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Ben 10







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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry, no longer in the game.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Real name: Dorrek VIII
Fake Earth name: Theodore Rufus Altman



Brief Bio:

On planets far, far from the Milky Way, a pair of planets have been waging a war for countless generations. The green, shape-shifting Skrulls, and the powerful Kree. The two sides had fought so long, only their elders even knew why the battle started in the first place. However, as this happened, a love began to bloom just of of the battlefield. A princess of the Skrull kingdom began to have a loving affair with one of the Kree’s best warriors. The two met in private constantly. Always extremely careful about their plans for doing so and explaining their absent moments from the others. The two began to talk about leaving their respective planets, fearing what would happen if their respective races found out, and agreeing to travel to the long away planet of Earth doing so.

As they continued to plan however things took a horrible turn. The princess became pregnant, and it didn’t take long for people to realize who was the man to fertilize her. Both sides suddenly grew more hostile at the mere notion of this love. The Kree warrior was sentenced to be executed, and on the same night, the princess tearfully escaped her own people in a spacecraft. She escaped to Earth where she ended up needing SHIELD’s help in giving birth to Dorrek VIII. In exchanged they asked if she’d be willing to help in tests to learn more about the skrulls. She was hesitant but complied in thanks. Over time she became an assistant of sorts to SHIELD. Teaching them all about the various species of aliens out there and becoming their expert on the subject.

Outside of her SHIELD work the woman now known as Michelle Altman raised her son Theodore in a Manhattan apartment. Privately she taught him everything she knew about being a skrull, though still struggled as Teddy also showed the strength of a Kree warrior. She made sure as he grew up to never be ashamed of who he was. Teddy grew up with the chip on his shoulder. Though was always a bit worried about how people would take to him, especially as he was in middle school and realized he was gay. He did end up with a boyfriend in a guy named Greg Norris. A star football player in his high school. However after dating for a while Teddy showed him what he was in reality, and Greg left him immediately calling him a mutant freak.

Soon after, still reeling, Teddy met Billy Kaplan at a comic book trade show. The two hit it off immediately. Becoming a loving pair, especially after they both realized what they were capable of during the days when all the adults vanished. Now SHIELD has recruited the two for the Young Avengers project. With the both of them ready and willing.


Hulkling’s powers stem from his biological mother and father, a Skrull princess and superpowered Kree warrior. The skrull half of himself gives him the ability to transform his appearance, size, and shape. This can also affect his strength if he increases his mass. Typically in combat Hulkling will create foot long claws on his hands and wings on his back unless the situation calls for something else. Along with all this, Teddy’s skrull powers allow him faster recovery time from injuries, as well as his body subconsciously able to move important organs out of the way should he get impaled.

As for Teddy’s Kree physiology gives him superpowers like his father, granting him super-human strength, strength that is actually mightier than a Kree or a Skrull, as well as super-human durability.


A bit of a ‘tops’ person in his relationship, Teddy lives up to his nickname by having a sort of teddy bear demeanor about him. His very protective of friends and loved ones, but not afraid to start swinging if he feels cornered. All that said though Teddy is not only proud to be a superhero, and proud of his boyfriend being a superhero as well, but he takes great pride in learning from superheroes he idolizes.

Having met Billy at a comic book convention in New York, it should be no surprise that Teddy happens to be a bit of a nerd for the subject. Though not quite as much as Billy is, Teddy still has a bit of a starstruck feeling whenever he meets a big time hero.

As much as he resents both the Skrulls and Kree for not only their neverending wars, and what they did with his father and almost his mother. Teddy’s mother has made sure he remains proud of who he is, though smart about not being too blatant about it in public. Still as much as Teddy is a proud alien, he considers if nothing else Earth his true home.


When Teddy is a more unassuming ‘normal’ person. He stands around roughly 6’2 usually and his body tends to be different based on how his feeling that day. Sometimes a lean, fit frame, other times a bulky, muscular body. Othertimes still, in a very rare few moments done either just for laughs or embarrass his boyfriend, he has gone out in public looking comically fat.

Either way, Teddy has more than a few piercings around the rim of his ears, something he did on his 16th birthday when his friends dared him too. Outside of his costume Teddy tends to wear either skateboarding or nerdy shirts his boyfriend gave him, jeans or cargo pants, and a pair of slightly worn out skate shoes.

Wiccan - Boyfriend
Captain America - Mentor
Young Avengers - Member


William “Billy” Kaplan



Brief Bio:

Born in 1998, the youngest of three boys in a Jewish family living in the Bronx. Billy grew up idolizing the idea of the superheroes around him. While the Justice League themselves were cool, it was the Avengers who Billy truly looked up too. For a while he was just a typical New York City kid growing up.

Soon though problems began to arise, it was around middle school when the notion first hit Billy. The idea of not quite being as attracted to girls like his friends were. Billy tried to fight the idea at first, fearing what would happen if it was actually true. Soon though Billy gave up and accepted it, he was gay.

Billy Kaplan never had a problem being different from others, it was others who had a problem with him. Often Billy found himself beaten up, bullied in school for being gay. Things only got worse when he went into High School. The friends he had all slowly dwindled away, and while he found comfort in other students like him, it never really felt quite the same. One day after a particularly brutal hazing at school. Billy went to the Avengers Mansion to find some kind of comfort. It was there he met Scarlet Witch, his favorite Avenger. She talked to him for a bit, letting him tour the mansion a little. She told Billy that he should stick up for himself. The words stuck with Billy, and the next day when he saw another student get bullied, he took action. However it was during the battle that Billy’s powers manifested themselves, as he shocked the bully with electricity. He struggled to control himself, stopping before he killed the other person. The incident left Billy frightened and scared, thankfully he never got any punishment as the bully was too scared to accuse Billy of anything.

Trying desperately to cheer himself up Billy went to a comic book trade show. He wasn’t expecting anything when he got there, but it started something beautiful for him. There he met Teddy Altman. A young, amazingly handsome man. The two hit it off instantly, especially as they both started dating. Though it wasn’t until one night, when Billy caught Teddy having transformed, speaking to his mom privately about telling Billy. Billy told Teddy he was okay with it, and that he had something to himself as well.

