Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Original idea by Headphones

First of all, I would like to thank you, whoever you may be, for taking interest in this idea of mine. I hope that it will be to your liking and that we can role-play together.
Time and time again, I have been on both parties. I have read interest checks and I have made interest checks and I know just how hard it is on both sides. One has to handle reading a huge pile of text, some of which is not even necessary in some cases, and the other has to craft a piece of text for the soul purpose of attracting attention, but also containing all the ideas the author wishes to present. Each has its hardships.
Today, I take the latter role, as a presenter of an idea, however, rather than put a huge block of text without spaces that has all the points and shades of my idea, I have decided to keep it as simple as possible, in order to give you the base of that which is "Word Syndrome". If you are looking for details, I will include a link at the bottom of this post to the site I am currently in the process of making for the role-play.
I wish you happy reading. =3

1. What lies in the background of "Word Syndrome"?

2. How does "Word Syndrome" start off?

3. What does the plot aim for and how will it develop?

4. How can my character fit in all of this?

5. What will be expected of potential role-players?

6. When can we expect to start?

In the end, it turned out longer than expected ^ ^" I hope you have enjoyed reading through this Interest Check.
Here is the link to the site: http://wordsyndrome.weebly.com/
As mentioned before, it is still in construction, but everything regarding the introduction, the notebooks, the D.O.G. and the C.A.T. has been completed, thus feel free to browse around. If there are any questions, suggestions or opinions, do post below and tell me what you think.

~Thank you for your time~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

I am absolutely interested in this and would love to play a member of D.O.G. I do have a few questions though.

Will we be roleplaying on this website or the one you created for the roleplay?

Do you have a specific character sheet or do we just free form it?

And finally, anime or realistic pics?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Most interested. Watching this space.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Absolutely beautiful. Interest spiked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Three people in ten hours. I'm so happy! XD Thank you, everyone, for being interested.

To answer your first inquiry Redwing, we will be role-playing here, on the Guild site. The one I created is for the purpose of properly ordering and displaying information regarding the role-play. If I were to put everything on the OOC, it would become an incredibly long post, which I doubt will be a blessing for those looking for something specific. The site offers an easy access to the information and saves you the time of scrolling through piles of text in one post.

Regarding your second question, I was rather tired last night and did not put a character sheet in my first post. I will put the sheet in the edited version of this post in a few minutes, but I would like to get the response out first. When it comes to the character sheet, I don't want any area to be left blank or erased. I will specify where you can simply write "none", but don't do so where I haven't.
I would also like to note here that you can ask for someone to be a relative to your character. I will be playing a few characters, since I need to keep all sectors in check. If anyone is looking for relatives, feel free to ask me or anyone else.

Finally, the answer to the last one is that I would love them to be anime, but if your personal preference is real pictures, I have nothing against it. Considering your avatar, I am guessing that you will be going for anime X3

Please, PM me the character sheets.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

Thank you so much for answering my questions. I will have a character sheet up some time today. And yes you are correct, I prefer anime pics. I was just making sure we were on the same page there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ooh, question, question!
Are you going to pick the characters' notebooks or are we going to do them ourselves?
I would expect that to be put in the "I would like..." section of the character sheet, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Also, reading through the rules on the site, it says that "The Lovers" can pertain to two beings. Do both have to come from the same person? EG, I make two characters, or can me and another person both make characters to fill those positions?

EDIT: Also, your signature. Mekakucity Actors aaaaah! <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My interest is piqued, I will read the rest of the interest check and start on the website later today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I am happy to see that I piqued your interest, Guilty Spark. I will be updating the site later today, thus you and everyone else may find a few new pieces of information regarding the city. I hope you like the entire concept of the role-play.

Redwing, I see you sent me a PM =3 I will give you a reply a bit later today. Out of curiosity, though, I would like to ask which timezone do you live in?

MyCatGinger said
Ooh, question, question!Are you going to pick the characters' notebooks or are we going to do them ourselves?I would expect that to be put in the "I would like..." section of the character sheet, but correct me if I'm wrong.

You pick a notebook you would like your character to have and send me a PM with your character's sheet. =)
In the "I would like" section you have to write which notebook you want, so I can know if the character will fit the specific role or not.
Hopefully, that answers your question.

MyCatGinger said Also, reading through the rules on the site, it says that "The Lovers" can pertain to two beings. Do both have to come from the same person?
EG, I make two characters, or can me and another person both make characters to fill those positions?

