Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

4am, Berlin
The streets of Berlin were covered in a heavy snow as the sun began rising on yet another year for the Reich.

Few citizens were out at this time, most preferring the comfort of a warm bed to the frigid night air. The few who were out were bundled tightly in layers of cloth to fight off the chill. Sentries stood warming themselves or smoking cigarettes every few blocks frigid air could be seen escaping the soldiers forms as the stood in the chill. Sometimes they would stop the citizens and ask for identification, an occasionally whistle could be heard at the sight of a tightly bundled girl walking past.

All of this went on under surveillance. The streets of the Reich were lined with Cameras. It was mandatory for businesses to have Cameras operating within them and even some homes were monitored.

The group of Orpo entered the Apartment complex and escaped winters kiss.

The riot shield was readied, Stun Sticks flashed to life and pistols loaded.

"eins... zwei... drei" whispered the leader

On drei(3) the steal toed thug with the Riot shield burst through the door followed closely by 2 more Orpo Officers.
Who dragged the man screaming from his home and into the street.

"Werner Detrick Sie sind hier durch den Tod für das Versagen der Wahrung unserer glorreichen Nation verurteilt." (Werner Detrick you are here by sentenced to death for the failing of respecting our glorious nation.)

The officer said to the Half naked man.

"But I didn___" the man was cut short by the sharp report of ma Luger Railgun. The man collapsed to the floor, gore leaded from his open skull and collected on the ground.

7am, Berlin
The National Anthem Blared to life across the entire city filling the heart of every citizen with pride or despair.

The anthem was followed by a general propaganda feed.

"Harte Zeiten, Harte Pflichten, Harte Herzen!"(Hard times, hard obligations, hard hearts) Blared the speaker as it imitated the phrase plastered on countless Posters.

It would not be long before the Furher rose and began his day of planning... After all there is much work to be done and the day has only just begun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shoopthewoop


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5pm Tokyo
The sun was shining in the air as the rush hour began in Tokyo.

The city was bustling at this time, with people just getting off work, going home to there families. As Kiemon Ohmiya the leader of the NKJ walked through the streets with his guards he could hear the people cursing, "Dono yō ni watashi wa noroi hito no oto ga daisukidesu (How I love the sound of people cursing)" he stated sarcastically to one of his guards. As Kiemon Ohmiya was walking farther down that street to the royal train station an Anti-Monarchy activist ran to the guards with a gun and threatened to shoot Kiemon Ohmiya. Kiemon Ohmiya laughed as he snapped his fingers and the guards jumped the man, beating him down. "Anata wa watashi o korosu koto wa dekimasen, baka (You fool, you can never kill me) stated Kiemon Ohmiya to the idiot on the ground.

Even though Kiemon Ohmiya had 5 guards with him, he still was paranoid, he had snipers planted on every building, just waiting for someone trying to kill Kiemon Ohmiya.

The train zoomed at around 150 miles per hour to the royal palace, a former Buddhist place of worship, it was turned into a palace when the NKJ became Christian.

"Kyō, anata wa watashitachi ga ni iki, atarashī Resturant no o dōomoimasuka (Sir, what do you think of that new restaurant we just went to?" asked one of the guards to Kiemon Ohmiya.

"Sore wa, dokoni-shin no hanbāgā subarashikatta (It was great, the burgers where divine)" stated Kiemon Ohmiya back.

As the train pulled into the palace station Kiemon Ohmiya got his things. He made sure to get his pistol out of his briefcase just incase someone would be at the gates waiting to murder him.

8pm Tokyo
The Billboards around the city turned on with images of Kiemon Ohmiya, this meant that the true day began, when the sun went down, the action started.

"Watashitachiha, Nihon no shin ōkoku wa, saisoku, saikyōdeari, saidai no (We are the NKJ, the strongest, fastest, and greatest" said the image of Kiemon Ohmiya to the city.

It wouldn't be long until the trading started in the black market with the Buda Witnesses walking around trying to convert everyone again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by neinstein


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

6am New Orleans
As the sun starts to rise on the French Quarter, George Washington the 4th starts to wake up.

Very few people where on the streets at this time, with the exceptions just taking a morning walk. As George Washington the 4th started to get out of bed he heard a bird sing outside his window.

"God bless America" George thought.

He got on his close, and went into the bathroom to get ready for his speech with his son George Washington the 5th today in Baton Rouge. He combed his handlebar moustache and brushed his hair into an elvis like style. He then started to brush his teeth.

