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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

After his faile attempt to pounce Meruin, Mutt wheeled around, and chased after somebody else. In the blink of an eye, his nose led him around through the dust behind Sol. He made a straight dash to headbud Sol from behid and continue to plow through towards tyler. This whole charade of motion wasn't how Mutt usually fought, but he figured it would keep him mostly unharmed until there was a chance for 1 or 2 vs 1. He just had to insure that someone submitted or got KO'd before him.

Other than that tad bit of strategy, MUtt was just having a ball. He always enjoyed running with his armour on. It tired him out faster, and made his muscles WORK to get around. He wasn't thinking that tryig a hit and run strategy in heavy armour would tire him out faster than anybody else here. Even with his stamina and speed!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin huffed. Finally, some room to breath, she thought. She closed her eyes and analyzed the situation. She began formulating and putting together all the factors and imaging the best outcome for her.

Three opponents. One is a physical monster, while one other is a skilled swordsman. The third was nothing notable. Elemental abilities confirmed. Wind, Earth, Water and Fire.
Shall I counter them one-by-one or wait until one of them knocks out? No, unlikely one will before someone goes after me once more. Hit them all at once then. With what? I need an element to counter Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. No, no element exists that can counter that, except Darkness. No, not using that, too much mana required.

Shall I over power them then? Yes, that could work.
With what? Lightning? No, too weak or too long. Need something quicker, more destructive . . . yes, I know what Element I can use. Yes, that spell will do nicely. Time to begin.

Meruin exhaled and relaxed herself. She was already tired but she needed to concentrate. Meruin began chanting the Aria for her spell.

This spell would take around 8 - 10 minutes of chanting, but once she set it off, she was certain she could finish off all of them in one blow. The only factor that could change the outcome was how powerful was Tyler's Water abilities, but with the magnitude of her spell, she would have to bet that it was not a problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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(Ignore post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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notdeadyet said
After his faile attempt to pounce Meruin, Mutt wheeled around, and chased after somebody else. In the blink of an eye, his nose led him around through the dust behind Sol. He made a straight dash to headbud Sol from behid and continue to plow through towards tyler. This whole charade of motion wasn't how Mutt usually fought, but he figured it would keep him mostly unharmed until there was a chance for 1 or 2 vs 1. He just had to insure that someone submitted or got KO'd before him.Other than that tad bit of strategy, MUtt was just having a ball. He always enjoyed running with his armour on. It tired him out faster, and made his muscles WORK to get around. He wasn't thinking that tryig a hit and run strategy in heavy armour would tire him out faster than anybody else here. Even with his stamina and speed!

Mutt rammed straight through Tyler as Tyler flew into a tree and fell. He got up and shook his head as his spear flew back into his hand. He looked over at Meruin and frowned. She was setting up something. He shook his head and focused on Sol and Mutt. They were the immediate threats.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Listen to the pledge of this humble one born of your givings
Implore I to you for power
Open (Shut) Open (Shut) Open (Shut) Open (Shut) Open (Shut) Open (Shut) Open (Shut) Open
Eight times invited, seven times rejected, but now the door of invitation remains open . . .

Meruin continued chanting her spell, while at the same time, using her books and various runes to create multi-layered barriers around her. During her chanting time, she wouldn't be able to chant any other spells, so she needed to rely on immediate counters and protective enhancements and charms for defense. She'd also need them once the spell did go off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol heard Mutt's rumbling footsteps behind him and jumped up again grabbing the branch the Tyler had been hanging on and swinging onto it dodging the headbutt and briefly purviewing the battle field. Meruin was doing some intense chanting for a magic spell and Mutt and landed his headbut on Tyler. He frowned, Meruin's magic so far had proved no trifiling matter and a spell with that large of a cast time would be very dangerous. He sliced off a tree branch and hurled it at Meruin then rushed towards her in it's waking prepared to either follow up with another attack or dodge a retaliatory strike.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Eklispe said
Sol heard Mutt's rumbling footsteps behind him and jumped up again grabbing the branch the Tyler had been hanging on and swinging onto it dodging the headbutt and briefly purviewing the battle field. Meruin was doing some intense chanting for a magic spell and Mutt and landed his headbut on Tyler. He frowned, Meruin's magic so far had proved no trifiling matter and a spell with that large of a cast time would be very dangerous. He sliced off a tree branch and hurled it at Meruin then rushed towards her in it's waking prepared to either follow up with another attack or dodge a retaliatory strike.

