- Most characters will be dragons
-Everyone can have up to 3 characters
-To apply for a human character please provide a short plot idea you will follow thought with that human.
-Wait for my okay before hopping into the rp.
-Use the ooc to talk about your characters and maybe involvement in some plot ideas
-Be imaginative and have fun.
Follow your dragons will!
All NPC:
Draken-A neutral older dragon, known to revel little information about both sides to both sides
Tharak- Head of the hunters
Bartender NPC
In the world Angenus, inhabited with many different species from pixies up to Cyclops one species wields the most powerfully magic of them all and that are the dragons. No other specie has the chance to kill a dragon who awaits the fight. But there is always a exception, and this one exception carries the name humans.
Humans with their steam machines and weak magic learnt to kill the dragons.
From the dragon bones structures are built that never break down, from the dragon teeth tools are made that never become dull, from the skin protection and shield are build that never rip in front of the nature,from the blood and organs magic items are made of great power and from the dragons meet and fat medicine that heal and improves the strength of the one eating it.
Most dragons dispute humans for this ability of adapting and learning. Feeling that even if the hunting doesnt bring death that often to dragons it still worries them. Making the prideful creatures return to the safety of the many tribes around the world. Because the tribe is shielded with a powerfully hiding shield and no one can enter if they arent a dragon or carried by one.
But even so not all humans are liking the idea of killing this powerfully beings. Some are saying they are gods and should be work shipped, finding in the far lands temped where the dragons use humans as their slaves, till churches where dragons protects the humans. There are humans who speaks that the dragons are the root of all evil with their powers to destroy a full country with their magic and should be killed, there are humans who are driven by curiosity towards those ancient beast and want to learn and understand them...
But the dragons arent that different either they are curious towards the human world, or fearing it as root of all evil that become over them and some say that peace is possible.
Dragons Appearance
-Normal form is what you usually think when one say dragon.
Any dragon you can come up with is allowed, well it has to resemble a dragon in one way or another.
Want a dragon 10m big, its ok.
Want a dragon as small as a bunny with scales and cute dragon wings, its ok.
Want a furry in water living asian shaped dragon its ok too.
-Compact form:
Is what it sound like a compact form of a dragon their second face. In lot of cases if not all the compact form is humanlike, with a mistake or two that resemble their dragon form. Those mistakes are often covered with human cloths.
A dragon having a girl like appearance but has a smaller version of the horns peeking under the hair.
Or the dragons compact form has its chest covered in scales.
Or maybe the feet arent those of a human but are shaped like the dragon feet.
This form appears after a freshly born baby dragon reaches 100 days. They transform in the compact form. Every dragon is able to do it.
There are great individuality in the behavior of the compact form. Some compact form ages with the dragon age, some age reversely and some babies have one compact form they whole life. While other age only a few years, their first form being for example 25 year old man, that over the life of the dragon age up to 35.
Dragons Age
Lets first look at the Dragons age.
You see In dragons life magic is a extremely important life aspect so much that they dont give a penny about the human years. But have age that in the same describe how powerful of magic they have. Each dragon can sense this level naturally.
Every 10 humans years there is a ceremony The festival in these days the dragons can show off their magic and officially be recognized that they got older. Of course the aging can be very individually too.
There can be 750 human year old baby
And 20 human year old adult.
Some dragons improve so fast in their magic ability that they jump over a age or two.
The Ages
Only able to change into their compact form doesnt show off any other magic abilities.
Small magic burst, often uncontrolled magic, weak magic.
Stronger magic then child can get at times out of control, but able to do lots more. Time when dragons explore what can they do with their magic.
Stronger magic then teen able to do lots with their magic, nearly never lose control over the magic. And are able to give birth to dragon eggs
High class magic, tend to teach the young ones who ask them to do it, Help in protection of dragons and tribes. Can give birth to dragon eggs
Miracle magics, magic that can rip up continents, cause a whole land to sunk in darkness or dry out a ocean. The most powerfully dragons, often considered to be the leaders figures, can teach the young who ask them. And always spend their time in the tribe as their magic powers the protection that hides the tribe from humans. Cannot give birth to dragon eggs because their magic strength overloads the egg destroying the egg before its done.
