Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The Sandsea was particularly foul; the air smelled of death. It was almost as if the sand itself was more akin to a swamp; its usually light brown, almost-tan-colored grains, were a murky brown with drops of abysmal black spread throughout its vastness. Ordinary eyes would simply think of it as the oil refineries leaking into the sea of sand and corrupting its purity, but those with the Eyes of Ivalice could probably surmise a different reason for its sudden change in color.

Those like Aloa of Eruyt and Emet-Selch of the Light Scions. These two, in particular, were no stranger to the familiar darkness that had been plaguing Ivalice for some time now. It was the same darkness that breathed carnage to her soils and it was the same darkness that brought threatened to pollute the very air that the many races of Ivalice breathed. It was the same rotten darkness that was believed to originate from the-then monster masquerading as Zodiark. Perhaps it was, but perhaps not.

The two who walk the path of light and for the Scions were most likely on the trail of the true source of all of this vile mist. Whether they realize it already, it is aware that they seek it. However, would they be prepared for what was to come? Perhaps, or perhaps not. One thing was clear and that’s, as they enter the Sandsea’s depths, surrounded by monsters who have been fed the mist in copious amounts, they might find their search might be a long one.

“What do you want us to do, Master?”

“For now, we wait. Let us see where they think I will be.”

“Is there a trap of some sort waiting?”

It chuckled, choosing not to answer. Instead, from high above, shadows watched as Aloa and Emette as they traversed the sandsea.

It was hard not to find the joy in how Grant’s voice became a running gag among the group. Wesley knew it was all in good fun and despite his outward annoyance, perhaps Grant knew that as well. They had all grown so close over these long months that joking and laughing with one another was truly a blessing in its own right. These days were coming to an end, Wesley knew that much. They had to enjoy these moments of peace whilst they’d last. There was no telling when the next disaster would come along and threaten their livelihood.

“Well, then I suppose we should see about getting some proper wine. I do not know about any of you, but after that meeting and the not-so-bright Igeyorhm, I could really go for a glass or two.” Wesley admitted, chuckling to himself.

“I guess you guys have earned it.” Michel stated, turning away from the group as he mounted Shemhazai.

“You’re not going to stay?”

“As much as I would love myself a glass of that fine Rozarrian wine, our place is elsewhere.”

“Where will you go?”

“Igeyorhm is most likely heading to Archadia.” Michel stated, looking to Grant and the others. “Shemhazai and myself can travel through the Void for faster travel. I will inform Jackson of what has transpired here. I will tell him the Rozarrians have done their part regarding the treaty. Besides, I owe someone dear to me a visit. I fear she’s not too pleased with me at the moment.”

“She?” Wesley murmured, eying Michel suspiciously.

“Until next time, King Wesley.” He shot Wesley a smirk before he and Shemhazai hopped into a portal and were gone from Rozarria.

“I wonder who he meant..”

Being a Chosen One and a lover is never an easy thing to do, Wesley. Hashmal stated like a wise sage of some sorts.

And then it hit Wesley. Of course, Michel had been involved with that Meli woman. And then, as if like some kind of switch, Wesley let out a rather noticeable fit of laughter. “Oh man, that Michel is sure in for it.” He couldn’t stop laughing no matter how un-Wesley-like it was of him.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Emette surveyed the landscape, the wind blowing her white hair behind her. She frowned, noticing some rather calm cockatrices not too far away. If it wasn't obvious before, something was definitely in the air now. She rubbed her arms as she followed Aloa, who continued as if nothing was wrong. In a way, Aloa's determination was admirable with no signs of stopping. The viera truly were a force to be reckoned with--which begged the question of why someone so spiritually in tune with Ivalice would be out here doing so much on her own.

Aloa came to a stop as she knelt down once more. As Emette was about to question her, she took notice of the mounds in the sand. Likely monsters waiting to spring up on them. As she readied for a battle, Aloa shook her head at her, uncovering one of the mounds closest to them. She was shocked to see the Yensa there, still. Emette would kneel down as well, inspecting it carefully.

"Recall how mist effects the body," Aloa said as she would stand. "Its wickedness is far stronger than I thought. And yet...we haven't reached the heart."

"What madness..." Emette would stand as well. "Does it seek to drain Ivalice of all life?"

"Chaos needs no reason to function," She reminded her, placing a hand on her hip.

It wouldn't open.

At first she had assumed that Shion herself had simply locked her in, but after trying to get out, Emiri discovered the handle was jammed. She was trapped, with no amount of calling or knocking getting anyone's attention. Likely, a majority of them were out on the balcony, leaving only the possibility of either Jaakuna or Savayna noticing. Of course, knowing Savayna, she was likely to still be beating some sense into Jaakuna. Letting out a groan, she gave up for the moment and would simply sit on the floor.

The closet was dimly lit, small, but big enough she could sit comfortably. It looked more like some sort of place for records; she suddenly wondered if it was okay for her to be around such things. She couldn't hear much of what was happening outside, but the quietness was comforting. She was alone with her thoughts for the first time in a while, and if she was going to stay stuck, she may as well sort through them.

Of course, frustration was foremost in nearly everything she thought about. Once again, she had let herself walk right into the enemy's plans. Admittedly, she never imagined Keiran working for Levi of all people, though perhaps his so called loyalty to Venat was one of convenience. Technically, Levi was the one who created him. But while she somewhat expected a betrayal, perhaps she thought he had changed his mind. She absentmindedly rubbed her arm where the markings had appeared, and shuddered. Was she just going to always be in the way? Was everyone right?

'Why don't you just do us all a favor and kill--'

Yourself. Emiri was certain of Cassandra's words.

Well, dying would certainly solve a few problems. But it'd cause a lot, too.

And there was the other issue of that. Taking in a deep breath, Emiri closed her eyes in concentration. Welcome back.

Well, are you going to listen to her or not? The voice chided her. I'm sure if you look around you can find something nice and sharp. I don't think anyone's noticed you're in here, so...why not?

You're a very crappy conscience.

You're the one thinking about it! So if you're gonna bitch about it so much, then just do it!

Emiri opened her eyes, her hand reaching into her boot. An old habit she couldn't break, and as she pulled the slim dagger from it, she held it in her hands. The voice had a point. If she was going to sit around and complain, if she was just going to continue getting in the way, there really wasn't any point. She sat up properly, holding her dagger in her hands and pointing it towards herself. For some reason, there wasn't any fear. Wow, did she really hold herself to such a low standard?

Shutting her eyes, she moved to stab herself, only to get interrupted at the last second. Try not to get any blood on the papers, we wouldn't want to inconvenience anyone, The voice told her cheerfully. Oh, you think Nadeline will name the baby after you? No, wait, that'd be too cliché. Hmm...well, if you're dead, then Jaakuna can marry someone worth his while! And then world peace can be achieved!

"Gee, thanks!" Emiri huffed out loud. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

No, what's wrong with you?! Seriously, you really think taking the coward's way out is going to do anyone any good?! She suddenly found herself on the receiving end. What happened to not running away anymore?! Do you have any clue how much you'd hurt your friends if they finally got that door open only to find you dead in here? Listen to Shion! Get your shit together! Put on your big girl pants and say 'fuck you' to the world! Yeah, you've made mistakes, but it's not about what you've done, it's about what you'll do from here on out!

