Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nebula5


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"Hmph.." Nebula said to himself leaning against a near wall. "Not impressed?" The voice said to nebula. "of course not..." Nebula replied folding his arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nebula5


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Eklispe said
Sol saw Mutt take in a breath for a roar and braced himself mentally, but he still wasn't prepared for the raw power behind it. Although his stance kept him from being entirely thrown off his feet he was still slightly shaken. Sol responded by gusting wind straight into the ground causing a massive cloud of dust to rise into the air. Sol attempted to move to the left of his original position while returning to his stance, keeping all his senses alert for the slightest sign of an attack.

Mutt pulled from the earth a massive rock, ablut 8 ft wide, and 3ft thick, weighing at least 300lbs. Simply pulling up the rock made a huge crackling noise, and deformed the immediate earth. His werewolf strength allowed him to hold this in his strong arm. Then a burst of werewolf speed, and within the second burst through the cloud, swinging the chunk horizontally. Even from your new possition it would likely hit you, and break whatever bone it struck first, second, 3rd.... See the pattern yet?

Mutt wasn't even transformed yet, and anybody who knows werewolves knows, thats when they are really dangerous. And right now, the adrenaline was visible in his eyes. As he swung, his eyes caught sight of your now possition and his body responded. Wether he hit you now or not, he intended to start preparing now. His left hand started his partial transformation, in hopes that his claws would be backed in mere seconds by the massive muscle of a wolf.

Unfortunately, do to the nature of the rock i pulled up, it will break either upon impact with you, or from the overswing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin scanned all of Mutts moves analytically. Not tactically, because she was not a fighter, no, but she was a researcher and a avid learner. The boy (wolf?) had tremendous strength even while not transformed, and that rock was not natural either. She could feel the magic behind it. Still, the power that would be coming from this blow was completely scientific, which just meant that Mutt was swinging it really hard.

It was not her battle, but she could tell that Sol was in a dangerous position. Getting hit by that would not be pleasant at all. Still, there was one very glaring weakness behind Mutt's attack, one that seemed rather obvious to even Meruin at first glance; destroy the rock, preferably from a distance. He was swinging that thing with so much momentum, that if it were destroyed, he'd still be forced to follow the trajectory of his swing. Furthermore, once that was destroyed, his energy would be wasted and his attack would have been for nothing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Sol heard a massive cracking noise through the dust and saw something massive displace the dust billowing everywhere. Sol slashed his sword timing it so that his attack would hit the object as it came into view. The rock broke into half and Sol instantly resheathed his sword as he slid through the opening he made. Then, He sliced at Mutt using wind to pull out his sword in conjuction with drawing, aiming to cut the muscels in Mutt's left arm before he could recover.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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The battle was intense. Cruz was recording each moment of that battle. Somehow, he was hyped. "I wonder who will win. Maybe I can show them the recording after the battle.", he said. "But... the record is your analysis, Lord Cruz! You should not do that!", Lhermite said. Althoug he was right, Cruz thought it over and over. "No, I will show them the recording. They might have been the ones who did had an experience, but it is good for their own analysis.", he said, smiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Mutt was extremely dissapointed when the rock was cut in half, seemingly so easily. To make matters worse, there was now a gash in his left arm. It would likely take 5 minuts or so to heal completely, but none the less, the pain wasnt something to look forward to. The pain was only made worse because the blade was dull!

Using his left arm for a counter was out of the question, so Mutt let instinct react. His right arm was already curled towards his chest from swinging the rock, and now his foe had landed in striking range. Mutt whipped his arm out for a back hand and... Charged? Thats right, as the back hand was let loose, Mutt closed the gap making sure that Sol could smell his breath. This way, that rather urksome sword would be useless and Mutt could use his overwhelming muscle to submit his foe.

If Sol even thought of stepping away, Mutt wanted to show him just how strong a werewolves grip is. From here on, things would be close and personal. Somehow, a smile stayed on mutts face. He was actually enjoying himself! This fight reminded him of playing with his parents and siblings when he was still a pup. Those play fights would last several minuts often, and only ended as Mutts mother called them in for dinner. The thought of his mother's meals stretched Mutt's smile further still.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Sol was disconerted by how Mutt seemed to find the pain from his wound neliglable and then by Mutt rushing into his face with a grin on his face. It seemed as though Mutt wanted a close-up and personal fight but Sol doubted he had the muscle mass or the long term speed to compete with him. So Sol used the momentum from his own forward step and slammed his sword hilt into Mutt's stomach with all the force he could muster as he got into range before. If Mutt was stunned by the hit long enough then he would attempt to slice Mutt's right arm as well limiting his options for attack by weaking both arms. If Mutt was stronger than he thought well... Sol didn't like to think about where it would go from there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Mutt's back hand had collided with your hand as you attempted to jam your hilt into his gut. The resultant was a now badly bruised right hand, and ...


Your hilt had connected with the parting of Mutt's ribbs , and he stepped back with his bruised hand raised in a stop sign. His abbs would have prevented a serious blow, but your hilt landed a bit to high for them to stop, much thanks to his back hand. Mutt was severely winded, and knew from experience this is when you call quits if you can. "Stop i give!" He forces out, while trying to regain his lings strength.