Dragon Eggs
Dragons recognize their gender only by the looks of their compact form. As such any two dragon regardless of gender can make a new life, a dragon egg. The dragons do not stay pregnant. When they mate the magic of two dragons and their love is what creates the egg out of nothing.
There is great variation in both sizes and coloration of the egg which depends on the magic influence of the parents. But the baby doesnt have to have any magic similarities to its parents.
There is no strict time of the eggs incubation, or the need of the egg. Each egg takes its own time to hatch and some need to be in cold some in heat some in water and some do not need any attention. Dragons by touch can sense what does the egg need.
But there is a believing in the dragons folk, that is that the longer the hatching takes the stronger the born dragon.
Some eggs hatch withing days some takes 1000 years, some appear to never to hatch.
When it comes to parenting some dragons are the most dotting mothers while others prefer to leave the egg in the tribes nursery for caretaker. Neither is being judged on.
So a baby dragon may have never meet his parents, while others grow up with one or both of them.
Lets call it Morals.
1. Each dragon life is the most precious and has to be protected.
2.Each dragons chose and free will is to be respected as long as it doesnt endanger a dragons life
3.Each dragon can chose how to life his life.
4.Each dragon is unique and is loved for it.
(some rulers that have exception to them)
-Babies are to never leave the tribe.
-Children can only leave in the company of a teen or older.
-Teen and older are free to come in and out of the tribe as they wish.
-Humans are forbidden to be taken to the tribe
You see because the dragons free will is important, and there are dragons who are human obsessed or human loving, you can see in the tribe a human house while beside it a dragon sleep under his tree. Or random human object that some dragon took in the tribe. Well each object is controlled over by the oldest to make sure not a one is a tracker or something to dis-spell the tribe protection.
Well that wouldnt stop the more traditional dragons to frown over this human things, but they respect and just nag about those.//
The Tribe
There was only one tribe at the begging of the time the big tribe surrounded by high mountains. But times werent idle and peacefully there was a war between dragons for the wish to rule and not be ruled. It was a just hatched dragon with great power that challenge every dragon there was and in less then 100 days from its birth he won against everyone, his magic a miracle. He changed his body to a young person, surprising the beast around them, declaring he is the oldest dragon.
He taught every dragon the respect for each other and gave them free will to live how they wished for. He shared his secrets of transformation giving ever dragon a second form, but even his magic couldnt make them perfect to his own second form. Some bits of the beast remained.
Given the free will to do what each wanted many explored the world but every ten years their would hear the voice, a soft one calling them back, to their first home to celebrate life and its flow.
That tribe is the tribe where the Festival is being hold.
Each tribe has at least one grandgrandma/grandgrandpa that feed the shield around the tribe. This shield is like a bubble imagine the magic that hide Hogwarts for comparative. Humans would just not be able to come close on their own. At least not with out a dragon leading them in. At the time where this rp will start there are many tribes, but they all migrate for the festival over to this one. Well each dragon choose is to come or not.
Each tribe has a nursery where is taken care of the eggs, some dragons choose to live in the tribe some not. The tribe is pretty big and has many variation in housing. Caves trees houses, etc. In the tribe our rp will happen there is a natural arena.
The Festival
The festival is a really important thing for the dragons. The duration of the festival varies from the time to time but it never shorter then a week and never longer then 4 weeks.
This time is when the biggest egg boom happens too. Because dragon from all around come in this time of celebration finding a partner is much more successfully.
The main part of the festival is the Aging ceremony. Each dragon that chose comes with his momentary age group and does one of two things to be considered older.
1. Show off their magic.
2. Challenge a dragon that is a age group over them.
In 1 they have to impress, get approved by most grandgrandma/pa that are there. In second the grandgrand choose the dragon against who they will fight, but they may accept a volunteer as the opponent. The fight last till one surrenders or one is K.O. if a dragon endangers the life of the other the GG will interrupt.
Falling the Aging isnt considered too bad, its like failing a exam there is always the next time.
Okay what sort of magic does dragon wield?
Well 90% are element based. 10% are not.