Something about the way the voice spoke was oddly familiar. Why couldn't she quite put her finger on it? "If I get myself out of here, you're telling me who you are," She stated as she stood up.

Yeah...no, it's jammed from the inside, you're not going anywhere until someone else gets you out. The voice corrected her as she stuck the dagger onto the gap in the door, trying once again to get out. But that's the spirit! Keep it up!

"Why won't you just tell me who you are?" She asked as she struggled with the handle once more. "Why go the 'mysterious' route?"

Don't worry, we're going to meet soon, That definitely threw her for a loop. Listen, they're coming for you again. You mustn't run away--things are going to look bad, but it'll all be okay.

"How do I know I can believe you?"

There's no way to know. But I'm serious! Oh, don't turn the dagger that way, it'll--

A painful sounding 'thunk' was heard. The handle wouldn't even move anymore. Uh oh. Panic ensued, though she resorted to banging on the door.

Have fun with that~

Grant was entirely confused to the reasoning behind Wesley's laughter, although he resigned himself, something else occupying his thoughts. "Not that I doubt Shion's power or anything, but I have to wonder why exactly Venat wants to get rid of Shion so badly. Now that she's passed on the Sigil, you would think his first course of action is to get rid of Jaakuna. Furthermore, it's as if they don't care about Emiri anymore, either. What exactly are they planning?"

"How do you know he wants to get rid of her?" Nadeline asked him, frowning.

"Oh, right--I thought Igeyorhm had come for Jaakuna, but I was mistaken. He said as much," He explained.

"And...he just told you?" She asked, surprised.

"He isn't their most intelligent. His fighting is as entirely different story--I fear if Wesley hadn't caught him off guard, we may have been in trouble even with my awakening," He told her, hand to his chin. "I hate to admit it, but he's going to cause us trouble the next time we cross paths--or rather, he's going to cause quite the commotion in Archades."

"We should head there ourselves!" Nadeline insisted. She stopped as she heard her father whimper. "Oh, Father, don't take it personally, it's just--there's so much that needs to be done!"

Taking in a breath, Grant had to brace himself for the repercussions of what he was about to say. "She has a point. Wesley and I should get going, I'm sure we can still catch a flight to Archades," He said, crossing his arms.

Nadeline looked just about ready to hit him. "Excuse me?" She confronted him immediately. "My hearing must be leaving me, what do you mean 'Wesley and I'?"

"You can get a flight to Rabanastre," Grant remained steady, surprising her. "You heard me, if Igeyorhm is going to Archades, I'm sure there's going to be another battle. Actually, with the conclusion of the treaty, there's going to be nothing but fighting from here on out."

Karolina placed her hands on Nadeline's shoulders. "He's saying that it's time for you to focus on yourself," She told her soothingly.

"I can handle myself just fine," Nadeline countered. "Not to mention Reia is in Archades as well. You're not getting rid of me yet."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

“Grant, I must apologize, but I must side with my darling. Despite Archadia looking to be a center point for battle, Nadeline proved herself to be more than capable during the Black Night. Despite her bearing our child and despite everything that was telling her to quit, she didn’t. What was even more, she stood her ground and is the reason my--I mean our--city didn’t fall to the spawns of darkness.” Wesley took Nadeline’s hand, gripping it lovingly, and giving her a similar gaze. “I will not leave her behind. So, either you go by yourself or we go together.”

And, as a turn of events that Grant should’ve predicted, Wesley laid out his ultimatum.

Stepping through a portal and landing on one of the skyscrapers of Archadia, from the view, Michel had forgotten how beautiful his homeland was. Just based off of appearances along, even for Michel, he had to admit the wonders the city had. Buildings that were slick and had a certain design that really made one respect those who laid the foundation for what the modern architects had been able to achieve. Not to mention the several floating buildings powered by state-of-the-art cores that were just another reason for the praise that went towards Archadia’s technological breakthrough. It’s no wonder people often refer it as “The City of Wonders”.

“Do they really call it that?” Shemhazai asked, not seeing what Michel was actually meaning.

He shrugged, “all I know is that we are often given praise for our breakthroughs.”

“Sound kind of dumb.”

“I agree, but we have to learn how to take the praise when it's offered.”

This time, Shemhazai was the one who offered a shrug, though she rolled her eyes. Michel wouldn’t say nothing after that. He simply gave her a nod and she would fade back into the void until such a time came when Michel required her assistance once again.

Looking out at the city once more, Michel took in a deep breath, and took a step off of the building. He aimed his head down towards the ground, feeling alive as the wind began to pick up and his green hair was so far behind his face it almost seemed as though his hair was being sucked away from his head. But, just as it seemed that he was going to crash on the floor and become part of the ground floor in a permanent way, Michel extended his hand and Void Portal appeared below him. He went through it only to appear through a different one in that same moment just a few paces away and he took to a casual walk as if nothing had happened.

Michel knew where he had to go. As soon as he had stepped foot into the city, he could sense her mist. Of course, of all places, he would find her in this tavern not far from Old Archades. It only took him about ten minutes to reach it, but once he did, he walked in with his typical, low-key swagger that most in the Imperial Army knew him for. And much like how he won her over, he saw his darling sitting at a table all by her lonesome. Gods only knew that if some poor sap tried to make a move on her, she wouldn’t hesitate to kick his ass.

Let’s just hope she doesn’t do that to men.

He approached her table, sitting across from her and seeing her radiant, feisty eyes just looking back at him. A waiter came over to him. “What can I get you?”

“Whatever’s on tap is fine.”

After the waiter had come and gone with his drink, setting it on the table, Michel just stared at her. Surprised as ever, she wasn’t wearing her usual digs. She was more...conservative than what she usually wore. But that didn’t say anything for how angry she looked. Time to say something clever, Michel.

“I hear my father is doing well with the flowers.”

Meli let out something that was half a scoff and half a laugh. Without responding, she would down the rest of her drink before slamming it onto the table. She turned in her seat, eyeing him rather suspiciously. She crossed one leg over another, almost looking like a lady, though the scowl on her face would send even hardened soldiers running.

That’s your brilliant one-liner?” She asked him, her voice venomous. “For fuck’s sake, you had how long to come up with something, and that is it? Fucking--HEY!” She stopped her tirade long enough to snap her fingers at a passing waitress, startling the poor woman. “I’m going to need another five of these to get me through this conversation.” She told him, placing her empty cup on the table and grabbing the drink she already had. The waitress fled the scene immediately, leaving Meli to return her attention to Michel.

She nearly got halfway through her second drink before she would place it down, giving him her attention once more. “Michel. Darling. Sweetheart. Where the ever living fuck have you been?” She went straight into it.

“That’s a long story.”

“I didn’t ask for a long story, I said where the fuck have you been!” Meli replied.

Michel let out a sigh, downing whatever crapshit ale he was drinking. “The better question would be to ask where haven’t I been.” He stated with another sigh. “Let me start over; I’ve been following lead after lead for our mistress regarding Zodiark - or who was parading as Zodiark. I’ve been from the most northern pole to the ruins of Pharos. It was only in the past few days did I finally get what I needed, so I’ve been with our Blue Rose for the past few days.” He told her, hoping she was satisfied with his answer.

