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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James heard Ryan, and slowly stood back up. "No...this is not normal chaos. It's the Aeon of Chaos, Pandemonium..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

" Yes, I know. I am educated on the Aeons, that is the effect that this Aeons will have correct?" Ryan replied as he looked at James.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

James sighed. "No. It's incorrect. That's only normal chaos's effect. Pandemonium affects reality itself, and is completely uncontrollable. It opens up rifts to other realms...warps existence....nobody has ever reached the Aeon of Chaos because they always end up destroying themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScorpionLantern

ScorpionLantern A Poisonous Light

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mithrail, falling to the ground, brought her head up to meet the hilt of Sol's sword. In her mind, Sol did not hit her, she just blocked the attack with her head! The resulting clash cancelled out the force of his blow, leaving Mithrail practically unscathed. The girl rolled away, while saying: "Well? Is this all you're capable of without your magic tricks?" she taunted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

The pandemonium being active started to take effect, and suddenly everyone in the room had a LOT less control over their powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol growled, this woman was far more vexing then he had anticipated. While obviously he could go for weak points such as eyes and ears he had no intention of killing Mithrail simply defeating her. The girl's head must have been protected by an aura of arrogance far thicker than he had anticipated. Sol noticed offhandedly that his powers felt more distant and turmoils then they normally did, but it mattered not since he had no intention of using them, at least not yet. "Bah," Sol scoffed at her, "I think I'm winning in points wouldn't you say, you haven't laid a finger on me and I doubt you will before you finally tire of your pointless endeavor." he finished scornfully
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin clicked her tongue. She hated it when magic went out of control like this - possibly a reason why she dislked James a little; his powers were too _random_. More importantly, she wanted to shout at both Ryan and James . There knowledge of the Aeons and Chaos was flawed! It was much worse than what they thought, but thankfully, it didn't look as bad as it should have been , , , A flash of gold and a certain Chase stood next to Meruin. She did not look pleased. "Okay! Who's been playing around with Chaos here?!" she said, her hands akimbo and staring at the scene before her. "I leave for five minutes and some idiot pulls this . . ."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

James sighed and looked at Chase. "I swear that his one isn't my fault. Sol tripped me and the Aeon card fell out of my pocket, activating on its own and activating the true Aeon of Chaos..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Don't get frustrated with me, I don't do research into Aeons, I do research into elemental magic. They tend to be somewhat different." He remarked sarcastically. He then went into a thoughtful pose. "What would happen if you drew the World card? Could you give me a run down of all the card's effects actually? This is quite intriguing, but I would also like a way to counteract your powers if you go out of control like now for example." He asked not really expecting an honest answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

> "Don't get frustrated with me, I don't do research into Aeons, I do research into elemental magic. They tend to be somewhat different." He remarked sarcastically. He then went into a thoughtful pose. "What would happen if you drew the World card? Could you give me a run down of all the card's effects actually? This is quite intriguing, but I would also like a way to counteract your powers if you go out of control like now for example." He asked not really expecting an honest answer. "The world card would give me an entire planets' worth of magical power, but that much power could possible kill me," James said. "And the Aeons are the ultimate form of the magics. Even elemental magics have their Aeons. Fire's is destruction, which means that Chase was almost definitely a fire mage when she first started."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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"Yes I was, still _am _actually," said Chase, flinging her golden hair as she walked towards the source of Chaos. "You know, I have half a mind to seal away some of your cards. They're dangerous and you're too inexperienced to control them." Chase looked at James with a weary expression. "Sheesh, this is the thing with Aeons, you work hard to get them, and you're top of the world - then some guy taps into one without any training or knowledge then BOOM, you're wondering what the heck he was thinking! Anyway, you can reach an Aeon even without using magic. It's not the ultimate expression of magic - it's the ultimate expression of _existence_. " The Golden Witch sighed and faced her palm towards the Chaos. "Since it seems you still haven't had classes yet, allow me the honor of giving you your first lessons on Advanced Magic theory: Chaos itself cannot be destroyed. It's plain impossible, however, it _is _possible to destroy the _circumstance _behind it's appearance." Golden light radiated from her palm, and the air around the Chaos began cracking. It was like looking at ti from a broken television. Then, the image shattered and disappeared, the Chaos along with it. "What I just eliminated was its 'history' kids; that means its reason for appearing never happened in the first place. This creates a paradox that the universe itself cannot understand, so it forcibly repairs the error in reality. I hope your taking notes, this is high level conceptual magic here." Naturally, Meruin had already written it down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

