Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Fires burning through the sky, large balls of light raining down on the cold surface of Pluto. Each light slamming i'to the ground with a large flash and a loud boom. Tearing the facilties open and people's bodies flying into space. As they froze and suffocated to death, a terrified little boy stared out at the wreckage. Then he began to run towards the secure facility his parents were at. "Mommy! Daddy!" He yelled as loud as he could. Soon he reached their dead bodies, a scream left his lips with tears running down his young face. Alarms began to scream, their red light bathing his face.

In his bunk, Jason's eyes shot open as the battle alarms aboard the command ship blared. A holographic image of the Commander, a Venturi who was an Alpha Male, the biggest of their kind named 'Cthulhu' (yes the myth was about him) apppered in the boy's room. "Get up, The Xien fleet is jumping inbound, and you along with your two android friends are going out to board one of their battleships. Get ready to deploy." The being ordered him. Jason jumped up and began getting ready, of course his armor was always ready to deploy, it just shrunk down to only cover the middle of his back when not fully active.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 7 days ago

Shroedinger sighed. One of the moments she was actually relaxing, the enemy shows up. A holographic image of the Alpha Male Venturi appeared in front of her, informing her of the situation and her mission. Once the image was gone, she leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and collected her thoughts. She was going to want a break after all this. She then stood up, and went to the room she bunked in. "Once I have it, I'll have to go to Jason's room and meet up with him." It refereed to her sword, which was in a case. Once she retrieved her sword, she ran to Jason's room, opening his door and peering inside. She was happy to see he was awake and pretty much prepared. "Good, you're awake, now I won't have to hit you to wake you up." She said with a small laugh, a serious look quickly took over the happy expression "It take it he informed you as well?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

--Double post, sorry.--
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yelgir's eyes shot open, and combat information downloaded into his memory. The entire transfer took only a few moments, so by the time he was standing, the entire battle battle plan was laid out in his head, with the best known enemy positions clearly marked. Since the small android wasn't much good for close-quarters fighting, his role in this mission was to fly support in Thor, cause a distraction, then join the other two to gain entry and provide technical support.

Yelgir climbed into his jumpsuit, and hurried to the loading dock, where they were all to meet. Thor was already starting up, the faintest emissions from the reactor causing heat waves to shimmer above Bay #7. Flight deck techs were running pre-launch checks on Thor, Zephyr, and some of the other LACs. (Light Attack Craft) As he sealed his helmet, all sound from the outside was immediately muted; all Yelgir could hear was his own breathing, and communications static. Where are the other two?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason looked over at Shroedinger, then back out the window towards Earth. He stared out window for a good amount of time, recalling the few childhood memories he had here, and newer ones from his return. All of the good and innocent people that lived there, and their enemies were coming back with a very powerful force to show. He closed his eyes inside the suit and recalled the last few moments of Pluto. The death, his parents, he terrifying aliens. He wouldn't let that happen to Earth. Not with all those innocent people down there. He turned back to the female android, who was oddly more human than most others Jason had met, hell she was probably more human than he was. His best friend, nobody could ever replace her. She knew everything about him, and the same was true vice versa. And although Jason would never admit, he had developed strong romantic feelings for her. "Shroe..." he said, using the nickname he called her by. "They're coming for my home. The last of my kind. We have to fend them off... I won't let Pluto happen again" He said, and his voice was a mixture of fear,sadness, and anger. The point being that the boy, without saying it, was implying he would rather die in this battle than see Earth fall.