“Is that why you ditched me out of the blue?!” She asked him, throwing herself back in her seat. “You just up and walk out muttering some crap about ‘the dark one’ then you go who knows where and now--you know what, I have been worried sick about you, no message, no ‘hey babe I’ll be back’, nothing.” She huffed at him. “You understand why I’m so pissed, right? Right?”

Michel reached over to touch her hand, attempting to stroke it gently. “Of course, I understand. And you don’t think I haven’t been keeping tabs on you. I know you have been doing a wonderful job. No words could describe how great of a job you have done with my responsibilities.” He spoke to her tenderly. “But I’m here now, so let me make it up to you.” He said as he kept rubbing her hand.

She threw him another scowl, taking her hand from his. “No sweet-talking your way out of this one!” She scolded him, placing her hands on the table. “Tabs, but not a damn message to be seen. Unbelievable!” She let out a small whimper, suddenly putting her head in her hands. “It’s like I don’t even matter! I’m not so clingy I need to know your every movement every second of the day, but…”

“Technically, I just told you where I’ve been.” Michel said as he shrugged.

Slamming her hands onto the table, she glared at him. “That’s not what I mean!”

Though everyone else seemed fearful of Meli as she raised her voice, Michel would only smirk at his dearly beloved. “You know I love it when you get angry.” He teased her.

“Honestly, it’s like you’re not even listening to me!” She whined. “I’m being serious!”

“Oh, I can tell,” Michel nodded. “You’re angry at me for being gone. I am at your mercy, my beautiful goddess.” Michel feigned an understanding tone, faking a whimpering expression as she was still glaring at him.

As the waitress returned with her drink, she immediately downed the one she had stolen easier, taking the second drink. The waitress took the empty cup as Meli took a swig of the third drink, though she let out a shriek as Meli would slam that one down as well. “Fuck off already!” She barked, sending the waitress to--once again--flee. “Mercy my ass, you just think you can bat those eyelashes of yours and I’ll immediately forgive you. It’s not happening, Michel!”

“Gah, you saw through my master plan!”

“Fine, be an ass, go disappear again and see if I care,” She snapped at him as she would stand. She turned to leave, only to see the same waitress, who froze in place. Rolling her eyes, she fumbled through a small handbag and piled a collection of gil on the waitress’ tray, and promptly stomped away.

“Gods, I love that woman.” Michel snickered, giving the waitress a smile as he followed Meli out of the tavern. It only took him half of a minute to catch up to her, to which he put his arm around her shoulder, bringing her into a forced embrace.

“Michel, stop it,” She told him, pushing him away.

And yet, despite her protests, he persisted, bringing her closer, using his free hand to tickle her sides. “Oh come on, you know you like my surprise hugs, babe.”

“I’m not in the mood,” She told him, swatting his free hand away.

“That’s what you always say and yet...” Michel would snicker, giving her a mischievous look. He would go for round two of the tickling.

A laugh managed to escape her before she would grab his hand. “I mean it this time!” She told him as she wriggled her way out of his embrace, continuing her strut. “Is that all it is, Michel? You’re entirely convinced I’m just going to forgive and forget about this?”

“Of course not,” he stated simply, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a set of diamond hair clips, and handed them to her. “Maybe this might help you see to my way of thinking.”

She hesitated for a moment. Damn it, how long did he have those for?! Oh, they were so pretty--no, no, she was pissed, and she was going to stay pissed! She had half a mind to throw them at him, though before she even realized what she was doing, she had placed them in her hair, taking a moment to admire herself. Where the fuck did herself control go?! Okay, fine, she didn’t have to stay mad,but he needed to understand why she was mad--and actually understand, not ‘yes I heard you’ understand.

Turning towards him, she tried very hard to ignore his very confident expression. “Michel.” She said his name.

“That’s my name, don’t wear it out.”

“Michel!” Her temper seemed to flare up, but for once she managed to calm herself down. “Could you please stop being an ass, I’m really upset right now!” She pleaded with him.

“What? Are you not pleased with the gift? I should’ve got you the matching bracelet, huh.” Michel stated, feeling a tinge of regret.

As much as she was dying to know about the bracelet, she resisted. “Michel, after you left, Lola went missing, too.” She told him, frowning. “And with our Blue Rose going off on her own, I feel abandoned.”

On the mention of Lola, Michel could tell just by her somber expression that she truly didn’t know the truth about Lola nor did she about anything about what has transpired. And how could she? As she said, they all left her hanging dry with only her and his father to take reins of Utena. It was no wonder she was so damn pissed at him.

He let out a sigh, now understanding. In the moment that followed, Michel took her hand and they both disappeared into one of his Void Portals. Though surprising to those on the ground floor, they’d be gone from sight in a matter of seconds, and their forms appeared on top of the Emperor’s Building.

“I take it back, I’m going to need some details of that story,” She stated.

There was a moment of amusement from Michel as he gave Meli a slight chuckle, though he could see the look on her face and it was obvious how she was equally intrigued and confused. “I suppose a lot has happened. Fine, let me begin at the easiest to explain. I’m what they call a Chosen One. As you probably know, the Espers bond to one special Hume and once they find them sufficent enough, they are able to unlock their Inner Seals. I’ve done this twice over: once to become a chosen one and another to be an Ascendant of the Void.” Michel explained, hoping she was still with him at this point.

“That explains why your ego’s inflated moreso than usual.” Meli nodded in understanding.

“It’s not my fault that I’m more special than the likes of Savayna and Prince Grant, who by the way, totally sounds like a teenaged girl.”

“What?!” She paused. “...Is Grant the blonde one…?”

“No, he’s the one that whines a lot. Savayna calls him Pussy Grant.”

“Oh, that one...I don’t remember him. Maybe I confused him with that dark haired chick…”

“Well, he is a bit feminine. With his new voice, he’ll be even more confusing than she--I mean he--was before.” Michel let out a laugh.

Meli nodded, though she would pause once more. “So...you’re super special then? What does that mean? Like, what are you chosen for?”

“Special things.”


“Specifically things that are special.”

She pushed his shoulder. “Michel!” She whined. “See, this is what I’m talking about, I’m trying to be serious and you’re joking around again.”

Michel just let out a shrug. “My bad, hun, but I’m trying to lighten the mood because what I have to say next is something you’re not going to like one bit.”

“Why?” She asked him suspicious. “Are you...trying to tell me something?”

Michel eyed Meli, trying to think of what’d be the best way to say what he knew she needed to hear, but how did one go about it? Just tell it to her straight. Shemhazai suggested.

Yeah, I know.

Taking a long moment to carefully consider his options, he knew what he had to do. “It’s about Lola. She’s not who we think she is.”

“What do you mean?”

Michel had began to explain it the best that he could. He told Meli exactly what everyone had told them when they got back from Henne Mines. They started with how Lola was with the Dark Seed, Keiran, the one that Leviathan had put in Emiri about two months ago and how his motives had been very ambiguious at best. Michel mentioned how he had been acting supicious as of late until his real motives were revealed and that he was working with Levi and Lola, the goal still remained cloudy at best, but what seemed obvious was the three of them were working -- in secret -- to revive the real Zodiark and that Lola was actually not what they knew her as. “Lola” was a cover name; her real name was Nabriales, the Majestic, the famed Scion of Light opposite to Cuchulain, the Impure.

