to Jahara and let them bask in the glory of the Chosen One!”

And without even saying another word, Jaakuna led the march to Jahara, repeating the words “All hail the Chosen One!”

This is the one you choose? Truly?” Emette couldn’t help but ask Emiri.

We all get full of ourselves once in awhile, right?” Emiri responded cheerfully.

I want you to know that I am rolling in my grave right now,” Emette responded bluntly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 1 day ago

There was a time during the long night where the Dalmascans thought all hope was lost. The overwhelming threat of the shadow beasts proved to be too much. The Dalmascan Knights who had been mobilized from the generals and Wesley himself were being weighed down by the shear amount of their numbers and the sizes of some of the individual beasts. Even with the aid of the Whisperer, Bringer of Order, and the High Seraph, victory wasn’t guaranteed. It took the combined efforts of Hume and Esper to ensure that Dalmasca did its part in the Long Night.

But it wasn’t just in Dalmasca that fought for their survival. Archadia and Rozarria did as well. There was just as much of a presence from the Dark Spawns in Dalmasca as there were all over. No living life was spared from their clutches, but all living things had endured and they fended off the threat of evil the best that they could. Karolina and her army in ROzarria fended them off from the west of Ivalice. The center of Dalmasca did their part to extinguish the darkness, thanks in large part to Nadeline’s successful calling of the paling. North in Archadia had no worries. With the largest army and under rule of such a talented strategist such as Roman, not to mention the strongest collection of Judge Magisters since the days of Larsa the I, there weren’t any worries for anyone involved.

Walking around as the sun rose was a more pleasant experience than she would have anticipated. It was just before the day started, but right as the night ended, so even the nocturnal monsters had shuffled off to their holes to slumber, but the usual variety were not quite up yet. It was a rather quiet trek, occasionally broken with the group spoonfeeding Jaakuna’s ego (usually egged on by Savayna, despite Emette’s apparent reluctance) but soon, the entrance to Jahara was in sight. It was odd, they had spent all this time walking around, but she didn’t quite feel tired. Emiri edged herself closer to Emette,inspecting her carefully. They really did have a resemblance, which pleased her. Emette looked at her from the corner of her eye, though Emiri only smiled back.

As they approached the entrance, they would see a Moogle already at work, tending to the chocobos. A pair of Garif awaited them, stalwart as always, their eyes on the party as they would approach. At this point, Lorenzo nudged Jaakuna, motioning for him to approach them, “Go get us a meal ticket,” He told him, grinning.

“Right!” Jaakuna nodded with a gleeful smile. He walked over with his confidence as high as the sun overhead. “Hello, I am Jackson Darcone!”

The pair looked at one another for a moment, then back at the much-too-happy Jaakuna. “Darcone? You can’t mean…?” One seemed curious. “Kulumani, is this…?”

“The Blue Rose’s vagrant hope. The gods do have their sense of humor, it would seem,” Geomancer Kulumani chuckled. “These are allies, Hotonak. Tell us, O Transcendent One, what brings you to our humble lands?”

Grant wasn’t sure whether to be surprised or to cry. If Jaakuna’s ego wasn’t enormous before, it certainly would be now. Lorenzo snickered, and Grant had to nudge him to get him to stop.

Transcendent One? I like the sound of that. Jaakuna smirked, though heard Belias sigh. Ignoring him, Jaakuna looked at both Kulumani and Hotonak. “Yes, I am the Transcendent One! Shion, the Blue Rose has given me her Light. And I wish for me and my loyal subjects to have sanctuary in the Land of Jahara so we may rest up for the journey back to Rabanastre!”

That...that is a little much… Grant let out a groan, knowing for sure Jaakuna would get punished for his...ego. To everyone’s surprise, however, Kulumani ended up laughing--and not the mocking kind. “Your confidence is most assuring. And it pleases me to know her efforts were not in vain,” He would admit.

Emette was incredulous. They were actually treating him like a living god! She rolled her eyes, though she noticed Hotonak whisper something to Kulumani. Her eyes narrowed, though shortly after, she noticed more Garif across the bridge. For some reason, she didn’t like the look of that. She continued to watch them, sensing their uneasiness. Why? The way Kulumani spoke, they should have been thrilled at their arrival.

