<Snipped quote by Webmaster>
We don't have the time for that.
*Climbs aboard the ship*
Mkay, then.
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>
We don't have the time for that.
*Climbs aboard the ship*
<Snipped quote by Mammalia>
*has a not-too-rich British accent with an inflection sort of like Cockney, but without the quirks* I'm-- Wait, why am I blue?
<Snipped quote by Techspert>
We may just win this thing if people keep showing up.
*Stands up and makes my way outside*
But time is short.
<Snipped quote by Webmaster>
We don't have the time for that.
*Climbs aboard the ship*
*From the cockpit of the ship with Neo*
Last call!
<Snipped quote by Disdain>
-Ruby- Uh... I don't know?
-Well, never mind that. Let's go save Waternaux!
-Soren- How do you even know about that? Where did you come from? How did you find us?
-*quickly* I've got three fantastic and very complicated reasons that I know you'll absolutely love when you hear them, but right now we don't have the time.
-Maddie- Sure we do!
-No we don't.
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
See? What he said. Time is short. And you know what they say about time!
-Ruby- What?
-Why would you ask me that?
-Ruby- Because you made it sound like you knew?
-Well, obviously not. That's why I was asking you!
<Snipped quote by Disdain>
Who are you?
*Once everyone is on board, the ship rises up into a portal, and Waternaux is instantly before us. It can't be seen itself, however. The top dome layer surrounding is all that is visible*
<Snipped quote by Techspert>
Ah, yes. *holds up a finger* I'm-- Seriously? I'm still blue? I was sure that would be corrected by now.
<Snipped quote by Heroic>
What's happening to Waternaux?
<Snipped quote by Disdain>
*Punches you in the face*
<Snipped quote by whizzball1>
It's not what's happening to Waternaux so much as what is happening in Waternaux. That's the work of Worldfog. Within those domes, certain things are nullified. When I was observing the formation, I determined that teleportation is going to be completely restricted while we're here, along with reduced damage from those of us who control the basic elements, and a complete restriction on telepathy and telekinesis.
<Snipped quote by Techspert>
*his face fragments, her fist passing through, and then when it leaves the area it restores* Brilliant! I love it.
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>
Whelp. We're done.
<Snipped quote by Techspert>
You should be powerful enough to still deal quite a bit of damage, so I wouldn't worry.
<Snipped quote by Multifarious>
Nope. No chance for any of us.
<Snipped quote by Techspert>
It'll be fine.
<Snipped quote by Disdain>
Okay, I hate you. Confirmed.