And when he told her that, it was obvious to Michel that she wasn’t prepared. And how could she be? The person she thought as a sister in arms was actually the sworned enemy of Ivalice. Not only that, but Lola and Meli seemed to have a bond closest out anyone of Utena, so he knew that this was a shocker for her.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Meli demanded to know more. “Are you trying to tell me this entire time we’ve been fooled?”

“That I can’t say with absolute certainty. Maybe she did actually care about our cause.” Michel sighed and shrugged. “All I know is that, at some point in time, she became this false Scion of Light.” He said, touching her shoulder with his hand comfortingly. “If you need more answers...well,” Michel opened a portal to the left of them. “Let us step through and someone may be able to provide more answers for you.”

Michel took Meli’s hand as the two of them would once again go into one of his Void Portals and they’d find themselves out on the balcony of Roman’s office where he and the others were enjoying some tea. “Madame Blue Rose, how wonderful it is to see you walking.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Taking my baby girl from me yet again...how cruel this world is!" Lorenzo stated dramatically, using his wife's shoulder to sob on.

"We've been together this entire time," Grant reminded him, rolling his eyes. "You can't have forgotten that."

"That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, Grant! Oh, why would you care, you're just a heartless man who's always been jealous of his brother!"

"I can definitely assure you that is not the case. At all." Grant was pretty quick to dismiss that thought, though instead he turned his attention to Nadeline. "If you're sure, then let's get going. Whatever Igeyorhm is planning, I'm positive we can overtake it so long as we stick together."

"That's the spirit!" Nadeline cheered rather happily.

"Welcome!" Roman hailed the pair, gesturing them to have one of the vacant seats. Reia was very concerned over the fact that Roman hadn't so much as asked how the hell they got there--and judging by his reaction, he didn't seem to care much. That, or he didn't think much of it.

"Not a single comment on the magic portal?" She ended up asking him.

"Details, my lady, you shouldn't concern yourself too much with them, lest they start to drive you mad," It sounded like he was trying to offer advice, but at the same time, it was very clear he didn't care too much.

Shion ignored their conversation as she finished her cup, though she didn't seem too surprised by Michel and Meli's arrival, either. "I was asleep for longer than anticipated, but as we know, Ivalice continues, and the deed is done," She stated as Meli would kneel down before her. "I'm quite pleased with your awakening, though something tells me you aren't here simply to exchange pleasantries."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

As always, his mistress was as intuitive as she had always been. He hadn't even been in her presence for a full minute and she already could sense that he was here more than to see how she was doing. "You are correct," Michel confirmed her supsicions. "As you know, I left on a--wait, there's someone missing." Michel noticed this right away. Among them, there were two key Archadians missing, not to mention a brunette who needed to hear what he had to say. "Where are Jaakuna, Savayna, and Emiri?" Michel asked, though some of them seemed reluctant on telling him. However, he would notice that the Dalmascan Knight, Alistair, who was enjoying tea as he sat next to Reia, point inside the building.

Michel stepped through and what he saw was, if nothing else, shocking. Blood sprayed all over the formerly-flawless desk that was handcrafted by the first Archadians. and that wasn't the only thing he saw. Savayna was beating the holy Ultima out of Jaakuna. He didn't quite understand, but as he saw her grab him by his blond hair, she would use her monstrous strange as she would flip him up like a ragdoll and slam his body into the ground, alternating from left to right but not seeming to cease her actions. Honestly, what had Jackson done to incite such rage?

"Uh, Savayna.."

"What is--oh, Michel, it's you."

Michel didn't know what to say, "yeah, I need to speak to you and Jaakuna."

"can it wait? I'm in the middle of beating his ass."

"It'll only take a moment, then you can continue your justified beating." Michel said, hearing Jaakuna moan in surprise. "Oh, where's Emiri--"

Michel heard something that sounded a lot like a banging from the closet door. He heard it multiple times, actually. Curious, he went over to investigate. The lock was jammed it seemed, so he would work his magic, and as he would open it, out came Emiri running straight towards him. Out of reflex, he quickly side-stepped as Emiri ran straight for Jaakuna, who was on all fours, and Emiri's rather large knee had made direct contact with Jaakuna's hard head, knocking him out.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Emiri was just about to give up. How the hell did no one hear her?! She half-wondered if maybe it was because Savayna hadn't quite finished beating the crap out of Jaakuna, but she was getting tired of being holed up. Getting desperate, she decided to ram the door. Going back as far as she could, she then charged--only to see Michel open the door. She was already in momentum, though of course Michel being Michel, he sidestepped her quite easily. She had nearly forgotten about his skills, though while she would take a second to remind herself to thank him, the unfortunate Jaakuna hadn't quite seen her coming.

She let out a cry as she knelt down, shaking him. "I'm so sorry!" She told him, though it took her a moment to realize the mess Savayna had caused. "Geez, Savayna, have some respect, this isn't your place," The brunette frowned as she looked at the desk, though as if her thoughts had activated it, slowly the desk would become clean, and Jaakuna would be restored. As if anticipating Savayna's thoughts of further harming him, the brunette threw herself on top of Jaakuna, giving Savayna a look.

"Enough horsing around, Michel has something he needs to say," Shion would call out to them.

Is that what she thought was going on?!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

"The only thing I'm going to respect is that idiot's face under my heel." Savayna snarled at Emiri, turning around as Shion had demanded absolute silence as she told them Michel had something to tell them.

The latter coughed, giving Shion a nod. He then looked at everyone as he had their undivided attention - even Jaakuna who, despite his condition, was paying attention. Once Michel saw that he would begin speaking. "While you all have been dealing with the treaty business here, I was tracking one of Venat's Spawns. He calls himself Igeyorhm, the Martyr. As some of you know, from the legends of the Scions, this specific one is the opposite of my Esper, Shemhazai, the Whisperer." Michel stated, coughing as he continued. "He went to Rozarria as he was tracking someone of his own. He was well aware of my presence, which was why he lost my tail somewhere in the Sandsea. So, I lost about an hour I had on him, which allowed him to set up a plan to find who he was after."

"And who was he looking for?" Jaakuna asked.

"Well, after a failed attempt to subdue him, Wesley and Grant - mostly Wesley - decided to appeal to his not-so-intelligent mind and passively state that Venat would kill him." Michel laughed at the thought of that. "Wesley's quite evil when he wants to be. Some of the things he implied really made me feel bad for Igeyorhm," he shook his head as he returned to his thought. "With Wesley's confusing rhetoric and GRant's quick mind, he figured out that it was neither of them that he was after. In fact, it was a woman the Martyr was sent to retrieve."

"A woman huh? So, Venat wants me dead, huh?" Savayna didn't seem surprised.

"Actually, it was not you who he was sent to kill."

"Then who? Emiri?" Jaakuna automatically looked to his beloved, worried.

"Again, that's not who." Michel shook his head to both Jaakuna and Savayna, though he drifted his eyes to someone else. "It was you, my mistress," Michel said to Shion. "Igeyorhm comes for you--"


Suddenly, almost as if out of nowhere, an explosion not far off from where the Emporer's Tower was location could be heard, causing citizens in the area to scream. "What was that?" Jaakuna asked, rushing to the balcony. He saw a tower of smoke coming from the Market District.