Soon however SHIELD began recruiting Teddy for their new Young Avengers program. Before he had to leave Teddy came to Billy asking if he’d be interested in joining. It didn’t take long for Billy to pack his things and begin a new life with The Young Avengers.


With Wiccan’s magic based powers, to activate or use a spell Billy must focus on a desire or wish and vocalize it, repeating it until the spell is casted. If Billy however can’t hear his own words then the spell will either be massively hindered or not casted at all. However Wiccan has casted spells when he hasn’t said a word, and has difficulty casting spells fellow Young Avenger Ken Tennyson can.

Wiccan is capable of a variety of feats, including, but not limited to tracking and locating others, illusionary disguises, tearing down force-fields, mass teleportation, concussive blasts, enchantments, astral projection, and telekinetic force beams.


A class-A nerd, Billy has taken to the idea of becoming a Young Avenger as it is a life-long dream. He takes pride in being a part of the Young Avengers, more so than maybe anyone else on the team.

What can be considered both his biggest strength and also his biggest hindrance is that Billy wears his heart on his sleeve deeply. He can let his emotions get the better of him, and sometimes will take blame for things he shouldn’t. At the same time though, Billy’s emotions are the same thing that drive him. The passion to be a better superhero, to protect Teddy at any cost.


Member of Young Avengers
Hulkling - Boyfriend
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rose Wilson


Titan (16 years old)



Rose still smokes

Being Half Australian, Rose has a slight twinge of an accent like her father.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Thomas Marsh



Brief Bio: Born on May 15,1998, Thomas was taken from his mother and practically raised by the Court of Owls to be their Talon. From a classical education to lethal abilities, he studied all of it. As he grew older, the training became more brutal, more intense, more lethal. For years, he labored to become one of the Elite, one of the Talons, the fiercely loyal assassins of the Court. At 10 years old, he had mastered eskrima and at 15, knife fighting. As the boy grew, the Court began its indoctrination process, constantly drilling loyalty into his head.

When all of the adults mysteriously disappeared, this included all of the adult members of the Court. Left on his own, Thomas accidentally resurrected William Cobb, the only Talon not to disappear due to his slumber, by activating the nanites in Cobb's body. William Cobb was Nightwing's grandfather and the most loyal to the Court. Under Cobb, Thomas learned of human anatomy and of its weak spots, and under Cobb, took part in his first assassination.

When the adults returned, things changed. Teams started forming, new teenaged heroes started cropping up, foremost among these were the Teen Titans. The Titans had recently been given a base on a small island off the coast of Gotham. Formulating a plan to control the Titans activities within Gotham City, The Court of Owls sends Thomas...

Abilities: hand to hand combat(Advanced)

Personality: is generally dark, and has a black mood during combat. Around teammates he exhibits an upbeat demeanor. Quick to anger, he also likes video games, and prefers to spend time with only those he trusts


underneath the standard Talon costume, Thomas has dark brown hair and green eyes. When in costume, he carries a set of knives, a short Katana, and eskrima sticks.

Affiliation: Teen Titans & Court of Owls

Height is 5'9 and weight is 145
Keeps his hair short.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago


Subject 13
Connor Kent


Brief Bio:
The history of Subject 13 also known as Kon-El has long since become convoluted and distorted as the “official story” has changed the fact, however, remain the same. On July 4, 2000 Superman was debuted as the All-American hero by his defeat of the super-villain Parasite, leaving behind not only massive damage to Metropolis but also a small amount of the Man of Steel’s blood, enough to be collected. Self-made billionaire businessman Alexander “Lex” Luthor sought after the seemingly insignificant blood-sample and set his brightest minds on a project that he affectionately dubbed N.O.W.H.E.R.E.

For the next fifteen years these scientist worked tirelessly to try and create a perfect genetic clone of the Kryptonian, largely in vain. It took them thirteen attempts to crack the genetic code but they finally did it, and thus Subject 13 was given life. He was given as much of Superman’s power as they could crack out of his genes as well as a few modifications that Lex deemed “pertinent ”.

When the heroes of the world disappeared on January 1, 2015, Lex saw an opportunity to train his new protégé in the one lesson that truly mattered. Filling the boy’s head with notions that he was Superman’s biological son and that he had cast him aside like an old newspaper. It wasn’t until that Superman and the others had returned and the Titan’s recruited him did he see Luthor for what he truly was.


• Superhuman Strength
• Superhuman Endurance
• Flight
• Heat Vision
• X-Ray/Telescopic Vision
Genetic Enhancement
• Telekinesis
• Genius Level Intellect

Connor is, for the most part, just like any typical eighteen year old. Brash, at times unreasonable, and more often then not highly arrogant. While he does have a genius level intellect he seems determined to be the “brute”. To those he calls friends he is extremely loyal and almost has an overwhelming soft-spot for the little guy and those too weak to defend themselves.

Connor stands roughly around six feet with jet black hair and cold steel eyes and is muscularly built.

Teen Titans
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TitansGame


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ignore this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Johnny Gallo

Alias: Ricochet

Role: Titan

Brief Bio: In 2000, Johnny was born into a middle-class family in New York. His family had been very close-knit and intimate. That was until Johnny and his affectionate mother were walking down a street after his mom got off of work and a drunk driver almost hit them both. Johnny discovered that he had inhuman agility and reflexes when he leapt straight over the car as it flew under him. While his mother flew back thirty feet when she connected with the car's grille. She lost her life and the driver was never caught.

This had a profound effect on his father and his own psychologies. The two of them each receded away from each other because of the fractured state of their family. Johnny began to stay at school more, and his father began to become a frequent customer of a local bar. But youths can be so mean. Sometimes Johnny would be mocked because he no longer had a mother. So he needed a place to turn to. He worried day and night about what would happen if they learned that he was a mutant. So he found an outlet where he could put his abilities to good use.