Ah, the Lovers. That strong, mindless, complicated feeling.
When it comes to them, yes, there can be two owners of that one notebook, however, I would like for two separate users to play those two characters. The method of that notebook is that the first person, who opens it, becomes the owner and they can then chose to share the ownership. The two people can not become owners at once.
It's not necessary for the positions to be filled up at the very beginning. If you would like, you and this other user can have a little episode of revealing or a gradual build up when the owner of the notebook decides to fully commit themselves to the other character and tell them about the notebook. Whatever you have in mind, please do PM me the details. =3

MyCatGinger said EDIT: Also, your signature. Mekakucity Actors aaaaah! <3

=P The anime was one of the biggest anime mistakes I've seen. Well, it's SHAFT, so there is an explanation. Lovely little series, it was. Not as tragic as some others I have seen, but the music is amazing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, I've finished reading the information in and out of the website and I'm definitely interested. I've begun preliminary work on shaping my character, and I hope I can live up to my own expectations.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Is there any more information you can provide about the political scene in Oblak City? Not just names, but agendas, local methodology, etc.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Guilty Spark said
Is there any more information you can provide about the political scene in Oblak City? Not just names, but agendas, local methodology, etc.

Excuse me for the late reply, Guilty Spark, and also for answering your question with a question, but what might you be referring to with "local methodology"? Could you perhaps be a bit more specific?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I want to know how the political system is organized, the responsibilities of Ambassadors/Local Representatives, how Representatives are elected/chosen, if there are any other important government officials worth noting, how many branches of government, is there a "presidential" type figure or are decisions made by the Ambassadors/Representatives, what international relationships have formed/are forming, what is the agenda and motive of each nation involved. I'm looking to make a politically oriented character, and I'm curious.

Edit: Right now I'm caught between Investigative Journalist, Wealthy Entrepreneur, Political Aide, Public Relations Agent/Manager, CEO of a local corporation, and oddly enough a (maybe downtrodden) Librarian.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm still reading all of the site, but this is an utterly interesting concept! I'd love to join, however I'm afraid that due to college I won't have enough time to reply daily. Posting twice a week however, will be more than doable!

I also have a small question. In what part of the world would Oblak City be? I mean for example Asia, Europe, Australia, The Near East, America or perhaps Africa? Or would the city be a mingling of cultures in a not-as-of-yet-specified location? I'm planning on making an exchange student however it would be nice to know what sort of culture to expect in the city.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm currently writing my reply to you, Guilty Spark, in Google Drive, so don't think I've forgotten about you. ;) It's going to be a somewhat long post when I'm done, but I hope it will be enough, once I have finished. I am posting right now to answer the following question:

AlidaMaria said
Edit:I also have a small question. In what part of the world would Oblak City be? I mean for example Asia, Europe, Australia, The Near East, America or perhaps Africa? Or would the city be a mingling of cultures in a not-as-of-yet-specified location? I'm planning on making an exchange student however it would be nice to know what sort of culture to expect in the city.

Excuse me, but I will be honest and say that my eye twitched when I read your questions.
My dear, perhaps you missed this vital little page: http://wordsyndrome.weebly.com/oblak-city.html
Over there, to the right, under the little picture.
What kind of culture to expect? I do believe I stated that this will be a mix of many peoples even in my first post.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Headphones said
I'm currently writing my reply to you, Guilty Spark, in Google Drive, so don't think I've forgotten about you. ;) It's going to be a somewhat long post when I'm done, but I hope it will be enough, once I have finished. I am posting right now to answer the following question:Excuse me, but I will be honest and say that my eye twitched when I read your questions.My dear, perhaps you missed this vital little page: http://wordsyndrome.weebly.com/oblak-city.htmlOver there, to the right, under the little picture.What kind of culture to expect? I do believe I stated that this will be a mix of many peoples even in my first post.

Wow, sorry I'm such an idiot. I only clicked on Östlich Solnechnii Oka and Gregor Mendel Public school and I was really surprised to find nothing concerning the city itself, especially since the other descriptions were so very detailed. Excuses! I'll read it and thank you.

I was just curious and wanted to be sure that we were on the same page concerning the city's culture. Thank you and excuses again for my silly question :'D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Headphones said
I'm currently writing my reply to you, Guilty Spark, in Google Drive, so don't think I've forgotten about you. ;) It's going to be a somewhat long post when I'm done, but I hope it will be enough, once I have finished.