1pm Baton Rouge
"Hello my fellow Americans, I George Washington the 4th promise you that this evil organisation of socialists on the other side of the empire will not move here, we will make sure of it" stated George Washington the 4th to the crowed below.

"They will be stopped soon, they will never be able to make it to Louisiana, we promise you all" George Washington the 5th said to the people below him.

"We will never, ever, let people like them take over the country, they may fight back, but even if they do, we will fight harder, and we will destroy them" said both George's in unison.

The people below clapped as the Speech ended

9pm New Orleans
As the finishing messages started to play over the intercoms in the city George the 4th sat down in his chair with his wife right next to him.

"God Bless America" he stated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

5:30 AM Berlin City Checkpoint

The Crows sat far off from the checkpoint their leader Elias, and company had kept watch for two nights noting shift changes, patrol hours, and when vehicles would enter and exit, everything they did until finally ""Es ist Zeit, dies zu tun sind wir weit von zu Hause, so dass, wenn wir fallen, fallen wir alle." "It's time to do this, we are far from home, so that when we fall, we all fall." The group stood and moved as close as they could switching rifles to single shot they waited for their orders. "Ziel für den Hals und die Arterie im Bein und machen jeden Schuss zählen wir nicht wollen, dass sie uns hören." "Aim for the neck and the artery in the leg, and make each shot count we don't want them to hear us." they took their shots some missed but others who had hit their mark took them out together they enacted their plan pulling the bodies away and stripping the former guards to nothing they put on their uniforms and went back to the guard post.

5:55 Am Berlin Guard Post.

Elias hated to admit it but the armor was comfortable and very useful, Elias and half his team of 30 would go in and take out the Reich Minister while the other half would wait for an armored vehicle to take control of. Making sure his weapon was prepped and his team was ready, him and his group moved out toward the propaganda building, all of them knowing the real show was about to begin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago


It wasn't as though the Commonwealth had failed, quite the opposite. But it was nonetheless a mark of shame that right on their borders, and in the lands of territories that were once members of the Former Commonwealth of Nations, lay Empires and often brutal regimes.
In particular, the European states felt threatened by the Fourth Reich, while many states lying along the Mediterranean were looking to Yugoslavia with fear of invasion. In addition, the Empire of America occupied the nation of Belize and the Yugoslavians occupied Cyprus, both of which were members of the former Commonwealth of Nations
This kept the Commonwealth on its toes, and many lived in fear of hearing the announcement of WW5. The Commonwealth was terrified of yet another world war... All the progress that was made in Africa and India, all the programs that was still underway, reversed at the push of a button, reverting the lands back to poverty.

In the end it was quite simple: War with another great power was simply out of the question, despite what the Commonwealth wanted to do... There had to be another way...

Well, apparently there was. Rebel groups plagued the EoA... Maybe it would be best to start there...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 19 days ago

Haven City Port, Antarctic Union. 20 Days Ago
The blue glow of a plasma shield covered the port in a quarter sphere, a fleet of twenty Antarctican warships stood prepared to depart for the outside world. Only the veteran soldiers of the group had a skin color other humans would consider normal (Either a heavy tan or normal darker skin colors). The rest of them had pale white skin (Or the darker skin of their parents), having never seen the light of day in their lives. It was 0900 Hours, but the sky was dark and filled with stars. It was the day on which the sun never rises, and the city dwellers stared up at the stars through the plasma shield in awe, having never seen the sky before.

"I heard we'll have the Chairman coming with us." Said one of the veterans, speaking to an older one.

"Yeah, the guy's a city dweller though. I wouldn't expect much from him." Said the other veteran.

"Sssh, here he comes!" Exclaimed the soldier, looking down from the conning tower of the AUS Perseverance, one of the Navy's Zumwalt-Class Destroyers.

The two saw the Chairman on the dock, looking up at the sky in wonder. The other veteran laughed quietly to himself. The Chairman, obviously, didn't hear it. He was wearing extremely long formal robes, thick and white in color with gold outlines as well as two gold triangular patters on the front, connected with a single gold line. The sleeves were impractically large, hanging down far below his arms.and allowing one to see his white military uniform he was wearing underneath. He stepped onto the gangway, taking great care to not get his robes snagged on anything. After reaching the deck of the Perseverance he walked up to an intercom terminal.