So having a for example a water manipulating dragon is common, but a necromancy dragon is rare.
but dragons or some of them can wield more then one type of magic.
So a dragon wielding earth and snow can be found on occasion but a dragon wielding telekinesis and animal control is super super rare.
most dragons just think and the magic happens some thought use poems hums and words to help them keep their magic under control.
I will ask you guys not to just say water magic but to explain what he exactly do with the water magic, does he turn the water into balls and shot them use it as a whip, evaporate it etc.
And if you deiced to be able to create life from example light butterflies that allow you to see far away, then be aware that they will die fast as in within hours and cannot be complexes life forms.Now we have came to the humans.
Humans are on the steam-punk level with some magic uses.
When dragons sneak about they will be clothing like them too, obliviously.
The place close to our dragons tribe, is The Gold village that, has grown into a small city by this days. A dragon can reach it in 30minutes flying if not less.
Gold Village has a hospital, airship hangers and airport, a academy on which beside other things dragons are studied. A parliament, a house specially intended for public debates on topics that the people of the city worry about.
There is a semi big market where one can find food, cloths all and everything including merchandise made from dragons body.
There are many bars who serve alcohol and even do not say a word about a dragon being in their establishment as long as he pays, if he doesnt pay well, a dead drunk dragon is a easy kill and worth a several million.
The currency are paper money. (For some feeling for the worth lets say the money is short called mon and for 100 mon you get 1 dollar.)
In the Gold Village there is 'The Hunters' guild specialized in killing dragons seeing them as beast ready to eat humans for dinner.
And just because on the other street side there is a small church that thinks of dragons as gods. And that humans should purify their souls by letting a dragon eat them. (On a side note dragons can eat anything just like humans what they deiced to eat is up to them. Fruits mix, fish, or humans...etc everything is in play)
Dragon age:
Age from hatching:
Gender: *there isnt much difference between the male and female looks maybe there is more noticeable in the compact form*
Magic:*describe the magic the dragon is able to use, 90% of dragons tend to use the element based 10% any other magic, make sure you scale what he can do whit his dragon age*
Dragon looks: *can be a picture and/or description*
Compact looks: *can be a picture and/or description*
Background: *make it interesting XP*
Looks: *can be a picture and/or description*
Background & Personality
Plot Idea: *the most important field*
Here a NPC And a example of the character
Dragon age: grandgrandma
Age from hatching:~ 300 years
Gender: female
Magic: Light and energy manipulation and creations. she is able to take away the shine or give it to as she see fit.
As the grandgrandmother she of course support the ancient spell that keeps the tribe hidden. Of course as many other things if a dragon brings in the human the protective shield will let them enter it.
Another spell is the spell of the 'sun night' where she steals all sun light sinking everything in the dark and cold. She can even go so far where she steals and impose in herself any form of the light torch light candlelight, all of them will burn but no light will be released.
She can create out of light and energy, puppets that are her eyes and ears from affair. Shiny butterflies and fireflies are her favorite to make. She sees with them when she is asleep, so awake she isnt completely aware of what her butterflies are seeing. She has strong healing powers but she cannot wake up the death. It mostly based on light waves that stimulate another healthy to get better and cells to heal faster.
Whit of course comes the pure battle aspect of using light. Blinding melting or burning and cutting using sun rays like whips. But at night her skin can shine bright as the sun and use it just as she uses the sun during the day. But at will she can tone it done, but not enough to not be seen or noticeable against the dark skies.
Dragon looks: Just the tail is more flat then on the picture.
and she isnt the biggest dragon around neither she is the oldest, but there are smaller dragons then her. Maybe around 15m in height.
Compact looks:
She prefers blue cloths and wears a scarf and hat, the scarf to hide that at her neck the scales are there Just as small like horns still sticking on top of her head. Her eyes a really light blue, and she pouts a lot in her compact form, most of times she tends to kick other dragons in they compact form if they dare laugh at her.
Personality: She is sensitive at her compact form looks. And could lunch her self and damage badly if someone dared to tease her. She sleeps a lot so in her sleep she uses the fireflies and butterflies to look over the world. she is disciplined but is able to look over a a mistake and joke a young dragon makes.
