Race: Human
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 2 July, 23 BBY
Faction: New Republic/Alliance to Restore the Republic (0 ABY-current)
-Galactic Empire (2 BBY-0ABY)
Current Rank: Major
Current Position/Title: Commander, Company A, 4th Regiment, 5th New Republic Special Forces Division (2 ABY-current)
Past Positions and Ranks: Platoon Leader, 3rd Platoon, A Company, 6th Battalion, 11th Stormtrooper Legion (Second Lieutenant, 2 BBY-1 BBY)
-Platoon Leader, 1st Platoon, 141st Imperial Storm Commando Company (First Lieutenant, 1 BBY-0 ABY)
-Platoon Leader, 1st Platoon, Company A, 4th Regiment, 5th New Republic Special Forces Division (0 ABY-2 ABY)
Physical Description: Brown hair, hazel eyes. 6’0” tall, weighing 185 pounds. Athletic, fit build. Has an l-shaped scar across the bridge of his nose from a piece of shrapnel which sliced his nose during an operation, as well as two horizontal scars on the back of his head from another explosion.
Weapons: A-280 blaster rifle with 4x scope, SE-14 blaster pistol, 2x thermal detonators, 2x flashbang grenades, 2x smoke grenades, combat knife
Equipment: Camouflage utility uniform with boonie hat, combat boots, headset comlink, assault backpack, 5 days worth of rations, 3-liter water bladder, military cord, individual first aid kit, 2x infrared marking strobes
Personality and Traits: Patrick Rudder is a fierce yet calculating soldier. He has a sound tactical mind, and is an outstanding small-unit leader, from squad-sized elements all the way up to company-sized task forces. He is a natural-born leader, and his charisma helps him to easily win the respect and admiration of the men he leads and motivate them even under the most dire of circumstances. He is in excellent shape, which he maintains through a strict regimen of running, body weight exercises, and weight lifting. He is an excellent rifle shot, scoring perfect marks on his qualification with the A-280 rifle, and is an above-average shot with his pistol. Patrick excels under pressure; he is able to maintain his cool even while being shot at and having things explode around him, and can calmly make the proper decisions and direct his troops to victory against the enemy, never letting the situation overwhelm him. He can have a short temper, and is extremely distrustful of those he does not know, often holding back and refusing to work well with them until they have proven themselves trustworthy and useful.
History: Patrick Rudder was born on Alderaan to a Republic Naval officer named Kaven Rudder and a preschool teacher named Diana. He grew up in a household where loyalty and service to the Republic, and later the Empire, was admired and respected, and spoken of highly. Patrick thus grew up with a strong sense of duty and honor, and from the time he was old enough to remember, he desired to serve in the Imperial military. He was an above-average student, and an exceptional athlete, particularly in hoverball. When he was 17, he applied to and was accepted to the Imperial Military Academy on Carida, which specialized in training Stormtrooper officers. His father would have preferred that Patrick go into the Navy, like his own career, but the Army or Stormtrooper Corps appealed much more to Patrick. He excelled at the Academy, earning top grades in his military-focused studies while becoming an expert shot with carbines and rifles. He displayed excellent leadership of his fellow cadets, and by the time he graduated he was selected for the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps.
Patrick was sent to the 11th Stormtrooper Legion, where he served as a Stormtrooper platoon leader. He participated in the quelling of a Rebel uprising on Torfan, where he got his first taste of combat and earned the respect of his Stormtroopers with his calm demeanor and quick decision-making under fire. After a year of being a platoon leader, Patrick applied for and was selected to undergo training for a specialized group of Stormtroopers under Crix Madine: the Storm Commandos. Patrick excelled in the training and testing, and was one of the first Storm Commando officers, leading a team of Commandos on numerous missions for the Empire. However, over the next year, the missions Patrick and his team were sent on with the Storm Commandos made Patrick increasingly disillusioned with the Empire and its stated goals. It seemed to him that they were being used more for terror, reprisal, and executions than truly defending the Empire.