Johnny decided to become a superhero. Onc he found a leather jacket and a t-shirt with a large letter-R on it, he began to piece together a costume. At first he wore a mask with lenses, but after a while he grew quite tired of that. So instead he applied a large amount of make-up to all of the skin uncovered by his costume, and before he'd go out, he'd temporarily dye his hair white and wash it out once he got home.

When all the adults on the planey disappeared, he decided to go out and patrol the city before teaming up with a group of fellow teenagers that were standing in for the Justice League. Since then, he's been split between being on the Teen Titans, school, and hiding his secret from his dad.

Abilities: Johnny is a mutant whose ability is superhuman reflexes and agility. Sometimes he instinctively dodges when he isn't even aware of a nearby danger. He is fairly intelligent and can be quite creative when he needs to find a solution. He is talented as a bike rider and uses one to compensate for his lack of transportational superpowers. Kept on and in his jacket, Johnny has a collection of steel throwing disks, some are explosive, some release sonic waves, others gas, light. Most of his disks 'ricochet' off walls or floors in a manner similar to Captain America's shield.

Personality: Johnny is deeply loyal to his friends. He has a strong sense of justice and a desire to make everything better, and it kills him every time he sees that he can't. Despite the personal tragedy of his mother's death, he does his best to swallow all of his pain and put his best foot forward. He is often seen as a cut-up because of his constant joking, and people rarely take him seriously, despite the fact that he has a clearer understanding of himself and his surroundings than most adults. When necessary, he can shove his comedic demeanor to the way side and become absolutely stern, even to the point of becoming quite intimidating.

Image Hither
Johnny has shiny black hair, parted at the center and combed in opposing directions. He has blue eyes with a slight twinkle and an overall slender physique. He is muscled like most gymnasts with an overall triangular build.

When in costume he coats the skin of his face and neck with a pale white makeup that blends smoothly against the color of his white shirt, which is covered by a leather jacket that holds his disks. He also uses a temporary dye to disguise his hair to make him rather difficult to recognize.

▪Iron Fist
▪Mister Terrific: Mister Terrific had assisted Johnny by giving him a small area where he can outfit his disks with various tools after teaching him the basics of customizing a toolkit.

▪Peter Pan
•Ravager: Ricochet works closely with Ravager and considers her a good friend. He pays close attention to her behavior because she reminds him of the emotionally dark state that he constantly avoids falling into, and because, if she'd notice, he'd be extremely interested in being more than friends.

Other: Theme Song
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 28 days ago




Brief Bio:
Garth was born in 1998 in the Atlantean colony of Hyperborea, in the Arctic Sea. Prince and heir to the ruling clan of Hyperborea, his birth was the subject of much public unease, as his purple eyes were an omen of great misfortune, and the superstitious Atlantean people called for him to be exiled into the sea. The Hyperboreans under normal circumstances were a pacifistic people, but they were more closely attuned to magic than most Atlanteans, and so put their faith in prophecy to a greater extent. Garth's father, King Thar, ignored the demands for him to abandon his son and raised Garth to eventually take his place as king. And so the young prince lived, learning to speak and swim as well as the fundamentals of sorcery.

When Garth was still young, tragedy struck Hyperborea, though Garth was not the cause of it. King Thar's jealous brother Zath, a mighty sorcerer, attacked Hyperborea with an army of undead that he raised through necromancy. The peaceful Hyperboreans were not prepared for this onslaught, and they all quickly perished, except for one. Garth had been spared the fate of his parents, as his father had used the magical power of the Hyperborean throne to hide and protect him. When reinforcements from Atlantis arrived to destroy Zath and his army, Garth was found to be the only survivor.

Garth was adopted by the king of all Atlanteans, Orin, a man better known as Aquaman. Under his tutelage, Garth was raised with an intense sense of justice, and trained so that he may protect others and prevent another tragedy like the Fall of Hyperborea. While training with the mystics of Atlantis, Garth found that his magical potential was equal, if not greater to that of his evil uncle, and he could grow to be one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. Following the disappearance crisis, Garth lent his strength to those on the surface as Tempest, and assisted in the founding of the Teen Titans.

Garth's strength, endurance and durability are all superhuman, and enhanced even more in water. He can breathe water as well as air, can swim at supersonic speeds, and can survive the pressure and cold of the deep ocean up to four thousand feet. Garth's senses are extremely sharp, as he can see through leagues of water, smell a drop of blood in an Olympic swimming pool, and navigate via sonar. His magical abilities are considerable, capable of hydrokinesis, minor telekinesis, ESP, astral projection and energy blasts. His telepathic ability is very well developed, as he can use it to take over the minds of simple creatures, such as marine animals. He can also increase or decrease the temperature of water, though he is more adept the the latter than the former. He has received training in martial arts, amphibious combat and hydrodynamics from Aquaman himself, giving him the skills necessary to properly utilize his powers. His ultimate technique is the "Hyperborea Zero Drive," wherein he can generate a quantum energy with a temperature below absolute zero, and immediately transfer that temperature to his opponent, destroying them with infinite cold. However, this technique is meant to be an absolute secret, so as not to fall into dangerous hands, and using poses great risk to Garth himself.

Garth is a surprisingly mature young man. He takes his job very seriously, and has little tolerance for injustice of any kind. Given his royal upbringing, he is exceptionally polite and proper, even in casual company. Evil magic users raise a particular ire in him, as do those that believe that he has had an ideal life as a prince of Atlantis. This is not to say that he is all business, as he enjoys sports and video games like any other teenager, but he firmly believes that leisure has its own time and place. His demeanor, while somewhat stern, is exceedingly calm and collected, and he has yet to ever lose his temper on the job. Some find him to be cold or impersonal, but he simply tries his hardest to not let his feelings trample his thoughts. That said, he is an Atlantean at heart, and will act on his gut instinct when the time calls for it.


Garth is 180 cm tall and weighs 81 kg, giving him a muscular, athletic build, comparable to an Olympic swimmer.

