The story begins in the year 2046. Earth has been radically transformed, causing changes in topography, the extinction of plant and animal species, and the emergence of new species of mutated humans. The Votans, generally any alien species, arrived in 2013. The humans were suspicious of course and only allowed a select few Votans settle on Earth to discuss treaties peacefully while the rest of the Votan stayed in a hyper sleep in space.
Tensions rose for ten years, but the Votan and human governments were on the verge of negotiating a peaceful settlement, when in 2023 the Votan ambassador to the United Nations was assassinated by a disgruntled human supremacist on live television outside of the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. This sparked a disastrous global conflict between humans and the aliens, known as the Pale Wars.
The wars tore apart the planet for seven years, until their culmination in 2030 in the apocalyptic "Arkfall" event, when the Ark fleet in orbit mysteriously exploded. The aliens think a rogue human commander was responsible, while humans suspect it was an alien weapons experiment gone wrong. Millions of Votans died. During the Arkfall, destroyed Arks rained down on Earth and accidentally released terraformer technology.
While the Votans had intended to use their terraforming technology in a carefully planned manner, the Arkfall haphazardly unleashed chaotic and radical changes to the biosphere and even the geology of Earth, making the planet dangerous to both humans and the aliens. The earth was scorched, chasms opened in the ground, new mountain ranges were raised, and the surface of the planet was covered with dust and debris.
Animal and plant species from the Votan star system were introduced to Earth, and both native and alien animal species were horribly mutated by the uncontrolled terraforming technology, creating bizarre and dangerous hybrids and new species.
Within a few months, the Pale Wars wound down as both sides had fought to the point of mutual exhaustion, and a ceasefire was declared. Few organized governments remained for either the humans or the aliens, and both sides factionalized as their respective members began looking out for themselves. In several areas, local human and Votan militias began to band together when they realized that they had to cooperate if they hoped to survive on this new, almost alien planet.
In 2046, fifteen years after the armistice, both humans and Votans struggle to rebuild on this shattered world. In the western hemisphere, the Votanis Collective controls much of Central and South America, while the new unified Earth Republic has a major foothold in the populous cities of northeastern North America, now reorganized as a territorial unit known as "Columbia" (a combination of the United States' Boston-to-Washington megalopolis and Canada's Quebec City–Windsor Corridor, along with the Canadian Maritime Provinces), with its capital being in New York City. Otherwise, much of North America remains a badlands region, a "New Frontier" slowly being recolonized by several small independent republics and city-states. One such community is the independent city-state of Defiance, located in the heart of the continent, built over the ruins of St. Louis, Missouri.
Tensions rose for ten years, but the Votan and human governments were on the verge of negotiating a peaceful settlement, when in 2023 the Votan ambassador to the United Nations was assassinated by a disgruntled human supremacist on live television outside of the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. This sparked a disastrous global conflict between humans and the aliens, known as the Pale Wars.
The wars tore apart the planet for seven years, until their culmination in 2030 in the apocalyptic "Arkfall" event, when the Ark fleet in orbit mysteriously exploded. The aliens think a rogue human commander was responsible, while humans suspect it was an alien weapons experiment gone wrong. Millions of Votans died. During the Arkfall, destroyed Arks rained down on Earth and accidentally released terraformer technology.
While the Votans had intended to use their terraforming technology in a carefully planned manner, the Arkfall haphazardly unleashed chaotic and radical changes to the biosphere and even the geology of Earth, making the planet dangerous to both humans and the aliens. The earth was scorched, chasms opened in the ground, new mountain ranges were raised, and the surface of the planet was covered with dust and debris.
Animal and plant species from the Votan star system were introduced to Earth, and both native and alien animal species were horribly mutated by the uncontrolled terraforming technology, creating bizarre and dangerous hybrids and new species.
Within a few months, the Pale Wars wound down as both sides had fought to the point of mutual exhaustion, and a ceasefire was declared. Few organized governments remained for either the humans or the aliens, and both sides factionalized as their respective members began looking out for themselves. In several areas, local human and Votan militias began to band together when they realized that they had to cooperate if they hoped to survive on this new, almost alien planet.
In 2046, fifteen years after the armistice, both humans and Votans struggle to rebuild on this shattered world. In the western hemisphere, the Votanis Collective controls much of Central and South America, while the new unified Earth Republic has a major foothold in the populous cities of northeastern North America, now reorganized as a territorial unit known as "Columbia" (a combination of the United States' Boston-to-Washington megalopolis and Canada's Quebec City–Windsor Corridor, along with the Canadian Maritime Provinces), with its capital being in New York City. Otherwise, much of North America remains a badlands region, a "New Frontier" slowly being recolonized by several small independent republics and city-states. One such community is the independent city-state of Defiance, located in the heart of the continent, built over the ruins of St. Louis, Missouri.
What does this have to do with you? You are a civilian in this destroyed world. These are possible jobs.