With that the boy switching on his squad comm, instantly linking it to the bridge, Shroedinger, and Yelgir. This way they had a secure comm channel with the squad and bridge, as well as Vital Sign readouts on each squadmember's HUDs, the bridge had these as well access to camera feed from all three squad members. "Alright, we are now Saber Squad, I'm Saber 1, Shroe is Saber 2, and Yelgir you are Saber 3. Our target is a Grüt destroyer, The XSS Truh've. Its manned by both Grüt and Jitawê. The fleet it is inbound with is massive in size, with 5 captial ships and one unknown ship thatis even larger than the capital ships. Along with all other classes usually assigned to a normal capital ship. We, along with the rest of the Haven Aliance within 6 Solar Sytems must hold Earth. Saber 3, You and Saber 2 will punch a hole in the Aft Cargo Bay. Then I will be dropped off by Saber 2. Both of you will then assist Allied forces in the area until I get the Hangar open. Upon reaching that point, both of you will land your craft and help in the destruction of the destroyer. We will exfil via the hangar. This is do or die. Now lets get out there to greet our guests, we have jump signatures inbound." Jason says into his comm as he walks towards the hangar, waiting on Shroedingerbto follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 7 days ago

Once they were in the hanger, Shroedinger climbed into the cockpit, and began start-up checks. She turned her head towards Yelgir's craft "Your systems are good to go?" she spoke over the comms. She was finishing her check when she began to start-up the engines and systems. "So Jason, when we starting this operation?" She asked as the shuddering feeling of the connection cable went into the back of her neck. Probably an ancient tech by modern standards of wireless connection. But it was the best option should she need to fly over an area with communication jammers. Plus it was modernized in a way that would make data transfers through it just as fast as current wireless transmitters, as well as carry similar sized data loads. Once it was connected, she was able to move her head freely. "Alright, systems are a go, on your word"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Elodie wanted to laugh, loudly and clearly. The first day at her new work and she was taken hostage – it was ridiculous. Rolling her head on her shoulders, the redhead tried to remember how it all happened. She was on a small ship, one that had just come from Earth and was preparing to latch onto the mother ship, a Hydra-blah-blah Important Commander Ship or something to that effect – Elodie wasn’t great with all these fancy ship names and preferred to just go by size. So, she was gathering her stuff and slinging her pack up on her shoulder when a sudden jolt shuddered through the metallic carrier. Cursing, loud enough to be heard over the sounds of explosions, she glanced out the window. It had only been an hour or so since she left Earth and clearly wasn’t that far away. That meant the Xien were attacking Earth.

“Shit…” Elodie struggled against the bindings on her hand and mentally cursed New Age technology. The stupid aliens just had to have fancy electric handcuffs. What happened to the classic metal ones? Bending a finger back, the young soldier could feel a hole in the shape of a key. While technology was advanced, there were always simple mistakes that were repeated. Slouching over from where she was against the wall, hoping the guard dogs – or lizards, whatever – wouldn’t see her reach under her shirt and snap off the paperclip she kept hooked to her bra. Her arm had bent at an odd angle and Elodie took a moment to thank God for doubled joints. She then inserted the paperclip into the small keyhole in hopes that it would unlock. “Please, please, please, please.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Roger that, Saber 1. If I may, why am I always number 3? I get the feeling that I'm a third wheel now." The grin on his face hidden by his helmet, Yelgir climbed into Thor's cockpit, and settled in for the long ride. The blast-gel nest fitted itself to his body, and tendons poked free from the ambiguous mass to secure the small android in place. The control cable attached to the port on his neck, and Yelgir felt the systems of his craft come alive. No matter how many times this happened, it was always as wonderful as the first. He felt at home with Thor, more so than any other vehicles he had piloted.

The viewscreen on his helmet was ignored beneath the flow of information from the fightercraft, detailing fuel levels, power flow, damage, direction, speed, weapon specifics, nearby ships; everything needed to fly a spaceship. This is why androids were the only ones who could fly miniature fighters. The "small" machines needed nearly as much handling as a full-size battleship, but they didn't have enough room for the 20 or so people to run the stations.

"Saber 1, this is Saber 3. Thor is a go for launch. See you guys at dinner!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Alright Saber. Mission is a go. We have a Green Light from control to take off." He says as he climbs into Shroe's fighter. He takes his usual place of standing directly behind where Shroe was when she flew. He grabbed the handle and closed his eyes to calm himself. He was finally about to face the enemy that had slaughtered his parents and ravaged Pluto. The excitement from the idea of finally having his revenge was only matched by the sense of dread that the enemy was the abput to attack his home. He felt his heart race a little bit before he forced it to calm. The anticiption was getting to him. The deck of the ship shook slightly as they prepared to deploy.

