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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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<Snipped quote by Techspert>

I'll be fine.

Alright then. Hopefully your schedule won't be too bad.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

I have, yes, but I actually know about the Clinton Foundations, their crimes, and the seven people Hillary has had murdered this year alone.

Which there's no proof of, but is a fucking weird coincidence if nothing else. Congratulations, you're slowly on the right road, at least. But like I said, you're way wrong if you think you've done more research.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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<Snipped quote by Techspert>

Which there's no proof of, but is a fucking weird coincidence if nothing else. Congratulations, you're slowly on the right road, at least. But like I said, you're way wrong if you think you've done more research.

Well, I'm personally holding out for Assange's bombshell to drop in October that blows the DNC leak out of the water. It's fairly certain that Huma plays a sizable role, but we don't yet know what that is. I know everything from the DoJ blocking the FBI investigation request to the FBI going around the system and getting permission from the Attorney General. I do research, and I won't disagree that I'm biased toward Trump and will be biased because I like him, but I've dug hours upon hours into this, and care more about what Hillary does wrong than what Trump does, because for her, there's literally a new scandal revealed or new information brought to light every single day. Trump holds rallies and give speeches that I listen to, but there isn't much more to do on him. You only have to dig where things are buried.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

Well, I'm personally holding out for Assange's bombshell to drop in October that blows the DNC leak out of the water. It's fairly certain that Huma plays a sizable role, but we don't yet know what that is. I know everything from the DoJ blocking the FBI investigation request to the FBI going around the system and getting permission from the Attorney General. I do research, and I won't disagree that I'm biased toward Trump and will be biased because I like him, but I've dug hours upon hours into this, and care more about what Hillary does wrong than what Trump does, because for her, there's literally a new scandal revealed or new information brought to light every single day. Trump holds rallies and give speeches that I listen to, but there isn't much more to do on him. You only have to dig where things are buried.

Oh there's plenty to do on him. And yes, Hillary is a criminal and Donald, at least as far as we know, is not. However, neither of them should be president. This election is a choice between a slow death or a quick death. With Hillary, you know what you're getting. You're getting someone who lies 9/10 times she opens her mouth, is responsible for many criminal acts, and will act as president to get herself money and power and however the polls go. With Trump, there's no way to know what he'd do because he says shit, backtracks, goes back to his original position, and does this over and over. He's admitted to having stated policies that he doesn't plan to even pursue, he's supposedly said that he's basically going to give Mike Pence control over foreign and domestic policy, and he lies 4/5 times he opens his mouth. He's said himself that he could probably kill someone and people would still vote for him, and he's practically done everything short of that without breaking any laws. He just wants to be a figurehead and get to say he was president. The only way he's better than Hillary is that if he's done anything illegal, he hasn't been caught yet. He has, however, had tons of failed businesses and bankruptcies, and he's been one of the very people who cause the problems we have in government as a special interest lobbyist. He's literally been running on his few successes because his many failures were so bad that practically nobody remembers them or heard about them, because they never got big enough to become public knowledge, and on the fact that he was and is part of the problem. He's trying to say that the solution to the problem is the problem itself.