"He comes."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Shion watched the smoke, amused. It was flattering to think Venat still saw her as a threat, but it was quite cumbersome. That, and she was actually surprised by Michel's words. So Igeyorhm had decided to show his sorry face, did he? Placing her own cup onto the nearby table, she would place a finger on her temple, contemplating her next course of action. Confronting him would be the simplest course of action, though he wasn't very bright--he would rather fight then talk, though knowing how easily he could be fooled, getting some answers out of him would likely be an easy feat.

Meli scoffed, crossing her arms. "What exactly does he hope to accomplish by wrecking the city?" She asked. "Is he stupid or something?"

"He seems the type to act before thinking, that's for sure," Reia couldn't help but comment dryly. "Considering we didn't have a clue he was around before Michel said anything, you would think he would use the element of surprise to his advantage."

"Like our own Prodigal Son, Igeyorhm is...very straightforward," Shion chose her words rather carefully, shrugging a shoulder. "Even so, he seems to have run out of patience in his search. In his mind, whatever survives his attacks is likely to be what he is looking for."

Emiri could understand the comparison to Jaakuna now. "That's a little..." She started, though she wondered if this was the situation the voice told her. 'Don't worry, we're going to meet soon.' She remembered the words clearly, though she would walk over to Shion. "How will you respond?"

"I won't. Considering I've lost my precious weapon--a very part of my soul--I admit, I haven't quite recovered completely," Shion answered simply, surprising her. "Igeyorhm isn't a threat to my existence, though I admit I'm very curious as to the 'why' of his mission."

"He does seem rather reckless..." Roman said with a small frown. "He's causing quite the commotion."

"I can't help but feel you should be more concerned considering this is your city," Reia said.

"Of course I'm concerned. Unlike my younger half-brother, however, I haven't the slightest combat experience," He stated as he poured himself another cup. "I am fraught with worry." His actions certainly didn't help his cause as he would simply take another drink.

Emiri would then turn to Shion once more. "If you won't go, then I will," She said.

Shion raised an eyebrow at her. "Here's hoping you don't tumble down the wrong path again," She replied.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

As they all spoke, there was only one thing that Jaakuna could think about and that was the constant comparisons to him and Igeyorhm. They kept saying that Jaakuna wasn’t bright and this one wasn’t bright, and then how they were both reckless. Was he really that careless? Sure, Jaakuna tended to get carried away from time to time, but he wasn’t nowhere as rash as this Igeyorhm seemed to be. And yet, as he looked on from the balcony, it was obvious that this guy wouldn’t let up. There was already four towers of smoke but throughout the city. However, Jaakuna noticed something rather...odd.

“Is he...no, he can’t be serious?”


“I might be mistaken, but I think he’s going further away from us with no possible direction whatsoever.”

Michel laughed, but he noticed what Jaakuna noticed. “you’re ... right, Jaakuna. He’s actually moving away from us.”

“Guess you and he aren’t so different, after all, Jaakie” Savayna patted his shoulder, to which Jaakuna flinched. He still was fresh on the memory of Savayna beating his ass.

Jaakuna pounded his fists together, flame mist sparking from them, and grabbed Emiri by the arm. “Last one there is a rotten Chocobo Egg!”

And without so much as a single warning, he jumped off the balcony with Emiri in a single arm, and he flared up, fiery mist surrounding him as Jaakuna had used it to propel him towards where the towers of smoke were going.

“What an idiot,” Savayna shook his head, “though, he has the right idea.”

Savayna snickered and she too would follow suit, doing exactly what Jaakuna did, but in her own style. As she had jumped off the balcony, ice beckoned her feet and she left a path of ice in her dust as she was right on Jaakuna’s tail. Michel would also do the same, taking Meli’s hand as they would jump from portal to portal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Letting out a yawn, Igeyorhm would scratch the back of his head as the area was cleared of civilians, his free hand grasping a map. Man, this was getting old. Why the hell was Archades so big? He clucked his tongue as he continued to walk, not even acknowledging the soldiers approaching him. He stopped for a moment to stare at the map, though it was then a soldier decided to attack. Shaking his head, he ducked, bringing up a punch with full force as he jumped up. As the man hit the ground, Igeyorhm would look around. Why the hell did all the buildings look the same?! He crumpled the map, throwing it over his shoulder as he walked. Fine, if he wasn't going to find the castle, all he needed to do was make enough noise to get their attention.

And sure enough, some distant screaming reached his ears. Grinning, he turned to see what could only be described as a giant ball of flames approaching his spot, and he leapt back, narrowly missing becoming part of a crater Jaakuna's landing had formed. A rather exasperated Emiri dropped to her knees, breathing heavily.

"Oh! It's you!" He suddenly realized as Emiri would stand. "Wait, is it...? I kinda remember you being shorter...I don't think your boobs were that big, either."

The brunette blinked in confusion, though the realization hit her. "You're--wait a minute, stop staring at me like that!" She yelled at him, noticing his wandering eyes.

Igeyorhm placed a hand to his chin, a rather thoughtful expression on his face. "Hmm...The Word's calling, but you're not really able to pick up. No, Mitron's probably declining the call for you, but wouldn't that mean...?" He seemed very curious about something, even closing his eyes to think. He then opened them, his previously playful expression returning. "Heh, even grown a bit you're still as cute as ever. Why don't we ditch the Blond Wonder over there?"

Geez, he was as much of an idiot as she remembered. "You can't be serious."

"I love beautiful women! I've been scouring the world to find my special someone...though today, I was hoping to find a certain someone, but I bet that Sicarius has already tipped everyone off. What a pain..." He sighed, placing his hands on his hips as he eyed Savayna in the distance. "Aw, I'm outnumbered! That's not playing fair!"

So he really was after Shion. "What is it that you want with Shion?"

"I dunno. I don't really ask questions," He outright admitted, scratching the back of his head. "I'm more into action then words, catch my drift?" He asked, winking at her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

And like always, Jaakuna stuck the landing. Honestly, the more he used that form of transportation, the more Jaakuna found himself not really missing the Ifrit. First off, it was way more exciting flying via the use of his own mist and secondly, there was a rush of adrenaline that Jaakuna had when he flew through the air. Feeling the wind on his face and the slight uncertainty that he might die filled him up with such exhilaration that he was always high on energy when he landed.

Thankfully, there was someone to take his energy out on. However, as it would appear, this...Igeyorhm? That was his name, right? Jaakuna shrugged, looking at him. Aside from being evil and someone who Jaakuna had to defeat, he dressed rather stylish. He could definitely tell why everyone compared the two. They had the same, glorious fashion sense.

“Hey, cool digs man. Really stylish!” Jaakuna gave him a thumbs up, completely ignoring what Emiri was saying to him.

“You idiot,” Savayna said, appearing right beside Jaakuna.