Both fighters were lowered on platforms, passing through many layers of airlocks in the hull of the ship, each one running a diagnostic on the ships. Once they were all clear, the final layer of Hull opened up and the platform lowered through it. The clamps locking the ships in place released, now the pilots only needed to fire up the engines and they would be underway.

To the left of the ships, the expanse of the Earth, and the Haven Aliiance's orbiting forward command post sat as a reminder of everything that there was to defend. Bursts of Orange light escaped the atmosphere as Ships left Earth's surface to enter defense orbit. Even as the Dark Abyss fleet trained all of its weapons towards the moon. The fleet's reamining 14 fighters all launched and began orbiting a defense around the massive Accelerator Orbital Defense Cannons. Pricks of white light appeared behind the fleet, soon emerging into other Haven ships. Thousands of Destroyers, Frigates, and all varient of ships appeared for the defense of the Earth. Equalling out to roughly one sixteenth of the Haven Alliance's ships. Fighters deployed and raced past the Dark Abyss fleet, even as their respective fleets moved up with them. Sooon the entire nearby orbit was a massive glob of Haven ships. Waiting for the enemy. Then the enemy showed its hands as a Swarm of Thousands of fighters and destroyers ripped around the moon in a slingshot orbit. Soon followed by the massive fleet of Xien. Including a ship roughly 20 kilometers long, and twice that wide. Which simply rammed through the moon without suffering any damage. In the silence of space, lasers began to arc across the dark. Followed by missiles, as the cannon's readyed for their first shots at the bigger ships.

Jason, who was linked with Shroe's ship, set a waypoint on a destroyer to the right of the Xien fleet, moving fast to try to flank the Haven Alliance. "There is our target, we move with the firing of the Accelerator Cannons." He says, and no soon the massive cannons and ships supporting these massive weapons recoiled slightly as their metal slugs ripped out and flew towards the capital ships. Some making contact and ripping through the hulls of the capital ships, though only one went down, while some missed. Now was their hance to get in without being destroyed before the two feets clashed and the real destruction began.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yelgir shot out of the docking bay in the energy "wake" of the accelerator cannons. The high-energy signature left by the speeding slugs masked his energy emissions as Thor accelerated. The waypoint blinked in his mental vision, and as the cannon wake faded, Yelgir set a weaving, slightly curved course towards the target. Still unnoticed by the Xien fleet, he had to alter course several times to avoid shrapnel from disintegrating sources.

"Sabers 1 and 2, Saber 3 is in position. I have a clear approach to the target, and my birds are ready to fly." He waited for Schroedinger's ship to get in position, and as soon as it was, Yelgir slipped inside the destroyer's shield, and fired one of his beam cannons at the cargo bay. It opened in a fireball of escaping oxygen, shrapnel, cargo, and even bodies; then quickly cleared, everything loose thrown into the vacuum of space.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 7 days ago

(Holy crap Batman, site did a double post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 7 days ago

Shroedinger sighed "I hope Yelgir has the patience to wait for us, we aren't exactly the fastest craft around." She said as she throttled Zephyr, and immediately being behind Thor. "The enemy is surely going to see us Jason, you should brace for a couple hundred impacts once the energy signature from the guns dissipates." And once the energy did dissipate, Shroedinger began flying erratically, making her moves unpredictable to enemy guns. But warheads still exploded near the craft, shaking it around. "As I thought, they won't let us through so easily" she said as she gritted her teeth.

