Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

it was a sunny day in Yokotama, the birds were singing, there was a refreshing breeze. Everything was clam and uneventful. Well nearly everything. In a small cake cafe was more lively then usually. Reasons for it quite simple. A 50% discounts on cakes.
No one who knew how well the cupcakes and cakes tested would have missed this day.
This would be the day several teens would remember as the day where it all started.

He was surprisingly happy today, walking down the street he was imaging one of his passion, cosplay. A wig was supposedly arriving today and everything would go smoothly.With the costume already prepared in his closet he would be completing the outfit. Make photots and post it on the internet. Passing a cake shop, his mind was distracted as he registration the offer. Looking in the pockets of his light green jacket he pulled the wallet out and done a few quick calculations. Just to ensure he wasnt going to burn the budged with a wimp like this.

Concluding he could buy two pieces of cake if they were half the price,he entered the shop. A little pleasure was nothing bad to give himself right? The other piece he would bring up to his mother, hoping she will like it. He walked pass a few already full table and came to the counter checking what was still left.

He looked up at the passing waiter. '' Ah...Sorry Can I get two strawberry cakes? One for here and one for take away?'' He questioned smiling a bit pointing to a still empty table.
''I will be sitting there. '' He said letting the busy guy work, had to be around his age, Jun wondered as he took the seat. Wondering if the man got hurt as he wore a eyepach. But there was no way he would go and ask about it. While waiting he looked around noticing that at this point all tables were full. Shifting and really hoping no one gets a idea to ask him to sit with him or something. Not that he actually wanted to make some more friends. Not at all. He sighed and ruffled his hair trying to ruin his own good mood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Miwa looks out her window of her car at traffic lights. She sees the cafe she likes to go to has a 50% off sale. She decides to park in the next parking lot and walks over to the cafe. She had just got back from Uni for the day and a cake would be a nice way to calm down. She opens the door and sees that all the tables are full. She looks around and sees one boy sitting alone at a table. "May..... urm I..." She stutters gesturing at the seat nervously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Ryusuke nervously weaved through the busy tables of the Cat's Eye Cafe. They were having a 50% off sale on their cakes and apparently everybody was excited because of it. It was great for business, but Ryusuke wasn't a big fan of crowds and there was a lot of focus on at once. They had two waitresses working today, and Ryusuke who was their only waiter. They could have used a fourth one, but she was out of town today. He set his tray down on one of the tables, delivering the cakes and coffees to those who ordered them and was going back to the counter to get more when he was stopped by a customer. "Of course." He said to the male's request and went to get his cakes. "Kokoro we're almost out of strawberry!" He called to his sister who was working in the kitchen, as he collected two of strawberry cakes for the customer.

"Okay!" Came the reply from the kitchen. Ryusuke put one of the cakes on a plate and the other in a to go container. He also grabbed a glass of water and several more coffees for another table. Making his way through the cafe once again, he handed off the coffees before returning to the male. "Two strawberry cakes, one to go." He said as he placed the cakes and the water on the table next her him. He noticed a girl with white hair standing next to the table. "Can I get you anything?" He asked. Though his usual bored expression was on his face, his tone was friendly enough. At least he hoped so. The manager had scolded him before for not smiling and scaring away their more shy customers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Oh.....urm...well yes please.......a urm blueberry muffin and urrrr... coffee for eat in and a double chocolate chip muffin to go?" She asks shyly looking up at him before looking around again trying to see if any tables were freeing up but there wasn't. She looked back at the boy and then the seat. "Please?......... " She asks again. Now that she had ordered she had to stay in. She looks at all the cupcakes before sighing. How good it was for them to have a cupcake sale but it was sooo busy and it looked like they were missing a waiter/waitress.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Diminuendo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sayuri strolls lazily down the bustling, cobblestone street. Her dark green eyes flick over to a small shop that was strangely crowded- 'The Cat's Eye Cafe'. The large wooden sign beside the door stated that the cakes were 50% off. Interested, she peers into the cafe, seeing a large line leading to the cashier and that all the tables were full. Brushing back her hair, Sayuri walks into the cafe and stands in line, deciding to buy a snack to eat on the way home.