Yes, Hillary is a worse person than Donald. But not really by all that much. And neither of them is better than the other when it comes to being good at running a country. It's just a question of which problems you want, not which has less problems or less severe problems.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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I don't disagree that neither is entirely optimal. But Donald Trump actually has a serious passion for America and repairing the problems in the country. Yes, he's had failed businesses, but of all of them, only six have filed for bankruptcy. Out of how many? 516. Only six out of five hundred sixteen is a .01162790697 failure record, which is marvelous. We can see eye to eye on Hillary, so that's less of an issue, but Donald Trump's greatest characteristic is the fact that he's anti-establishment. This is the reason the GOP has turned against him, and if he pulls the presidency, Clinton and several "Republicans" are going down with the ship as he ushers in an extremely smaller government. A supposed FBI source has claimed that nearly half of the federal government is so entangled in the Clinton Foundation's crimes that indicting her for the emails alone would be political (and perhaps physical) suicide. Because it would dig up old graves and expose all these corrupt politicians, there were two scenarios. One, risk total government collapse by pulling the entire system down, or two, the case would result in a Not Guilty because they're "too big to take down." This same source also says the FBI is trying to release this gradually, pulling each piece out one at a time like a Jenga game so they can be replaced as they're removed. But if the FBI takes down the Foundation with this most recent investigation, it could be strong enough to destroy all of them but prevent the destruction of the government. Trump is for this goal and wants the corruption removed. I won't even deny that he's probably lied (though the media twists his words into untruths more often than not), but any lies haven't obscured the truth of his campaign. America needs a non-politician (and even Franklin (I believe it was) said the government should be cleansed of all members every twenty years) to guide it, and with its current financial state, a businessman would suit it quite well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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I don't disagree that neither is entirely optimal. But Donald Trump actually has a serious passion for America and repairing the problems in the country. Yes, he's had failed businesses, but of all of them, only six have filed for bankruptcy. Out of how many? 516. Only six out of five hundred sixteen is a .01162790697 failure record, which is marvelous. We can see eye to eye on Hillary, so that's less of an issue, but Donald Trump's greatest characteristic is the fact that he's anti-establishment. This is the reason the GOP has turned against him, and if he pulls the presidency, Clinton and several "Republicans" are going down with the ship as he ushers in an extremely smaller government. A supposed FBI source has claimed that nearly half of the federal government is so entangled in the Clinton Foundation's crimes that indicting her for the emails alone would be political (and perhaps physical) suicide. Because it would dig up old graves and expose all these corrupt politicians, there were two scenarios. One, risk total government collapse by pulling the entire system down, or two, the case would result in a Not Guilty because they're "too big to take down." This same source also says the FBI is trying to release this gradually, pulling each piece out one at a time like a Jenga game so they can be replaced as they're removed. But if the FBI takes down the Foundation with this most recent investigation, it could be strong enough to destroy all of them but prevent the destruction of the government. Trump is for this goal and wants the corruption removed. I won't even deny that he's probably lied (though the media twists his words into untruths more often than not), but any lies haven't obscured the truth of his campaign. America needs a non-politician (and even Franklin (I believe it was) said the government should be cleansed of all members every twenty years) to guide it, and with its current financial state, a businessman would suit it quite well.

I agree with that founding father, and it wouldn't surprise me if it were Franklin because he was the best founder. The problem is, he IS a politician. He's the best politician out of every candidate who ran republican. Being a politician just means gaining support. In fact, the worst politician who ran for 2016 was Sanders because he was actually honest and gave his real policies from the start. And a businessman who has 510 or so failed businesses (bankruptcy isn't the only sign of failure, it's just the most severe. A businesses is either stagnant, successful, or a failure. Very few of his businesses were successful and just as few were stagnant.) isn't the kind we need to fix the financial situation. Especially since his successful businesses are also mostly just things he's sold his name to, even. He's definitely not worse than Hillary, but he's not better than her, when it comes to who would make a good president. Not to mention that his first pick for his cabinet is his own daughter. AND that he's "anti-establishment" yet has spent the past X years buying politicians which is what keeps the establishment in place. He didn't even fund his own campaign like he claims to have, he just gave himself a loan which means he could pay himself back with money raised from donations.

The best thing that could possibly happen is that they are both killed during the first debate. It would have to be then, because if they wait until one is elected then we get either a mystery box from Hillary or a retard from Donald, and if one dies and one survives, even if they're so damaged that they can't be president, it would be a clusterfuck from the survivor. But no terrorist is going to do it because they know the US will be more damaged by either of them winning than any terrorist acts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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I believe a great deal of his business ventures were profitable, but I don't know enough about his business history to comment on it. Sanders may have been candid (though I disagree with his policies), but he was inevitably a sell-out, and now has a nice new $600,000 beach house of socialism. Your loan statement is true, though in the end, I don't suppose it really ends up mattering much if he becomes president.