James sighed. "I'm sorry. That card activated on its own. Actually..." He glared at Sol. "This dumb son of a bitch tripped me, despite the fact that I had all my cards in my pocket...ugh...if the Universe card would have come out, that kind of uncontrolled power would have destroyed everything..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Chase frowned. "Quit it with the 'destroy everything' crap. It's impossible for anyone to pull that off, also if there _was_ a possibility of that happening, then I highly doubt that _you_ of all people would be capable of pulling it off. No offense meant to you kid, but your not even on Liz or that Sol kids level, not even mentioning Meruins - well, Meruins level when you give her a few hours of preparation anyway. Your powers are potent, but too random; they're also relatively easy to seal off before you can even use them. I don't know whether its your ego or if you truly believe in what your saying, but you need to get you perception of power fixed." Meruin could exponentially increase her chances of achieving her goal the more time she was given to prepare. This applied to all things she did and she did it better than most people - it was what her soul dictated. "If you don't believe me, challenge anyone of them and use your full power. I'll oversee the match myself to make sure you don't have any excuses to hold back."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

James sighed. "I didn't mean me. The cards themselves have power. I'm actually...very weak at the normal magics," he said, slightly embarrassed to be admitting this. "The only way I can use normal magic effectively is with the magician card..." He sighed and pulled three cards out of the deck, holding them out to chase. "Here. Can you hold onto these? I don't want any accidents happening involving these three cards." The cards he was handing to her were the Aeon, World, and Universe card.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Chase pinched the cards in between her fingers and inspected them. "Well I'll be . . . you were telling the truth. Where the hell did you get these things?" These were Era Enders packed into a convenient bundle. How the hell did a kid get something like this in his hands?! "Yeah, I'll hold on to these, at least until you can control them. Aeons above, these are really dangerous cards." One, she could handle easily; two, it would take some effort, but it was still well within her abilities; three of them? That was stretching it. She'd need Reina's help if all three of these cards were to somehow go out of control. Meruin peeked at the cards curiously. She always wondered where the source of their power came from. Perhaps she'd exchange notes with James later - after she did so with Tyler, of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

James sighed. "I just have one warning...don't use the Universe card, no matter what. It's not just incredibly powerful, it's so powerful it will kill you, even if you have mastered an Aeon...and if you want to know where I found them, I found this entire deck of cards...all 78...in the Temple of Fate...this is the original Tarot deck, which was left there by the original god that created magic..." Of course, he wasn't at liberty to tell her that he was the one that accidentally released the seal on that temple.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Chase nodded, then grinned. "You realize that was an unofficial challenge you just issued me, right? Now I can't help but _want _to find a way to use it." Chase was always told that she was a failure who could do nothing as a child. As a grown woman, it has since become her habit to prove that if she wanted to, she could do _anything_. Not exactly a safe habit, but its made her who she is today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

James jumped up. "No. Bad idea. NOBODY can use that card...." he said, visibly shaking. "The last time someone tried..." He looked absolutely terrified. "Please...you must promise me...that you will NEVER use that card..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Chase and Meruin were taken aback by his sudden terror. Meruin looked up at Chase, who closed her eyes in thought. "I . . . don't particularly care what could happen to me or other people if I use this card. I'm a bit selfish like that, but then again, I'm an Adept of the Destruction Aeon aren't I? It's only natural . . . but, you seem serious about this, so even if I'm skeptical, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I promise I won't mess around with it, alright? Now calm down already." A little silence ensued, then Chase broke it with a clap. "Anyway! I suppose I should just go find this god at the temple of Fate. It's been awhile since I've faced something powerful that didn't try to drive me _insane_ just by looking at it. Should be fun. Say, James, Meruin, you want to come with me on a little field trip later on? I suppose you two are smart enough to come with me and understand one of my fights. What do you say?" Now it was Meruin's turn to tremble. One part excitement, one part _fear_. Chase was known for fighting . . . very, _very_, _**very**_, **_VERY _**_dangerous_ _adversaries_. The likes of which humankind was never even supposed to _look_ at. She's never won, of course (how can you win against those _things _anyway?) but that hasn't stopped her from trying. Meruin knew that one wrong glance at the wrong time could leave her insane.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

James nodded, seeming a bit more calm, but still slightly shaking. "O-okay...I'll go with you. I'm the only one that can release the seal on the doors anyways. But don't get too excited...the God of Fate is the last surviving true god...the other old gods died when they created the Universe card...And the God of Fate sealed himself, along with all the other cards, within the temple of fate after creating it..."
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