"Sayuri-chan!" An elderly voice calls out, making said girl whirl around. The girl was quite certain she wasn't acquainted with anyone in the room, and was even more surprised when the old woman waved energetically at Sayuri, beckoning her over to her 2-person table.

Maintaining a safe distance between her and the creepy lady, Sayuri asks slowly, "Um… I'm sorry, have we spoken before…?"

The old woman pauses, and then smiles again, showing off all of her somewhat yellowed teeth, "Sayuri-chan, don't you remember me?"

No, she didn't remember! If Sayuri had known that trying to get a small cupcake would lead to this, she would rather have just gone straight home! "I really don't think we've met. Have you gotten the wrong person?"

"Is your name not Sayuri Minami?" She asks right away. Not waiting for an answer, she continues, "Listen, Sayuri-chan, I was just going to say you can sit here if you want to eat something here."

The girl was positive that she didn't know the lady, but it wouldn't hurt to just sit with her, right? And she could get a slice of cheesecake instead of a cupcake. "Oh. Uh, okay. I'll just… sit here… then." Sliding her heavy side bag onto the back of the chair, she sits down cautiously and raises a hand distractedly to call for a waiter. Who was this creepy old woman?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

The girl with white hair seemed shy, but ordered anyway. Ryusuke didn't even have to strain his ears or ask her to repeat herself because of how quiet she was. It was not only because he was good at his job, but he was quiet too and knew how to listen to quiet people. "We're out of double chocolate chip muffins at the moment. But there's a batch in the oven right now. I'll have that out for you in about 10 minutes if you don't waiting. I'll be right back with your other stuff." With a dip of his head he turned and began weaving his way back to the front to get the girl's order. "Be with you in a moment." He said to a girl with black hair as he walked by her table. She had her hand up to call him, but he was in the middle of another order. It wouldn't take more than a minute. It was nice of her to be taking her grandmother out to a cafe.

Ryusuke grabbed the blueberry muffin and a coffee for the white haired girl. He wrote down that she still needed a double chocolate chip muffin on a notepad next to the coffee machine. He could usually remember everything, but today there just too many people to risk forgetting something. This was an important day for the cafe, they could be getting a lot of regulars out of this. He weaved back through the tables to where the white haired girl had been. He set her order down on the table. "One blueberry muffin and a coffee." He had other tables to wait so he dipped his head again and moved back to the table with the black haired girl and her grandmother. "Sorry about the wait. What can I get you two?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Snowminx
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rin balanced herself along the edge of the sidewalk, keeping a close eye on the ground. School just got released and she was walking her usual way home, alone this time though. Rin sighed audibly, and lifted up her head, noticing the hustle and bustle of the cafe. Never had Rin seen it so busy before, it usually seemed to only be the stopping place for hungry workers around this time. Clutching her stuffed animal she hurried towards the door. "Ryusuke san! Is Kokoro here?" Rin asked frantically, trying to sound louder than the crowd. She waved her arms for Ryusuke to be able to see her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jun looked up, a shy voice catching his attention. He looked around to ensure she was meaning him and not someone else. Scratching the back of his head, well he couldnt let a girl just stand there. Before he could respond the waiter came and saved him, or at least gave him time. To word thing well enough. "Two strawberry cakes, one to go." He nodded to him in thanks and put the to go packed cake away into his bag safety.
"Please?......... " She asked him again.
''Its pretty buys,so ...sit down. '' He Smiled feeling too awkward to start eating his cake while she is waiting for her food. So instead he took a sip of water. Hearing the response of the waiter. Full 10 minutes....at lest he would bring her something of the order right away. That was nice enough. He wouldnt look rude if he ate his cake now.