"Attention all hands!" He said "This is Chairman Fergus McClain, we will depart for the North immediately! This expedition will attempt to contact outside nations, if there are any left after the inevitable world wars that have occurred since our isolation! Today, we leave Antarctica, today, we leave the cities!"

A cheer went up as the ships left dock and headed out of the plasma shield, circular holes appearing to let them through. Helicopters escorted them as well, holes also appearing for them. All in all, the force totaled 30 helicopters, 15 Zumwalt destroyers, and five resupply vessels.

Coast of South Africa, Present Day
"Chairman! Unidentified vessel, it's a speedboat sir! Orders?"

The fleet had encountered a lone speedboat off the shore of a particularly isolated area. It was obviously quite far from any Naval base, and didn't seem to be transmitting any known codes.

"I want all of our lights on it, fire a railgun round over their heads to show them we mean business."

The loud vreeeeee of a railgun charging could be heard for about thirty seconds, and then the darkness was cut by the superheated plasma from the round's sheer speed like a knife through butter. The speedboat was illuminated for a few seconds as the round sped past it, heading off into the distance until it fell into the ocean. Spotlights went on, bathing the speedboat in light. A loudspeaker amplified the Chairman's voice as he called out to the unidentified vessel, with his own ship's laser weapons pointed right at it.

"This is Chairman Fergus McClain, identify yourselves and state your allegiance!" He yelled. The destroyer was close enough that those on the speedboat could see him, he had a pale white, yet fragile looking face, and was wearing a stark white military uniform. His expression showed both curiosity and the knowledge that he was in complete control of the situation. Thinking about the stories he had been told as a child, he continued.
"Are you Americans?" He said, horribly botching the word "Americans", emphasizing the 'I" far too much and pronouncing "-cans" as if he meant the hollow cylinder of metal type.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by hacher5


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Near Mt. Shasta, CA

"Joshua, please. More wine" said the fat bellied white man. As the butler presented him with yet another glass of white wine Richard Singleton continued to play with his smart phone. "Do be careful, Emilio, the carpet doesn't need another cleaning, now does it?"

"Yes, sir" the butler replied. Even though they were several thousand feet in the air, it meant no excuse for him to relax his ached body. He had a job, and if he failed to meet the ghastly expectations of said job, he would lose what dime he was given. So Joshua did what any worker would do and fetched the wine. While he was at it, he also brought out a cold batch of beef wellington. Once he prepared everything, which took a minute or so, he walked back at a careful pace, managing to keep anything from falling onto the white carpet of the jet.

"Sir, would you care for some Beef Wellington?" said Joshua as he began to pour his master a glass of white wine.

"No, take it back."

"As you wish, sir" said Joshua. Before he left, however, Joshua was interrupted by the voice of the white man. The butler did as told, and was asked to sit down, and he did so.

"You know, Joshua, I once had a kid a little younger that was very much like you. Well, he didn't look like you but...he worked like you and he loved his job. You love your job, yes?"

"Yes, sir" he replied, in a sputtering manner. As long as he had a job, he was happy. It's all he could ask for.

"Joshua, listen to me as I say this. My company, we are running ourselves onto hard times. You know the situation, I mean." said the white man. He understood the financial problems his mater spoke of were simply temporary, or so he thought. The man ran one of the worlds largest shale companies, who wouldn't kill for his job? And how could they run into hard times? "With the lack of employment in these rural areas, it's just so hard to find work. I mean, sure, I could outsource them, but they end up dead in days!"

"Sir?" asked Joshua. Two large, suited men entered the room from the kitchen, and began walking towards the white man.

"This isn't personal, Joshua, but I've let many people go, if I don't continue, I risk destroying this all" said the white man. Before he he had the chance to continue, the plane rocked to its side, and reared itself down. Joshua looked to his left, and saw the open sky that engulfed the kitchen. One of the suited men held on a drawer, before he was thrown out into the blue. Then, with a sudden jerk, the plane crashed into the open plains of hey.

A little under two dozen men rushed over to the crash. Three white trucks held these men, and as they drove forth, the farmer of the hey field kicked open the door and held a rifle. He looked towards the crash, then the trucks that drove towards it, and slowly jerked his way forward. Once he reached the hey, he laid himself into the grains and inched himself forward.

