Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(If you wanna see the Wikia for DC Animated, click the Symbol of Awesome)

PG-13 - Anything above = GO TO PMS

Its been a few years since the Justice League was formed, They have expanded and accepted a lot of new members. Now they are once again accepting more new members. However, Villains are also trying Infiltrate the League

This will start with each of us getting "Picked Up" by a Hero. Where they will take us to the nearest Zeta Tube and then go to the Watchtower II

Hero or Villain:
Ties to Hero/Villain:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Barbara "Babs" Gordon

Alias: Oracle, Batgirl

Species: Human

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Hero or Villain: Hero


Ties to Hero/Villain: Sidekick of Batman, Part of the Bat-Family

Power(s): None

Skill(s): Eidetic Memory, Investigation, Computer Hacking, Computer Operation

Abilities: Gymnast, Skilled Martial Artist(Boxing, Dragon Style Kung Fu, Judo, Stick Fighting), Stealth

Weapons/Gadgets: Cowl Lenses(clear lens, a telescopic-vision lens, a microscopic-vision lens, and a thermal lens), Utility Belt(Smoke capsules, Fingerprint analysis kit, Forensic analysis kit, First aid kit, Lockpicking tools, Kryptonite ring, Tear gas pellets, Batline spool + grappling gun, Sedatives, Rebreather, 16 Fold up Batarangs), Slight lead lined mask designed by Batman

History: Growing up with James Gordon as a father, she didn't do much outside, instead he enrolled her in a self defense course. She loved computers from a young age and soon was learning programming. By the time she was 14 she had created an online hacker persona named Oracle. After her father was kidnapped by the joker, she hacked Batman's Batcave, learning his secret identity. She said she wouldn't tell, and revealed she was James Gordon's daughter. After Batman saved her father, she promised not to hack Batman again. Soon she became obsessed with Batman, secretly helping him with missions, even hacking the genius Riddler. But soon Batman asked her to join his team, of course she had a fangirl reaction and squealed, before accepting. Her father doesn't know what she does, and she wants to keep it that way.

Personality: Introvert, Doesn't like to talk to other teens(Says that they are too Hormonal and Imbalanced), Is normally self controlled unless someone annoys her.

Friends: Nightwing, Robin, Batman

Family: James "Jim" Worthington Gordon(Father, Alive), Barbara Eileen Gordon(Mother, Deceased), Bruce Wayne/Batman(Father Figure & Trainer, Alive)

Crush/Relationship: Batman, Maybe Others

Other: She isn't afraid to mix Work & Play
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name Manchester Black:
Alias: union jack
Species: Human
Age: late 20s
Gender: M
Hero or Villain:Anti-hero
Ties to Hero/Villain:Fought Superman, worked with Luthor as Suicide Squad member
Power(s): Extremely powerful telekinesis. Able to give superman a stroke, create shields that held back some punches from superman, reprogrammed Domsday's brain temporaly. he also said he could gravity slam the moon, and destroy part of a city.
As telepathy He hid Luthor from Martian Manhunter, swapped superman, and Bizarro's minds, controls a army of Superman's rogues, and made the ones who are insane, sane.
Skill(s): skilled speaker, basic combat skills, good keader
Abilities: Telepathy, telekinesis
Weapons/Gadgets: None
History: As a child he loved heroes, but saw them as cliches, and fools. he hates the modern heroes, and wishes they kill the villains, and fix the world
Personality: Cynical, can be a ass, quick thinking, vengeful,
Friends: His team
Family: Vera Black
Crush/Relationship: none
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Vladimir Markov
Alias: Blood Fang
Age: 15 physically, chronologically, 800
Gender: male