He had been kneed there once by his father. "Alway protect your core. It guards your lungs, they are the key to all we do. Your ribs and pectoral muscles will protect your heart, but there is an exposed area right there." Getting the hilt end of a sword to that same spot brought the conversation back to mind. Mutt let himself fal back, onto the floor to catch his breath. He wasnt even slightly winded until that last strike, and now regreted leaving himself open like that. Holding still gave his brain time to take in what had just happened, and he realized he smelt blood! His own blood at that. Without further ado, he lifted his left arm, and used his wide flat tounge to lick the cut you had inflicted upon him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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" The winner is Sol by submission." Tyler called as he walked forwards. "Congratulations to both of you. You caused mass property damage." He said as he pointed around the room. Many of the windows were broken from Mutt roaring and there were pieces of the floor missing from how hard Mutt had been running. "Actually, Mutt caused all the property damage, my bad."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin closed the book that was writing down the fights progress and nodded in satisfaction. She got some good information. In any case . . .

"Dis inerst," she said, tapping the glowing barrier around her. Her incantation dispelled it immediately. The battle was over and the debris had stopped flying, so there was no need to maintain it now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Sol gave a little sigh of relief, if that hadn't worked he would have been all out of ideas. The fight had been exciting and Sol still had a bit of an adreline rush, Sol walked over to Mutt, "You going to be okay?" he asked, although it looked like the wound was already healing. Which was good, since lately the nurse Delilah had been missing for a while. "Don't worry about the property damage, all crimies are excused on this island so i think that includes this." He said gesturing at all the shattered glass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Mutt grinned up at Sol. It was a rarity to see anybody even remotely capable of keeping up with him in terms of speed. So, Sol was officially on his good side. Mutt took a moment to catch his breath before replying with "Yeah, a soon as i can breath ill be great! Haha! *pant pant* Good job!" Mutt held his hand out to shake, and chuckled. His nose could smell the extra adrenaline in your body, and he knew you were pumped from the fight. Even though it had lasted only a short while.

"You reminded me of a very valuable lesson, and a weakness in my anatomy. Ill make sure to learn from my mistake, and in the future, when i protect that point more, it may just save my life. Thank you." Mutt seemed like a pretty good sport. Oh well, he had lost the fight. That dosnt mean he didnt have fun, which wa far more important to him. He only wished he could have given werewolves a better name. Perhaps, hecould enroll in a a sport on campus, and earn a few trophies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Sol was suprised at how happy Mutt seemed given that he had lost, but apparantly he just enjoyed the fight. Of course Sol had had fun as well, so he shook Mutt's hand. " Glad I could help you improve. Well i should go take a nap before my next fight, can't wait to see how far up i get in this tournament." Sol said and then started to head up to his room to rest up a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin headed towards a nearby marble table. She decided to peruse through the new data she had acquired for today, and see if she could get anything out of it. If not, well, at least it was a good documentation. Knowledge gained and never lost and all that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Mutt had watched Sol walk away while he caught his breath. He wasn't quite ready to head to whatever room he would stay in. Instead, his eyes found Meruin! As soon as standing was an option again, Mutt stood and walked over. By this point, his arm cut was but a small scratch that would dissapear as he introduced himself again. "Hey its me again! So uhh... Watcha got there?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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"A recording of your fight," said Meruin. "Plus some information on the magic you used." Hmm . . . if she was given a week or two, she could probably make her own version of their magic. It'll take a few months to get it to the level on the record though.

"So, are you the kind of werewolf that can only transform under the right conditions, or where you holding back against Sol?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol strechted and woke up from the nap feeling refreshed. Sol decided that he should finish his spar that he almost started with Meruin, he was all ready to go so there wasn't much reason not to. He could just worry about the torunament but he was feeling pretty good about that last fight and he wanted to see how Meruin fought. So Sol rebuckeled his sword on and headed down to look for Meruin, he decided to stop by the area where he had fought Mutt since that was where he last saw her and it seemed as good a place as any for fighting. It was already all messed up so it wasn't like they could make it much worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Mutt was glad to answer the question about transformations. It gave him a chance to talk about his parents! So with a big, ear to ear grin, he proclaimed. "Oh! Us silverfangs are excellent transformers. Not only can we control when we transform reguardless of silly conditions like the moon, or emotion, but we have even mastered a rare, yet refined art of the transformation. For 4 generations on my fathers side, we have been able to master a partial transformation, allowin us to change not only when we want, but just the individual body parts that are necissary for our task at hand!"

The partial transformation he spoke of seemed the works of fairy tale. Was there possibly a werewolf with so much control? After all, he had only use his claws on Sol. His attempts at a partial transformation were more the less cut short (thats a pun xD). None the less, Mutt found his speech cut short, when he saw his new found friend Sol walking around the corner with a serious "Im looking for someone" look on jis face.

"Oh look! Heres my new friends now!" Mutt was happy and excited to see Sol. He ran to Sol, at a comfortable casual speed of 20mph, and preseted his hand for a shake. Though he was requesting the handshake, the canine instinct behind the action was aparent. Mutt ran to greet Sol, as a physical mutt or even advanced bred dog may run to greet its master at the end of theday. The difference here was a cleaner, more respectable demener about Mutt. He did not wag his tail, bark, drool, or whine. He simply ran to greet Sol, and was eager to see them again. The control, and surprisingly rapidly connected loyalty were astonishing to say the least.

What was there to be surprised of though? Mutt had just come from a pack, where fights determined who would be Alpha, and the winner demanded EVERYBODIES respect. Could this greeting be residual signa of the wild level instinct and code of social conduct? Would it mean that by simply besting him in combat, or at least giving him a run for his money, that one would earn his respect, and loyalty? That could be a good possibility and a better idea since... Well who dosnt like having a ultra sonic werewolf on their team right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin was more or less put-off by Mutt's enthusiasm (she wasn't good with people like this. Or people in general, but I digress) so was a little relieved when Sol appeared. "Hello Sol. Are you sure you feeling fine?"
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