"Any alive?" said a man. He wore a green jacket with heavy jeans and black boots. For headgear he worse a green cap with the word "A's" scribed on its front lid. The group sauntered into the wreckage, taking anything of value along the way. There they found who they looked for, a fat bellied man in a blue dress suit. To his side was a dark skinned man, probably the butler. "Is he dead?" asked the green-capped man. To the left a man walked over, wielding a knife. He drew the knife into the fat-bellie's neck, and let the blood ooze out onto his hands. "The red of the fat man can be disgusting sometimes" said the green-capped man "We can at least tell control that we got rid of another Shaler. Maybe now we can get them to piss of in Yosemite, yeah?" he chuckled.

The farmer did nothing to stop the group as they left. He simply approached the plane once there was no sign of movement, and buried the butler and pilots outside the farm. As for the fat-belly, however, he would find himself somewhere far away from the farmer's land.

Unknown Location

*Cue 25 miles by Edwin Star* Goooooood morning America! This is your green-capped radio channel, fighting for the poor bread winners out there! While we all despise those rich, we can all relish in our drive to continue fighting. In recent news, Richard Singleton, the owner New Ages-a shaling company in the beautiful Yosemite territory- has been found missing off the Interstate 5. Sources say he was on his fancy private jet heading north to Seattle. Fingers are so far being pointed to the South Paw insurgency. Organized strikes in the Appalachian have begun once more, to us Green Caps' pleasure. And in San Francisco, it seems a march on California is becoming evermore apparent. But while those "reds" get their hands red in the blood of the rich man, while the Green Caps shout their sweet honey voices against the rich man, while the Sons of Liberty sing another day of existence in the south, we'll continue to keep you posted on our working man's accomplishments. While the Reds keep up the pumping in the west, the righties down south in the cartel territory are having their fun. It seems as if we're rearing our heads into civil collapse, brothers. But until that happens, the Green-Caps will continue their effort on keeping our fellow brothers posted on what the poor man wants to hear. This is the Machine, signing off
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Empire of Yugoslavia. Thrace, Turkey. 3am.
The small group of Yugoslavian soldiers moved towards the TLF base. It was still night, however the Moon was starting to sink lower in the sky. The soldiers had two power armored men behind them. The power armored soldiers were using T-45d, a older variation of power armor but still strong and much better then anything the rebels possessed. The power armored soldiers also held huger infantry-based rail-guns then the other soldiers, on the account of extra strength from the armor. All Yugoslavian rail-guns, besides there larger tank and carrier/dreadnought ones were designed after there German neighbor's ones. on the account of how much better they were. The lead soldier, who was also the only powered armored soldier to posses T-51b, which was the latest generation of Yugoslavian power armor.

"Our goal is simple, we have a beacon. The beacon links back to THOR-1, we are to get into the TLF base and implant the beacon, preferably quiet. Although I don't mind killing a few of the rebels if we have to. Got it?" said the lead soldier.

The others responded in turn, and began moving towards the TFL base.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Great Nahman Jayden
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The Great Nahman Jayden someguy127

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

TLF Base, Turkey.
As the soldiers approached, a man stumbled out of the base with his hands raised above his head. "Please! Help me! The Liberation Front took my captive! I'm police! Help!" He started waving his hands at the soldiers before coughing and collapsing to the ground.

Istanbul(Not Constantinople)
A truck rolled through the streets, obeying all traffic laws and generally not doing anything suspicious. It rounded a corner to see a clear stretch of road that lead out of the city and into less populous regions. Upon reaching the stretch, the back of the truck flew open, scattering hundreds of fliers calling for Turkish independence. The truck's speed increased exponentially as it drove, sending more of the papers flying. Before anyone could see what happened, the truck was out of the city.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

TFL Base, Turkey
"Tie him down, no way of knowing who he really is. When were done with the base we will bring you in for questioning." spoke the leader soldier, as two others grabbed him and tied him down.
"Move forward" the team proceeded forward, continuing the march to the TFL base.

