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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Cain and Abel

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

This is why. And so is

Want a solution?

Look for new members. Promote. The old members can come and go as they wish.

Problem solved.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dynamics
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Dynamics Magic Steve

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<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

Want a solution?

Look for new members. Promote. The old members can come and go as they wish.

Problem solved.

It takes too long to get the hang of. I stick around because of those who are here and I have a connection to them.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Cain and Abel

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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

It takes too long to get the hang of. I stick around because of those who are here and I have a connection to them.

That's the problem. Help people, Im more than willing to train willing members.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dynamics
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Dynamics Magic Steve

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<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

That's the problem. Help people, Im more than willing to train willing members.

As am I, but this is such a delicate art, it can't be done quickly. And if every old member left and we just had new members, I wouldn't have a reason to be around anymore. My ties would be gone.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

I avoid saying this, but I don't buy that people are online their max amount of time. I don't even want to do this because of people, but because it's a better system. But while we're on that subject, I have poured hours of my life into this, and have stretched myself farther than I probably should have in order to add grease to the wheels. I have broken rules, sneaked tech, and otherwise did what I wasn't supposed to do in order to be here for everyone. And now where are we? I'm on all day and get maybe twenty posts. People give the excuse that they're "busy," but that inherently implies that I'm not. None of you know my life, but I'm constantly busy, stressed, and working on four things at once, but I always make time for you all because I love everyone here and this adventure we participate in. I give time I don't have to something I don't need, but it's worth it to me because I get a push back from everyone. If others are willing to participate, I will sacrifice whatever I have to; I turned down potential for hundreds of thousands of dollars because it had a high probability of ripping me away from MR. But when it seems like nobody puts in nearly as much effort as I do, it gets really discouraging. I don't want to be a part of a one-man show. I want to be a part of MR.

And I ignored classes in order to be a part, a large factor of why I was behind by a year and a half.

This is why Whizz leaving makes me care less about it. MR isn't just three people sitting around all day rping. The last time it was that it was a pony rp. MR is a notable group building stories together. We've lost three people already. We lost another for a long time but they're back. We're now down to six people. Two and likely soon to be four have rigid schedules to adhere to or their quality of life could be affected. All those things you did, you did as a highschooler. Everyone was avoiding obstacles as highschoolers. Now everyone has to do it as adults, and it's not the same thing. If you weren't working from home then your time here would be cut to just as low as some of the others. When four of the six people involved only have a limited amount of free time and have other things to do during it, it's not surprising that they don't show up as much as they could. Is it worth having interaction if the quality drops? Because you've been clear on your position that the ooc isn't as important, so would you rather have them spend their time in the ic where they're worn out or busy and can't contribute what they otherwise could? Personally, I'd rather have interaction in the ooc than bad interaction in the ic, and I've been acting on that preference since I came back.
Trust me, I know how you feel. This same thing has hit me multiple times already, and I can all but promise it hit me harder. MR has been different since the moment we left ifunny, and it's only going to get more different. We can either accept it's changing and try to change with it or we can try to fight it and just feel worse. The adult world is not as free as the child world. Even if people aren't here as much as they can be, I trust them to have a good enough reason for it, even though I wish they were here more. I don't accept the reason for Whizz leaving, but I trust him to mean it when he says it's a good enough reason to him, and he was the most active person other than you. I actively check the OOC almost constantly while I'm awake, but I avoid the IC because we've kind of burnt out, and I don't want to give low quality posts when I'm not in the mindset to write well. Every time I am, everyone's already in bed or away, you included. This isn't something that just you are experiencing or that only you can complain about. Trying to change the format to be more similar to how it was when it started isn't going to solve anything. Not only that, but it could easily make things worse. It was hard to change into an rp format and quality drastically changed in the process. It'll be equally hard and equally as devastating to try to change it back. I know you're just trying to help and to cause MR to get better, but that's not a way to do it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Armed Forces
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Armed Forces General Calvin Curtis

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ignacious
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Ignacious Devland

