Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Set thirty years after How To Train Your Dragon 2, you are the new class of riders and tamers. You are not allowed to be a child of any of the original riders unless you want to be a seven year old. All original. As for your dragons. I'd like to see some of the usual dragons but I don't mind a few new breeds, however they need to follow a few set parameters.

Breed Sheet
Dragon Breeds Name (i.e. Night Fury):
Class (Stoker, Boulder, Tracker, Sharp, Tidal, Strike):
Trainable: Yes (this is non-negotiable)
Size: 50 Square Feet Cap
*Stats 1-20, these are capped by the basic adult of your species. Just like humans, animals only grow so much before stopping. Take this into account.
Shots (Limit is 10):


No I will not make this shorter and if you cut corners the first time around, I won't let you try making another one again so do it right the first time if you really want your own custom dragon. c:

Character Sheet
Age 7-18:
Village Job:
Dragon Name:
Dragon: Gender:
Dragon Breed:
Dragon Class:
How you met your dragon:
Dragon Appearance:

Female Viking Maker Because I know it can be difficult to find a girl, or at least for me.

Follow RPG basics
No night furies or alpha dragons
I'm only allowing a few custom dragons so if you already see a few custom dragons, ask first before making BS x3 teehee
Take naughties to the pms pleeeassss
If you want to be a teacher instead of a student, ask first but I'll probably say yes....maybe two teachers
Each dragon rider can have up to two dragons but one MUST be a little breed like a terrible terror
If you see someone using a dragon you have, GET OVER IT
If you choose a cannon (from the series) dragon and it is not trainable YOU CANNOT HAVE IT
I am free to change the rules as needs arise
HAVE FUUUUN and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
No massive dragons!
No new ancient species
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Dragon Breeds Name (i.e. Night Fury): Razor Wings
Class (Stoker, Boulder, Tracker, Sharp, Tidal, Strike, Mystery): Sharp
Abilities: The spikes of their backs to their tails are retractable
Habitat: High mountains
Trainable: Yes (this is non-negotiable)
Features: Giant wings with sharp edges. Short legs
Size: 8 feet tall from foot to back. 20 feet long from nose to tail tip.
*Stats 1-20
Speed: 15
Attack: 20
Armor: 13
Shots (Limit is 10): 8
Venom: 12
Jaw: 16
Stealth: 17

Character Sheet
Name: Rosemary Sage
Age 7-18: 18
Village Job: Medicine worker
Gender: Female
Dragon Name: Angel
Dragon: Gender: Female
Dragon Breed: Razor Wing
Dragon Class: Sharp
How you met your dragon(s): Rosemary met Stick Bug on a routine trip into the forest to gather herbs. There she saw the cute little thing and adored it but it took months for her to finally train it. She has yet to meet the Razor Wing, Angel.
Dragon Appearance

*Secondary Dragon
Dragon Name: Stink Bug
Dragon Breed: Horror
Dragon Class: Mystery? Simply due to the fact that I only found one wiki page on this cute little bugger.
Dragon appearance
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 1 mo ago

hiki im heere stop bumping XD

Name: Jason Tython
Age 7-18: 14
Village Job: Blacksmith
Gender: Male
Dragon Name: Mary
Dragon: Gender: Female
Dragon Breed: Crimson shade
Dragon Class: Stoker
How you met your dragon: Jason Met Mary while she was a Hatch-ling She had Snuck into the Blacksmithery in the evening while Jason was out forging for Timber wood to burn. She set fire to the roof of the hut but Jason lead her outside... Calming her down... and training her best he could. he can understand her better then most and she always protects him from other dragons. she is especially protective of him.

