whizzball1 said
My mom dropped my off at the wrong school for my jazz rehearsal.
whizzball1 said
Dynamics said
My mom dropped my off at the wrong school for my jazz rehearsal.
whizzball1 said
Oh. Wow.
Extra said
Brb lunch.
Toxic Diamond said
Eat much good food!
Webmaster said
Doesn't exist in school.
Toxic Diamond said
phht, your school maybe.
Dynamics said
My mom dropped my off at the wrong school for my jazz rehearsal.
Heroic said
Wouldn't happen if ye had a boating license.
Webmaster said
Heroic said
Webmaster said
How you doen?
Heroic said
Surviving. Seeking sustenance in the form of a brief history lesson of what has happened since my last showing.
Webmaster said
A lot. I can barely do short posts right now, so I can do it later if you want.
Heroic said
Tis fine. I'll just hold off a bit on jumping into the IC. Something I can hopefully start doing again.
Webmaster said
Haha, it's fine. As long as things are going okay.
Heroic said
Webmaster said
Gewd, gewd