Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

xxTripwire it won't let me quote you, but you know, I really like you now. You took the time to look into my characters to make sure I hit your standard. You my friend have actually done something no other RP runner has done. I really do like you a lot now, on a normal occasion I would ask why you want these things done so I know exactly what you are looking for, but you've down right took the time. I love you so much, I'm not even gonna try to sound like the prick I normally do. (In otherwords I will get right on it,)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm interested in being a rival gang leader. May I PM you about it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh I have a good idea for a character. I'll start on a sheet
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Avaline “Ava” White

Gender: Female

Occupation: Flapper and Bar Waitress by day, spy for the family by night.

Age: Twenty Two


Ava weighs in at 135 pounds, most of which is lean muscle, and is considered on the short end for women, at 5'2. She has a bust-to-waist ratio she can't complain about, one that compliments her height and weight well. Her complexion could be described as rather light, and extremely freckled. She has freckles all along her cheekbones, nose, shoulders, back, arms, legs, everywhere. Her hair is brown and, keeping with the current styles, is very short. She had wide, green, eyes that often give off an innocent or naive appearance.

Ava prides herself in often getting in trouble with the law for wearing 'improper' outfits.

Biography: Born to a poor family, Ava learned very quickly never to waste anything. Her mother was a Flapper, often teaching a young Ava and her sisters dance moves in her spare time. Her father, on the other hand, was involved with some sort of drug business. Ava never knew entirely, as her mother advised her to keep away from him and not to ask questions. Ava quickly grew up into a Flapper, following in her dear mothers footsteps. She worked hard for what little money she could be given, often also working as a waitress to try and bring in more money.

She lived alone for a while, before she was blessed with a baby. An orphaned baby, a very small girl swaddled in cloth. Her first idea was to bring it into the police. She was barely able to feed herself no less a baby, but soon it became clear to her that this was her duty. She would have to raise the child as her own. Thus, she began borrowing money from the Family, as well as carrying out jobs for them as intel to try and make more money. Ava found it almost too easy to get information out of people. All it took was a fluttering eyelash and the alcohol.

Personality: Ava is one of those people with a complete "can do" attitude. She tries her hardest in everything she does, as a way to redeem herself or some sad back story sh*t like that, and tries her hardest to keep her teammates positive too. This positivity can come off as clingy annoyance to people who don't like constant interaction. She can also come off as childish or innocent, but she is far from this. Ava has a rather complex past, one she doesn't often share with others, that shapes her into a rather complex person. Despite this, she is rather sweet and tries her hardest to follow out orders to her best ability. Many people assume she is rather weak because of her shortness, as well as her gender. All Ava can say is that waiting tables and dancing for ten years can really add up the muscles.

Weapon(s) of Choice: Pistol, Knives, Brass Knuckles or a good kick to the knee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

PhoenixEye9 said
xxTripwire it won't let me quote you, but you know, I really like you now. You took the time to look into my characters to make sure I hit your standard. You my friend have actually done something no other RP runner has done. I really do like you a lot now, on a normal occasion I would ask why you want these things done so I know exactly what you are looking for, but you've down right took the time. I love you so much, I'm not even gonna try to sound like the prick I normally do. (In otherwords I will get right on it,)

Phoenix, I'm flattered -- and relieved.

I did not want to come across as unpleasant, I just wanted to ensure that a character had been thought out. I want fleshed out characters to provide everyone a more enjoyable story. (Don't get me wrong, I want character development to happen in-story, too.) I am relieved that you are not upset with me looking over your other RP links from your profile. I do this with everyone to get a feel for what their style is. When I saw that you had used the name before with well-thought-out characters, I just wanted to know this one would be unique to this RP.

Either way, I'm glad you will still be joining, as I am looking forward to your character!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dragonbud, she looks rather fun. Accepted!

I will be getting an IC post up soon -- I think we're waiting for two characters, then I will start an intro post!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

-Swats back to front page.-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 23 days ago

Name: Jaqueline (Jackie) Reynolds

Gender: female

Occupation: Associate (works as a musician in a speakeasy at night)

Age: 22

Appearance: Jackie has inky black locks that fall down in wavelets to the middle of her shoulder blades. She has smallish rosebud lips and warm chocolate brown eyes. She has a petite figure, standing at a mere five feet, with a fragile, birdlike bone structure, and she looks like she could be swept away with a heavy gust of wind. Jackie is quite thin and she has prominent cheekbones-she is a very slight woman. She is not afraid to show some skin, and would rather dress comfortably as opposed to attractively. She weighs around 100 pounds, with nimble fingers and small feet. Her nose is rather flat. Jackie has a fairly pale complexion-she isn't porcelain pale, but she is definitely not tan either, due to years of being confined to the indoors.