Take your time, I imagine this will be information everyone will find helpful. It might even find a place on the website.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It's 1 AM at night and even though there is probably more to add here, I'll leave it as it is for tonight. Guilty Spark, if you believe I have missed something, do point it out and, if you have any ideas on the system, do feel free and give me your suggestions. While I am no stranger to politics, I am also not close and personal with them. X3

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm inundated with distractions at the moment, so I will have to reread this material later to fully retain it, however, so far it looks very interesting.

1) How often are Representatives elected?

2) Political groups have their own territories? That's interesting certainly, what happens when one falls out of the top three (or suffer any shift in their ranking, really)? Does their territory suffer any consequences?

3) The Political Group voting system, particularly the down-voting ability, seems exploitable. Couldn't, with the appropriate organization, voters target key group members? Perhaps it would be better if only members of that Political Group could down-vote, or something similar. So that their interests are protected from external tampering. Or only people residing within their area, or something.

4) Given that they hold legislative and executive power, I imagine the Council has created a lot of bureaucratic organizations and "Federal Departments" to delegate the responsibility of carrying out laws to? Are these hypothetical bureaucracies malleable? Changing often, or remaining stagnant? And, finally (for now), I imagine they have Ministers/Administrators/Department Heads as well?

(I'm not firmly acquainted with politics myself.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Headphones


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Guilty Spark said 1) How often are Representatives elected?

Every three years.

Guilty Spark said 2) Political groups have their own territories?

Yes, political groups have their own territories.
The current problem of the groups is that they are more in number and have fewer members and supporters. With the right to form your own group and defend your interests publicly, many of the people, who consider themselves "a mix", have formed their own little circles. This creates a weak uneven power distribution. The top three at present were the first to be founded and thus have an established reputation and members. The rest are smaller and still have many steps to climb.
Another problem that arises with the number of political groups is when there is more than one group in a district.
If there are two political groups in one district and one claims to be defending only a part of the district's inhabitants, then the district gets split into two areas and each group reports for its area. However, if both political groups claim to be defending the entire district's inhabitants (and such is the case in the majority of times), both need to submit reports for their district. In the latter case, if one report should contradict the other, the leaders of both parties will be called by the mayor and it will be decided whether to have an open debate on the matter or open a poll for the residents to give their opinion.
Due to the higher number of political groups, quarrels between them are daily broadcasted on television. Of course, there is rarely any violence and the case gets closed after a short period of barking at each other. (Ah, I see this so often on television.)

Guilty Spark said What happens when one falls out of the top three (or suffer any shift in their ranking, really)?Does their territory suffer any consequences?

After the votes from the Voting day have been accounted for, if a political party has more down-votes than up-votes, a team of investigators is tasked to discover if the voting was not a fraud, schemed by another political group. Simultaneously, detectives are given the order to investigate the members with the most negative opinion. If the voting was not a fraud, none of the political group's suggestions, requests or the like will be accepted by the council, regardless of their content, for a year. If the political party scores miserably three years in a row, it is disbanded.
Of course, the people the political party is meant to represent can also file a complain and request against the group, which can be accepted by the council.

Guilty Spark said 3) The Political Group voting system, particularly the down-voting ability, seems exploitable. Couldn't, with the appropriate organization, voters target key group members? Perhaps it would be better if only members of that Political Group could down-vote, or something similar. So that their interests are protected from external tampering. Or only people residing within their area, or something.

The law states that the voting must be done honestly and without prejudice, but what is life without a little corruption? A wonderful place, in my opinion, but Oblak City is in no paradise world. People lie and bad things, such as buying votes, happen. It's the police's job to stop those misdeeds, not mine. ;)

If a member of a political group, who has thus far had good results, suddenly gets a plummeting score, they have the right to object and call for an investigation.

Guilty Spark said 4) Given that they hold legislative and executive power, I imagine the Council has created a lot of bureaucratic organizations and "Federal Departments" to delegate the responsibility of carrying out laws to? Are these hypothetical bureaucracies malleable? Changing often, or remaining stagnant? And, finally (for now), I imagine they have Ministers/Administrators/Department Heads as well?

...And here I thought I still had 11 days until school. XD

Not, there's no real need for them, in my opinion, seeing as this isn't an incredibly large country, but a mere independent city. The affairs commonly handled by the ministers or federal departments are done by the council.

You seem acquainted with the system, Guilty Spark. That is at least my impression. Do feel free to give me your suggestions, if you have any. I would like a helping hand when it comes to these matters. =3
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