Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Juggernauts (BigPapaBelial and kingkonrad) IC
Post by kingkonrad » Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:34 pm

Somewhere in Northern Afghanistan...

The world went slow, almost to a dead halt. The paraglider leant over, almost 90 degrees to the ground in it's turn, with the black canopy in mid-flap, blanketing a small part of the sky to the side of the two within. The two heavily armored soldiers sat totally focussed, trained, unrelenting. The Mk19 spewed a 40mil ,with an orange yellow flash of brightness filling the area from it's muzzle, and the Juggernaut who sat behind it seemed content, almost the same as Ross in that moment did. Time as a memory had stopped in their heads, cut out, mid flight, as they felt trapped in a moment. Through the visor, Ross felt an inch of perspiration, as almost in a split second, they were propelled back into life, back into speed. He leveled the whole Flying Devil out, as the 40mil continued to spew rounds below, taking out hostiles that were flanking the Juggernauts' friendly on the ground.
"Erik, we're bugging out, hope you enjoyed the fire, out." Ross said simply and calmly, as he saw most of what had been assaulting his position to be decimated, or at least now flanked and fucked up by the moving German, who seemed much smaller than he really was from this height. Ross checked the GPS and flew back on co-ordinates set for FOB Nevada, aware that it was likely that their work today was done, and they'd be going home.

"Hold up the fire, Carl, we lit them up enough mate- let's not turn it into a scar on this earth." Ross said simply, as he looked over the terrain they now flew over, leaning back as he knew that they had done it. They felt like birds of prey, hunting and taking down their targets well. He looked over his armor, and saw a couple of pretty bad scratches and impacts, aware that he'd have to get it back to a workable state when they got back, and at least replace a couple of the ballistic plates. Their armor was full checked by a base technician, and the armor's composition was effectively controlled- with the dragonskin layer, as well as the kevlar and ballistic plates being needed to be expected in every anal detail, to find no tears, shatters or effectively weak sections. The suits could take a hammering- Ross had himself seen the suit just about take almost 100 rounds of M240 ammo, and be still in a workable state- it was insanely protective, but in reality, if a Taliban with a PKM did that to him, he knew that the chances of psychologically taking the situation to account as a normal one wouldn't apply- it would probably create internal wounding, from the sheer force of sustained fire. Either way, in the mines, it had meant that they could go head on into a situation where that was the only way, and win. And now, as they flew over the arid landscape, back to base, they knew that they had done their job as best as they could.
"Fuck, remind me to bring this thing home. There's some beautiful parts of the UK I've got to see in this thing, it's just so responsive." Ross said, easing on the throttle as he knew that Carl had probably finished with the 40mil and the Hellfires, and was less focused on target identification now. There simply wasn't any targets to pick up- not even the Taliban went into the middle of an arid area like this, and Ross knew that even if they did, the exposure down there was mental. The arid ground was half-desert, and even a few dunes could be spotted from time to time, in between the rocky valleys and dried up river plains.

Re: Juggernauts (BigPapaBelial and kingkonrad) IC
Post by BigPapaBelial » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:05 am

Carl gritted his teeth, a soft hiss sighing from his mouth as the Mk19 coughed and spat. 40mm rounds hurtling groundward, kicking up pillars of smoke, fire and dirt, ripping cover apart, and ripping targets to pieces with HE conviction. For awhile there he shared that slow motion moment with his partner Ross. He watched the 40mil cycle, spent shell casing clinking out of the breech, spinning off to the right, the gun chambering another round then the puff of white smoke, flame and the silver and copper HE round sailing off. He looked almost right down at the ground for a moment, then time caught up with them and he was scanning for targets again. The 40mm kicking again as he ripped apart some flankers. Carl whooped, a good and proper war whoop, something his ancestors would have been proud of. He took a moment to pull a grenade from his harness, pull the pin then huck it down over the side of the paraglider, watching it flip before it disappeared behind some rubble, then kicked up a cloud of debris as several badguys went running. He smiled and pumped his fist calling out, "Score!"

As the Devil swung around he tried to get a few more rounds off, but his angle was all wrong. His fire slowed then stopped right as Ross called for him to hold fire. He clicked his radio, "Good luck Erik, save travels, we'll see you later maybe." Carl let the Mk19 swing, and leaned back in his chair. It was then that he noticed the state of his hands in his gloves, they were shaking from adrenaline and sweating at the same time from holding the firing grips of the 40mil. He let his hands relax into his lap. And took several long slow breaths, "That...was incredible...I'll bet you not even a true CAS wouldn't have done as much damage we did out there."

He gave himself a look over, finding dings and dents in places, a few rounds stuck between armor sections, stopped by the pressure of the plates squeezing the round. He had to pull off his visor and take a close look at the impact fractures from where the round had struck his face plate. He nodded hefting it, "Thing saved my life." He wiped his face slowly, sighing softly, "Time to calm down, take stock...enjoy life abit." Carl sighed, letting the tension ease out of him. In their line of work stress and tension was something they dealt with alot. Didn't mean he could contain it all. He rolled his shoulders, taking a moment to look out over the land, "Reminds me of the Drumheller badlands...just less hoodoos, and more sand...still has an beauty too it." He leaned as far back as he could in his chair, "So...home we go then?" He turned to grin back at his partner, "Sound good Cap'n?"

Re: Juggernauts (BigPapaBelial and kingkonrad) IC
Post by kingkonrad » Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:42 pm

"Definitely mate- I want to get back to a brew or something decent at least. Shit, we sent out a hell of a lot of ordinance, and precise too. An A10 is scary, but shit, it can't deliver rounds within 10m or precisely take out targets like we can." Ross replied, looking over at the Canadian juggernaut sitting ahead of him, turned around.
"GPS says another 30 klicks. Shouldn't be too long- I don't think that anyone survived in the village, or down at the mine. If anyone did, they know that the ISAF forces here are packing more heat than they'd initially expect." Ross added, looking out on the plains below them, the emptiness and occasional greenery making it a strangely interesting clime from this altitude.

About an hour later, more urbanization propped up, and a base could be seen on the far outskirts of a small village. Ross looked on over, already aware that they'd completed their patrol for today- they wouldn't be called out to head towards a more inaccessible area, and would be coming back to FOB Nevada for some R and R.
"Command, this is Knight, we've got visual on base. Requesting to land on the northern field, on the helicopter prep area, how copy?"
"Command copies, you are cleared for landing on bearing 080 on the field. We'll get that thing packed away, good job Knight." Ross heard, as he looked to Carl, already putting his visor up as he looked out on the base now passing below. He let the throttle drop and grabbed a firm hold of the toggles, turning left before coming in into a hard right to kill some speed. He eased off the throttle, letting it come down to around 30 percent, before diving the entire paraglider. They hit 60mph, as Ross pulled hard and came in for a sweeping landing, easing off the throttle fully as the canopy used the momentum from the slight dive to keep itself upright. The entire craft slowly inched onto the ground, the wheels contacting hard as the suspension brayed and shook, with Ross's foot completely off the throttle now. Slowly and surely, they coasted along, only taking about 50m to stop, before Ross completely disengaged the engine. Like two badasses, Ross watched the canopy come down as he bundled himself out of the paraglider, Mk48 in hand, as he saw a couple of helicopter ground crew quickly come over to push the Flying Devil away, and into storage. Ross looked over at Carl, and a smile on his face, his visor up, he knew they'd done good. A simple fistbump followed, as Ross slung the Mk48 over his shoulder, the two armored soldiers weathered from the storm and from the fight.
"Command, we're on the ground, the Flying Devil's done her job for today. Any further orders?"
"That's a negative, you're good to go for some R and R Knight. 2nd Lieutenant, I need to see you immediately, after you get your gear sorted out." Command spoke, as Ross whistled, in a sort of interested way. It had to be a promotion- it couldn't be anything else, Ross thought, otherwise it would be through him. As they headed off from the helicopter area, and into the FOB central, Ross looked over, aware that Carl must have been surprised.
"That sounds like a good thing to me Carl- I think you're going up in the world when you're hanging around me. You deserve full credit for whatever he's got planned for you." Ross simply said, as he pointed towards the armory, wanting to get his suit off and at least get some rest in.

As the two headed in, and Ross led the way, opening the door, the back of another Juggernaut could be seen. Ross instantly recognized the camo pattern, as Jenny turned around, smiling- her faceplate off, yet the considerable armor still making her look like a force of nature, as the two others were.
"Hello lads. Looks like you had fun out there?" She said cheekily, as Ross knew that she was only doing it to piss them off, aware that she was fully aware of her position among men. Her tomboyish ways meant that she seemed to click better in their ranks, and at no point, did anyone ever raise that fact in front of her. Ross knew openly well, that when she said that she could do something, she was like them. Perhaps maybe more fragile, but no less, still more determined and adept at making her mark than he knew he would be. She enjoyed what she did, and knew she'd never change her femininity- but to Ross, that was what made her, her.
"Shit, since when'd they send you up here? Nice to see you Jen." Ross simply said, as she kept her FN MAG held tight in both hands, the weapon clearly kitted well to her.
"They said that Erik needed a friend, and I'm going to probably work with him for a little while. That said, I'll probably see you guys around for sure. Just some more patrol ops, with Moore too- shit's quite quiet here, but they need someone like me to deal with when shit gets tough- and it seems that when they attack, they really surge at us." She said, as Ross walked past, heading further into the kit room, where he got to work getting the suit off. The helmet first, and then the neckbrace. He managed to bit by bit, get out of his arms, chest, legs and boots, the heavily armored soldier coming down to a regular t-shirted SOF operator. The backpack fed Mk48 sat on the table, and his chest rig, sidearm and M32 were also there, with the suit being placed on a rack.
"I heard over the radio what happened at the mine- they just brought the hostages back, they seem happy alright." Jenny said as Ross continued, wiping the sweat off his brow as he checked that the suit was neat and tidy to be taken by the technicans later- the suit being modular, but one intraconnected unit, and for sure, a suit that was very hard to separate. A good thing ballistically, a bad thing organizationally. Carl's had undergone some serious modification in Canada and suited him much better to comprise of the hammer to Ross's anvil, he recalled- and knowing him, was likely easier to take off.
"Hmm...to be modest or not, that is the question. Maybe one day they'll remember us, those two armored soldiers who blew up half a mine to get them out and stop them from being turned into Al-Qaeda's newest executions. Anyway, you should get going. We've got R and R to enjoy, and you know how it is." Ross added, as Jenny nodded, the female Juggernaut seemingly a strange choice when looked upon from afar. It was the way she walked, and moved, that set her apart from Ross and Carl, and almost nothing else. Just this air, that the Taliban must have felt- that they were about to get a lesson in firepower deployment from a woman with a GPMG and a serious fucking fury. Her distinct northern Scots accent, half scary and half enticing meant that sometimes, you had to quickly decipher what she said before replying. It wasn't usually that thick, but at times, you could tell it wasn't going to be easy to understand.
"Yeah, I'll see you lads around." She said, as she walked out, her footsteps heavy as she turned her back on the two, Ross fully aware she'd be going out to have some fun with some enemies. After all, she had around the same level that Ross had in his armor- and at the same time, had a whole infantry fireteam to give some more fire if she wanted it. She could move unimpended through fire if she was covered, whereas Ross and Carl would have to rely on each other for suppressing, or flanking fire to charge- but when the fire wasn't heavy enough, the power of two meant that the two defied 7.62 bullets, and hammered forward towards enemies, armed and armored heavily enough to really mess up someone's day.

"Her arse looks good in that thing, gotta say." Ross said casually and almost openly to Carl, chuckling a little as he headed outward, going towards his quaters on the other side of the base. He turned his head back to Carl, as he walked on, aware he had to go another way.
"Anyway, see you in a bit mate. Good hunting." He simply said, as he brushed the dust off his combat fatigues, and headed off for a quick Thermos-based cup of tea. And it'd be a good one.

Re: Juggernauts (BigPapaBelial and kingkonrad) IC
Post by BigPapaBelial » Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:56 am

Carl held onto the side of the Devil as they soared in for a landing. He was alot more comfortable with the flying machine. He no longer feared it'd come apart on them. Well not as much anyway. He listened and felt as the throttle was left off little by little, he smiled, calling back to his friend as they touched down, "Damn you're good at this man." He smiles, waiting until they came to a stop, grabbing his kit from the holders in the glider, and hopped out. Stepping up onto the edge and then down to the ground. He hrmed as they got the info on the RnR and that he was to report to command once he's out of his suit. He quirks an eyebrow, "Huh...wonder what this is about?" He grinned abit at his partners idea, fist bumping him, "A promotion? You think? Been a second Louie since I mustered out to Arctic patrol. Guess it would stand to reason seeing I have a definite MO now, and have the training to show for it." He walked with Ross to the Juggernauts hanger. Then let out a crowing laugh, "Jen!" He smacked her shoulder in greeting. Stepping by as he made for his portion of the table as he began to take his stuff off.

He smiled, "Good to see you again Jen, so you're Erik's back up? They going to partner you two up?" He looked at her curiously as he pulled his kit off bit by bit. "The kid's got the good deal if that's the case. With you mentoring him, he'll be up to snuff in no time, and we can do four person missions in no time, just remember to give him a good run through. Don't want him embarrassing us at the wrong time." He waved to Jenny as she set out. The scoffed at Ross, "You know, eventually she's going to hear you saying something like that, and she'll deck you. But if you fancy her, you better make a move before Erik does. Me personally, I don't like the idea of dating my co-workers. Bad for moral." He grins broadly again and takes off his chest plate, placing it on the table and sighing in relief, "Oh yeah, that's the way it should be."

He waved to his partner as he walked off then put on a standard issue cap, buttoned up the front of his fatigues and made for the Command HQ.

It didn't take him long to get there. Checking in at the front desk to a very harried looking corporal who waved him in to the commanders office. Where he was then waved over to the major's office rather then the colonel's office. He was asked to remain sitting, as the major was busy.

About 5 minutes later the major comes out and leans on the wall across from Carl who is sitting. Carl makes to get up, his arm already cocked into a salute as he does. The major grins, then salutes him back, "You juggernauts are like gods own finger Second Lieutenant. You fuck shit up, and you do it in the most incredible ways, me and the colonel both agree that you guys are like a miracle. Now the captain is all well and good. But some of the command staff are in agreement that your uniform does not match up." He dug into a pocket then tossed Carl a long black box. Carl caught it. Looked at the major who was grinning like the Cheshire cat. Carl opened the box and found a dress rank cuff. One full bar and one half bar. The Canadian barding for a lieutenant. The major smiled, "You'll be getting the rest of the paperwork within the week. And all the shit that comes with it. Congratulations lieutenant." The major flashed a salute. Then picked the small button out of the box and affixed it to Carl's chest and shoulder where they should be. Carl nodded slowly then saluted the major. The major nodded, "Dismissed, enjoy yourself son." He then walked back into his office.