Background: Hatching took the 4th longest in the dragon history, she aged to a adult in the first year after her hatching to climb up the next step on the dragon festival after it. Becoming a grandmother at the age of 11. She was incredibly talented but curious and jealous she got to jump over the careless days of a young dragon. But the harsh reality soon hit her. She had to keep dragons safe, she swore to do it with all her mind as she was carelessly trusting a dragon teen, who killed one of the human flying machines. Considering it a threat and not just a overly curious dragon. But after a few events she soon became accustom to her role and she did visited the humans several times thought she prefer if her little dragons do not ever meet them. Why she did it? Understand your enemies to lean how to deal with them. She would prefer to not let any dragon ever interact with humans, but she is aware thats mission impossible. Which makes her a over protective mother figure who would stalk after her pour children to make sure no danger befalls them. And if it does, it wouldnt be her first time to turn a metropolis to ash on her own.

Winterink <- close to adult level, or becoming a adult in aging festival.
Varius Starborn
Ikkan Palax
Mirazan - NPC
Flight Officer Myrtle Harbird-Flower
Momo, Siabels human pet.
Markus Olery- Sword for hire
Tharak- Head of the hunters-NPC
Ezekiel Verdirosi-Priest of the Dragon Church
Dragon tribe:
- Crystal shop
A shop belonging to the crystal making dragon Lucatiel. You can get gems and crystal figures, and as of recently ever ice figures made by Winter.
A place where most dragons relax, and enjoy themselves.One can find many plates and bushes with food brought by various dragons. It is a nice spot for being romantic, too. Or simply cleaning one self.
-Training grounds
A place full of the children and teens who work on their magical powers. Often overseen by some adult or older, to ensure things dont get out of control.
It has a water, earth air, bonfires and even various metallic items, to allow any magic form to train.
-Aging Arena
The dirt arena where the aging of dragons happen. Surrounded by a few rows of seats carved in the high cliffs that loom over the place. From 3 sides the cliff are hugging the arena. Countless caves are carved in the sides turned towards the arena. Not only used to watch the aging, but used as a housing for the many dragons who come to the Festival.
-Forest north of the tribe
A thick forest used as a hunting ground but the dragon who prefer meat. But one can find fairies and pixies in them. One can get easily lost if you arent familiar with it, or a pixi is playing tricks on you because of boredom.
A place that is full of eggs and babies and occasionally child. It has a great under earth complex that proctet various eggs, while the over earth was influenced by dragons who spend time taking care of the babies and eggs. The outside
While the insides are mostly empty, or filled with soft things intended to sleep on. In some rooms one can find even a bed or two. The bathroom is not working and the babies usually dont use the stairs but fly up to the floor where they want to be.
Dragon houses:
-Chu house
Its a small house where a compact form can enter to see the staris that lead to the basement where is where chu lives. Filled with trinkets, the floor is earth. Under it there are many many tunells hididng the hords of this dragon. Just big enough for a bunny to get in and out.
-Aster home
Aster's home that resides away in a secluded forest away from humans and dragons. Not too far of flight from the tribe but outside the barrier.
Gold Village:
A town where humans live unaware of their dragon neighbors and visitors. Well mostly unaware.
-Gold Plaza
The central of the town, all street leads to it. Its the old part of the town, in the middle a big fountain
-Open sky market
Its a plateau where many stands are build up and selling many various goods. Legal and illegal.
-Shopping mail
Here are the more trustworthy shops located.
A landing place and maintance for all the aircraft in passing.
-Hunter guild Sinister Saints
Hunters live and work here. The building it self isnt impressive, but underneath are catacombs and a maze like prison. Intended for dragons mostly. But can find other creatures who the hunters determine as dangerously. But only chosen hunters are allowed to walk in and out of it.
Hunter Building
Underground Hunter hideout/prison
-Dragon Church
A church for the ones who believe dragons are gods, and Humans will clean their souls if a dragon eats them. Its is just on the other side of the street from the hunter guild.
-Happy drunk
A bar in a darker alleyway. It offers its paying guest the private atmosphere of their own rooms, beside the usually bar style.