King Thar (deceased): Father
Queen Berra (deceased): Mother
Aquaman: Adoptive Father, Mentor
Mera: Adoptive Mother

The black marks on Garth's face are scars of frozen flesh, the result of his first, disastrous attempt at using the Hyperborea Zero Drive, and a constant reminder to use his power wisely.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dr. Albert W. Wily


Brief Bio:
Dr. Wily was born to an impoverished German family in the 1960's, never having toys growing up. He dedicated himself to his studies, though, vowing to get a better life than the ridicule he endured at school. After graduating from college in his 30's, at one time a researcher at the Robert Institute of Technology. Wily created many robots alongside Dr. Light. The two responsible for advancements in the field of robotics. Though Wily won many awards in his time, Dr. Light constantly upstaged him. Tired of being one step behind Dr. Light and sick of never receiving credit for their creations, he moved to an island in the Pacific Ocean and created a giant robot factory to set out to rule the world.

After many attacks, Wily was approached with a membership offer by the Legion of Doom. Needing funding and seeing the value of backup should his activities take a turn for the worst, he accepted the offer and went back to work. Wily's attacks were mostly on populated areas, in hopes of adding weight to his threats. He's attacked Atlantis a few times, using Bubble Man and Wave Man. That got stopped by Aquaman fairly quickly. But more often than not goes for centers of economy, culture, or places with natural resources to expand his robot army. He's come into conflict with the Justice League a number of times, and has a guard team specifically devoted to fighting them- Crystal Man, Flash Man, Magic Man, Pharaoh Man, and Hard Man. He's only attacked Metropolis once, and doesn't want anything to do with Gotham.

Dr. Wily has repeatedly attempted to take over the world, mostly from behind the scenes, and relies on his membership in the Legion of Doom to keep eyes away from his factory. From the original six Robot Masters to the more recent Ra Moon and Stardroid units he discovered in a crashed UFO, Dr. Wily has formed a robot army many times, with his motives varying from world domination to revenge, only to see his plans foiled time and time again. This has led him to switch from world domination schemes to more profitable crimes. After all, can't do much work from a cell.

Dr. Wily is a master roboticist, capable of building and programming sentient machines with capabilities rivaling those of most superheroes. Surprisingly, he also has limited training in ninja techniques- mostly the ones regarding escapes or trapmaking. He is also capable of building large fortresses and large-scale planning.

Wily, though a genius in his own right, has shown to be ignorant and opinionated at times. Wily has also demonstrated himself to be something of a coward, as his trademark action after the final boss fight with him is to grovel on the ground begging for mercy. He surrounds himself with deathtraps and the like in order to have protection from superheroes, but knows when to cut and run. As diabolical as he may be, Wily has exhibited rare moments of decency and goodness in his character. In recent arcs, Wily tells Ra Moon that he loves his creations (considering Bass and Zero as sons), and he has been known to perform some acts of kindness in return for mercy. If a hero saves his life in the course of stopping him, he'll often do something for their home city- a few blueprints for industrial equipment, or sending some robots to help rebuild after an alien attack. Before his descent towards insanity, Wily was shown to be an ordinary, yet diligent scientist. In addition, he was shown to be genuinely helpful to Dr. Light, though he still harbored a tinge of jealously towards his former friend and colleague.

The one and only.
Dr. Wily is an aging, balding man with a moustache and rather wide grey hair with a big cleft chin. He is almost always wearing comfortable clothing which is lab-safe: A lab coat, long-sleeved shirt beneath it, closed shoes, and blue jeans.

Legion of Doom

Wily seldom commits crimes in person, sending one or more of his Robot Masters in order to carry out his villainy. Of course, sometimes you just have to get the job done yourself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

• Name: Amy Winston
• Alias: Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld
• Role: Titan
• Brief Bio: For most of her life, Amy Winston thought she was as normal a girl as you could get. She didn't have many friends or really excel at much aside from science and nerdy trivia, and spent most of her time immersed in videogames, comic books and browsing the internet. The world of superheroes, of mighty warriors facing down the forces of evil and fighting for justice, was no more than a news post or a random, passing sighting on the streets from time to time. It wasn't a world she belonged to. She was nothing special, she was just an average girl. It wasn't until her thirteenth birthday that she found out something rather surprising... Whilst playing Gemworld, a new game she had gotten, she was surprised when one of the characters in the game began talking to her directly, and was even more surprised when she found herself tumbling through her closet into the world from the game.