A few minutes later Carl slid into a seat across from Ross, placing a glass of iced sweet tea and a bowl of stew with some bread to go with it on the table. He nodded, "You were right." He smiled and dug into his food, "I owe you a beer I think." He grinned at his partner.

Re: Juggernauts (BigPapaBelial and kingkonrad) IC
Post by kingkonrad » Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:09 am

"Maybe. But not the piss poor stuff they usually do here. Something proper. And it's good to hear dude- I think for you, First Lieutenant will suit you well" Ross said, chuckling, as he drunk some more warm tea down, aware that despite it being hot, it did nicely for his throat. A Mars bar was it's assistant, and for some reason, Ross had found that the quick fix was usually quite a pleasant one. Drinking some more down, he looked out on the rest of the mess hall, before turning back to Carl. He had seen the new ribbon on his sleeve that showed his rank.
"She's a good one alright. But you know, as you say, co-workers. I had a friend of mine back in the Paras, who had to work with a bird. He was Comms, what we called a "Bleep", she was a Combat Medic. Anyway, because the two of them were posted to each other, and already had relationships back home...one training exercise, guy broke his fucking ankle. Goes to medical, and guess what happened...anyway, he told me later that the sex was just to get it out of the way. I mean, they both knew full well what my mate wanted, and he got it. Call it an unorthodox approach, but after that, never any animosity, or anything spoken on it whenever we were on ops. Crazy world we live in, to say the least- though I do suppose that he did fuck any bird that moved." Ross said, thinking back, as he explained onward.
"To say the least, Corporal Maxwell to this day is still a bachelor, and I can't see him exactly getting married." Ross said, chuckling a little as he thought back to his old Paras platoon. He had started there as a Lieutenant- and then moved to a recon element, the Pathfinders, where he led a squad and went up the ranks. Eventually, he applied for the SAS- and the story of his life began there.
"Man alive, that was some good ass shit. We really peppered them today. Better doing that kind of shit than going with Moore's guys no doubt, we really showed those Rangers what two guys can do alone."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
Avatar of FourtyTwo


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

(I liked the idea of these little fanfics for Juggernauts, so hey, here's one for Natalie doing what sexy female giant Russians do best. You could have a training montage of Victor, or some shit :D - it's a one off for the moment, but I will swing us back for sure.)
(I think I'll make it a two-parter, as I think I want Natalie to kinda get her underwater on a bit better. You can go on with Carl/Victor in the background as I wrap it up and bring it back full circle to the two coming back together again.)

Black Eagle
Part One: A Russian Holiday

2200 Hours
In a bay 20km away from Kyrenia, Northern (Turkish) Cyprus

Natalie smirked at what she heard on the radio, aware that everything was a go. She huffed hard into her rebreather, the wetsuited giant now flippering her way on the bed of the Mediterranean Sea, aware that today, was a day to have some fun. She let a hard one go, as she felt herself rocket forward, the bubbles exploding from her rear and quickly felt herself get propelled forward. It had been a long time since she'd done an operation like this, just a spare one in her time. The PMC had her on an official contract, to get shit done that they were contracted by governments to do, but this was a more local job. A friend in Russia had promised at least 50 grand if she managed to get a certain Nikos Androkis killed. She had traced him, found him, and found out he was a local Mafiosi type in Northern Cyprus, running both a brutal human trafficking ring from Syria to here, along with a drug and prostitution ring. The money was simple- the client had seen her daughter brutally murdered at the hands of the organization he was linked into, and this was pure revenge. Of course, Natalie was perfect for that- and the matt black wetsuit she wore revealed that she wasn't exactly underarmed. A big rebreather sat on her back, and her weapon of choice was an AS VAL, of course. Four USP.45s were on her legs and her chest, and she wore an adapted chest rig, though she knew that those weapons compared nothing to what she'd give away. The zip held for now, of course, but the suit was tight as hell, and the water, slowly darkening, wasn't revealing much. From a distance, you knew you were screwed. But as Natalie covertly swam into the sheltered bay, under the waves, she felt confident.

Breathing hard, as she saw the coastline come up, she began swimming upwards, her VAL at the ready as she knew she'd chamber a mag as soon as she came up. A combat knife sat at her hip, and she knew that today, was going to be a good day. The giant emerged like a silent ghost from the water, her hooded neoprene head covering her blonde hair, and a rebreather and mask covering her face. As she felt land below her feet, she loaded a mag in, the female terror cocking it as she scanned around, her breasts pushed upwards and clearly a noticeable feature- that if the size of the diver wasn't scary, that they were. She took into account the situation on the beach, and decided it was safe, before taking the mask off, and her rebreather pushed into her mouth. She breathed hard, as her breasts for a moment stretched the material, before then taking her flippers off and moving silently and slowly to a wooden boat for cover. It was there that she reached into one of her pouches on her small chest rig, pulling out her phone. Her big hands were finding it hard to operate the Android phone, let alone the fact that they were gloved- but she managed, somehow, to access the camera function. Posing for a selfie, she put it upwards in the air as she smiled, the VAL in hand. She typed in a small message, and found Victor's number, before hitting send.
"I'll send another in a couple of minutes, this little job is fun, #deadmanwalking"
This, was called a typical Natalie proposition. She knew that he had been hard at training for the last few weeks, and since the balloon, she had been all around to deal with a literal mountain of paperwork for the two of them, as well as meeting family. Her father was still going strong, and Catherine was taking care of herself. Natalie knew they were two very different people, but she looked out for Catherine, even though she wasn't biologically related. A woman of different tastes to the behemoth of a female beauty and brute that Natalie was, she was still her sister after all, and for however long she had known, keeping her safe was the one thing that Natalie cared more for than the thrill of her work. She got back to work however, as she waited for the right moment to move.

From there, she checked over, aiming down the magnified PKA-S Holographic sight mounted on the weapon, before flipping it back off to the side. She moved up the silent and secluded beach, moving towards the dunes and shrubbery, going down on her knees as she stayed out from two soldiers. She watched as they went almost out of sight, before following in, heading towards the mansion that sat on the coastline. Keeping her weapon primed, she kept her head down, as she watched them go inside, before moving up towards a stone wall, where she tried to keep herself down as much as possible. The mansion seemed like it was about 20 years old, not being particularly modern or old in any type. But she saw a way in. She saw them turn away from the windows, aware she was cleared to move. When you're 7"2, moving stealthily is a hard practice- but Natalie seemed to be almost ghost-like in the way she moved, aware that she was in a clear. She came to the side of the house and began climbing, clambering up some vines before shifting her weight over towards a balcony. Grabbing on to a metal support underneath, she was a storey upward now, with another two to clamber. She heard a door creak, as she heard the door of the balcony above open up, Natalie holding on tight as she pulled herself up, the large black sliver in the evening light hard to spot. She heard talking in Greek, of someone on the phone. She heard him go back inside and shut the door, as he switched to English. She recognized it now, the audio file matching to what she had heard prior of his voice from a vague brief she had dug on him.
"Yes, I am alone. Look, the Constantine sails at 11PM, and it brings you 1,500 redundant G3s for the 200 women you promised, Ahmed. What? Look, I don't give a fuck, you get it done or no guns. You know this shit I could sell in Europe for almost half a million? I'm doing you a fucking favor, you get guns, I get the slave labor in every shitty textile factory on this island supplied, which you know I have some influence over..." Natalie heard, cringing as she heard what she did. That was horrific- the guy was supplying Syrian Jihadis, and Natalie reaffirmed that thought in her head. She pulled herself up further, the metal slightly creaking as the man yelled.
"FUCK'S SAKE, AHMED! Your're just as bad a fucking capitalist as I swear half your fucking rebel group is, the Syrian government would do me a better deal. Look, I don't give a shit, they not there, I'll make sure that our deal is over by the fucking hour...oh, fine then. Bastard." Natalie heard Nikos say, before throwing the phone out, swearing in Greek. She pulled herself up, throwing herself onto the balcony as Nikos walked away, her heavy drop onto the tiles of the balcony clear.

She let the AS VAL sling over her back, as she looked at him. She let her zip go down at the front, her breasts bulging as a moment of terror filled his eyes. Natalie brought a breast to bear from her slightly unzipped front, as she charged him, the gangster almost too lusted and confused to pull out his Makarov and shoot the giant woman that had completely snook up on her. The moment he did, Natalie, in her glory, lept, like a lion, almost too much. The 5"11 Greek was insignificant compared to the 7"2 Russian, who simply wasn't going to go down. Two 9mm bullets slammed into her side, as she was unfathomed, and on top of him, bringing them down heavily onto the tiled floor. Natalie slammed her elbow into his shoulder, dislocating it and stopping him from popping another shot off as she hammered hard in the right crack of the bone, before slamming him in the face with her right bosom. He howled in pain quietly, as Natalie covered his mouth, and fully unzipped the front of her wetsuit with her left hand. Her left breast revealed itself, almost glazed as it burst out from the tight wetsuit. Natalie refused to have them enlarged, but when you were this large, there wasn't a point. And in her relative youth, it meant that she was indeed, a definite sight to see in this department.
"Guess you won't be making any more lives hell. When I die, I'll enjoy making yours one when we got to hell together my friend." Natalie said quietly to him before putting both her breasts over his mouth, squeezing tight as she heard him kick out, and try to pull her off with her left hand. Slowly and surely, the man suffocated, and to the advances of the giant female, he couldn't breathe. Natalie pressed down even more, before turning his entire neck sharply, and easing off. She looked down, and spat on the man, before looking at her wound. On her, it wasn't bad- to a normal person, that would be a bit more significant. But she was thick skinned, and her muscle seemed to have acted like a last layer of defense. The bullet had mostly skimmed, and was a non-hollow point, so she got to work on scraping it out with a knife, before finding a temporary gauze to use in the bathroom. She dragged his body in there too, and found some painkillers in the cabinet, quickly taking them with some water, washing the blood out. It wasn't massively painful, but she knew it was better to treat it now than later. She could leave it, but it would significantly damage her abs in the long term if the shrapnel moved- and of course, it would. But it went to say- even a nine mil didn't really faze Natalie, even when she wasn't armored.

Placing Nikos's body on the toilet, she pulled out her phone again, swallowing as she then sat down by the dead Nikos. In a sick picture, the topless Natalie, both breasts visible to the eye, as well as Nikos's dead and slightly bloodied neck could be seen, as Natalie typed another short little message, aware that with Victor, putting it plainly was too boring. This on the other hand, had been a fun and wild run.
"I don't think he'll walk again...I'll be on the 9AM flight to Brussels babes, I just got something more to deal with. And I'll get a shower :D #Deadfucker "

Looking over, she knew that they'd never bother about him, not the CSI or anyone due to the corruption. Taking the zip of the wetsuit, she yanked it back up, but found her breasts stuck in the way.
"Fuck's sake..." She said quietly in Russian, tugging and pulling as she breathed in, hoping that it'd go back, as she heard Greek out the door, and sighed. This would have to be done the hard way. She walked out, putting her head under the doorway, she waited as they knocked on the door. Half a minute later, one opened the door, and looked around, confused and dumfounded. The second followed in, and cursed, before Natalie emerged from where the door was hinging towards. With a quiet whistle, she emerged and slammed a powerful kick into one of the men's groin area, before overwhelming the second man with her two breasts of mass suffocation. She snapped his neck quickly, before putting a single AS VAL round into the man on the floor. Trying to zip her wetsuit up, she felt the zip finally go, as it pulled cleanly upwards, and packed her breasts back into line. It was almost a comedy scene, as the 7"2 female walked past the dead bodies, now looking for a different way out. She'd have to go loud.
Going through the door, she moved up as she heard yelling coming from downstairs, making her way through the corridor. Opening a door, she found herself inside a bedroom, and found herself shocked at what she saw.

Three women were tied down on a bed to the railing, yelling through muffled gags. Natalie drew her knife and cut them, quickly aware that reinforcements could come up at any time. She was sure that the AS VAL was silent death, and in her thick arms, it was almost an insignificant tool. It was almost silent, but the two men had gone down without much of a fight, and she was sure there were another 15 to 20 around here.
"Thank you, thank you!" One of the women yelled in Arabic, as Natalie put a finger to her mouth.
"Keep quiet, stay here. Free the other women- you need to run to the local town, and find safety. Follow the beach in a direction, just keep running- I will stop them from finding you." She said reassuringly, as she knew that the women were intimidated by her sheer size, but saw the woman with the wetsuit a liberator, in some regards. They got up, and kept down, as Natalie moved out the room, moving down the corridor. A few men could be heard yelling, and Natalie, crouching, was ready. As two rounded the corner, they were wiped out with five bullets between them, the subsonic rounds hardly making a noise. The only real noise that anyone could hear was the noise of the chamber of the AS VAL having a new round chambered, and the bodies coming down.