''Coming often here?'' He asked preferring a small chitchat over silence. The waiter coming setting the order down and off he was again.
'' Poor stuff they going to get overworked. '' He watched eyes tracing to the pair f a girl with a grandma, sitting. For a moment he could have sworn the grandma just turned her head to smile at him, giving him a wink. He blushed and looked at the white haired girl.Avoiding that direction for the moment. His mind wondering if it was a wig or bleaching hair, or a actually albino? He took another sip of water hoping his blush will retreat, he felt the heat in his cheeks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Miwa decides to sit down anyway. Now she had her food she had to sit down. She smiled at the boy and slowly sips her coffee. Maybe they could just sit there not talking until she or him finished. She hoped so. She didn't feel like making anymore friends today. It was her first day at Uni and she had already had to make a couple so no more. she hoped. She looked around at the people serving the cafe. But then he asked her a question. "Urm.. yea.. Urr. well. you?" she replied. She nodded it looked like they needed help but she wasn't going to offer. No way! Especially with it that busy. But then no one else would and they needed help. She started to munch on her muffin with the occasional sip of the coffee she could offer a one of help. It would help her with her kindness. I had better finish my food first. she thinks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

At his question the girl answered a bit reluctant. Jun started to eat his own cake piece. Of course any normal person would feel awkward if a stranger they ended up sharing a table with would start asking question.

'' I come occasionally here, but usually I just take out.'' He said, mostly to stay polite. Eating bite after bite of his cake, now he wasnt really taking his time, to enjoy the taste. Which was just great in any sense possible. He looked over at his table mate, and deiced not to question her anymore. No reason to make her even more uncomfortable. He was done thought half of his cake piece, licking his spoon. For some reason his eyes wandered again to the grandma and the teen. Silently watching them as he nibbled on the spoon liking the taste of the strawberry syrup that got stuck to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diminuendo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Sorry about the wait. What can I get you two?"

"Huh?" Sayuri sat up suddenly, blushing. "Uh... what?"

The old woman, smiling brightly, leaned forward. "I'd like a coffee, please, and a brownie." At that, Sayuri raised an eyebrow distastefully. Wasn't she a bit too old for sweets? The raven-haired girl sneered slightly- but like a lady, of course-, deciding that she didn't like her companion and conveniently forgetting the fact that her own grandfather ate ice cream and chocolate bars for breakfast.

Then, realizing that the man was still waiting for her to make her order, Sayuri blushed again, eyes skimming the menu. "May I have a slice of the chocolate cheesecake please, and a latte?" As she made her order, the girl glared across the table at the old lady. There was no real reason behind it, just that Sayuri was suddenly in a bad mood, and didn't exactly want to piss off the waiter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

TalijaKey said
At his question the girl answered a bit reluctant. Jun started to eat his own cake piece. Of course any normal person would feel awkward if a stranger they ended up sharing a table with would start asking question.'' I come occasionally here, but usually I just take out.'' He said, mostly to stay polite. Eating bite after bite of his cake, now he wasnt really taking his time, to enjoy the taste. Which was just great in any sense possible. He looked over at his table mate, and deiced not to question her anymore. No reason to make her even more uncomfortable. He was done thought half of his cake piece, licking his spoon. For some reason his eyes wandered again to the grandma and the teen. Silently watching them as he nibbled on the spoon liking the taste of the strawberry syrup that got stuck to it.

Miwa nods at his question before listening in to the orders of the Old women and a black haired girl. She looks at them and thinks Hmm the old women seems to know the girl but the girl doesn't know the woman. I wonder,,, She thinks back to when the woman called for the girl to come over. She seemed a bit surprised. She is either an old relative. or.... a person who might have overheard their name She looks back to the boy across the Table and smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He wouldnt have known much about the other pair. And he found his own staring as something really not mannered. But he wasnt alone his table mate was looking over to them too. '' Knowing them?'' He found himself asking her before he even thought over it. Blushing at it, he looked down on the cake and ate the rest, in two bites. She was kinda cute, and he just was a idiot.
He took the glass and drunk the water out too. He collected his bag and the take out cake. ''Well I will be going. I left the money for my cakes on the table'' He said as he stood up placing the money down. He stayed silent for a moment and added. '' Thank you for the company it was nice.'' He smiled somewhat before starting to walk towards the door. Just as he placed a hand on the door knob to leave. He froze.
'' Jun! Dont go running off now. '' The old woman called out to him. Jun blinked at her.
'' Come now and sit with us. And be a treasure and call over Miwa to join us too. You wouldnt now reject to make company to 3 ladies. ''
The old woman send him a kiss. And Juns face was tomato red from it. It was glowing. But he couldnt curse her out being older and such, turned around and grumbled to himself. He Was about to call over Miwa but then he just noticed he didnt knew who the lady meant. Just as if she was reading his mind the lady added. '' Its the cute girl that sat with you.''

