Alrighty, time to remind everyone I'm a co-GM.
Goat God, unfortunately I have to decline your character. I will give some reasons why.
We'll start off from the bottom and go down.
First off, size. Your character is unrealistically large for a fifteen year old. 95% of fifteen year olds, while they can be tall, are not 173lbs. To give a perspective, I'm in my mid teens (older than 15), and I weigh 151lbs. I'm not a tall guy either, but I am dense. Most people my size are about 120-130. You also go into about no detail in terms of physical appearance (I have no idea what he really looks like other than the blanket terms you've given us). Your attire is a bit lacking as well, although that's not THAT important. You completely lack a personality description (I know it's optional, but it is strongly recommended), and the power section looks like something I'd cast magic missile at.
My brotha HWWB and I talked it over as well. I'll place what he said about the power here:
"His power also needs to be expounded upon: it says he can both create shadows and also that he's not capable of creating shadows. His power seems to be something of a blank check: we're not clear on what the parameters of his ability really are, and some of it seems somewhat open to interpretation (for example, being able to control the beings within the darkness, of which we know little. His weaknesses, given his powerful and versatile abilities (teleportation, blinding his enemies, creating shields, weaponizing darkness) seem somewhat lackluster: his weaknesses should be proportionate to his strengths. What does being in sync with the darkness entail? How does the darkness corrupt him, is it sentient? Having a weakness but saying that his shadows can overpower light is somewhat confusing as well, because it doesn't seem like much of a weakness. With a power as strong as his, he should need some more severe drawbacks: fatigue and exhaustion are some pretty common go-tos for powers, but you can be more creative. Given his white eyes, perhaps he has a rather severe vision impairment as a result of using his power? Regardless, it all needs to be fleshed out some more before we can accept it."
-He Who Walks Behind
I would also like to add to the fact this roleplay is interaction driven, and your character doesn't seem like the type to want to approach anyone, and those that he does he will creep out until they go away from fear of being stalked. This roleplay also will be focused on power training, and you have given nothing that could be interpreted as something he needs to practice. In essence, go into more detail in well... everything, and set the parameters up on the power a bit more. Go over what we pointed out a bit more, and we will reconsider. Hope we helped.