Natalie moved fast, along the wall, the ex-Spetsnaz, Super-Heavy, and all round Amazon now a force to be reckoned with. As she emerged into the hallway on the first floor, she moved from cover to cover, spraying two targets with hardly any recoil kicking into her large shoulder, before vaulting over a table and taking down another gangster. She ran for cover as G3 fire sprayed throughout the mansion at the front lobby, with Natalie grabbing a frag from her chest rig before tossing it over and quickly sending a new magazine into the empty subsonic weapon, letting the mag drop. The frag took out three who covered by a piano, blowing large chunks of plaster and stone everywhere. She moved down on the steps as she took out two more down, the 9x39mm round having a high penetration, and being accurate- with her size making the carbine-sized weapon like a machine pistol to her, and with only a pinprick of recoil kicking back. She walked down, as bullets flew past, and she was forced to roll down the stairs, straight into the way of another gangster. He had his weapon readied and heightened, but Natalie was not a fair match for him. Because Natalie was simply able to grab the end of the weapon and the gangster's arm, with the man trying to punch out. He landed a hard one in her face, but she was more resilient than that. She threw him around and held the AS VAL in one hand, using him as a human shield as she sprayed into the man that had shot her when she was on the stairs, filling the man with rounds as she felt a couple stick out sore in her side, making a slight pain. The rounds had massively reduced in velocity, but they hurt like fuck, even to her. She reloaded again, dropping the man down, before letting the weapon slide mid reload as she saw five arrive in a car outside. The first thing that hit her was the fact that she had about four USP.45s to use, and with good reason too. She pulled two out from her knee holsters, and shot repeatedly at them, sliding into cover behind a stone plinth at the front of the mansion as she tore through them, quickly taking them down. Once they clicked, she pulled the second two out and ditched her two onto the floor- this pair being unsilenced, and took two more that ran out and towards her side, through the kitchen, before taking them out. In what felt like a bloodlusty frenzy, she had clocked up a good number quick, and felt unstoppable. She looked out at the front, and whistled a small tune, feeling the pain come back. Approaching one of the men by the Bentley that had pulled up, she dragged him out of the passenger seat and executed him on the spot from his incapacitating shot, before looking around, and almost coming down on the seat of the Bentley.
"Target is down Caribou, most his fuckers are dead, and I've taken a couple of shots myself. When you see the post mortem, I think you might like this."
"Roger that Black Eagle, make your way out of there and back into the ocean. The trawler that inserted you will leave in 30 for Alanya on the Turkish coast, and the fifty grand will be in your account by midnight."
"Well, I think there's a bit more I want to do. Pay me the money later. There's a crate that's on that trawler, and I need to get to it. There's a boat full of guns going to Syria that's going to bring back women of a similar age to your daughter to this island in a couple of hours, and I think that if you really want you're money's worth out of me, it's a good idea that I stop it right now."
"Well...now you mention it, my daughter was killed at the hands of these ruthless bastards. You killed their leader, and for that, I would pay you what you say. But you say this, and I understand. What is the ship's name?"
"The Constantine, moored in Kyrenia. If you could get a GPS reading on him, that'd be much obliged. I won't make it to the port before it leaves, and it'll be too messy. Tell the trawler to await me. I got a way to get these fuckers." Natalie said, looking down on the bodies, before moving quickly back through the house, and checking her rebreather tank, and her kit. She finished the reload on the AS VAL, as she listened to what Caribou had next to say.
"Okay. I will try and get my contact to get a route of the ship as well as keep a track of it via it's GPS, and advise you on where to intercept along it's route. I will pay double, but only because I know that these filthy fuckers are going to do it to other girls. She meant the world to me, Black Eagle. I do not care for them as much, but if those bastards live another moment to carry on making this system work, then I'd find any thug I could on the streets of Moscow and tell them to beat them with crowbars. You cost more, but with that track record of yours that your handler gave to me, I am assured you will do this best." Caribou said in his heavily accented Russian accent, as Natalie replied respectively in Russian.
"Good. This is going to be good, indeed." Natalie said, a smile on her face as she made her way out the back, bodies scattered everywhere, as she ran back to the beach, going over the dunes and past the boats. She threw down her flippers and quickly put herself into them, as well as putting her AS VAL on her back. She put the rebreather into her mouth, and the diving mask, breathing hard as the seven foot two female jogged into the water, diving in as the waves crashed by in the late evening daylight, going under as she now swam with the fishes.

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfyT56_kmTE) This sparked into life as the female giant kicked hard, her hands by her side as she swam fast and furiously, the silence of the water now filling her ears, as the black wetsuited female fatale was in as quickly as she was out. What she had planned had been a backup, a plan that she didn't want to resort to, and in the end, had chosen not to go with on this mission. It was about 5km to swim to the boat, and it would be a good amount of time, diving underwater, till she reached the trawler, where a large crate had been held. It was made out of titanium, and seemed massively out of place- with another wooden crate with a bunch of canisters within it. Either way, Natalie was coming closer and closer, and time ticked by, as she kicked hard, her rear sometimes exploding with bubbles to give her some energy when she felt like she couldn't kick her legs out of sheer repetitiveness. It spurred her onwards, and slowly but surely, she was getting closer, and closer.

A few minutes later, the sky was almost black, and Natalie was now on the surface, looking for the lights of the trawler. She saw it vaguely come on the horizon, and swam quickly, aware that the men were looking with searchlights into the water. She swam straight into the middle of one, her rebreather making her noise a very eeirie one as she sucked huge amounts of oxygen in, and carbon dioxide out, to be recycled for her to then breath back in again as pure O2. A rope was thrown out, as she grabbed a hold, clambering her way up onto the side of the trawler. It was reasonably large- with about 10 men present to give her the extract, many Greek in origin. They seemed natural about her- though many knew that this big-breasted, giant of a woman in a wetsuit was clearly up to something more than just an evening dive. But, in return, they got five grand each in US Dollars to keep their mouths shut, and that was enough reason, as well as her intimidating pose.
"Ah, it is good to see you back? Caribou contact us, tell us to get your crate. It's really....heavy!" They said, as five of the men barely were able to lug one of them to the back of the boat, where Natalie smiled. The rebreather still sat in her mouth, and with good reason. She reached for her vest, and pulled out a small canister, pulling the pin and dropping it on the ground, nodding her head as she spoke through.
"Thank you. Sorry for this." Natalie said through the rebreather, as the men suddenly coughed, and due to their concentration, found that the gas had almost rapidly exploded and quickly gone everywhere. Slowly and surely, the knockout gas acted, as it took over the seven men at the back, and seeped into the preperation area, where it knocked the last three out. It was industrial grade shit that she had used- it had a potency to hit at 50m, and it had done it's job more than effectively. Best of all, the wind cleared most of it away quite quickly, and she was large-lunged, so when she took her breather mask and diving goggles off, it wasn't so much of a problem to her. Taking her wetsuit off, from the cowl to the big hefty rebreather, she smiled as she opened the crate, aware that it was time to go back to what she did best. Tipping it over, it took almost ten minutes for her to scoop it on, but when she did, it seemed that the seemingly innocent diver had gone from being a femme fatale, to Athena in one stroke.

Taking the other crate, she pulled out the large number of tanks, placing it upright as she checked the suit she wore, and the minigun that was now in her hands, with the rucksack and armor making her feel like only a tank was a fair match for herself. A compact flamethrower sat underneath her ammuniton rucksack, and as she stood, legs wide, supportive of her heavy weight, she let out a warcry that shrilled over the sea. A huge reinforced rubber balloon covered her wholly, and as she hooked the valve up to the tanks, she heard a rapid hiss, as the entire thing inflated. Today, was the first combat test of her helium suit, in combination with her super-heavy armor. Exhaling hard, she put her faceplate down, and felt powerful, the weight on her feet reducing as she felt almost overwhelmed and completely taken over by the inflating helium balloon, that almost expanded her size to 12 feet in the pitch black. Her vision went blue with a specialized tinting of her optics, and she could see in the dark, aware that as she lept off the surface of the trawler, she could now walk on water, looking down on the sea below as she stuck half-out of the helium balloon, half in and now taking flight. The propellers on the legs and arms kicked in, but it was nothing compared to her own gas burner, which kicked up water as she let one go, taking her higher as she checked her GPS and current bearing. All was good- she was on track, and ready to make the world hear more than just a roar. Bear was back.

Somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea
2330 Hours

Black Eagle
Part Two: Noble Gas

When you're Natalie Denisova, sometimes life is a little less than real. She knew that for herself and Victor, life was superhuman, life was something...different. Like a different breed of human being. Being this size, and of this military capability, meant that you were definitely a weapon in yourself. The pitch black night, with a howling wind to the west, waves breaking below, suited the female super-heavy quite well.

Because when you're wearing a 12ft tall, physically huge helium suit that almost envelops you and acts as an extension of your size, fear is only the start. Natalie held her M134 clutched tight, watching as the waves crashed below her, and she flew silently in the breeze. The slight whine of her fans on her legs could be heard, firing at full pelt, and her occasional gas burner, or farts, kept the entire thing upwright. She jiggled a little in her armor, as she engaged a call through the suit's visor. She felt invincible, like a God. She was floating in the breeze, like a leaf, yet encased and protected. If the suit took a few high powered shots, that was it, but herself, she had no fears at all. Her rucksack was loaded with plenty of mixed incendiary, tracer, explosive and AP rounds, so she knew that she was ready for whatever was on there. No doubt it would be a cakewalk, but she'd have to align herself, and hit hard. The noble gas, helium, was doing it's job perfectly, and she felt as if she was truly unstopabble. The world in blue outside her thick face-plate seemed desolate, as the waves crashed everywhere in the rough seas.
"Caribou, this is Black Eagle. I need a precise GPS on the ship, I am headed west right now. Oh...and tell the ship crew not to worry, I have done it for their own good."
"I understand, Black Eagle. I've sent them to your phone, they should pop up. How on earth are you getting there?"
"No need to...." Natalie said, as she paused mid sentence, to let a spicy one go, leaving an almost blue flame to emerge from the rear of the helium suit, and into the air, propelling her forward. The wind carried most of it, as it acted as a giant sail- but not only that, the fact that she had already made it to above 40ft meant that the wind truly kicked. And it was sending the right way.
"...worry, Caribou. I have my methods, you have yours. I'll be done within half an hour, want the boat sunk or want it...well, donated?"
"Your choice. Contact me when you have them all neutralized, I expect to hear the best." Caribou responded, Natalie tsking as she heard what he said.
"You'll see. Black Eagle out." Natalie replied with a cold reply, moving her arms and in turn, part of the suit to better catch the wind, making her look like some sort of ghost. Except much, much scarier.

The GPS co-ordinates propped up, and using a vocal command, she managed to configure it with her HUD. 2km ahead. She hissed, and felt a rush as she expelled some excess air in her stomach, giving an orange glow as she caught speed and seemed to move like an undetectable bird of prey, except much, much scarier. Breathing hard, she saw the outline of the ship, as minute by minute, she came closer. The boat was a very large trawler of sorts- not to a freighter, but was significant indeed. A couple of floors, and a bridge, though it wasn't immense. It would be an interesting job. Natalie saw a couple of men on deck, with a few halogen lights, and a few small containers. Widening her legs, she adjusted the pitch of her fans, already stabilizing to take a more vertical approach from her previous 45 degree angle. She felt the battery slowly wind up the minigun in her hands, and her armor felt activated, already assessing the targets ahead. But she didn't feel like it. Deactivating her fans, she let one more go, as she felt herself almost completely catch up, the fart explosive in it's compnent and energy. A man walked along the deck, whistling. Natalie smirked. He was at the back, and out of sight of the others, completely. She knew in the darkness, she was invisble to him, and soon, he'd be dead.

Slowly and surely, the wind blew her onto the back, with Natalie feeling the entire suit blow around and almost throw her off pitch, the helium holding the "legs" of the suit that enveloped her own armor already take foot. Natalie whistled, as the man stopped cleaning the deck, and saw a sight he would never remember. A 12ft tall, bipedal rubber helium balloon, with a human semi-enveloped within, who was herself encased in a suit of armor that bullets had no effect against. Natalie fully knew that the suit was worth 40,000 dollars, but it wouldn't be exactly useful today. The design was standardized for her, and she could probably have another one done, for that sort of price. And she wouldn't be exactly able to hide this thing very easily. But she'd have some fun while she could.
"Sucks to be you!" Natalie said, firing the M134 downwards at him, the recoil throwing her entire helium suit back off the deck, as she sent so much lead at him, it completely riddled him to bits, as she activated the fans again, and put her visor down. The wind gusted hard, as she felt herself be thrown forwards, just past the bridge, and now come into full view. She chuckled, as she sprayed shots, like an Angel descending onto the area, the matt black coloring of her clearly too much to bear. It was insanity, and something that the Captain of the ship dropped his jaw at.

Natalie took out the first three who saw her, spraying anything and everything on the deck. She saw rounds fly past, but the sheer volume of fire coming down now was scary. The floating empress of the sky was truly making their lives hell, as she let a fierce one go from her rear, leaving an orange flame to erupt from the rear of her suit, throwing her forwards and lower as she swooped in onto the deck. Taking out two more, she felt rounds slam through the suit and all over, aware that her time was coming to an end. Helium leaked quickly, as she tore through the gunners on the bridge, taking them out quick and fast before she felt herself quite literally, run out of air. She took out two more, before coming down softly on the deck, still shooting. She unsecured the various karabiners and straps with a knife and some force inversely, clambering from the black and now rapidly deflating suit to head onto the deck itself. She took out two men behind her with a wild spray, before walking slowly, and ominously. It didn't matter that she couldn't fly- it mattered that now, she couldn't be taken down.

Two men came out of the base of the bridge, and got torn to shreds, as Natalie moved slowly, and surely. The weight was heavy, and she felt truly unstoppable, as she was supressed by a small group on the bridge. Moving forwards, alone, she saw the door for the bridge shut, as she chuckled. Pulling out a small slab of Semtex, she wedged it into the hinge, and backed off a meter, before detonating it. The door collapsed, and she let her M134 hang on her suit pointing downwards, as she drew the small flamethrower. Walking to the door, she kicked it in, and got immediately to work. Flaming anything she saw ahead was incinerated, as she felt someone jump on her back. Almost crumping, she pulled him as hard as she felt she could over and threw him down onto the floor. Looking as the room cleared of flames, she put her faceplate's visor temporarily down, and stood above him.
"Naughty. I'll make it quick." Natalie said, as she walked forward, and the man screamed in horror, the flames coming from a different direction.

Natalie put her faceplate back into position, sighing with relief, as she walked up the stairs, flamethrower in one hand and a Spetsnaz Machete in the other. Time for minigunning had ended- it was too unwieledy in here. Bullets sprayed into her as she walked up the stairs, as an RPK tore into her, Natalie walking forward as the men quickly realized something. A grenade went off behind her and barely fazed her, as she walked further into the bridge, the big control room where Natalie knew that anyone left had made a last stand, unless they were in the cargo hold. Natalie made a gesture to "Come Here" with her left hand, as she sprayed flames around the room, taking out four out of five men, which was a simple job. Her footsteps were loud, and her legs were wide, to keep stabillity, on the moving ship. From her armored boots, up to the thick neckbrace and faceplate, along with the shoulder pads and arms, it seemed like a professional armored division would be needed to take her down. In comparison, two dozen seamen with a good supply of guns but a complete lack of knowledge or expectancy of her one-woman insertion and airborne assault would quake in insignificance.

She lobbed a cluster grenade down into the next stairwell, coming down in following of it as she heard it take out two more enemies, Natalie spraying flames as she walked and stabbing anything that she saw move out of any corners. Already, the Spetsnaz Shovel had a lot of blood on it, from already finding it's way into a couple of people. It could be slashed, mashed, bludgeoned or stabbed into enemies- and Natalie when she used it kinda lost count of which particular way it had been used. It was enlarged for her hands, and had been very useful indeed. Natalie kept moving, feeling bullets spraying up from the next stairwell as she came down them. She almost tripped, as she shifted her weight, the armored tyrant pushing through enemies like they were nothing. Coming into the cargo hold that had formerly been an area to process fish, she saw the rest of the men make a last stand, and one armed with an RPG. Natalie's mind rushed, as she let the flamethrower go back into the holster and her M134 replace it in both hands, but she wasn't able to get a shot out. She saw the warhead slam straight into the hull above her as she moved away from the stairwell, showering her with shrapnel and rounds, and creating a ton of dust.