“We would be most honored to grant you sanctuary…” Kulumani started, though he seemed troubled. “Or...to grant it to most of you, that is.”

“Most of us--”

“Shush, Subject! Let your leader handle this!” Jaakuna said to Savayna, who seemed ready to pound him into the ground. He returned his gaze to the Garif. “Most of us?”

Grant had half a mind to hit him too, though it was then he noticed the gathering Garif as well. He nudged Savayna, motioning towards the other side of the bridge. Hotonak saw that, and turned around, traveling across to disperse the growing crowd. “My sincerest apologies,” Kulumani said. “We can tell you have awoken and taken your rightful place, though it...seems one of your entourage bears…his mark.”

Lorenzo blinked, confused. “His? He who?

“Yeah, what’cha talkin’ bout, Willace?”

His mark...the realization hit Emette like a truck, confirmed when Kulumani would point. “She who carried his seed, who freed him from his prison--her mist is corrupted, her very skin stained with the markings of the Keeper of Precepts.” As the words left Kulumani, Emiri’s eyes widened.

“I understand,” Jaakuna nodded, turning to his group of loyal followers. His eyes scanned all of them from left to right: Savayna, Grant, Lorenzo, and then fell upon the mother and daughter. He looked at one of them. “I’m sad to say, but you cannot pass this point,” Jaakuna put his hand on her shoulder, “please don’t take it personally, Emette.”

Kulumani visibly hesitated, uncertain. Emette stared at Jaakuna, entirely deadpan. “You truly are an idiot,” She told him, swatting his hand off her shoulder. “If anything, I’m just as ‘divine’ as you are.

“While true, you’re also a bitch like Zodiark. There is no other person who would be denied entry into the Holy Land.” Jaakuna stated sternly.

Grant rather quickly grabbed the back of Emette’s dress before she could jump him. She had a few choice words to say, all mumbled in a rather...violent matter, though the words ‘fucking moron’ were heard loud and clear. Lorenzo laughed nervously, just as unaware as Jaakuna, though he wasn’t sure how to bring it up. “So...uh...if not Em, then you mean…?” He asked, unsure.

He’s talking about me.” Emiri figured she might as well bring it out in the clear, lest Jaakuna spend the next hour trying to figure it out.

Jaakuna let out a loud, over-the-top, gasp of complete shock, then he turned his attention to the Garif, irate. “This does not please the Transcendent One!” Jaakuna said with great rage.

For the love of--will you get serious?!” Grant exclaimed.

Be quiet, Silent Knight! The Transcendent One is speaking!” Jaakuna snapped back.

Someone else talk to him, he’s definitely not hearing me over his giant ego,” Grant sighed, motioning for one of the others to give it a shot.

“Oh Transcendent One..”

“Yes, my loyal sub--”

Before he even got that last word in, Savayna delivered a massive uppercut straight in his jaw, knocking Jaakuna out cold, his body making a noticeable thud on the ground. “Apologies, honorable Garif, but I’m sure you could understand why I had to strike the 'Transcendent One'. Now, please, explain to us what you meant before Jaakuna here got carried away.” Savayna respectfully requested of the two Garif.

Guess we let it get too far, huh?” Lorenzo mused out loud.

“It unsettles our people,” Kulumani explained as Hotonak would rejoin them. “Please understand. We were recently attacked by his spawn. Of course, our warriors took up the challenge, but it left many wounded, and the young frightened.”

Savayna scratched her head, looking down at Jaakuna, then at Lorenzo. He seemed disappointed by the news. He had expressed a desire to eat, but it looked as though he’d have to wait a little longer. “If you don’t mind me asking, though, what did you mean by ‘spawn’?” Savayna asked the Garif.

Emiri shook her head, looking at the Garif. “I understand,” She told him. “Permit me the use of your crystal, I’ll be gone in an instant.

“We appreciate it. And to answer your question, they were creatures created from Zodiark’s darkness,” Hotonak would answer Savayna’s question.

Dark creatures? “Not like...the ones we encountered in Archadia…?” Grant thought out loud.