Finding herself transformed into the magical warrior princess Amethyst, she set out on a quest to defeat the evil Dark Opal and restore peace to the Gemworld. Armed with her new magical powers, and with the assistance of her trusty Pegacorn steed, her wits and courage were put to the ultimate test as she fought valiantly against the forces of Dark Opal, until she finally came face to face with the dark lord himself. Summoning all of her power, she was able to defeat him, although he managed to escape whilst swearing revenge. However, she had still managed to save Gemworld, and was able to return home only to discover that almost no time had passed since she had left. Not only that, but she quickly found out that the magical amethyst she had acquired in Gemworld allowed her to transform into Amethyst even on Earth. Realising that she had these powers for a reason, Amy decided that she should use them to help mankind as a superheroine, and has recently joined the Teen Titans as their newest member in order to do so.
• Abilities:
•• Magic: Using the power of her magical amethyst, Amy is able to transform into Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld. As she needs to transform, most of the time she is just regular, powerless Amy Winston, but when she transforms she is able to tap into her vast well of magical power. She's very new to this and has very little experience or training with her magic, so she is not able to do much with it right now. She is able to fire out purple energy blasts of varying power (although at her current level the most they can do is stun an enemy), and she is also able to store items inside the armoured plates on her hips. Any items stored can be instantly retrieved at any time, although for some reason Amethyst can only store up to 99 of any given item, and cannot store anything larger than she can carry herself. Her sword and shield are stored by default.
•• Swordsmanship: Amethyst is somewhat skilled with her sword, although it is clear that this is due to magic rather than any kind of training. Because of this she is hardly the greatest fighter in the world, but if she were to actually train her swordsmanship would improve exponentially. As Amy, she lacks such skills, and is actually rather clumsy and easily fumbles with most weaponry.
•• Pegacorn: Amethyst is accompanied by her mighty steed, a winged unicorn. Naturally, it can fly. Whilst Amy is untransformed, the Pegacorn assumes the form of a plush doll of itself.
• Personality: To put it simply, Amy is kind of a nerd. She is rather awkward when it comes to social interaction, but that's less to do with any shyness and more to do with the fact that she's not sure how to talk to people that aren't girls her age (not that she's sure of how to talk to girls her age either, what with not sharing many interests with most of them). Whilst she's an avid reader of comic books and idolizes the more well-known superheroes, her true love is videogames, especially RPGs. Thanks to being rather intelligent for her age, she's even tried her hand at programming her own games. Despite her awkwardness, she tries her best to be brave, and refuses to back down against an evildoer unless she really needs to regroup and rethink her strategies.
• Appearance:
Amy is somewhat below average height for her age, and her messy brown hair and glasses give her a rather nerdy appearance. She doesn't really think much about fashion and thus usually just wears plain t-shirts and jeans. After transforming into Amethyst, her height increases somewhat, and her hair becomes long and blonde. Her usually brown eyes turn purple, and her glasses disappear (thankfully, her magic compensates for the lack of them). She wears a purple dress with leggings and elbow-length gloves, metal shoulderpads and a tiara. Upon her chest is the magical amethyst that allows her to focus her powers.
• Affliation: Teen Titans
• Other: Whilst it was never actually explained to this version of Amethyst and thus she is not aware of it for now, her biological parents are still Lord and Lady Amethyst of Gemworld, and she was sent to Earth as a baby to protect her from Dark Opal's sinister intentions. As the only daughter of the ruling house of Gemworld, Amethyst's full magical potential is utterly terrifying, although thus far she has only able been able to access the tip of the iceberg of power that lies within her. It will most likely not happen during the run of this RP, but she still holds the potential to one day become a Lord of Order and one of the most powerful magic users in the universe. Again, this will most likely not happen during the run of the RP, and in the very unlikely event that it does I will only do so under the GM's express permission.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackthorn


Member Offline since relaunch

Molly Hayes

Princess Powerful (Call her Bruiser and you'll find out what she did to Punisher the hard way)


Brief Bio:
Molly was born in in 2004, to a doctor and a speech pathologist. Her life was pretty normal, except that every year, around the same time, her parents would take her on trips to go meet with a bunch of other adult couples who also had children. Even though Molly and the other five only saw each other once a year, they became close. One year at the annual meeting of their parents, the six kids overheard their parents conspiring to sacrifice a young girl. Horrified, they couldn't stand by and watch, and after they confronted their parents about it, they were told the girl was going to be sacrificed to bring about a new world order, and that the twelve adults were doing it to give their children a better world to live in. The teens and Molly all ran away, after one of the oldest, a Japanese girl named Nico Minoru, was stabbed in the chest by her mother with a strange-looking staff. Nico absorbed the staff, and gained magic powers. One of the others, a blond girl named Karolina Dean, discovered she actually belonged to an alien race known as the Majesdanians, and found out she could become an entity of iridescent rainbow light, fly, and project energy. Molly discovered that both her parents were mutants, and her own latent X-gene surfaced, granting her super strength. After fighting their way out of their parents' grasp successfully, Molly passed out from the use of her powers.

The next thing she remembers is waking up in a strange house, with Nico, Karolina, and the others, a black boy named Alex Wilder, a blond, surfer-looking kid named Chase Stein, and a girl with awesome purple hair and thick glasses named Gertrude Yorkes. Molly's immediately wanted to go home, and became indignant when Nico told her she couldn't. Nico and the others explained that her parents were evil, that all of their parents were, and that she was much safer with them. Molly took this to mean that there were no more rules, and saw the entire ordeal as a great adventure waiting to happen. After staying under the radar with the Runaways (mostly), punching out The Punisher, and being thrown back in time after a fateful meeting with the Kingpin and subsequently returning, Molly ended up separated from her friends. She was snatched up by the Provost, a seedy man with a number of ill-gotten magical artifacts who employed children to steal for him. Molly organized the other kids to overpower Provost and use his own magic against him to turn him to stone, and headed out in search of her friends.

Before she could find them, she was found by Emma Frost, who attempted to recruit her to join the X-men, but due to her complete disregard for authority and hatred of adults, Molly fought the X-men tooth and nail, although she did develop a crush on Wolverine, much to his chagrin. Eventually she ran away from the X-men as well, and Emma, not sharing Professor Xavier's philosophy that all mutants should be allowed to make their own decisions as to their allegiances, began organizing a search for the rogue child mutant, determined to get her back in the capable hands of the Institute. Molly had different plans, however. She struck out on her own, under the alias of Princess Powerful, operating as a solo vigilante since she had no way to contact her fellow Runaways. Eventually, Infinity, Inc took notice of this small but powerful new hero, and approached her. After discovering that they had no adult supervision and confessing that she was getting lonely fighting bad guys all by herself, she agreed to join. Upon joining, she reunited with three of her old friends. Nico, Karolina, and Chase had all joined Infinity, Inc as well. But it was bittersweet. She discovered that Gert had been killed saving Chase's life, and that Alex had betrayed them and was also dead. Tempered though her elation was, Molly hadn't felt happier in a long time. She was finally home again.

Super strength: Able to lift up to 100 tons, and can apparently violate dimensional barriers, having ripped of Cloak's cloak, which is part of his body and usually renders him intangible. This is theoretically because her powers are psionic in nature, which may hint at potentially greater power as she ages and her abilities develop.
Invulnerability: Molly seems to have some degree of invulnerability when her powers are active, but due to her powers being very draining, this is somewhat limited.

Molly's powers, which may in fact be psionic in nature, are very draining, causing her to become exhausted and fall asleep after short but intense bursts, and at least rest after longer-term moderate use, and unless she activates them, she's basically a normal, if spirited, 11-year-old.