Appearance: (face appearance)
Dragon Appearance: (this is a 7 year old... dragon so its quite small in its growth cycle Its 7 meters long with a wing span of 16 metres one of the wings is scared)

its a rare breed

this dragon is common but extremly hard to tame due to it setting fire to most thing
2nd dragon
Dragon Name: Flint
Dragon: Gender: Male
Dragon Breed: Blazing hearth
Dragon Class: Stoker
How you met your dragon: Jason met flint while he was Shaping a Sword Flint had crawled inside of the Hearth he was using to shape and smelt metals and well it kinda set fire to his hair and well they have since (after alot of fires) became Partners in blacksmithing. to which jasons family hate... because they are Warriors. they wanted him to get a great big Tidal dragon or a Boneknapper or something rare... anything but the Stoker class because both the parents had in the past while having a picnic been attacked by a monstrous nightmare... but jason doesn't care...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 1 mo ago

hiki ? got any ideas for my Dragon breed...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Thing's you should take into account

1: I'd like you to stick with one picture for both your dragon and the breed
2: for features that's things like horns and spikes on his body so yours would be the two black horns on his head
3: Size can't be "gigantic" give an actual measurement or reference to your average 6ft male
4: your stats have a max of 20 each but take note that because he is young, you can't have him know how to do everything when the rp starts
5: He's more of a stoker breed since his abilities and habitat revolve around fire, the mystery breeds usually shoot something other than fire like toothless and that one dragon who uses lightning...my horrible memory, anyways since he is your dragon and is now known, it would make sense that maybe he was first classified as a mystery breed but then put into the stoker class, like the zippleback when they were first in the fear class but once they were discovered they were moved to the another class (contemplating removing the mystery class due to the fact that I know a lot of people will want mystery class dragons)
6: abilities would be like how zipplebacks can connect necks or how toothless can make his teeth retract, it's not a necessity to have though but maybe you can say his horns glow when he charges up a blast


Added a new thing to the CS called how you met your dragon, you can make up a short story about how you met your dragon or you can plan to meet them during the rp, just let us know in the CS
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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sorry that was so much, i'm just trying to eliminate any possible OP breeds because I have a plot
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hiki... Its as large as a sea dragonus maximus xd which start small when young proof the books so its sorta in that sense mary is a young crimson shade so her stats are the first ones the 2nd ones are fully grown so her stats are fine

Em the younglings look different from thei eldars thats why 2 pics and i will make edit to stoker breed crimson shade are a rare sort of dragon they don't have ability of alphas their just massive solitary creatures...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Dragon Breeds Name (i.e. Night Fury): Crystal Death
Class (Stoker, Boulder, Tracker, Sharp, Tidal, Strike, Mystery): Mystery
Abilities: The crystals on its body glow when it is charging up its shot, and it can make a light shine from its crystals at will.
Habitat: anywhere it feels it can make a home at.
Trainable: Yes (this is non-negotiable)
Features: the more crystals all over its body, the more powerful its shots are. (so one that's made completely of crystals is gonna be incredible powerful while one with only the chest crystal is actually really weak compared to the others.)
Size: They vary in size, but right out of the egg they're only about the size of a cat, while an adult can be anywhere from the size of a Nightfury to being the size of a Stormcutter.
*Stats 1-20
Speed: 7
Attack: 20
Armor: 17
Shots (Limit is 10): 1-4 (can fire one huge shot, one long(and kinda weak) laser, or four smaller shots.)
Venom: 4
Jaw: 18
Stealth: 9

Name: James
Age 7-18: 17
Village Job:
Gender: male
Dragon Name: Freyja
Dragon: Gender: Female
Dragon Breed: Crystal Death
Dragon Class: Mystery
How you met your dragon: James found his dragon in a cave when it was just an egg next to a dead Crystal Death during a trip to another island, and decided to take the egg and care for it himself, and raise the dragon as his own.
Appearance: (he actually trained to be a warrior before he found the dragon.)
Dragon Appearance:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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1Charak2 said
Hiki... Its as large as a sea dragonus maximus xd which start small when young proof the books so its sorta in that sense mary is a young crimson shade so her stats are the first ones the 2nd ones are fully grown so her stats are fine Em the younglings look different from thei eldars thats why 2 pics and i will make edit to stoker breed crimson shade are a rare sort of dragon they don't have ability of alphas their just massive solitary creatures...