I'm not particularly for death on either side, but I will stand by my guns when I say that I believe he'd be a good thing for America. All in all, this election feels like a "biggest loser" contest, but it's what we have to work with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Well, if I were to brush off the ol' resume, it'd be as follows.
*Clears my throat*
Elite Haxor, Computer Wizardry Specialist in the field of Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence, experienced in and developer of a great deal of dimensional hacking and macrocomputers.

"... Fucking nerd, Lucky bastard who has the most powerful girlfriend ever, and The Guy Who Almost Ruined Literally Everything."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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I believe a great deal of his business ventures were profitable, but I don't know enough about his business history to comment on it. Sanders may have been candid (though I disagree with his policies), but he was inevitably a sell-out, and now has a nice new $600,000 beach house of socialism. Your loan statement is true, though in the end, I don't suppose it really ends up mattering much if he becomes president.

I'm not particularly for death on either side, but I will stand by my guns when I say that I believe he'd be a good thing for America. All in all, this election feels like a "biggest loser" contest, but it's what we have to work with.

He really didn't have a choice. He either had to endorse Hillary or not be allowed to speak and the DNC, and he needed to be able to. Plus, there was still the slight hope of her getting indited.

Lewis Black put it best. "This is a social experiment. We tried running candidates who were honest, we tried some who were smart, we tried people we like. So this time we're running liars who nobody likes, just to see what'll happen." Paraphrasing, I could give you the video he said it on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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For the record, there exists a book that will make you question your Christianity. It's not by any famous atheist or anything, it's actually by a self-proclaimed "god believer" who's just a christian who is trying to trick people into thinking he's not. Though he's so fucking insane that there's no way to be totally sure he believes anything he says. But this fucking book, man. It's insane. Like I would literally burst into flames if I tried to read it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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<Snipped quote by Techspert>

He really didn't have a choice. He either had to endorse Hillary or not be allowed to speak and the DNC, and he needed to be able to. Plus, there was still the slight hope of her getting indited.

Lewis Black put it best. "This is a social experiment. We tried running candidates who were honest, we tried some who were smart, we tried people we like. So this time we're running liars who nobody likes, just to see what'll happen." Paraphrasing, I could give you the video he said it on.

It doesn't help that she cheated and he gave up.

I like that quote. Mind if I use it?

For the record, there exists a book that will make you question your Christianity. It's not by any famous atheist or anything, it's actually by a self-proclaimed "god believer" who's just a christian who is trying to trick people into thinking he's not. Though he's so fucking insane that there's no way to be totally sure he believes anything he says. But this fucking book, man. It's insane. Like I would literally burst into flames if I tried to read it.

You're perpetuating the second definition that shouldn't exist.

Sounds interesting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Socialism is a good thing in minute doses.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@DarkwolfX37 how did he almost ruin everything?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Officialy lvl 13 in Pokemon GO.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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Socialism is a good thing in minute doses.

That sounds like a rally cry to start increasing socialistic practices. If you only define socialism as the government stepping in to regulate businesses, then yes, a small amount is good. But it's still not socialism at that point.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Techspert i mean in the sense that certain people shouldnt get paid,as much as they do, and greedy companies should spread out their money a little bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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@Techspert i mean in the sense that certain people shouldnt get paid,as much as they do, and greedy companies should spread out their money a little bit.

I believe people should make however much they earn. They shouldn't cheat others to make money, but there shouldn't be a cap on how much money you can earn. If someone is successful and just wants to burn their cash, it's theirs to light on fire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


I dont quite see it that way.

A basketball player should not make more than a soldier.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Techspert
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I dont quite see it that way.

A basketball player should not make more than a soldier.

"I believe people should make however much they earn."

Has a basketball player earned millions of dollars? Perhaps, and perhaps not, but the free market has designated pro basketball playing to be a rare and valuable skill that few have. The military is run by the government, not a corporation, so it's not part of the free market. But when you say a soldier should make more than a basketball player (despite being significantly less rare), you make a dictatorial proclamation and deciding for everyone what is worth more than something else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Shinji

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Techspert precisely im not that into politics. Id be a smater Kim Jung Un. Although i hate that dude, hes not very bright. And i dont believe in his whole god complex thing.
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