Molly is optimistic to a fault, even naive sometimes, but she is surprisingly street smart for an 11-year-old. She's also prone to mood shifts, sometimes at the drop of a hat, but she's generally a cheery, boisterous girl. In a lot of ways, she's still very innocent, and rarely considers the consequences of her actions. She is also very morally black and white, at least according to her own preconceived notions, but her opinion of you matters more than those of others, sometimes to the point of exclusion. Even after her parents were revealed to be supervillains bent on summoning extradimensional entities who would cause the extinction of all life on the planet, she still wanted to go home and be with them after she had been on the run for awhile. When she finally realized just how bad the Pride was, she settled on the opinion that all adults are evil. She's a big fan of the mutant Dazzler's music, and she sleeps with a Doop plush doll. Molly also loves sleep. Even if she didn't have to sleep because her powers are so draining, she'd probably stay in bed all week.


Her eyes glow a purplish color when she uses her power, suggesting that it may be psionic in nature. She's about 4'11", and 95 pounds,

Infinity, Inc. (They're the only team that doesn't have to deal with dumb grown ups!), Nico Minoru, Chase Stein, and Karolina Dean (mentors and close friends), Wolverine (love interest)

Molly having made enemies of the Punisher (which, admittedly, isn't difficult) and having the X-men pursue her is going to cause all kinds of interesting complications... Also, I hope it's alright that I made the surviving Runaways members of Infinity, Inc as well. It seems a better fit than any of the other teams.
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Slade Joseph Wilson


Villain/sometime Antihero

Brief Bio:| Origin & Backstory | - Slade Wilson was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota to career criminal Joseph Wilson. Joseph abandoned his son, leaving Slade little else but his name. Slade landed in a foster home, and as soon as he came of age, joined the US military alongside his foster brother and best friend, Billy Wintergreen. The two received top marks in all physical and mental examinations; Almost immediately the two were recruited into The US Marine Corps' Special Forces, MARSOC

During their partnership, the two took part in more than 37 black operations, with Slade operating under the call sign "Deathstroke" and Billy under "Ravager."

During their last mission as a team, MARSOC had gotten word that the Chinese had files on a Former CIA agent and the experimental training he'd undergone. MARSOC's response was to send Billy & Slade into Shanghai to recover the files. Though their insertion went smoothly, Billy inadvertently set off the silent defense system, and the two were caught. Upon their capture, they were introduced to a man named Yao Fei. Yao Fei gave them two options: talk now & work for me or I'll make you talk.

For the next six months, Slade & Billy were water boarded along with other methods of torture. 5 months and 3 weeks in, Billy broke and talked. Turning on his partner and his country, Billy then presided over Slade's torture, venting years worth of jealousy. Angered by his friend's betrayal, Slade broke free during an interrogation and fought Billy. Though the two had been partners for years, Slade managed to mortally wound Wintergreen, but at the cost of his right eye. Slade then proceeded to escape, but was stopped by Yao Fei. Fei engaged Slade and the two fought to a standstill. Just when it looked like Fei was going to kill Slade, he was shot by a dying Wintergreen. Billy had saved Slade out of guilt and a hope of redemption; he died in Slade's arms

Upon his return to MARSOC, Slade underwent severe psych testing and met his new psychiatrist, Dr. Adeline Kane. After a month of his testing, Slade was approached by Dr. Kane for an new program designed to create super soldiers. They named it simply "The Serum." Slade accepted and became enhanced; Speed, strength, reflexes, mental functions. Having no idea as to the psychological effect of The Serum, Slade's CO placed Dr. Kane in the program, monitoring Slade's psych/mental health.

. As the darling of the program, Slade was sent on more and more missions but became increasingly disenfranchised. The serum made him better, but in the process, he was losing his deep sense of honor

A year after the enhancements, he resigned from MARSOC and killed everyone involved with manufacturing the serum, believing them to have forgotten all sense of honor and morality. They had sent him in blind numerous times, each time with an objective more atrocious than the last; he had been forced to kill civilians based on unverifiable intel.

Almost immediately, he went rogue, contacting a man named Christoph, an information broker/merc handler, working as a mercenary,choosing to pick his own missions and using his old code name and mask.

Two years after that, he met Lilian Worth. The rest is history.

He has ran into the titans only once, and his ID is still unknown.

Slade is an ENHANCED human, not superhuman.
Hand to hand combat(Advanced)
Tactician(arguably the best in DC)
Enhanced Speed, strength, reflexes, mental functions.

When in business, Slade is cold and calculating, almost to the point of clinicality. When with Rose and unmasked, he is a loving father.


Slade has White hair, a goatee and a missing eye, covered by an eyepatch.

Affliation: Rose Worth

Height is 6'4, weight is 225
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jason Peter Todd

Red Hood
Robin II

Age & Birthday:
18, 19th May 1997.



Jason's eyes are blue, his hair is black with a single white streak in the front.
He's 6 foot tall, and weights about 170 pounds. He's built lean and athletic.

Enhanced Healing Factory:
Jason heals faster than the average person, resistant to poison and toxins and estimated a longer lifespan.

Nobody knows why. But the children 'adopted' by Bruce Wayne, The Batman, are just extraordinary.
Martial Arts: Jason knows several forms of Martial arts. These include, but aren't limited to Ninjutsu, Kung-Fu, Judo, Kaw Maga, Systema and Kickboxing. Jason is skilled with a wide-variety of weapons, ranging from melee to projectile weapons. He's a decent shot with a gun, and a really good throw, be it cards, knives or grenades.

Athelete / Free-Runner:
Jason is a excellent Gymnast, and a even better free-runner. Able to incorporate parkour into his fighting style, and use grappling hooks and other such equipment to swing around.

Detective Skills:
Jason is a masterful detective, tracker and interrogator. His methods may be a bit more unorthodox than one would expect from the former boy-wonder.

Jason speaks English, Russian, German, Spanish and a couple dialects of Arabic.

Armor: A body suit made out of carbon fiber covered Kevlar, utilizing nano- echnology to repair itself upon damage. The armor comes with a matching mask that covers Jason's face. The mask has it's own electrical HUD, and allows him to use many forms of different vision-overlays. Ranging from infra-red to X-ray. It's also directly linked up to the Batcomputer.
The armor comes with a utility belt including, but not limited to:
Grappling Gun.
Tracking devices.
First Aid Kit.
Expandable staff, wielded by Todd as a sword.