Sol was running towards Meruin. That could only mean that he prioritized her over everyone else. "Focus on Meruin!" He yelled as he rushed forward then stopped all of a sudden. He saw papers all over the ground, and Meruin sure as hell wasn't leaving them there by accident. He grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it on one of the runes on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Internally, Meruin was both screaming in terror and shouting in annoyance. She was in fact very tempted to do both out loud. Seriously? Why go after me!?.

The tree part that Sol threw flew back straight at him, looking more like a dagger than tree bark. It was a pocket reflective barrier that Meruin kept in one of her books. It could reflect anything, but it had a finite energy span that Meruin couldn't recharge yet. It would reflect all objects (including people) around her until it ran out of energy. So far it was still at full strength.

The rock touched the runed paper but didn't do anything. It was designed so that it would react to people or a certain amounts (mostly large) of magical energy only. If it didn't then random animals and objects would set them off and waste good paper.

The door to my battlefield is open, yet it cannot be closed.
Oh Terra, mother of Saturn, Lord of Time, father of Jupiter, King of the Skies!
You Grand Mother Earth, clad in green and grander than mountains!
Spill your boiling blood and fissure the earth with your might,
for this child who can and is willing to speak with you thus!

Meruin 'tsked' in annoyance. She still needed more time to complete the spell. She was 5 minutes short on time, and she was already rushing it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

floodtalon said
Sol was running towards Meruin. That could only mean that he prioritized her over everyone else. "Focus on Meruin!" He yelled as he rushed forward then stopped all of a sudden. He saw papers all over the ground, and Meruin sure as hell wasn't leaving them there by accident. He grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it on one of the runes on the ground.

As you moved from the tree you had fallen into, Mutt interferred. (This interupt takes place after the shout but before your throw.) His arm transformed human, and he stiff armed you back into the tree. His right set of claws reached to take firm grasp of your clothes. At this range there was no escaping his speed nor incredible grip. Less than a second later... HEADBUD! .... HEADBUD HEADBUD! HEADBUD! Thats right 4 rapid headbuds. He wasn't going to give you a chance. he wanted this KO now, so he could drop the numbers of this fight and overwhelm the others.

If by chance you were still conscious (though the success of the headbudds is not necissarily guaranteed.) Mutt would chuck you into the tree again, towards the base. So that if you were still able to fight, you would have to look up at the werewolf, with tad bits of burning trees, and a cloud of dust behind him. Truly just the sight alone should be frightening enough to make any sane man surrender.

Wether his attack succeded or not, Mutt was getting pumped. Flashbacks of hunts were roaring through his head like wild fire, and he did what his instinct told him he should. Mutt tilted his head up high, and howled loud and clear. It was a bone chiing howl that pierced the air and seemed to bring an eerie silence to the nearby forest. This would further increase his adrenaline, and with it... His threat level. His nostrils flared and his pupils diolated. His muscles began growing larger, and his brown fur started gaining a greyish hint. The roar was followed by an adrenaline fuelled roar, much louder and stronger than the one he ha demonstrated earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol was knocked off-balance by the freakishly loud roar that came from behind him, and turning around saw Mutt begin to transfrom into a full werewolf. Sol was somewhat torn, he could try to stop Meruin chanting, or he could attempt to take out Mutt before he got to full power. EIther way one of them would be left alone to get to thier full strength.Sol cursed and decided to attempt to stop Meruin, even though he wasn't sure how to go about that. The tree branch had simply been deflected.., so Sol ran towards her again jumping above her and plunging down hoping the force could break whatever barrier was blocking him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler was headbutted about threes times before he had enough. He pulled himself up and fire began to surround him. He began throwing fireball after fireball at him with no regard to the environment as a firestorm raged around him. "Burn to ashes!" He yelled as a dragon of flames surrounded him and began attacking whatever it could. It wasn't that strong actually but it sure as hell was intimidating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

floodtalon said
Tyler was headbutted about threes times before he had enough. He pulled himself up and fire began to surround him. He began throwing fireball after fireball at him with no regard to the environment as a firestorm raged around him. "Burn to ashes!" He yelled as a dragon of flames surrounded him and began attacking whatever it could. It wasn't that strong actually but it sure as hell was intimidating.

