Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

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Date: November sixth, 1879
Weather Conditions: A cool, crisp day though the blustery wind has a sharp bite. The leaves that still cling onto the tree branches are brown and lifeless, on the verge of falling off. Temperature conditions: about 54 degrees F, or 12 degrees C. Low humidity, a the sky is the color of faded denim, though it is steadily getting darker. Sunset had already passed so it was considered "twilight".
Time: Around 6:00 PM, or 18:00

The petite woman brushed her warm brown hair out of her face, the thick ringlets instantly springing back to their original position despite her efforts. She huffed, and attempted to tie her hair back, which partially succeeded. Caroline decided to leave her hair alone and instead send a few last loaves of bread into the oven. At sunrise she would head back to the bakery and take them out, and hopefully they hadn't burned yet. Oversleeping could cost Caroline a few meals, so she always made sure she got up with the sun.

Caroline proceeded to clean up the mess in the bakery and walk out the door into the chilly air. Winter was well on its way. She locked the door and hurried down the cobblestone street, and a moment later she was at her small two-room cottage. She unlocked that door and slipped in gratefully, starting a fire in the main room and shutting all the windows. Caroline let out a heavy sigh when she realized she still needed to make something for dinner.

Greta Vasquez strolled at a leisurely pace through the quaint little streets that twisted through the village. What a tiny place, she thought to herself. I can't believe the hunters chose this village to conceal their headquarters in

Greta stopped for a moment, taking in the scene. All around her, various people of all shapes and sizes (but all with fair skin) closed their businesses and started to head home. Some gave Greta surprised looks, which she brushed off. Her darker shade of skin would obviously attract attention in London, and even more so in the sleepy town of Ispwich. As long as they didn't outright ogle at her, Greta was fine.

Alexander Moriaty gazed out the window as night set in. The carriage driver, another hunter, quickly urged the horses faster through the forest on the uneven terrain. The small dirt path was not really a road, and they were struggling to maintain their footing. However, the carriage driver knew what came out after the sun set. He was just as anxious as Alex, and just as rushed to arrive at Kingsley Manor. The trees on all sides surrounding them wasn't exactly lending to the visibility either.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Lorelai strolled the streets at night, dark brown hair in a messy yet elegant bun atop her head. She wore a long sleeved dress this evening though her bosom was laid for all to see. Currently she was talking to some nameless fellow whom she had pinning against a wall. The poor fool was drunk and his hands never strayed for from Lorelai's rear end. She smiled and giggled at the man at all the right times. Her left hand was on his shoulder, the other had disappeared into the mans britches. Lorelai bit her lip at looked up at the man. To any passer by, this would be completely vulgar and indecent but for her, it was browsing a menu.

The vixen wasn't nearly as interested in the now gasping man as she was looking around the emptying streets. She spotted a girl who caught her interest. Her skin was darker than the pearls around here and she didn't seem to be looking for anything in particular. A new recruit with exotic skin, besides her own, was exactly what her place needed. Lori's eyes consumed the girl's body, gauging just how well she would fair and how long she could last with some the Puddin' and Pie's rougher clients. Despite her seductive looks Lorelai was actually very business savvy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Evelyn de Winter placed the last out of order book on its shelf, nodding with mute satisfaction. She enjoyed organization. The other two girls working with her had already completed their end of the work day tasks, coats being pulled on and buttoned. Evelyn followed suit, covering her white day dress with a muted grey coat, fitted to her figure although not as tightly as a corset. She had her hair down with the very ends curled in ringlets, unlike the other two women, one who had a lacy hat tucking away her hair and the other who had hers in a studious bun. Evelyn had tried making friends with them, but they were quite the gossipers, and she had no interest in that. So, she simply nodded to the two, going out first and letting them lock the shop. Evelyn thought it a little silly to close everything in town just about so early, but she wasn’t going to argue. That only led to more undead talk.

Ms. De Winter bid adieu to the others who nodded politely back, but probably continued a conversation of the odd, quiet woman with haunting blue eyes and porcelain skin, speaking of how they’d heard she had arranged the accident causing her husband’s death. Evelyn had not had these false, brazen rumors herself, too caught up in more important matters to her than idle chatter. Like her own thoughts. Now those entertained her much more than the fact Mrs. Reinhart was having an affair with Monsieur Kane behind her husband’s back. In her thoughts currently she was speculating if vampires were indeed real. It was quite a romantic concept really. Living forever. Maybe even with the one you love. For true eternity. Evelyn pondered the endlessness of it while her heels clicked the cobblestone streets, her mind high above the earth, in the clouds.