And not long after, Meli and Michel came out of a portal next to Emiri. “Igeyorhm, I’ve finally caught you.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Igeyorhm grinned, though he was rather sheepish about it. "You know, Sophia said it was pretty flashy, but I can't help it! If I want to look good, I should be able to, right?" He replied with enthusiasm, looking himself over. "Always good to get a compliment from someone who clearly dresses so brilliantly!" Was this actually happening right now? Emiri should have been stunned, but the more she thought about it, the more those two really did resemble one another. As Michel arrived, Igeyorhm scowled at him, crossing his arms. He coughed for a moment, seemingly trying to get serious. "Wait, 'caught'? What? I was the one who drew you out here!" He declared proudly.

Holy crap they could be twins. If she wasn't so sure Igeyorhm was one of Venat's creations, she would have sworn he was a Darcone. Or some sort of weird Jaakuna clone. Actually, the latter seemed more likely. Clearing her throat, Emiri tried to get the conversation back on track. "You're outmatched! Tell us what we want to know!"

"I said I was outnumbered," Igeyorhm corrected her, wagging a finger. "Outmatched? That's a pretty wide assumption, my dear Scion. You haven't even seen my moves! Well, not the kind of moves we could do in public, I mean." He laughed.

She nudged Jaakuna. "Are you gonna let him talk to me like that?!" She asked.

Meli rolled her eyes. "Are you sure this is Igeyorhm? I mean, there's no way a supposed Scion of Light can be this..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes landed on Jaakuna. "On second thought..."

Shion let out a sigh, eyeing the city rather warily. As she raised her cups, she let out a mutter Reia didn't quite catch, though she was surprised when she would stand. Stretching her arms above her head, she leaned on the balcony, facing inwards. Reia followed her gaze inside, surprised when an oddly dressed woman would approach them. Shion raised an eyebrow at her, curious. "How the mighty have fallen, using Igeyorhm as a decoy. I thought you above such tactics," She told Sophia warily. "I assume Venat has beckoned you to eliminate me? How cumbersome."

"You're wrong," Sophia stated, never taking her dark eyes off of Shion. "Though, I suppose telling you would be a waste of time."

Roman sighed, placing his hand on his chin. "Goodness, my brother has quite the entourage following him..." He muttered, displeased.

"Try to take this seriously, will you?" Reia asked him, annoyed.

"Worry not. Sophia here is akin to a pup trying to take on its father in play," Shion would assure them as she would straighten herself, casually strolling up to the woman. "I warned you before. I will not fall nor bend to you."

"I know you've passed the Sigil. You've lost some of your power."

Shion smiled wickedly. "And yet, you still aren't a match for me."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Man those are great clothes. And that guy has great hair. I’m so jealous. Why can’t I have clothes like that?

Will you focus? He’s insulting Emiri. Do something, you idiot! Belias scoffed at Jaakuna, getting him to pay attention to what was going on other than what Jaakuna wanted to wear.

He shook his head, looking at Igeyorhm with a nasty expression. “Yo, don’t be dissin’ my Scion--I mean Emiri--like that, ya hear me, bozo!?” He yelled to Igeyorhm, his hands pointed at the Martyr in front of him. His fists had blazed up, making it seem like Jaakuna was ready for battle.

“What a fucking dumbass.”

“Well, at least he’s back with us.” Michel let out a laugh.

He still couldn’t believe this was the guy who was supposed to save them all. Though, in all the time he had known Jaakuna, he always did end up surprising him one way or another. He still remembered how no one thought Jaakuna would amount to much, but he ended up being the most gifted innovator of modern technology since the days of Larsa, first of his name. What he lacked in common sense and overall intelligence, he made up for in heart and pure intuition. His gut feeling often led him down the hardest path but never steered him wrong. It took a special, unique man to make it work for him. When one route failed, he went for another. Truly, foolhardiness truly was the trait of the stubborn.

And as Michel was deep in his own thoughts, he didn’t even notice how Jaakuna charged straight for Igeyorhm, moving so fast tha tnot even the Martyr would see Jaakuna coming, his fists planting themselves in the false Scion’s stomach, sending him through the building behind him.

“YAHOO!” Jaakuna let out a war cry, chasing after Igeyorhm.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Not bad, not bad," Igeyorhm found himself admitting as he got up, watching Jaakuna give chase. He grinned, excited to see Jaakuna's enthusiasm, though he leapt upwards as he didn't want to get run over, landing after just a moment. "Alright then! Let's duke it out! If I win, though, I'm stealing your girlfriend," He admitted cheerfully as he brought out his sword, getting into a stance.

And there went Jaakuna. Exasperated, Emiri would step forward, but something in the air had changed. As she turned to ask Savayna about it, she noticed the blonde was completely still. It wasn't just her--Michel and Meli were frozen as well. Why? She hadn't done anything! As a brief panic caught her, she realized that this situation seemed very familiar. She turned around, feeling something calling out to her. This was different from Zodiark--there was no sense of dread, and as she broke into a run, she found herself heading back towards the castle. Why? What was it? How was she so sure it wasn't just another trap?

As she turned the corner, she spotted a girl swaying in her seat, sitting on the steps leading to the royal castle. She was pale, her long, brown ponytail swinging with her. She seemed to be humming something, her eyes closed as she moved to the rhythm of her song. As Emiri approached her, she could see the girl's heart shaped face, and as she opened her eyes, she revealed them to be a striking violet color. She grinned as she would jump up to her feet, approaching Emiri. "About time you showed up," The girl chided her, shaking her head in disapproval. "Sorry to make you come back all this way, I didn't expect Jaakuna to go running off like that." She said as she adjusted her ponytail, a hairtie made entirely of clovers keeping it together.

"Wait a minute, you're--me? What? Is that why I kept hearing your voice?" She asked, shocked.

"I'm you, but a little different. Blame Keiran, he's been trying to keep us apart--literally speaking," She gestured to herself. "I've been trying to reach out to you, but that asshole's been really messing with me. But you've been trying to meet me halfway, I appreciate it. And...I'm sorry."

"I feel like I should be the one apologizing. I've made so many stupid mistakes." Emiri muttered, though she shook her head. "Wait, if you're here, what about Keiran?"

"He's still a problem. I just figured I'd give you a fighting chance," She stated somewhat proudly, though it was quickly replaced by a sheepish expression. "I mean, it's like I said before, it's about time you stopped falling behind, right? I promised we'd meet soon, and here I am!"

"But who are you exactly?"

"My name is Mitron. The real Mitron, mind you, not some half-assed, darkness based fake," She huffed, clearly annoyed, though she managed to calm herself down. "When the true Scions awaken, we fuse with their souls to bring forth their true power from Ivalice herself. It thought that if it created false images, it would halt our progress. Admittedly, it worked with you, but at least everyone else is okay." She told her. "Now that we're together, you'll be alright. I'll make sure neither Zodiark nor Chaos can bring you any harm from within."

It was confusing, but she seemed to understand what Mitron was trying to say. "Then now...you and I will...?"

"There's just one little detail I want you to know, first." She held her hand out to stop Emiri. "To balance yourself, no longer will the possibility to get stuck occur. I mean it--you can go completely wild from here on out. I thought it wasn't fair to pay such a price, but...a price still needs to be paid. I compensated for all the time spent already, and going forward, we'll pay the same way--time will take its toll directly from us. As I'm sure you and a lot of people have noticed, you've already lost a few years. I figured we'd start with a clean slate."

