Calc > English.
Multifarious said
Calc > English.
Dynamics said
When you have my English teacher, that's accurate.
Multifarious said
My English teacher is buns too.
Dynamics said
High five for bad Englsh teahcers. (Splngs gude thog)
Multifarious said
No deservo the high fivo.
Dynamics said
I'm bloody sleepy right now, so I'm struggling to stay awake, much less think about words.
whizzball1 said
Oh, okay then.
Dynamics said
It does.
Dynamics said
Yeah. But it'll be okay.
whizzball1 said
What would you think about having to learn the history of the English language?That would bore me to no end, as much as I like etymologies.
Dynamics said
Ehhhhh, I'd rather take a grammar class.
whizzball1 said
Heh. My mum was like "you should read this Cambridge history of the English language as an additional English thing" and then she slapped a big book on my table. XD
Dynamics said
XD Did you say "Yeahhhhh no." ?
whizzball1 said
I said: "Mom, only English majors need that. I love grammar, but the history of grammar would be incredibly boring."
Dynamics said
Haha, good choice. How'd she respond?
whizzball1 said
She basically said "Okay, whatever," and took it back. She said it differently, obvs; Filipinos don't usually talk that way XD
Dynamics said
It does.
Multifarious said
I just accidentally took a three and a half hour nap and I feel great now, haha.
Dynamics said
But it's sleeping in the middle of the day.