Original idea by Headphones First of all, I would like to thank you, whoever you may be, for taking interest in this idea of mine. I hope that it will be to your liking and that we can role-play together.
Time and time again, I have been on both parties. I have read interest checks and I have made interest checks and I know just how hard it is on both sides. One has to handle reading a huge pile of text, some of which is not even necessary in some cases, and the other has to craft a piece of text for the soul purpose of attracting attention, but also containing all the ideas the author wishes to present. Each has its hardships.
Today, I take the latter role, as a presenter of an idea, however, rather than put a huge block of text without spaces that has all the points and shades of my idea, I have decided to keep it as simple as possible, in order to give you the base of that which is "Word Syndrome". If you are looking for details, I will include a link at the bottom of this post to the site I am currently in the process of making for the role-play.
I wish you happy reading. =3
1. What lies in the background of "Word Syndrome"?
The background of "Word Syndrome", which leads to the events in the story we will all be writing, begins seven years ago, when an unknown phenomenon occurs in the top layers of Earth's spiritual vicinity. It lasts only 24 minutes while circling around the planet and, despite being noticed by the detectors of some organizations, it shatters and evidently leads to nothing. However, what remains unknown is that this occurrence is linked to the appearance of twenty two notebooks modeled after the cards of the major arcana, which can grant specific powers to their owners.
But why weren't these notebooks noticed by any of the underground organizations? Because they did not resonate with the frequency defined as "supernatural" and because of their simplicity. If you saw a notebook on the ground or no a bench, it's doubtful that you would think of it as an ultimate weapon to control the world.
Now, there is no need for you to know anything about the major arcana of tarot at all, because most normal people, such as our characters, wouldn't know a thing either.
Three months before the beginning of our story, two young people under the nicknames Mor and Luna post a video on YouTube, in which they state in a casual friendly manner that they will blow up the biggest bank in Elpa City. Of course, this is taken as a silly joke, until the bank actually blows up. The two continue to post videos on YouTube for the next three months, giving riddles that the police must decipher, in order to pinpoint their target before the stated time runs out. Thus far, the police has been capable of saving only thee of their victims. In their twenty second video, however, the duo announce that it is time to lift the curtain on a new stage.
I suggest that you read the full introduction, which I spared you. It will be of use to you, if you wish to join this role-play. You can find it on the homepage of the site.
2. How does "Word Syndrome" start off?
We lift the curtain at Oblak City, a miktiopolis located in the Southern Federal District of Russia.
A miktiopolis is an independent city, which has been build by several countries under the title of "shareholders". Its aim is to unite the people of the planet and be the prime example of humans from different cultures living together in peace.
Both the city and the term "miktiopolis" are fictional and created by me. Their complete explanations can be found on the page "Oblak City" on the site.
Due to the fact that Oblak City is rather large, we will concentrate at the beginning at one of the districts named Oso.
3. What does the plot aim for and how will it develop?
There are many things the plot aims for, one of which is to display the morals of different people. The main characters will be those who posses a notebook and they will hold a significant amount of power in their hands. Some will aim for destruction, others - to help those in need. There will be those who will try to stop the terrorists and others who might try to join them. There will be numerous obstacles placed in your way, which will prompt you to make a decision. Interactions, battles, restrictions. You will have to use everything you can to state your opinion and hold your ground against the hostile world. After all, no matter what you think, there will always be those who will ridicule and oppose you. Will you try to reform this world? Will you try to conserve it? One thing is for sure: you will not be left untouched by the effects of this "syndrome".
We will begin by mainly focusing on the attacks of the duo, Mor and Luna, who will be our first antagonists. They have many tricks up their sleeves and keep their true objectives hidden. However, all of their plans are connected to the notebook owners and they will get you involved, like it or not. Think of them as that sole "something" that pulls the characters out of their normal life and into a new world, which was hidden behind what they thought was their own. A typical setting for any anime or manga.
As for how this plot will develop, it truly depends on you. I have very light sketches of the future, but I try to keep them as such, mere sketches, because I don't know who will come my way or if anyone will at all. What can certainly be said is that you will make the plot along with everyone else. This is a role-play, after all. We're all here to have fun together and create a wonderful story. Don't think that I'll be pushing you up the steep mountain. Once we have gathered together and ready to start, we can ask each other what we would like to see more and how we can go about different things. We can add romance and drama at some points or completely neglect them. Again, it truly depends on what kind of group we will make. There will certainly be other mysteries and secrets to uncover and I am always open for ideas, thus feel free to post them below =3
4. How can my character fit in all of this?
Your character can only be human in this role-play. No aliens. No cyborgs. No hybrids. Just plain human.
As a human you can be a notebook owner, a normal person or part of one of the two official teams working on the "Notebook" case, one of which are the police force of Oblak City, knows as D.O.G., and the other is a team from an underground organization that has joined the police for the purpose of solving the mystery, known as C.A.T.