That answered her next question, at the very least. "It can never be easy, can it?"

"Nope!" She grinned, though she would point towards the top. "The other reason I had you come back is up there. She says she's all better, but Shion's still reeling. Give her a hand, will you?"

Emiri nodded, holding out her hand. Mitron returned the gesture gladly, the wind gathering around them. "Thank you."

"It's time! Let's go!" As Mitron would disappear, time resumed, though not without a great light spilling from Emiri. Feeling the surge of power, she knelt down for a moment and sprang up, leaping with ease as she landed on the railings of the balcony. Reia let out a surprised shriek as Roman eyed her wearily.

Shion smirked, waving her hand at Sophia. "The cavalry has arrived," She would correct herself as she light faded, revealing Emiri with her eyes closed as several blades unfolded from behind her. Sophia's eyes widened, though her orb would rotate around her, her golden armor forming. Emiri opened her eyes as they flashed green, moving forward. She felt as light as air itself as her foot touched the ground, though she would surprise Sophia as she rushed forth, her many swords moving with her arms as they were sent one after another. Sophia leapt upwards towards the roof, Emiri on her heels. Shion let out a chuckle as she would take her seat once more. "Another cup, if you would be so kind." She told Roman as she would push her cup towards him.

"This is..." Emette had come to a stop for a moment, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What...happened to the Tomb...?"

The Tomb of Raithwall looked nothing like it should have been. Normally a desert palace, it was overrun with what looked like dead wildlife, as if the very place had died. Emette touched one of the vines, watching as it crumbled beneath her touch. Every hair of hers was on end, and she didn't even know where to look. Was the Creature's influence so powerful it managed to murder even nature itself? The Sandsea had been one thing, but it was as if he had spread calamity even to inanimate objects. She was deeply disturbed as she continued with Aloa, who hadn't bothered giving the place so much as a second chance.

Before she could properly digest it, her pain returned. This time, however, she knew exactly what happened. "It looks like Shion fulfilled her end of the bargain..." She noted, letting out a sigh. "Emelia has awakened as well."

That statement managed to halt Aloa in her tracks. She looked back at Emette for a moment, silent, as if unsure how to respond. "Perhaps...it is best if you return, then," She suggested.

"Not yet. I can hang in there just a little longer," She assured her, though she noticed her expression.

"It's curious," She commented. "I sense nothing."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Is it that the stench has grown so foul that I have become accustomed to it, or is it so dark I can no longer see what is in front of me?" She asked out loud. "We tread with the darkness itself. Something is ahead."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

When he had rushed forward, jolting into Igeyorhm with his body horizontal and fists set ablaze right into his abdomen area, Jaakuna felt confident about how this was going. He felt a surge of power flow through him. He had made a direct hit, not only that but the False Scion appeared to have a rather noticeable burn on his stomach, so for a moment, he thought it was going to be a smooth ride of him pounding this guy into the pavement, and everyone could stop worrying.

But, of course like all things, Jaakuna misread the situation. On top of him appearing to be fine, this idiot had the nerve to speak about Emiri again. This fired up Jaakuna so much, his entire body manipulated the natural mist in the air, and his entire body was surrounded by a flame-like aura of mist, he gave Igeyorhm a nasty expression. “You will not speak about her--” Jaakuna was suddenly interrupted by Emiri taking to the sky, aiming for the Emperor’s Tower. “--wait, where is she going? I’m trying to defend her!”

“It doesn’t look like she needs your protection.” Savayna noted, laughing at Jaakuna’s expense as she noticed how quick Emiri was flying off.

“She’s always full of surprises,” Michel mused aloud.

After that moment of shock, Jaakuna shook it off and turned to face Igeyorhm. No matter if she was present or not, Jaakuna still had most of his mind decided that he was going to fight on behalf of his darling Emiri. “Let’s do this!” Jaakuna let out a battle cry, stepping forward as fire trailed behind him. He extended his right arm forward and fire magick was expelled from it, covering Igeyorhm in a stream of crimson flame. If that didn’t work, Jaakuna would simply use his other arm to double the magickal output.

Deep inside the Tomb of Raithwall where he rested, shadows within shadows gathered above and below it, cracking the walls of stone until they broke from the pressure. However, as the blocks had started to threaten to cave in, these shadows seemed to activate some kind of ancient magick that not only froze them but it reversed their destruction to set them back in place. Then, from the cracks, the shadows took a semi-solid shape that looked almost humanoid. They approached the tomb and gave each other a glance.

Their hands locked with one another, beckoning other shadows to appear. It had gotten to the point where over one-hundred shadows filled the room. They were on the ground, on the walls, on the ceiling, some where hovering - but all of them had their skinny arms locked. After a while, it seemed like nothing was happening, but that wasn’t the case. In actuality, there was something vile at work. And for those who had just entered the tomb, they were walking right into it without even being aware of what it was.

“It’s time,” one of the shadows said, stepping away from the others. Its form became slightly visible. It was a male of some sort, his face still covered in shadows, but medium-length hair was seen and the sight of distorted eyes made through the light emanating from the entrance to where the Tomb of Raithwall - the actual tomb - rested. “Our guests approach. Prepare the Reckoning.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

As Sophia landed, she watched Emiri do the same. This wasn't how things were supposed to go--clearly, Keiran had failed. Letting out a small sigh, she would cross her arms for a moment. Could this, too, be something her lord had anticipated? He had made it very clear that Shion was the one he wanted, and yet, as the Scion readied herself, she found herself hesitant. No, she simply needed to follow orders--and the Scion of Time was deterring her.

Emiri didn't bother with semantics, leaping into the air, using the wind to propel herself forward. Sophia narrowed her eyes as she lifted her orb, a Protect interrupting Emiri's assault. As it faded she let it drop into the ground, several pools of gold forming. They would rise, forming several of her minions to surround the girl. Emiri wagged her finger, prompting her swords to separate from her. She moved just as they went in for the attack, each sword piercing Sophia's minions with ease, her control over her weapons flawless. When did she get this mastery, and so quickly?

As her last minion fell, Emiri's swords returned to her, if only for a moment. "So now the wind is yours to command...have you forsaken your ability to manipulate time?" Sophia couldn't help but ask.

The brunette smiled coyly, motioning for her swords to surround her as several glyphs appeared around her. For some reason, her movements seemed oddly familiar, though it wasn't until she sent one of her swords into one of the glyphs did she realize what she was going to do. She leapt back as the sword would appear, though by then Emiri would send several others through, the glyphs surrounding Sophia. One after another, they were a merciless assault, and for the first time in a long time, Sophia found herself on the receiving end of an attack.

Yeesh, that wasn't too pleasant. Clucking his tongue he felt the heat rise, much to his displeasure. That's right, this kid was the Transcendent. Still, he was standing in the way between success and failure, and if he wanted to get in the way, so be it. His fire magicks were particularly strong, and Igeyorhm found himself grinning as he swung his sword to clear the air around him, though not without a sweat.