From the point blank range, Mutt pounced upon tyler again. His stone armour protected him from the her of the fireballs, and they simply didnt carry enough force to break it. Mutt was surprised that you were still awake, but none the less he decided an assault must continue. This time however, he would be smart. When he pounced, he made to grab your rather troublesome fire flinging arms, and use them to hurl Tyler at Meruin like a very large flamming bullet. Mutt was actually quite pleased with this thought, though he couldnt see, and was likely to hit Sol with this flying flaming human, rather than Meruin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Thank goodness, thought Meruin elatedly as Mutt intervened with Tyler. She wasn't sure if he was on her side or not, but she was glad he got the other boy off her case.

Sol had pounced at her, but thankfully she didn't sense any magic behind his charge. At this rate it was more likely that he would bounce of her barrier. She continued her Aria. Just 3 more minutes . . .

Terra em Pasis. Peace on Earth.
Your blood boils with righteous anger,
My request is that you not hold back,
Let your blood burn! Let your skin crack!
Let me be the vessel for your anger!

At this point, physical changes began to happen. As the spell gained strength, it's effect on the world would become more evident. The ground for miles under Meruin began shaking, and cracks appeared on the earth. From the crack, steam poured out and brought with it the smell of fire, sulfur, and brimstone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler growled. He didn't have time for this, this spell was powerful he could feel it charging. Then Mutt threw him again. "Are you kidding me!" He yelled as he flew straight for Meruin. He surrounded himself with fire to make the best of the situation and braced for impact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sol saw Tyler's flaming body headed toward him and managed to twist his body so that he was above Tyler rather than directly in his path. So he managed to ride the flaming missile to the ground then use his body as a cushion between him and the ground. Sol was tempted to run from Meruin's gathering energy, but decided that he would stay through this, admittedly very intense, sparring match to the end. It would almost be a shame to interrupt Meruin's spell, it seemed as though the spell would at the very least bring lava to the ground, if not a full-sized volcano. Sol gathered energy himself swirling winds around him prepared to use it as a jet to attempt to avoid either Mutt's charge, or Meruin's spell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eklispe said
Sol saw Tyler's flaming body headed toward him and managed to twist his body so that he was above Tyler rather than directly in his path. So he managed to ride the flaming missile to the ground then use his body as a cushion between him and the ground. Sol was tempted to run from Meruin's gathering energy, but decided that he would stay through this, admittedly very intense, sparring match to the end. It would almost be a shame to interrupt Meruin's spell, it seemed as though the spell would at the very least bring lava to the ground, if not a full-sized volcano. Sol gathered energy himself swirling winds around himself prepared to use it as a jet to attempt to avoid either Mutt's charge, or Meruin's spell.

(Edited post.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mutt crouches on all 4's prepping a follow up on Tyler, or an interupt on somebody ellse. His claws dig into the earth, and he starts storing energy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Meruin inhaled, composing herself and gathering energy. She felt the relief that most mages feel whenever their about to release a particularly strenuous spell.

The door is now shut,
My request has been answered,
and power is my gift.
Terra! Vulcan!

The cracked earth rose up, and traces of orange liquid heat went up with it. Magma and lava was clumped together in a large mass that was steadily rising in the air as the earth continued shaking. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sol gather mana for a spell. She wasn't sure what kind of spell, nut judging from past precedent, it was probably a wind based spell. Meruin exhaled and prepared to unleash her spell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Holy feces, Meruin had pratically created a small sun, Sol franticaly gathered more wind magic as he waited to see what she would do with it, if he tried to leave before she did something with it she might just intercept him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler fell to the ground and was severely injured. He shook his head as he got up and looked at the mini sun before him. "Oh hell no." He jumped away just in the nick of time as he could feel himself getting burnt just being near it. " Sol, I need you to buy me 72 seconds of time." He yelled as he began building up his own power for an ultimate attack. This was sure to take him out of the match, but he sure as hell wasn't going to let himself get turned into bacon. He began chanting arcane words and made a handseal as he extracted water from the plants around him.
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