<Snipped quote by Nimda>
Uhmm....I'll hold onto Serenity.
Serenity: Okay. Well, follow me.
*she begins to walk an odd path*
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
Uhmm....I'll hold onto Serenity.
Serenity: Okay. Well, follow me.
*she begins to walk an odd path*
<Snipped quote by Extra>
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
*We get to a ledge and I stop*
Serenity: Marie, Hold on to me and hold your breath.
- Okay.
*I grab onto her and she jumps off and dives into the lake*
<Snipped quote by Extra>
*Stein and I dive in*
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
*she rapidly sinks and hits the bottom and begins to walk at a oddly fast pace for being underwater towards a hole and I am on her back*
<Snipped quote by Extra>
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
*I enter the hole and I climb up to where the water stops and continues climbing*
<Snipped quote by Extra>
*Climbs as well*
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
*we get to the top and we enter a hallway from the floor and I check if it clear and I climb up, and I go through a series of doors and climbs up a ladder to a catwalk and waits there*
Serenity: That staircase there will lead you down to the control room. That is where Solaris will be.
<Snipped quote by Extra>
Thanks. See you later.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
Serenity: I'll be waiting.
*she is about to leave then stops*
Marie...can you get off please?
- Oh! Yes. Sorry.
*I get off and I wave*
Let's go.
<Snipped quote by Extra>
Yeah. We should let Stein go in first.
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
<Snipped quote by Extra>
Stein: *Takes my scythe and moves along the shadows*
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
*watches carefully and looks for other people*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>
...you cherish that, alright? Never let that go, and keep her safe....
*turns around*
as for me, I need to be a father.. I'm going to see my child that I also just got back, not to long ago, it hurts to know that the only way she will see her birth mother is at a cemetery... but I'm sure she will be alright....
*looks up to the sky*
I just hope, that wherever kirina's spirit is now, that she is happy, that's all I ever wanted her to be...
*he seems slightly shooken up, and wears a worn, sad, and concerned expression*
<Snipped quote by Extra>
Stein: *Gets to the bottom of the stairs*
<Snipped quote by Nimda>
C'mon Aero.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
*Simply nods and looks at the ship, its engines preparing to roar tonlife and take them somewhere*
<Snipped quote by Extra>
*Shrugs and goes*