But that wouldn't exactly end her, Natalie smirking in thought. The hull buckled, as water slowly flooded in and covered the floor, and Natalie moved quick, spraying rounds as they hopelessly tried to kill her with bullets. They pinged and ricocheted, off her faceplate and off her suit, just going hopelessly and pointlessly away. Natalie felt a hint of rage and adrenaline kick, as she took three out with a spray of fire, before running like a beast untamed towards the one that had fired an RPG. She aimed deliberately at his legs as best as she could, but instead, ended up taking his arm and both of his legs off completely, in their whole entirety. The large-breasted, invincible God of a Russian that Natalie was too much for the seaman to comprehend, as he howled and whined in pain, Natalie chuckling. Natalie bent over and slit his throat, with the salt water now slowly mixing with the blood that had now spilled on the floor.

All in this time, Natalie knew that the hull of the trawler had been completely ripped apart, and despite the fact that the RPG-7's warhead in this sort of proximity seemed to be moreover an explosive, HE round, it had done a lot to the integrity of the ship. It entirely tipped to the side, and slowly and surely, the floor below her feet was filling with water. She knew she had an O2 supply integrated into the suit, and would survive a plunge into the rough seas of the Med. The worry was, she'd sink like a brick to the bottom, and she'd have to get clear of the ship if she wanted to activate her emergency buoyancy device. Some would say that Natalie had an unhealthy obsession with balloons, but to her, it was the more majestic ways of staying alive. For a low-altitude drop, or a bad one into water, it allowed her to land safely and float, albeit awkwardly in water. The ship was going further and further to the side, as Natalie saw the gap widen, as she saw the entire ship suddenly lurch, and the crates be thrown on the side. She felt herself be thrown over, into the side that was now filling. Checking her visor, she engaged the O2 in the suit, and inhaled sharply, as she slammed down into the side, landing on her rucksack as a buffer. It felt almost impossible to move, but she rolled as much as she could, feeling the water rising. She moved towards the whole and pulled as hard as she could, kicking out, aware that she was sinking due to the sheer weight. That was a plus after all- and she'd have to get clear first of the wreck. On the plus side, it meant she wouldn't have to blow this thing up herself, but if she stayed in here another minute longer as the entire thing sunk, she'd get killed by the pressure when it hit a certain depth.

Scooping herself through the hole that had been created through the hole, she felt herself sink faster than the ship, looking up on it as she kicked as hard as her legs allowed, aware that it wasn't going to do much. She was strong, but if she couldn't even run in this suit without tiring herself out, kicking against the water would be suicidal. She saw the hole she had kicked out from become slightly more distant, as she sucked in some more oxygen, and reached down on her suit's front. Pulling a yellow cord, she felt a orange balloon erupt from her side, expanding from a small canister on her hip as it flew over her front. She felt herself rise as it completely brought her up, past the wreck of the boat now capsizing into the sea and herself now go straight up.

Coming up, she felt herself surface, with a giant balloon covering her front and leave her back up in the water. She exhaled hard, adjusting the balloon so that she could move onto her side so she could look out on the wreck.
"Fuck." Was the only word she uttered, as she thought of what to do. While she did, she thought of making the first action that she could, to keep Caribou in the know.
"Caribou, this is Black Eagle. Ship is in the bottom of the ocean, guns are gone, and I'm sure that there's no human cargo aboard that was worth saving. Sea will eat this thing away- don't worry about me. Put the money in my account, and you know, if it isn't there when I check my phone in a couple of hours..."
"I understand fully, Black Eagle. Nothing less. Excellent work- I will cease communications, and this line never existed, in any format." Caribou replied, as Natalie listened.
"Never at all, Minister. It's been a pleasure. Goodbye." Natalie said cheekily, aware that the man she was on the contact with was high-up in Russian politics, and that it was almost a stark reminder for him. Despite that, she was going to get paid, and the money would be in soon, for a few more things that were "nice" in life for her to get. 100,000 Dollars couldn't buy a beach house, but it could sure as hell help, with what pay she was getting from the PMC.

Five minutes later, she realized the only thing she could do to get herself out, and that was of something she hoped a friend in the RAF would one day repay her for, was the only way she would get herself from being a floating balloon in the rough Mediterranean into a rescued Super-Heavy. It was too long a time ago, but she knew that if there was one thing this friend had, it was the right positioning at the right time. Vocally adjusting the radio frequency, she pitched into a certain number she remembered from a very long while ago, aware that this was the right frequency. RAF Akrotiri was a British airbase on the south of Cyprus- and one of the XOs here was a memorable co-coordinator for the PMC's activity. Natalie had remembered providing defense for a airbase in Sierra Leone upon the end of one of her contracts with Victor upon a small rebel attack, and had singlehandedly with Victor, stopped the advance with sheer firepower. Major Hensham would definitely remember her, she hoped when she gave what she needed to know over the open military comms.
"Akrotiri Tower, listen carefully. This is Mike One, Bear Three Four, requesting a line to Major Hensham."
"Sorry, who is this?" The ATC operator responded, as Natalie sighed.
"Give me Hensham or else you'll be out of a fucking job. Tell him that order of words, and he'll know precisely what he's dealing with." She said coldly, as talking could be heard on the line, before a curse word could be heard from a senior figure.
"Holy, fucking shit. Is that you Bear?"
"Who'd you fucking think? Now, tell your staff to get off the line. Switch to Line 29, and make fucking sure it's secured, then we can talk. You owe me." Natalie said, as she felt the waves throw her large figure and balloon around, aware she couldn't see the wreck anymore.

Some static could be heard, as Natalie heard Hensham move to her new frequency, and sound a little quieter, and in a different room. She could tell- the acoustics weren't the same, and she knew he was fully aware of her.
"Okay, there we go. What's happened? You haven't started WW3 on the island have you?" Hensham ,said, with a stereotypically English voice. He sounded like he had graduated from Oxford and was the poshest you could get. Perfect for a overseas deployment, Natalie chuckled to herself.
"No...okay, sort of to some people....no, no. Basically, I'm somewhere in the middle of the sea, and I need a helicopter to recover me. You've still got Bell 412s on station, correct? And a military complex?"
"I see. How will we find you? I can't see how.."
"If you keep your end of the deal, then I'll make it fitting for your end. I've got a GPS tracer on my suit, and I'll send it to your ATC if you want. In return, you get me a helicopter with a heavy winch, and I'll make my way back to yours. I'll pack my shit and be out before the morning even sees sun. Call it an "unofficial" search and rescue for your men, and if they ask, tell them that it's beyond their authority. Remember Sierra Leone, me and Brute made life much easier for your ATC crew and defending forces. So you know, either I'll wash ashore and really make your life hell, or you make amends and keep your end of the deal. Oh, and you know, the fact is, I'll toss you some cash your way. A couple of thousand pounds without a trace in your account sound good?" Natalie said, hearing sloshing continue, as she disengaged the O2 supply, looking out on the world as she knew it would be a miserable time waiting out. A response took a while, but eventually, Hensham found the balls to say what he knew pained him.
"Okay....I'll send a crew right away, after your GPS co-ords come in. Don't give me any cash, I'll assume we're even after this?"
"I've got too busy a schedule to plot revenge and wipe your airbase out. So yeah, we're even." Natalie said, half serious and half jokingly, as Hensham took it on as best as he could.
"Roger. GPS is in and tracking your position, we're sending you a search and rescue. Anything to look for..." Hensham said, as he thought through precisely what he said. If emotions could be conveyed down the phone, Hensham saw what Natalie's face had on it.
"Oh, oh right. Umm...on it then. Give us forty-five minutes." Hensham said, resoundingly, as Natalie felt herself float around in the ocean, and the entire world blur away.

45 minutes later, and Natalie's orange inflated buoyancy balloon, along with the black and red suit's silhouette were filled by a massive searchlight, as helicopter blades could be heard. The search and rescue team cursed, clearly reassured by Hensham on a different comms channel. One of the Bell 412's crew opened the side door and in tandem with the helicopter pilot, looked out as a small winch lowered itself down from the side of the helicopter, aiming towards Natalie. Natalie saw it coming and clipped it into her harness, letting the balloon deflate and via a reverse suction, suck itself back into the compressed canister, as she secured the winch. Giving a thumbs up, the heavy winch pulled her in, slowly and surely, as the kept her faceplate down and covering her face to avoid revealing her identity. The armored soldier was huge, and barely fitted in under the blades, as the crewman wailed in fear, sitting down as she unclipped herself and sat down, exhaling hard as she pulled the minigun down. Natalie shut the door, and only needed to say a few words.
"Thanks. It's always scary to meet me- but remember, I'm just a myth. A legend." Natalie said through the suit, as water poured from off of her, and the helicopter flew back to base. She had to sit sideways in the chopper, and felt cramped as hell, as the crewman felt incredibly awkward around her.

About an hour later, and Natalie found herself in RAF Akrotiri, Britain's airbase in the sun that currently had darkness and floodlights filling it. Opening the door herself, she gave a final thank-you, before seeing a lone figure await the helicopter. The man was 6"0, and seemed like he was in his 40s, clearly an old-school officer. Major Hensham.
"Bear, it's been too long. Now, I understand that you don't want to reveal yourself, but we need to perform ID checks here..."
"Fuck off. Remember the deal. Now, before I become a burden and too many soldiers here begin taking their phones out, I'd like to get a briefing room with a padlock, and a crate. A C130 comes in two hours to resupply the base with people on R and R, and thanks to arrangements that my PMC made, will take my shit back to the UK and then to youdon'tneedto knowistan. I'll borrow one of your Land Rovers and you, and I'll go to Limassol Airport, to get me out of here."
"I've got a shift, you're being completely unreason..."
"Again, I'm seven foot and happen to have a minigun and a very pissed off atmosphere about me as well as the habit of saving a dozen Brits from being blown to bits by RPG and technical fire on a runway in Sierra Leone, and oh...I forget, happen to have the opportunity to cut your testicles off and feed them to the rest of your men. Your station, or you, will never hear of me again. Or otherwise, I'll HAVE to piss you off for the rest of your life. Sound like a deal?"

0700 Hours
Somewhere over Germany, in a 737

Music: Sigur Ros, Brennstein http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV2IkSpRPtU

The flight was dull, and boring, leaving a few hours ago from Limassol Airport, straight for Brussels as a chartered flight. And Natalie looked awkward, sitting in the window seat as a couple of tourists on the mostly empty plane stared at the seven foot two female, sitting in two seats and listening to some music (the above). She wore a pair of jeans that seemed massively out of place on a normal human being, but fashionable on Natalie's frame, whilst also having a white and blue checked long-sleeve shirt on. Her hair was tucked into a bun, and her breasts didn't stick out as they usually did, thanks to the power of a new bra she'd tried on lately. It seemed like to a normal person, she was just a little big breasted, not the usual glory that now dead people and occasionally, Victor, had thrust into their faces. Natalie smiled, the Icelandic band soothing her ears, aware that the few hours had been good. She pulled out her phone, and sneakily, checked the internet function, logging onto her Swiss bank. The funds were indeed there. She smirked, before switching back to her texts, and looking for something. A small message popped up, and Natalie grew exited, wanting to see what Victor thought of her earlier adventures. There was going to be a lot of story telling to do, and most of all, a lot of explaining. Natalie leant her head back, and sipping down a cider, looked out of the window at the cloudy dawn that arose, aware that her suit was on the way to the UK and then eventually, to Australia, along with her being able to get herself to a normal state. She had met with Hensham and got her demands, leaving the base quickly and quietly, before going to Limassol Airport and saying an unpleasant goodbye. Tickets were quick, and she was now here. Waiting to arrive in Brussels, which would be within half an hour. And early, no doubt. The last twelve hours had seen her diving, breast-strangling, AS VAL spraying and praying, knocking out as well as flying (herself), minigunning down guilty-fucks, and escaping a sinking ship as well as floating, being winched out of the Mediterranean and being armored as she did well. In some ways, it was just a typical day for Bear, Black Eagle, or Athena. Either way you knew her, she was walking thunder, and at that, she was going to watch her boyfriend do the literal same to a load of weights and concrete.

(That's the end of my mini story, "Black Eagle". I'd say that over the course, it's like a reintroduction to Natalie in some sense, and I really wanted to see what it's like to see everything she does, though not all of it fit in. From going from a one-woman stealth machine to a one-woman flying army, it's mostly there. I've got it out my system now- so hopefully, this should be the last of the epics that you might see with Natalie.)
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Re: Juggernauts (BigPapaBelial and kingkonrad) IC
Post by BigPapaBelial » Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:24 am

Brussels, Belguim, the Host hotel for the World's Strongest Man Tournament

A 7 foot, 12 inch tall giant sat up in a massive bed, he was watching the televised pre-recorded opening ceremonies of the WSM. He grinned abit, watching the part where a camera man had been standing at the entrance tunnel into the main room the ceremonies had taken place in.

Strong men like Magnus Magnussen had come in, waving, showing off their muscle. Everyone dressed in t-shirts and tight shorts that had shown off their goods. Their musculature like gods almost. More men come out, the competitors numbering 32 this year, including Victor. The strongmen continue to enter. Each man having turned in theme music to be played as they entered. As the walk ins come near to the end, the lights go down.

[Victor's entrance theme: Linky

Slowly music began to play, rough, low, powerful, filling the room with the sound of it. The announcer began, "Ladies and gentleman, you've seen the rest, now, behold the best! Our current and defending champion, Victor Kanatariio!" Spot light boomed on and highlighted Victor who stepped out of the entrance tunnel throwing his arms wide and roaring, looking around the crowd. Then throwing his hands into the air, and letting out a full quality true to life war whoop. He then walked down the aisle. All seven feet plus of his, he posed for the people, shook hands, let out cries of rage and war whoops all the more. Like some kind of avenging primeval god among godlings. Once he got to the central dais he hopped up and traded hand shakes and high fives with his WSM competitors and rivals, they may be here to compete again but they all shared in common their power building and work to get here.