Her feet knew where to take her though. Where she went at twilight or later almost every day. The graveyard. Sure it was lonely in a way, and she was trying to stop, but sometimes it felt good to talk to someone. No one here had yet to really understand her, or try to even. Just like her feet were trained, so were her hands to push open the metal gating just enough to slip in, pulling her coat a bit tighter as she walked through the soft ground that made up this hallowed plot of land.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DreamMaster58


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Whirlwind said
Evelyn de Winter placed the last out of order book on its shelf, nodding with mute satisfaction. She enjoyed organization. The other two girls working with her had already completed their end of the work day tasks, coats being pulled on and buttoned. Evelyn followed suit, covering her white day dress with a muted grey coat, fitted to her figure although not as tightly as a corset. She had her hair down with the very ends curled in ringlets, unlike the other two women, one who had a lacy hat tucking away her hair and the other who had hers in a studious bun. Evelyn had tried making friends with them, but they were quite the gossipers, and she had no interest in that. So, she simply nodded to the two, going out first and letting them lock the shop. Evelyn thought it a little silly to close everything in town just about so early, but she wasn’t going to argue. That only led to more undead talk.Ms. De Winter bid adieu to the others who nodded politely back, but probably continued a conversation of the odd, quiet woman with haunting blue eyes and porcelain skin, speaking of how they’d heard she had arranged the accident causing her husband’s death. Evelyn had not had these false, brazen rumors herself, too caught up in more important matters to her than idle chatter. Like her own thoughts. Now those entertained her much more than the fact Mrs. Reinhart was having an affair with Monsieur Kane behind her husband’s back. In her thoughts currently she was speculating if vampires were indeed real. It was quite a romantic concept really. Living forever. Maybe even with the one you love. For true eternity. Evelyn pondered the endlessness of it while her heels clicked the cobblestone streets, her mind high above the earth, in the clouds.Her feet knew where to take her though. Where she went at twilight or later almost every day. The graveyard. Sure it was lonely in a way, and she was trying to stop, but sometimes it felt good to talk to someone. No one here had yet to really understand her, or try to even. Just like her feet were trained, so were her hands to push open the metal gating just enough to slip in, pulling her coat a bit tighter as she walked through the soft ground that made up this hallowed plot of land.

Ray looked around the street. He though "what a dump to have a vamp hideout in!" He didn't know that it was actually a hunters hq. He had hitched for 4 days now and needed nourishment. He decided to try and find some rats in a graveyard he could see. Looking around it was pretty clean. But there walked a pretty lady who looked tasty. Unfortunately he was trying to get off human. So he walked up in his human form and asked "are you lost?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

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Greta felt someone watching her-call her paranoid, call her superstitious, call her whatever you'd like, but Greta had always believed in her gut feeling and instinct, and right now it told her someone was assessing her like a hawk examines the mouse it wants for dinner. Greta casually tilted her head to the side, not noticing anything out of the ordinary in the town square. She flicked her gaze the other way, and in the shadows of a rundown building, a buxom woman seemed to be engaged in some sort of erotic activity with a young man, who seemed pleased. As a vampire, her eyesight in daytime was of little use, about as acute as a nearsighted human's, but at night it improved dramatically. She could detect minuscule details in the night, from the blades of grass underneath her to the lone spider crawling on a tree branch a few feet above her.

Greta looked towards the woman, who was eyeing her. Ah. So she hadn't been incorrect. Greta gave her a tight-lipped smile and continued on her way. It'd be best to get back to the surprisingly small cottage Stella had procured for the pair, though Greta knew she would be coming back out again that night. The two vampires had arrived in Ispwich Village the night before around 5 AM, much too close to sunrise for Greta's liking. She'd spent the day inside, napping and unpacking her belongings. Now, Greta wanted to explore and possibly obtain some type of intelligence on the hunters, though Stella was better at that sort of thing.

Humming tunelessly to herself, Caroline cheerily chopped up a few tomatos and boiled a pot of water, cooking a watery tomato soup for herself. She looked out the window-though the sky was getting darker, there was still an hour before Caroline usually headed in for the night. Caroline quickly drank up the soup, and she ignored the omnipresent hunger that seemed to always have her in its clutches. Caroline certainly never starved, but she didn't necessarily have a satisfied stomach every night.

Shaking off her worries, Caroline finished her soup and decided to take a walk around the village before retiring for the night. She grabbed her house key and walked out the door again, thinking of chatting with a few of her friends to top off the day.

Caroline usually avoided the bar, but tonight, she felt like venturing out a bit more than usual. Caroline strolled unhurriedly through the cobblestone streets until she reached the section with dirt paths as streets, and weaved her way in between cottages. She noticed a woman with a darker shade of skin tone entering her own cottage-which struck her odd, as in England, a creamy complexion was practically a prerequisite.

