Ouran academy, for the rich and the smartest. A prestigious school that has a host club where handsome young men entertain bored young women. The host club has 7 young men, atleast the school thinks they are all men. They have one female acting in the place of a male, but that is all part of the story! Now, this isn't the only twist. Oh no. That would be too easy! This host club, unknowingly, will now have a hostess club! Not only that, but these girls are scholarship students that the president chose. Meaning, they do not have to have a scholarship from their grades. They can have a scholarship from their talents, academics, even from just being an athlete! He only gave them one condition: they had to form a hostess club and have it in Music Room 3! What will these girls do when they meet the boys and realize they have to share the room? How will the boys react when they meet their counterparts?
~The Boys (and Haruhi)~
Tamaki: (reserved)
Haruhi: Neko
Mori-senpai: (reserved for Savi)
Hani-sempai: Lyra
~The Girls~
1.Savi/ Kyouya's counterpart
2. Smile/ Hikaru's counterpart
3. FoxFireDawn/ Mori's counterpart
4. Lyra/Karou's counterpart
5. neko/Hani's counterpart