In reality Victor laughed and clapped at his own performance. It was so silly, yet was part of his routine for the games. Pumping up his competitors as much as himself. Almost a persona if you would. Almost no one knew about his work with the PMC, no one knew that he often stomped through deserts and jungles and swamps in a heavily armored suit that was a prototype for a powered armor program. No one knew that he stood over eight feet tall in that suit. At the WSM he was the defending champ Victor, not Brutal, the super heavy juggernaut.

He smiled abit then looked over as his cell buzzed. A text message coming through. He picked up the phone and unlocked it, bringing up the text. He blinked then grinned at the picture and the text.

"I don't think he'll walk again...I'll be on the 9AM flight to Brussels babes, I just got something more to deal with. And I'll get a shower :D #Deadfucker "

The picture of Natalie bare chested and bloody. And atleast to him, utterly sexy. He smiled broadly. Then responded with, "Dear god woman! You cheating on me? What he hell did you do to that man!? #yourhotasfuck"


The next morning

Victor was already up at seven in the morning. Stretching and warming up in his room. The prelims started this day, where all the competitors would test their strength and endurance on the events, and the first of the competitors would be weeded out. He was reasonably sure he'd come out on top in the prelims, it wasn't until the finals where he'd have to really worry. He was reasonably sure of a win again this year. But there was always a chance that he could be ousted in one of the events, and have to work in the later events to make up points. But he was fairly sure everything would be fine. He checked the time, the events didn't actually started until noon, and he wanted to meet Natalie at the airport.


Somewhere in Brussels

An old storage building was where eighty men and women choose to meet. Eighty faithful and strong, martyrs for the cause of liberty from the tyranny of the west and it's capitalistic strangle hold on the world. Their leaders had told them that the time to strike had come, the West sent their muscled stupid men into Europe to attempt to show their superiority, men who showed the capitalistic ways almost above all else. This strike on Brussels and the WSM would herald other strikes in other places.

They were here to finish their planning, and to refine their training. AK-12s and AKM rifles were near by. SKS battle rifles, PKP LMGs and RPG launchers were all about the room. Live rounds were waiting to be used. The abandoned area they met in allowed them to train to their hearts content without anyone realizing they were there. They would attack on the second day of the events. When everyone was busy with the spectacle they would strike a blow for their leaders in the east.

The 737 landed, coming down as it screeched on the tarmac, slowing down as Natalie awoke again, unclipping her seatbelt as they headed towards the terminal building, slowly and surely coasting towards the terminal. She looked out, looking out on the dawn sky, as she yawned loudly, feeling her stomach burble a little. Holding it in was easy, but sometimes, she had to run to the little ladies' room to expell the excess gas. The reason for it was too complex to explain to Victor at the moment- but all that had to be said, that Natalie's flatulence was paranormal, and something which she only vaguely could explain- but found it rather more fitting to hide, for the moment, as one of her womanly wiles. Standing up as the plane came to an abrupt stop, she took care as she just about edged out of her seat, her tall height and size making her seem very awkward among the other passengers. She headed down as she walked out the door, minding her head, as she looked down at her one backpack of luggage, just containing a few essentials. Soon, she found herself at border control, and pulling out her passport from a pocket. Opening it, she saw her own face appear on the dated French passport, part of her dual nationality. She approached the passport booth, sliding it under as she gave a simple utterance.
"All good?" She said simply in French, hoping that she'd get one back in that language- her French being something erotic in it's use. Her Russian and English sounded a little more hard and cold, but French made her sound as if she had a heart of gold. The official, a female, looked down, as her eyebrows raised at the height, and what she saw. It matched- it wasn't a misprint. Everything was valid, as she gave it back, Natalie giving a simple Merci as she moved along, and towards the arrivals lounge.

Walking through, she looked around for Victor, as she pulled out her phone, turning it back on as she slid through to find his number. Putting the phone to ear, she walked on, clearly getting a lot of looks as she towered over most, a clear view from her position. It felt good being tall, but it draw attention to her. And by no means, was she exactly inconspicous here. She heard the line pick up, and gave her best French- a language that she knew that Victor fully understood, just as she felt in that kinda mood.
"Victor? I'm at the airport, just got off the flight- I'll explain the last 24 hours sooner or later. Should I get a bus to your hotel or a taxi? Or you?" Natalie said, walking and talking as she looked out at the vibrant airport, walking out as she adjusted her bra a little, awaiting a response.
"And if you decide to come, I'll give you a treat," Natalie said, switching to English, as the finished the sentence,"and it's nothing to do with my pair this time." She said rather cheekily, aware that Victor and herself hadn't spent time for a while. She scratched her lips, as she kept moving, awaiting his response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Victor stood around a corner near the international arrivals terminal. He wore an open front leather jacket, no shirt on and a white designer silk trousers, it's hard to find clothes big enough to fit an almost eight foot tall monster man like himself. But he managed. He smiled as he watched all the tourists and the international business men disembarking. Mind you there was only one person he really wanted to see. He'd taken a long break off from working with the PMC, it's not like he really needed to train for the World Strongest Man tournament, but he wanted to keep the routine alive. His work kept him fit and strong, with the oft moment where he employed his strength in some incredible way, and not to mention carting around all that armor and explosive tech, it's not like he didn't get strength, endurance and stamina training out there. But the routine of training everything out of the way of his work is something had had become part of his work for the WSM tournament.

While standing there he felt his cell buzz, he reached into it and pulled it out seeing it was Natalie, he answered the call, "Victor? I'm at the airport, just got off the flight- I'll explain the last 24 hours sooner or later. Should I get a bus to your hotel or a taxi? Or you? And if you decide to come, I'll give you a treat, and it's nothing to do with my pair this time." Victor grinned turning to look around the corner seeing his big, beautiful, bountiful and badass girlfriend walking out of the terminal. He chuckled softly, "Oh give me a second hun, I'm here. I have a rented SUV out front that ought to fit us both." He stepped out around the corner as she passed him, then quickly came up behind her, grabbing her around the middle with his long arms and burying his nose into her neck, "So, what's my surprise?" He growled into her neck as he hugged her.

A bit later, out at the very large H1 hummer SUV

"Gotta warn you, the hotel room I have only has one bed babe." He grinned broadly, "Ought to be more then enough room for us and our extracurricular activities though." He popped the locks on the SUV, "So, how's breakfast grab you? I found this place close to the hotel that has the best breakfast and lunch meals I've ever had, and I've been around the world and too who knows how many food joints in my life." He opened his door and got ready to fire the thing up.



The last of the supplies had come in during the night. They would not hit the opening day of the tournament, no, the wisemen and leaders in the east said it would harm their attempts at teaching the west their ideals if they did the cliche and attacked on the first day. No the second day, when all the muscle heads were busy with their games would be the day of their strike. Already the ten bombs they intended to set off around the city to herald their attack were set and on count down. Their eighty martyrs would be prepared to strike just after the bombs went off, and the city would be in the first throes of chaos.

A group would attack the tournament itself and attempt to kill as many of those pathetic muscle men as they could, to prove they were not as invincible as the world though they were. Others would attack government and police buildings, setting more bombs off their, to break and buckle the cities ability to respond. Then they would broadcast their message to the world on international stations and radio to show who did it, and why.

The leaders of the small military group were going over the last bits of planning. The eighty men and woman had spent days already in the abandoned and out of the way complex of old warehouses. They had liquidated all their assests for this attack. There would be very little trace as to who they are and only the word of their message as to why.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

(Sorry if this is an enormous Godmod- but I did it inbetween the airport and the second part, because I had to kinda fit it like that. Also, I may have to PM you on your opinion on something- it's another World Development thing that I'm doing, and I think that you might like the sound of it.)

Natalie smiled, looking at him as he came in, unsuspectingly on her. She let him creep up on him, just like she knew he would. Wrapping her arms around him, she smiled, whispering as she moved her head up.
"Let's just get to the car. I'll show you." Natalie said, growling as she kissed him tenderly, before taking his hand and following him towards the old Hummer. How he had gotten this car, Natalie didn't know, but all she did know was, it fit them, just. Natalie barely managed to bundle herself into the passenger seat, and shut the door, aware that Victor was now getting in.
"Drive to somewhere quiet, Victor. Just stop off, then you know, take us to the hotel and all." Natalie said simply, as she did her belt up, barely able to pull it out enough past her chest and sheer size. This car felt significantly larger, but to her, it felt like sitting in a cramped hatchback.

As Victor drove on, out of the airport and onto a small motorway, Natalie pointed out a sign. A service station- one with just truck parking and a toilet, coming up in 500m.
"Drive into there Victor, trust me on this. We need some privacy, and anyone who's there at this time in the morning will be asleep if they've got trucks." Natalie said simply, checking her hair as she sat up, looking over at her partner. He eclipsed her to some extent in size, he was sheerly massive. From his mohawk to his enormous feet and hands, you could tell that this man was a mountain, not a mere human. They were both some of the deadliest human beings on this earth, yet Natalie knew that they were both able to enjoy the finer things in life. And that they did, very well. Their sex life was like something out of Fifty Shades of Grey, and they seemed to be the perfect couple almost. Liked the same hobbies, the same occupation, and most of all, spent time together doing what they loved. Natalie knew exactly that that wasn't precisely normal- but to her, Victor was the antidote to her poison, and the only man that could ever tame her wild and near-psychotic lust for life.

Hoping that Victor would stop, Natalie undid her checked shirt, revealing her exposed chest, a little pale lately yet significantly overwhelming. As Victor pulled into a discrete parking spot on Natalie's request, she undid her bra, letting her two breasts fall out, and hearing the large V8 engine come to a stop, she turned to him.
"Now..." Natalie said, undoing his trouser zip, as she then saw his ridicioulously large boxers come to view beneath his gigantic silk trousers, and she smirked at him, aware that this really would be another treat for him. Bending over, she got to work, aware that Victor knew exactly what was going on. To spit or swallow, that was the case in the layby on the side of some random Belgian motorway.
A little while later, they were just about to get back on the road, Natalie smiling as she put the tissues away back into the glove box.
"Absolutely, Victor. That was just a taster." Natalie said, as she looked out, getting back in and putting her seatbelt on as she let Victor drive on, to wherever next. They were still quite close to Brussels, and relatively close to the hotel that they would stay at.
"And breakfast sounds good- you got a portion already..." Natalie said, chuckling with an almost evil contempt as she turned back to the serious topic at hand.
"Make mine about 50 egg whites and bacon and I'll be a happy girl, believe me Victor. I'll tell you about Cyprus over it...I had some fun to say the least. Didn't get that many holiday photos, but I think whatever was worth it I sent to you.." Natalie said, aware that they were back on the road, and going to wherever it was that Victor had mentioned. She simply loved teasing him, aware that he took it well, and that she was full of it. She buttoned up her shirt again- something which looked strange on a woman of her size and type, but surprisingly, worked well, in making her look a little more chic. She checked her hair in the mirror, as she leaned back, her own head banging into the ceiling as she was sure it must have been even worse for Victor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Victor looked over at his significant other. Arching an eyebrow. He pulled the big H1 out onto the highway and headed back towards the main area of the city. He spotted the service station. Then hrmed, "Well what the hell.." He said under his breath, signalling and all and exiting the high way and into the service stations grounds. He looked over his shoulder and bashed his head against the low cieling. He had managed to procure this maybe last existing H1 from the rental company because it was the biggest vehicle they had. All the tiny SUVs and other other cars and trucks just didn't fit his size at all. in fact even with the driver seat pushed as far back he could get it, he was still cramped up in there. He was way too tall for driving on his own, but didn't want to be dependent on someone else to drive him around. It's why he had a massive custom made motorcycle in the states and an immense specially made van over in Denmark for his private use, and only traveled with a driver when he was on the job. So that head bash came from him just being too bloody big for the situation. He let out a groan as he pulled the car into an out of the way section of the parking lot. He rubbed his head with one hand, not having yet noticed Natalie opening her shirt. He didn't realize anything amiss until he heard and felt the loosening of his trousers zipper. He looked down, and all his woes, pain and annoyance disappeared.

He idly wondered how she knew he was stopped up...or if she even cared and this was was funsies...

He didn't care after a moment. All that mattered as...oh forget it...
Victor sighed, stuffing things away himself and returning his zipper to it's upright and secured position, "Frickin' tease. Not that I'm complaining too much." He kissed her, started the engine again and backed them out, hit the vehicle into drive and re-entered the highway. He had a huge grin on his face now. And he atleast had that whole, "I-just-had-fun" look on his face, which would fade by the time they got to the restaurant more then likely. He pulled out onto the highway and headed into the city.

As he drove he smiled at Natalie, "Well you are in luck babe, this place does custom orders. 50 egg whites? Oh yeah they'll do that for you, and a half pound of bacon to go with it.

It didn't take them long to reach their destination. Parked across the downtown street from the place. He got out, and even playfully opened the door for Natalie. Then even strolled across the road with her, almost every car stopping for the pair of giants as they walked.

Victor honestly didn't think anything could go wrong at the moment. But something deep inside him clicked and his instincts, those of a former black on black operations operator clicked on. Something was off on this street. Once they got onto the sidewalk he stopped, turned and scanned both ways back and forth down the street. Cars, trucks, bikes and people. Couriers running into buildings, police cruisers, beat cops. It all looked normal. A large moving van rolled past, looking decrepit and aged. Victor followed the van as it rolled by. Then parked across the street from a police station 2 and a half blocks down. Victor rubbed his chin, something about this all made bells ring. But nothing he could put his finger on.
A few hours later, European Quarter

"And welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, to the opening events of the thirty-first World Strongest Man tournament in Brussels, Belguim, the defacto capital of the European Union. We have the strongest men from all over the world here today. From Africa, China, Canada, the United States, Mexico and beyond. These aren't body builders folks, you aren't going to see greased muscles and rippling pecs here. You're only going to see strength and power. Let's get on down to the action with our on the ground correspondent, Fred Konig, Fred you there?" The televised opening events switched to another man down on the ground...

Victor rolled his shoulders, and watched his competitors. Their first event, the Tug of War, and alot of the competitors had already said they dreaded coming up against him. As these were opening events it was going to be a round robin until they narrowed it all down. Everyone got a chance to compete against everyone else. Until it was decided who would move on in this event. He cheered as one of the chinese competitors took the rope up while Victor's so called nemesis, a powerful but stupid German man took the other end. As he watched a man came up beside him. He looked down to see one o the WSM on the ground reporters. The cameraman signalled, then the reporter started out.

"Hey Jon, Rod, guess who I found here on the ground." The camera turned to look up at Victor. Victor doing his best to give the camera and the audience on the other end a big grin. Fred smiled, "None other then reigning three time champ, Victor Kanatarrio. The Powerhouse himself. Victor, do you have a moment?" Victor nodded, "Of course." Fred smiled, "So how does it feel to be back competing at the WSMs? You've managed a threepeat already, think you can make it four? Or do you think one of your opponents might have a chance to oust you this year?"