The destruction of Alderaan, his homeworld, by the Death Star in 0BBY finally pushed Patrick over the edge. The day Alderaan died, Patrick resolved that his service to the Empire was over, and that he would make his defection to the Alliance. He planned his escape over the next few months, and three months after the Battle of Yavin, Patrick defected to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, offering his services and skills as a special forces officer. After a lengthy vetting process, the Alliance accepted him and promoted him to Captain. He was assigned to a brand-new organization, Alliance Special Forces, under a familiar leader: General Crix Madine, recently defected from the Empire as well. Patrick would be one of the founding platoon leaders in SpecForce, and was instrumental in helping General Madine form the training and evaluation for the 4th Regiments of the divisions, which were the Wilderness Fighters, or Rangers, troops who specialized in fighting in forests, tundra, jungles, and otherwise isolated locations behind enemy lines where resupply and support were difficult. For the next two years, Patrick would serve as a platoon leader with Alpha Company, 4th Regiment, 5th SpecForce division, which was a rogue division.
In 2 ABY, the company commander, Captain Moraelsi, was killed in action during an operation on Belsavis, and Patrick was promoted to Major and given command of the Company. Patrick would lead the company through the devastating Battle of Hoth, where the company was assigned the task of helping evacuate personnel off the planet and fought a rearguard before escaping on one of the last transports off the planet.
In 4 ABY, the Alliance received communication from one of their intelligence agents, a Bothan named Gath Laons'hir, made contact after being under deep cover and informed his handlers that he had obtained vital intelligence information that was critical to the survival of the Alliance. Patrick and his company were routed to the planet on which Gath was operating, Exaron, and told to make contact and retrieve the intelligence. Patrick landed with a small strike team in the forests outside the capital of the planet, Vratokh, where they met with Gath's partner. The partner informed them that Gath had been captured, but that he would lead them to his location. The partner betrayed them, however, and led them into an Imperial ambush which killed Patrick's strike team of eighteen men, save for two snipers who escaped, and wounded Patrick, leading to the Imperials capturing him.
While transporting Patrick back to Vratokh to interrogate him, however, the Imperials were themselves ambushed by a local dissident cell. The cell, led by a man named Bishop, had learned of an Alliance Special Forces officer being captured, and rescued him with the hope of Patrick aiding them. Patrick struck a deal with Bishop: he would help the local cell in their fight against the Empire in exchange for help in linking up with Gath and escaping off-world. A Zeltron female named Dela was ordered to work with Patrick, and they accomplished several small missions for the cell. However, after surviving a close call and an ambush by an Imperial Storm Commando team, Patrick began to suspect a traitor within the cell. He shared his fears with Bishop, who assigned the cell's slicer, Nara, to try to track any suspicious computer movement by anyone in the cell. Patrick also tailed one of the cell's operations and discovered that Imperial Scout Troopers were tracking them. He killed one and captured the other, and an interrogation confirmed that there was a mole in the cell. The searching and tracking by Nara uncovered the traitor, but also alerted the Imperials that their cover had been blown. Unbeknownst to Patrick and the Rebellion, the intelligence Gath had concerned an Imperial officer, Lieutenant Colonel Moreau, who wished to defect. The Empire had hoped to use the traitor within the cell to follow Patrick to Moreau, and then recapture them both. With their operation blown, the Imperial Governor, Julius Talid, launched an assault on the cell's hideout. Bishop was killed, and Patrick, Dela, Nara, and several other of the cell members were forced to fight their way out and escape through a secret exit.
Roleplays Involved In:
-Fires of Exaron - 4 ABY
-Ghosts of the Past - 5 ABY
-Fires of Exaron: 23 (11 Stormtroopers, 1 Stormtrooper officer, 10 Imperial Army soldiers, 1 Scout Trooper)
-Ghosts of the Past: 15 (3 Imperial Army soldiers, 12 Stormtroopers)