1. No God-modding of any kind or auto-hitting of any kind.
2. Acceptable grammar and spelling required, obviously.
3. Here are the rules for character application: Like stated in the D-class introduction, there are 9 D-Class alive. Counting my character, that makes 8 D-Class characters available for application. There are also 9 members sent into the facility of MTF Nine tailed fox. Researchers/Doctors are unlimited, make as many as you want. As for SCP's, you may only register as feasibly playable SCP's, these will be shown on a list and you may ask to audition for the SCP.
4. Your character, can and will die in this RP, these are cosmic horrors after all.
5. If every player character dies somehow, we will start another "game". The universe will be reset all the way back to the beginning so we can try again. Obviously I mean this in a game-play sense and not a story sense.
6. On the other hand, if some D-Class manage to escape and the breach has managed to be contained, we'll continue the game onward to having the Foundation hunting down the D-Class, and the D-Class running into new SCP's along the way.
7. Have fun, and Good luck.

Remember, you can only register as playable scp's listed as such in the SCP List, not whatever you want. There are 6 of these currently, and the best Audition gets the scp in question.