whizzball1 said
Laugh eat live! Yes!
whizzball1 said
Dynamics said
It's really hard to ar tic u late words over text.
Dynamics said
Laugh eat live! Yes!
whizzball1 said
Yes! Amazing! Let's laugh and eat live more!
whizzball1 said
italics ftw
Dynamics said
But then I can only words and not articulate then. :(
whizzball1 said
emphasise some partsArulate
Dynamics said
But that's not what I'm doing. Separation by the syllable!
whizzball1 said
use dashesI must ar-ti-cu-late this word.
Dynamics said
But it's not as cool. Oh well. I don't think I've ever talked to you guys this close before.
whizzball1 said
Dynamics said
Even though anime is cooler.
Dynamics said
Dynamics said
Normally I don't get this much individualism, but I kinda stepped in since I knew X wouldn't, so you're talking to pretty much 70% Legend right now. Fun! =D
Dynamics said
Normally I don't get this much individualism, but I kinda stepped in since I knew X wouldn't, so you're talking to pretty much 70% Legend right now. Fun! =D
Dynamics said
So basically this is the ordeal gist. David had pretty much zero energy, making him moody. Now this wouldn't normally be so bad, except I need a loooot of energy to actually do much. This mainly happened because he's eaten pretty much one thing a day all week because of stupid school. He's also totally indifferent to Doctor Who, so yeah. Sorry about that. And that's coming from both of us.
whizzball1 said
did/mpd in actionwoweat something pls
Dynamics said
So basically this is the ordeal gist. David had pretty much zero energy, making him moody. Now this wouldn't normally be so bad, except I need a loooot of energy to actually do much. This mainly happened because he's eaten pretty much one thing a day all week because of stupid school. He's also totally indifferent to Doctor Who, so yeah. Sorry about that. And that's coming from both of us.
Multifarious said
Have you ever RPed at such a high level of Legendicity before?