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Tbqh. I have been busy. And do try as much as possible to get on. Yeah, it was much easier three years ago and such, less responsibilities. But I still try to invest hours. Just the recent week, I've had to help my older pack and move stuff cause he is joining the army. And today, he just left. The last time I will see him in possibly years. I love you all, but I did spend time with my older brother,who i greatly look up to, to catch up and have laughs. I did go into MR as much as I could in a less rude way possible. I truly believe that we can go back. We are just overthinking it. Even with the less members. We make characters. We learn with them. We are probably not organizing time well. My parents will kill me if they saw me on this site. David, Dark, and Sven know that very well. Hell, i was gone for two months and (I believed this) I think they thought I was gone completely. I didn't still here and will always be. My fault is I am not organized at all. Just how I am unfortunately. I put too much on my plate that I can't handle, but I am too stubborn to take off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Grace

Member Seen 1 day ago


MR is a notable group building stories together.

At an accelerated pace. It's not worth it if it takes a month to do a fight.

Now everyone has to do it as adults

College students.

If you weren't working from home then your time here would be cut to just as low as some of the others.

No, I just refuse to take jobs that will block me from MR. You underestimate my devotion.

Personally, I'd rather have interaction in the ooc than bad interaction in the ic

We have nothing to talk about in the OOC anymore.

and I can all but promise it hit me harder

You don't know what I think.

since the moment we left ifunny, and it's only going to get more different. We can either accept it's changing and try to change with it or we can try to fight it and just feel worse

This isn't an independent mechanism. It relies on us, the players, and changes according to what we make it do.

The adult world is not as free as the child world.

It's as free as you make it. You may be out of high school, but you're self-employed. You don't have to go to a job and have as much experience as me in this.

I don't accept the reason for Whizz leaving

Give it a month.

IC because we've kind of burnt out


equally hard and equally as devastating to try to change it back

That depends on the reasons for changing it. You can't play catchup, but you can push ahead.

cause MR to get better, but that's not a way to do it

I'm not doing it to solve the current problem. I'm doing it to make what we have better, which isn't the same thing at all. You don't even know the system.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Grace

Member Seen 1 day ago

Tbqh. I have been busy. And do try as much as possible to get on. Yeah, it was much easier three years ago and such, less responsibilities. But I still try to invest hours. Just the recent week, I've had to help my older pack and move stuff cause he is joining the army. And today, he just left. The last time I will see him in possibly years. I love you all, but I did spend time with my older brother,who i greatly look up to, to catch up and have laughs. I did go into MR as much as I could in a less rude way possible. I truly believe that we can go back. We are just overthinking it. Even with the less members. We make characters. We learn with them. We are probably not organizing time well. My parents will kill me if they saw me on this site. David, Dark, and Sven know that very well. Hell, i was gone for two months and (I believed this) I think they thought I was gone completely. I didn't still here and will always be. My fault is I am not organized at all. Just how I am unfortunately. I put too much on my plate that I can't handle, but I am too stubborn to take off.

There's never a single source for strife. It always results from a culmination of issues that build over time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ignacious
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Ignacious Devland

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<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

There's never a single source for strife. It always results from a culmination of issues that build over time.

...I am not following.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

...I am not following.

When people see something wrong, they often see the results of deeper issues. Life has a tendency to snowball really easily, and it eventually results in something uncontrollable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ignacious
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Ignacious Devland

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

When people see something wrong, they often see the results of deeper issues. Life has a tendency to snowball really easily, and it eventually results in something uncontrollable.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Grace

Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Techspert>


I'm just saying that life is hard, but it can be worked through. But that's the key: it takes work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ignacious
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Ignacious Devland

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Night Knight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ignacious
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Ignacious Devland

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

I'm just saying that life is hard, but it can be worked through. But that's the key: it takes work.

Yeah. I know.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Grace

Member Seen 1 day ago

Night Knight.

Goodnight, friend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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DarkwolfX37 Absolute L User

Member Seen 8 days ago


MR is a notable group building stories together.

At an accelerated pace. It's not worth it if it takes a month to do a fight.

Now everyone has to do it as adults

College students.

If you weren't working from home then your time here would be cut to just as low as some of the others.

No, I just refuse to take jobs that will block me from MR. You underestimate my devotion.