Born to Erin Todd and Peter Jackson. Jason's story was a sad one from the start alone. His mom was a heroine addict, and his dad was abusive and a thug, running with various gangs. As Jason was growing up, it just got worse, and worse. His father got into deeper and deeper with the mob, and his mom's addiction got worse and worse. Till he was 6 years old, and he came home from school one day. and he found his mom, laying on the floor. Needles in her arms. She had died, on an overdose. His father was furious. And his abuse only got worse.

At the age of 8, Jason's life was radically changed. He had gone from a nice kid, to a hardened criminal. His dad was running with Thugs, and Jason was running scams and pickpocket-cons. He got into trouble with other street kids, and learned a thing or two about fighting. Jason was angry, already as a pre-teen, his anger was big, as it became apparent when he beat an older boy half to death, using a wrench all because the other boy insulted his mother.

Half a year later, he stole the wheels of the batmobile, that got him onto the radar of the Batman. And another year later, he saved Batman from Two-Face and his thugs by throwing a batargang he had found months earlier and practiced with almost everyday. Batman kept tabs on the Todd, till Todd was 11 years old. Batman saved Jason from being shot by thugs who were coming for Jason's father. And in the process, Bruce took the boy under his wing, and honed his anger. It was difficult. Really difficult. More difficult than it had been with Richard just two years earlier. Richard was upset, his anger was already directed. Where as Jason's anger was everywhere. He didn't hate criminals. He hated the world.

A year later, Richard had left the family to find his own fortune. He and Jason were as close as brothers by now. Richard was calmer, more collected than Jason was. Sure. Jason was able to pretend he was Richard, or at least like Richard. But he couldn't always move past his anger, not like Richard could. Regardless, Jason became the second Robin.

Jason and Bruce Wayne would work together for four long years. Till Jason was 16. Everyday Bruce would teach Jason how to hone his anger. To channel it. Since it never did go away. They went through hours and hours on end of therapy, to try and resolve the boy's anger. But Jason wasn't liked Richard had been. Not like Bruce was, either. Jason was dangerous when angry. He was capable of going to far. In any one year, he hospitalized more people than Richard did in three.

But something happened, something no one saw coming. A job went bad. They were in south-America. Hunting down The Joker. When it all went to hell. Jason was boarding a plane a couple of the Joker's goons were piloting, in the plane there were drugs, and money. Jason was on the wing and high in the air over the sea, when the Joker blew the plane up. Bruce being too late to save the boy, and couldn't find a trace of the boy in the water.

Jason Todd died that day.
Well, he died for 6 hours that day.

He was found in a underwater cavern, by a man who called himself Joshua. Joshua healed Jason. Joshua was a very powerful mutant, with the unique ability to alter biology. Joshua could turn people into mutants, and vice-versa. But more so, he could heal people. He healed Jason. Back to consciousness at first. Since if the body would fully heal instantly, the mind would fry itself, since the nerves would be over-loaded. Joshua called it the “Fault of the human mind”, that the human body needed time to process certain things. Healing was one of them. Joshua did give himself temporary telepathic powers, by modifying his own genetics, his own mutation. With the telepathy he had given himself, he formed a “wall” in Jason's mind. The wall would stop Jason from remembering the pain of being burnt alive, the pain of being brought back to life and everything that would tear his mind to pieces, should he remember it.

Joshua told Jason about all of this, when Jason awoke. Jason understood that he shouldn't try to remember, for the wall was strong, but if he'd scratch, he might remember. Under the coming four weeks, Joshua healed Jason, but eventually came to a better conclusion, as his healing tired Jason's body and mind out. He gave a tiny tiny part of his own powers to Jason, enhancing Jason's healing. Meaning that Jason's body would heal all on it's own, quick enough for him to be able to live, but yet slow enough for his mind to be able to play catch-up.

It took Jason 7 months to come back to full health again. 7 months in the underwater cave with Joshua. Seven months of rehabilitation and meditation. For the first time in his life, he felt at peace. But Jason knew that he couldn't stay forever. He didn't want to stay forever, either. Jason returned home, with Joshua's blessings. He traveled all through South America, making quite some waves when he shut down a cartel's human trafficking business all on his own, armed with nothing more than a hunting knife and a flannel shirt.

He would return home to Gotham, surprising Alfred whom opened the door so much that the poor Butler almost had a heart-attack. Bruce was at a charity gathering, and was almost in tears when he met Jason at the manor. Jason said he wanted to get back out onto the field, after telling Bruce and Alfred about what had happened. He told Bruce about Elixir, and how he had changed Jason's body, Jason was better now than ever. And also how Joshua had helped him cool the fire of anger.

Jason was now 18 and had since long outgrown the identity of Robin. He became The Red Hood.


Jason and Bruce have a strained father and son relationship. Partly because Bruce mourned Jason's death. But also partly because Jason is unlike Bruce in a lot of ways. There is a fatherly love between Bruce and Jason. Bruce wishes for Jason to succeed. To become as great, and surpass himself.

Joshua's Jason's spiritual mentor. He doesn't actively train Jason, but his teachings of self-control, of keeping his calm and keeping a cool head are still there.

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Name: Benjamin Kirby Tennyson

Alias: "Ben 10"

Role: Titan

Brief Bio: Born in 2001, Ben was born to Carl Tennyson and Sandra Tennyson. He grew up with a close relationship to his grandpa Max and his cousin Gwen. When Ben was ten years old, in the summer of 2011, he went on a cross-country road-trip that had its first major stop in Wisconsin. In the forest, they spotted a meteor shower raining down on the area. Max tried to shepherd Ben and Gwen into the RV they'd been traveling in, The Rustbucket. But, despite his grandfather's protective efforts, Ben chased down one of the meteors that had landed. When Ben reached it, he saw that it emitted a green glow, so, stupidly, he approached it and stuck his hands into it's loosest crack, pulling it apart with surprising ease. But, then a black and green device latched onto his wrist, appearing similar to a watch.