Must be a newcomer, haven't seen her anywhere around here, Caroline mused thoughtfully. Caroline gave the woman a polite smile before continuing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Evelyn jumped slightly, her fantasies interrupted by the voice of a man to her right. She stepped back as if frightened at the stranger who she hadn’t seen here before, prior to forcing herself to relax and give a half smile. ”No, but thank you. I was just visiting my husband…” she trailed off, eyes flitting to the side as she moved only a few feet more before stopping. In front of her was a homely gravestone, the carving reading Marcus de Winter, 1850-1879, Love Lives On. Evelyn casually waved to the stone before looking back to the stranger. ”See? This is him,” she said, as if she were introducing them, alive and at a party, smiling a little more before relaxing the grip on her coat. It was slightly chilly but she didn’t want to seem unfriendly, like she was fearful of the man by her body language. ”I was just coming to tell him goodnight before heading home,” she said, voice a softer tone, like she was remembering something, and as if asking permission from this man to go on about her way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DreamMaster58


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Whirlwind said
Evelyn jumped slightly, her fantasies interrupted by the voice of a man to her right. She stepped back as if frightened at the stranger who she hadn’t seen here before, prior to forcing herself to relax and give a half smile. she trailed off, eyes flitting to the side as she moved only a few feet more before stopping. In front of her was a homely gravestone, the carving reading . Evelyn casually waved to the stone before looking back to the stranger. she said, as if she were introducing them, alive and at a party, smiling a little more before relaxing the grip on her coat. It was slightly chilly but she didn’t want to seem unfriendly, like she was fearful of the man by her body language. she said, voice a softer tone, like she was remembering something, and as if asking permission from this man to go on about her way.

Ray smiled. He looked at here and could sence the fear of him. He knew she must be like "stranger danger!" So he bent down to the grave and said "goodnight ser. Sorry to scare you two." Then he turned to her and said "have a good night madam, sorry to disturb. I like to come to these graveyards to think of time and space and they don't run from me like most people. If u need anything let me know." Then he turned and started walking to the musliems
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex climbed gingerly out of the carriage, taking the opportunity to stretch his sore limbs. He grabbed his sole trunk from the interior of the horse-drawn vehicle and followed the driver inside Kingsley Manor. Alex felt his breath hitch in his throat. So this....this was Kingsley Manor. One of the most important and secretive hunter headquarters in the world and he was inside? Wow. It was a bit mind-blowing.
"Pull your hood up. Don't want any of the servants catching sight of you," the driver ordered him gruffly. Alex almost decided to snap back at him, but decided against making enemies on his first day, and complied.
He followed the driver into a luxurious corridor decorated with tapestries and rich, Persian rugs. However, other than the wall hangings, the room was empty. He padded along as the driver discreetly unlocked an inconspicuous doorway and beckoned for Alex to follow him into the basement of Kingsley Manor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Evelyn looked more contented when the man apologized and was very polite, though her expression became confused when he suggested people ran from him. ”I don’t understand… why would someone run from you?” she asked, and then realized she might be prying into his business when she shouldn’t be. Shaking her head at her own nosiness, she fished around in her purse, finding a gold coin, good for a decent meal anywhere in town at least. ”Here, you look hungry. Thank you for being so nice,” she smiled, reaching out to give the man the coin before heading on her way. It was getting darker and darker, and despite telling herself she didn’t believe in vampire rumors, they had apparently made her a bit more nervous than she’d like to admit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DreamMaster58


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Ray was toched. He wouldn't mind telling her why but he didn't need hunters or anyone to know. Even the vampires were enemys to him. Hecouldn't eat or drink, and he like to sleep outside in the musleaims. So with his teleportation he teleported near her, slipped the coin in her pocket, and then teleported out of the graveyard and continued his way into town.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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It was around 6 in the evening when Mithias heard the sounds of a horse and carriage roughly rolling through the forest. In a heavy, hooded cloak, he stepped out onto the poorly traveled road that led into the little town, watching the direction the carriage was arriving from. He watched. It wasn't often Ipswich attracted travelers, and he was mildly curious. Mithias had been about to go into the town himself, to feed, to kill, and to observe his current, small flock of humans for a while. The horse balked and neighed loudly, startled by the sudden dark shape in the road. A flock of birds took off suddenly from the sticks of the bare tree-tops above them as the horse made a fuss. The carriage driver called to control her, "Ho girl! Ho there, now move around." As he passed he saw Mithias, or rather, saw a cloaked man, presumably an old man, slightly hunched over as he was, but he could not see the man's face. "Best stay out of the road good sir!" The carriage driver called back, slightly annoyed at the delay caused by some deaf old man.