Victor smiled, "It's good to be back. I've been training almost non-stop for several months, even asking time off from work to do so. As for if there is a chance I'll be stopped, there is always that chance. Dan Ci from China is looking good, so is Sensei Takatari from Japan. I'm not so arrogant to think I'll be at the top forever." He smiled, and pointed at the camera, "Don't think that means I'm going to go silently into the night." He laughed and clapped Fred on the back hard enough to make the man take an involuntary step forward from the force. Fred laughs then smiles, "The public is curious Victor. Many know you have a girlfriend, and you've been together for a long time. Any hints on when you're gonna get hitched? You're the big star right now, you have thousands if not millions of fans, not a few of them women who would love to get to know you. Is Natalie here with you to cheer you on this year? The people want to know."

Victor smiled, "I'll let her tell you that. If she wants too. As for getting hitched...it's in the works."

Victor turned from the camera and Louis Xian the chinese competitor pulled the german off his feet finally. Victor cheered walking forward after the judges passed their decision, and with aging former champion Magnus Magnussen congratulated their friend together. Another cameraman stepping forward to show the three men trading high fives and making gestures at the camera.

A little later Victor returned to Fred and grinned, getting right into the camera, grinning broadly, "That's the way we do it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Natalie smiled, looking out on him as they got out, walking down the street. She knew that they were a sight to behold, Athena and Ares embodied into these two mortal potrayal of Gods. Most recognized the big fellow- Victor Kanatario, a renowned WSM compeitor, who anyone who was in Brussels that day would recognize. Only a few knew Natalie, from the Olympics a few years ago. The others that didn't, knew that she seemed like a tamer and the perfect accompanyment to the Mohican by her side, and that wasn't too far from the truth. Unless it was the other way around. Natalie wasn't sure herself- but all she knew was, was that they got on well, and they had a life far more extraordinary than a normal human being's. That she had experienced a little when she was young, but even so, it was too dull. Nothing was intense, nothing compared. The VDV, and then Spetsnaz Alfa Gruppa, then her own autonomous work for the Spetsnaz GRU as a lone operator meant that she had seen more than enough combat, at the age of 23. Going into the PMC and the "Bear" armor changed her forever. And Victor? Well, to her, he was the center. She had spent time with many men, and they were too insignificant. Many couldn't handle what she had. The size, the proportions, the lifestyle. Not even the wildest Russian could try a relationship with her. It was like trying to fight a Lion with your bare hands. It would never work sanely, and she knew as much as men lusted over her curves and her beauty, they never considered a lifelong commitment or time with her. Victor was the only man that Natalie knew would roar back if she growled, and that would happily stand over her, and make it very clear that he was the only equal on this planet to her. So that was why Natalie had predominantly gotten on, and found that he was the only man on the earth that ever understood what she did. And in some ways, she was happy it was like that. They'd never go. They were fixtures in life, and Natalie knew that full well. The bullet from earlier that had hit her side had been pulled out while she was in Akitoieri, and she felt a tiny cramp, though it was mostly insignificant due to a giant-sized portion of painkillers. That barely really hit her system, but did some relief.

Looking behind, before Natalie looked over at Victor, she smiled, her hand around his.
"We sure are popular..." She said in French, aware that Victor would understand, and maybe some locals. He had to, she guessed- he lived so close to the Ontario border back in the US, and his tribe were almost practically in that area. As they walked in, she knew it would be a good day of watching him distribute some hell to the other competitors, and that she'd be a debated topic. She didn't make herself incredibly public- this wasn't the place to massively overdo it, but she knew that it was simply because she knew that it wasn't precisely her show.
Later on, Natalie found herself by the press, with Victor having cameras pointed her way. Natalie stayed out, waving to VIctor in a certain way as she watched the other strongmen go at each other in the tug of war. Pah, she thought to herself. With her level of training and physical fitness, in a certain event she could bowl them over. Her own physical training routine to keep herself as athletic and powerful as possible was barbaric, with swimming, lifting and a combination of running and clambering being her approach. She enjoyed having fun whenever she worked out- and Victor took a simular approach, from what she saw. Helping logging companies to move their wood...and that to her was indeed some serious power that he held. Still, she knew that the WSW, the women's equivalent, was full of women that had nothing on her and something she was thinking about. They were strong, but to be Natalie Denisova style strong, it took something else. Something very different- and whilst she knew she had flaws in areas, and could definitely bulk up even more if she wanted to at the expense of her looks, it wasn't worth it for the capability in the suit or in competition. She let out a woop, louder than the others at Victor, a grin on her face as she literally stood two to three heads above most in the crowd. Sometimes, being tall gave you the best view of the best man in your life, Natalie thought to herself, as she watched Victor approach Magnus, and congratulate the Chinese winner. Natalie cheered herself, a little loudly, thinking to the time she met Mariusz Pudzianowski. He was a little..different to Victor, but he had a vigor that she could tell had made him a winner. But whatever it was in life, there was no denying it in her head. Natalie knew for a fact, that when there's almost 8 feet of Mohican-Danish muscle and pure power with military precision and courage, that Victor was a man beyond any comprehension. And he had a right to roar. To Natalie, the scene felt ecstatic, almost electric, as she knew that he was swallowing up in the moment, and truly enjoying it. Somehow, in that crowd, Natalie knew that Victor would never miss the sight of her among the few press that was there, her own sheer size helping to reinforce that she was the giant's love intrest. And she knew full well, one day, they would intertwine in a marriage, one that she'd wait on him to drop on her. Natalie didn't mind Victor dropping a surprise, and knew that after all this time, of working together, and loving each other, something had to come. In some ways, it was good to be here, out of the fight. Rather than asphyxiating Cypriot gangsters with her pair, she was in some form of extra-ordinary normality. Rather than floating with a helium suit in a gusty storm onto a large trawler, armored like a tank and impervious to bullets, she was now mingling with mere mortals, with people who everyday, were just here to watch something mad. Natalie knew that for what she had, she was gifted, and that intelligence, looks and size like this was a fluke. Even herself, she had to admit- that herself and Victor were close to perfection, the ultimate human beings, the Gods among mortals to stand above and make change. Perhaps, it was why Natalie felt so ecstatic. Normality never felt so crazy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

On a rooftop overlooking the games

Three figures looked down at the games below them. Some of the competitors were already starting other events, perhaps bowing out of the tug of war after their loss or win, or just to try and not lose face when going up against Victor. These thee though were not part of the festivities. One of them stood with a high powered binoculars, looking down at the competitors and rambling off face descriptions and features while another wrote all this down. The third person just looked on in disgust.


Victor grinned, as a hush came over the crowd, almost everyone had taken their turns at the ropes. He looked at Natalie and in front of god and everyone he kissed her fiercely suddenly. At that very moment the PA system boomed, "Victor Kanatarrio please report to the tug of war event. Rod Tavington, please report to the tug of war event." Victor grinned almost bestially as he let Natalie go, that look on his face was akin to the look he got when he was ready to pound someone into the ground while he was in the Brutal suit. But with a few chief difference. One the suit was not on his massive frame, two there was a glint of competition in his eyes, something he never got when he was in the suit, and three, that huge grin on his face said he was having fun. Almost as much fun as when he was blowing something away, but not quite.

He passed a hand through his mohawk, smoothing it back, the hair instantly flaring back up a moment later. He looked over the crowd and saw his unfortunate opponent, a broad shouldered brit, still almost a head and shoulders shorter then Victor though. As Victor started towards the rope everyone was quiet for a time. It was like a titan of myth was walking through a sea of souls. All eyes on him for a time. Cameras focusing in on him, reporters spouting forth rhetoric and grandiose words about him. Like in slow motion Victor brought up his hands, and with a grunt slammed his left fist into his right palm. The slap of gloved fist against gloved palm filtering through the crowd. Slowly everything came back to reality and someone let out a whoop, it wasn't Victor, it was a fan. A passable war whoop indeed. Victor then turned and pointed at Natalie then spun all the way around to face forward and crowed a true war whoop to the sky.

The entire grounds almost heard it and cheers broke out.

The roof

The figure just watching the events scoffed growling out, "That one, the giant, he appears as if a god to them, an icon. He will have to be one of them we kill. A man of muscle and no brain. He will fall first I think. Broken and bleeding." The other two nodded in agreement. The one with the note pad writing down the details on Victor.


Victor grabbed his end of the rope. Tavington the other. The brit looked across at Victor, calling out to the big Mohican, "Go easy on me brother. Don't make a total fool of me." Victor grinned, getting way down, bracing. Tavington taking a similar stance. Victor waited, tensing...then the air horn went off. For awhile there Tavington looked like he might have a shot. Victor was visibly pulled off balance. But he didn't move all that far. Victor for his part gripped the rope tightly, not yet showing much sign he is worried.

Tavington pulled with all his might, his legs working, trying to pull Victor up and over the line. He growled and howled, fans of his cheering him on, lending support. Victor's fans, silent, watching waiting.

Victor grinned then like an engine seizing up, Victor pulled, and all of Tavington's progress halted. Victor howled in glee. And began to haul, muscles flexing, using the power in his legs, back and shoulders, moving backwards, jerking the line. Tavington pulled, trying to stop the steady movement of the giant man. Victor kept going, soon reaching a low leaning position, pulling hard, yanking Tavington along.

It was no use, as Victor's fans started to cheer. The conclusion is obvious. Tavington almost never had a chance.

Victor kept pulling, and soon Tavington stumbled over the center line. The Line went slack as the two men let their ends go at the same time. Tavington lay on his back a grin on his face, saying something to a reporter that he was surprised he lasted as long as he did. Victor on his feet already, Hands in the air, howling in victory, eyes on Natalie for a time, then going to a cameraman beside him, getting right into the front of the camera, face paint and mohawk taking up the entire screen as Victor let out a whoop of triumph before going to help Tavington up.

The Roof

The leader of the recon group growled, "He needs to die. He is an icon to the capitalist world. If their giant dies, some part of the west will die with him. Let us head back to the warehouse. We have what we need. Tomorrow, Brussels will burn." The three people turned and started their journey back. Their resolve hardened by what they saw.
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(Kinda want to get Natalie/Victor talking, perhaps after the events. Might be interesting to explore their past, in you know, getting to know them contextually better. It's hard to write posts, since I know this is mainly your end- but that said, it gives me time to explore character depth. )

Natalie cheered on, watching Victor make mincemeat out of the other competitor, and get a few gazes towards her. She'd treat him right, he deserved it after his training after all. She knew what he was doing was near torturous, and it would push him beyond the realms of normal human strength. Especially being his size, being a little more fragile due to height, it was his duty to remain ultra-athletic and work out, and Natalie knew that whilst herself, for a female standard, could be one of the most powerful women alive today, she knew that it would take a certain dedication like Victor's to get to that. She adjusted her shirt, smiling as she winked at him, aware that the roaring Mohican was indeed, happy to be alive. Natalie recognized that euphoria in his face, the joy and pleasure- it was similar to when she heavily walked to him, and put his faceplate up, and saw what she saw before she locked her lips into his, the same sort of emotion if it wasn't for the fact that it was even better. Sometimes, Natalie liked to think that life was good- she had it easy. With such pain and misery, with such intense training, came something in life that most others never got. A chance to be among the elite of the world's people,and along with Victor, one of a pair of the most deadly, invincible individuals walking the planet. Among the crowd, it was unlikely that any knew that in any given moment, had a man turned a pistol to her head, she would be already one step ahead, and she would know full well that her mind no longer relied on input in a situation like that. It just worked.

Like Victor's, almost. She was young, beautiful, but powerful, and intelligent. She knew that beauty and a large breast size masked that. And it did a good job. Because today, she was a Mohican strongman's girlfriend, and a woman of whom many men were jealous of, just like Victor's handsome looks, his feared Mohawk which defined the already huge-sized and muscled brute of a man made him a hit with women here. By night, with him or without, she was deadlier than a nuclear device, and found herself doing some very extra-ordinary activities. Yesterday night, she was floating in a helium suit over the eastern Mediterranean, here, she watched her only lover bowl over other "would-be" strongmen. Pah. Despite her alertness to what was directly in her surroundings, and that as a big woman, she was a big target, Natalie was almost fully unaware that a large number of Eastern terrorists, of mixed nationalities and various aims, wanted anarchy to come about tomorrow, and to her only love. None the less, Natalie smirked, watching as he came back with a smile that simply suggested nothing but a shit eating cockiness.
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

[Sorry for the long wait for a post, got caught up in some things, (read: started playing ARMA2 with friends) and completely forgot about the site. Sorry man and yeah I can understand what you mean, I wanted to get the set up ready, we can do some character building here now, then after a few posts move on into other things]

Later that evening

Victor backed the big H1 into a space near the shopping mall. The opening days competitions had went by smoothly, and with the days end coming the competitors had taken the evening as their own, some groups seeking out a bar or club, some disappearing into a gym franchise they are a member of to keep in condition.

For Victor it was to pick up Natalie at their hotel room, bundle her up in whatever she felt like, and grab something for himself too, and out to the big truck they went, sardining themselves into the truck, and off to find someplace. A restuarant, a chalet, anywhere they could just chill out, and potentially make mad, bunny love somewhere later, who knows! He let's out a groan as he gets out of the truck, instantly towering over all the other people in the parking lot by half a chest, shoulders and head in many cases. Someone his height at his weight at his age ought to be having trouble standing and walking, late twenties and into the thirties is usually where thyroid giants like himself start to shut down. Their bodies unable to work, needing canes or crutches to move and supplements to keep their bodies working. Victor, through keeping himself fit and eatting ,right all that stuff they talk about, has managed to keep those crutches and canes away, a modern medical miracle. Building up his body and muscles to a point where he's more then likely to choose the time of his death rather then let nature dictate it for him. With his secret private life as a mercenary death bringer his death is likely to come in the form of a fiery explosion, rather then slow decay of muscle and age though in all honesty.