After the intial ordeal of discovering that he could not remove it from his wrist, his grandfather explained that it was an alien device called The Omnitrix, and that it was known throughout the universe as the galaxy's greatest weapon (not to be confused with a GL ring, the universe's most powerful weapon). Max explained that it was able to transform it's user into a multitude of life-forms from across the entire universe. When Ben stopped trying to remove the watch, he discovered how immensely cool it was to be able to transform into different life forms. Though Grandpa Max discouraged him at first, after Ben disobeyed him frequently, he agreed to let Ben try being a 'hero' with his abilities.

But sooner than later, a group of bounty hunters came to Earth, searching for the wearer of the Omnitrix, so that they could forcibly remove it from his body and take it to their boss, an alien warlord known as Vilgax. When the bounty hunters confronted Ben, they showed him that it took more than a powerful weapon to be a hero, he saw that it took brains too. Then he discovered his most intelligent form, Brainstorm! Using the resources in the area and some clever execution, Ben outwitted and outdid the bounty hunters and Grandpa Max kicked them off the planet after threatening to arrest them.

Eventually, though, the road trip came to an end and Ben had to return to school, where people asked him about his watch on a regular basis and he made up frequent lies to explain why he never took it off. While in school, he ended up using the watch on a much less frequent basis, though it was never quite allowed to rest. Eventually though, someone put together that the aliens Ben transformed into shared the symbol that was on Ben Tennyson's watch, and soon enough his secret was all over the Internet.

Without a reason to hide anymore, Ben transformed into aliens whenever the situation called for it. Eventually, he ended up joining a team of teenage superheroes to help protect the world, especially after the crisis in 2015 where all the adults disappeared without a trace. Since then, he's mostly fought aliens and done his best to balance the many demands that his life has.

Abilities: Ben's sole ability is access to a device that looks like a wristwatch, but it allows him to transform into one of many different species of intelligent beings for ten minute intervals before a five minute charging period. Whenever his watch, The Omnitrix, is touched by another creature, it creates a copy if the basics of its DNA and allows him to transform into a member of its species, though this does not apply to humans because he is aready a human. However, the watch can absorb the DNA of Mutants, Inhumans, Martians, Asgardians, Skrulls, Krees, Rannians, Thanagarians, and other species both humanoid and nonhumanoid. His present forms include (but are not limited to):
•Brainstorm: Based on the Coluan race from the planet Colu, Brainstorm has incredible intelligence and can interface with electronics by extending quasi-biological cords from his fingertips. In this form, Ben has a green complexion and blonde hair.
•Heatblast: Bases on the species called Pyronite from the star Pyros. The transformation gives him a body composed of localized magma with a 'skin' of dark red charcoal. He gains the ability to toss balls of magma, immunity to heat based attacks, and the ability to shape some of his magma into stones by allowing it to rapidly cool.
•Mutagen: After coming into contact with a member of humanities sister species, Homo Superior, Ben absorbed the DNA of a mutant and then developed a mutation as if he were a member of their species. This form allows him to physically adapt his body in order to survive by becoming more durable and powerful.
•Riot: Composed of an organic sentient slime, Riot is a red form that is capable of reshaping itself for short periods of time. It is based on a species of Symbiotes (exact name unknown) that can attach themselves to hosts and amplify the hosts skills, abilities, and more, but at the cost of making the host become more aggressive. Once he is attached to a host, he can either allow them free will or dominate them
•Warhawk: Absorbed from the Thanagarian male Hawkman, Warhawk is capable of flight through the use of two large wings. He is unfeasibly strong and can fly at astounding speeds. He also has enhanced sight and vision.
•Water Hazard: Watee Hazard's planet of origin and species is unknown. But he is a red-shelled alien capable of withstanding brutal blows and using impressive strength along with hydrokinesis and proficiency at swimming.
•Wildfire: Absorbed from the Tamaranian girl Starfire. In this form, Ben's skin tints into a shade of orange. He gains the ability to fly, blast bolts of energy out of his hands and eyes, super-strength, and immunity to many poisons as well as a resistance to energy based attacks.
•Wildmutt: Based on the species Vulpimancer from Vulpin, Wildmutt is an alien with the basic appearance of an orange reptilian canine, except he has a lack of eyes. However, he is capable of using an acute sense of smell and can detect heat signatures, which compensates for his technical blindness.
•XLR8: Based on a Kineceleran, from the planet Kinet. XLR8 is a black alien who can move at extraordinary speeds by 'skating' on the (literal) balls of his feet and a natural ability to manipulate friction. When he is running, a biological visor automatically covers his face. He has claws and a long tail that add to his appearance of an overall black and blue reptile.

Ben can be Impulsive, Arrogant, Jealous, Stubborn, Impedent, and at times quite stupid. But on the other hand, he's also brave, loyal, trustworthy, humorous, and has learned from experience before he looks before he leaps, though that is not always the case. He has a fear of clowns left over from his childhood and a slight hatred of the dark. But, possibly more tham anything else, he loves smoothies and corn dogs.


Cameron Bright captures the look I want to go with nigh perfectly in this image. The jacket, the way his eyes look, even his hairstyle seem to go perfectly. Ben has green eyes, brown hair that is long, but kept trim and combed around his head, and pale white skin with a style of casual dress at all times. The only difference from the picture I'd say is that Ben would moatly wear a green jacket with a ten stamped over his right pectoral.

-Cousin of Gwen and Ken Tennyson.
-Grandson of Max Tennyson.

Theme Song
I'm personally a fan of the Alien Force series because of the more mature tone it had maintained while never feeling like it had to be different. To me, it only felt like Ben had grown up after five years. I don't feel like the original show's theme wpuld represent that well, but the AF theme doesn't quite feel 'space agey' enough for me. So I settled on this.

A plot hole I'll eventually address is why the watch doesn't pick up earthlings and why it only picks up 'aliens' from the viewpoint of an earthling. It may or may not have something to so with Animorphs.
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