Ties to Hero: sidekick to Andrew Bennett
immortality: he is immortal in the sense that he can live forever but he can be kill by being impaled and then decapitated.
enhanced strength and speed: depending on how recently he has fed and how much energy he has, his strength can range from being above that of a ordinary human to being superhuman levels, but since he is a newborn vampire his max strength only grants him to power lift a bus. His speed is fast enough to him appear as a blur when he is running.
Razor sharp claws: Vladimir can extend his fingernails into very sharp talons which can cut through many things and are used as his primary source of attack when he is not using his sword
Bat Control: Vladimir can communicate with and control bats of all kinds and can command them in swarms to do his biding.
Bat transformation: Vladimir has two transformations, his first one simply allows him to transform into a vampire bat, and his second transformation lets him transform into a monster bat but he can only stay in his monster form for a short period of time while he is direct sunlight.
Superhuman Senses.
Wall Crawling.
Superhuman jump.
healing: His wounds will heal but the process happens at a fairly slow pace and it does take away some of his energy
Weaknesses: sunlight weakens him and makes it so he can't fight at his full potential but when he is in darkness or shadows the effects disappear. He has no durability against iron but his body will be resistant to steel. Silver is almost like his kryptonite as it can slowly drain him off his powers, and holy objects can burn him and severally hurt him. If he hasn't fed after two weeks then he will slip into a coma until his body senses fresh blood near by.
Abilities: very well experienced, excellent armed and unarmed combatant.
He has a longsword that has been in his family for many generations and is magically enchanted to repair itself whenever it becomes broken, but it takes a while for the spell to be complete. It also can come to him when when he wills it if it is not in his hands.
History: Vladimir's life started 800 years ago in the more darker parts of Romania, he was born to a noble family and legend said that their clan's ancestor had been given a magic sword which assured them victory in every battle. It was unknown if the story was actually true but his family did have the sword and it was magical. Vlad's life was not one of luxury since in the time period that he grew up in, death was not far away. His home was plagued by monsters of many different kinds and he had to learn how to fight in order defeat them. When he was fifteen Vladimir was allowed to partake in his first great battle against scum that sought to take away what was his family's. While in battle, Vladimir was mortally wounded and that's when his sire a vampire lord known as Morrin came to his broken body. He would offer him a way out of death and give him the power to save his family's honor and home, but the price would be walking in the shadow of death and living a damned life as a creature of the night.

