souleaterfan320 said
remember me yet?
souleaterfan320 said
remember me yet?
Valiance said
Proof that you saw it?
LegendBegins said
It's proof enough for me. She licked Isis's cheek. That's proof enough. But if you really want proof...*Displays it*
LegendBegins said
It's proof enough for me. She licked Isis's cheek. That's proof enough. But if you really want proof...*Displays it*
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
Did you remember the part where Isis broke down and cried as a result of this?
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
Did you remember the part where Isis broke down and cried as a result of this?
Valiance said
For all I know, that's sexual harassment. How did she react?
Valiance said
That explains everything. Your info is false.
LegendBegins said
Yeah. She looks really, really lesbian.
LegendBegins said
Besides, her girlfriend was all over her yesterday. I saw that.
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
Did you remember the part where Isis broke down and cried as a result of this?
whizzball1 said
-Ruby- *appears* That's what I said!!-Ruby- *crosses front legs while flying*-Ruby- Any proof?
LegendBegins said
Nope. If that actually happened (it didn't), I certainly wasn't around to see it.
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
I was there comforting her.
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
souleaterfan320 said
alright.. i probably should go...kaine:*appears* im afraid none of you are going anywhere.alucard:*looks at you, with emptyness* just leave, kaine, youve caused me enough problems, i cant deal with you right now...
LegendBegins said
Mhm. Sure.
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
Why must you torment him?
Valiance said
So your evidence is, unsurprisingly, inconclusive. Case closed.
souleaterfan320 said
kaine:*appears* because, tormenting is my middle name, i break people, then give them a reasn to live, just to kill them, oh yeah, your one of those 'claymores' right? yeah, i shhredded through a lot of your fellow wariors to get what was needed to change ceras, what a shame that she died too.
Teresa of the Faint Smile said
Lying would result in my The Organization being disappointed. Plus, it's dishonourable.