He obeyed, walking awkwardly to the girl back. '' Um you are Miwa? That lady is asking us to sit down with her. I have not the smallest idea why.'' He said somewhat rougher then intended. He picked the money he left. and walked over to the table where the old woman sat. He sat down beside the other girl there. Having not the smallest idea what was going on.He glared at the woman he could have been now on the way home. Not feeling this awkward.

'' Couldnt have you run away before everyone arrived, Jun.'' He didnt answered, to her, instead he looked at the girl there. '' I am Jun...nice to meet you?...'' Looking to see if Miwa would join them, in the end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

Ryusuke took the orders of the black haired girl and her grandmother. "I'll be back with those in a moment." He said before heading off to get the orders. He also had a few coffees and waters to refill, and checks to give and take. He sighed as he made it to the front again. Because of how busy they were and their lack of a fourth person Ryusuke hadn't gotten the chance to take a break all day. He had pretty much been working none stop. He was young and strong though, he could handle it. He did feel sorry for his sister though. She had been stuck in the kitchen all day and had skipped school to make sure they had enough stuff.

As he was collecting the order he noticed the double chocolate chip muffins were out of the oven, so he got one and put it in a to-go box for the white haired girl. He noticed the white haired girl and the boy she had been sitting with were no longer at their table, but there had been money left for at least one of the orders. A quick count told him it was for the boy's order. He put it in his apron to bring to the front when he had a chance and looked around for the white haired girl. He saw that they were now with the black haired girl and her grandmother. Ryusuke shrugged and went over there. "Okay so I have a coffee and a latte." He said setting the drinks down in front of the correct people. "Then a brownie and a slice of chocolate cheesecake." He put down those too. "And finally here's the double chocolate chip muffin." He set the to-go box down in front of the white haired girl.

He turned to go but was stopped by the grandmother. "Hold on Ryusuke, why don't you come sit with us for a while?" She said with a friendly smile. Ryusuke didn't smile back, it just wasn't his thing he smile. But he was polite when he spoke. "I would love to ma'am, but I'm afraid I can't. There's too much work to be done." The woman's smile turned into a frown. "Well, all right then." With an nod Ryusuke moved off to another table and continued working. Not thinking much about the fact that the woman knew his name, since it was on his name tag.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

TalijaKey said
He wouldnt have known much about the other pair. And he found his own staring as something really not mannered. But he wasnt alone his table mate was looking over to them too. '' Knowing them?'' He found himself asking her before he even thought over it. Blushing at it, he looked down on the cake and ate the rest, in two bites. She was kinda cute, and he just was a idiot. He took the glass and drunk the water out too. He collected his bag and the take out cake. ''Well I will be going. I left the money for my cakes on the table'' He said as he stood up placing the money down. He stayed silent for a moment and added. '' Thank you for the company it was nice.'' He smiled somewhat before starting to walk towards the door. Just as he placed a hand on the door knob to leave. He froze.'' Jun! Dont go running off now. '' The old woman called out to him. Jun blinked at her.'' Come now and sit with us. And be a treasure and call over Miwa to join us too. You wouldnt now reject to make company to 3 ladies. ''The old woman send him a kiss. And Juns face was tomato red from it. It was glowing. But he couldnt curse her out being older and such, turned around and grumbled to himself. He Was about to call over Miwa but then he just noticed he didnt knew who the lady meant. Just as if she was reading his mind the lady added. '' Its the cute girl that sat with you.''He obeyed, walking awkwardly to the girl back. '' Um you are Miwa? That lady is asking us to sit down with her. I have not the smallest idea why.'' He said somewhat rougher then intended. He picked the money he left. and walked over to the table where the old woman sat. He sat down beside the other girl there. Having not the smallest idea what was going on.He glared at the woman he could have been now on the way home. Not feeling this awkward.'' Couldnt have you run away before everyone arrived, Jun.'' He didnt answered, to her, instead he looked at the girl there. '' I am Jun...nice to meet you?...'' Looking to see if Miwa would join them, in the end.