"Fire, eh?" Igeyorhm couldn't help but comment as he seemingly blocked Jaakuna's mists with his sword. As if on cue, a surge of clouds darkened above them, thunder rumbling. He sported a wicked grin as his hand matched Jaakuna's, catching his fist. "I've always been called a hothead, but honestly, fire just isn't my style. Not that there's anything wrong with it--explosions are cool, but I prefer something with some more finesse, know what I mean?" He asked, a current of lightning zipping through his arm. He winked as he pointed his sword at the sky, and in that moment, a surge of lightning would crack down, his blade acting as a conductor.

When the smoke cleared, lightning surrounded his body, the man grinning from ear to ear. "They say lightning never strikes the same place twice--it does when I tell it to, though!" He laughed as lightning poured down from the heavens.

Letting out a shudder, Emette made sure to stick very close to Aloa as they ventured deeper. It was almost cruel how unsettling their surroundings were, though she was slightly more annoyed by how composed the viera in front of her was. The silence killed her as well; nary a whisper of life, death itself seemed to surround them. She walked right into Aloa, who had stopped suddenly, and let out a gasp of surprise. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She whispered, as if afraid to speak.

"They know we come," Aloa muttered, though she looked back at Emette. "Jumping at shadows, are we? I thought you braver."

"If we're being frank, this place creeps me the fuck out." The white haired girl outright admitted. "How can you be so calm?"

"I suppose you can say I'm in my element. Death has nothing to fear but death itself," She replied nonchalantly. "We tread carefully, our hosts are most generous to let us wander so freely, but I believe their hospitality will not reach further."

"Even so, we must continue," Emette resigned herself. "But...should it come to it..."

"I know I can depend on you," Aloa said simply, ending the conversation as she would continue forward.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

“Fire versus Lightning, huh?” Savayna chuckled, looking at Michel, “we may want to stand back.”

Michel nodded and both he and Savayna, through their own means, took to higher ground as the two would simply watch as Jaakuna took the lightning bolt like a man. He made no attempt to dodge or put up countermeasures to ensure less damage was taken. He just stood there. The sudden strike of lightning caused a wave of debris to surround both he and Igeyorhm in a cloud of smoke. This smoke was naturally colored the same as the exterior of Archadia.

Michel had ascended powers that allowed extrasensory abilities, so using it in unison with Shemhazai’s Void Vision, he saw what Savayna could not. And as he did, he couldn’t believe it.

“What? This can’t be possible.”

“What is it?”

“Jaakuna, he--he..”

Inside the cloud of smoke, what may have seemed like the obvious was, in fact, Jaakuna had the lightning bolt in his hand and it hadn’t struck his body at all. In fact, it seemed as though Jaakuna was not only holding it at bay, but as Igeyorhm found out in a matter of moments, he was converting the manifested plasma into the fire, and adding it to his own.

Wait, no that’s not entirely accurate. Michel saw only the base of things, but the reality was.

Jaakuna was absorbing it into his body to fuse with his fire, creating some kind of hybrid of lightning and fire. And as the entirety of the bolt was absorbed, Jaakuna’s fire aura had the additional property of crackling lightning, to which he used to enhance his speed and before Igeyorhm knew what hit him, Jaakuna did with all the fury of an exploding volcano and one-thousand lightning bolts. It would happen so fast and at such blinding speeds that Igeyorhm was flying back as soon as he saw Jaakuna disappear, but that wasn’t the end of it. Jaakuna followed suit. Whilst mid-air, Jaakuna grabbed Igeyorhm by his hair and hurled him up. As the Martyr’s body was airborn, Jaakuna followed him into the sky and proceeded to bounce him back and forth as if he was trapped in a loop of onslaughts. It would conclude with Jaakuna delivering a double-fisted ax slam, sending Igeyorhm down to the ground.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Talk about a curbstomping.

Meli let out a low whistle, clearly impressed with Jaakuna's display of the elements. She almost felt bad for the other knucklehead as he would stand, somehow still intact. As he wobbled, however, she noticed how he still managed to grin, even after taking such a beating. Still, it was clear he was no longer a threat, though something in the air seemed rather off. Something was coming their way, and Meli's jaw dropped as something was literally thrown onto Igeyorhm. He let out a yelp as he would once again crash into the building, though she was surprised to see it was a woman, almost as badly beaten as he was. Before she could question it, a gust of wind would inform them of Emiri's arrival, a rather disconcerted expression on her face.

"What happened to, 'oh I can handle Shion'?!" Igeyorhm scowled as he pushed Sophia off of him.

"Clearly, I underestimated the abilities of our enemy," She stated rather bitterly, giving Emiri a bitter glare as the brunette gave her a smile. "Three awakened...you weren't even able to distract them long enough."

"I was not informed of this," Igeyorhm admitted. "He ATE my lightning. He literally took it from me, shoved it up my ass, and told me to call him 'daddy'! How the fuck do I even respond to that?! Why would you send the guy as a distraction when I never stood a chance?!"

"Forget it," She stated as she would stand. Emiri beckoned her to attack, but Sophia shook her head. Instead she raised her orb, emitting a rather bright light. As she would get on the defensive, it shined much too brightly, forcing Emiri to close her eyes for just a second. As she opened them, she found the pair gone.

"Well that was a let down," Meli rolled her eyes as she approached Emiri, her finger tapping one of her swords. "So that one's a lighting-fire-hybrid-whatever, and you...can fly. With swords. Seems legit."

Emiri blinked in confusion, though let out a sheepish laugh as she dismissed her weapons, her green eyes returning to their usual violet. "Oh! That! Oh, that's just something I picked up, you know?" She laughed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Once it had all been said and done, Jaakuna had landed not far from where Savayna and Michel were. Of course, they had gone to elevated grounds, so Jaakuna had landed where he was before he decided to crush Igeyorhm's perceptions that he could insult Emiri without there being consequences. And As Jaakuna felt pride in how he defended Emiri's honor, he powered down(in a manner of speaking). In reality, Jaakuna had used up the lightning he took in from Igeyorhm's one attack, which caused his flame-lightning aura to fade into nothing but mist in the air.

He let out a deep breath as he turned around to face the others. Only, as Jaakuna did, he saw something - or rather, someone - fly past him at such speeds that Jaakuna had only moments to duck and cover. He had no idea who that was, but she was female. The only thing he had on his mind at that very moment was not getting smacked in the ass like Igeyorhm had been when that same person crashed into him just as he was coming down himself. A bad day for him, indeed.

"What the hell?" Jaakuna scratched his head out of confusion and how he somehow got a nasty scrape on his arm from doing that in-the-moment dodge.

Only a moment later, in came Emiri...flying? And with swords. Wait...swords...And it just hit up. "OH NO, IT'S ZODIARK AGAIN!" JAakuna rose up. "Don't worry, Emiri! I'll save you from that bastard Zodi!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

Oh, now he was giving her attention.

Emiri crossed her arms, annoyed at Jaakuna. "Well, thank you for noticing my presence!" She couldn't help but huff at him. "When that guy was practically drooling on me, all you wanted to do was be all buddy-buddy, but now that he's gone, you've remembered me being here, hmm?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm surprised you didn't burst into tears the moment he vanished!"

Meli chuckled, though as she watched the pair, she felt like something was slightly different about the brunette. "Not that I care to interrupt, but...did you get taller?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Among other things, though I finally got an explanation for that," Emiri recalled Mitron's warning. "It's a good-news-bad-news sort of deal, but I'll take it for now."
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