Heroic said
And internet.
And books.
Heroic said
And internet.
Etcetera said
And books.
Heroic said
But right now, the air conditioning is best.
Etcetera said
Heroic said
So I'm getting better at the whole female biz, right?
Etcetera said
Better. I have some male work to do. :P
Heroic said
Why do you think that?
Etcetera said
Because I totally can't RP well as a male, except David, since he doesn't have to be very manly because he's me.
Heroic said
Data? TL? You aren't that bad when you actually do it.
Etcetera said
Point taken. Tempo though. I can't do him that well.
Heroic said
He's always either emotionless or sad anyways. He doesn't count.
Etcetera said
He's not always sad; Rhythm's not always angry. That's just his default.
Heroic said
He seems sad a lot more than Rhythm seems angry.
Etcetera said
Probably because he's had a total of five minutes of screen time.
Heroic said
Not when Araby was a regular. He got about fifteen minutes then, haha.
Etcetera said
Hahaha, I forgot about that. And now that Anna's in the Scale, he has zero. I still don't know how that happened.
Heroic said
What, Tempo x Anna? Cause Whizzy Whizz wanted Anna to be in a relationship.
Etcetera said
Yeah, true. Although there was zero buildup to it.
Heroic said
Didn't that happen on the Gateway, or whatever site we use while the Guild was down?