Miwa looks up "No I don't know them." She replies blushing a bit. He had obviously seen her staring at them. She sees him leave before she was called over by the old woman. "M...Me?" She asks heading over there confused she sits down next to the boy leaving her plate and coffee behind after finishing it. She sits down and listens to the boy introducing himself. "Jun.... That is a nice name" she says not knowing she said it out loud. She decides to say hello to. "Urm.... I.. I'm Miwa....." She looks around and sees Ryusuke put her chocolate chip muffin down in front of her. "Thank. You" She says quietly. She grabs his arm before he goes and whispers in his ear. "I don't mind helping if you need.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

Member Seen 1 day ago

Whoever decided that mornings should be so early and that the days should start at the crack of dawn, really was either a sadomasochist or an idiot. If everyone’s jobs and classes started just a little bit later in the day, people would oversleep so much and people would call in sick a lot less. At least, that was how Chen felt. He loathed mornings; hated them with a white-hot passion. This was why he was so glad that he did not have to get up early for the job he had now.

It was a little past noon by the time Chen Nakatomi rolled out of his bed. His usually neat mohawk was a mess, with dyed strands of crimson and gold sticking out like needles and most of the thick follicles smashed against his scalp in a ruthless attack by his pillow. Smudges of the dark lines that had been neatly drawn around his eyes the night before were now spread down his cheeks and he was pretty sure that the taste in his mouth was not something he had been eating or drinking … or smoking, for that matter.
His head felt ten times it usual size and every time he moved, the world started swaying so badly that his stomach did a little dance in his abdomen.
By sheer willpower and experience, he managed to locate his cigarettes somewhere in the masses of clothes that were spread out all over his floor and since lighters were spread around just as much as the clothes, one was not hard to find. As glorious smoke filled his lungs with the first, long drag of his morning dose of nicotine, he wondered what the hell had happened the night before.

He remembered flashing lights and naked boobs. Oh, right. One of his “colleagues” had invited him to this strip club. He had obviously gotten shitfaced beyond the capabilities of his own salary, so he was guessing that his “colleague” had paid for it all. Ah, well. He could not really complain about a free night in town looking at naked boobs, could he now? It was just as good a past-time as any.
With the mystery of his dry mouth, lurching stomach and pulsing brain solved and ignored, he went to take a shower to wash off the glitter that had mysteriously found its way to places where glitter should not be. He was the most surprised by the glitter that he had to clean out of his nostrils.
He got dressed, made his hair stand, lined his eyes in black and even shaved his face. He was ready for the day and whatever it would toss at him within an hour and by the time his keys were turned in the lock and his feet touched the curb, he was actually feeling quite a lot better.