In the brief moment that it passed, Mithias looked in the window of the vehicle, gaining much with his accelerated senses. He could wreck this carriage, take his fill of blood early tonight, but it would depend on what was inside. They were still far enough from town that no one would be the wiser. The carriage could be burned, bodies destroyed... In a quick glance through the window, he saw a young man inside, also looking outward at him. He was very young, had lightly tanned skin, short brown hair, and a blank and innocent expression. There was a trunk on the floor of the carriage, two guns, and of course blades. The man was alone, dressed nicely atop somewhat drab, upholstered seats with french flower designs on them. Outside the carriage, yellow eyes gleamed from under a dark hood, a few tendrils of long, black hair escaped in front. Mithias caught the change in expression as the young man was taken away. He had seen him, or at least enough of him to be startled.

Mithias let them go. The carriage never halted. It was a good thing humans doubted themselves so much.

Shortly thereafter, the cloaked vampire meandered into town. People were still about, cooking dinner, going home, or going out for more night-worthy activities. Mithias kept himself out of notice while he hunted.

People died all the time. A fall, a broken leg, disease... There was also murder, and much of it went unpunished if the killer had any sense. The loss of a few adults here and there ultimately made no difference to the population, and death was something humans had to deal with all the time regardless of the cause. By right, Mithias could kill anyone he wanted. He was a part of nature. There was no point in trying to spare his victims, as it only lead to anti-vampire enthusiasm. He had been punished for trying to destroy his own species once before, and he'd never risk it again. So he killed. Perhaps it was a more merciful death than many of the other modern-day alternatives.

The pale body of a young stable hand would be found. Damn kid seemed to have died of that anemia that had been going around. Perhaps that was why he had always been asking for more sleep.

Now smelling of horses, Mithias walked slowly, cane in hand, down the street.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Evelyn jumped slightly, blue eyes wide as the stranger was suddenly right in front of her, took the coin, put it in her pocket, and was instantly gone. She blinked a few times, standing there with her palm open and emptied of the gold while staring at where the man had been. I must be going mad she thought in a panic to herself, shaking her head, brown locks hitting her pale cheeks as she ran from the graveyard. Her heart pounded, cheeks flushed from the unusual exertion of energy as she approached the street her home was on. She slowed to a quick walk, swallowing hard and still looking frightened as she passed others, nodding in greeting so as not to appear too suspicious. Her gaze was flitting around cautiously though, mind reeling as she attempted to explain to herself what had just occurred.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Lorelai walked down the street, apparently teaming with new vigor. The poor lad she had been "caressing" was no more than a fading lump of flesh in an alley with a dagger in his gut. The vampiric vixen's black gown clung to her body so graciously as she enjoyed a nighttime stroll. There were a few others, most pointedly a snow pale man. Lori smiled at him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

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Caroline glanced at a man garbed in all black with a cane stroll down the street a little to her left, a little ways from the stables. She turned back to the road in front of her and continued on her way with no destination in particular. Stopping at the marketplace, which was also closing down, Caroline impulsively bought a small trinket-it looked to be glass or something, with the whole spectrum of colors painted on it. It reminded her of a Christmas tree ornament, almost like a small bauble. And it was surprisingly cheap. Caroline thanked the vendor, handed him a few coins, and walked off.

She wondered where she should go next, and looked up at the sky. Nevermind that, time to go home. She headed towards her cottage at a slightly quicker pace than before, and shut the door, letting out a small sigh of relief. Lighting the fire again, Caroline pulled out the quilt she was working on mending for the coming winter, her needle and thread, and began to sew, although she was horrid at it. She looked into the flickering flames and exhaled. It would be a long night.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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Name: Claire Flare

Species: Human

Bio: Claire was born a common villager. When she was thirteen during the vampire attacks on the village, she was left poor and lived on her own. When she was seventeen, she worked as a waitress to earn money for her needs. Everyday, she leaves in the morning for work, go shopping for food, collect apples from trees, and sit near a stream. But at night, she gets uncomfortable and always wears a hood to calm her fear. Due to attacks, shes even scared to sleep at night. That's until someone fell in love the moment he saw her. But she doesn't see him because of him hiding in the dark. He is a vampire but who is he really?

Personality: Shy, kind, sensitive, and curious.

Appearance: Tan skin, long wavy back-lengthed dark brown hair, brown eyes, white and light blue commoner long sleeve village dress, and wears a hood at night.

Age: 17
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

((Hey AngelBites15, welcome, and accepted! But please post charrie apps in OOC please, thanks <3. Also, Claire would not know about vampires at the very start, though you could make her superstitious if you'd like))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 1 day ago

((My mistake. But yeah, she can be superstitious. I was thinking this could be a love story between her and a vampire))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 2 mos ago

((alright, we should probably hash out the details in OOC :) woot))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

Member Seen 1 day ago

At night.....

A woman with tan skin and her long wavy back-lengthed dark brown hair sweeper to one side of her body in her white and light blue commoner long sleeve village dress was walking downtown to where she lived with a basket in her hand full of apples she got from the orchard.
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