After some time of being bracketed by enemy weapon fire, they finally made it "I'm glad I was able to keep the shield up" Shroedinger slouched back with a sigh of relief, but then Yelgir blew open the cargo bay which caught her off guard. "Damn man, a bit of a warning next time!" She said as she quickly calibrated most of the shield power to the front of the craft to take the force of the blast, and deflect any solid objects like shrapnel. "Alright Jason, how do you plan to do this? While that hole is big, it ain't big enough for Zephyr to fit into."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Get me close and open the side port. I'll jump." He says to the Android that was standing in front of him. He eyed the hole ahead of them and knew that he had to get in fast, or Jitawê in space suits with pretty big guns would overrun him. He had to get that cargo bay open for his squad or else is was all over and they would be screwed. "Wish me luck, this is gonna be an interesting run." Jason said quickly. His legs tensed as he prepared for the jump that he was about to make.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Elodie believed she almost unlocked it when one of the alien-freaks that looked eerily like her pet lizard - not just lizards in generally, but this one looked like her lizard; it was uncanny! - grabbed her shoulder and began pushing it her roughly from her previous spot. Gritting her teeth against the tight grip, she halted any sudden movements and walked slowly as to not trip over the chains on her feet.

"Where are we going?" she demanded to know, but received no answer. Groaning loudly, she let her head fall back and loll along her shoulders.

They finally arrived into a crowded room, filled with cargo and hostages. Rolling her eyes as she was sat next to a metal crate which was unlocked. Part of her wondered, or hoped, that there would be one of those fancy laser guns in there, but at the moment she was bit too tied up to check.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 7 days ago

Shroedinger nodded, and moved Zephyr closer to the hole. And as she did so, she opened the side door, and it appeared almost like a ramp for him to use to jump in. "Alright go, and get those hanger bay doors open ASAP. I'd prefer to stay out here as little as possible." She said with a hint of concern in her voice "Zephyr may be able to take a beating, but she can only take so much." All the weapons firing in this battle would cause concern in anyone in small craft like these, even if the weapons were only aimed at the big ships.

Once Jason has jumped out, Shroedinger throttled away. She aimed to keep moving in an effort to keep incoming damage at a low. "Hay Saber 3, you think we should shoot back? Kind of getting tired of being the target here." She wanted to return all the 'favors' that the enemy was giving them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Go ahead, Saber 2. I was about to suggest the same thing myself, Let's teach these scalies a thing or two!"
Yelgir pulled away from the target destroyer; toward a group of Allied fighters being harassed by some Xien Remote Fighters. He pulled in line behind the remotes, and started blasting away with the Beam Cannons. Several of them fell before they noticed he was there, then the remaining half-dozen split up. Three pulled away to try to get behind Thor, and the other three stayed close on the Allies tail.
"Saber 2, I've got a few bugs on me, would you mind clearing them up?"
Fully trusting Schroedinger to take care of the remotes now trying to chase him, Yelgir focused on the three still in front of him. A minute, some re-positioning, and a few mental trigger squeezes later, and the Allies were free to go on the offensive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

As Shroedinger lowered the ramp, Jason let go of the handle he was holding. "I'll be quick. Take care Shroe, I don't want you to be hurt." He said to the girl before charging down the ramp and towards the void. As he reached the end of the ramp, Jason felt the thrusters in his suit turn on to throw him across the void and into the gap of the ship. God the boy loved those manuvering thrusters that worked as a jetpack in space, or for flight control on the wingsuit in atmosphere. So useful in situations such as the one he was currently in. The gap in the ship's hull opened up before the boy, who at this point had drawn his combat knife. In the aboslute silence of the void, all he heard was the sound of his breathing inside the helmet. Soon the walls passed over him, and Jason rotated around. Slamming into a Jitawê in a spacesuit who was guarding an airlock into another part of ship. Using his suit's power to give him extra strength, Jason slammed the knife through the Lizard's air suppply. Causing a total failure of the suits integrity. In a swift move, the boy tore the lizard's air supply from its back before throwing the body out into space. The boy progessed into the airlock. Which the suit had informed him to be the quickest way to the hangar.