After FINALLY pulling himself free of the truck, he heads around to the other side of the truck and opens the door for Natalie. He grins down at her, well down at her as long as she's getting out of the truck, of course once she stands up she'll be as tall as him almost, and just as sexy...maybe. He smiles, "I hear this place has some great shops, but there is supposed to be a restaurant here that has some of the best food in Brussels. Thought seeing we're here, we can live a little more then we usually do. Eh?" HE wiggles his eyebrows at her, and in a rather gentlemanly way offer his arm to her so she can hang on while they make for the doors. This all amounts to a vacation for him after all, so why not chill out, eat like a maniac, buy some souvenirs for memories, because before long this would all be over and it'd be back to work as usual.
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(You've gotten Arma 2? Sweet dude- out of interest, do you play Wasteland a lot, or moreover the Domination or DayZ sort of things? I play Arma 3 mostly- I really like it. )

Natalie looked at him enticingly, taking his arm as she knew the gentleman inside Victor did.
"If you're suggesting we give the people of this city a demonstration of why we have the best sex life, above any of those fucking Kardashians or any fucking playboy, it's tempting. But I'd save your big snake for later. This morning was just a starter. Remember that time on the balloon? Well...I mean, if I had it, I'd get it setup in some field, and we'd go and bang above Brussels Victor. I wonder...you think there's any company that would take any amount of money to take a pair of giants on a balloon tour of Brussels at night, for them to clamber up?" Natalie said, walking arm in arm with him as she adjusted her black dress. Her bra kept her breasts low, but if she felt like it, she could easily at any moment, have it so that the breasts pushed the dress up in a fashion that would have made it clear, that the large-breasted Franco-Russian girlfriend of Victor Kantaario was with reason, packing the pair for a man that outscaled any other. Maybe later, just to get Victor's rush on.
"I don't reckon so. But we'll figure something out tonight. Something that will blow our minds." Natalie whispered in his ear, a smile on her face, as they walked in.

Walking into the mall, Natalie looked around, looking for the restaurant, hand in hand.
"You did good today though. I know I missed you on your training, but I made us a good amount of money extra, in addition to when you win this year my sweetie. It had nothing to do with sinking a ship and that selfie, I promise." Natalie said quietly to him, as she looked around, aware that the two of them were being peered at. Adjusting her dress a little, her high heels clicking on the tiles and bringing her to about 7"3, she seemed quite to scale with Victor.
"That the one there?" Natalie asked, pointing over towards a chic looking restaurant, which seemed quite small, and tucked out the way- but by no means, was exactly low-standards. It looked like the best of the best in this place, and felt almost sure it was what Victor had mentioned. They had plenty more to discuss over dinner- and she felt hungry. Double portions would probably cut it- she knew Victor had other ideas, but herself, she had to pig a little. After the breakfast, something a little more elegant, and then restarting her physical training tomorrow evening for another two hours whilst Victor was finalizing himself for any later WSM events on the last few days would probably burn and make up for the day's feasting that Natalie went on.
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Victor grinned broadly, "I wasn't think of that right now, though it's tempting, emasculate a few hundred people by watching two of the greatest personages alive do things in a way they could only imagine." He quickly stole a kiss from her, "Though the ballon idea is interesting, I wonder if there is a company willing to do that. I got to admit that time over the Alps had to be one of the best we've ever had." He smiled, looking her over. Her large frame, the way she's built carried well on her. She wasn't too large that it made her look awkward. Just like himself. Thyroid giants like him tended to be thin, spindly awkward and shaky, by his age they were suffering from a body that couldn't handle their size, walking with crutches or canes. Their spines unable to hold up their size and height. But he, he had fought it all off. Through hard work, determination and just plan old pig-headedness. He wasn't going to let nature bring him down. He wouldn't need those crutches or canes until the rip old age of seventy or eighty atleast. His work had made him look like a monster, an ogre of a man, strong, powerful, and he made it look good. In no way did he look at all like he had faked it in any way with supplements and steroids.

Victor looked about the mall, one large hand wrapped around one of her large hands. They dwarfed everyone in the mall pretty much, his almost eight feet, her seven some feet. Even the average six footer in the mall still had look up at them. Their stride confident as they worked through the mall concourses for a time looking for the restaurant. But it was Natalie who spotted it first. He turned and nodded, "Emmm, your eyes are as sharp as they are beautiful. Makes me wonder who I survived without you around all those years." He stoled another kiss then set the course for the restaurant, alreaady he could imagine the finally cooked sirloin he wanted to order, he couldn't eat too much, not wanting to negatively affect his regime during the tournament, but a little good eatting wouldn't hurt him, he'd likely burn it off before the night is done. He asked the hostess at the front, a pretty little asian girl, for a table for two, at the biggest area they could fit them, he didn't want to be stuffed between a family with 3 kids and a couple of business men out for a supper meeting.

He smiled at his other half, "Dinner's on me, tomorrows breakfast is on you. Enjoy yourself hun." He lead the way after the hostess when she returned.
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"Sure thing, Victor. With the money I made, it's no big deal." Natalie said, following him closely as she smiled onwards, feeling confident and tall among the crowd. The odd picture from a phone was taken, of this extraordinary pair, as they simply walked towards their table in the restaurant, Natalie's pure size undeniable. She knew that Victor knew two large curves she had tonight decided to suppress well, and two on her rear that most enemies had found was their ending. None the less, it was probably better to not blow too many people's minds in here again, by just adjusting her dress and her bra a little. She knew that females on this earth were lusted and desired, and herself in particular would know that if she didn't stock up as much in muscle that she would end up in magazines, would be a typical dumb bitch, posing for the camera to advertise some new bra or some new panties. She was just glad to know that not one man would dare touch her in the wrong way, and she had never been used for sex alone. For now, Natalie thought, Victor was the only man that really knew what got her going, and vice versa. And the fact of the matter was, that like Victor, her life was very, very different to what a normal "mortal" viewed it as, Natalie thought to herself. She didn't have an easy life as the WSM's boyfriend and companion. She was his Amazon to his Warrior, her Bear to his Brute. They were beyond any recognition to anyone that dared even plausibly think that was what they did for a living.

Looking around, as her wide rear came down on the seat, Natalie was already quick to look at the menu, beginning a conversation with Victor after a small lull.
"I haven't visited your place, over in the US. From what you say, it must be beautiful, like Siberia but warmer and with more spiritual culture. Then again, you need to see St Petersburg. We have a club culture there, believe me. The men do Coke all the time and the women are sluts, so I kinda come in quite well when I go out with my sister. Shit, I haven't seen her in two months now...but the music, the atmosphere, it's wonderful. " Natalie said, thinking back to Catherine, and her dad. He was strong, built like a truck when he was in his prime from the stories Natalie heard from him- but he was just some washed up drunk now, in some care home. Natalie took care of him none the less, and sent Catherine some money if she was ever short. She had gone through a couple abusive relationships a few years ago, when she had just begun University- Natalie's intervention and breasts had convinced the offenders to lay off, and unlike anything else, Catherine had never heard back from them. In some ways, Natalie knew that she was gifted, lucky, and with many things that women would kill for. It was why she wanted to at least do good now, and she knew full well that a man that appreciated her wiles, like Victor, was the best type of boyfriend, and maybe husband. And for her day job, she flaunted around in a near-invincible suit of armor and a minigun, killing terrorists whilst getting paid good sums of money, whilst also being able to..have a little fun, of course. It wasn't like a video game, where those bosses were evil and schemed and had weak points, with grizzled faces and impracticalies. For all it mattered, Natalie knew that men could burst in and gun her down, probably being more likely than not. But she knew that herself and Victor were on the right side, and knew that life, at times, was a dream for herself.
"Shit, still makes me think one day Victor, we'll just retire and have a few kids, they'll be taller than you and they'll all be running around and probably not needing to kill people for a living. I mean, unless we get blown up at some point right?" Natalie said, holding his hand on the table as she used her right paw- or at least, what was to her proportional hand, to open up the menu, and quickly find the nicest Steak that they had on the menu at what would be a normally extortionate price, with all the finishings being the cream of the crop. It said it was in a more exorbitant proportion, for more of a challenge. This was a nice restaurant, but even they had to provide significant portions for those who just couldn't do with the normal, and this seemed a little bit...extreme for most. Natalie waited for the waiter to come over, aware that herself, she'd need two. She hadn't eaten properly the day before, and if there was one thing her stomach demanded, was to quench the need for hunger.
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

[I'm going to skip us to night at the end of my post]

Victor grinned, and poured them some wine, though he had ordered a nice pint to go with his meal later. He nodded, "Maybe one of us will retire, not sure if it will be me or you." He passed her a glass, "To be perfectly honest, the Creator gave me several gifts, that made me a living weapon, like my Mohican ancestors of old. Braves and warriors, shaman and wearers of Deaths face. I don't think it's in my future to retire, maybe take it easy abit. But retire, no. There will always be someone who needs to disappear, someone that will need to die." He leaned towards her, "We both know I was Black on Black when I was with the Military. That was my task, making sure the people that needed to disappear, disappeared. Sure the SEALS, and DEVGRU and all the rest were there sure, for the sanctioned missions. The ones that the public would find out about. But what about the ones that just needed to silently disappear?" He wiggles his eyebrows at his girlfriend and raises his glass, "We both have enemies hun, I have a feeling, we'll be at this for a long time." When their meal came he nodded. "One last splurge before I have to put it all aside. Today was just the opening day, the first prelims, tomorrow, the real competition begins, when I have to actually work for it. I have a feeling I'll actually have to work for it too." He grinned broadly, then picked up fork, and knife, and set into his meal.
A few hours later Victor and Natalie approached their hotel room. Victor wasn't drunk, but maybe a little buzzed, it took more then a few glasses of wine and some beer to get him properly drunk. It harkened back to the great Andre the Giant who once drank 4 bottle of wine before supper and then another 20 beers with his supper meal and was still fine to drive. Victor couldn't boast being able to drink that much, but it did take him abit to get a little drunk. He opened the door and pushed Natalie inside, then pinned her to the back of the door, roughly pushing himself against her, and claiming her mouth in a kiss. He held her there for a moment before biting her lip and laughing deeply, "Mine. Emmm Welcome to our home for awhile my dear. Maybe after this we can take a vacation, and head to my people's home on the border of Ontario. Let you meet my mom. Take you bow hunting in the woods." He smiled, then picked her up, the only man ever to likely be able to lift her, breasts and all, in their arms. He chuckled, claiming another kiss, "Until then...you're mine tonight." He would take no other answer at all. He knew full well she'd begin to enjoy it.

He brought her to the bed, and set her down, falling atop her then whispered to her, "Let's see how well built this bed is." A hand snuck up from her back. It's destination, her top and those bountiful orbs hidden within it.
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"Haha, Victor. "I have to work for it". From the way you handled today, you ruined some people. You proved why you're the strongest man on this earth, Victor. And this...is a pretty small portion of food." Natalie said, as the waiter walked away, Natalie already cutting up her steak as she got eating away.
"Oh, and you know my past. The Spetsnaz wasn't all you know, team operations. Sometimes it was me, my silenced PKP, two (Spetsnaz) shovels and a fucking uniform that made me look like some fat overbloated Babushka against 200 Chechens that wanted the first blood of any Russian in the area. I made people disappear, of course. But I stayed out of the FSB politics, I'm too...vulgar, a political asset. So when a Chechen leader that has been a little too feisty in his catch for Russian lives strikes, I made sure that he found the blunt or sharpened end of my shovel. Or some local warlord in Turkmenistan, or wherever I was needed. I suppose we're made for each other, perhaps it was inevitable we would have met one day, on the wrong end of each others' foreign policy. But still, I bet you, we would still be fucking by the end of the day. Just making good sweet love in some ditch, with all our gear to one side and my breasts in yours." Natalie said to him, quietening significantly down towards last two thirds.
"Damn, this is good food. I do need more of this, plus some drink you know."
Natalie chuckled, going a little side to side. It was rare to see Natalie towards tipsy. But the mixture of Vodka-on-the-rocks and Absynthe towards the end had really hit hard, and the giant Russian's system, as good as it was at dissipating alcohol, was faltering a little. She had drunk a lot, probably more than Victor she thought to herself. Natalie felt Victor pin him, the 7"11 Mohican overpowering her with a tender kiss, as Natalie sunk her tongue into his mouth, her stature shorter than his, but somehow, still corresponding quite well. They were both to most, "fucking huge", in almost every proportion. Natalie viewed it as a perk, not a disadvantage. Being like this was fine. Looking down on the mortals. Her routine, her lifestyle, her husband and her actions reminded her at every corner that it was the case. She was a Queen, a Godess and along with Victor in battle, the face of death. Snuggling close, as Victor picked her up, Natalie aware that Victor was just about able to do so, she looked up at him, tucking her legs in as they went through the doorway, and to the bed.

Coming down, Natalie felt herself be set down, aware that even though she could probably barely lift Victor herself if it was absolutely needed, even vice versa it must have been tough.
"Sounds good to me Victor. With the wolves and the bears. You're my big wolf tonight, Victor. Come on." She mentioned, giving a motion to "Come Here" as Victor did precisely that, Natalie's dress coming undone already. Victor's hand did the rest, the bra that had held so much restraint to her overpowering titties now helpless. Natalie's two large melons sloshed forward, their size simply mesmerizing. They weren't hideously impractical, but to call them moderated was an understatement. Natalie yanked him down, feeling him slam down into her body, looking right into his face as she smiled, Natalie's left hand holding her left breast wide, her face in gleeful and awesome delight, as her underwear slipped down.
"Tuck in,,," Natalie said, as the heat between the two exploded, and from outside, what sounded like ear-shattering grunts and yells could be heard, as the two Gods went at it, the two intertwined.

(Meh, fade to blackish.)
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*Several hours later*

He listened to her breathing, even, in and out. There was a slight burring of a soft purring snore perhaps. It didn't matter. He smiled at her for a moment, placing a kiss on her cheek then getting up. He was just far too keyed up over the day, the evening and the freshly finished sex to go to sleep. The smell of it was still fresh in the air darn it. He slipped out of the bed and made his way out onto the balcony, he ignored the fact he's still butt-flippin-naked and stood out there. Listening to the night and the dark rush of Brussels at night. It wasn't Paris, the city of lights or Vegas, the infamous city that never sleeps. But it still had a brazen nightlife all it's own. He smiled, standing there, looking out over the city, he turned, shutting the balcony door abit, then lifts his head to the sky and lets out a powerful, reverberating whoop. Energized and ready, and finally ready to sleep.

He slipped back into the room, slipped back under the covers, wrapped his arms around Natalie, drawing her close. Nestling his nose into her hair. A big smile on his face, and he slipped off into the oblivion of sleep.
*Somewhere in a Brussels metro station*

Five bodies lay on the floor of a service hall. Three of them were security guards, two of them were unlucky civilians who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Further down the hall seven people, three women, and four men clustered around a set of lockers. One of them having been jimmied open, and an odd tall thin cylinder set inside it. Blocks of C4 and Semtex taped to a tall gas canister. Two of the women were tinkering with a timing mechanism. The rest of the group was making sure no one walked in on them, silenced weapons in the form of short SMGs and carbine rifles were being swept back and forth down the hall. Their black balaclavas hid their features from first look, and would need to be ripped off before identities could be found out.