Savayna raised her eyebrow. This took her by surprise, though perhaps that’s why she had an uneasy feeling. She knew it was more than just Levi. Added to that, it must’ve been the creatures of darkness. “Were you the only ones attacked by these spawns?”

The attack was worldwide, and struck any place that had either living beings or a sense of civilization,” A familiar voice stated, coming from behind them.

Grant turned to see Aloa approach them, surprised. “This must have happened while we were in the mines,” He said, frowning.

Aloa ended up doing a double take, raising an eyebrow. “How amusing, Your Highness. Though I can’t say I prefer it to your old voice,” She mused, earning her one of his scowls. She would return to the subject, “You lot have caused quite a ruckus. I assume Zodiark was claimed, and ironically, it was that very claim that saved possibly the entirety of the civilized population.

“You sound almost happy, so you mustn’t know who claimed him, then.” Savayna said, feeling a foreboding storm building in her stomach.

Aloa flipped her hair, giving Savayna a look. “I’m tickled pink that the Serpent managed to pull the wool over my eyes. Even a meaningless distraction was sent my way...I expected Venat, but not her. I jumped at shadows, not realizing until it was too late,” She stated, somewhat bitter.

Aloa…” Emette felt guilty. “Forgive me, my power was not enough.

We can thank Nabriales for that, as she made sure your mortal one perished specifically so that Zodiark’s chains weakened,” Aloa rubbed her temples. Was she actually annoyed? “I thought her loyal to Venat, but...is it possible they work together? And yet I cannot confirm my suspicion.

“Your guess is as good as any, not to mention that when Emiri here was more or less rendered unconscious, we thought, in the moment she had approached, she was going to kill her. We couldn’t do nothing about it, but instead she healed Emiri, albeit in a way that grossed me the hell out.” Savayna informed Aloa.

Savayna’s statement caused Aloa to give Emiri her attention. The brunette seemed surprised, though would look away, ashamed. “...it was not by choice,” Aloa stated, walking over to Emiri. She took her hand, extending her arm above her head. Before she could ask what Aloa was trying to do, she felt Aloa’s mist move, revealing several markings on Emiri’s arms. They were the very same ones that had appeared in the mines. “Levi accepted Zodiark wholeheartedly--nearly taking her life as a result. Even then, the ‘key’ still functions as intended,” Aloa explained as Emiri pulled herself away from Aloa, the markings vanishing. “Your connection to the Keeper of Precepts remains. Were Levi to decide to kill her, it would only serve to damage Zodiark’s power.

But was that the only reason? “I have a feeling there’s more to that.” Savayna mused, “Aloa, you and Shion know Levi the most. I know you three, at one point, were aligned in similar goals. Did she ever give you any hints as to what she truly wants? She’s one to be overconfident when she suspects no one is onto her, so someone who is just as crafty and intuitive as her--someone like you--is bound to have some idea.”

As I said, it’s the reason she didn’t take her life,” Aloa repeated herself, walking up to the Garif. “Forgive the intrusion, but I will be taking them with me now. Rest easy.” She told the pair, who would nod. She turned back to the group, her hand on her hip. “If I may be blunt? It’s all done for her own amusement. Someone who possesses strength such as she would easily get bored doing things the conventional way. You either die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain.

That...can’t possibly be it,” Emette stated.

I can kind of buy into that theory. We’re talking about Levi. Batshit insane, orgasms with power Levi. I’m not striking it at least as a motivation,” Grant seemed inclined to agree.

“I sure hope you’re not trying to imply that Levi actually might be one of the good guys..” Savayna felt that anxiety further increase its hold on her gut.

She ‘technically’ saved people by taking Zodiark…” Lorenzo reminded them.

“And need I remind you that she has betrayed, maimed, and pretty much made all of our lives a living hell. Not to mention how she paraded around Wesley’s Uncle Cyrus, and killed him shortly after marrying him.” Savayna would remind Lorenzo, not to mention everyone else who might’ve forgotten.

Aloa...surely you haven’t come all this way without a reason?” Emiri asked, frowning.

Deciding not to tease the group any further, Aloa nodded. “Of course. I will take you all to Rabanastre--Shion should awaken at any moment now, and she and I have much to discuss with you--our near-equals,” She stated rather seriously. “It’s time we discuss our next course of action.