Personally, I'd rather have interaction in the ooc than bad interaction in the ic

We have nothing to talk about in the OOC anymore.

and I can all but promise it hit me harder

You don't know what I think.

since the moment we left ifunny, and it's only going to get more different. We can either accept it's changing and try to change with it or we can try to fight it and just feel worse

This isn't an independent mechanism. It relies on us, the players, and changes according to what we make it do.

The adult world is not as free as the child world.

It's as free as you make it. You may be out of high school, but you're self-employed. You don't have to go to a job and have as much experience as me in this.

I don't accept the reason for Whizz leaving

Give it a month.

IC because we've kind of burnt out


equally hard and equally as devastating to try to change it back

That depends on the reasons for changing it. You can't play catchup, but you can push ahead.

cause MR to get better, but that's not a way to do it

I'm not doing it to solve the current problem. I'm doing it to make what we have better, which isn't the same thing at all. You don't even know the system.

"This isn't an independent mechanism. It relies on us, the players, and changes according to what we make it do." If the time scale changes because we can't be on all day every day anymore, so be it.

College students are adults. They participate in the adult world, not the child world.

Yes, but you can afford to have that stance. Not everyone here can.

That's because nobody tries to. Everyone other than me seems to have silently decided that the ooc is only needed to expound on the ic. I consider everyone involved a friend, I have no qualms with people venting their problems here, talking about their day, or just having random conversations like you would if you were in person.

Hence why I didn't say "I can guarantee," but rather "all but promise."

We aren't independent mechanisms. We rely on other people and the world around us, and change according to them. We are no different than MR in that respect. MR is a product of not just us, but everything we are a product of, and those things can be more demanding than would allow us to do as much as we'd all like for MR.

It's not free at all. I'm out of high school, and the only reason I don't have a job that takes me away from MR is because I literally could not handle it because of my mental disorders. I'm on disability, and if I weren't I wouldn't be able to live a life where I could have anything even approaching comfort. I'm physically unable to do what would be required of someone to earn enough money to live, given the increased costs that I have to pay for things to live with the very disabilities that prevent me from working for that support. I live with a single mother who doesn't make enough to support two people with relatively comfortable lifestyles. We have nothing left over from each paycheck, and that's including the disability I get that goes directly towards things I need to live a semblance of a normal life. If I were in an even slightly different position, I wouldn't be able to live above the poverty line. The only reason I'm able to live where I do is because it's where my mom works and we get free rent because of it, otherwise we'd be living in an even smaller apartment and be struggling even harder to get by. The freedom of the adult world I have comes at a high cost, and luckily nobody else here has to pay it, but that means they don't get the same freedom. You have freedom in the adult world because your parents can support you and you're skilled enough to at least attempt to earn further resources while maintaining a lot of free time. Not everyone can do that. Most people in the adult world don't have as much freedom as you or I do, and what someone has only gets lesser as they get further through the transition between the worlds.

No comment.

You're right, it's not "we," it's "you." I burnt out two years ago, but just look at the current story lines. We have the stereotypical "living swords of immense power," "special magics that there are only certain people who can use and they must earn mastery so they can beat someone really good at magic," and whatever Sven is doing, which I don't know because every time I try to read posts that are part of it I can't even keep focus on them. I'd be a lot more active if I still had the creativity levels to think up entire universes with new rules of physics, new species with their own biologies and interpersonal relationships, and adventures for them to be a part of all in a matter of minutes or hours, but I can't seem to do that anymore. Three years ago I could have written the entirety of Dark's rise to power in three days, and now it's been more than that and I'm not even a tenth done. Eventually ideas run out and give way to stereotypes, and only new inspiration can remedy that, which isn't something we can control.

No, it doesn't. The very change itself is what is devastating, not the reasoning for the change.

Then separate the two so you don't give the impression that you think one naturally leads into the other.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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This isn't going to reach a resolution. I feel bad, you feel bad, everybody feels bad, and we disagree. I just don't feel that there's any reason to delve deeper into any of those but this:

For normal conversations, I'd prefer messaging services. There's too much attached to this forum to use it for that kind of thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Armed Forces
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Armed Forces General Calvin Curtis

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


No one really knows what I'm doing at the moment anyways. It's only vaguely understood.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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I'm sorry if I upset anyone. I need to go to sleep.
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