Again, gigantic is different from every person, not everyone is going to think of that sea monster, if she's smaller when the rp starts then add that with the appearance, not to mention those two photos are too different for one to believe they're the same breed. In the BS say she's like (insert length and height) but in the CS just above the picture, make note that she's smaller. Saying gigantic is way too vague and fix your stats.
None can be bigger than the alpha male or female from the past movies....I'll accept them being just a bit bigger than cloudjumper from HTTYD2
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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arowne97 said
Dragon Breeds Name (i.e. Night Fury): Crystal DeathClass (Stoker, Boulder, Tracker, Sharp, Tidal, Strike, Mystery): MysteryAbilities: The crystals on its body glow when it is charging up its shot, and it can make a light shine from its crystals at will.Habitat: anywhere it feels it can make a home at.Trainable: Yes (this is non-negotiable)Features: the more crystals all over its body, the more powerful its shots are. (so one that's made completely of crystals is gonna be incredible powerful while one with only the chest crystal is actually really weak compared to the others.)Size: They vary in size, but right out of the egg they're only about the size of a cat, while the average adult is the size of a Terrible Terror.*Stats 1-20Speed: 7Attack: 20Armor: 17Shots (Limit is 10): 1-4 (can fire one huge shot, one long(and kinda weak) laser, or four smaller shots.)Venom: 4Jaw: 18Stealth: 9Appearance: Name: JamesAge 7-18: 17Village Job: Gender: maleDragon Name: FreyjaDragon: Gender: FemaleDragon Breed: Crystal DeathDragon Class: MysteryEDIT ADDHow you met your dragon: James found his dragon in a cave when it was just an egg next to a dead Crystal Death during a trip to another island, and decided to take the egg and care for it himself, and raise the dragon as his own.Appearance:Dragon Appearance:

Accepted so far, just be sure to add a character picture in there before we get started. Also you sure you want the dragon to be the size of a terrible terror? I mean its fine if you do, but they aren't good for actual riding is all. They're about the size of a dog. If you plan to have a big one in the future that's cool, but update your CS so it's there before we start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 26 days ago

i added a character pic
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Character Sheet
Name: Milo
Age 7-18: 15
Village Job: Messenger/Explorer
Gender: Male

Dragon Name: Askook
Dragon: Gender: Female
Dragon Breed: Stormcutter
Dragon Class: Sharp

Dragon Appearance:

How you met your dragon: Milo met Askook while exploring when he was about 7. He dove deep into the cave stumbling upon a Stormcutter nest where there were young but not the mother. With the exploitative and playful spirit Milo began playing with the young dragons when the mother returned. The scent of the baby dragons and the clear intent of no harm from Milo was enough to keep the mother from attacking him. Over the next 8 years Milo was almost inseparable from Tiffany often times going on exploration missions with her, and delivering messages between villages and outposts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Um okay two things
Tiffany? I kinda chuckled but can we do something a bit more with the theme of things, I don't mind if names want to be normal (as opposed to snotlout and fishlegs and toothless), Jason was pushing it, but Tiffany is just really off x.x
And lastly, I'm not trying to have any of the main character have close connections to any of the riders so hiccups mask is something I'm going to have to cut, you can have a mask, just not that one
Fix those two little things and all is good
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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HikikomoriMoxy said
Um okay two thingsTiffany? I kinda chuckled but can we do something a bit more with the theme of things, I don't mind if names want to be normal (as opposed to snotlout and fishlegs and toothless), Jason was pushing it, but Tiffany is just really off x.xAnd lastly, I'm not trying to have any of the main character have close connections to any of the riders so hiccups mask is something I'm going to have to cut, you can have a mask, just not that oneFix those two little things and all is good

Had to try :P I'll get them fixed up (time to find a new mask which is the literal only reason I tried that one)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Approved ^~^ I'll have everyone's characters linked to the second or third post before we start this thing! I'M SO PUMPED OAO
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