Ark Hunter: A hired worker for the government. A dangerous individual wit varying experience on your preferred weaponry. Ark Hunters are the only ones who posses an EGO. An Environmental Guardian Online. These are implants that assist an ark hunter in the field in the form of a hologram that only an Ark Hunter can see. An AH can only see their own EGO. When getting an EGO you have the choice of any beginning ability.
-Blur: Increased speed to dodge enemy attacks.
-Cloak: You are temporarily invisible to the enemy.
-Decoy: You are able to spawn a decoy that the enemy attacks but it does not fight and only has as much health as you. Temporary.
-Overcharge: Increased strength
Raider: A mutant alien human hybrid that just likes to cause issues and eventually destroys all peace settlements
Bartender: We know what this is.
Brother Hostess: Need I say more?
Weapons Man: Repairs and makes weapons
If you want a job not listed just let me know.
Aside from Human you can be one of these species. No new ones.
The Castithans are an aristocratic and ethereal race from the planet Daribo. Known for their pale skin and beautiful features, they've a cunning intelligence and unbridled ambition that helped them adapt to life on Earth. Very conservative in many aspects of life, including politics and a rigid caste system, Castithans are very liberal with sexuality. It was confirmed that they can reproduce with humans.
Irathients are the most common Votan race living on Earth, hailing from the planet Irath. Other races, including Humans, often view them as feral due to their tribal nature and love of the natural world. Irathients have deep red hair, highly athletic builds and bronze skin covered in naturally occurring contrasting patterns. While they're quite able to succeed at any occupation, most Irathients prefer to be farmers in order to honor their forefathers. Irathients are able to produce viable offspring with humans.
Indogenes tend to be slender, bald, with hexagonal-patterned skin of a solid color (most often pure white) who augment their bodies with a variety of cybernetic implants specifically designed for their chosen profession. They revere science and knowledge above all, allowing them to have invented most of the technology used by the other alien races.
Sensoth (Think Chewbacca)
The Sensoth physically resemble apes and giant sloths, being fur covered, and originated in a specific region of Irath. They have many of the Earth's sloth-like characteristics, speaking and acting quite slowly. They have great physical strength and imposing presence, they can be intimidating to many, despite almost always having kind personalities. This strength of body leads to many of them being hard laborers, more often than not in the employ of a Castithan.
Liberata (Think dwarves)
The Liberata are physically short and stocky with thick hair around their head and face. They often fill the role of servants for the other races, performing menial tasks and labor. The other Votan races look down on them due to their past history of greed and avarice. They breathe nitrogen instead of oxygen.
The Volge are feared by humans and Votans alike for their warmongering attitude. Originating from a different system than the Votans, the Volge conquered the Votan planet Omec. Volge stand over eight feet tall and always wear armor, which sustains them on Earth because they cannot breathe oxygen. During the Votan exodus, the other races chose to leave the Volge behind – their appearance during the Pale Wars was a surprise to all. They are seldom seen since the Armistice, having retreated to underground caves. Extremely strong and dangerous. Do not approach alone.
The Hellbugs are a once harmless crustacean race from the Votanis system that were mutated with Butterly DNA during the Terraforming. They are vicious predators who live in large collectives. They've a very similar hierarchy to ants or bees, headed by a Matron who commands Warriors, Archers, Skitterlings, and Monarchs. While very dangerous and always posing a threat to sentient life, they are not eradicated as they produce a valuable energy source: Petrohol. (More images to come)
While technically not alien, the Biomen are often considered such due to their inability to integrate effectively into communities – stigmatized by both humans and Votan. They originated from old Earth during the early Votan Wars, commissioned by a military project to combat potential Alien threats. Biomen are tall and very well muscled, coming in a range of colors and skin tones, but always with a batch number branded across their chest. All Biomen have an off switch somewhere in their bodies. If hit with enough force, they will be rendered unconscious. Several thousand volts of electricity will wake them up. Now effectively useless since the Armistice, they still suffer from the rage built in to their personae and need to be given a focused outlet.
You can have pretty much any type of gun you want, even create one. Plasma, Grenade, Fire, Bio and Electricity are all other options if you don't want you don't want to use human weaponry. As for transportation, you have boats and atvs. No helicopters. Use your imagination and go nuts.
Appearance: (Be EXTREMELY detailed if you are not human. Especially if you are of furrier variety. If you're human you can use a picture. Keep them anime or drawn. I plan to draw out the characters if I can....Depends but yeah. Keep this as detailed a possible.)
Weapons: (3 max and take into account that we want to be realistic about weight so don't be a short fourteen year old with a mini gun and a rocket launcher.)
This will take place is destroyed California. San Francisco is currently under quarantine. We will be using the numbers to show our locations, for the beginning lets just say we're all up North West at the tranquility rod safe zone.
Please quote or mention a name so I know and others know what's going on
Defiance is not mine so don't sue
Feel free to make up your own alien vocab (shtako is a word made in defiance)
The mark of the defiant at the end of your profile so I know you read the rules
Mark: //