He accepted the vampire's offer and was turned into one. He had saved his family from destruction but he was no longer welcomed by his kin now that he was an undead fiend and had to flee his family's lands to not be killed by vampire slayers. After that he spent fifty years with a vampire coven and saw many wars fought between the supernaturals of the old world. During an encounter with a cult of witches, Vladimir was cursed into a deathly coma and was placed in a coffin that was in the ruins of a castle inside of Transylvania. There he slept for many centuries until the spell wore off and he was awakened by the smell of fresh blood. That blood was the blood of tourists who had come to visit the castle. Vladimir was hungry and he needed to feed otherwise he would possibly die from going so long without feeding on fresh blood. He was very weak and could almost not catch any of the tourists as they screamed and ran away from his presence. He was unfamiliar with how strangely the people of the modern world dressed, and he did not know that he had been asleep for so many centuries. When all was explained, Vladimir went into hiding, not wanting to gain the intention of this modern world's vampire hunters and demon killers. It took a long time to adjust to the modern world and eventually he became the apprentice to the vampire known as Andrew Bennett, and eventually his training with the powerful vampire made him a candidate to join the Justice League.
Personality: Because he is still technically a newborn vampire, Vladimir is more aggressive and he has focus very hard on not crossing the line when fighting his enemies. He also has a short temper and can easily be angered by people who annoy him. Do to him being a vampire, Vladimir has a blood lust and will become almost uncontrollable if he sees fresh blood especially blood coming out of fresh wounds. Despite his violent personality, Vladimir has a big sense of honor and is very good manners when he is not very angry, thanks to be born to a medieval noble family. He is very loyal and will stand by his friends and allies until the very end. He is very hard to get close to but once someone gets past his darker side, he has a good heart deep down even though it is no longer beating. Even though he is a vampire and cannot hold a crucifix, Vladimir is still very religious and devout follower of the Catholic faith.
Friends: other vampires he has met with Andrew
Family: all dead, he may have some distant family living in the modern day but he doesn't know.
Crush/Relationship: he had one years before he was put into a coma by the witch's spell, but she was killed by vampire slayers, her name was Anna.
Other: He hates punks and people who insult the Catholic Church. He also despises vegetables and finds their scent to be revolting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yog Sothoth said
Name: Vladimir MarkovAlias: Blood FangAge: 15 physically, chronologically, 800Gender: maleAppearance:Ties to Hero: sidekick to Andrew BennettPower(s):immortality: he is immortal in the sense that he can live forever but he can be kill by being impaled and then decapitated.enhanced strength and speed: depending on how recently he has fed and how much energy he has, his strength can range from being above that of a ordinary human to being superhuman levels, but since he is a newborn vampire his max strength only grants him to power lift a bus. His speed is fast enough to him appear as a blur when he is running.Razor sharp claws: Vladimir can extend his fingernails into very sharp talons which can cut through many things and are used as his primary source of attack when he is not using his swordBat Control: Vladimir can communicate with and control bats of all kinds and can command them in swarms to do his biding.Bat transformation: Vladimir has two transformations, his first one simply allows him to transform into a vampire bat, and his second transformation lets him transform into a but he can only stay in his monster form for a short period of time while he is direct sunlight.Superhuman Senses.Wall Crawling.Superhuman jump.healing: His wounds will heal but the process happens at a fairly slow pace and it does take away some of his energyWeaknesses: sunlight weakens him and makes it so he can't fight at his full potential but when he is in darkness or shadows the effects disappear. He has no durability against iron but his body will be resistant to steel. Silver is almost like his kryptonite as it can slowly drain him off his powers, and holy objects can burn him and severally hurt him. If he hasn't fed after two weeks then he will slip into a coma until his body senses fresh blood near by.Abilities: very well experienced, excellent armed and unarmed combatant.Weapons/Gadgets:He has a that has been in his family for many generations and is magically enchanted to repair itself whenever it becomes broken, but it takes a while for the spell to be complete. It also can come to him when when he wills it if it is not in his hands.History: Vladimir's life started 800 years ago in the more darker parts of Romania, he was born to a noble family and legend said that their clan's ancestor had been given a magic sword which assured them victory in every battle. It was unknown if the story was actually true but his family did have the sword and it was magical. Vlad's life was not one of luxury since in the time period that he grew up in, death was not far away. His home was plagued by monsters of many different kinds and he had to learn how to fight in order defeat them. When he was fifteen Vladimir was allowed to partake in his first great battle against scum that sought to take away what was his family's. While in battle, Vladimir was mortally wounded and that's when his sire a vampire lord known as Morrin came to his broken body. He would offer him a way out of death and give him the power to save his family's honor and home, but the price would be walking in the shadow of death and living a damned life as a creature of the night. He accepted the vampire's offer and was turned into one. He had saved his family from destruction but he was no longer welcomed by his kin now that he was an undead fiend and had to flee his family's lands to not be killed by vampire slayers. After that he spent fifty years with a vampire coven and saw many wars fought between the supernaturals of the old world. During an encounter with a cult of witches, Vladimir was cursed into a deathly coma and was placed in a coffin that was in the ruins of a castle inside of Transylvania. There he slept for many centuries until the spell wore off and he was awakened by the smell of fresh blood. That blood was the blood of tourists who had come to visit the castle. Vladimir was hungry and he needed to feed otherwise he would possibly die from going so long without feeding on fresh blood. He was very weak and could almost not catch any of the tourists as they screamed and ran away from his presence. He was unfamiliar with how strangely the people of the modern world dressed, and he did not know that he had been asleep for so many centuries. When all was explained, Vladimir went into hiding, not wanting to gain the intention of this modern world's vampire hunters and demon killers. It took a long time to adjust to the modern world and eventually he became the apprentice to the vampire known as Andrew Bennett, and eventually his training with the powerful vampire made him a candidate to join the Justice League.Personality: Because he is still technically a newborn vampire, Vladimir is more aggressive and he has focus very hard on not crossing the line when fighting his enemies. He also has a short temper and can easily be angered by people who annoy him. Do to him being a vampire, Vladimir has a blood lust and will become almost uncontrollable if he sees fresh blood especially blood coming out of fresh wounds. Despite his violent personality, Vladimir has a big sense of honor and is very good manners when he is not very angry, thanks to be born to a medieval noble family. He is very loyal and will stand by his friends and allies until the very end. He is very hard to get close to but once someone gets past his darker side, he has a good heart deep down even though it is no longer beating. Even though he is a vampire and cannot hold a crucifix, Vladimir is still very religious and devout follower of the Catholic faith. Friends: other vampires he has met with AndrewFamily: all dead, he may have some distant family living in the modern day but he doesn't know.Crush/Relationship: he had one years before he was put into a coma by the witch's spell, but she was killed by vampire slayers, her name was Anna.Other: He hates punks and people who insult the Catholic Church. He also despises vegetables and finds their scent to be revolting.

Zerofighter said
CSName Manchester Black: Alias: union jackSpecies: HumanAge: late 20sGender: MHero or Villain:Anti-heroAppearance: Ties to Hero/Villain:Fought Superman, worked with Luthor as Suicide Squad memberPower(s): Extremely powerful telekinesis. Able to give superman a stroke, create shields that held back some punches from superman, reprogrammed Domsday's brain temporaly. he also said he could gravity slam the moon, and destroy part of a city. As telepathy He hid Luthor from Martian Manhunter, swapped superman, and Bizarro's minds, controls a army of Superman's rogues, and made the ones who are insane, sane.Skill(s): skilled speaker, basic combat skills, good keaderAbilities: Telepathy, telekinesisWeapons/Gadgets: NoneHistory: As a child he loved heroes, but saw them as cliches, and fools. he hates the modern heroes, and wishes they kill the villains, and fix the worldPersonality: Cynical, can be a ass, quick thinking, vengeful, Friends: His teamFamily: Vera BlackCrush/Relationship: noneOther:

Both Accepted :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

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