The flyers were ignored by the inhabitants of Thrace and Istanbul. Thrace held high value to the Empire of Yugoslavia, so in areas that had willingly joined and other high valued areas the citizens were pampered, and often had a much higher quality of living then other areas.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

Keyguyperson said
The blue glow of a plasma shield covered the port in a quarter sphere, a fleet of twenty Antarctican warships stood prepared to depart for the outside world. Only the veteran soldiers of the group had a skin color other humans would consider normal (Either a heavy tan or normal darker skin colors). The rest of them had pale white skin (Or the darker skin of their parents), having never seen the light of day in their lives. It was 0900 Hours, but the sky was dark and filled with stars. It was the day on which the sun never rises, and the city dwellers stared up at the stars through the plasma shield in awe, having never seen the sky before. "I heard we'll have the Chairman coming with us." Said one of the veterans, speaking to an older one."Yeah, the guy's a city dweller though. I wouldn't expect much from him." Said the other veteran."Sssh, here he comes!" Exclaimed the soldier, looking down from the conning tower of the AUS , one of the Navy's Zumwalt-Class Destroyers. The two saw the Chairman on the dock, looking up at the sky in wonder. The other veteran laughed quietly to himself. The Chairman, obviously, didn't hear it. He was wearing extremely long formal robes, thick and white in color with gold outlines as well as two gold triangular patters on the front, connected with a single gold line. The sleeves were impractically large, hanging down far below his arms.and allowing one to see his white military uniform he was wearing underneath. He stepped onto the gangway, taking great care to not get his robes snagged on anything. After reaching the deck of the he walked up to an intercom terminal."Attention all hands!" He said "This is Chairman Fergus McClain, we will depart for the North immediately! This expedition will attempt to contact outside nations, if there are any left after the inevitable world wars that have occurred since our isolation! Today, we leave Antarctica, today, we leave the cities!"A cheer went up as the ships left dock and headed out of the plasma shield, circular holes appearing to let them through. Helicopters escorted them as well, holes also appearing for them. All in all, the force totaled 30 helicopters, 15 Zumwalt destroyers, and five resupply vessels."Chairman! Unidentified vessel, it's a speedboat sir! Orders?"The fleet had encountered a lone speedboat off the shore of a particularly isolated area. It was obviously quite far from any Naval base, and didn't seem to be transmitting any known codes."I want all of our lights on it, fire a railgun round over their heads to show them we mean business."The loud of a railgun charging could be heard for about thirty seconds, and then the darkness was cut by the superheated plasma from the round's sheer speed like a knife through butter. The speedboat was illuminated for a few seconds as the round sped past it, heading off into the distance until it fell into the ocean. Spotlights went on, bathing the speedboat in light. A loudspeaker amplified the Chairman's voice as he called out to the unidentified vessel, with his own ship's laser weapons pointed right at it."This is Chairman Fergus McClain, identify yourselves and state your allegiance!" He yelled. The destroyer was close enough that those on the speedboat could see him, he had a pale white, yet fragile looking face, and was wearing a stark white military uniform. His expression showed both curiosity and the knowledge that he was in complete control of the situation. Thinking about the stories he had been told as a child, he continued."Are you Americans?" He said, horribly botching the word "Americans", emphasizing the 'I" far too much and pronouncing "-cans" as if he meant the hollow cylinder of metal type.

The two south Africans on the boat had ducked down into it after hearing the railgun firing. The woman cursed loudly and demanded to know if he had stolen the boat, which he fervently denied. The two squabbled for a few moments before hearing the calls of Chairman Fergus
"Call the emergency services" he hissed to her, as he slowly raised up and looked out the vessels, before slowly shaking his head "No... I'm a Commonwealth Citizen from the country of South Africa... You are a long way from America" he said, gulping as he looked up at the ship. Meanwhile, the woman fumbled around in her pocket before finding her cell phone and dialing 999 to put through the report that a fleet of ships had showed up in commonwealth waters.
They needn't have bothered, the commonwealth already knew... Two super sonic aircraft made a pass at sub sonic speeds, the pilot of the right hand on peering down before reporting back "Don't recognise them, but it looks like a warfleet. Some pretty decent technology from what I can see.... Alright, I'll make another pass, let us turn..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 19 days ago

Coast of South Africa
"Sir, fighter craft overhead!" Called out the officer on the radar of the Perseverance.

"Of course it isn't America! When we decide to be hostile, it isn't our enemy! Lower and deactivate laser weapons! All ships, activate plasma shields!"

Each individual ship was engulfed in a half-sphere of plasma, the glowing blue glow obscuring the vessels and lighting the night. Despite being nothing more than a defense mechanism, the shields were intimidating, displaying technological superiority and appearing impenetrable. It would take a lot of firepower to get through them, However, the Antarctic Union wasn't interested in fighting, and the lead ship transmitted a message to the fighters, knowing they would likely relay it back to their HQ.

