So do you want to keep playing?
Dynamics said
So do you want to keep playing?
Spiritblitz said
If you want.
Dynamics said
But do you want to?
Spiritblitz said
I do not mind. It is up to you.
Dynamics said
Well-*My watch beeps*Oh, sorry, I have to get back to Myth Labs. Before I go, do you know where any Veranium ore is located? Raw, natural?
Spiritblitz said
.....Veranium ore...I think so. Why?
Dynamics said
Because I need some. That's one of the reason I took a trip to Waternaux in the first place.
Spiritblitz said
Okay...umm. i think I've seen some. Do you know what it looks like.
Dynamics said
Yeah, it's black. When it's in ore form, it can look dark purplish brown, or black. It's kind of rare.
Spiritblitz said
Huh....Yeah I think I've seen some before. But I don't know if it's still there. Last I remember, I saw some girl walk towards the place when I was leaving.
Dynamics said
Spiritblitz said
Umm....I can't remember well....Sorry.
Spiritblitz said
I know it is in a deserted Earth. It's dangerous there, but I'm sure you'll have an easy time going through it. *takes out a devices. Follow where this DPS device tells you to go and you'll find it.
LegendBegins said
Hi there. How are you?
whizzball1 said
Iiii'm doing great! I'm having random mood swings as a result of Nova encroaching further into my mind without being able to stop it! I'm also surprisingly not sad about it as I should be! I think it's because our combined naturally happy demeanours are too much for bad, bad sadness! So I'm super happy! What about you??