As the airlock opened on the otherside, with Gravity now back on, Jason had torn the air supply open. The supercooled gas leaking out into a sort of smoke screen. All that anybody in the room could see of the bpy was the dark silhoutte and his glowing red visor. The Jitawê in the room full of crates and what seemed to be human prisoners turned with yelps of surpise. Only to be met by heavily ionized beams of energy from the sniper mode on Jason's rifle. Which was certainly the more potent. The Lizards didn't even have time to scream as the bolts produced charred holes in their chests, or blasted their heads clean off. Within a minute of the shooting starting, the Jitawê were dead. The AI within the nanosuit began getting ID's on all the humans in the room. Which was only one still alive. Jason approached the woman. "Elodie, right? Thats what your IFF is displaying. You know how to work one of these?" Jason asked her as he broke her cuffs and grabbed a Jitawê rifle from a dead body. He then switched to the squad comm. "Heads up, I found a prisoner. Saber 3, forward this to fleet. I don't want to transmit directly and let the lizards and bugs know I'm here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Elodie nodded in affirmation to his question once rescued when, in reality, she didn't know a damn thing. She sincerely hoped it was like any gun. Hoping it had a silencer built in or something of the sort, she pointed it at a dead Jitawê body and pulled the trigger. A beam shot out and struck the body with smoking rising and blending in with the gas in the air.

"Oh, so that's what it does." she muttered to herself. Looking up at the stranger in the suit, she said, "Took you a while to get here, eh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Consider those gnats already dead" Shroedinger said as she brought Zephyr around and locked onto all 3 enemies chasing Thor. Firing missiles as each lock was secured, the missiles making it to their targets quickly and taking them out. "Alright Saber 3, you're in the clear now."
"Its beautiful" Pixie said as she looked out at the conflict "So beautiful, it's a shame that beautiful battles like this will disappear once this pathetic Haven alliance is dealt with." she said with a sigh. "Oh well, can't be helped. I should go see if these lizards have done anything about the hull breech." She walked out of the observation platform, and found herself greeted by one. "You have something to report?" It nodded. "On with it then." "We have an intruder" Pixie's face shot from her happy expression to one of anger. "There's a WHAT?!" "We tri-" "No, you didn't!" She hit him in the head "Now go and actually stop him. I'd prefer him alive, hadn't had a good human subject in a long time, and this one sounds of worth." It nodded and ran off. Pixie sighed again, except this sigh was bigger and drawn out "Sometimes, I wonder why they're even allowed to speak directly to me, I'd rather have one of he Grüt report to me. At least they'd make sure to report good news....most of the time, but they wouldn't report something petty like this when they could be doing something about it."

Pixie walked back into the observation room and swiped her hand over a table, the table lighting up with holographic buttons. She entered a few digits into the console, and a voice immediately responded "Yes?" Pix crossed her arms "Prepare teams for exfil of this vessel, I'm not trusting these lizards to stop the intruder, and I'm not going to lose a single member. I'll contact a nearby cruiser to be a temporary base of operations until we get back to the shipyard" "Roger, I assume you will be leaving as well?" "Yes, I will make my preparations now. End." The comm link cut out. She looked back out at the battle "Soon, they will see a creation that they never would have thought I could build." She then spun on her heels and walked out of the observation deck. "But in the mean time, lets give him a little show."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"You weren't my main objective. But since you are here I will ensure that you make it out alive." Jason says to her before he continues towards the door. It just so happened that the Grüt (in all their infinite idiocy in ship design), had the cargo bay linking to the control booth for the hangar doors. Jason went through into the small booth and stared out at all of Grüt and Jitawê who were down on the Hangar floor, with their guns aimed towards the laser sheild that kept out he void. It was at this time Jason had a very brutal, but effective idea. He checked that the booth was airtight, it was, and the he activated emergancy venting procedures. As the laser shield went down, all the enemies in the Hangar flew out into space from rapid decompression. Although the alarms began to wail at the same time.

"Saber 2 and 3, get your asses in the hangar now! The shield is down and enemy reinforcements are heading this way. Plus the shield goes back up in 30 seconds. Move it!" Jason yells into his comm link. Even as the door to the booth slides open and a very large Jitawê jumps at Jason wielding a proton axe. The boy activated his armor's hardened mode. Which cause the armor to look more smooth than rough like usual. As the proton axe hit Jason, first the energy just washed over the armor, and Jason had raised his forearm to break the weapon. Now it was time to fight one on one. Man vs Ugly ass Lizard.
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