"This is the Antarctic Union Ship Perseverance. We apologize for our incursion. We have no quarrel with any Commonwealth, only America. I take the fact that you have not yet raised shields as a peace request, which I will answer by saying that as long as you do not fire on us, we will not fire on you. We do ask that you give us directions to American territory, we were sent out here to locate them."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Reich Military Headquarters, Berlin
The room was exactly how one might picture a headquarters. There was table in the center of the room that projected a map while thick smoke choked the air in the room.

Several men stood around said table discussing something while yet another man operated on some sort of computer on the far wall.

The men had been planning for months and it was finally time. The Reich was not finished with its European conquest, in fact it was far from done.

In 3 days time the Reich would invade both Poland and Spain Simultaneously with 500 thousand Infantry, 30 thousand Panzers, and 10 thousand Luftwaffe Craft assigned to each front.

Berlin, City Limits
15 rather weary looking men stood at the Checkpoint in full military fatigues. A group of Reich soldiers approached the Checkpoint.

"Halt!" Yelled the Officer in charge of the Checkpoint.

The group stopped.

"Angeben Ihr Unternehmen in Berlin und haben Ihren Personalausweis für das Scannen vorbereitet!" (State your business in Berlin and have your identification card prepared for scanning!) Yelled the Officer as he approached the group.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Berlin, City Limits 7 AM
Elias and company were moving for the propaganda building when they heard a man shout "Halt!" they all stopped some turned to the man while others went into a more idle state, Elias being the officer casually strode up to the man and pulled out his ID Card "Jachim Bauer, 1st Garde-Regiment erhielt wir Aufträge von oben auf die Propaganda Gebäude berichten." ( Jachim Bauer, 1st guard regiment we received orders from the top to report to the propaganda building) He said calmly handing the officer his card. Looking back at his men Elias sincerely hoped his this would work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

The Yugoslavian-German Friendship treaty and Treaty of the Division of Africa and Europe

Article I:The Reich and Yugoslavia both agree to the above map for the division of the remainder of nations in Europe and Africa.

Article II:Both the Reich and Yugoslavia will drop there claims to areas controlled by the other

Article III:Yugoslavia will transfer the area that was formerly the Czech Republic to The Reich. The Reich will drop claims to Morocco in exchange for this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Berlin, City Limits
The Officer held the ID card examining it carefully.

"Zu welchem ​​Zweck hat das Ministerium für Propaganda mit Checkpoint Guards?" (For what purpose has the Ministry of Propaganda with checkpoint Guards?)
The officer asked his gaze never wavering beneath his mask from the soldier in front of him.

"Was Rang hast du gesagt waren Sie?" (What Rank did you say you were?) The Guard asked his hand hovering over his sidearm.

The Reichstag, Berlin

On July 1st, 2070. The Fourth Reich of Germany officially accepts The Yugoslavian-German Friendship treaty and Treaty of the Division of Africa and Europe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

The Invasions
Invasions of Egypt, Italy, and Portugal have begun, as well as Georgia, Azerbijan, and Amernia. Invasions of the claimed Coastal African countries have as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Elias watched as the officer reached for his sidearm, inside he was panic but on the outside he kept his cool "Es tut mir leid ich habe nie gesagt, mein Rang, ich bin ein Oberleutnant, in der Wache, als dafür, warum das Ministerium würde uns brauchen, ist, dass sie wenig hinterhältig, und bat uns, weil wir in unserer Gegend über besetzt" ("I'm sorry i never told you my rank, I am a first Lieutenant, within the guard, as for why the ministry would need us is that they are little underhanded, and requested us because we are over staffed in our area." ) Elias told the guard putting as much authority as he could behind the statement. If the guard bought it was up to god right now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Berlin, City Limits
The guard listened carefully and then waited a moment before responding.

"Ein Offizier sollte immer angeben seinen Rang bei der Einführung von selber. Und Ihre Uniform ist schmutzig ... Ich werde informieren Sie Ihre Vorgesetzten davon. Bewegen sich entlang schnell, ich werde Wort an die Propaganda Gebäude, die Sie in Berlin angekommen sind, zu senden." (An Officer should always state his rank when introducing himself. And your Uniform is dirty... I will be informing your superiors of this. Move along quickly, I'll send word to the Propaganda building that you have arrived in Berlin.)

The officers handed the ID card back. He turned around as hand went back into his warm pocket and he walked back towards the Warm building.

Another guard lifted the wooden gate allowing the Soldiers to enter the city.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

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