Morric said
Another day of free time for me. Sorry about work bro
And tomorrow spring break ends. Joy.
Morric said
Another day of free time for me. Sorry about work bro
Araby264 said
You guys are on spring break?
Araby264 said
Ah, well that must be nice.
souleaterfan320 said
mines near the middle of april
LegendBegins said
Jelly? When is your SB?
LegendBegins said
Wait what?
Araby264 said
The schoolboard canceled our spring break.
LegendBegins said
Because of the weather?
LegendBegins said
Dang, that really, really sucks.
Araby264 said
Yeah. But there is an upside.My school has good food.
LegendBegins said
Araby264 said
Haha, you jelly?
Araby264 said
Well I'm Tox at the moment, he didn't go through.