He was walking around, simply because he had nowhere to go. His apartment was nothing but a room with a bed in it and a bathroom attached, so he saw no reason to stick around there. He had, as far as he could remember, no jobs for the day. He hated these days where he was free to do whatever he wanted, because there was nothing he really wanted to do.
In his wandering, he nearly missed the sign that informed him that the cafe he was passing had a 50 percent discount on cakes today and had he not dropped his lighter right at that moment, his fate would likely have turned out quite differently. However, he did drop his lighter, he did notice the sign and he did look in through the windows and saw one of his favorite people in the world; that cosplaying little twink that he had passed by, bumped into, mocked and at one point even punched. It was not even a hard punch; it was barely even a graze of his knuckles against the kid's shoulder.
He found himself in a situation where he was debating with himself whether to go in there and talk to the kid, stay outside and wait for him or just go on and do something else. In retrospect, he probably would have chosen a different approach, but since he was not a psychic, he chose to sit his ass down, lean against the wall of the building and light his cigarette; the pup had to come out of there at some point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diminuendo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sayuri frowned when the old woman invited a couple over to their table. The girl didn't particularly like strange people staring at her when she was eating, especially if they were going to be all couple-y and lovey-dovey while doing so. Nevertheless, Sayuri kept her mouth shut - she wasn't going to forget all of her manners, now, was she? Nodding at the waiter when he put down her cheesecake, Sayuri waited until the old lady takes a large bite of her brownie until the girl digs into her own treat. The black-haired girl forced a smile at the couple when they take seats at her table. Suddenly hearing the old woman invite the waiter - now dubbed 'Ryusuke' - to sit with them, she immediately focused her gaze on the redhead, hoping that he wouldn't take the lady up on her offer. He had work to do, didn't he? Releasing an inaudible sigh of relief when he shook his head and left, Sayuri smirked triumphantly to herself. It was strange, really - Sayuri wasn't usually this opposed to sharing, but it was just the fact that the old lady had suggested it that made her so rebellious. There was just something weird about that woman, something the girl couldn't quite put her finger on...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

As Ryusuke was leaving the table that seemed to be getting more people by the minute, one of them grabbed him. It was the girl with white hair. She was offering to help. The smallest hints of a smile graced his lips. Usually customers didn't care how busy it was, they just wanted to be served. "Thank you for the offer ma'am but don't worry about anything. We're fine." It was a bit of a lie, but she was customer so it wouldn't be right to have her helping out. As he was passing by some tables on his way to the front, he noticed for the first time a very familiar blonde girl. He stopped to address her. "I'm sorry Rin, I've been so busy I didn't notice you. Kokoro is in the kitchen, but be warned you may be roped into helping her."

Rin was his younger sister's best friend, and by extension his friend as well. It was nearly impossible to be around somebody so much and not be their friend. Unless you hated their guts, and it was kind of impossible to hate Rin's guts. She was just so darn cute, not in a creepy way. He was not crushing on Rin. She was still in high school AND his sister's best friend. One or both of them would murder him if that happened. He thought of her almost like a second sister and certainly felt protective of her like he did his sister at times. At the moment he was kind of using her as an excuse to stop moving for more than a few seconds. It was amazing how tiring weaving your way through a cafe can be when you do it for hours at a time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
Avatar of TalijaKey


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Jun.... That is a nice name. Urm.... I.. I'm Miwa....."
It was Juns first ever that someone said they found his name actually nice.Even if they just tried to be nice. The blush finding its way on his face, once again, the previous anger evaporating. He mumbled a silent thank you that no one even heard, as the waiter brought the next part of the order. The girl who was on the table pretty wasnt feeling welcoming at all. making Jun shift in his seat. He didnt had any money to spree for another round and so he didnt ordered anything, hoping no one calls him out for it.

'' Someone should bring in our Chen Nakatomi, he is such a cute shy person to not yet enter the shop. '' Came the words from the smiling lady and Jun paled. Looking around grabbing the menu to hide behind it. Chen... he wasnt sure what kind of relation they had. They sure were moments Jun found actually enjoyable just hanging around the other but just as many or more? Were moments that the other teased him, made fun and Jun had not the smallest idea if Chen was bullying him or was just naturally like that? But either what the mystery of Chen was Jun didnt want to have to deal with him now. So childishly like it was he was hiding under the menu. Wondering if he can hide away in the back of the cafe.
''Jun stop thinking about running away, darling.''

Jun frowned under the menu, for a moment thinking that she was really reading his mind. Before trowing it out the window, that existed only in mangas not real life. The old lady kept on speaking all to Jun dislike.
''Any volunteers to be a heart and go fetch Chen. Its the one that smokes. You cannot miss him. ''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhotoHammy


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Miwa shakes her head she didn't want tot go and get someone. She checks the change in her pocket. she didn't really want to spend any more money on food and she needed to get home and study for Uni more.
"Don't leave yet Miwa." The old women says like they had read her mind. Miwa looks at her ad shakes her head she wouldn't the She looks at the time she had a lot of time to spare so she shrugged and began to silently fiddle with her hair.
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