This group was just one of several teams, setting up the last bombs in the metro stations around the city. Setting up timers that would go off at noon exactly the next day. Being the opening gambit to the plan, while eighty of their number would raid police stations and the WSM tournament to blunt the response and deal the first deaths of the plan. Another twenty would go out and martyr themselves at public sites around the city to cause even larger destruction. And stop the cities response so they could broadcast their message across the world.

The women grinned as they set the timer finally, then taped the timer to the top of the IED then closed the locker, and welded it shut with a hand torch. They all then packed up. They quickly gathered up the bodies, carting them down one of the tunnels, and dropping them in a service tunnel way down the way, where they wouldn't be found for weeks most likely. The terrorists then used back passages and sewer tunnels to get to their home base. The kick off area for the attack tomorrow. Unmarked vans and trucks ready to go for the attack already. The one hundred terrorists performing final preparations before catching some sleep so they could have some energy for tomorrow. As it would be the best day of their lives. And perhaps their last, no one truly knew the future.
*Seven AM, the next morning. Five hours until the Strike*

Victor's back appeared above the edge of the bed, then disappeared under it, this happened again and again. Working his arms and chest muscles as he rapidly performed push ups, limbering up for the days events and going through his morning routine. A never ending regime too stave off the potential of invalidity that his biological circumstances want to force on him. He holds the extended position for abit, looking up atop the bed to see if Natalie is awake yet. But doesn't hold it long, not that he couldn't hold it for hours on end without a problem. He finishes off his fifty push up routine then rolls over onto his back, planting his feet firmly on the floor and begins crunches and sit ups, he wouldn't allow himself a shower until he finished the jumping jacks and the shadow sparring. If he had the heavy bag he usually has on the base it'd be better, but he'd make do.

Today is the day he intended to try and blow away the competition, prove yet again he has the strength, power and endurance, the top in the world, seal the WSMs for another year.

Little puffs of breath escaped his mouth as he worked, growing slightly oblivious to the world around him for a time, bent on staying fit and trim, a long and healthy life, not just that he had to start working off that heavy dinner from last night. He could still feel it. The breakfast salad, limited meat and other things in the regime he'd have for breakfast would hold him for awhile anyway. He'd go back to a less regimented plan after the tournament. But he had to keep it all clean for now. He huffed and puffed, nearing thirty sit ups by now.

Yes today is the day.
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

(Spot the unintended Peter Andre reference..)
(And this is a bit vile at the end, I didn't' describe it too much but basically, Ethanol+Natalie's Intestine= and so on)

Natalie slowly awoke, probably at what most would call a Level 1 out of 5 hangover. Feeling buzzed, but in no way like the alcohol was actually in her system, and that if needed, she could bark orders to about 40 Paras in the back of a An-124 and fire her PKP as effectively as ever, if she was back in the VDV. That type was what it reminded her of, the shit Vodka that the Russian Army would sometimes toss the troops to keep morale up, and though it was incredibly weak, every last drop was gone by the time anyone had come into contact with it. None the less, Natalie heard pull himself up and down, Natalie herself still topless as she sat up in bed, just neatening her hair
"Morning Victor. Already at work I see." Natalie said, moving up the bed as she knew he would take definite notice, towards where he held. She lay down on her front, her rear not as pronounced as her breasts, but definitely definitive, looking at Victor as he came up. It felt to Natalie that with Victor, the room was quite small, when in reality, this was a huge master suite for any guest of this hotel. Natalie knew however, nothing less would satisfy them. Only the best.

"If we were back in Miami, I'd probably go for a beach run right now, do 5km then maybe leap straight into some of what you're doing, all without getting dressed of course. But then again, I suppose the police are a little more enforcing of anti-nudist laws over here, and there ARE people up at this time of day over here, right?" Natalie said, in almost a teasing way, aware that even she wasn't that crazy. She didn't entirely care who saw her breasts, just that it was likely she would be turned into a running photoshoot for every dirty Belgian magazine on a long run over here, and that didn't bode well to keep her head down. She was Victor Kantaario's girlfriend, soon to be fiance, and Natalie in some ways liked the idea that she was some sort of mysterious girl, some woman that wasn't really known that well to most. Of course, there was what there was on the surface, but for the moment, Natalie preferred to stay out of the spotlight, knowing full well that this was Victor's show, and that the 7"11 Mohawk was going to the WSM just as determined as he was as Brute, nailing down all hell on enemy.

Natalie clambered out, still naked herself, watching on as she found her bra, somewhere on the floor, bending over in particular as her stomach almost shook the floor with a rumble. Between her breasts, she looked at Victor, the two knowing full well what this was.
"Shit. Fuck, I might glaze the toilet, fuck, fuck..." Natalie said, dropping the bra, as she ran, straight to the ensuite, and locked herself in, with almost a split-second determination. For the next minute or two, what was almost an ungodly noise came from inside, as Natalie realized that her rear end, combined with Alcohol, was always a concequence that she had to remember about. From Victor's point of view, all he could hear was the noise of gas and grunting, with no description needed to flesh out what was going on with Natalie.
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

"Give a courtesy flush hun! We really need to remember your sexy rears tolerances in the future. Other people would think that's a huge turn off. Just another thing to love." He laughs loudly

By the time Natalie came out of the washroom he was into his shadow sparring. And like alot of things in his morning routine he didn't hold anything back. If he had a flesh and blood sparring partner or a heavy bag to attack on every blow he unleashed would include that satisfying thump of impact. As it was, there was a soft woosh of displaced air as his fists, elbows, knees and feet whipped through the air. He had learned Muay Thai from many gyms across Norway and many in the States. And had recieved training in Judo from some very prestigious schools and from none other then Yoshihiro Akiyama. He had the training and the experience to back it all up. His blows lashed out, from fist to elbow, looping, lashing and cutting, he had trained under the famous Anderson Silva for a four month stint and had picked up Silva's incredible ability to throw uppercuts, and over hand strikes with his elbows. It would have looked properly stupid to try and shadow spar Judo, so he continued to let off combos with fists, feet, knees and hands. Any one of them designed to drop an opponent in a variety of ways. He got lost in the movements, and didn't notice how lost until his fist contacted the wall with a resounding crack. And it wasn't his knuckles giving way, but the plaster of the wall cracking and crazing with a spiderweb of small cracks. He pulled back and rubbed his had, "Oops."

*Four hours before the attack*

A tiny little breakfast cafe. That's where the pair of giants found themselves. They served alot of the European fair. Croissants, porriage, cereals and a bunch of other things. They had western modern food too and did a fair dealing in them. What they weren't expecting was a giant of a man, ordering a breakfast fajita the size of a football. Victor had expressly told them that their normal size fajita would barely fill him. And seeing he'd have to get up to some prime exercise later in the day he wanted to be full by lunch time.

And now he sat, cradling the large fajita, made of about 4 tortillas, and about a dozen eggs or more, with 3 whole green peppers and bits of bacon and cheese. He held it in his arms, like a giant baby, "Tis the biggest meal I'll likely have today. May as well be a baby." He grins over at Natalie goofily, "Maybe one of these days we'll actually have a child and I can do the same thing I'm doing now to him or her." He winked at her affectionately. He took the first bite of his meal. Grinning broadly.

He was quiet for about 8 minutes before placing the breakfast fajita down on a plate and looking at Natalie. He reached into a pocket, his large fingers wrapping around a velvet box. He looked at her quietly, then asked, "What do you feel about getting married hun? Would you want to wait? Or seal the deal soon? I'm curious. Been on my mind abit you know?" He looked at her, hoping for an answer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Natalie walked out of the bathroom, closing the door as she watched on at Victor, shadow sparring and throwing kicks and incredibly powerful throws.
"Ah....I flushed, don't you worry. I'll explain it one day, but you know, it is perk." Natalie said, still topless, and still ever as fearful with her sexy Russian accent still partly impacting her English, as it sometimes could when she let her head down and didn't plan out what she was saying. She knew that if Victor wanted to, he could probably kill someone with just one blow, and even in the case that it didn't do the job, Victor's abillity to follow up was incredible. Natalie herself wasn't a great Judo or more typical Martial Arts practitioner, because she preferred her Krav Maga and Systema to it. It felt like it had a vibe, a violence and complete control of chaos that she loved. The integration of weaponry and her sheer power combined to make Natalie very dangerous, even when unarmed. To her, she could break limbs and shatter eyeballs without even blinking, and sometimes, she knew she got creative. She remembered once having to beat up about ten Chechen insurgents, after losing her weapon. Systema was even more violent, and it was pure killing that it encouraged, rather than the suppression nature of Krav Maga. The fact that boxing, MMA and streetfighting combined so well into it meant that Natalie's approach wasn't as elegant yet purely powerful as Victor's- it was dirty, unclean, but brutally efficient and gut-wrechingly destructive.

Natalie tucked her two orbs into her bra, at least suppressing them for now, as she put on her jeans, the sizing beyond most comprehension. She chuckled, as he pasted his hand into the plasterboard, a smirk on her face as she walked up to him, side by side with his shoulder.
"Aww...looks like someone's going to have to break out the gypsum." Natalie said, as she kissed him on the cheek, one hand over his shoulder and the other on his arm that was in the dusted hand.


Natalie looked on, tutting as Victor tucked into his relatively "American" breakfast, in comparison to what she had. It was very starch-based- about two bowls of cereal, two croissants, six slices of toast with cheese and salad, and about half a litre of a smoothie. Banana, Apple, Mango and some Pineapple went quite well together, and it was a cleaner hit, being a little less destructive. Some bacon filled that up well- Natalie felt still incredibly full from the double-portion she had eaten the day before, and it gave her a good enough strength for the day till a half-decent lunch.
"God Victor, you are such a fool sometimes." Natalie said, in a more casual and non-offensive manner, looking over as she carried on eating, aware that this was on her chipped plastic today. She had checked her Swiss account about half an hour ago, and found that indeed, the money was there. All in it's entirety. Natalie didn't have that many plans for it. After all, there was nothing she could really throw towards her company expenses. Anything, from Bear's maintainance, the the helium suits that she had used on occasion, to the ammunition expended and the R and D that went forward on implementing any tech that might be used in future was through the company. It had to be possibly a six-figure sum, but all Natalie knew was, that when you paid two contractors and their maintenance check a stupid amount, that the return would always be just like that to make it justified. Natalie had lost count of the times when she knew no other team on the planet could achieve what they did, or the amount of defensive and offensive capability they offered. When they couldn't deploy a whole Company, which was now almost about two-thirds of the company's contracting team, Natalie and Victor could do the job, and far quicker and cheaper. There were less contractors to pay, less boots on the ground, and most of all, the two were assets of an invaluable kind. Not having them would lose the PMC such a significant amount of money, Natalie always wondered about if asking for a pay rise would completely hold the company to ransom. But money wasn't what she cared for, not entirely. She lived for life, Victor's charms, and for being Athena, an Amazon that with her boyfriend, towered over the mortals and swept up the dirt and mess whilst having a cracking great relationship. One that she knew would have to sometime progress, after all. She was 25, he was 28, they were both young enough to remain simple partners like they were now, but one day, marriage would have to come.

Looking on, Natalie finished her sixth slice of toast, as she heard Victor look over, uttering. Natalie smiled deeply, sitting up as she looked over.
"Well...sooner, rather than later. Considering that in our line of work, we are flames that burn hot and fast, I don't want to die knowing I missed the chance." Natalie said, putting her proportionally large right hand on the table, hoping that Victor would hold it a while and just comfort her a little. The words meant a lot to her, she knew that being a Denisova was all good, but she didn't want to one day find herself getting killed, sitting there before thinking that she missed the chance to be Victor's husband. They had been going out for so long, she couldn't entirely even remember. But just the memory of them sitting atop her balloon, going at it like Rabbits as they sat above the Alps. Her Mohawk warrior was her protector, and she knew that to Victor, her Russian amazon was his. She knew that just going out like this wasn't a commitment, and what Victor was implying Natalie felt, her heart pacing a little faster as she knew that Victor was ebbing towards a suggestion.
"You know, you've still got to work on your childcare skills...but apart from that Victor, you will make very good husband. Soon." Natalie said, that edge of her slightly Russian accent kicking a little towards the latter end of her speech.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Victor smiles reaching over and taking Natalie's hand in his. His large paw of a hand wrapping around her slightly slimmer, but equally as massive hand. He had smiled at her when she had agreed to take this mornings meal. Not that either of them were hard up for cash. He had about seven or eight seperate accounts into which he put varying amounts, some accounts were for company business, other accounts for his own use. He had five or six figure sums in almost all of them, one of them, one that he was keeping for a very special circumstance was reaching almost seven figures. He was hanging onto that for two reasons, the first would be to buy them a good house somewhere, something that would fit them and their undoubtedly huge kids. And with the remainder, to start college funds for those kids. He knew he wanted them someday.

He smiled at Natalie, squeezing again, "I know I'm not likely the greatest childcare person right now, but I got time to learn. And between the two of us we can figure it out I'm sure." He smiles and squeezes again. And just sits there, not wanting to let go. His other hand, fingers the velvet case in his pocket. He looks at her and a determined look comes over his face. Coming to a decision then and there. Now just to figure out when to go through with it, but it'd be that day...
Two hours before the attack

Still awhile yet before events were to start at the WSM pavilions, Victor didn't want to put his, "I'm-the-best-strongman-in-da-world" hat on yet. He wanted to spend sometime with his wonderful significant other. So they had made for some shopping centers across the park from the pavilions. He grins broadly, "You get to presents today Natalie, one you can pick out from any shop you see, or don't see, and the other you get later today. So choose wisely!" He laughed softly, hugging Natalie with one big arm.

Even though they weren't at the pavilions where their size would be no big matter, out among the normal population, just roaming the streets they were still a big ticket item. People were stopping to look at them, cellphone cameras were pulled out to take pictures of two oddities, someone them because they recognized a former Olympic athlete, or they realized that one of them is the current WSM title holder. Either way there was action around them as they passed, some stopping to try and get autographs, or to try and get one of them to just look at them.

Victor honestly saw none of this as anything odd, he was used to being a giant and an oddity. He lived life to the fullest he possibly could. He had a job he honestly enjoyed, he worked out to make sure he could be the man he wanted to be, not the man that nature wants him to be. He grins broadly, granting a few highfives as he goes past. Why the hell not after all? He looked at Natalie, "Any idea yet hun?"
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