Biography: Jackie was born into a strict Catholic family who believed in mandatory five hour church services every Sunday with tight, scratchy dresses and Bible study 7 days a week. Her parents and relatives were all uptight and extremely religious. As the oldest child, Jackie was expected to obey the familial law and become a role model for her numerous younger siblings-a mold that Willa completely demolished. She wanted to experience something new beyond her restrictive home lifestyle. Willa came from a well-to-do background, one of the only “approved” pastimes that she enjoyed being playing the violin. Violin was her passion, along with a curiosity in the life of partying. However, Jackie could recall times when her instructor “took all the fun out of it” by forcing her to play stuffy, centuries-old pieces, and of course wild parties were altogether inappropriate for young ladies of wealth to take part in. She found her personality being stifled by constrictive lifestyle that she led at home. No, Willa liked things fast and lively.

When she turned 17, Jackie got up and left, fed up with her religious upbringing and all the talk of getting married that was starting to surround her. She wanted to drink and dress in the latest fashions, to live without a dozen governesses breathing down her neck. To her, life was an adventure and she had every intent to journey through it all. Jackie yearned for an action-packed lifestyle. She wanted some spice to her life, some flavor to contradict her bland, tasteless childhood. Jackie left her sleepy little town in Illinois, catching a train to Chicago with the money that she had taken from her family. She soon found a job at a speakeasy, where she could get paid to play the violin and score a few drinks while she was at it. Jackie found herself frequenting on the shadier side of the law, and the raw ecstasy from doing something wrong and getting away with it began to consume her. She got a certain rush, a certain thrill in deliberately flaunting the law-and the omnipresent threat of being caught just added to the fun.

Jackie soon found herself in serious debt. The extravagant lifestyle of partying all night and waking up hungover in the morning didn't exactly lend very well to her funds, and the hundred dollars she "borrowed" from her family ran out pretty quickly. Also, she frequently had to forfeit her salary to pay for the alcohol she consumed, and within a year she had been evicted from the run-down apartment she had lived in since arriving in Chicago for missing one too many rent payments. As Jackie had wandered the streets aimlessly after being kicked out of her cramped apartment, with no money and no way to get it fast, she found herself in front of the speakeasy she worked at-how she got there, Jackie had no idea. However, standing in front of a building staring at it in a Chicago dawn was not a good idea, especially if she didn't want the cops to notice her. Thankfully (or maybe not), one of the lesser members of the Family had caught her looking at a seemingly nondescript bookstore instead of the Chicago police force, and after a few wary inquiries, he had decided to show Jackie the life of a gang.

Currently, Jackie works at the same speakeasy as before, but with an ulterior motive every time she goes to perform. From her vantage point on the stage, Jackie has a bird's eye view of all sorts of transactions and negotiations happening right under her nose-literally. The Family pays her to keep them updated with the latest deals, very rarely telling her to resort to violence. Jackie is actually perfectly fine with her situation. She has money, she gets to play violin for a living, and she doesn't have to endure five hours of a stiff wooden bench and scratchy church dresses every Sunday morning at an ungodly hour.

Personality: Jackie is always up for trying something new, and she the complete opposite of soft spoken. Instead, she is outgoing, sarcastic, and spontaneous. She tends to be a very reckless at times, never stopping to think things over before acting upon whatever new thought that popped into her head. She is snappy and hot-headed, and gets riled up very quickly. Jackie is easily distracted, but she tries to take her job for the Family seriously. Where else would she get the money to provide for herself? Jackie was never afraid to bend the rules a bit back at home, and nothing changed when she made the move to Chicago-in fact, one could say that it escalated, and it escalated exponentially. Jackie never really believed in God; if there was a God, why did he invent such uncomfortable places to worship Him? She is a flippant woman, and altogether flighty. However, she is ferociously loyal to those she cares about, and usually makes an attempt to be nice to people until they annoy her.

Weapon(s) of Choice: she really doesn't need much, but the Family has advised her to keep a knife on her at all times, so Jackie always has a dagger strapped to her thigh under her skirt and a noticeably smaller one down her cleavage. Also, with some of the money she earned from working for the Family, Jackie has managed to acquire about half a dozen razor sharp hairpins that she wears in her bun, making sure she can easily reach them if the need arises. It's honestly just a precaution, but better safe than sorry-especially in this line of work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ghirardelli


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldmarble

Goldmarble Old

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldmarble

Goldmarble Old

Member Seen 8 days ago

Seems like it grew rather quiet here...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I killed a rattlesnake with a steel hammer. Homemade hammer. Do you know how scary it is? How the fear and adrenaline mix together to make you shake, just by looking at the snake, even after it's got two chunks taken out of it, with a smashed head?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I feel like my CS sucks, but there it is after I finally got to get back to it. Sorry it took so long, now can we get this rolling or what? The pump is real.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMusketMan
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TheMusketMan The Trooper

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ayz accepted and I'll talk to tripwire about a first post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 23 days ago

oo alright thanks ^^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry about the lull -- grad school is pretty intensive this week. MusketMan will be getting a post up and I will be composing one this weekend.

Edit: Phoenix, looks good-- accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

xxTripwire said
Sorry about the lull -- grad school is pretty intensive this week. MusketMan will be getting a post up and I will be composing one this weekend.Edit: Phoenix, looks good-- accepted.

Forewarning I don't know how I'll be for a while. Someone close died tonight,
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