As an entity composed of roughly 9,000 units of necroplasm, Christopher is able to manipulate both tangible and intangible effects in the mortal realm as well as in Hell. He is effectively powerless, and mortal, when in the Heavenly realm.
- Super Stamina. As necroplasm is denser than human bone or tissue, Christopher weighs several hundred pounds more than he otherwise appears, making his body more durable than that of an ordinary mortal. This also contributes to his strength to a degree.
- Symbiote Armor. Having been part of Al Simmon's body, Christopher wears an identical Hellspawn suit that is composed of an off-shoot of K7-Leetha. The suit has a consciousness of its own and has been known to act in its own defense without Christopher's knowledge. As the suit is merged with his central nervous system, Christopher is able to manipulate the armor on a whim, generating chains, capes, spikes, or altering its appearance to resemble more mundane clothing.
- Shadow Teleport. Christopher's unique power, making him the heart of the Legion, Christopher is able to summon souls across the Void or even through the Veil. Using this power, he was able to teleport souls from out of Al Simmons body or summon them from the Great Beyond to the various realms or spheres of Hell.
- Nightmare Fuel. Christopher can recharge his necroplasm by drawing in the childhood phobias and nightmares of other children around him.
- Hellfire Manipulation. The most basic of the Hellspawn's power, to generate necroplasm as bolts of eldritch energy.
- Necromancy. Christopher can summon, manipulate, command, compel, and commune with the spirits of the dead.
- Flight/Phantasm Form. Christopher can make himself intangible, as though a ghost, allowing him to drift on air currents or pass through otherwise solid objects.
- Psychometry. The ability to see psychic impressions left by traumatic events concerning an object.
Even just intangibility or necromancy would be OP tbh