“You sure you have enough magick to teleport us all?” Savayna asked Aloa.

Grant nudged Savayna, shaking his head at her. To his surprise, Aloa smirked at the blonde woman, extending her arm out. “Ye of little faith,” She stated airily, her glyph appearing beneath them. A bright light enveloped them, and when it faded, they were on the quiet streets of Rabanastre. “Remember who it is you question,” Aloa reminded Savayna, two pats on her head as she would turn and walk towards the castle.

Wesley had been thankful for the help of the Espers in the fight during the night, though he had wondered exactly why they all went up and disappeared without a trace or any warning. It was as though they had left just as out of the blue as they had arrived. If it was tied to Zodiark, then why did all of the beasts suddenly leave? Wesley wanted to know more, but he would be interrupted mid-thought by one of his Kingsguard.

“Apologies, Your Grace, but they’re back.” He informed Wesley of Jaakuna’s return.

“Very well. Please go inform Nadeline of their arrival. I’m sure she would want to hear their explanation as well, and send them this way.”

Wesley would greet their friends. “Welcome back. You gave us quite the scare.” Wesley said, seeing the group that had left walk in with the added bonus of Aloa and some other female he didn’t recognize.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Jaakuna chuckled, giving Wesley a smile.

“I’m sure you have quite the tale, but you must be swamped. I’ll have the staff prepare us a meal. We’ll talk about last night’s ordeal over breakfast.” Wesley told them, guiding them to the Grand Hall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
Avatar of Hero

Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Considering the fact that their last meal was here, once again, the feeling on unease seemed to grip Emiri tightly. There was no convincing her otherwise; much had happened. As they entered the Grand Hall, she was slightly surprised to see Shion up and about, delicately dabbing a napkin to her lips. All things considered, the woman was relatively calm, simply sparing them a passing glance as they entered. She didn't really react until both Aloa and Emette approached her, to which she would place her napkin over her lap.

"The Prodigal Son returns in one piece. Seeing the Serpent and living is quite a feat--and I do mean both serpents," She stated to the group warily. "So Zodiark roams Ivalice in Levi's skin, I admit, she certainly slithered out of the cracks."

"More like oozed, but yes," Emette sighed. "I must ask for your forgiveness for my failure."

Shion's amber eyes examined Emette. "It's impressive enough that you still remain among us. I can assure you, Levi gaining Zodiark changes nothing--"

A pair of heels clicking the ground interrupted Shion, an exasperated Nadeline running in. "I came--as quickly as I heard--goodness, what a crowd," She began, noticing everyone gathered up. "Aloa, you've returned to us?"

"Yes, Highness. Forgive the intrusion," Aloa stated.

Nadeline shook her head, though her eyes landed on Emette, who crossed her arms. "Emet-Selch?" She asked, a hand on her chin. "But..."

"Color me impressed. I always knew you had a talent for detecting magicks," Emette replied in earnest. "However, much has happened that we all need to discuss."

This time, Shion scoffed. "Only one thing has happened: Zodiark's freedom. I'll be blunt: we failed. However, I don't think sitting around waiting for either Levi or Venat to strike would do us any good. We also need to go about fully purifying Miss Emiri before they come back for her."

Now it was Emiri's turn to scowl. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about me like I'm some sort of tool. I'm right here--you can talk to me." She said.

"You'll have to forgive my phrasing, but as always, I like to get straight to the point," Shion was rather quick to reply. "I don't care how it happened, the fact is that what's done is done. I've done my best to sharpen Jaakuna as a weapon against Venat--it's about time the rest of you do the same. Even so, you're still a liability."

"Shion..." Emette said, shaking her head.

The woman sighed. To their surprise, however, Emiri was the one to speak, "No, she's right. But rather than point fingers, I want to make it so that I'm not a liability anymore. I want to be someone that can be counted on rather than the cause of misery. Gods know I've been on a streak of messes--even Levi said so," Emiri said, more determined. "I implore you for your assistance."

"That's the kind of attitude I can get behind. Good to see your confidence rising," Shion noted, pleased.
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