On the site there are a total of twenty two pages in one section, each dedicated to one of the notebooks. In them are stated the specific rules of each notebook, which greatly restrict the power of the owner. Because I don't want this Int. Che. to get long, even though I'm using hiders, I will jot the basics of each notebook's power. In order to truly grasp what the power of every notebook, you will have to check the site.
I would like to note that it is not acceptable to not know the rules of the notebook you have chosen.
0. The Fool: A central card among all of them, the Fool is the "main character" of the tarot deck. I'd rather have you view the page, rather than write a description.
1. The Magician: By writing in this notebook the owner of this notebook will have the power to create anything that is currently in existence and inanimate.
2. The High Priestess: The owner of this notebook will have the power to create anything inanimate and up to two animate beings at a time by writing in this notebook.
3. The Empress: The owner of this notebook will have the power to write and draw living beings into existence.
4. The Emperor: The owner of this notebook will be capable of controlling a human's mind by writing in this notebook.
5. The Hierophant: The owner of this notebook will be capable of controlling a human's soul by writing in this notebook.
6. The Lovers: The owner of this notebook will be capable of ordering anything connected to humans and the feeling of love by writing in this notebook.
7. The Chariot: The owner of this notebook will be able to materialize their emotions into anything that has thus far existed by writing in this notebook.
8. Strength: The owner of this notebook will be able to control plants and animals by writing in this notebook, with the exception of humans.
9. The Hermit: I suggest you actually go to the page for this one.
10. The Wheel of Fortune - taken
11. Justice: The owner of this notebook will be able to bring to justice actions of living people by writing in this notebook.
12. The Hanged Man: Once more, this is a twister, so to speak, thus I advise you to go to the page and read the rules.
13. Death - hidden card
14. Temperance - A very artistic notebook, it allows anything written or drawn by the owner to become reality, but it must be an entirely new form of existence.
15. The Devil: The owner of this notebook will be capable of commanding the 72 pillars/demons of Solomon by writing in this notebook.
16. The Tower: The owner of this notebook will be able to bring about change by writing in this notebook.
17. The Star: The owner of this notebook will be able to control raw spiritual energy by writing in this notebook.
18. The Moon - hidden card
19. The Sun: The owner of this notebook can "purify" corruption, heal spiritual wounds and create light sources by writing in this notebook.
20. Judgement: The owner of this notebook will be able to timetravel and judge the souls that no longer posses a body by writing in this notebook.
21. The World - hidden card
Please remember that what I have written above is a rough description of the powers granted by the notebooks.
When it comes to accepting characters, it won't be "first comes, first serves". I will be judging every single form that has been submitted to me to determine whether or not it can be accepted. To get certain notebooks, such as Judgement's notebook or the Emperor's notebook, you will have to show me plenty of skill and creativity in your sheets.
5. What will be expected of potential role-players?
Thank you for sticking with me thus far and, if you have clicked on this answer first, you know your priorities, don't you? ;)
The first thing I will request from potential role-players is understanding. Sometimes I might not feel well and sometimes I will have work to do other than role-playing, thus I would like you to be patient and not to burst out in anger, asking me when I'm going to move things along or something of the sort. Also, don't mock the looks of characters or their orientation. It's my job to judge the character sheets, not yours.
The second thing I would like to request from my role-players is, of course, activity. I would like to see IC posts at least twice a week, after all, we all have personal lives, however, I would like to see posts in the OOC. You can have various discussions in the OOC not even related to the role-play, so long as it doesn't go against forum rules and it's not chatspeak or spam. Rather than having an office atmosphere, I would like to create almost a family atmosphere, where we can freely write about what happened during our day, comment on our favorite anime, manga or TV show and simply get to know each other. It would be more comfortable if you were writing a story with friends than with strangers. =3
The third thing might go against some people's views, however, this is my role-play and my rules are rules ;3 . I want to see quality AND quantity. Don't feel shy or restricted. Write to your heart's content. Include personal thoughts, views, even philosophical outlooks on the situation, if you would like. In my opinion, while quantity can never defeat quality, in role-playing quality can also not top quantity. The two must exist in balance with each other, for they are the two sides of one coin. I do not wish to see a small chunk of text that you deem has perfect quality, nor a wall of text that is incomprehensible. Respect the story by writing as if it were your own, because, truth be told, it will be partly yours, once I have accepted you.
If I must really put a minimum of writing per post, I would say three to four decent paragraphs of text would do. I may change my mind, but only to raise the barrier, not to lower it.
When it comes to character sheets, I desire accurate descriptions of appearance, personality and history. Don't jumble it together and call it a day. Put some thought and physical effort into creating a character sheet. I personally prefer anime pictures and artworks, but if you want to use a photograph, I have nothing against it. You will have to write down a description, though.
6. When can we expect to start?In the end, it turned out longer than expected ^ ^" I hope you have enjoyed reading through this Interest Check.
Here is the link to the site:
http://wordsyndrome.weebly.com/As mentioned before, it is still in construction, but everything regarding the introduction, the notebooks, the D.O.G. and the C.A.T. has been completed, thus feel free to browse around. If there are any questions, suggestions or opinions, do post below and tell me what you think.
~Thank you for your time~